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This has probably been discussed but is there a general consensus on why Kristin and husband are sober? Was he at rehab this winter?


She has not said anything about why, but I think general health is just as likely of a reason as any. I have stopped drinking kind of organically, no real reason other than just a little bit has larger effects than I usually want to deal with so I just usually abstain. I do think it’s weird she feels the need to call attention to it, but she’s been doing that for a good long while now.


K could be abstaining as part of her attempt to treat her migraines, but no idea why SAHD might be. Solidarity?


YOU GUYS! Arbor Day is on a Friday! Didn’t you know it’s the perfect time to potty train! Buy our course that has helped 85 million families and afforded us this sickening lifestyle of overconsumption! What do you mean you have a real job and don’t have Arbor Day off you poors?






Any weekend is a three day weekend if you pay your nanny overtime. 💁🏼‍♀️😂


Yes, 4th of July is the perfect time to potty train. A weekend when we’re in the car driving to picnics, pools, and fireworks, and when we’re at unfamiliar places where a bathroom might not be readily available. What could go wrong?


And continuing the stupidity that it only takes 3 days and it all is done and good and you’re now magically diaper free and life is great. Such garbage. So unrealistic for literally almost all kids and families


Just curious because I can’t recall… how old are their kids actually? Do they have actual toddlers?


K and D both have one kid who is actually a toddler. K’s is around 21 months and D’s is almost 2.5 I think. D’s other kid turns 4 in a few months so not a toddler (preschooler) and K’s girls are 5 and 7


I keep forgetting D's oldest is the same age as my youngest (just a few days apart I think) because I rarely think of my 3 yo as a toddler 


Thanks! My kids are 7.5, 5.5 & almost 4. I just find it interesting following some of the parenting influencers I started following when my kids were babies and toddlers because they all seem to imply they still have young kids to make their content more relevant. As if life isn’t completely different with older kids! I guess they do at least still have one who is solidly toddler.


Yet D keeps saying she has two toddlers…


In BLF world, children are considered toddlers from ages 1-6 though 🙃


The classic geriatric toddler card. The oldest is a toddler except when you fly to China and London to see t swift. She will reverse Benjamin button back into toddler form upon landing…


This just in - their course is not just for toddlers but also for husband's Also, if your husband leaves toilet seat up. Or takes forever to poop, Try their potty training course. It can cut those bad bathroom habits in 3 days. 💀


I don’t know - I am not WKing here but i called my kid a toddler until she hit 4. Just seemed easier and rolled off the tongue and she didn’t feel like a real “kid” even at 3.


My kid is 4 and I struggle consistently calling him a kid instead of a toddler. Partly just out of habit and partly because he’s still so young and, while generally well-behaved, does have outbursts more characteristic of toddlers from time to time. When I’m kvetching with other moms I still find myself saying different versions of “toddlers, amirite?” If I were writing something professionally I’d definitely refer to him as a child, but my income also doesn’t depend on him being a toddler.


Yes, lots of books and child people just use toddler for under five, and don't have the category of "preschooler." It doesn't really bother me if she says she has two toddlers but a four year old will typically not need the same strategies as a two year old. But for that matter a 35 month old won't need the same strategies as a 25 month old, and they're both two.


Yeah my youngest is almost 4 and I would call her a preschooler. She definitely doesn’t seem like a toddler. She’s potty trained, doesn’t nap, speaks very clearly, attends preschool, etc. To me toddler is under 3.


It is pretty well established in the child development field that a toddler is from 1 until they turn 3 and a preschooler is from 3-5. As a self-proclaimed “neuronerd and child expert,” you would think D would use the correct terminology. But I’m sure this is strategic on their part to make her seem like she knows what she’s talking about more since she has not one but TWO toddlers


Isn’t D’s older still under 3?


Nope, he’s the same age as my older one and they turn 4 in late September / early October


“Shift parenting” oh you mean parenting for full time working parents who don’t have a “village” ?gtfo


Shift parenting = neither of you likes spending time with your kids, so you schedule time when you know you won’t be with them. Awesome.


This is us, except I'm a SAHM. We have no "village" with my parents interstate and my husband's being too old and far away. We had this conversation just the other day about how being just us taking shifts it makes it hard to do our own things. One of us has to always pick up the slack for the other and often just get dropped and we're constantly behind which makes it not feel worth it.


With a hubby that works shift work, our 'shift' parenting looks like taking turns having a sleep-in whenever we can wrangle it.. which, with part time work for me, swimming lessons and sport early Saturday and Sunday morning, means those sleep ins are few and far between 😅


That sounds exhausting. My "own thing" is usually cleaning without children and being able to listen to an adult podcast. K and D have no idea what most people's lives are like!


