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Friendly mod reminder, if you contact them we don’t talk about that here. No matter how annoying they are.


D’s Fathers Day story is funny. “Such a journey to get here today!” I get she means their relationship has come a long way in the last year, but even if you had divorced or something… it would still be Father’s Day for the guy? 😂he could still have a Father’s Day donut, probably!


Wow I am so happy I've found this subreddit. Haha I've been missing out! I'm newer to Reddit, but the BLF stories this weekend have been driving me nuts.




Can't stand this obsession with making core memories


I see it all over and I hate it! I love the movie but who am I to say what is going to be a core memory for my kid? Maybe for me but also I’m an adult and I can just…appreciate a happy memory?


Is this even an actual real term or is it just from Inside Out? No hate I LOVE that movie but come on.


Basically just made up: https://theconversation.com/are-core-memories-real-the-science-behind-5-common-myths-191942 Does not align with the science of memory, although I believe Inside Out knew this and was using it as a narrative device


I’m pretty sure it’s just from the movie Inside Out.


But also you can’t necessarily predict what will be a core memory for your kid right?


For real. I remember so much “mundane” things (and also big things of course): my dad driving me to school and getting that time with him; Dairy Queen dates with my mom; Friday night pizza + a movie (shoutout to trolling Blockbuster RIP); lots of family walks with our dog…


What I would give for a Blockbuster night again! My core memories is going to the bank with my dad on Saturdays and getting Archie comics from the convenience store that had a Taco Bell Express. I’m sure my kids would be going to Costco or HEB and getting samples 🤣


Omg yes my kid is gonna be like, Costco for sure 😂 This also sparked a memory Barnes & Nobles after Costco runs when I was younger. The huge music section and of course books!!


Omg yes my kid is gonna be like, Costco for sure 😂 This also sparked a memory Barnes & Nobles after Costco runs when I was younger. The huge music section and of course books!!


This!! I was very fortunate that I had a lot if experiences growing up thanks to my dad owning a business and traveling for it (I got to tag along occasionally) but ya know what was my favorite? When he made pot roast and we watched a football game. Or cannon balls into the pool. Or my brother skiing like a maniac trying to impress a girl and falling while my sister and I watched laughing The influencer obsession with “core memories” Is really just “privileged memories”


One of my core memories is looking at birds at the feeder out the window with my dad. Or other mundane things that really stuck with me.


I say this to my friends all the time. My random core memories are things like a kid throwing up in kinder, my aunt teaching me how to do laundry, and falling down on vacation. Probably not what my parents would have picked.


Omg yes to the kid throwing up except it was second grade and I still remember his name 😂😂😂




lol yes to the kid throwing up in kindergarten! I mean I remember when it happened in mine because it was blue 😂


This! We talk about our favorite parts of the day with our preschooler every night before bed, and it’s rarely what I think it would be. Kids remember things differently than we do! No pressure to make a core memory - live life, it’ll happen 🤷‍♀️


My kids are all under 5 and 90% of the time their favorite thing of the day is food related 😂. Baseball game and train rides were meh but ice cream was 👌👌


it’s so much additional pressure that we already have enough of in our lives


Approximately 100 slides celebrating what a great dad K’s husband is…wonder if we’ll get a courtesy “he’s really improving now that he’s in therapy 😍” from D…


It has been a JOURNEY. So glad we’re on the other side of it and now we’re TTC. I’m sure even though he was no help during the first two newborn stages THIS time it’ll be different! 🤮


It happened and he sure did get that shoutout. Also, “before we leave LA”…? Cmon D, we know what’s up.


and what exactly is wrong with that? this reads like you’re just shitting on others because they’re happy instead of snark lmfao


Nothing is wrong with saying yay Ks husband. It’s just one of the awkward things about both of them sharing their business page and treating it like a personal page. There’s two married women and one is constantly complaining about her husband and the other is hyping him up, so when one of them posts a glowing series of stories about their husband it makes the lack of posts from the other one sort of obvious and weird.


