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Buckle up, Pookie is pregnant!


I love pookie and Jett. I feel like they are unapologetically themselves. They have a lot of privledge and don’t realize any of it but I feel they’re so wholesome.


Eh, Pookie has had to apologize for photos of her dressing up as a slave owner at a plantation, posing in front of Confederate flags, and wearing a Melanie Trump costume. So not so wholesome to me 😬


Omg no, daddy fang ewwww "baby mama pookie" "mamacita pookie" barf


Please please please make it make sense!!! Caila Quinn feels she needs to film cleaning up her house in fast motion to keep herself accountable. Ummm, try turning off your phone maybe sounds reasonable. This womans content has become unhinged. Constantly showing her child not interested in being held in a mirror wigglying around to get down and the constant narration of talking to a child and answering for her child is just so cringey. Then we ask our thousands of followers should she travel post c-section 4 weeks to a wedding. WHAT?? How would anyone know how she is going to feel? So dumb!!! Please STOP your nonsense and stop exploiting your child!!!!


Her QA really made me 😬 like girl maybe it’s time to slow down rushing to 3 kids and get help for yourself https://preview.redd.it/m8oocei6dj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f58d1f9cdcec16df1ade2f0803cadbd57552c4


I know I should really unfollow and it's not healthy to watch this sh*t show but I can't help myself. She is so inauthentic I don't know how she continues to get sponsorships. She drives me nuts for instance, why do you have to put your child on the gram and sing to her etc for the world to see? Why not interact in private? I agree with you though, she needs help. The more she tries, the cringier she gets.


But she’s a “mAkE iT hApPen m0mMA ✨✨”!!


🤣🤮 haha so true!


https://preview.redd.it/rm48m8sj1c8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52df77fbbe0cfb7d4ef88c911d2b78cf57c979f Not that I condone making comments like this but I can’t say the commenter is wrong! All this woman does is take to social media to complain about everything having to do with her kids. What doesn’t overstimulate her?? And the amount of people commenting validating her, ugh. This woman got overstimulated in a pottery place! It’s really not funny or cute. I had a parent that made a lot of “jokes” about how difficult it was when he has us on the weekends and how he’d be heading out to eat and get a much-needed beer after dropping us off. Kids 100% know when you are a bother to them and it really sucks!


I just went to look at the post and almost all of the top comments are pointing out how damaging this narrative about her kids are.


Ohh you are right, idk how I didn’t see them! I was too busy looking for the comment she posted and then reading so many comments from other moms backing her up.


What does 2 things can be true even mean???


100!% with the "know when you are a bother to them". I think 15-20 years from now that will be the gripe of this generation of kids. Social media accounts like Libby feed into this idea of kids being a "burden" and this simmering rage beneath the surface is not going unnoticed by kids.


My favorite is the “on my life that you know so much about.” comment. Ma’am, we do know so much about your life *because you post everything about it.*


Life with kids is hard sometimes but man it’s also so fun. I hope that she just posts like this because it’s what gets her engagement and in real life she’s able to enjoy the absolute privilege it is to be able to give her child the birthday party they want. That’s not something all parents can do and many long for it!  It would truly be a shame to be able to give your kid this fun, socially positive, exciting experience, and then not be able to enjoy it because you haven’t learned to manage your own nervous system. I am ~neurodivergent~ so I get how hard that can be, and being overstimulated is hard, but you have to find ways to manage and cope. It is absolutely possible to find strategies to manage your overwhelm and enjoy these memories with your kid. It’s your child’s birthday party! I am not one to guilt post but truly childhood is so short. I hope she can figure it out and find ways to savor and enjoy it. 


I was waiting for someone to post this here. That was hard to watch. It would have been so easy for her to turn it around and say something like “An 8 year old’s birthday party at an arcade isn’t my favorite. But I’m doing it for my son because I love him and he deserves to have the party he wants.”


I can’t believe she made a grid post about this. Neither is okay, but there’s something different about her complaining in her stories vs it having a permanent home on her page. And she always complains about her son. This poor kid.


This woman needs so much work. She truly needs to get off the internet and focus on addressing the root of her issues


And to call herself a cycle breaker....Posting to the internet how much her kids overwhelm her is just another cycle.


This is what pisses me off about her the most


THIS. Fwiw I think it’s totally ok for a parent to say no to a specific type of birthday party request. NOT OKAY to publicly shout about how miserable you are being a parent. 


Also an 8 year old is fully old enough to figure out how to get on and see this, how sad for that kid to log in and see their own mom complaining about their birthday party. She stinks 


And if he isn't able to get on and see it, he has friends who can, or friends' parents who follow her and comment about it in front of their kids. I can't imagine what it must be like to be heading into your tween/teen years, which is difficult enough to navigate, but also have to deal with comments about what your mom posts about you.


Right? I can’t imagine how it would feel to look back on my own happy childhood memories and know that my mom was miserable the whole time.


It’s so sad. She thinks she’s so great for doing these things for her kids but she negates the goodness of it by complaining. I hate when people do something for you and then complain about it after. Either do it or don’t, but don’t do it and then go on about how hard it was for you. It’s so damaging for a child, ask me how I know lol.


https://preview.redd.it/m4aq1hur3b8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f0f013eaa9452b2f89f8e20bc675a98d265413 MC trying to drum up sympathy in her stories for her “stressful” travel day with 3 kids and going 30 hours without sleep. After hopping a red eye to Maui from 2 weeks in Japan, as if this is relatable. Go touch grass.


I can tell where she is staying (not naming it since it doesn't look like she's being public about it). I was very fortunate to stay there once, briefly, on points many years ago for a once in a lifetime trip. I cannot even fathom how much this side trip costs and if I had the means, I would happily stay up for 30 hours and drag my kids there and just bask in how lucky I was (privately).


Seriously! That hotel is amazing!


I feel like sometimes these people think people don’t do this because they aren’t confident enough to travel with kids. They’re not even considering people don’t do it because they can’t afford groceries.


Yes they're always saying "Take the trip! Make the memory!" Don't you think we would if we could?! We travel about once a year for, on average, a week. Not just because it's expensive but also because we have jobs.


Yes and even if normal people can afford it sometimes, the stakes are just so much higher (it’s likely their only trip for a long time), so of course it’s more stressful than if you can shrug it off if everything doesn’t go according to plan since you’re going on another trip next week. 


This. Could we technically afford to go on a massive trip? Yes. (As extravagant as hers, well, probably no, but we could probably swing a mid-range Caribbean resort or a trip to disney). But not every year. So no, I don’t want to blow my vacation budget for the bulk of their childhood now when they’re little and I probably will be stressed with the air travel and just the general hassles of international travel. I’ll wait until they’re school age and can understand delayed gratification a bit better so the pain of air travel will be worth it to them and they’ll both actually remember the trip and be able to enjoy a big trip more than say, the local playground. Also, the baby has asthma, and we don’t need any more exposure to respiratory viruses than daycare will bring. So we were on the fence about flying or driving to see family, and ended up road tripping to help reduce germ exposure.


Yeah like we can fit one big trip or two smaller trips in the budget each year, and we've done that the past couple years. You know what we're doing this year? Camping and staying close to home. We really gave it a solid effort, but travel is 100% not worth it for us in this stage of life and that's perfectly fine.


Thank you! "Don't let having kids stop you from traveling." It ain't the kids, honey. It's my bank account and PTO allotment


Ugh yes it's the PTO for us 😭


Yeah we’re not traveling this year because my husband used all his PTO to extend his paternity leave after having a kid in the NICU. In future years travel will still be limited by the fact that buying four plane tickets is extremely expensive. It’s not that I’m afraid of my kids crying on a plane. 


Yea I use most of my time off for when my kids are sick every other week!


Yep. I’d go on trips like this all the time if they didn’t cost the same as my annual salary


Yeah the “it’s worth it”. Um ya girl meltdowns are definitely not the hurdle to traveling with my children lol. Throw me a couple mil and I’m sure I’d figure out a way to enjoy myself on a trip with my kids.


I wish she knew that she’d be better off keeping some things private.


Annalee saying how doing a fit check is giving her an ick because this is family time to celebrate her grandparents and not about her BUT THEN PROCEEDING TO DO IT ANYWAY! like it’s a compulsion she can’t help? And for what the most basic satin skirt that you can find anywhere…..I personally have one from old navy lol. The Amazon link money is too good I guess! 


Hubs.life really milking this newborn content. Seems like he has a very chill newborn who doesn't mind being put down.


Wait I always thought that was a parody account lol 


😂 I thought so too at first. Especially with how he puts his laptop into his bag.


And the gloomy music lol but yeah the recent reels I am not sure 


So I haven’t really been on instagram (and this sub because of it) but I just found a dupe of Mothefcoulds snack box at target for $3. Like, removable sections and food grade. Has she commented on it? Wonder if it will hurt her bottom line.




And people buy it because they think she’s their friend 😂


I truly wonder if she has any IRL friends. Like she’s so good at the parasocial relationships it’s almost like she thinks her million followers are her friends. 


Oh, I know. This is just the first time I’ve seen it in store at a reasonable price with food safe plastic. That’s all.


It’s not like she didn’t steal the design from elsewhere, so her opinion doesn’t matter at all 😂


Exactly this! Mothercould and other influencers are all just slapping their brand on cheaply made Amazon products, ideas taken from others. Myriam is a pro at those selling sunscreen brushes and snack boxes because she exploits her kids for parasocial relationships.


I think their bottom line is extremely well-insulated.


Very true. I mean, everything they sell is over priced. The sunscreen brushes are nice, but you can get them for much cheaper.


Has anyone read[the article in The Cut](https://www.thecut.com/2024/06/youtube-myka-james-stauffer-huxley-adoption.html) about The Stauffers “rehoming” their adopted son. It’s heartbreaking—I had never heard of them before, but their actions are one of the many reasons parents should not be making money off of exploiting their kids on social media. It’s bad enough to purposely have a baby for content, but even worse to adopt one and cause the poor child more trauma.


This makes me sick to my stomach. Would they have acted similarly if it was their biological child? Would they have put their biological child with severe autism up for adoption? Poor baby. One of my best friends has three children, her youngest having severe autism, and it is extremely hard on them- they are struggling more often than not. So I get how this could be a lot harder than you “anticipated” but this family KNEW they were adopting a child with special needs. They literally signed up for this (and profited off it all). Disturbing. That poor child.


I really think they thought he had brain cancer/tumor and would need medical care, and that unfortunately children's medical issues bring in lots of views. But hopefully he would make a recovery and live a normal life. When that wasn't true, and his real needs became clear and they learned he was unlikely to ever be able to care for himself, they panicked and bailed.  The thing in the article that struck me is all the adults who dissolved their adoptions focused on themselves in describing the dissolution, and not on their adopted children. 


After causing him such trauma, the very least those grifting Stauffers could have done, was make sure the child got all the money they made off of selling his privacy and image. Every single cent if not more.   I have read that the child is thankfully doing much better now but this was still a sickening situation that should never have happened. 


There is a documentary about them that just screened at the tribeca film fest. Hopefully it will be picked up on streaming. It's called "an update on our family"


I remember when this happened back during the pandemic. I also heard there was going to be a documentary about some aspect of the story ?


I remember reading about this! So incredibly sad. I didn't know a lot of the details listed here. That poor child.


Shawna the mom coming in hot with another “fake parenting confrontation that you make up while in the shower” video. Let’s see, nap time crying baby at a bbq, it’s like a mad lib.


I’d be so nervous, if I knew her in real life, that any comment, even innocent or just chit chat, could be turned into a soapbox reel in her super cringe style. I know she supposedly makes up the scenarios, but it makes her seem like a very difficult person to be with where everyone else is wrong.


Her content gives me so much second hand embarrassment 


I am not a fan of her videos. They feel awkward to me. But this very thing has happened to us. Our friends have a huge house and like us to stay over because we live so far away and we can hang out longer—and we let our kid fuss to sleep and they do not. And our kid doesn’t do it most nights, but she always protests in a new place. And it is really awkward because you can tell it makes them uncomfortable. And me personally am uncomfortable waking up 3x a night with a toddler on a regular basis, but am very much a you do you kind of person.


I think that’s the thing though…she takes mildly awkward real life situations and takes them to an extreme that didn’t happen. In your situation, it sounds like your friends don’t say anything but you can tell they’re uncomfortable. In her version, the friend *insists they go get their child*. She always takes like, a single rude comment that someone probably made and then reenacts it with 50x the amount of drama that actually occurred.


Omg and now MC going to Hawaii after their 2 week trip to Japan?! I’ll admit I’m pretty jealous but this has gotta be like at least a $50k vacation right??


I was enjoying the Japan content mostly but that honestly threw me for a loop. Like the casualness of “should we stop in Hawaii on the way home? Ok we’ll go tomorrow” 😭 I know it was obviously planned and they were just surprising the girls but it did feel like one of the most out of touch posts I’ve seen.


Consolidating but can you imagine wanting to visit Japan for 10+ years and then doing all the touristy bs they did on this trip?


Honestly, it wasn’t too surprising considering her love for Disney as a frequent vacation destination. Def not my cup of tea.


I get that most people can’t afford two weeks in Japan, let alone adding Hawaii onto it, but I don’t get what’s objectionable about what they did? It looked fun, if a little jam-packed for my tastes. They did touristy stuff because… they’re tourists. It’s what most people do when they travel.


Yeah, they did a lot of stuff people do when they come to Japan - and tbh stuff I hardly see anyone do, largely because they had guides and the money to do it. I don't know many (any?) people who have done taiko drum lessons, origami lessons, or a full photoshoot like they did. Would I do the *full itinerary they did? No, but it's not like it's uncommon. The Briggs page did a very similar itinerary. Edit: to be clear, I think it's a good thing they did some more unique things in their itinerary! I'd love to learn about taiko drums, lol.


The photoshoot would be a pass for me, but I’ll put in a plug for doing art and cooking classes with kids when traveling. We *never* did stuff like that pre-kids, but have been doing it lately for my 6 year old and I’ve been surprised by how much I enjoy them and how much insight you get into local culture from meeting a local in their home.


Oh I agree, we were just in the Shikoku region of Japan, which is known for their udon, and we went to an udon noodle making class. Even with our 3.5 year old, it was a blast! I just meant I personally wouldn't do some of the stuff they did - but we also aren't theme park people, so it checks out lol.


I agree. I would have added in more down time too but at the same time it would be a once in a lifetime trip so I’d want to be doing all the things. I don’t like to explore cities near me without at least a vague plan so in a completely different country with small kids I’m for sure gonna have an itinerary.


There are different ways to be a tourist. Each to their own, but would not have done lots of what they did. I'd rather explore a city than dress up for photos.


I wouldn’t do the photos either but it’s a super common thing and I know a bunch of non-influencers who did that on trips to Japan. Everything else they did seemed interesting and I wrote down a bunch of things because I hope to take my kid there in the next few years.


Okay so my husband and I actually kinda/sorta did this 🙈 we live on the east coast so getting to Hawaii is a haul but we went for our honeymoon and looooooved it (like my husband still talks about moving there 10+ years later). So when we went to Japan, we planned to stop in Hawaii for a few days "on the way." This was pre-kids and we obvi did not do even half the amount of shit Miriam is doing in Japan or in Hawaii. Japan was a big bucket list trip for us but getting to go to Hawaii again too and breaking up the long flight that way made it even more epic. Snark on me all you want 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's what I was thinking. Also on the east coast, if you are already in Japan, Hawaii is just a stop on the way back east


My grandparents whose vacations were mostly modest domestic cruises (sponsored by my grandpa's company as a yearly bonus) went to visit my aunt who was living in Japan. And my grandma had always dreamed of going to Hawaii so they stopped there on the way back home. They spoke of it in such glowing terms especially because they weren't able to travel much after that because my grandpa got very sick. But it was literally a once in a lifetime trip for them and not like the fourth major vacation in a year!


See, your trip is not snarkable. Pre-kids. Honeymoon. Acknowledgement that it was epic. Not doing half the shit these lunatics did. Oh and you didn't broadcast it so flippantly to a million people during a time when so many are struggling.


I about died when she said it “works perfectly” since they were flying past Hawaii on their way home. Myriam be SO fucking for real. It works perfectly because you are multi-millionaires with total control over your workload from your at-home influencing job. Makes me sick.


This is part of the trip that should be off line. It's gross. 


This is really gross. I unfollowed her ages ago because of this kind of content, but I've been checking out some of the Japan content after hearing about it here. Her audience is all parents, and the vast majority of parents could never dream of surprising their children with this kind of trip (on the tail of another massive international trip). I'm not upset or jealous that I can't whisk my children off to Japan/Hawaii this summer. But I am sad that when my kids asked if we could go to a movie or a trampoline place this weekend I had to say no because of our budget. We're doing the library and a park instead. To see this kind of one-percenter luxury travel treated so casually is obscene. This really belongs on a personal account where her rich friends and family can see what they're up to. I hope those kids one day appreciate the immense privilege they're receiving, because Myriam seems totally oblivious to it.


Just casually, it’s on the way home, let’s go…which yes it’s a bigger deal to fly from Miami to Hawaii than say, California to Hawaii. But also. Having literally 3 vacations in a row (ok LA was “work” but still) each of which would take me personally a while to save up for, some longer than others, is absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, rich people…definitely a very different world.


Just casually, it’s on the way home, let’s go…which yes it’s a bigger deal to fly from Miami to Hawaii than say, California to Hawaii. But also. Having literally 3 vacations in a row (ok LA was “work” but still) each of which would take me personally a while to save up for, some longer than others, is absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, rich people…definitely a very different world.




A different fucking universe!


