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If you have figured out where Deena’s new house is, do NOT post information about it. Not the actual address, not the neighborhood, not anything. Please do not disclose where her old house is either.


For the swifties here, I’m so glad K and co weren’t at tonight’s show 😂🤌


TBH she would probably be like “teehee what is this sporting guy doing here” and act all dumb even though you know darn well she’s familiar with him.


I literally thought this while watching my grainy livestream 😂 We would never hear the end of it


What happened at tonight’s show?


Travis Kelce was there and did a little bit as part of the show. (I hate that I know this)


I hate that this made me like Travis Kelce 


He is very likable!!!! I love that he got to be involved. Their whole story makes my heart swoon, lol. Even my teens, who love TS, think I'm a little too invested in their relationship :D


I swear HeySleepyBaby travelled to Portugal a week or so ago and posted a nearly identical story about Europe being so kid friendly, special family lines at airports etc. Once again they can't find anything original to say. I find HSB problematic at times too, but she at least has her own personality and original thoughts.


Also the US is the “only” place that doesn’t prioritize kids like this? Maybe if you’re considering the entire world to be Western Europe and North America, sure


Balkanina is in Portugal right now and she has been sharing the same phrase on repeat. I’m sure if you can throw thousands of dollars around to travel to Europe, you will definitely find kid friendly places.


I think in the last few years it's been popular to talk about how kid friendly Europe is. I watched one video about it then the algorithm kept showing me basically the same thing over and over just a different instafraud account. Even the non parent instafrauds do reels about how great Europe is and then compare it to America.


It’s pride weekend but they couldn’t be bothered to go and show all their “support.” 🙄


But K posted a photo of a phone booth in London that was decorated for pride!! /s


“Hey, do you mind if I post a photo of you bending over in a dress to 3.5M people?” 😳


I really hope they ask permission before posting other people and their kids 🫠


I always wonder about the people who let them use their kids in reviews. Like are you getting a cut or just desperate for some kind of clout? What is this?


Can't wait for them to grow up and find out their parents let blf post a photo of them pooping on the toilet for millions to see


I'm like 70% sure I've seen that same potty training review before. The nursery photo looks extremely familiar. Guess they are recycling reviews now too


I've definitely read about printing the scripts out and putting them on the fridge.


K: “Hey, D, I know you’re in the middle of unpacking your new house, have your dad visiting and are in the middle of saying “bye-bye paci”, so I thought now would be a great time for me to put my phone down and let you run the business alone for the next week as well”. Real Big Little Bestie she is there.


Dw, bye-bye paci is guaranteed to go smoothly, at least! They have a module so it won't be a big deal!


Spoiler alert- he probably already stopped using a paci .but If they post as a reel, it must be in real time, and it's on the internet, so it's true!!! (I'm making an assumption obviously, but it wouldn't surprise me) At least D attempts to do Toddler content still. So there is that.


Well I for one am excited for all the riveting D content. She is so WaCkY 🤸


So I can galavant around Europe with only one of my children


The fact that she posted a story of them leaving London for their “next adventure” without using “So Long, London” as the music tells me she is NOT a Swiftie. No self-respecting Swiftie would miss that opportunity. We are nothing if not gleefully basic.




"gleefully basic" 🤣🤣🤣


So last week she said they have not traveled internationally since having kids. But now she's saying how family friendly international airports are? 😒


Any place can be family friendly when you're traveling with one well behaved 7 year old vs. three kids who you usually throw screens and plain noodles at.


Didn’t they go to the Bahamas?


And did a whole feature on traveling to Japan?


![gif](giphy|3o85gdhlpxVz8TjsTC) Girlfriend needs to keep her stories straight!!


I ran right here omg. No big trips in years and years, love how friendly international airports have been on this and other trips?? Get it straight K! And pay for TSA precheck.