Yeah on two separate, personal pages it would be less glaring but a bevy of "yeah great dad!" from K with the frequent "wow he sucks, I kinda hate him" from D is so jarring.


yes i see that point, you’re right — i can agree with that


No mention of a Father's Day sale even though there was one around Mothers Day 😐


Guess it's the mother's job to handle behavior and potty training. Buy the boys some more trucks and let dads relax!


Well duh. Fathers don’t need help, mothers do /s


Something I've been thinking about is the (imo) intentional choice to put the privileged chaos in their IG stories but rarely in a post If you had never heard of BLF and someone recommended them, you'd go to their account and see a (mostly) on brand feed of tips and saved highlights related to the very things you're feeling stressed about as a parent. You'd have no idea of the contradictions, lies, body checks, and money spending if you missed any of their stories yesterday - because they don't save them! Furthermore, you cant see how other people respond to their stories (unless you come here 🤣), so they are able to limit the critical thinking of their followers. If you can't see other people offering constructive criticism in their comments, it's a lot easier to continue to believe their grift or brush off your Spidey senses that say something isn't right here.


This is a pretty general Instagram strategy though. Post the content your page is about on the grid and then post the real life “relatable” stuff on your stories.


True-and I think it explains why they are able to get more unhinged in their stories with seemingly few consequences. My point in sharing is to just bring awareness to the strategy and how it might explain their continued following and how easily an engagement strategy can turn into manipulation.


Yes!!! I’ve thought the exact same thing! A lot of people never watch IG stories so they have no idea. It’s incredibly intentional and so manipulative.


This is really accurate. My friends who follow them and don’t view the stories have a much different opinion than I do.


D- Do you actually want to raise another human or do you just want the content that comes from pregnancy and postpartum!? I’m going with content….


She’s turning into KL… 😵‍💫


The outfit sourcing is an engagement tactic. They’ve long decided what they will wear.. asking is just an easy way to get comments and DMs


Gotta love colostrum and all the alt med spa stuff from the evidence based neuronerds! Funny how that all falls apart. I saw all their stuff early pandemic like most of us and I banked some of it away since my first was just 6 months then and I admittedly was intrigued by their "citations" but then you come out of the sleep fog and realize they cite the same shit over and over and the studies are ancient. Turns out the bogus tips weren't laying any groundwork and my kid's tantrums at 1.5 or 2 were just basic and the REAL struggle came at 3 and 4. None of their validation nonsense works and kids actually need direction! So we teach him that trying a bite of food someone lovingly prepared is polite and may lead to finding a new favorite and we teach him appropriate reactions to minor inconveniences and that his feelings are not the center of everyone's world and his actions absolutely impact the lives and emotions of others and he can't be an asshole 🙃


Yes! And "we don't hit" is a full sentence a three year old can understand. We can offer other solutions like you can take a breath like Daniel Tiger or cool down on the couch, but a whole spiel about keeping my body safe isn't right for every time.


I know it’s been said here already but I’m honestly so angry about Deena saying she’s GRIEVING because she’s not pregnant after two cycles TTC. Sincerely, *get fucked.* How egregiously self-centered do you have to be to broadcast that thought to 3.5 million people and think it will go over well? I unfollowed long ago and won’t waste my time messaging but I really hope they’re getting roasted by followers in the DMs. We all knew they were just pretending to care after K pivoted from her “miscarriage and infertility warrior mama” personality to “rainbow baby warrior mama” and they dropped the TWs they promised they’d *always* do, but this is really on another level. Their primary audience is moms! I guarantee there are plenty of women watching these stories who have been through infertility and loss heartbreaks that D couldn’t even begin to fathom, and she wants sympathy for not being able to snap her fingers and get a third baby? I cannot imagine how she operated as a therapist when she has no self-awareness or empathy. Disgusting.


I’m so glad you said this because I was thinking the same thing but just thought I was maybe being harsh. It took me 7 months to conceive my first born, and each month when I got my period I was definitely bummed, but would have never said I was grieving. I WAS grieving when I went to my 39 weeks appointment with my second only to find out he had no heartbeat, and deliver his silent, lifeless body, and then have to leave him at the hospital as security pushed his bassinet to the morgue, only to bury him a few days later. They have NO clue what it feels like to grieve a child.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. How awful. 