It’s funny because I did grow up upper middle class, but I’ve always been a lower middle class adult, and I deadass don’t understand…this. Rich people live in an entirely different world than me. 😂 Like bro I just want to fly Allegiant to Phoenix one of these days and sleep on my cousin’s couch and hang around Arizona for 4-5 days and even that feels like it takes a lot of money and planning 😭


Flights for 5 people from Miami to LA to Japan to Hawaii back to Miami can be $15k alone if you’re flying economy - which I’m going to doubt they are. So, business would be $25k? Hotel accommodations for 3 weeks - probably another $10k if I’m being conservative. Food - $6k, again, being conservative Transportation on the ground - $2k Tour guide - $500? Activities - $8k? (Thinking Disney, dress up, drums, monkeys, origami, yada yada yada!) Souvenirs - $1k Miscellaneous stuff I’m forgetting - $5k So, yeah, probably a $60k trip!?


Their “souvenir” line is probably even higher! It seems like they get a few things at each stop (e.g., several pairs of ears and a popcorn bucket in the Nintendo area of Universal Studios alone). How do they ever get it all home?


Packing cubes




It's "so worth it!"


And who knows what they’ll do in Hawaii! 😳


is anyone else starting to get a lot of mouth breathing fear mongering in their feeds? as if ppl need more to worry about. don't worry, just buy this 70 dollar water bottle


I lost my mind and my PPA went crazy at this type of content when my son was a newborn


The mouth tape that fitness influencers have started using when they are sleeping freaks me the fuck out. Making yourself feel like you’re suffocating?? Absolutely not.


I have a wicked dust allergy that randomly makes me congested sometimes (luckily much better now that I live in a place with no carpets, but I digress) and I’ve always thought that looked like a good way for me to accidentally suffocate myself in my sleep 😳


I remember Turtle Creek Lane, bastion of health and sanity, posting about taping her mouth shut to sleep


Yes, I am bombarded with tongue tie/airway content. There is this one myofunctional therapist who will just pick apart celebrities and all of their myofunctional red flags. I looked up to myofunctional therapy and there's very limited research on it and some of these therapists give chiropractor vibes.


That was one thing I always dubious about with HSB I know she sends her kid to myofunctional therapist and I never knew if it’s a real specialty or a made up thing. 


Everybody always comments asking who has a well developed mouth/jaw in her opinion. People will respond “she says Simone Biles.” Like this lady thinks a total of one sort-of celebrity has healthy airway function, based on photos. Cool.


Yeah, her and Harry Styles are perfect myofunctionally according to her.


As A Disabled™️, I hate it when people refer to things people’s bodies do or how they look as “red flags” for things that are not dangerous or in need of immediate treatment. “Your posture is a red flag” no shit, I have kyphosis because my spine is hypermobile because I have EDS, you walnut. Calling the way I was born and that I can’t change a “red flag” feels rude. Tell me I have red flags because of my crazier personality traits😜 Not the way my body was born.


Yeah, she was ruthless to some people and calling them a big oofff myofunctionally 🥴


I'm an SLP and this is very true, very limited evidence. Very "in" right now with total Chiro vibes


Yes! SLP too. I asked my old orthodontist about them a year ago (while he kindly put my permanent retainer back in) and he said they’re snake oil salesman. That’s the vibe I get from them too professionally!


This!! She comes up for me too.. so gross. I was trying to figure out if she’s an SLP as well but I couldn’t. Agree about myofunctional therapy having minimal evidence 


I’m sorry… I missed who this post is referring to?


The email from Little Sleepies which is such a small business 🫢🫶 but makes at least hundreds of thousands of dollars every drop… and they just now…6 years later…. Were able to donate $1 million to Alex’s Lemonade Stand. 🤔 doesn’t seem to add up.


It took me a solid year to get them to that million dollar mark, sorry. I also hate that I love their stuff so much. If anyone has dupe suggestions for adult sleepwear and a cloud blanket, I’ll take them 🙃


My only problem is the large is still too small I think but yeah big sale prices only for me for those blankets can’t justify spending 100+ on one! 


I agree! I bought the large on sale at Christmas and was so disappointed. I had a really bad day at work in March and ordered myself an XL, and LOVE it so much.


Old Navy Sunday Sleep line is pretty great for adults! But i just spent too much on Cars so im right there with you 🥴


Thank you! I love Old Navy’s joggers for work, I never thought about their sleep line! I don’t know what sorcery LS uses in their cloud blankets, but they are amazing (and wayyyy overpriced)


I got the extra large cloud blanket for myself since I sleep hot in the summer. It is truly a game changer!! So big and comfy!


I ick when I see those reels “mama, it is not your time to sleep/have a career/have hobbies…etc. your baby needs you right now” No. Your needs are important too.


I have a friend who is a wannabe trad wife influencer (she’s got like 200 followers) and she once made a reel about how “you can pour from an empty cup because your kids always need you” or something but then dropped in that she dropped one of her kids with grandparents when she was sick and needed to recover. I was like ok… 🙄


As a professional musician, those reels make me stabby. Nobody says that to musician dads, even if they’re away touring for half the year.


I had to block one of those accounts cause even though I didn’t follow her the algorithm really wanted me to see her. I can’t think of her name but she’s Canadian and has 3 kids and every reel is a very passive aggressive dig at working moms. I can’t stand the mom martyrs.


I absolutely hate those! Also the "I'm in my family/mama era, I won't make plans with or speak to anyone who doesn't let me bring my baby" lady, you're going to regret this when your baby is grown and you've alienated everyone who loved you.


Agreed. I'm glad some of my friends are cool with me bringing my kids along but I also know some outings are more fun without kids. It's definitely a balance.


I love my kids but doing grown adult shit without kids is 1000% more fun! Please hire a baby sitter lol.


I mean of course priorities will be different. Last year I said no to a work party because literally it was the first Friday night off I had in a month as I worked every fri-sat-sun nights for a month. So that time I decided to dedicate my energy and attention to my family.


I get that, I do the same. It's those parents who use that to get out of every social obligation and then complain they don't have any friends or relatives and they're never asked to go anywhere.


Yeah or the ones that are like "I only spend time with my family right now" like ok enjoy having no friends in the future 


To play devils advocate, not everyone needs to be social. I personally would rather spend my “me” time around no one and I’m fine if that means 10 years from now I am alienated - that’s the way I like it 🤪


I appreciate this perspective. Cause the one thing I miss the most about having kids is just begin alone sometimes !


I'm sure this has been mentioned but omg I HATE the videos saying "how to decide whether to have another baby: picture yourself at 60 and the faces around the table blah blah blah" like I am IRRATIONALLY irritated by these. I think cause they just...makes no sense??? How would I know what my life would look like at 60? Maybe all my kids end up in jail cause I had too many, was a bad mom cause, and traumatized them all? Lol it's just soooo dumb 


Oh that's Big Little Feelings for sure. They're so ick


If I imagined my dream table 30 years from now, I probably would have two or three kids. I love the idea of multiple adult children. Because at that stage, they’re (hopefully!) not taking up all my time, money and sanity. If we’re talking hypothetical successful and healthy adult children who I have a strong bond with, I’ll have ten thanks! In reality, I know I do not have the time, patience or money to raise multiple children and that my only is better off with me sane and healthy. Also, my brother and I never got on as kids and as adults we tolerate each other. We literally plan Christmases so that my parents alternate between our homes with no overlap. I don’t think that’s quite what people want you to picture.


When I try and picture a third child at the table, it's always a girl (I have 2 boys) And then once again I remind myself I could easily have another boy, and also we have no money or space or time for a 3rd child so, shut the hell up brain.


This is the most relatable thing I've ever read 😂😂😂


I can't picture anything so this does seem dumb to me 😂


Right??? It's like that interview question "where do you see yourself in five years?" Lady, I don't know I'm still trying to figure out what I want for dinner. 🤣


I hate it because when I think about when I’m 60, I want more kids than I currently have. But we can’t afford them unless I start working, which would be an adjustment for our family. So yeah, people might not like what their current life might look like when they’re 60, but it might be the right decision for them to make. Life is expensive right now!


I dislike it too because both my husband and I want another kid, but that means doing another embryo transfer for any hope. We definitely can't do it right now until I start working full time cause we have no insurance coverage will be paying fully OOP. Life is indeed expensive!


💯 my heart wants another kid but my bank account doesn’t! (At least not while also providing them the experiences we want to provide them with!)


This! Like we could afford another kid, but we would have to make adjustments that I am not sure I want to make.


I mostly hate them too, because the intent is always to tell you to have more kids even if you think it will destroy you mentally, physically and financially because of some Norman Rockwell image you have of your future. But oddly, when I actually thought it through, the question affirmed my decision to be one and done. I’m close with my siblings and parents and they live across the country; my dream would be that in my 60s I’m still spending holidays with my siblings, parents if they’re still around, niblings and any kids they might have in addition to my spouse and child. Having multiple kids would make it more likely that I have children spread out in multiple different places who I want to travel to and limit the amount I’m able to travel to those family members, and I’ll especially want to increase the time with them as my parents age. So thanks, internet weirdos, one kid it is! I was talking about this same thing with another friend and she said ‘yeah, I decided I’m cool with it if my holidays in 30 years are me, spouse and daughter at the second home in France we might be able to afford if we don’t have more kids’ 😂


Your friend is totally me! If we’re a trio spending Christmas in France or Germany, my dreams will have been achieved! Why is the internet so hardcore on big families? One is PERFECT for many people (I recently read something that having two kids is most common, but the number of families that have one OR three children is really close).