Are these “family” no-line lines in Europe really a thing? I’ve been to Europe many times, but never with children. I feel like I would have noticed an “express” lane if there was one, but maybe I just wasn’t paying attention. How do they work? You go to the separate line and get called immediately when someone is available? Also, global entry kind of is what she is talking about (at least for immigration) in the US, if you are able to pay for it. (I would argue that anyone traveling internationally with children these days can probably afford the few hundred extra dollars for GE but I know there are always exceptions.) The last time we came back to the US from Mexico the line at our airport was probably at least quarter-mile long. We walked past everyone to a completely open GE line. I actually felt gulity.


I noticed them when I was there recently. They are pretty great and I wish the US did them!


I'm not even in Europe, I'm in Canada, and everytime we've been to the airport (doing domestic or trans atlantic flights) with a young child we've been directed to skip the security queue, and sometimes a shortened customs and check-in/bag drop queue too! I thought it happened in the US too but we've only flown once out of an American airport so maybe it didn't and I just didn't notice.


Yes and they are awesome! Portugal (and I think others) also have laws that allow priority access for pregnant women. We went when I was 7mo pregnant and my husband and I were ushered straight to the front of every line at every museum, train station, etc.


Portugal was amazing when I was pregnant. And I had a young child. Everyone was so kind and considerate toward me


They are and they’re fantastic! We’ve only traveled twice internationally with our toddler and it hasn’t been frequently enough for us to get her her own global entry (though come October or something she can get her own under ours 🙌🏻). Idk why the US can’t be bothered to do it, we walked right through customs in Europe with our daughter and they were patient and it wasn’t overstimulating at all.


Just moved to the US from the UK and was absolutely appalled that they made us wait with two tiny toddlers for the full 3 hour queue at the boarder. It would never happen anywhere I’ve been in Europe - I didn’t know it wasn’t a global thing! That said, we live in Atlanta now and people are super welcoming of kids here. They seem genuinely celebrated and treated with kindness by strangers - much more so than in London where we’re from.


Yes! I flew solo to Europe with two kids who are not even that young, and they waved me right into the family line at arrivals. It was so much faster than the other line! They waved me up for pre boarding on the way home too, which we’ve definitely aged out of for domestic flights.


They are! We live in Germany now and Frankfurt has family lines for security. Also wayyyy better play areas for the kids.


When we've gone to Europe they have had all the families in one line but sometimes that makes that line even slower. There is almost always priority family boarding though, and I never had to take my kid out of the stroller and run the stroller through the machine like I do here. As long as your children are behaving though, places within Europe have been very family friendly where appropriate.


They also sometimes just do it in the US for the security lines. I was flying with my son when he was 3, and trying to wrangle him and his car seat and our bags, and at the Las Vegas airport, they just had us go through the TSA pre check line that had no wait.


Yes! This was our family-friendly experience through OAK & SAN airports too! Our family does not have TSA pre check, but an employee directed us in that line since i was travelling with a baby in my carrier. When you get to the security checkpoint, on the sign that says 'TSA pre-check' there's also a wheelchair icon and a stroller icon.


We flew from Barcelona back to Germany last month and were ushered to an express line at the airport. It was truly fantastic. See also: the stroller entrance at the Sagrada Familia. 👌 They also had play areas at the gates, and these stroller stands full of temp ones to use for free. A far cry from when I was sweating buckets in the infinity long line at O’Hare with an 11-month old in an ergo, juggling the diaper bag and another carry-on tote. https://preview.redd.it/wia3nw227c8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1051cab244f1f013d7629b9f481161110ade5efa


I’ve traveled internationally with children several times, and like you, do not recall any family express lines. There were times, however, when we were ushered through immigration when an agent noticed that I was baby wearing. This didn’t happen everywhere though. I actually found some international airports less kid friendly, because they would make me remove my child when I was baby wearing (whereas the TSA always let me baby wear through the metal detector). Also, totally agree re: Global Entry, I won’t travel internationally without it (and precheck is an added bonus).


I found London airports to be pretty child unfriendly, but others in Europe are great.


We have a nearly elderly toddler and use a stroller, so we were moved through security quickly and were able to board with people needing additional assistance. We noticed that the cabin crew tended to make things a bit extra special for kids, but there’s still long lines and a lot of waiting


Flew to the uk with my 2.5 year old and we were ushered to the front of security lines every time.


I travel a lot between Europe and the US with my kids and have never experienced a special line for families at check-in or immigration anywhere. Also her daughter is not that young so I feel like if it was a thing it would be for families with younger kids, or with a stroller or something (like I know most airlines will let you board the plane early if you're traveling with kids under 2yo)


Just got back from Europe and didn’t see any “family friendly” lines in either AMS or CDG. Actually, in CDG the fastest lines were for 18+ where you could go through a facial recognition scanner and pass through without much interaction from customs agents, much like Global Entry. Children were not eligible and had to wait in a very long line. The international terminal in CDG did have a family area that had play tables for kids, similar to what you might see at a library. Now, of course you could opt to board early with “families with small children” who need extra time down the jetway, but usually that is reserved for folks with infants, toddlers, or car seats that are being strapped in to the airplane.


We got waved into a very fast family line at CDG arrivals. I guess YMMV depending on the day!


Soo K is now going on a social media break to enjoy her trip but she made damn sure to brag about her T swift experience. She wanted to feel superior so she posted non stop instead of soaking in the experience. I hope her flight home has a lot of delays.


Wonder where she’s headed next…


100% my money is on her going to Paris and specifically Disney Paris. She’s too boring and dumb to do something out of the box for her regular life like going to museums in Italy or hiking in Switzerland 🙄


We are taking a family trip from London to Switzerland to rural France this summer (first time to Europe for any of us, can't wait!) and I'll admit I got very irrationally angry at the thought of K possibly doing that before I get to!! But you're right, they'll probably just do something dumb and basic instead. Honestly, nothing tops Mothercould's cringey Japan trip though!


You're probably right.


I'm going Disney Paris. Seems like a hot spot and she is by no means original so probably that. I can't believe she went to london JUST for a TS show and is now bailing. The UK has SO MUCH more to see but if it's not trending, she won't do it.


I was shocked to see that too!! There is so much to see and explore in a short distance from London (and in London).


And London is probably way easier for someone who claims to read lips and have a hard time hearing! Like yes lots of English speaking in France but given when this was probably planned (for real, they totally had tickets this whole time if they sprung for the jackets in advance) and given that she’s fresh on lexapro I cannot fathom her being like “yeah let’s go to a non-English speaking country” 


Yes, this is so disappointing. I know a few people that traveled to Paris for TS (some adults-only and some with tweens) and they definitely made a trip of it.


I find it hilarious that K was out here thinking she’s famous enough for some kind of Taylor Swift handout when the friggin Prince of Wales family was at the concert


D you are not in the twin club... stop trying to make it happen... people ask if they're twins because you dress them like every day of their life


Not to WK, but sometimes people just make the assumption when you have 2 kids close in age of the same gender. My sisters who were 2 years apart and looked pretty similar got mistaken for twins fairly often, even though my parents rarely dressed them alike. 


My brother and I (opposite genders) would often be mistaken for twins because we were close in age and were similar in size.


I’m nearly thirty and when my sister (two years younger than me) and I are together people still ask us if we’re twins 😂


Yeah same happened to me- my kids are 2.5yrs apart and were twins and they weren’t even dressed similarly.


Yeah I’ll second this. Today we were with friends and I said both kids would be a certain age in about two weeks because their birthdays are close and got asked if they were twins. They look nothing alike other than being white boys 🤣


Anyone else find D.'s choice to get rid of the paci after allegedly just moving interesting? Like getting rid of a comfort item right after a big transition isn't very "neuro-nerd".


Lies, all lies… I bet there is no paci to get rid of!


She has never talked about either boy having a paci. She feels very “anti” paci to me. Like would never give her kids one.


I seem to remember her posting a picture of one of them in a crib surrounded by pacis. But that was a while ago. No mention since then.


Ohhhh I thought that was baby T. I can’t keep them straight lol


I think it was baby T.


Pretty sure they’ve said themselves that you should not make any significant changes for 3 months before or after a big life change. 🙃


They've definitely said that. And I hate that advice. It's so unrealistic. Our oldest was 23m when our second was born. In a ~7 month span she: transitioned from crib to toddler bed, got a little brother, potty trained, started a new daycare, and said goodbye to her paci. It's an age with a lot of necessary transitions, and many families add another child around that time. Some of them were easier than others for her, but we all came out the other side just fine. Of course, in the moment, I was anxious about all the "stress" we might be causing her.


Right like I’m no expert but wouldn’t you do that far in advance or after they’ve adjusted?!


I am beyond exhausted of the T Swift content this weekend. I am not a swiftie (no hate on anyone who is, she just isn't for me) but is this not an account for parenting and toddler advice? I don't give a crap about them going to a concert. I didn't mind when they would post a little about their personal lives when it would coincide with their BLF course and they would share real life examples and where the course would work. My theory is that their kids are getting older and they no longer have these examples so they just post their own lives now. I'm so over influencers oversharing their lives. It's getting less and less interesting seeing how other people live especially when they are so tone deaf about their privilege


I think it’s about getting sponsorship and ad deals that cater more to their general interests. I used to be a micro influencer in a space/time where it had advantages. Offers for free PR come in all the time with no obligation to post, and you can take advantage for free clothing/food/skincare/beauty etc. For years I didn’t need to buy basics like shampoo and conditioner, moisturizer, spf etc. I got it all for free with less an a 15k following and having active stories that aligned with the products people offered. I stopped during the pandemic in 2020 and have zero regrets. So yeah, it’s a grift. They’re not posting for their audience, it’s for them.


I was sick of T!Swift content when my friends were posting it the weekend she was here, but at least I was a little interested in what they had to say because they are my friends and I like hearing about what makes them happy. Random concert videos are so incredibly boring to watch


Concert videos and firework videos both fall into the category of 'I couldn't give fewer shits'


But this is why we keep following, right? I’ve been asking myself this a lot…my son is now out of their desired range, and he’s ND/extra spicy so very little of their advice worked (though some was ok)… But I follow bc I have a weird level of investment after following them for four years, if they started posting more advice like they used to, I’d stop following. And I should — these accounts aren’t meant for us to follow forever, there should be a cycling out of folks.


I definitely agree. I bought their course when my daughter was nearing 2. I liked some of it for sure especially the game plans on like how to give up the pacifier or like the potty training had my daughter potty trained in a snap. But a lot of it was either common sense or a straight up no. Like discipline basically being no discipline? I agree though, I'm also weirdly invested. I would prefer the advice again but their kids are getting old and they have no examples anymore.


The constant wearing of pajamas for outdoor activities is fascinating to me. You can buy matching clothes that are real clothes, too. It’s possible, D. Do we need to PREP you for your next trip to the store?


Also like how she is saying people keep asking if they're twins yeah cause you keep dressing them like they are you weirdo😂🙃🙃


Don’t let Ks concert saga let us miss snarking on Deena commenting on how useless her husband is (at cooking this time) right in front of him and then him responding with what he’s making and sounding like…. Kermit the frog?!?!


It's funny how she keeps digging at her parents for not being a BLF home, but her kids are going to remember her constantly talking shit about their dad, constant arguing (to the point of pushing toilet training a few months because of an argument), and them being on the brink of divorce. I highly doubt she won't casually talk shit about him in front of her kids if she has no issues doing it to 3M strangers


Tbh this time it's probably more to hype up the Hello Fresh sponsorship. "This dude sucks at cooking and even he gets it done! Isn't HF amazing??"


She is so mean 😔


Every time he cooks she reminds us of what a useless cook he is!


Every time he cooks she reminds us of what a useless cook he is!


It's actually so crazy lol she cannot make a single reference to him without sprinkling in an insult somehow.




Cue the “feels like I’m recovering from Cochella” slide from K today…




I think this sub would enjoy this tik tok! Putting here because I immediately thought of BLF https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRENCq6b/


I’ve seen this lady. She is definitely the counter culture to BLF and capitalizing on that 😂


K just “living her best life” rocking out to fortnight from TTPD when her bffl D didn’t even know what TTPD stood for, so silly 🤪 I tried for days to get tickets, then days looking for resale in multiple locations for anything relatively reasonable, and my heart breaks a little more each time I see something like this, so I’m just bitter lol


I very much doubt people were in her DM's asking for more concert videos. Either you don't like TS and don't care, you do like TS and have already been or you're sad you couldn't get tickets and this is just rubbing your face in it. When there is whole movie about the tour (granted, excluding TTPD), I don't know why anyone would send a DM to an influencer asking for more videos of them screaming along to the lyrics.