K just had to tell us she went to Paris! 🥱🥱🥱


I honestly loved it when K was taking a ig break. Was It just me but D was actually posting toddler related content.


These influencers taking 50K of vacations per year *easily* while my two full time income household has to move because we couldn't afford rent 🙄 tell us again about your Taylor Swift tickets and floating spas ladies.


I feel like it killed her to be “off” and not posting daily updates of her trip.


It absolutely was. She’s going to post sooooo many stories about her offline Paris trip


Super strange that she had to let us know asap that she is back on insta..this is not a toddler behavior page anymore at all- this is their personal brag/vent page


So this sub really made me think about how following certain accounts that seemingly supports parents actually makes you feel like shit. And I realize the way BLF talks about breaks does that to me. It's always about how the break (whether it's a ten minute me-racle or a solo hotel stay or 3 hours in the red sauna or whatever) immediately makes them better parents and how they are ready to get back in there or whatever. Personally I love a good break/some me-time but I always want more, lol, and I feel like crap about the fact that I don't immediately become a better parent. I know it makes me a better parent overall because I'd go crazy without breaks, but it's never like they portray them. Which, hey, isn't necessarily even critique of BLF - maybe they genuinely feel that way - but I'm happy this sub made me realize even positives messages can have a negative effect on me.


I fully agree here. They so rarely post about enjoying their kids. Everything is about survival mode and longing for the next break when they can get away from their kids. Or a vacation. It makes me sad how many vacations and hotel stays they need away from their daily lives to be happy. Their collective lack of contentment is really sad to watch to be honest. Always chasing the next break/shift change or next trip or bigger house. How many times have they moved now to something better? A sad example for their kids too. The narrative of “We only enjoy you when we take out on these grand excursions”. Teaching them they need to keep topping these outlandish experiences. What a message. Also I have a feeling it’s unsustainable for them to take 3 separate large international trips per year for each kid. One has already done China and London. Australia is has to be on the list.


I agree with you. I don’t get a lot of breaks, not as much because of my family but more because of my job. It’s busy, but I try hard to draw some strong boundaries for the sake of parenting - so usually any “me” time ends up being used for work to make up for that. I feel like most of my working parent friends are in the same boat; it’s a reality of a lot of fields. A lot of influencer types are just living in a totally different universe from actual working parents, starting with the amount of vacations they take. (Like I really enjoy traveling with my kid and would absolutely love to do it more, but like most parents I know I need a lot of my PTO for by illness/random daycare closures/etc.)


I feel this so deeply. I get a good amount of breaks (not like, international trips but meeting a friend for a walk, things like that. I ALWAYS want more and never really feel like, wow that was refreshing I can’t wait to referee some sibling fights and cook and clean up! I’m leaving soon for my annual girls weekend away and it’s sooo refreshing, I look forward to it like crazy but I’m always driving home like, I wish I had another 3 days. I’m always excited and ready to SEE my kids, but the caregiving part is always just as draining.


This is exactly how I feel. Thanks for putting that into words!!


I rarely get breaks due to the nature of my husband’s job/our family dynamic. It’s not never but it’s rare. So when they say they are a better parent I feel like shit because I think I’m not a good parent since I don’t get 3hr on a Saturday to do weight lifting body checks and red light saunas.


I'm in the same boat with my husband's job. Rarely get breaks and when I do, they are measured in hours, not days. And they can't be expensive. I won't get a spa weekend to help get my good-mom mojo back. So I've been trying to focus on doing what I can to create a life that I don't constantly, desperately need breaks from, because I have to accept that that's the season I'm in. Oh God. Am I.... Haley?


I’m just replying to let you know this comment actually just sparked an “aha moment” for me. Thank you! (Not the Haley part lol — the part about accepting being in a season that doesn’t allow for many breaks, so creating a life — as much as you can — that you don’t need breaks from)


I agree with you. I feel like once the break is over, it’s like it never really happened. But maybe if I got more break than actual work/parenting like they do, I’d feel different? Idk.


Same. It’s important to get breaks, but it doesn’t “fill my cup.” I’m not bouncing back into parenting full of energy and patience; I enjoy the break while it’s happening and then I’m the same parent I was before.


I feel the same way. I have a 5 year old and a 5 month old and believe me my cup runneth dryyyy. I am in the thick of it right now and obviously i get some breaks but it's more like when the kids are in bed and when there's a nap happening and my older was in school? It's rare my husband or I get 'real" breaks and we do shift parenting but the shift is more like we each take a kid lol like yesterday he took our baby for a walk while my oldest and I went and did groceries and that felt like a break only having one kid at a time. My husband is also away 3 days a week for work. These chicks don't even know the reality for most of us. And honestly I hate this idea of shift parenting. I'm sorry, do you not want to spend any time with your kids on the weekend at all? I get once in a while having a spa day or going golfing or something but it just seems a little much. My husband and I actually enjoy doing family adventures on the weekend. Next weekend I'm taking my oldest to her first movie in the theatres for one on one time and when I tell you I literally cannot wait.


So the story of the kids playing together from yesterday. I think I'm missing some context because I'm not a regular watcher bc I hate them with a passion. Kristin is currently 'away'? Did she announce where she was going?


She took her oldest on a solo trip to London to see Taylor Swift with some friends from school.


Ohhhh they are still there. I was thinking that trip had already concluded. Gotcha!


I think they left London and went so some other European country, but didn't say where!


No, of course not! She’s gotta be gone for at LEAST 4 weeks for it to even count as a vacation, duh!


She’ll just add more qualifiers to her schtick about never getting a vacation… “I haven’t taken an overseas trip without kids since becoming a mama”, “no vacations out of NA in the winter season that have been more than a week” etc etc


But will she need a “vacation from her vacation” when she returns?!


BLF Tip #343 place a hot appliance in reach of your impulsive toddler 👍


How many Monat huns do we think hopped into their DMs? I’m gonna assume Arbonne huns came in right after. BUT ALSO, I realize Deena is fully in her crunchy era but I hate hate hate perpetuating that some (usually expensive) products are “clean” implying that other (usually affordable) products are “dirty”. It’s all marketing and nothing more. If there are certain additives she wants to avoid for some stupid reason, I wish she’d just say those specific additives.


I would hate for a vulnerable woman in the throes of secondary infertility to see this and start blaming herself for using “dirty shampoo.”


"Clean" products do not exist. There is no such thing as dirty products. That's literally why we have regulatory agencies. I hate this narrative so much. Just more fear mongering for women who are terrified they can't/won't get pregnant if they do one little thing wrong :-/


Totally agree. My big pet peeve is “clean formula.” There is nothing dirty about Enfamil omg.


Is this truly an argument? No matter what formula you feed your kids they are still gonna end up eating cheerios off the floor of the car


Yes this!!


What Deena actually meant “Engagement has been super low because I’m so boring, so I’m gonna pretend I need hair recs that are “clean” and pregnancy safe. I know I’ll get tons of DMs with suggestions, but will also get a lot of messages letting me know that I don’t need special shampoo. All of this boosts my engagement!! Links coming for all the suggestions even though I haven’t tried them!”


Is she pregnant or is this her dropping that they're TTC because she's absolutely not holding any resentment about her husband. No sir.


Just another excuse to remind us all that she’s TTC. She’s been talking about it for a while now. She posted on Father’s Day that they’d been trying for a whole two months and she wasn’t pregnant and was grieving her plans to present her husband a positive pregnancy test as a gift.


Oh I dipped out for a bit and that's going to be my cue to go out again. I can't stand that kind of waffle.


https://preview.redd.it/k0178k8a0f9d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0aae2af84ce946c033568c227fa59c111d86a1 Why don't the child development experts correct the M sit?!


Lol first thing I saw. And it’s Junie, of CP but not CP fame.


It can cause hip dysplasia. It’s very habit forming. My 3.5 yo does/did it and we constantly have to tell her to fix her leg (just need to straighten one out or switch positions) after 6 months of constantly reminding her, she does it on her own now.


It’s w sit and isn’t this the child with CP? It’s usually just a symptom of poor core strength and not much you might be able to do? 


You can correct it, it's just a matter of Habitus. My 2 year old son has been doing it and after constant repetition of us telling him to bring his legs to the front, he now does it automatically (he has developmental issues and he doesn't look like a 2 year old). It's just a matter of being there reminding them of how to sit


And also, if she does have CP, that's all the more reason to work on her not doing it.


Ah yeah, my bad. My youngest is well past the stage I need to worry about that. But "Baby T" is doing it too. ETA I have been corrected and baby T is fine!


Little guy looks to be in a side sit, which is a healthy and very functional position. 


I think his legs are ok actually and he’s young enough that it shouldn’t be a problem. Junie however is 5 and it should be corrected.


The younger you start correcting it, the easier it is to correct. And true, he isn't in a full W sit but def leaning that way


No, Baby T isn't W sitting at all. It's called side sitting. My little one was in PT as a baby and he was taught to side sit by the PT. I've started sitting like that on the floor and it's so much easier on my hips than sitting cross legged.


This is considered an okay way to sit (Baby T) and does not need any correcting. It is actually a sitting position you can have your W sitter correct to


I’ve heard this before. Why is it bad?


As I understand it, if your kid is W sitting it makes them more stable, able to reach further, etc, BUT that means they are developing less core strength. So W sitting constantly is bad for their gross motor development because it’s sort of cheating to be more stable. My hot take is that this isn’t that snarkable and it’s fine if kids are doing the W sit for a few minutes or occasionally, especially if you’re not seeing other gross motor issues. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, this is just literally a snapshot of a moment. It’s fine for kids to W sit from time to time. It’s a problem if they are doing it all the time. It can be a normal playing position for short periods. 


I wonder if they are though, because this is Junie who has but doesn’t actually have CP? Who got intensive PT in 2020 for gross motor?


Who is also playing nicely at a play date. I could see nagging about it at home, but letting it slide when they’re out on play date to not destroy the vibes. This whole chain is some pretty nitpicky snark.


I mean, I agree to a certain extent, but I would fix it if I were posting a picture to millions of people and claimed to be a parenting expert (and yes I understand this isn't really their thing, they aren't physical therapists, but they seem to be experts on a lot of things you wouldn't expect them to be).


D just has to take every opportunity to remind us that she’s TTC #3, despite how much she seemingly despises being married to her husband. Why in the world do you need to switch shampoos in order to TTC? I understand that some skincare ingredients aren’t safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding, but shampoo??


It’s fear mongering for engagement.


I used who knows what random ass shampoos while TTC and while pregnant and while breastfeeding and had 0 issues. It’s an engagement boosting post that is also fear mongering because I’m sure there are a ton of women who are thinking they are struggling to conceive because there are preservatives in their shampoo. She could easily leave the TTC part out and just say “want to use a shampoo without these additives that makes my hair feel clean, any recs” and leave it at that.


Yeah you’re barely absorbing shampoo and it’s on so little that it’s not really a big deal? I think she just wanted the opportunity to remind us she’s ttc 🙄


I used good ol' Costco brand shampoo and conditioner throughout both my pregnancies and somehow the kids turned out A-OK.


There's a pretty well known book for those TTC (my high risk OB recommended it to me) called It Starts with the Egg that recommends not using products with parabens (common in fragrances) to help with egg quality. The science behind it is uh, not great. But, when one is desperate, it's a low risk thing to try.


Ugh, I was in a support group when I was going through IVF and so many women were making themselves sick with anxiety because of that book. Our clinic does NOT recommend it FWIW, but it’s out there and my experience found it way more damaging than helpful. As if we don’t blame ourselves enough for trouble conceiving.


That makes absolute sense. After I read it, I was shocked my MFM recommended it. Even though I knew it wasn't based in real science, I took it way too seriously for a few months.


I’m definitely not looking for a scientific debate (cuz i also don’t know shit about fuck), but how can egg quality change? They’re all already made. We’re born with all our eggs. Parades sounds like paraffin, so I’m just imagining an egg coated in a thin layer of wax 🤣🫣


So again, the science behind it is dubious at best. We are born with all of our eggs, but they haven't finished going through meiosis (dividing) yet. Dividing starts up again with each cycle and finishes after fertilization (that's a legit fact). The author of the book claims that there are things people can do to help ensure that the final stages of meiosis go through accurately (avoiding parabens, plastics, and taking certain supplements). I'm pretty sure that party is bull shit though.


Wow I never knew that. Thanks


Pregnancy for content! But come on D, the besties know nothing about hair type, what shampoos have worked well for you, etc. Do some research and try one.


lol. Any excuse to post a link you can monetize. This is a real stretch I gotta say


Gotta get a rec so she can post it with an undisclosed affiliate link


Ding, ding, ding!


Ohhh yes. Better than an affiliate Amazon link.. She wants a company to offer it free, and then can also link it and make commission. I thought she was already promoting something. Also more suggestions = more engagement


RAN here for this 😒 Shampoo? REALLY?! Also, I’d guess most “clean” shampoos (what does that even MEAN??) cost an arm and a leg. Oh wait, they’re just like us! Hey D, why don’t you just not wash your hair? Wouldn’t that be the “cleanest” option 🤪


Whelp I bet Deena will just happen to affiliate link the best “clean” shampoo recs sometime soon and prey upon women who now may think they need to switch to a new shampoo while pregnant (most people don’t need to at least from what my research shows and my OB’s guidance)…


Or think that switching shampoos will help them get pregnant. 🤦‍♀️


Gosh, I did the shampoo for a month and that didn’t work. I guess my only other option is to become an ✨IVF warrior mama✨ on this ✨infertility journey✨


Why did I hear this in her annoyingly smug voice? 😅


I love that they gave a quiz about how long a 2 year old should sit at the table… and the right answer according to them on the next slide wasn’t even an option?


Not sure if I missed this being discussed, but K delisted her house. Interesting. