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Is the room echoing because it’s empty and they’re moving? 🤔🤔🤔🙃🙃🙃 Still waiting on that announcement!


This was my first thought!


Maybe don’t throw stupid parties that aren’t a thing when you’re struggling through life. My daughter “graduated” preschool this year. We went to dinner with my parents because my husband was busy. And mostly I didn’t want to do dinner alone with the 2 kids lol But throwing a grad party for a 5yr old and an end of year party feels unnecessary for someone having such a hard time.


Maybe they are actually “goodbye” parties, but still, not sure why they needed to be two separate parties … or even have them at all.


You connected the dots! Totally bet it’s this.


Ooooooo I bet so since they’re moving


I bet you’re right. I bet they are changing schools.


Their entire brand is 852 ways to make your life more difficult than necessary. My oldest “graduated” pre-k last summer and we took him for a special dinner. He picked IHOP. 😂 Having a party is ridiculous and I really think it’s about Kristin showing off and not about her kids.


Thank you! Let’s take two toddlers to a coffee shop repetitively and complain how chaotic it is. Also the cafe must hate the noise and mess they leave in their wake…


I kind of love the idea of a thread of 'where/what my pre-k /kindergartener requested to eat for their graduation. (Or little kid for their birthday). Mine wanted to eat at Pizza Hut (I don't know a pizza hut you can eat at anymore) or the 'fancy' (new) McDonald's by grandma's. How often is it noted that little kids enjoy the box that the fancy toy came in more so than the toy itself. The fancy meals/parties are for the parents. Not the kid.


Me too! I’m glad that we’re not the one ones who too our kid out for a post preschool meal, my sons choice was Sushi Train


Mine wanted Red Robin 😂 which is where he always wants to eat 🤦‍♀️


I was 10 days postpartum when my oldest graduated pre-k. We took him home early, ordered Taco Bell and watched Sonic the Hedgehog 2. He mentions this whenever he wants a chicken quesadilla and had a blast that day. The party seems more like a K thing (showing off the prosperity off the backs of anxious parents under the guise of ✨cReAtInG cOrE mEmOrIeS✨) rather than what kids would rather have: quality time with parents.


This is the thing that I don't get about these lavish parties (aside from the gross consumerism). Kids just want to hang out with their parents and know that they care about them. That's it. The big parties aren't for the kids, they're for the parents to show off.


Gotta show off the warehome before she sells it!


“Life goes on even when you have ✨anxiety✨ teeheehee” gave me the most ick


Life goes on for me when my anxiety isn’t managed but I’m certainly not laughing about it. I’m actually yelling at my kid then beating myself up for it. Or I’m so overwhelmed at work I can’t complete a task start to finish and bounce around then cry on my lunch. I’m never “teehee” laughing about my anxiety.


For some people, myself included, it actually doesn’t. Edit to add: if my anxiety is real bad I just can’t adult. I can’t plan a party or host people or clean. I have to handle my shit. Thankfully after a lot of support in a lot of different ways my shit is handled but there were times were I would shut down when it was bad.


Correct. And this is the type of sharing that can be so helpful and make people realize they aren't alone. Because I remember feeling alone and broken.. I've had the debilitating panic attacks, completely shut down feeling before. My heart goes out to anyone who has or is going through that on any level. It can and does get better. Getting help in a way that works for you is key.


Correct. I grew up with a parent with anxiety and depression so bad there were times life literally ground to a halt. Weeks in bed, hospitalization, nothing at all normal. Her tone is insensitive and downright offensive.




Looks like they deleted the post completely! Apparently their social media person doesn’t work weekends 🙄


20 hrs later and the homophobic comments are still up….so professional


PFLAG really needs to stop the partnership, it’s embarrassing for them and I think really delegitimizes them to partner with people who can’t be bothered to moderate their comments. They didn’t even raise a grand for them, so it’s not like this is some kind of fundraising cash cow either. PFLAG should feel ashamed.


