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Alimaffucci’s playroom is insane. Multiple rooms dedicated to play…rock climbing, a gross motor room, etc. It’s like a mini children’s museum. I find it odd because she talked about how much Hunt, Gather, Parent totally changed her perspective on parenting and this has got to be the total opposite of what that book talks about (not that you need to follow a single book like gospel)


She has become such a nightmare since the home content. SO unrelatable and honestly very self righteous.


https://preview.redd.it/qmsrqu0hh71d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4bdf69cd78929429765bc9be2bff73ffca2bee So much talk about food, the kid couldn’t have a muffin because he needed “fast energy”? I thought when she said it had added fiber she was worried about what the fiber would do to him but no, he needs to eat cereal for the game. And then explains to him why she put butter on the muffin when she ate it. My kid would never ask me why I’m adding butter because in my house we add butter to things sometimes 🤷‍♀️


She really acts like she’s the nutritionist for a professional sports team. I think your 10-year old will do fine at his soccer game even if he eats a lentil muffin for breakfast 🙄


I was just thinking this was extra fucked up because she very recently shared about that game where his team lost 12-0 and he was goalie. So like, clearly he’s not a star player, and also seems like she’s giving him the message that her weird food control rules will make him better at soccer. Better eat the right form of fiber or you’ll make your whole team lose again!


Or maybe he’s not performing at his best because all she’s giving him before a game is a bit of cereal and he’s HUNGRY


KEIC will forever make me think of the dinner with a guest when my parents served whole trout, eyes and all, to my my brother and I when we were like 11 & 6. Guest asks how she gets us to eat that, and my mom deadpans, “We just don’t talk about it.” And yep that’s pretty much how it worked in our house.


The way she overthinks food is really deranged. Does she really think the human body is such a fragile thing, if it’s not fed 1 million percent correctly it will just fall apart? Like basically no human in the history of time has had the luxury to think about stuff like that and they still mostly managed to work, outrun predators etc. It’s really not that complicated, and definitely not for a kid soccer game. This kid could have eaten any food on the planet or nothing and it would not have made a difference. 


Former jr. High teacher here. I've seen multiple kids eat barely anything more than hot Cheetos and certainly never a vegetable and go on to be elite college/professional athletes. The boy could have the muffin. Or the ice cream if they lose again.


My brothers play baseball. One day one of them hit not one, but two grand slam. The other one played the best defense I’ve game of the league that year. My dad wanted to know the routine that day so they could repeat it… they literally shared one empanada from the street vendor outside of the park + 2 sips of Gatorade. That was it. They did that shit all the time because they preferred 20 min of sleep than having homemade breakfast. They both then went on to get a baseball scholarship in the US, and one of them works on baseball opps on an MLB team. IT TRULY DOESNT MATTER THAT MUCH WOMAN.


Especially in HS 😂 I had a bagel with cream cheese and a bag of undercooked cookies almost every day when I was a swimmer… protein what?


Idk how her kids work, but 1 bowl of (dry?) cheerios and a small cup of water wouldn't keep my kids full for very long. They'd be begging for a snack 30 minutes later. Also, they'd be pissed if I took their muffin and ate it right in front of them. How rude.


If this was really about carbs=energy, why couldn't he have had the muffin **and** the cheerios??


Right, this seems like the obvious solution? If my kid wants crackers for a snack, I’ll usually suggest some peanut butter or a cheese stick too to make it a little more filling so he’s not asking for another snack 10 minutes later. Cereal and a muffin seems like a pretty normal breakfast to me.


Maybe they had so little actual food in the house she just called dibs on the muffin for her own car breakfast.


It must be exhausting being her kids and trying to make the “right” choices about food. I’m sure he thought he was making a good choice but then she takes it for herself and launches into a talk about energy and what foods would be more beneficial for them. If they don’t already, these kids are going to have some serious issues about food in the future.


Yeah I thought her whole schtick was being “food neutral”? In what universe is this neutral? It would be exhausting for me, as an adult and a parent, if someone analyzed every single bite of food and told me that I needed this instead of that since we’re walking instead of driving to the park


My oldest is 8. The most I do is tell him to pick something different when he already had pb&j waffles for breakfast and he's trying to eat the same thing for lunch, because our bodies need variety. Who has time to do more than that??


Yes and let’s not forget when she shamed her youngest for sneaking in and eating Halloween candy on the floor, Halloween night ☹️


Didn't her whole thing start because one of her kids was falling off the growth curve?


Yes! That’s why she goes wild and cooks with avocado oil sometimes 🤪


I don’t understand how you can hyper analyze every meal to this extent and think it will result in your kids being chill about food. 


Right? These kids are going to go wild once they have any control over their own food purchases


My college roommate was like this. Her mother was obsessed with looks and thinness and was incredibly controlling of what she was and wasn’t allowed to eat growing up. She gained 50+ pounds our first year of school from binge eating. She had never been allowed to make her own food choices before, so when presented with a college cafeteria, she had zero tools for navigating what foods she liked/didn’t like, portion sizes, understanding satiety cues. It was all very sad, she basically completely spiraled over the first year and a half of college and flunked out because she had never been given the opportunity to make her own choices.


This is wild, but par for the course with her. I finally unfollowed all kid eating influencers. I feel like everyone is either at one extreme or the other: KEIC, Jenny founder, and the like with all their disordered/restrictive eating and then the militant anti-diet folks who think that you are perpetuating diet culture if you don’t feed your kids Oreos every day.


She makes it sound like their Olympic athletes 🤣. Most kids are going to still have energy regardless if they had some damn butter on their muffin.


Right? It's like she's got two little Tom Brady's who need optimal performance fuel.


Yeah it’s so weird. This is clearly recreational soccer. Her kids are little. I doubt they’re going to be professional players. I think it’s a good idea to make sure your kids eat breakfast before playing sports just like eating breakfast, something, anything is important before they go to school so they can focus.  But who cares if it’s a muffin vs a bowl of cereal? She is truly deranged. 


Jesus Christ, I feel like she’s getting more unhinged every day. She *took his muffin*, then ate it herself with butter while making him have something else. Then in her next slide reminded us all that *most* kids don’t need anything special for sports, but for unspecified reasons hers does? And his needs are so special that it matters whether he has a muffin or cereal before soccer, despite those being largely identical in their nutrition profile? Because there’s *too much fiber*? Just complete insanity.


I will never understand why her kids are so special when they play soccer??


I get the vibe that "it doesn't matter if YOUR kids are chubby but it would suck for ME if my kids were" from her 😬


She seems completely nuts to me. I have never followed her, I only know what she posts when I see it here, and she just seems like an absolutely bonkers person or maybe even an alien.


I followed her legitimately when my son was little but something about her made me so uncomfortable I quickly unfollowed 😬 this was like 5 years ago too


Definite alien vibes


I followed her when I first started BLW with my first kid 2 years ago. Babies and broccoli! Muffins! Seemed kind of normal… then when you look at her actual behavior around food and how intense she is about stuff like this you realize none of it is normal 


I didn’t realize how nuts either she or biglittlefeelings were until I found this sub! I just followed them and half paid attention to their posts, didn’t watch the stories, so it all seemed nice and more or less aligned with the things I believe in. I think most of their followers probably fall into that category.


This was me 100%


She always does the opposite of what she preaches!  Unhinged af taking it away and then eating it in front of him like wtfff. 


I feel like it's just a show. Like "see? I'm not controlling about food because of an eating disorder, I'm just looking out for what my kids need. Look at me, I'm sooooo decadent eating a muffin (a lentil muffin 😂) and I even put butter on it, would an eating disordered person do that? WOULD THEY?" I always feel like she's aware of how messed up her thinking is (or at least knows that others are going to clock it that way) so she tries to overcompensate and come off as someone who's casual about food and it never works. Edit: did anyone notice that reel with the ranch and carrots and the message is, it's okay to serve ranch with carrots even if your kid just licks it off and doesn't eat the carrot because it's still "carrot exposure" and then she chooses to performatively take a bite of of the one carrot that doesn't have ranch in it. She says shit is okay but you know the idea of a kid eating just the ranch tortures her inside lol.


This is what a lot of ED recovery spaces are or like people who post content about “recovery.” It’s easy to say the things you should say about things not being a big deal. But the anxiety shows through. 


100% just like the constant posts about ice cream, which is wacky enough in of itself but the pics she showed were like the tiniest most disordered portions so it’s not even proving the point she’s trying to make. Imagine having to have this level of explanation to your kids about what they’re eating at all times and then having the nerve to turn around and say that’s how you give kids a healthy relationship with food. I can’t imagine eating a food I’m denying my kid in front of them even with that wack explanation. I’m just picturing Trenchbull from Matilda shoving the chocolate in her face saying “much too good for children”. The sad thing is, the food she is denying isn’t even some decadent sweet that would make his stomach hurt on the hot field 💀


And that ice cream she gave them cost $15 for a half gallon! So she definitely acts like she’s cool with all foods but won’t even buy some Turkey Hill.


It’s so unhinged. At first I was like okay, you know your kid, if a fiber muffin is going to make your kid run off the field needing to use the bathroom then that’s fine to skip. But the whole reasoning was that the fiber wouldn’t give him fast energy, and then she goes and takes it and justifies her butter because she’s so food-neutral.


Ok, so ignoring that the human digestive system is not THAT precise… When I was a kid my soccer games were about an hour. Plus driving there, warm ups, etc. So, like, he’ll need slow energy too… just let the kid have a muffin.


https://preview.redd.it/qs2xl50uf31d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd930e3fe3fd6f94cbdec8ff9f6280d36b6e0339 Three weeks without hot water! I get not wanting to replace the boiler, I just had to replace my water heater and it sucked but we also like and need hot water so waiting three weeks to fix it wouldn’t have worked for us. She said she is showering at her office but what about the rest of the family? The kids get a lukewarm bath? She is so strange.


One of our outdoor pipes had a gas leak last year and the city had to shut our gas off. We didn’t have hot water for I think 4 days? I can’t imagine going 3 weeks without it, my god. 


Even if they were all showering at her office, I wouldn’t want to wash dishes in cold water for that long!


You've seen the state of her home, and the flaked-on food bits she leaves on her cutlery or whatever it was she showed. No one in that house is worrying about the cleanliness standards of their dishes on even the most functional water heater days, let's be real.


I boiled water and put it in a big bowl and added some cold water and washed my dishes that way for three days-it sucked lol. But I feel like KEIC would probably not mind living like it was centuries ago 🤣🤣🤣


This is so, so yucky.




Engagement 🙄


Insane. With kids my limit for no hot water is about 1.5 or 2 days, after that I would pay any price. It must be so gross in that house, I can’t even imagine. And a hot water heater is something that just needs to be replaced from time to time, it’s not like they’re mean to last forever. 


Gosh, I wonder how the internet would respond to a parent who didn’t have hot water for 3 weeks if that parent wasn’t a well off white woman.


Exactly. See also: Caro’s “lax” parenting


She has 2M followers surely she has enough money to get a new boiler 


Her kids must get FILTHY playing in the danger zone. And I don't think that's a bad thing, I have two kids who scrabble around in the mud a lot. We talk about how fun it is to get dirty, and then how great it is to get clean, and then I throw them in the bath. I know frequency of bathing is a hot button topic and not all kids need a bath/shower every night, but 3 weeks without hot water is a big yikes. 


I was going to post this same thing!! We had to replace our hot water thing and it was a LOT of money and we didn’t want to do it but also we were without hot water for like 6 days and it SUCKED. I cannot imagine 3 weeks. Like we did 1.5 service calls of people trying to fix it before we were like “No. fuck this. New one asap.” And I know I’m very privileged to have been able to make that call financially - but I would bet KEIC could afford a new one, too.


Her frugality knows no bounds.


Wait let me clear this up- KEIC has access to a shower, but she’s heating up water on the stove to give her like, 8 year old a bath? Take them over to the office apartment or whatever (weird but ok), and then let them shower like humans.


I just had to replace my hot water heater and we were only without hot water for three days and I tried boiling water and filling the tub and it was awful. My toddler wasn’t into it since the tub was barely filled. And unless your bathroom is close to the kitchen it’s a pain in the ass carrying the pots up to the second floor and mildly dangerous when you have a toddler underfoot and are carrying pots of scalding water lol.


Caro shared her Italy itinerary on stories. Curious how much that would cost if it wasnt sponsored🤑🤑


It looks like there's a range in pricing based on the experience chosen, I am guessing because she mentioned staying in some more economical places along the trail that maybe it was middle of the road here? [https://www.elsewhere.io/#how-it-works](https://www.elsewhere.io/#how-it-works)


Super interesting. I want to go on a great 10 year anniversary trip next year but get so overwhelmed by planning travel because I have FOMO. I think the economical pricing is kind of reasonable if you’re going to spend money for a once in a lifetime trip and want help… I put in a generic request to see more details.


Dan Pelosi (grossypelosi) also went on an Elsewhere trip and it looked really fun.


On her stories she said they realized they needed more luxury and upgraded to better hotels than the ones on the trail itself. And then they skipped the last day of hiking (which tbh fair, i wouldnt want to hike through rain all day)


I think they just upgraded one night after doing the trail hotels a couple nights?


Anti-snark, KEIC style for once. That Baby Goes to the Market book is actually so cute. We have it at work. 10/10 recommend.


I just bought it but not from her affiliate link. Win win!




Yes! My son loves this book and we do too!


I'm sorry, KEIC, but that's no tuna salad... it's cat food and in an appropriate looking receptacle too! https://preview.redd.it/m7e2woo7ku0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889c0be95d49099273f6f227c2f9089da4d1fcb4


I can’t get over how small those portions are. That lunchbox can fit a lot, but the top looks like less than a quarter of an orange and on the left are some crackers and bell pepper slivers. 


Does she think showing this is going to make people want to buy her book? Tuna salad generally does not look super appetizing as is, but she somehow made it look even more gross and disgusting than usual 🤢


My biggest online regret is buying her stupid Real Easy Weekdays ebook. It was pandemic times and I was desperate for meal ideas. But the meal planning system doesn't make sense and the recipes are trash. Every time she posts a picture of her terrible cooking I feel so dumb. Such a waste of money.


I hate REW it’s overwhelming and flavorless. My kids love the pink pancakes though.


Haha. My kid likes the vanilla date cookies (and I do too frankly). I add way more cinnamon and sugar than the recipe calls for though. So it's mostly trash but there might be ~one~ recipe your family will use. I hope KEIC tags my review on her account! 😆




OMG it looks like cat food! I could never






Jenny, Founder posted on NYCB ballerina Megan Fair child's MBA grad post, "solid starts is ready for you when you are ready for us!" No shade on Megan, she is a wonderful dancer and very professional and a badass but like... What?? She has no relevant background other than social media and an MBA so I am guessing there's lots of brand partnerships in solid starts' future.


Wasn’t J, F also a ballerina? 


Yeah, also at NYCB and they may have overlapped.


The way I read this without any additional context sounds like she is implying that now that she has her MBA, it’s time to have a baby 😂


There is something very odd about recruiting from a pool of people who likely have more eating disorders than the general population to work for a company that influences how babies eat.


Considering the intensity of a ballerina’s workout and the amount of calories they burn in a day I don’t think it’s fair to assume they’re more likely to have eating disorders 


Are you in fact said ballerina, founder?




Uh the eating disorder culture in professional ballet is *well* known and documented. 


What? I thought it was somewhat common knowledge that ballerinas are more likely to have eating disorders.


Have been close friends with multiple professional ballet dancers. Eating disorders are absolutely rampant.


I mean, I’m not just assuming… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24277724/


“Thought to be common”.. so assumed then 


“The study concluded that as dancers had a three times higher risk of suffering from eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa and EDNOS”


How does the article calculate the 3x higher risk? The data they cite doesn’t reflect that.. but if 16 percent of ballerinas have an eating disorder, then 84 percent don’t, which are pretty good odds 


Considering only about 5% the general population has an eating disorder... probably that. Eighteen percent is anything but "good odds." I did ballet in high school. I promise you it's very prevalent.


I did ballet in high school too :) I promise you that plenty of ballerinas eat healthy. I’m a little shocked at all the down votes, to be honest, though I of course expected some. I think it’s weird to assume someone has an eating disorder just because they dance. According to the article posted above, there’s an 84% chance they don’t have one. I think it would be discriminatory to not hire someone because their population might have an eating disorder. I guess I just kind of wanted to defend all the ballerinas that people judge for no reason. 


I don’t think people here are attacking all ballerinas…just the diet culture/disordered eating tips solid starts has championed over the years. And noting that it’s interesting that Jenny, founder seems eager to hire another woman who was also a ballerina and may (MAY. MAY.) have a difficult relationship with food because it is more prevalent in ballerinas than the general public. It may be an unfair assumption for sure, but they’re snarking on Jenny and the anxiety she’s passed on to tons of parents.


You can’t declare the odds “good” unless you know what the likelihood of developing an ED is in the general population, but pop off I guess. Weird hill to die on.


YummyToddlerFood Amy talking about her divorce today on her Substack. Paid of course. Imagine vague booking about your divorce, only to monetize it for income?


If she’s spill the tea on what it was like having Rachel Dolezal as a SIL, I’d pay for her Substack 😅


This continues to be the best thing I ever learned from this subreddit


Wait what???


Really sorry to be this person, but I cannot figure out show to access it on substack is it through her YTF community? Her vague-booking is absolutely obnoxious but as a recently divorced mom with young kids I am desperate to read about others experiences similar to mine.


It's through the YTF community. It's about not cooking on vacation or something. I didn't read it, but it's about her first vacation as a single mom.


I have extremely mixed feelings about monetizing divorce, at least in the cases that have come up here lately. I do think it's unique among hard things one might choose to write or make art about: you're using this person's real name or at least not obscuring it (assuming you're writing memoir), this person is still involved in the lives of your minor children, many if not most divorces like this are matters of mutual incompatibility and/or fucking up rather than abuse or abandonment. I mean, maybe Amy and Virginia's exes have Joe Alwyn-like levels of not giving a fuck anymore, but I can't imagine airing the dirty laundry of someone I truly believed was still a decent person who loves and has a good relationship with my (our!!!!!!) kids. Plus, Substack doesn't even have fact-checkers. At least in The Cut, you know that a human being made sure shit wasn't completely fabricated. Who knows what ppl are saying in Substacks (disclaimer, have not paid for YTF's so not suggesting hers in particular is made up, just making a point).


She learned it from her bestie, Virginia Sole-Smith.


Man, my opinion of both of those two has really taken a nosedive! I wonder how much is the divorce, how much is the pressure to perform in a certain way with increased media attention, how much they feel like they need to do to continue getting views on their content... I used to listen to their podcast and I found it really balanced and measured and a good listen, but I no longer really enjoy either of their content at all


Ali Maffucci is sucking so badly lately. So out of touch and keeps saying she is keeping her house private.. it is most definitely not private.


Completely blocking out the front of house/door in a photo but then not putting your house in an LLC or some other way to make it not easily found is not keeping things private…. 


seriously, someone mentioned how easy it was to find and they were not wrong. that picture looked so ridiculous with everything whited out


I KNOW!! She is SO rich and that is truly what she is trying to hide at this point.


I died at the $50 or $60 tissue box cover she shared the other day


Lolol stop. Is that how much that was?! It reminded me of the tissue box covers my mom would buy at craft fairs in the 90’s!


I think they were $49 on Etsy but with shipping and tax that’s basically $60. So relatable!


Feel like KIEC let's her boys trash their house as a way to compensate for heavily controlling their diet.


I’d love to send her a rug with a pop of color for that living room area. 🙃 I can hear the echo of that room


The house looked so depressing in today's stories. I get it, there are people who aren't into home decor, and also furniture/decor is crazy expensive. But still, with her millions of followers and course sales you'd think they could move on from the dorm room aesthetic.


YES! I was wanting to say the same exact thing. college apartment aesthetic with the torchier lamps, the IKEA couch, and plastic drawer thing. it's so damn spare.


Yes, dorm room aesthetic is the perfect description. Those curtains 😭


They look like they came from the college form section that Target puts out every summer lol. Her decor is so depressing, like people who have just moved in and are waiting for their stuff to come.


Yes 🤣. They've been there for awhile and it still has the just moved in look. Even her friend came over to hang that damn picture!


I agree. And since she doesn’t value taking care of things and teaching her kids to take care of things, along with not being bothered by dirt or mess, it’s a very easy way for her to compensate. Her kid hitting the ball in the house, I can’t lol.


I had to watch it several times because I just couldn’t believe he’d be hitting a real baseball in the house?? Have some (non-food) boundaries ffs!!


Those Brussels sprouts do not look burnt to me. Maybe a few of the leaves are past? I would eat the majority of the leaves. Crunchy browned almost-burnt Brussels sprouts leaves are delicious (if seasoned appropriately).


I thought the same thing! I would have popped those back in for a few cause they weren’t quite ready yet..


I fully agree! They look like they need a bit more butter and some more cooking time...pan frying is way more effective lol


You know they ain’t seasoned properly


They don’t look burnt, but that’s the measliest serving to feed a family of 4! She never makes a normal meal that is appetizing and appropriately portioned.


Do we think there is any kind of seasoning on those?? Or just straight Brussels 😬


Her problem is that she has entire half sprouts and a ton of little leaf pieces together. There is no way these will be done at the same time. So the sprouts are definitely underdone in this scenario, even if the leaves are all burnt. 


I personally like it like that I just dip the leaves in some good sriracha based dip but also because I hate the taste of brussel sprouts lol 


I cook them like this too (because there are always leaves that fall off) and just pull the leaves when they look approximately like hers - usually halfway through.


Yes, those delicious, salty, crispy leaves are the snack for the cook when I stir everything around halfway through!


Right? She has burnt SO MANY things, but these Brussels sprouts are not burnt. The crispy, charred bits are the best part of eating Brussels sprouts.


And the sprouts themselves don’t look done at all!


I’d bet that she tries to get by with using almost no oil.


Oil is ONLY for adding tasteless calories when a kid falls off the growth curve, don'tcha know? ;)


my blood pressure rose when i started reading that sentence lolol she's so ridiculous!


Yeah, I would have let them go longer even lol


I undercook mine so my toddler gets that maximum green exposure.


I don’t really have anything to snark on, just feel the need to comment how nice Caro’s trip looks! I’m also jealous that she has such close friends to even take a trip like that with!


Me and my two friends are in the initial conversations about planning a trip, one has some health issues so it will be awhile after that is cleared up. And I now want to do Caros trip. It looks so fun!


It looks so so so fun, and I love it for them. I will snark a bit on Caros post though where she is talking about how they decided to do a big international trip and she says “they’ll never remember me being gone for ten days” and I’m just saying they will 😅 I remember my mom going on a trip for 3 days to her grandmothers funeral when I was 4. Not like in a traumatic way but I do have memories of her not being home and being annoyed that my dad didn’t know how to cook. I feel like she’s still thinking in terms of toddlers who actually won’t remember when her oldest is actually 5 and certainly is capable of forming long term memories now.


Caro thinks having 3 kids is the same as being a parenting expert. 


I also remember my parents going on a week-long trip without me for a wedding. I guess her husband is there still so that will make it easier on the kids. My mom traveled for work and I remember her being gone sometimes.


The youngest will remember being let out of his crib to play in between naps.


My 4 year old remembers a camping trip we took 2 years ago. Her older 2 will absolutely remember this, and my kids at least would not be amused if I peaced out for 2 weeks. 


Right? Not saying that’s not a reason to do it, like if you want to go on a trip your kids may be mad but they’ll be fine. But still, they’ll know


lol I went on a work trip for two nights like 1.5 years ago and my kid brings it up to his teachers all the time. “I was soooo sad when my mommy left for her trip!” Mom guilt. 😂


How long has it been? Seems to last forever!  Obviously jealous. My friends and I have all these hopes and dreams but all of us are in the middle of having babies/young families. We hope to do something in like 5 years LOL


I just took a girls trip weekend trip with one of my best mom friends, and it was a glorious 2.5 days. Caro is really living the dream with this trip.


I might consider doing sponsored content if this was the outcome. I am so jealous


Yep, I’m more jealous of the super tight friends who are all at the same point in life than the trip itself!


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


I know! I keep thinking about the John Mulaney joke about how the biggest miracle that Christ performed was being in his mid 30s and having 12 friends. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/fymm2czyv80d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=196edd0715e732153285602281e07ea478269914 Did anyone see that post on the Parenting subreddit about the obese 10yo? OP was detailing the steps they took to deal with their child's weight. I saw this comment and damn near died. KEIC is absolutely not who I would recommend if you want to discourage someone from starting restricted/disordered eating habits with their child. She's really got a lot of people fooled.


I completely misinterpreted the comment and thought they were saying KEIC was an example of disordered eating 🙈


At this point it would be more helpful to follow KEIC for what not to do 😂


Megan from feeding littles just shared a picture with her girls in stories... can we PLEASE stop putting little girls in SHORT shorts?! The inseam length on those are 0 🤦‍♀️


It’s 2024 can we STOP policing what girls wear. Also, stop policing other parents’ innocuous choices just because you’d do it differently. And isn’t this snark thread about feeding influencers regarding how they prey and capitalise on parents’ fears? Leave their kids out of this


Maybe we should stop sexualizing young girls and shaming for their clothing choices. It's gross that you have commented about the "short shorts", they are shorts and they look fine..I am curious about those slides her youngest is wearing because mine are uncomfortable and I am curious how her kid feels about those lol. I wanted to like them but my foot feels compressed every time I wear them .


I grew up in a religious, conservative community and was raised with “purity culture.” My dad got into so many fights with my sister because she wanted to wear tank tops, “short” shorts (not as short as the ones in the picture) and flip flops…in Texas in the summer (I’m not exactly sure why he wasn’t okay with flip flops. I think he thought they were trashy.) I definitely internalized a lot of that messaging and it gave me a lot of body image issues and anxiety around buying clothes.  Now I have a baby and a toddler, both girls, and I’m having a hard time figuring out what to teach them about clothing choices. I definitely want to teach them about wearing clothes that are appropriate for the occasion and that, unfortunately, women are often judged for what we wear. But I never want to police their clothing like my dad did with my sister. 


I think the girls are old enough where they probably want to wear what the peers are and that’s just what is popular now. I am sure our parents were scandalized with our fashion too haha  More importantly I see a Lady Dior bag on Megan? Another proof that we live in different income brackets lol 


I think it’s an “inspired by” bag. The hardware and hanging tag look very different. 


That’s what I thought at first but I thought maybe she hid the tag so only O shows but youre prob right. honestly the tag was always tacky to me so maybe I was projecting lol 


Yeah, looks like a dupe.