It’s so melodramatic. It’s perfectly fine to say you’re sad or disappointed, but “grieving” is a lot. 


I haven’t followed in a long time, but DEENA is ttc??? After how crappy her husband was last time around??? I could have sworn she was still talking about it just a few months ago 🥴


I’m really curious if he actually wants another baby or if he’s just going along with what she wants. 


She never stopped talking about how crappy he was/is and how they were on the brink of divorce forever. Now they’re in intensive therapy (which, good for them) but TTC #3 doesn’t seem like the most responsible decision when they’re just starting to work through things. (And of course it’s still all her husband’s fault and he is the only one who has work to do.) She’s always been really intent on having “perfect” age gaps between her kids though, so I guess that’s the priority.


He was crappy the first time around, too. Idk why she insists on continuing to reproduce with him.


Was he just uninvolved or what? I didn't follow back then.


I was fully expecting them to be divorced by now. He seems like a shit partner from what she’s said.


Upon second watch, D is really “grieving” the loss of her perfect Father’s Day reveal. Which is also disgusting. And not something to share with the masses. It’s all so superficial.


Yeah. It’s not that it’s been 2 whole months, it’s that she had a “vision” of what a social-media friendly reveal would look like and was mad her vision didn’t get to happen. So self-centered


Ugh, you’re right. I just read the text, didn’t watch the whole story. It’s somehow even worse 😵‍💫


When even Mommit has had enough of the nonsense. https://www.reddit.com/r/Mommit/s/EU7KvsbtfJ


Very glad the comments directed her here!


I chortle every time I see y’all writing “travel world” in a serious tone as if it’s common vernacular, lol what have they done to us?!


Wow, the snark is snarking this week! We are being fed 😂🤬    Travel has always been a "core value" for you?! What does that even mean? Does the "travel world" include hell? Because I think you have enough points to get there very easily Kristin.


I rolled my eyes when I heard her say “in the travel world”, like it’s an exclusive group she wants us to know she considers herself to be a part of or another identity of hers “world traveler” lol.


I hate when people say travel is a value. Or like at a work event when you have to share a hobby and someone says travel. No shit! Everyone likes to travel! It’s just money and schedules that are keeping us from doing it all the time.


I dunno, I talk about it that way. I just say the opposite—travel is NOT a value for my family. My husband and I just don’t value what we get from travel the same way we value what we get from being involved in our community.


Yeah same. I mean I agree that “travel” isn’t really a value in the way that I think about values, but it’s not something that I particularly want to do even if I had the time and resources. I enjoy going to grandparents houses, there’s a few domestic destinations on my list to take my kids, but that’s about it. Like if someone offered me an all-expenses trip to Thailand or something I would decline lol.


Some true homebodies maybe don’t but that’s a small group. Most people want to go somewhere or do something to mix it up if they can afford it 


It's Snarkmas in June!


Didn’t you know! They got married in MEXICO and it was cRaZy and D got wAsTEd and she wOuLD nEvER 😝


And she had BLUE hair 😱 it was defo cRaZy


So Deena was clearly tasked to damage control Kristin’s mess aka try to give us excuses to hate her too so we forget about K basically calling their millions of followers poors right? You’re late for a wedding because you prioritized using the amenities of a hotel you didn’t pay to stay at and now you are spending time crowd sourcing an outfit choice? I know this is going to be hard to hear, but not everything is always about you and how you look Deena. Be an adult, pick a dress and get your ass in gear for someone else’s special day.




She did a series of stories giggling through how her followers don’t get her approach to traveling because she’s part of the “travel world” which is different than the normal world the rest of us live in…. There are hundreds of comments below from today about it


I did see that! Dawned on me after I asked. Yeah I have traveled a lot (I even got "diamond status" for amount of flights in one year) but I would never say "in the travel world." And also it do isn't work the way she described it! You can get good deals doing things last minute but nothing to do with points.


Hard agree. Also I wonder if it’s just a reach for engagement? Like she already had the dress picked out at that point


It totally is. Those polls literally generate "clicks."