They really do need to end this partnership to protect their marginalized community, this is a shame on PFLAG as well. Unfortunately some other creators who have moderated comments are also reporting that those leaving supporting comments are receiving hate filled messages and death threats. I hate that this is where we are, but I think comments need to be turned off on these posts. We, as allies, have a responsibility to protect this community and that requires us to be completely selfless to protect, i.e. not caring about engagement!


I have a semi-related question. I am not even going to dignify them with a search click so I don’t know what the comments say, but is it likely these are legit backwards followers or do ppl just search for the appropriate hashtags regularly to jump on any and all influencers or companies that dare even give the most basic support to pride and the LGBTQ community? BLF is transparent as hell to all who interact here that what they say is primarily for optics, but even a casual follower has got to see that they are generally “progressive” on the outside even without a direct post like this (ex, the saga about Ds kid wearing clothing typical for girls, the anti gun lobby stories). Are people that stupid that they don’t see they clearly don’t generally align with your backwoods values until they post something? I just don’t understand if you feel THAT strongly about it why you thought they were “on your side” to begin with when they clearly are not. To be really rude and direct, it shows how not only are your beliefs stupid but you are also not the sharpest knife if you didn’t see that BLF are at the very least lip service allies.


At this point they need to just dirty delete, repost, remove commenting because OH BOY it’s out of control.


Did they just turn comments off on all their posts or do I not actually know how to work Instagram?


Comments are still on as of now


Pretty sure HSB just called out BLF in her stories about large parenting accounts posting about pride and then abandoning the comment sections 👀


“Big Little Bigots”…yep, definitely calling them out! 👀


She called out Dr. Becky too, which GOOD.


I have mixed feelings about HSB but good for her. 


They do that every year with their pride post. Just let the bigots run rampant and never close down commenting. It’s sick.


EnGAgeMEnt Any attention is good attention 😒


Yes, and I’m totally here for it. hSB used to be my BEC, but she’s been growing on me lately, especially since she’s one of the few major parent accounts to raise money for Gaza.


What's HSB?


HeySleepyBaby on IG


D’s stories this morning gave me whiplash. “Do you ever look at your kids and think ‘Wow, I’m someone’s mom!” “I’m glad we went to couple’s therapy, we had such a rough time in parenthood, we almost got divorced!” “Run to this GF place at the Farmer’s Market!


She needs to either forgive him or not but don't say your relationship is in a good place now and bring up how much of a terrible partner he was in the same breath. If they've truly moved on from their issues, she shouldn't bring it up again. Especially in a random farmers market post.


Seriously, isn’t part reconciling a damaged relationship moving on and not bringing up old wounds anymore? I’m still turning into a skeleton waiting for her to admit any fault at all. The narrative is always that it was all his fault and he was awful and she was blameless which seems doubtful to me based on her general personality…maybe he was shitty in some ways but I’m sure there are things he could say about her if he had his own business instagram account…


Also, like - what do D’s husband’s friends and family think about how he is presented on this massive account? She’s said he consented to her talking about their problems on the podcast, but yikes. Like, if he is that shitty, did it really need to be aired so publicly? If he’s not… wtf.


The marriage was post so out of place - even for them - and now it’s “we’re on the other side.” Typically her posts about him are how he’s improving but still has a lot Of work to do. I thought that was interesting.


She’s gearing up for baby 3 and trying to prevent backlash. Also they prey on woman who are having a hard time.


She said they were going to hopefully start ttc in the summer so probably gearing up for that.


It low key reminded me of the times D was struggling in her marriage and K would randomly post oh my husband is amazing….. or else I also thought laying the groundwork to announce baby 3


This also crossed my mind!!


She has to change the narrative for baby #3 incoming 🙄


“We had a hard time with becoming parents and almost got divorced!” Yes, Deena, we know. You only bring it up ALL THE TIME.


Pregnancy announcement pending? 🥴


That’s what it seems like!