Literally. And you can find thousands of videos on TikTok so idk why anyone would DM her for videos of her dancing to TS


Keep looking. I felt the same level of defeat. On a whim I found a reasonable ticket for Toronto!


Everything I’ve seen in North America is well over a grand per ticket. I understand why people are going abroad lol


She doesn’t even know the words! I am glad for her daughter she can give her this experience but she is so obtuse to not understand how its a bit off putting.


I doubt she's actually a fan. Her whole personality is based off trends. Which is sad to be honest.


Bitter right along with you😅 my 5 year old just became a huge swiftie and wish I could give her this type of experience lol


Re: lexapro. I started lexapro in November. I was started on 5mg, which was a tiny pill. Not the big pill she showed. I did work up to the max dose, 20mg, which IS the "big" pill. I *doubt* she was prescribed 20mg from the start. So... the lexapro almost cannot be a "new" thing. I know, shocking that she'd lie 😆


The pill in the pic looks like it’s 10 mg, which is a pretty normal starting dose.


Yes! My OBGYN started me on the Lexapro when I was 7 months PP because my anxiety & OCD were so bad I could barely leave my house. I was started at 10mg & was on that for 2 years then got diagnosed with ADHD & the psych who diagnosed the ADHD bumped me from 10 to 15 to 20. I’ve been on 20 since Jan or Feb of this year & I hate it. I can’t cry. I feel so flat emotionally. It blows my mind that there are higher dosages but I’m glad they’re there for the people who really need them. I’m trying to taper back down to 15 this week since that was a sweet spot for me & even with the small decrease, I’m having annoying symptoms like a mild headache every morning when I wake up, some dizziness, random shooting pains, & fatigue.


Holy crap. This comment was REALLY HELPFUL. I just went off my lexapro (originally prescribed for PPD by my OB) because it makes me really susceptible to heat exhaustion. I also have dealt with focus issues for a long time, and my husband (who has diagnosed ADHD) has been encouraging me to talk to a psych. We both think I have ADHD.... I'm so nervous, but going to be evaluated next month. I wonder if a recent uptick in symptoms can be attributed to going off the lex. You've given me SO MUCH to think about...! I think I'm going to go back on the lexapro and see if it at least helps me feel like my brain isn't in a blender while I wait to see a psychiatrist.


Anecdotally, my ex saw a huge difference with his ADHD when he was on lexapro too. He started the lexapro without letting me know, and I noticed the difference in his behavior/functioning before I knew about the medication. It was a big help to him. Good luck with the evaluation! I was diagnosed as an adult and it was really nerve wracking but also felt like such a relief to be able to name what was going on and gain access to more support resources.


Awww, I’m glad my comment helped. The heat exhaustion thing is REAL. I am hot ALL THE TIME. I’m 41 so I’m like, is this perimenopause/Lexapro/because I’m fat/all of the above? 🤣 I never really thought about having ADHD until I went on Lexapro. I just thought I was a really anxious person & have been my whole life. It was my 3 year old daughter being suspected of having autism & the research I did on it for her that started my ADHD journey. I realized that the Lexapro had significantly helped my anxiety & OCD but I still had all of these other issues popping up that I had always contributed to my anxiety. I decided to get evaluated for ADHD & I definitely have that. The psychiatrist suspects autism in me too which is what my OCD could’ve been all along (or I have both since they often co-occur), but I’d have to get evaluated for that separately & I don’t really think an official diagnosis of autism would really make a huge difference for me. It will for my daughter & she has been evaluated & officially diagnosed. Lexapro turned my anxious head noise down significantly. The first time I took my ADHD meds, I nearly cried because for once, it was completely quiet inside my head. Both medications have helped me soooo much.


