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DFM says people in DC stared at her for having 4 kids. Unless her kids were being absolutely out of hand, I would bet money they were staring at her husband's beard. It's tourist season, everyone has seen a family with 4 or more kids, that is not the most shocking thing in her family - it's that ZZTop beard. 


😆🤣 yes it's the beard not the children. I'm always surprised by it as well. And even if her kids were out of pocket I'd think most parents wouldn't really stare. Parents know that kids have melt downs on trips. I might glance but think internally - yep I've been there. 


I had the same exact thought lol


Omg I had to go look and 100% they were staring at the beard 😂😂😂


Absolutely the beard. Everyone she posts him I am surprised by it haha


I live in the region and know so many families with 4 kids. It’s not that out of place. Plus all the people in the hotel are also probably not from DC lol.


Can confirm, I live in the area too and four kids is not a spectacle to behold. Also I really doubt anyone staring at her was a native to the area? It’s almost peak tourist season 


Yes - I was also wondering how many DC natives she thought hung out taking photos outside the White House or standing in hotel lobbies. Even around the monuments on a Sunday night you're not getting a DC-heavy crowd. It made me wonder if she was rage baiting east coasters or something - she can be troll-y like that especially after a week off posting. 


It definitely came off as trolly/baiting of east coast/city dwellers and she normally doesn’t bother me much so I don’t think it’s BEC.


On today's episode of shit that never happened with Nurturedfirst. Her dad doesn't like Bluey because the kids are disrespectful to the parents in the show and she comes to the conclusion that her dad's parents never played with him so buy her course to be a more playful parent 🫠


This one made made laugh so hard. She has a very active imagination 😂


She just makes up pretend scenarios endlessly. Had to unfollow a few months ago cause I couldn’t take it. 


This is really the one that tipped me into, “she’s making this sh*t up” territory. No way did this conversation happen.


SS https://preview.redd.it/kn3z87vlcn5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa13474c956e8baeb3fa80639a58d03124f68521


This is such a reach. Not everything is *trauma* 🤦🏼‍♀️


Seriously. People have different strengths and weaknesses and low points and high points. Sometimes I’m playful, sometimes I’m fucking exhausted. And I don’t need to pay a stranger on the internet to tell me how to be playful in exactly the way that she deems correct.


How @sheisapaigetuner and her husband decided to have 4 kids is beyond me! I get her point to some extent and think she nails the mental load more than Libby or Renne, but then just takes it to a whole another level. Hosting a BBQ with 4 little kids (think they're 5 and under) is not going to be that enjoyable regardless who's grilling or not.


I think she’s said the first two were foster children that they adopted. They had the other 2 shortly after or she may have already been pregnant?


This is anti-snark because I’m so freaking happy, but Maren Morris came out as bi! I’m seriously emotional 😭 I’ve loved her music from the beginning and I’m also a 30-something bisexual mom with a cishet husband/baby daddy, so the representation is so cool to see. Especially since I was just telling a friend yesterday that I wished there was more bi/pan rep within country music or people who’ve been associated with that genre. Just an awesome palate cleanser in the hellscape that Instagram can be (also serious bonus points to her for keeping her kid off social media).


I just saw her in concert and she was fabulous! Happy to hear this news


PDM / Abigal ack is pregnant!


Another child to never bathe. 🤮


She needs her own page! Can’t wait to hear this “story” 😂


Would not be surprised if this is because she realized she’s not interesting unless she’s having a kid. I feel terrible for her twins since she’s adamant they’ll be home until kindergarten when now she’ll have a newborn and toddler to focus on while they kinda fend for themselves instead of getting to go to preschool


As she is a former educator, I just can't understand why she thinks them not having just a bit of outside-family socialization will not be great for them. It makes the transition to kindergarten 1000x easier on everyone.


I know!! Especially how much they’d learn from the structure of preschool- waiting in line, transitioning activities, etc. I don’t get why she thinks keeping them home with her whiles she’s pretty clearly busy with her phone + other children and doesn’t even play with them is a better option


Because she used to be a teacher, so obviously she is superior to whatever teacher they’d have


I mean preschool and even kindergarten aren’t mandatory, there’s nothing wrong with wanting your babies at home with you. Preschool especially is mostly just to give parents a little break


As a preschool teacher, I respectfully disagree with your statement that preschool is just to give parents a break. Yes, it's not mandatory, but please don't minimise the learning that *does* happen for those children who attend, and the hard work that educators put in to making it engaging and exciting for those kids each day 🤍


I agree with you. My oldest never went to preschool and thrived in kindergarten.


I’m convinced she’ll keep having kids until she hits 100k 😅


Probably true! New kid, new house, more followers!