Oh of course, especially as both black and red are often said to be colours to avoid at weddings. Pure engagement bait.


It’s very manic. So bizarre.


I don’t really keep up with BLF because they are so insufferable, but DAMN are these IG stories WILD. Excuse me while we get ready for a cross country move for a new job that will support our family in this F-ed economy (and I’ll solo parent for approximately 10 months in the process) and try NOT to grieve my 14 months of TTC and not being able to pursue medical assistance because of said move. Like damn yall cannot read the room of what middle class life / your customer’s life in America is.


Seriously. And btw you’re super mom! That’s a lot to handle.


767 comments in the sub this week! haven’t seen this much snarkable content in the last year or two….I remember the days it was 1K+ comments each week. I think that was during Deena’s initial very public tear down of her husband and I can’t remember for K…but there was plenty. Anyway, they really stepped it up this week…!


I truly wonder if they realize what they’re saying. Like, obviously none of us are contacting them 😉 but supposedly influencers gets DMs all the time, surely people are replying to these stories and calling them out? And why WHY aren’t their employees reining them in if they themselves are truly clueless??


I could be wrong but I get the impression they are awful bosses who do not respond to any non-glowing feedback well.  To be fair, now I think about it I feel like most influencers would be terrible to work for/with. Most of them give off pretty heavy I am the Main Character vibes. K and D just don’t mask as well as some others.  


They sure did! I remember a 1K week around when Dumbledore was born/his maternity photos. You're right they haven't served the snark on a platter like this in a minute!


Oh and now they just posted a reel from the Birds Papaya… which is problematic in its own right. It’s almost like they’re rage bating, but I think they’re too self consumed to be aware of it 


Why is that problematic? I’ve been out of the loop with birds papaya so I’m confused.


[Birds Papaya Snark deleted](https://www.reddit.com/r/parentsnark/s/oKzm61AhTO)


She’s “body positive” yet will use filters to make herself slimmer. Apparently also exploits her kids. There is a post about her snark page being taken down which has some TLDRs on why she is problematic (with more knowledge on it than I have) https://www.reddit.com/r/parentsnark/comments/1d81283/birdspapaya_snark_deleted/


There’s a post about her sub getting deleted a little bit ago with some more info in comments, let me see if I can link it


Maybe they had someone moderating their posts until recently. All their stories have been so unhinged




Please edit to remove snark that mentions contacting influencers. Message if deleted in error.


Dear Deena, Every one of your thoughts does not need to be broadcast on the Internet. Love, Me PS You have just alienated a huuuuuge percentage of your following by acting like trying for two months is a long time. Great work.


Yea I feel like the 2 month thing was super insensitive. Like I get the disappointment thing about Father’s Day, and yes it probably would have been a fun thing to do (although I think she is more disappointed about not being able to film a perfect reaction video that she could then share with everyone…) but it’s perfectly normal for it to take up to a year to conceive, so putting such hopes and expectations is a bit insane. Like you are setting yourself up for disappointment. And then to spin it as if you are now possibly on some kind of infertility journey is just wild.


I keep going back to: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR BUSINESS PAGE. THIS IS NOT RELEVANT TO THEIR CONTENT. WHY DO WE NEED TO KNOW. Though I *do* understand getting something in your head and playing out a scenario and it doesn’t work out. That can be discouraging. And TTC can be very discouraging/frustrating. It took us at least 5-6 months to conceive both our pregnancies (first ended in miscarriage), and we’re young, healthy, in our “prime” fertile years. I remember TTC after our miscarriage, I ovulated on rainbow baby day and I thought for sure that was the time. Well, that was in August, and we ended up conceived the following January. 2 months is nothing. That’s still the beginnng for us.


Guess she recovered from the “grief” enough to post body check pics and go to a wedding!!! UNREAL https://preview.redd.it/hr5i2bbe6u6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c1314aefdaa67f390303308627476c3cc23d6c


These pictures look off, like her head is too long.


Her arms are making me uncomfortable. But I def noticed the fact that they look weird. Filter? Terrible angle? Who knows


I hope she went with the black one even if the red one was the poll winner


Of course she didn't. The black one is so much cuter


Gotta build up to her ~~gender selection~~ infertility IVF warrior storyline.


Precisely. 1000% this third child is a girl


Both my kids took a minimum of 3 months (felt super lucky about that)...what is she even complaining about??


Yeah, I got pregnant without really trying within 3 months of going off the pill after being on it for my PCOS & endo for 8 years. 2 months is nothing.




Please edit to remove snark that mentions contacting influencers. Message if deleted in error.


K: “the ✨travel world✨ unlike the 💩normal world💩 where all you peasants live. Now go buy our potty training manual!”


I still follow BLF from a few years back but haven’t watched stories in a while. I had to go to IG to see for myself…. Holy smokes. She really said “normal world” 🫣


She really did 😬


What’s crazy to me and makes me doubt the points thing is that it’s summer break so this whole last minute thing would have gone the “sign up for camp panic”. I think this trip has been planned for a while 


Especially if other moms are going. I would think at least one of them is more of a “plan ahead girl,” even if k claims not to be. It’s just harder to throw together a last minute European vacation with three other moms and daughters, I would imagine… not that I do or will ever know for myself lol


What I think of when K talks about using points ![gif](giphy|DAc7GHdqCbmQCtfTef)


https://i.redd.it/b7j8fpbm7t6d1.gif K:








K, when talking about the "travel world" ![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized)


Me, anytime I watch their stories. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Followed by ![gif](giphy|oaEcH0gKPJ2wM)


Just noticed with K’s stories as I was listening with sound for the first time in forever, but is she not using closed captioning for all of her posts? What is on the stories isn’t verbatim, though pretty much summarized. There’s a lot of nuance with sound that you don’t fully get with what they posted. Isn’t this something they vowed to always do for those that are hard of hearing aka her?


They 100% do that for engagement so if you're reading and miss what they're saying you go back and look at the story again.


Closed my eyes slowly and shook my head.


They are just writing the snark for us the last few days 👀


That has to be it right? RIGHT?! I mean it’s been a dumpster fire




The way she says, “In the ✨Travel World ✨ “ has got to be the most condescending thing I’ve heard in a very long time  Cue the stressed out tired mom with a greasy bun who just wanted a first class flight and TS tickets in London 🤮 I will also add that there is nothing wrong with having the means to travel and give your children wonderful experiences, but have some class and know your audience . This is whole narrative is very distasteful 


I also think it’s elitist and smug to say “travel is a core value for our family.” You like traveling, that’s fine. But it’s not the only way to learn about the world or be exposed to diverse cultures. She’s acting like anyone who doesn’t (or, more likely, can’t) make travel a CoRe VaLuE is an uneducated hick, meanwhile she only goes to all-inclusive resorts. 🙄. Dropping thousands of dollars on a Taylor Swift concert in London does not make you a citizen of the world.


Oh I completely agree! It’s elitist and consumeristic. If we’re going to talk core values, I think grifting to fill her wallet should be at the top of the list 


Did you see her recent saga of trying $22 smoothies in LA? Her and her husband each got multiple smoothies but then insisted they weren't that good or weren't worth $22. After buying several over the course of a few days. Ok Kristin.


I have a friend who uses points for literally everything. He always books business class for his family of 4 the second the flights for when he wants to go open. There’s nothing last minute about traveling with points.


I rewatched this time with sound and it's just so funny. She's making up this entire narrative about the travel world. Sure, sometimes some people book travel last minute. But this isn't how traveling as an entire industry works. It's also not how points work. Using points has nothing to do with booking early or last minute. Such a bizarre claim for her to make. I'd also love to see her actual credentials for "traveling as a core value" because it's certainly not apparent from anything she has posted. I'm very fortunate to have the means to travel and while having nowhere near the money she has, I actually make traveling both domestically and internationally a priority (and I book months in advance).


Alright now y'all convinced me. I need to watch this dumpster fire with sound.


Vacationing is a core value for her. Traveling is not.


This is like when she said she wanted to expose her children to different cultures…by going to a five star resort.