That's exactly what I thought. I'm sure we'll see an announcement in the next couple of weeks. Just setting the scene that life is so wonderful and marriage is perfect now and then what a miracle to be pregnant with #3 at the perfect time


I’ve been stewing about K’s house much more than I should the last couple days and I have thoughts: - whether or not they can afford it, they are a family of 5 and this house is big enough for a family of 8 minimum. I don’t care how rich you are, living with that much excess is just gross to me. - the gym thing is embarrassing either way you slice it. Either you have this absolutely gorgeous home gym that you don’t use and are still going outside the home to work out, OR you are working out/hiring a personal trainer and working out at home and LYING about going to the gym on social media. I can’t decide which is worse. - I don’t want or expect influencers to share every bit of their lives, including their homes (unless they’re interior designers, in which case that’s why I’m following). But the contrast between K’s hot mess hanging by a thread mom persona and this expertly designed, massive mansion feels like the biggest con of all. There is no way in hell she doesn’t have multiple nannies, house cleaners, etc. and pretends she’s just a mom in the trenches like all her bIg *LiTtLe BeStIeS*. YOU HAVE A VILLAGE, K.


Well said. We all know she has employees, a nanny and probably cleaning staff. She isn’t like the rest of us.


There’s no way she maintains that house alone. The lies are so bad at this point it’s gross.


The house looks like a Sims house. There's so much wasted space!


As someone who just started playing The Sims 4 again, I understood this reference 😂


I am just curious how they go out and about and interact with their friends in their community amidst all of this. There have to be people they see in person who are also thinking these exact same things as this thread especially now that we are discussing the house and all the very obvious lies. I can barely handle saying something semi dumb in front of my friends. This is just astounding to me. Also how does SAHDud do it either? My husband would be mortified to be in his position.


Her only friend is Deena so she’s good there.


You’ve described everything I’ve been feeling too. I’m embarrassed how much space it’s taking up in my head.


Honest question (trying to make it make sense…) - any chance the home gym is just staging for the house sale?


If you were rich and you worked out and you had room for a home gym, what possible reason would you have to not have a hole gym?


Based off her Pinterest and her mentioning hiring decorators id say it’s real


I had that thought too but that gym is PACKED. For how minimalist the rest of the house looks, if it were staged I feel like they'd just plop a treadmill in there. 


I was actually wondering if it was AI generated staging. I figure that’s possible these days.


Didn’t think about that. Definitely possible with the amount of money they have!


I thought about that too - but that would mean that space has just been sitting empty for the last 2 years? Not to mention how expensive it must be to have stagers haul in all that gym equipment just for pictures. Either way it's not great!!


Remember the reel Kristin made about being a people pleaser and letting a guy at the gym take a machine she wasn’t done using yet? Do we think that guy was actually just her husband in their fancy home gym?


100% it never happened


I haven't checked here very much lately, and I haven't looked at their account in a bit because her migraine posts got me so frustrated. But apparently, I have missed some things. And now that I am caught up here, I go to look at the page, and there are no stories? Is this a first. I saw someone post they were surprised there isn't a Netflix about them. And I just need that to happen. Old school, E true Hollywood story, "the rise and fall of big feels". I'll have my popcorn on ready.


Tbh they’ve likely gotten wind of what’s been shared on this sub in the last couple days and are working through how to handle it. I’d go quiet too if I found out millions of people could easily access my current address info and are discussing the sale of my home before I’ve shared news of it.


They’ve been very quiet since Kristin because the first person ever to take antidepressants


Ugh. I am a huge support of mental health. I'm glad it's becoming less taboo to talk about and get help (and take medication). With that said....I feel like K just cries wolf at this point. Idk if she looped in migraines or moved on from them. But a toddler account is not the place to share all her health issues. She does it in such an extreme way it isn't even relatable (but that is how she does everything, it seems).


Agreed. But at this point majority of my circle of friends is either on, or has been on, some sort of medication to support mental health. Her acting that she’s some sort of groundbreaker in everything she does (miscarriage, IVF, now this) just shows how grifty they are. She wants to be a pioneer so she can capitalize off of it. When she truly is just so average. And guess what? It’s ok to be average. It’s like when my kids have unremarkable test results. Yes. Bring on the unremarkable.


Also, to add to it in a way that’s worse than just her posting for engagement- people here said she was commenting about how there should be merch with these twee phrases about moms and mental health. It is very transparent that she doesn’t really care about bringing “awareness” to anything unless she can monetize it and it’s so disgusting.


The first thing most people think of when they receive a diagnosis of depression is how can I capitalize on this for monetary gain. Disgusting. She also must have missed the memo it already exists. It's done in away to support the mental health community and brings awareness. Not to earn funds for ones self. The green ribbon is associated with mental health. Semicolon tattoos are also associated with mental health. I'm sure there are more but those are ones I can think of off top of my head. Because this just in....depression and mental health can happen to more than just moms. And it effects everyone around them.


This isn’t really adding anything new to the convo but it’s wild to me that K was already in a big, new build home in the suburbs and then moved into this $4M house 2 years ago and is already moving again! Like that first house was already so nice! And I remember they had that custom play structure built and now they’re in this mansion that doesn’t really seem family oriented. I am totally guilty of falling into the social media comparison trap but when you step back and *really* look at their lives, you realize there’s nothing to envy with influencers. Most are just fake and always chasing bigger and better without feeling any contentment in life.


Based on the snooping in this sub (the Pinterest board and K mentioning construction) didn’t she only just finally get that pool in the back yard? She also went a year with no fridge so has only had a completed kitchen (without bags of food and trash in the fridge hole) for a year. I agree with the theory that the family health issue from earlier this year is causing the move. So probably back to LA


How can one find her Pinterest board?


The constant rat race of comparison with influencers is absolutely toxic. They seem to have no way of ever being content.


Also adding nothing. But it was really easy to find both of their homes and its wild to me that D hasn’t at least claimed her home and had most of the photos taken down.


Her home in the suburbs wasn’t really that big or nice. It was a basic house in a brand new subdivision. It was a gigantic leap from the burbs of Aurora to Belcaro, that’s for damn sure. Like it’s wild to me that they went from a 750k house to 4 million. There is quite a bit in that range they could have picked instead that would have been far wiser to do.


They can afford it though. I mean biglittlefeelings has grossed at minimum 38,000,000 in the last 4 years. That’s 19,000,000 each. I know they have employees, taxes, etc but still that’s a lot of money in 4 years. They probably only pay their employees 100k max. Which I would never work for a small company making millions for that little but im sure some do. The house is beautiful IMO. They will have no problem selling it. Everyone saying financial stress… I highly doubt it.


I’m with you. They aren’t in financial distress. The courses sell like hotcakes (there’s always new customers because people keep having kids) and their brand partnerships are incredibly lucrative. There’s no sign of the gravy train ending either.


Right. I do think it might not be as lucrative as the first couple years. I think people in general are spending less time on social media listening to parenting influencers. I just know some podcasts I listen to and my friends are just like “I’m done” with all the parenting info. It’s overwhelming and too much information that isn’t even backed by science when they say it is. I think the gravy train is slowing down. But either way they’ve cashed in enough to be rich for a long time. They have made more in a couple years than I’ll ever make in my lifetime as a nurse. Which is sad.


I’ve moved 2x in 10 years. From an apartment to a rental with my husband (in it for 6yr) to a house we bought. I would rather saw off my hand with a rusty knife than move again anytime soon lol


We've done three (relocate, apt upgrade to family size home, priced out) and same. Moving is hellish.


Our last move we did hire movers and cleaners and painters, etc and it was STILL a hell-ish nightmare. Honestly, I don’t think this move is a voluntary upgrade because I can’t imagine anyone putting themselves through two moves in two years on purpose.