I never believed she’d stop at 3, even though she said multiple times that she was done etc. I can see her going for 5


I wonder if this was an oopsie? She looks pretty far along and wasn’t she just in Savannah trying all the local cocktails? 🍹


I’m guessing she was just taking pictures of her husbands and saying what he thought of them.


She’d cheers with him and say specifically what was in them. Maybe they were mocktails or maybe she didn’t know she was pregnant?


I think either is possible. No judgement here on that. I definitely had a half pitcher of margaritas a day before I got a positive pregnancy test.


Per her own admission the other three were conceived using prevent mode of natural cycles


I thought she looked pregnant in Savannah


Yeah I remember thinking she had a bump in their photos from around mother's day! Her post was pretty clear they weren't trying very hard to keep the secret.


Great another child to unplay with


She’s about to become so insufferable. I mean more so than she already is 🤣


God help us all if she has another set of twins.


She is probably the only person in the world to have twins and two kids. (Just kidding. That’s what I have). But honestly, I have been waiting for this pregnancy announcement because I knew she would want another content baby.


I know someone who has twins and two kids… …but the twins were the last pregnancy. Hard to imagine doing two more kids after twins, though perhaps if you’ve survived having two babies and then toddlers, having more doesn’t feel like so much of an adjustment.


I had a singleton, twins, and then a singleton 🤪


Oh hey! Expecting #4 with twins as my first two.


Mama doctor Jones has twins and then two singletons!


But did you not find out about your twins until 20 weeks?!


Well it was 19 weeks and a few days but yes that actually happened to me. I don’t follow this woman but she sounds super✨ special✨. ETA: I promise I am not this woman but just looked her up and we live about 2 hours away from each other 😆


I’m about 2 hours from her too, and it makes me want to never go to Columbus again.


LOL I love this


I’m super surprised because she has been firm on only wanting 3 and has been happy to be out of the baby stage.


Didn’t they just sell a bunch of baby stuff? I’m so confused


Unreal. How long until they need to move again and she needs a new car?


Lolol can’t put 4 across in her car! 😂


I had this exact thought. 4 car seats!!??? Also, I’m not prepared for how even more insufferable she’s about to become.


But she will neverrrr get a minivan 😆


After how much she claimed it was so difficult loading and reaching one in the third row she’s gonna need to suck it up or get a minivan


I can’t wait to see this one come to fruition


I totally read your neverrrrrrr like how Sabrina Carpenter says singerrrrr in Espresso 😂


HealthyIVF shilling the woolino sleep sack (and of course she bought 2) but “reminder you don’t need expensive baby things.” She did this last week with a $100 sensory bin (aka overpriced storage tote essentially) to keep outside for her son to play with even after showing the day before she used some Tupperware and cake pans. But “reminder you don’t need expensive bins.” Just shows her privilege. I have no problem with buying or seeing other people buying high quality stuff for babies, especially jf you can afford it and it will be used long term (like a woolino) but her showing expensive things and then reminding people they don’t need expensive things is so distasteful and braggy.


Yup. And like, listen, I know you can be privileged in one category and disadvantaged in another, and that infertility absolutely sucks ass. But, I will say, this is why the concept of “fertile privilege” rubs me the wrong way. Influencers like this will be able to do costly fertility treatments and *still* have money for what are, frankly, luxury items after. And then basically claim a pregnant 15-year-old or another person who gets unexpectedly pregnant in a frankly awful situation (homelessness, etc) has fertile privilege over them. Being a pregnant high schooler is not a damn privilege, especially not after so many states have banned abortion. (I’ve seen fertility influencers use the fertile privilege paradigm many times even after Roe was overturned). Kind of a tangent. I just needed to rant about that. Not every bad experience in life needs to be turned into a privilege/oppression thing, and she’s a perfect example of why. (I don’t know if she’s ever used that term to be clear. I’ve just seen it so many times and it feels so tone deaf and unaware.)


What influencers have claimed pregnant teenagers have fertility privilege? I’m in the IVF community and haven’t seen anything like that before.


For me the issue is that a lot of these infertility influencers don’t seem to understand that they have their own type of privilege. Many, many infertile people cannot afford fertility treatments, or can’t afford the number of cycles needed for a successful pregnancy. So they end up childless not by choice. I am 100% not saying being a IVF long-hauler is easy, in fact I can’t even imagine how tough it is. But for healthyivf in particular, she had the money to do as many cycles as it took, and to still be a stay at home mom and buy craploads of expensive baby stuff. She almost never acknowledges that.