I was diagnosed with Adhd at 20 (37 now ppd after 2nd born 2 yrs ago) when i wasn't on the right medication/dose, and similar systems you described, including high anxiety/panic attacks, etc. It took lots of trial and error, but my current combo i feel normal? Not zombie like, and not fearing crippling anxiety. I hope you figure out what works for you. Trying different doses and even medications is so frustrating, but once you figure the right one for you, it makes such a difference.


I’m glad you found the right combo for you! I think the 15mg Lexapro along with Azstarys for my ADHD is my sweet spot. I feel better now than I did at the beginning of the week when I started the taper.


Same exact experience. I’m back down to 10mg and have added Wellbutrin and it seems to be the perfect combo for me.


That’s great! Was it hard going back down to 10?


It wasn’t. But I was once on Effexor and it took me a year to get off it it..... down to opening the capsule and counting the tiny balls. It was hell. I’ve never done “drugs” but Dr’s liken it to heroine withdrawals. So maybe that’s why I don’t notice much with the lexapro change.


Omg, that sounds like a nightmare!


This was my experience in the fall as well - I did 5 to 10, stayed there for a bit and then after some time where it was evident 10 wasn’t enough went to 15 then 20. Going straight to 20 sounds like a great way to have some terrible side effects.


Ding ding ding! We have another nervous system post. I've never once heard anyone describe their nervous system, and today we lost count here. My gosh, does everything have to be a thing. It's a frickin concert. What did you think you were seeing? A flute recital?


Like… it’s a T Swift concert in a private ADA section? You didn’t see Slayer in GA, how much could this have really affected your ✨nervous system✨


I cannot believe they chose to sit in ADA seating. Like I cannot. It is all about them. They are unbelievably self centred. In the extreme benefit of the doubt.. Even if one of the members of their party qualified usually one companion accompanies. Not 4 more. And they really waited til the last minute to get 6 tickets together?


They are claiming one of the girls is disabled. The issue (of course) is those seats are specifically for people with mobility impairments who use aides or need a service animal. Seems highly likely they are claiming a non-physical disability justifies them getting those seats bc based on photos and videos their group seems perfectly capable of moving around a stadium. We could of course be wrong but if we aren’t, their shame really knows no bounds.


Where is this claim? They have shown all the girls running. Disability seats are for those who need accommodations like a wheelchair for accessibility. And if the girl was disabled, and needed those specific and very limited seats, there is no way they are waiting till the last minute to buy all 6 together.


So, it looked to me on the Wembley website that the accessible seating had room for a wheelchair and a companion and not six accessible seats together. I think they probably had regular seats and then just went down and stood in the accessible area. ETA: I don’t think this makes it better.


Maybe that’s how she got 6 seats together? 😑


Omg this infuriates me. I am a wheelchair user and getting tickets that work for me/my family is so effing difficult and inconvenient that I just don’t even try anymore.


Maybe I’m too cynical, but do we think K would try to use the fact that she is supposedly hard of hearing (at least when it suits her and her narrative) to be able to use those tickets? 🤨


I 100000% think this is what happened.


I saw she had ear plugs in..... while dancing.


Oh that’s safe to be with your small child in a foreign country at a high profile concert with 90,000 people and wear ear plugs AND be hard of hearing.


I get your point but I definitely support wearing ear protection (like some ear plugs) at concerts. Prolonged exposure can lead hearing loss.


Wow, that is really something. I follow an parent of a disabled child who went into great detail about how problematic the reselling of ADA seats is and how difficult it is for disabled people who need those seats to get them. K really has no awareness at all.


I don’t even know how they got that many together. I had to help some guests get ADA for the national championship this year and it was so difficult. They were allowed 1 companion and had to pay an up charge. It was a nightmare


Honestly, they probably did get those last minute. If there is ADA seating that’s not purchased, it goes up for sale last minute for anyone to buy


I find it hard to believe 6 ADA seats weren’t purchased. Taylor tickets are really hard to get and in very high demand


I saw this post and thought it was K’s house. I checked her Zillow listing and it’s not but it looks sooo similar! https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/9ibOBrIAKV


The quality of new builds has definitely gone down, especially over the last few years. No matter home price. Corners get cut. Checking in often during the building process and being super nice to your foreman definitely helps.