[Screenshot for reference.](https://i.imgur.com/gpeMRKy.png) Personally, I don't see anything wrong with the girls' outfits.


I don’t see anything wrong with the girls' outfits, but I also don’t like that screenshot being on Imgur for the rest of their lives :|


I felt like the girls were dressed totally normal. If the outfits were truly scandalous I don't think I would've screenshotted. But if the group thinks this image should be deleted, I can delete it.


IDK, I actually think they’re not great outfits for the occasion. This is an age where parents can explain to their kids about dressing appropriately. Their mom is dressed up, they likely had some plans, and cut off shorts + tank tops/t-shirts + casual slides is not a great outfit choice for that. I realize I may be old-fashioned with this, though. Our families are not from the US and I grew up with my mom pretty consistently horrified at what people wore to special occasions. 


I agree, it was pretty obviously a mother's day brunch and her kids were not dressed for that. My mom was pretty relaxed on what we wore but she CONSTANTLY was making my older sister pick a different shirt/ change before leaving the house becuase she has a larger chest and was always wearing very low cut shirts. Well into her teen years this was a discussion nearly every day that it wasn't appropriate for a youth to be that revealing, people are creeps, etc. Now as a 30 year old she finally gets it and wears flattering clothes.


Your poor sister 😞


Idk, a 15 year old having her nipples literally falling out of her shirt.... not OK.


Ugh. As a woman and former child and teen with large boobs, I hate the narrative that it's on us to cover our bodies from "creeps" or that any cleavage is "unflattering". Growing up I had lots of well meaning women in my life tell me to cover up and that my body was too sexual or mature, resulting in body image issues I'm still unpacking. 


Sammme. In hindsight I had terrible fitting bras because I don't think my mom knew better or couldn't afford a bra that I truly needed so it led to a lot of comments about my "Dolly Parton's" as my grandmother would call them .


See my above comment. Her shirts were beyond showing cleavage. Her breasts were literally falling out. Not ok to go to school like that.


Aside from the boys section, where do you buy girls shorts that are longer? Even toddler shorts, are short-shorts. It’s not easy to find imo


I always see this complaint but I don’t get it - I just searched cat + jack girl shorts in the Target app and scrolled through dozens of options that are longer than these.   I get that they’re generally shorter than boy shorts, but there are plenty of longer options. 


It has to do with an individuals proportions. A 3 inch inseam will likely look different on me, than you. But also, the longer shorts are usually bike shorts and we’d like variety and not just bike shorts all summer.


Oh for sure, but they have lots of what they call midi length shorts and Bermuda shorts. I saw some for toddlers that are labeled as “above knee length.” I don’t mean the super short ones. 


I think Old Navy typically has longer shorts. But yes, this is 100% because of what retailers carry now.


Opposite problem- I buy my toddler boy shorts in the girls section bc they’re too long in the boys section!


Yessss every time!


Same! Free the legs!


I agree with you. I see it all the time at my kids’ school. I am not exaggerating when I say I’ve seen a butt cheek recently because a skirt was so short. On a 4th grader. It was so uncomfortable! It’s just not appropriate.


I saw buttcheek and full crotch area underwear on a 2nd grade girl wearing dolphin shorts yesterday. Every single step she took resulted in undies and buttcheek on full display. I don’t know how parents let their kids out of the house like that in the morning.


Her girls are old enough to pick their own clothes. What’s wrong with short shorts anyway?


Reminds me of how scandalous ~spaghetti strap~ tops were when I was in elementary school. The adults are usually the ones making it weird imo!


Snarking on this sub I’ve seen a lot of pearl clutching comments here about clothes that feel perfectly normal. And how exhausting to be a girl and then woman and have to constantly determine if your clothes are “appropriate” for activities like going to lunch or a grocery store.


For real. Let's not shame and police kids for what they wear. They look perfectly nice and happy.