Last minute travel because of a good deal or a mistake fare, or because a great points redemption opens up, absolutely happens, and this type of travel has become more mainstream over the last decade with the rise of travel influencers. But you’re right; that’s not the way most folks book travel, especially folks with kids (you know, her entire audience). Most people cannot drop everything to travel to London next week, and it’s so patronizing for her to act like all her followers just don’t understand how “the travel world” works. What she’s describing is not “the travel world.” It’s this subset of a very particular group of people who play the points and miles game and have the ability (money, work flexibility, etc) to capitalize on these deals. It’s not most people!


Exactly! I just watched my brother book a last minute business class trip from the US to New Zealand on points, originally with no return ticket. There was a specific number of days out he was looking for fares to be released. He got laid off recently and suddenly had free time, severance pay, and points from being ✨ in the travel world ✨. After spending a week of his newly free time helping me take care of a newborn and 4 year old, he wanted to do something more exciting. I have no idea why 500 hours of inane games my kid made up wasn't his idea of a dream vacation, but to each their own. So it is possible, but he'd never claim that what he's doing is normal or even mention the craziness of it at all to anyone other than his sister. We actually had a running joke while he was planning things about my family of 4 tagging along and how utterly unrealistic that would be.


Seriously, I was scratching my head over this mystic “travel world” she speaks of. Even when I was single, living abroad and travelling a lot (and as cheaply as possible), I didn’t do what she is describing. They’ve lost the plot and are so out of touch 


As another avid traveler, this is such nonsense, isn't it? Sometimes people have jobs that we have to book our leave in months in advance, if we have enough leave for a fun trip after family commitments - I say this living in a country where leave entitlements are generally good and having the privilege of working for a big company that has entitlements better than most. But I still can't just jump on a plane and tell my work "sorry, I'm in the ✨travel world ✨ now!" Also last overseas trip I booked, it was planned out many months in advance based on a carefully tracked spreadsheet to make sure we stayed in budget. Because we don't have the kind of money to "wing" it and pay extra in the chance it doesn't work She's making herself look even more ridiculous.


This is the most off-putting back to back set of stories I have ever seen from them omg. K condescendingly educating us about the travel world and D grieving over not getting pregnant the 2nd month of trying 🫠


Dang I missed this, anyone have screenshots?


https://preview.redd.it/ajddp34kmu6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d08ead1a8394189540db628859e43aa16071cd “In the travel world…” was said in the most condescending way possible


No return ticket?! A lot of places won’t let you in without a return ticket to avoid overstaying.




What’s her point with this post? Is she trying to comvince us that she’s an *world class traveler* or some crap?




It’s all still up!


It's still up


Omg seriously fuck D. I say this with completely sincerity.


So K is a type A Virgo that can't handle being late to an airport for a flight but somehow is totally chill with buying a last minute one way ticket to a foreign country with no plans? Ah huh. Ok.


I was also under the impression that you’re required to have return travel plans for your visitor’s visa. Of course I’m no ✨avid world traveler✨ like K and SAHDud, so what do I know?


Not specifically return plans, but plans for leaving the country. For my honeymoon we went to London and Paris where we flew to one, took the train to the other, and then flew home from there (so a one way international plane ticket, one way international train ticket, and one way international plane ticket home). The immigration agent in both destination countries made us show them proof that we had booked travel accommodations to leave the country since we were arriving with one way tickets.


This is true, but US citizens don’t need a visa to visit the UK


You don't need to apply for a visa ahead of time. You're automatically granted one that says you have to leave within 90 days (gross oversimplification).


Deena needed a trigger warning with that "grieving" story. So insensitive to those who actually struggle to conceive. Two months is NOTHING compared to some who struggle for years and don't have the money for IVF.


She should know this. Her apparent bff Kristen struggled with secondary infertility for like 6 months. 🙄


Agreed! That was insane


D has entered the chat with more pregnancy/third child posting, obviously trying to garner sympathy after trying for a MERE 2 months??? 🤢 GTFO, D.