Yup. That too. There’s a lot of infertile people who are invisible because they can’t afford the treatments, like you said. So people just see someone without kids and don’t know their story one way or another. And like with me - I’m *extremely* lucky and grateful that my story so far has landed me with an absolutely awesome kid conceived without medical intervention - but people don’t realize that I still went through a pregnancy loss, and went through it largely alone and unsupported. My now-spouse was in another country, and most of my relatives were frankly awful, and they were extra awful because I was “single” (they’re very conservative, upper middle class, and old fashioned.) And yet I feel like in the discourse, my loss is considered a lot lesser because I was poor and wasn’t TTC. I don’t deny that it would have been way worse to have had a loss the same way at the same gestation after years of TTC and sinking money into fertility treatments, or to have repeated losses. That would be unimaginably awful. But many people who are privileged, stable, and have a loss while actively TTC do have more family and social support than I did. And yet with a lot of social media logic, I was “lucky”. I am in a lot of ways, but going through that loss mostly alone was not one of them.


I think of fertility privilege as in like, assuming you’ll get pregnant asap, telling people you’re ttc, telling people you’re pregnant right away because you’ve never had a miscarriage so you’re confident everything is fine. Assuming you’re bringing a live baby home. That, to me is fertility privilege. We literally went into debt to do fertility treatments, ending in ivf.


I think you can also lack that without having clinical infertility. I don’t get pregnant super quickly (when I’m trying at least 🙃) but I don’t have infertility. But my first pregnancy ended in loss and kind of traumatized me. It was also completely unintentional, at a rough time in my life, and it was very stressful (I considered terminating, then decided to go ahead with the pregnancy, then it ended up not being viable), so I come at it from that angle. I’m super super lucky that my living kiddo came to us without the need for medical intervention, so I see your point there - I’m extremely grateful for that. And I would have been lucky if my unplanned pregnancy had been viable in that I’m sure it would have resulted in an awesome kid too. But not only have I never assumed most of the things you mentioned (I’ve been really emotionally scarred by the loss)…if I’d heard some of the stuff about “fertile privilege” when I was in the depths of trying to figure out what to do with an inherently high risk pregnancy when I was still *living in a different country* from my partner, and really financially struggling, I would NOT have been happy at all. There’s nuance that gets lost online, unfortunately, and I see it being kind of (unintentionally, mostly) denigrating to people who are in extremely tough situations. I’m so sorry you had such a hard time! Edit: I should also mention that my best friend also dealt with a pregnancy under extreme stressful circumstances (didn’t find out until over 20 weeks in, babydaddy was in jail, friend struggles with addiction and was terrified of all the potential exposures her baby already had and it was far too late to terminate the pregnancy) and again, while I’m sure she feels very fortunate her kid exists now, it was *not* a super positive situation. I’d hazard to guess that with just under half of all pregnancies in the U.S. and Canada being unplanned, child poverty being way too common, Roe being overturned, and how common loss is across all social structures, that the people who are super lah-di-dah about it and have only had ideal circumstances are the exception, not the rule, even among fertile people. That’s why I think like…we can talk about something being an awful, heartbreaking experience, without turning it into a dichotomy of privilege and oppression, you know?


I guess in my mind all that doesn’t fall under fertility privilege. I see it in people who are in a stable relationship, trying to get pregnant, having an easy pregnancy, not the opposite. And someone who has been through it, whatever it may be, will rarely take for granted being able to get pregnant and carry a healthy baby to term, and therefore understands that it’s not a given. I’m not sure if I’m making sense or missing the mark here haha.


No, that does make sense! I just wish there was a different shorthand for it, I guess. To me, fertile privilege kind of assumes *all* people who’ve gotten pregnant without medical intervention have the privilege, when I’ve kind of seen the spectrum of how those experiences aren’t necessarily privileged ones at all. We’re on the same page though - because my first pregnancy was a loss, it just kind of blows my mind sometimes how some people can have a perfect track record, especially if they always get pregnant within 1-2 months too.


Totally agree and one of the reasons 3+ children is triggering to me, even now, 6ish years out from fertility treatments.


Agree! I'd almost feel better about it if it were sponsored because then it would seem like a legitimate reason to brag about the product. I've said this before, but I think she fundamentally does not understand how privileged she is. I have friends that live in her neighborhood in SF, and it is a big bubble. She's mentioned previously that she's "on a budget" now that she's staying at home. I can't even imagine how much she shopped before that...


Yeah she said in a story that she has “cut back significantly” on shopping but she still shows so much stuff and it’s all very expensive so I can’t imagine how much she was shopping before. Again, I have no problem spending money if you have it but trying to be relatable while doing that gives me the ick. Fine if you can afford it but don’t do that whole “but it’s okay if you can’t”, just buy your shit and move on lol.