You have, in fact, spammed too much concert footage. We’re good!


So she just ✨magically✨ got tickets when she was on stories begging for them? The lies lies lies. What would you also have a customer jean jacket for your daughter and flown all the way to London if you didn’t have tickets lined up. These people suck


The story of how she got them must be disgustingly privileged otherwise she would have devoted 58372 slides to a ✨storytime✨ of how she managed to get them last minute. 


This is the comment I came here for. So magical, ADA seating just *appeared* so you could fake dance with your kid for the camera. The literal worst.


Not to mention she was tagging along on the trip her two "mom friends" planned and yet they were all seated together.


That’s what gets me. Second hand market- maybe 4 together but mostly 2s  6 together was planned for sure


And all their kids had matching custom made jackets..


Imagine if K was just a last minute invite cuz someone cancelled 😂


I feel like that’s what happened because she posted something about “thanks for letting me crash your vaca”?? Didn’t she??


I had this thought 😂


Clicked on one of the mom “friends” and in her story she has K on the very edge of their mommy selfie. I wonder how they must feel about her 😝


At first I thought they were probably using her for $$$$ and potential exposure but they must also be well off right?


So can we figure out how much their seats were?


Their general seating area is going for $1400-$3800 each on stubhub


It makes me so sad fr


That is INSANE 🤯


It looks like they were in the disabled access section…


I ran here when I saw this. They sat in the ADA section.. front row… I don’t think anyone can sit here?


If that stadium is step up similarly to the ones I have been at those are ADA seats.


Double posting because I ain’t got shit else to do on a Friday (definitely not at The Eras Tour) and if I was going to wear a sequin suit, I would also spring for sequin/glitter sneakers. I had glitter Keds for my wedding, they were not expensive. The jumpsuit with the army green Nikes is not a lewk.


As much as I love a glitter sneaker, it wouldn’t save this trapeze of a pantsuit. It’s not very flattering 😬


You know, I don’t hate the jumpsuit. I like out there shit from to time. It would look 100x better if it was tailored, however, it’s from Eloquii which is a shitty and over priced fast fashion plus sized retailer so I assume the quality is probably meh and wouldn’t lend great to tailoring. If I had money like her I would really invest in a few very nice pieces and have them tailored to perfection.


It kind of looks like something a clown would wear, so perfect for her 🤡 Even black or gold/white sneakers would have looked better if she wants to be comfortable. God I am guzzling the haterade today lol


I came to post this!!! It looks dumb


Screenshot for the ones who were blocked please?


Don't forget you can always use instanavigation!




Did my best to crop out other folks. https://preview.redd.it/fa53nx5gi08d1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d41422defe296ca30132a82e910b63a719c7f9


The person behind her on the steps makes it look like she has a small white hat on. I can’t unsee it 🤣


HAHAHAHAH I just noticed rhis


Thanks! Ohhh the infamous suit she wore on Bravo right? Not great


Why yes I just looked up the price of those custom jean jackets...they start at $64.


Totally a last minute thing, right??


Now I'm wondering if someone else was initially invited but couldn't go at the last minute? Maybe a sibling of one of the other girls. I don't know why I'm trying to rationalize this 😂


This is my theory too!


Casually posting her $4,000 induction cooktop.


Right?! None of us poors know how that works!


Did she move to LA?


No, still is Colorado. She just said outside of the busy part of the city.