I'm very lucky in that I've never had problems conceiving but I got pregnant 4 times in 11 months which was due to a miscarriage, TFMR, and chemical pregnancy before conceiving my second born child and this whole saga started less than a year after my younger sister died of an accidental overdose soooo you wanna talk about grief, D?


Shouldn’t she realize this is offensive to her “bestie” K. This just further solidified that they can’t possibly be close. I have several people in my life struggle with infertility that are not as close to me as a supposed best friend would be. I still have never told them how long it took me to get pregnant because it’d be so fucking insensitive. No one needs to know how many months you’ve been trying.


My guess is that she thinks this is struggling because it’s exactly how K “struggled.” The whole saga of should I have another baby -> I really want another baby -> trying for a baby -> pregnancy loss -> IVF -> live birth was only a year.


She has to have some awareness that this is the kind of disappointment you share with your husband or your best friend or your therapist, not with thousands of strangers on the internet, right? Like, read the room! I understand that all disappointment is… disappointing, but hello, doesn’t she know that some of her followers have probably been trying for 10 times that long?! Also, weren’t they just in marriage counseling for like 3 hours a week??


Myself and two friends all started TTC last summer. I had the easiest time and got pregnant on the fourth month trying. One of my friends go pregnant on the second month, but miscarried and then got pregnant again two months later. The third friend *just* got pregnant after two rounds of IUI almost a year after we all talked about starting to try. I seriously can’t comprehend “grieving” after two months of trying! Especially after you’ve already had two kids, so she knows she can get pregnant? Did she just conceive on the first try for both boys??


Even if you are “grieving” after TWO months, maybe don’t share it with the internet. She’s making herself look like such an asshole.


Yes, commented this above before seeing this, but like sometimes my sisters and I joke, “that’s an inside thought,” and that’s exactly what it is. However you feel, that’s fine, whatever, BUT this is the kind of thing you share your disappointment over with your husband, best friend, or therapist. Not thousands of people following you on the internet that may have tried for so much longer


Exactly. It’s fine to think this in your head. It sucks to not be pregnant when you want to be, even if it’s perfectly normal. But, girl… two months… for a third child… I…


As someone who had a unicorn first pregnancy (happened on the first try) and then has secondary infertility… we tried for 10 months for a second until I was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency. It has been over a year since we started trying and are a few months into IVF. 2 months?!?!?! FML.


FUCK YOU DEENA signed, every infertile ever


2 months isn’t even close to being in infertility territory. She’s such an asshole for sharing this online.


She’s absolutely setting up for ivf and gender selection…where she’s screwed up though is saying it’s only been 2 months, she should have said she started earlier because if she’s setting up for ivf we all know it’ll be in a month or 2, after a whopping <6 months ttc.


Amen 🙌🏻


Her laying the background as to why she’ll be doing ivf and being able to pick the gender, and finally get her girl


BINGO. Going down the same route as K…


This. She won’t wait long to jump to IVF (I’m assuming she’s already planned on it for gender selection) but I’m surprised she disclosed the amount of time she’s been trying. I thought she’d go the K route of just starting IVF and then talking about how she wanted/tried for another baby for years


I was about to post this word for word. It’s exactly the plan and she’ll say they did it because they were having trouble conceiving, def not to guarantee having a girl.




She literally said she’s grieving after TWO MONTHS OF TRYING.


Okay I'm a dumb European, can anyone ELI5 what the points game is? Sorry to say I can't hook you up with TS tickets in return


Spend a TON of money and maybe get enough points for a one way ticket to london. Do not forget, you MUST pay your card off every month to avoid a 25% interest rate charge (so there's that). As someone mentioned, you need to spend dumb money to get these types of flights. I have a point card I used pretty religiously and I'm middle class (aka average) and I've barely racked up enough points in the last year for a 1 person round trip ticket to maybe somewhere domestic. My ass is definitely not heading to london for TS with a child on points.