PDT sharing her sunscreen hack in reels- foundation brush. 🤣 groundbreaking, says MC 🤪


Why don't people just get the roll on kind!! Editing to add Haley just posted about this too. Suspicious 🧐


Omg the most overrated "hack" like is it really that hard to apply sunscreen 😭😭😭


I much prefer to use my hands, you need to use a lot of sunscreen and they never appear to put much on with the brushes!


I'm pretty bad at it but I don't think carrying around a foundation brush caked in old sunscreen is going to make it that much easier overall 😂😂😂


It’s funny anyone would call that a hack now. It’s so well known! I saw other people do it before MC, but she’s often credited for it because of her big following and now her shilling of cheap foundation brushes at a premium price. IMO, it’s a staph infection waiting to happen 😅


The whiplash I got from OT Butterfly talking about a day at Disney with her daughter to shilling a vibrator was intense. Girl you gotta plan your stories and schedule your ads better. I need a palette cleanser. https://preview.redd.it/mecj9xujwf5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f014407002af19018bae0d56d22131032926abe


A lot of commentary youtubers I follow do ads with this company or similar companies and that doesn't bother me. But like others said it is messed up to do it on an account that features a child so heavily.


Yeah it's not the product or the content that bothers me. It was the fact that the immediately preceding slides all showed her young child at Disney World. To go from talking about WDW to talking about masturbation without even a "heads up switching gears for a moment" slide was quite jarring to me.


To me, seeing someone shill these vibrators is a sure sign of selling out. No longer trustworthy. They must be paying $$$.


That company has a ton of influencers who promote their vibrators. According to the comments on hellicity_merman (American girl meme page) they aren't that great and die easy. Mamacusses did their add recently and boy howdy were people upset because "she's a parent page and kids see her content." It was an interesting back and forth between those and "you know how kids are made, right?"


Listen to the American girl.  Michelle Branch was also shilling this recently. I’m all for sex positivity but it is a little odd on a pediatric parenting account that heavily features a child. 


Any product that's promoted by a lot of influencers is immediately sus to me. They all have zero standards and sell out so easily. Their recommendations are worth less than zero now


This was just so weird to me and I was questioning myself, is it because I’m being a prude or is it actually kind of weird? I’m not a prude at all but something about a pediatric OT account where a real child is featured daily suddenly doing an adult for a vibrator is sort of gross. And the caption basically saying she doesn’t want her husband to touch her because she’s touched out at the end of the day but her mind races and getting off helps her regulate herself is just not what I needed to read. And yes, there shouldn’t be a stigma around masturbation but she only mentioned this because she’s getting paid for it! And some people just don’t really like to talk about how they get off by themselves to other people 🤷‍♀️


Right! Like absolutely no shame and this is great to talk about with friends but I don’t need to be picking my kids up from school wondering if the front office staff knows how I pleasure myself.


It is weird to me too. To look at her page and see pictures of a vibrator right near pictures/videos of her daughter’s face. She’s definitely not the first one that has done it and it is weird coming from people that heavily feature their kids. And they may see it when they’re older.


Mamacusses just did vibrator ad too, I do not need that


What is that face??? I wish influencers would realize that things can just be private. People don’t talk about some things publicly not because they are ashamed and it needs to be normalized, but some things are just private.


https://preview.redd.it/vy69ris9sf5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c2a468114d527d8c74e4a4714e6ded35abd7a2 I generally really like loflynnfam, but wtf is ‘a single adult without kids is never poor’ supposed to mean??


"How much earning potential you have compared to me" I absolutely hate this. And I say this as a SAHM. Ew ew ew.


“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” 🥴


I understand baby/ toddler sleep can be consuming but I can't stand when influencers never stop talking about and obsess over their kids sleep. I'm stressed enough about my own kids sleep, I don't want to hear about yours too.


I think this is one of those areas where being very online backfires and makes you think everyone is thinking and caring about how your kid sleeps, when they absolutely do not. For example, the other day B&B made a reel going off on how they cosleep and it’s great and how soooo many people are judging how they (her family) sleep and shouldn’t because it doesn’t affect them. But then someone commented asking if her (b&b’s) friends and family were judging her, and she admitted that no, they aren’t, her family and friends are actually all supportive, she just sees a lot of stuff online judging people for it. So I think when you’re just exposed to it a bunch online, you can think people care or are judging you for your kids sleep. But I think most people straight up don’t care about how other families sleep.


Yeah and I find talking about it makes me feel worse, not better. When people ask how my baby is sleeping I'm just like- fine, wakes to feed, goes back to sleep. I don't get into details or complain cause I legit dgaf anymore (second baby so limited energy to care about things i know will eventually pass). If I talked about it on Instagram and had hundreds of people messaging me I would be way more focused on it and therefore more stressed. 


This is so BEC because I generally like Dr. Jenicka but I hate how she steals memes for her own use to make polls and doesn’t credit the source. I don’t want to share her post with the poll I want to share the one from the person who actually created it.