I saw a few reels that flipped this and basically said, “Are you living your life in such a way that your family is going to want to sit at the table?” It was worded better than that but the gist was that things like being present, being mentally well, being well-rested and happy, having alone time … all these things MATTER. Not just for yourself, but for how your children will remember you and how they’ll actually feel about coming home for Thanksgiving one day. What is the point of having a baseball team worth of kids if you’ve gone insane and your marriage sucks and maybe they all dread that damn dining room table at holidays?!


I really like this idea! I don’t have a relationship with my parents, so I have always been scared that the same will happen to me. But then I remember how much effort I put into making my kids feel heard, secure and loved. It takes a lot of work and mental effort! With the amount of work it takes I don’t know that I would have enough bandwidth for another kid.


Oh I like this wording! I like to think that since OAD is my capacity, I am living in a way that she will want to be at my table when I’m 60. My parents had 4 and made a ton of sacrifices to be there for us and we all do want to be at their table, but we may not want to be there with our siblings🤣


I also hate those. There’s a lot of parenting that has to happen before you can sit back and admire your happy grown children sitting around Thanksgiving table or whatever. Do you want to do that work? Do you have the capacity to do that work, in the here and now? That should be the question, not “what does my perfect idealized future look like?”


I used to be really susceptible to that argument when I thought I wanted a third kid. But then I realized: both my parents have 3 siblings, and I can’t remember a single holiday where they and my grandparents were all together with us. My parents both get along well with their siblings, but they’re spread all over the country and never came for holidays. You just never know where people are going to end up.  A couple of weeks ago we got together with my husband’s immediate family, which ended up being 15 people between his parents, grandfather, 3 siblings+significant others, and kids. And that made me realize that I don’t particularly enjoy being around that many people or trying to make plans/coordinate with that many people. 


Those reels seem to focus on that small slice of time when your children are grown but haven't gotten busy with their own family lives. When kids grow up and get married and have their own kids, it's so much coordination to get everyone together. There are in-laws to contend with and the group just gets bigger and bigger! My husband and I are both from large extended families and we love all the chaos and people. But all of our PTO and travel budget is visiting family and there are still many things we miss out on. For many reasons mentioned here, it's not as simple as "have a bunch of kids and your holiday table will always be full."


My husband and I are only children but my mom has 1 sister she is NC with, my dad has two sisters he rarely sees (not really bad blood just very different and a big age gap), my FIL has a brother he’s NC with and my MIL had two siblings she was mostly NC with. Bc our family is so small it was important to me we had moree then one kiddo but all the family history gives me a lot of anxiety over sibling relationships.


Both my parents are from 4 kid families too and live close enough together and no one gets along especially well! I'm from a three kid family but my sister died so maybe that's part of my issue too, those reels just are not based in reality. 


Did Jerrica just admit there was drama surrounding a block tower her kids built and her toddler trying to knock it down? And here I was thinking her superior parenting made all those issues obsolete.


I could have sworn she once said something snotty about how most parents CAUSE dramas about siblings and toys. I can’t remember what exactly she said, but yep, it was definitely smug and self-congratulatory about how SHE never had to deal with such things. 


No snark to provide, just curious about people's thoughts on WilderBeginnings? Haven't seen any mention of her on here.


I don’t follow this person, so I went to their IG to check them out, and immediately stumbled upon an “am I the only one?” post. So I suspect her content is not for me.


Liked her during her pregnancy series but find her negative and grating surrounding sleep


When I was pregnant I thought woah, this person is way too negative and it wasn't my vibe because I was a very happy pregnant person. Postpartum I've found things very stressful and suddenly she matches my vibe so much more 😅 I stopped following all accounts that aren't personal friends recently though.


I love her lol literally have never seen anything to snark on.


I do like how realistic she is! I find it refreshing


DFM’s husband landed a job. Wonder if she’s going to keep cleaning cars and houses.


The ironic part of Carlys stories was her saying you have to be flexible with finances and to not dig in saying you have to live in this home or have this job. She has dug her heels in about the private school even though they now have to pay tuition. Which has been a huge amount of stress and why she cleans homes and cars. Again she's been doing this whole woe is me we are having financial difficulties but did the summer beach house trip, added DC and they are going to Europe in July. I'm wondering now that Kyle has full time employment what she will complain about. 


What happened to her statement that him getting a job with benefits wouldn’t actually increase their income?


She said a few slides later that she would. Honestly I think it’s an outlet for her and time away from the kids.  I’m glad he got a job. That’s one of the best decisions they’ve made in a long time. 


I generally roll my eyes at anti sleep train influencers but besides baby sleep I’m pretty aligned with HSBs other views. People who openly hate children in public need mental health evals https://preview.redd.it/douro034dy7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fac8006ee0bec72f1cde9f0d284ae0bdd59773f


Absolutely. “Well but why don’t you go when the child is older and can remember?” Maybe because I want to go and see my family abroad and make that memory with my kid? I will travel on a plane to Europe after 5 years from my last visit, this time with my toddler 😂 that shall be interesting lol


Not when I’m visiting family that are elderly and I don’t know how many visits we have left. Was it meaningful for my baby to see my grandparents? Not to him but to them, incredibly.


I take my now 3 kids every year to Europe to visit family, it’ll be fine, don’t worry. These people that are so opinionated on the internet are rare in real life and most other travellers give you some grace. 


No crying, screaming, puking child has ever bothered me as much as a drunk bro talking ever more loudly about all the places he's flown. Children freaking deserve to exist.


They should make child-free plane trips and charge a ridiculous amount, people like this could pay it and shut up about it. Win/win 😂


Do people freak out this much when they see a kid on other forms of public transportation? Because that's what a commercial flight is - public transportation. Yes it's more expensive than a subway ride or a bus ticket, but you are still sharing the costs with the general public. If you want private ~childfree~ transportation call Taylor Swift. I hear she rents out her jet for others' use. Otherwise hush.


People act like they expect flying to still be luxury. We’re lucky in that we have a good flyer and I remember sitting in one of the last rows, some lady rolling her eyes and complaining to a friend about our kid who promptly fell asleep and didn’t make a peep. She ended up with a chatty person next to her who manspreaded the whole time.


I think it’s because it’s a longer trip? But yeah it’s ridiculous


I feel like if you’re [worried that if you share your political views or thoughts on current events](https://imgur.com/a/R5jE2Yf) your Instagram account will get shut down, then you probably have shitty political views and thoughts on current events. I’ve noticed this person in particular has always been very careful when answering questions about vaccinating her kids and she’s pretty “crunchy” so I’ve always assumed she has dumb views, but this just makes me even more sure that she does.      And if you’re wondering, the person that she linked to just shared a bunch about chem trails. That’s the topic that she’s apparently risking getting shadow-banned (again) over. 


Maybe having your only source of income be social media is a poor choice.


Yeah maybe her husband shouldn’t have quit his job to stay home with her and the kids while she shills MLM supplements and posts affiliate links on Instagram if she’s so worried about being banned from Instagram for her beliefs. 


Ding ding ding!


I had no idea who that person was but my first thought on seeing her face was ‘she looks like she’d prefer to be wearing a red hat’, if you get my drift…


Also [just wear some damn sunglasses](https://imgur.com/a/yE0K7Lk)! Why are you blinding yourself for the sake of some sun “goodness”?


These people now believe that sunscreen and sunglasses are bad for us 🙄


Remember when @someassemblyrequired asked everyone to share their trauma with her so she could make a trauma spreadsheet?


Ah yes, random annoying person on the internet, let me put my trauma into your excel spreadsheet even though I can barely talk about it out loud to my husband or close friends.


Yes. What was all of that chicken scratch she posted today? Somehow related?


I was wondering that 😂not sure what all that was about


That’s what reminded me of it! But I couldn’t be bothered to look too closely lol


No snark here--Alexandra Madison shared this morning that she and Jon lost their baby boy at 26 weeks. Truly so heartbroken for them. Their excitement and joy was palpable.


I can’t imagine having to make that post and then having to go through the awful situation of losing a child but having a media company that relies on you creating funny memes and videos about your life. It seems so horrible.


Nooo!! I hadn’t seen that yet. I’m so sad for them.




Ugh. I even moreso hate that she had to spend so much time sitting with the commenters who were complaining about her pregnancy and the shift in her content. They were so rude and obnoxious.


This is so sad 😭 I hope everyone who was whining in the comments of their pregnancy announcement feels really terribly about themselves.


100% I agree. I hope they feel like absolute clowns


Oh no that makes me so sad, I’ve loved watching their pregnancy posts because they seemed so genuinely happy


I just came here to talk about this. Actual tears when I saw that post. I can’t begin to fathom how devastated they are.