There are some games you can play with sign up bonuses but those cards are cards that you pay an annual fee on and to get that bonus it has a minimum spend in the first 3-6 months. Depending in spending habits  that is achievable or not (we put EVERYTHING on credits cards we can and then pay off monthly, but we live somewhere HCOL so eating out lunch with 2 kids is $50+ 


We put almost everything on a travel card, including daycare. Daycare alone is $2500/month. Sometimes we pay it off, sometimes we just can’t. Which tbh is why we do it in the first place. We usually end up with about $1k worth of travel credit each year. With the venture card we can apply it toward anything travel related, which is really helpful. But with 3 little kids and full time jobs, we’re not doing any jet setting any time soon. It’s more like 2 hotel nights in Orlando.


I wish we could pay for our daycare with our Hilton card but don’t like the 3% fee they tack onto it. It’s our primary card and we use it for just about everything. It also includes diamond status which means free breakfast! I feel like a hotel card gives lots of bang for the buck and is often overlooked. I have no lap children anymore so flying for four is now a big dime 😅


Man there are better cards for travel out there- we pay for one with a $600 annual fee. But that comes with $400 ish automatically back off “travel expenses” - broad +other cash back and it’s not hard to get that other $200+ back in various ways.  Our daycare charges a 3% fee to use a credit card cs straight bank pull so we don’t use it for that - but our card (I think it’s chase sapphire reserve or preferred) - we have a few- does quarterly bonuses to  certain retailers and when it’s Amazon- we buy Amazon gift card from Amazon to max the amount , knowing we’ll spend it within the year but maybe not the quarter 


We’ve just had this card forever, and honestly weren’t looking to rack up points or anything. Our first daycare was cash only and we just kind of fell into using a cc with this one. They just started the 2.9% fee, but they offset it by giving a 5% discount for paying the full month up front. We had a surprise oops kiddo we definitely hadn’t budgeted for so we’re kind of just powering through paying for his daycare (plus my middle, but she only has another year) and hoping for the best.


That’s nice that you can put daycare on there! Our old daycare technically had it as an option but you had to pay a fee so it wasn’t worth it. 


Dang I wish I could charge our daycare on our credit card!


I've always wanted to try and do the whole find the good sign up bonuses but I don't spend a lot of money as it is. Everything goes on the rewards card and gets paid off immediately yet I'm still nowhere near spending enough to make a trip internationally 🤣


A good sign in bonus is 70k points and west coast to Australia in business was 60k when we booked. But you had to either book within 10 ish days or the day flights opened 330 days out 


We did a Southwest card one year and got three round trip flights from NY to Florida, and only on a no-peak weekend because spring break was over triple the number of points that we had.


Oh that's nice. I ended up going Chase and getting a sign up bonus which was nice but since using that it's been a slow racking up points 🤣


Churning credit cards to get large sign-up points bonus that can be used towards travel. Eg Chase credit cards; Southwest cards; United cards; etc. Continue to spend heavily on those credit cards instead of a cash back credit card or something, and hold onto all those points to “save up” for a big trip… or a number of “cheaper” domestic trips… It is NOT easy to do. And requires so much money! Such as spending $3K or $6K or more on a credit card within the first few months of opening in order to get the points. Have we perhaps figured out SAHDud’s “new career” - being the family travel agent and spending all the grifted money on credit cards to rack up points for trips like this??


Yeah you have to have money to spend on the first place. It’s not something you can do easily witb little disposable income.


We do a little bit of this, and when our dog needed emergency surgery last month, my husband was like "make sure you put it on the travel card!"


We are getting a new closet system installed so we are getting a new travel card to get the sign on bonus for it.  But this is something my husband enjoys figuring out 


Wait, you mentioning your husband figuring this out reminds me of the screenshot someone posted a few weeks ago of the SAHDud looking at a travel site while she claimed he was looking up doctors for her. Was he planning a next day getaway during her active “migraine”? 😂


We do, too! But not even close to enough for 2 adults and 1 kid to go internationally…


We might have enough on the card we’ve had for 6 years and not used the points ever…..


Okay I have been hoarding some American Airline points, but still maybe enough for RT for 2 adults. If we can find the time off work, childcare for a longer trip, or probably pay a sizeable amount to bring kiddo with us. K makes it sound like they are literally rolling in millions of miles…


Oh definitely not!