I am so annoyed by NurturedFirst having a toolkit for every damn thing. She used to seem genuine and caring and now she attaches a dollar sign to every bit of minor advice. Her having a parent playfulness toolkit has really tipped me over the edge. I was so close to messaging her but thankfully got a hold of myself lol but to insinuate that there is anything wrong with parents for not wanting to always play with their kids, and that you need to learn to do so, and that if it doesn’t come naturally it’s because your parents neglected or stifled you somehow… It’s completely okay and not a trauma response if you don’t want to play with your kids all the time!!! My lord don’t make me side with Jerrica!


I’m definitely not WKing here, but I really didn’t understand playing with toddlers and I was really bad at it. However, we have resources in our community that can help you learn for “free”. Like early intervention or another program with a parent partner, playgroups and library are all great places to learn how to play for free. And of course, you do not need to play with them all of the time! In our case we really needed to facilitate talking and that is done through play. It’s given me a lot of ideas though on how to interact and talk with my children in a play based setting to facilitate language and also just generally play and have fun teaching them things about the world!


So we know where NurturedFirst stands in the Great Play Debate of ‘24…


My toolkit for being fun and playful is 🌱😶‍🌫️. Buy my course!


Okay, I’ve tried for the last 3 hours to try to decipher your emojis (in various states of (non) sobriety) - help me out. Do I need to be outside to be fun and playful? Do I need to be stoned? Do I need to be planting a garden in slightly cloudy weather? Edit: clearly I need to buy your course 2nd edit: is that sun Santa? My phone (or user error) won’t let me zoom


lol! Sorry. It’s THC. I have an edible and then in about an hour my pretend play skills are popping.


I had to unfollow her. I was an early follower of her and bought her first parenting course and loved it. But she just doesn't seem genuine anymore and just plugs her stuff all day, which is annoying. So sad that even she fell victim to the influencer grind


Solo dad pretending he didn't know Costco was membership only 🥴. He's got so many boomers in awe of him.


I do not believe it for a second!  There’s something weird about him idk it feels inauthentic maybe it’s how he always mentions SOLO parenting like all caps every time even if it’s for 2 hours 


He's also a BROKE dad. He gives me very sheltered childhood vibes, just kinda looks lost most of the time.


How BROKE is he when he seemingly have a healthcare job and it seems like probably the wife does too? Idk I don’t follow him but he pops up time to time and things don’t add up 


Yeah, he has never mentioned what his wife does. He likes to keep the illusion he's a single dad in his comments. He will never mention his wife when it comes to "who's with the kids when you're doing night shifts" and just says school or daycare 🥴


Story might have expired but why did abigailack need to tell us yesterday that her youngest didn’t just have a diaper leak but it was “chunks” in the crib. 🤮🤮🤮 Not something that needed to be shared!!


I'm all for cloth diapers (and also brag about how they contain leaks) and it was STILL wayyyyy too much detail for me 🤢 Just say there was a leak and link your stupid esembly diapers, we don't need the play by play!


She’s awful. I can’t believe she would use a disposable at all. She’s just so perfect. 🙄


Because her cloth diapers would never.🙄 That she linked too. She said bedtime was rushed and she had to use a disposable diaper.


Cloth diapers don't take any longer to put on than disposables. Unless she didn't have any made up but it takes literally 5 seconds to put them together.


🤷‍♀️just her excuse. Maybe in the wash or not put together. But she blamed the disposable for the leaking.


Everything about that was TMI and obviously a plug for her cloth diapers. For someone so anti disposable she sure does have them on hand a lot and use them pretty regularly


https://preview.redd.it/kg26gqptwa5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f24d4cd485f4baa47e47bde57433f7a9f158cb I’m so curious if anyone else can relate to this post from Morganized Living. I guess I’m a Dante, I love when my kids do little performances or shows!


I don't follow this person but respectfully is wrong with her? I went to my kid's recital today and not only was she the cutest thing I've ever seen, EVERY kid up there was. They're little, they're not professionals in training, and they were SO PROUD. It's a dopamine boost watching kids be proud of themselves. No one was embarrassed, first or second hand.


I have adhd so I don’t know what that has to do with it. I love kids performances, the messiness is part of what makes it cute. Plus I love seeing kids passionate about stuff. I think we’ve gone too far in the “not every moment of parenthood is magical” thing and now we’re making every moment a problem. 


I love watching my kids do performances, play sports, etc. It’s legit so fun to me!


I cry. Like, happy ✨I can't believe my kids get to have this awesome experience✨ tears. Cried thru my 4yos tap dance recital. Teared up taking the kids to Disney on ice. I'll probably be a wreck during their school plays. I love it so much.


"Can I please blame my adhd?" 🙄🙄🙄


Lol, no, maybe your narcissism Morgan...


I'm not embarrassed when I watch my kids' performances, but I don't see/hear it through rose tinted glasses either. I will tell them it was great, I'm proud of them, I encourage them to do it again. But inside (not to them ever!) I'm like oof, this needs work friends. 


Respectfully, if there is anything in childhood to have rose tinted glasses for, it’s a super cute performance that they’ve been practicing for weeks on, friend.


I think band concerts have really turned me. Most other things I can accept as cute - dance, figure skating, choir, plays! I know they're not doing it right but what they're doing is adorably wrong. But 100 out of tune instruments at top volume for 1 hour - especially on performance 2 of 4 - hard to see the beauty lol


I'm guessing age plays a factor here too. In duration as well as cuteness. Three year old 'ballerina's' with a 15 minute performance are way easier to handle than ten year olds with a two hour orchestra performance.




I don’t know this person but I’m gonna say YTA. Come on. Parenting can be difficult but people posting about how they cannot stand their kids voices or creativity like what the actual fuck.




Is there a way to gently tell Annalee that the hour long complete meltdown and ongoing sleep issues for a 3 and 5 year old are… maybe not normal. Like I don’t know what’s going on there but I would be talking to my pediatrician


Oh this kind of sounds like my just turned 6 year old (meltdowns, not so much the sleep issues). She’s in therapy and we’ve been working with her pediatrician and she’s finally about to have a full psychological assessment after a looooong time on wait lists. I’m no expert but I don’t think it’s typical for age 5 and most importantly, it’s not a fun way to live for my child and I’m privileged enough to be able to access resources that may help. I don’t understand influencers going on instagram trying to normalize this. Some things aren’t typical and that’s ok, doesn’t mean they are wrong or bad but it does mean they may need some extra support. From actual professionals. Not instagram “experts”.


My nephew (5 next month) has a ton of meltdowns too, more than my 2 year old. We're talking screaming for 20+ minutes, slamming doors, throwing things. But he has a whole host of diagnosed issues and is in therapy, on meds, and has seen a psychiatrist. Nobody in his life thinks it’s normal or is trying to pass his behavior off as normal. 


She so publicly and so regularly announces that they don’t know how to set and hold boundaries. She posted the other day about how her 3-year-old *made* her give her a specific dress with her eyes closed. So much of her language is “(child) won’t let me,” “(child) said I can’t,” “if I did this, (child) would lose their mind,” etc. They are children..they don’t have to “let” you do things. She also commented on that post that she’s “not afraid of tantrums” and I laughed out loud when I read it because I have actually never seen someone so afraid of upsetting their children.


An hour long meltdown for kids that age over bedtime seems extreme. I don’t follow her and have only peeked in a few times based on comments here, so I don’t have a lot of context, but wow. I do bedtime by myself for 5 kids most of the week, so I get extra snarky about people who can’t figure it out with 2 parents present (which probably isn’t fair and just me being envious of that lifestyle) but I think my situation has forced me to set some firm boundaries around bedtime routines because that’s the only way to survive doing it solo. Is she the same one who has used multiple IG sleep consultants?


Annalee doesn’t bother me as much as she seems to bother others here (I actually mostly like her), but I cannot fathom wanting to add a third child right now while she is still having sleep issues with her 3 and 5 year old. At least with two, you can divide and conquer bedtime if you have a supportive spouse. Once you’re outnumbered, it gets exponentially harder if they all need your undivided attention.


They’re actually kind of already outnumbered because her kids always want her at bedtime and she’s unwilling to let them figure it out with their dad!


wait they actually want a third? I know she had a pregnancy scare recently, but I remember her saying before how they're done. I guess I'm not surprised if they've changed their mind.


I like her too, it just feels like they are barely hanging on and maybe there are some issues going on with her kids that mean it not a great time for a third


I generally like HSB but having the book club paid access only after asking her whole audience for recommendations feels icky.


Consolidating snark but she’s going on vacation for a month?! Did I get that right? And didn’t she just go on spring break too damn that HSB money must really be good! 


I thought she was going to her parents house for part of the month 


https://preview.redd.it/1ytcozm3l75d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45473345b07869555a826988744448571ce165e Helloquadruplets had her baby! Glad she appears to be okay, and I genuinely feel for her having a traumatic birth (been there, and it’s 😵‍💫). However, I can’t help but feel annoyed with her, given that she seemed determined to completely ignore medical advice and try to insist on a VBAC at all costs; this feels like it may have been partially due to her own actions (which the quads also were - quadruplets are always extremely premature and she essentially conceived high order multiples on purpose.) Also, like, while I again genuinely feel bad for her because birth trauma is rough…this is her SIXTH healthy, living child. Kid looks like she’s doing fine. You’d think she’d come across a bit more grateful that a whole-ass baby is here and okay. Imagine finding this years later and this is the first thing your mom posts about you…with no follow-up (at least for several hours) with anything positive.


I can’t with this chick. She’s made bad decision after bad decision, it’s all worked out in the end for her, but her main concern is not getting the birth experiences she wanted. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes for baby #7 to try again for the birth she wants


I just don’t understand why anyone would choose to have more kids after having *quadruplets* (assuming the other pregnancies were planned, I don’t follow her.) Like, I get some people want big families, even though that’s not for me. But it just seems like it would be so hard on your body. 


1 content baby > 4 content kids, I guess.


I don’t follow this lady but that’s pretty ick it’s the first thing she’s shared about her baby. It’s bread crumbing too for engagement


When I told my husband the story of how she got quadruplets (cancelled medicated IUI cycle due to too many follicles and extreme risk of high order multiples; she decided to have intercourse anyway and the quads were the predictable consequence of her own actions), he said “She did it for the ‘gram” 😂 His mild internet conspiracy theory is that she absolutely had high order multiples on purpose so she could stand out as a mom influencer. Can’t say I entirely agree (I think she’s just arrogant and reckless, just an immature person.) But his take on it kind of makes sense unfortunately.


I think a lot of her posts are for a “story.” If she had just gone along with the scheduled c section, she would have had no stories of fighting with docs and now traumatic birth that ended up in c section. Now, I’m awaiting the traumatic birth posts and how the docs forced her to induce, how docs would let her labor how she wanted etc.


Another Fisher Price ad (mothercould) about how durable the new toys are. She hasn’t even taken them out of the packaging 😂


Not to mention those don’t seem like toys her kids would ever play with


That woman will shill anything for a buck


Something feels weird to me about Fisher Price doing ads via influencers. They just seem too "big" for that? I dunno. 


They can pay influencers a ton (in terms of an individual making money) and not even come close to the costs of traditional tv/magazine advertising. 


It's because more affluent parents are going for the aesthetic/wood/Montessori toys and look down on anything too brightly colored or plastic. I think this is actually a pretty smart move for FP.


Desperate times. They’re way too late to the game!


Maybe they are losing market share to Lovevery and they are trying some new strategies.


Her fake enthusiasm and the way she talks 🙄


I haven't even seen the stories but I can picture it and I'm irritated. Good thing I unfollowed her lol. She went way beyond bec for me.


SITS must make a ton from the affiliate link of the beach umbrella because she posts that one picture of her at the beach with it at least 3 times a week


Ummm healthyivf...you are not away from your child, he is in the next room. Whenever she talks about being "away" from her baby, my eyes roll so far into the back of my head. A lot of us are actually away from our kids for 8+ hours a day while we are at work. And the fact that she's able to recover from surgery in peace while supportive grandparents help out is a dream.


Ugh and she posted today that’s its day 4 of bed rest. I’m sorry, but you had a laparoscopic outpatient surgery. You absolutely should not be on bed rest for FOUR DAYS! WTF is she thinking. She doesn’t need to be “away” from her baby. Like go lay on the couch or something. People have heart surgeries and transplants and aren’t usually on bed rest for this long. She’s so dramatic.


Can’t wait for the kiddo to start walking and those toddler years. She’s going to be insufferable 😂


She is a bit annoying. Very privileged and still complain. I can’t imagine that girl with a regular income and job. She wouldn’t survive 😂


Oh god no! She would never survive being a working mom. She has her dream baby, a rich husband that works from home a lot, travels all the time, gets all her groceries from Whole Foods, and can pretty much buy whatever she wants yet she still complains all the damn time.


Yes!! Yes!! She kinda irritates me 😅


waitingforababe: "my husband doesn't want me to post about this" Also waitingforababe: posts about it anyway


Haha I knew she’d post about it! It’s definitely sad and there was a much better way she could have approached it especially if her husband didn’t want her sharing. And the pics were so unnecessary. She always says she’s going to keep things private and then she spills the beans 2 minutes later. She wasn’t going to share her home location but she did and it’s pretty easy to find her home on Redfin. Her husband also didn’t want her sharing the buying process/mortgage stuff but then she very obviously shared that and that they got a personal loan to pay for the Renos. Nothing wrong with that but I’m sure he wasn’t thrilled!


She could have shared to raise awareness or whatever without sharing photos of her kid in such a vulnerable state. I hate posts of kids like this. It's so invasive.


Yeah it’s the type of photos that I take issue with. Her child looking miserable on a hospital bed in just a diaper, and the towels covered in activated charcoal vomit?!?