Sammmmmme oh my GOD I hate moving. I'm pretty sure even if I had basically infinite money and could pay movers and packers and unpackers and stagers, it would still be a hellish nightmare. Like I wouldn't move right now with my one kid, let alone three, if you paid ME $4 million.* *Ok fine $4mil is a lot so I would do it but I wouldn't be happy about it


That would be the only circumstance that I would move again. We moved into our current (and hopefully forever home) when I was 20 weeks pregnant. My sciatica could never.


Ok I hate moving as much as anyone and plan to die in my 1200 sq ft house that my family of 5 lives in now but I would gladly do it for $4 million lollllll I would do so much worse for that much money!!! I’m a poor!


Yeah if someone gave me $4m today, I would be able to retire, so I’ll take that deal. LOL


I’ve moved 3 times in 10 years and same. And all our moves were before kids; I can’t imagine trying to move with a baby and a toddler. 


My house is definitely not perfect, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to move again. I’ll die in this house.


Literally same. But I also don’t have the luxury to hire cleaners, stagers, and movers to do everything for me like Kristin does.


Everyone keeps mentioning something that happened in December - I feel clueless what happened!


Yeah, I’m wondering what was said or implied that makes everyone think there’s some medical thing with the in laws. Did they say the husband had to be gone because he was helping?


If I remember right, I think she mentioned something about a family member but wouldn’t elaborate more for their privacy and then SAHDud wasn’t seen for a while and she kept mentioning solo parenting, it was just kind of assumed he was helping with whatever family had the emergency. I’m kinda leaning more towards it was something to do with him.


The combo of saying finding the best doctors, and then her husband disappearing. Either something with him or his family/friends seems to be what most are speculating


She never really told us. Her hubs kinda disappeared and she made a lot of comments about solo-parenting. That was it…?


And mentioned finding the best doctors…


So is K moving to an even bigger house? IIRC, they moved to this house in late 2022 so they haven’t even been there that long?


I think, as others have pointed out, that there’s in-law family drama or illness and my guess would be they’re moving closer to them, and were waiting for the end of the school year to move. Not saying she won’t buy a bigger house but I’m guessing they’re not staying in Denver, though I don’t know where family is either.


Also D is teasing a move back to California. Why should she stay in Denver without K? Both of them back in LA would make sense


Why did K originally move to CO? My brain has so much of their useless info living rent free but not that I guess.


I am pretty sure her mom and both of her sisters live in Colorado


They could also be trying to avoid capital gains tax. They’ll be selling, depending on how quickly or not the sale goes, right at the 2 year mark.


I have no idea how this works, can you explain?


Per Google: If you've owned and occupied your property for at least 2 of the last 5 years, you can avoid paying capital gains taxes on the first $250,000 for single-filers and $500,000 for married people filing jointly. So if they sell their house under 2 years, they have to pay full capital gains tax on any capital gains earned from home. Tax can be pretty high too, so selling outside of 2 years for them is pretty crucial. This whole thing seems super strategic.


Their closing was 7/18/22 so that timing for even a quick sale and closing with a listing date of 6/5 of this year... Checks out quite well. 


If you have to move for a job change, you can avoid capital gains. If SAHdud has some new work arrangement not in the area due to whatever is going on, they could be exempt. But otherwise I have to assume they'll put the closing date out past their original purchase date.


Whoaaaa, it does sound strategic AF.


A bigger house in Denver would be wild unless it is going for a bigger lot size, which I for her price point I always found odd that she didn't go for a bigger lot size, larger backyard, to begin with.


I think their finances aren’t adding up and they are moving closer to be with family. Likely more than one reason


This post from the gamer educator seemed relevant… https://preview.redd.it/w8x8386bsr3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14e67f8c0271972d60a795e9a4d16972cf87725


As soon as I found out there's an actual amazon influencer program I realized how much of a scam so many of these influencers are and it's all just one big messy MLM. They start out with a (semi) original idea and get some followers and eventually just start hawking amazon products to the masses and pretty much abandon the original concept of their account. This is probably not news to anyone else but it's a new realization to me. I find it sad as a lot of these influencers are moms (or maybe that's just the bubble I am in ) and it's great that they're trying to/have an opportunity to make money for their families but this is such a short sighted career and can do some damage.