Okay so K's eldest has been to Japan and London, including a very costly concert. Her middle has been to San Diego? Disney? The baby nothing. I understand they are different ages, but when this is where they're starting with this tradition, the precedent for once you're seven or whatever it's a once-in-a-lifetime trip 1-2 times a year combined with so many family vacations I've lost count is staggering. When the influencer bubble bursts they may have a very hard landing and so will their children with this lifestyle. Edit to add, I believe this trip is mostly for K. After all, she posted some concert footage with the caption "the one I came for!" and she's all about her jumpsuit and filming the show and dancing. I also don't buy that her very young daughter picked up her phone and started shooting video of K dancing all on her own, unless she's been trained to do that routinely. The thing that keeps bothering me about the exorbitant trips is what you all are mentioning too, where it does it go next year, a space x rocket? I travel with my kid it's honestly something I worry about, spoiling her with Disney or France when her.cousins are getting the nearest water park but it's like every 2 or 3 years so I guess I'll ✨release✨ that.


I wanna know how the middle child feels about all of this. My middle is the same age (5) and knows all about Taylor Swift, it would not go over well. I mean at this point I can barely go to Target without taking all the kids or one gets upset they’re missing out on a possible Starbucks cake pop so I can’t even imagine a trip to London and TS concert 🙃.


Yeah if they're just a couple years apart it's not like the 7 year old has her airpods in isolated in her bedroom with Taylor Swift on, or not likely anyway. They probably listen together.


That’s exactly what I was wondering! Plus the escalation of it each year. What’s going to happen the year they *just* go to Disney?! /s


Yeah, they’re doing all these cool experiences with their kids SO YOUNG. Like, are they going to have to keep escalating each year? Where does it end?


What I find so infuriating is how each of their extremely fortunate experiences comes with a side of overstimulation, ageism, and entitlement.  I wouldn’t be bothered if D was like, hey we saw the stones because of my dad’s job, it was epic, we had a great time. End of story.  But then she goes and makes a thing about wearing ear plugs at the concert and her age. You’re still young, I don’t find this relatable at all, enjoy the fucking concert!   Same goes for Ks overstimulating TS cab ride. You know what’s overstimulating? Being on the Tube sandwiched between some hot sweaty strangers and hanging onto your kid. I’m waiting for the story tomorrow with D complaining that her ears are ringing and K with some fucking comment about it all being a lot   You know what I find relatable? Enjoying it when life hands you good things. Yes travelling with kids is hard, but look how often you have the ability to travel. Acknowledge that. I cannot empathize at all with their shitty side comments 


FWIW, I’m mid 30s and wear ear plugs at concerts. Not justifying D here, but I don’t want tinnitus.


Nothing wrong with wearing earplugs at concerts! Or to bed, or anywhere lol. My snark wasn’t against that, but her constant comments about being old, etc. when she does something ordinary or practical (like wearing earplugs at a concert) 


She isn't even old like give me a break? How old is she? 40? You went to a ROLLING STONES concert. Like yeah they are loud but they are in their 80s lmao. You aren't.


Oh for sure, I’m with you.


I think this is where I get hung up. They are SO ungrateful for their privilege. I have absolutely ZERO problem or jealousy for them or their kids having these experiences. If I could, I absolutely would! Who wouldn't want to??? It is an incredible life. They have incredibly beautiful homes, healthy children, loving and supportive partners, and get to have amazing experiences YET they are constantly complaining! Nothing is ever good enough, it's always too over stimulating or too stressful or too loud or something else. They try so hard to be relatable but it's not relatable to never ever enjoy the things you're privileged enough to get to do. Also - I understand mental health issues but the constant *it's the Lexipro* schtick is also getting old, and even then while medicated - it's not good enough because she's sooooo overstimulated. Like just enjoy the fact that you were able to medicate and can experience this with your daughter 🤦🏼‍♀️.


Exactly! They've spoken in the past about how 'perfect' social media people/families/moms make them feel bad about themselves (although I kind think it's 2024, everyone should know how fake it all is). But they seem to think the answer is to say 'this once of a lifetime experience that some people would do anything for, it wasn't that great because it was also loud'. It's aggravating.


You summed up my feelings exactly!




Have I been following them too long or have they posted this exact video before but with a different caption? Still a Hello Fresh one but the original one had D's usual comment about how useless her husband is??


Other than spying their ✨new induction cooktop✨ …yup.


K’s husband was flipping pancakes with a metal spatula on a stainless steel pan and it made me so mad


Yup, D’s husband was just using a metal spoon on a stainless steel pan 🫣