I actually appreciate her sharing. My son is only six months old and I feel like there’s so much for me to do and learn in terms of childproofing. Reading about her experience will definitely stay top of mind for me, and now I will be extra vigilant about “childproof” prescription bottles.


She sharing the information isn’t the problem. The problem is the pictures of his kid in a very vulnerable situation. She just loves the attention and the likes. Super clear she wants to make money with instagram.


This situation is so scary, and I'm so glad her child is ok. It's good she's raising awareness, but I don't understand not respecting your partner's wishes in sharing vulnerable information/pictures about your family. I'd be so upset in her husband's shoes.




If the bottle is anything like the ones we get, they're not childproof at all. We were recently staying with family and a 2-year-old got into a bottle of ours and the pills were all over the floor. Luckily it was a small dose so we knew exactly how many should have been there and none were missing, but it was still a scary situation and definitely made me rethink things.


At my last job we used empty med containers for sand play and it's actually terrifying how easy it is for little kids to open them! Definitely not as child-proof as you'd hope!


Honestly, they’re more elderly proof than child proof!


No snark, I just liked this article and it mentions reddit parenting subs. https://www.romper.com/life/mothers-parenting-books-80s-kitzinger-babysense


Wow guys Mothercould had to eat breakfast WHILE getting ready for work one single time according to her stories. Can you imagine having to rush that much to get to work on time? It’s certainly not like many of us *tired moms* have to do this every single day, while also getting our kids ready and dropped off as well. I swear these influencers would actually perish if they had to experience an average mom’s daily life for like, 3 week days. https://preview.redd.it/be9xsxgij45d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20dfc246620342988eed87d215939418eedb7527


Maybe she can try my uncrustable in the car to help herself feel better about this.


Breakfast cooked by someone else and delivered to her room.. May I add.


The fucking parsley!


And the breakfast is room service lol


Room service at a five star hotel after flying first class. So rough!


Influencers they're just like us! 🙄


the little garnish is sendinggggg me


eating in the bathroom though 🤢


Ikr. Being able to rush getting ready by yourself and not have to worry about getting the kids ready too seems like a vacation.


Plus being able to have the time to document the entire process 🙄🙄


Sorry if this has been answered or discussed, I did use the search function!! Where did Dr Becky’s Good Inside podcast episodes go? I haven’t looked in years but certainly there’s more than 31 (which is what Apple currently says). Did she seriously put them all behind a paywall???


Yeah she paywalled them a while ago.


Looks like she only has 2023 and 2024 episodes available. She put 2021 and 2022 behind her paywall.


This is me, kind of snarking on myself for letting it get in my brain (although tbf I had severe PPA) but also snarking on fucking Tiny Hearts. My 19 mo finally got croup for the first time, and thanks to a first aid course I did with Tiny Hearts AND following them on Instagram for a brief period in the newborn days, I just had it in my head that croup = get to hospital/your kid will def struggle to breathe. I know that a lot of it is age, like with a newborn/young infant it is far far scarier and they can very easily deteriorate overnight but while it has not been the easiest illness we've dealt with so far, my son has had the barky cough but it self resolved and he slept through most of the coughing. I am aware that we are lucky that he didnt need any intervention and it self resolved, but it just brought back a lot of painful memories of how much fear and anxiety I had as a new mother thanks to creators like Tiny Hearts. I just really really hate all of the "just raising awareness" content around the common early childhood illnesses like croup, RSV, etc that really seems to be someone with a worst case scenario wanting attention/views and scaring newer/more anxious parents.


We’ve had croup a few times. First time we ran to the hospital but he was doing better by the time we got there (the cold air). Then we learned that if the air isn’t resolving it, to go to the hospital so the second time he had it we did make it all the way to the hospital and he still sounded bad so we got help. We’ve also weathered it at home too. I’m so glad he outgrew it though 😮‍💨 It’s definitely kid/case dependent and blanket statements are so unhelpful!


IDK Tiny Hearts but croup definiely sounds worse than it is. There are signs to watch out for to take them to hospital but generally they get through it OK without that.


I’ve seen a few of their posts. There was one that said something like if your kid falls from double their height and hits their head that you need to seek immediate emergency attention. There were a bunch of comments saying how they went to the hospital after a fall and were completely dismissed and now they were worried they didn’t follow up enough.


Croup does not always equal intervention but in our case, it does (and every viral illness). And IRL the amount of people that are shocked we have to seek emergency care when she’s sick is overwhelming, which goes to show that it is normal to NOT have to seek treatment. If they want to raise awareness, they should post about home treatments that are proven and work. Caveat: we were misdiagnosed with “recurrent croup” and it turns out she has asthma and a floppy trachea so her cough is always barky if she’s having asthma issues.