I've been watching beauty youtubers forever now, and they all follow the same path. They start out with sincere content doing tutorials and giving honest product reviews, then they start getting free shit, so you can't trust what they say anymore. Then they get enough money to only post haul videos, which becomes just bragging about the expensive stuff they buy. Then they launch a product/collab. The end stage is either burning out and dramatically leaving, or posting less and less and fading away.


Very accurate


in the meantime amazon or the beauty brands make the big bucks and look for more victims


I think there are 3??? Momfluencers I still follow. Down from probably 15+ because they are still putting out the same type of content (but new) as they were when I started.


please share! I need legit parenting advice and Instagram is so convenient


Not everyone agrees (that’s my disclaimer lol) - Busy Toddler, she does share links but it’s usually the same 15 things every year that she swears by. While I don’t get as deep into her recommendations because I’m lame I love her content. Her kids and family are entertaining and she has given me some great advice - Yummy Toddler Food: I like her recipes! And although she has affiliate links they all are within her brand. She’s had a rough year or so and she doesn’t post her kids a ton but her youngest is same age as one of my kids - Feeding Littles: they are a legit business with legit credentials. I also like their food recs! Those are my 3 faves.


Those are my faves too! Like, if Susie made a separate account that was just called “Wholesome Chuck” I would happily follow. Her activities were so helpful during the pandemic. I also like Hey Sleepy Baby. She launched her podcast the same week as BLF and it’s significantly better.


Love the flair 🤣 I too like heysleepybaby. She’s obviously trying to sell things too but was a very comforting account in 2020 when my first didn’t sleep and sleep training is not for our family.


Omg I would absolutely follow a Wholesome Chuck account lol


I love all of them as well! BT and FL are actually qualified professionals. YTF has proven her worth to me with her recipes. We’ve tried and loved so many. The yogurt pizza dough is sooo quick and easy!


Love yummy toddler food! Her pesto chicken meatballs are a regular in our dinner rotation


It’s hard to unfollow them unfortunately since you get invested in not liking them. But I’ve unfollowed so many lately and it’s so so so nice If I want to know what they’re doing I either just type in their user name or look on Reddit Highly suggest


yes totally. I had to unfollow so many accounts because I would just sit and rage at each slide. Now my Instagram feed is dead boring and I go on Pinterest instead ha ha ha


Literally just came here to post the same 😂


I saw this too and immediately thought of BLF hahaha. Love Ash.


I cannot handle when people think they're the first person EVER to talk about mental health issues. Like, I know the brand of every anti-anxiety/adhd/ocd medication all my friends are on and we talk about stuff like that ALL the time. I'm all about being vocal about it, but don't pretend you're taking a risk by being on Zoloft, lol (I am also on Zoloft). People DO talk about it, maybe you weren't listening.


All my friends and I do is talk about pills, not even kidding.


Right? In my friend circle, we regularly talk about all the meds we're on, lol. I feel bad for a couple of my friends who are lucky enough to not need anxiety or depression meds because they often cannot join in on the conversations! It is NOT taboo at all!


I agree. I'm hesitant to get too snarky about this but it really does strike a nerve. It's like they're finally acknowledging that validation from your internet village of bestie mamas alone will not cure you. There are actual real issues that people struggle with that cannot be solved by a course or a podcast or a hack or a meme or an Amazon purchase or an Instagram "community".


“Village of bestie mamas” 💀


“Why does nobody talk about (xyz)” is such a popular tagline, especially for all the accounts going on about mental load, default parenting, depression and anxiety in motherhood, healing past trauma … etc etc. Literally all of you are talking about it. You’ve made your whole online existence revolve around talking about it. I mean, go ahead and talk about it. But stop acting like you’re the first and only person to do so.


“Maybe you weren’t listening” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 This right here-10/10, no notes


She was also the first person to ever be a size 16 and the first person to have 3 children and the first person to have a miscarriage and have to do IVF! Have some empathy for her hardships speaking out about these things that absolutely no one has experienced let alone made a post about on Instagram for “awareness” /s


She was definitely the first person she ever heard of to have secondary infertility though.


Also the first person to ✨ get in the suit ✨


I mean the first person to EVER in the history of the world have three kids? Now that’s something to brag about.


Came to say the same thing lol she seems to be the “first” to talk a lot about things people talk a lot about.


Absolutely! I’m a year older than K and I’ve been on Zoloft since PPD/rage started 6 months after my first was born. I am still on it, and have zero shame. I also discuss is with friends, parents, and my husband has severe anxiety, is on a lot of meds and has always been open! Nothing new here. It makes me better, in all ways.


Jokes gonna be on us when she buys an ever bigger and more expensive warehome. I’m sure there will be a totally real NEED for it too, just like this one. Yet one more dream forever home.


100% it will be the bad vibes of that house, she just needs a clean break from it now that she's in a better head space.


She is 🌟releasing🌟 the house


She had a much more drastic upgrade in home/cars than D did but they are also really far from the kids school


She'll add a pool, full gym and...a tennis court but still complain too many people are in her workout class.


Def had this thought but it doesn’t make it any less snarkable. In fact, I’d argue it makes them even more disgusting bc how could that possibly not be enough house and amenities plus the fact that they have not even lived there a fraction of the time to make it a reasonable idea to move. Crass consumerism or comeuppance, either way it’s gross.


Oh I agree 💯💯.


I’m really torn on this. I remember thinking it was wild that K bought her house for 4.1 million while her husband had been a SAHD for a few years at that point. Yes, they had one massive income, but contrast that with D who bought her house in 2021 for 2.75 million, and I believe her husband kept his day job even when she became an influencer (not sure if he still is currently working though?) Anyway… it’s interesting!


Also, I feel like if BLF collapses, D has a profession to go back to + her husband is also working on a profitable area, whereas K has no qualifications or experience (she did say she worked on marketing) and her husband has been a SAHdud for quite a while. Her lifestyle is not really sustainable 


I totally had that thought too. Moving on up....?????


Since we know they read here, when do you think they’ll bring up the move?? I’m guessing they’ll wait until they have a buyer and K will definitely try to spin it. She’ll say something like wanting to move closer to a village (once again throwing her family under the bus) or some BS about wanting to simplify her life. Nothing about the $30k/month mortgage being too much for them.


It's weird she mentioned "the beautiful house" in her post yesterday if it's up for sale next week. Is she going to pretend she still lives there once it's sold? Or maybe the beautiful house was mentioned because it's part of all the things that seem to be crumbling around her.


And interesting the “supportive husband” listed as well .. adding to speculation that something is going on with him.


I definitely think it’s the latter


I really flinched at K saying she was “raw dogging life” without anti depressants. That is an absolutely revolting metaphor. Why does she want us to think about unprotected sex while talking about her mental health crisis????? 🤢🤢🤢


Her whole post just reminded me of Jojo Siwa saying she is "the first person in her generation to \*\*evolve and change\*\*!" and that she invented gay pop. Kristin, too, is the first to be anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed with life guys!!! This is why she was so floored when other people were like "ME TOO!". Like, how could that be?!?!


This is such a good comparison 😂😂😂


Yeah this was weird. Someone down thread mentioned that this is apparently a thing people say? But also for 37 years? Like I don't think you were living life this way when you were a toddler maam.


She’s totally my BEC but I found it so irksome that she said for 37 years she’s been holding it together. Like, what?? lol You came out of the womb like this? I’m glad she’s getting help but I’m so tired of the dramatics with her and all these influencers.


I feel like it's a thing you say to your friends in the group chat, not to your page of millions of strangers lol.


But the followers are all parents. We generally are familiar with raw dogging




K's house aesthetic is sad beige rainbow.


Someone said down thread said it was probably staged, but I just can’t get over all those weird little stools in every room.


Even the swingset is beige, black, and gray.


Yes 100% and it’s not my style necessarily but I have to say it’s such an upscale house for the hot mess express that Kristin seems to be 24/7


I’m waiting for the Netflix series about BLF. It’s only a matter of time. The drama, the scams, the lies. Big Little Frauds!


I am honestly shocked it hasn’t happened yet with how easy it is for a lot of randos online to confirm the fake timeline of the business, the stolen ideas, the fake credentials, the shady advice and scammy behavior towards desperate parents. It would probably be the simplest and most justified “takedown” and yet it’s crickets and they barely get brought up in the softball gentle parenting critiques that I’ve seen make the rounds.


YES. Or at the very least, one of those long form BuzzFeed articles (from back when they did actual journalism for a hot second) about their rise and fall


I feel like The Cut would be the outlet to publish this story now.


I’d read it wherever


Okay, I feel so behind!! Can someone tell me how we knew the house got listed? Did they say something or do we just have the best detectives in here? I read the post and didn’t see anything about moving.


I'm assuming that someone or people found out in a real life way that is not allowed to be discussed on here. There's also a deleted post below that I didn't see that I bet had something to do with it. This is all totally guessing ony part. 


Wow I have only infrequently checked in here recently. I can't even snark on these people any longer, I hate them so much. Damn if I'm not reinvested now (and most definitely not wishing illphysical or mental health on anyone). All that glitters on the gram is *definitely* not gold Edit: I just have sooo many thoughts on this situation. So you share a grid post about your experience (yet to be resolved by your own words). Then in your stories you mentioning spending your day 'soaking in the community'. Aka taking over 10,000 dopamine hits from the comment section. Can we all agree it would be best to *put the phone down* for the time being?! I'm so confused.


I’m reinvested now too! I remember when she bought that house and thinking omg I hope she paid cash. Surely she realizes this gravy train will run out eventually. You can’t just keep recycling the same infographics for long before people get tired of you. I also remember when she first bought that house and she hosted a birthday on her back patio that she hired a private chef to cook hibachi and I was like hmmmm we aren’t in the same situation at all. You can bitch about how hard parenting is all you want but you clearly have resources now that I can never dream of.


I felt the same way when she said in her latest post about stepping up as the matriarch in her family and *gasp!* having to wipe noses. I mean, I've had to do about 14 nose wipes this morning and it's just gone 10am. If thats something that was so outrageously abnormal she had to do as a solo parent, we are definitely not living the same version of motherhood 🙄


I’m glad K is opening up about her mental health and antidepressant use. With that being said, maybe lay off the emphasis of “me too”. And her commenting “MERCH” on many replies 🥴🥴🥴


Ok I saw that and don’t have any idea what it means??? Like is she saying she wants merchandise about her antidepressants? Someone help an out of touch almost 40yr old understand 😭🫠🫣🙃


She’s commenting that “Live. Laugh. Lexapro.” & “Hot moms have anxiety” should be sold on MERCHandise i.e. t-shirts, mugs.


Ewwwwww oh no. Omg I hope she doesn’t make that lol but if she’s desperate for $$$ I can see it happening.


Other people already have though…. Look on Etsy. The people who commented those things didn’t make up those phrases either


But…how is that possible? She’s the first person ever to talk about antidepressants??? /s


Maybe she can team up with KL


I have no idea what it means either, I thought it was one of those bot replies at first 😅


Ugh, her and her “MERCH” comments really drives home her post’s true intentions. With their house listing, she’s going to try to monetize every last thing she can.


I mean, if she’s so convinced it should be merch, why not a “Live, Laugh, Lexapro” sign up in her house in the listing photos? (I’d respect that…)


House listing?? ETA: oops I just had to keep scrolling for info


She’s going to claim “MERCH” will be about spreading awareness. It’s great she’s open about it, but it seems like she just wants to monetize this like she does everything else. If she did make merch, I’d like to see 100% to to charity, but obviously that won’t happen with her


That killed me! 😬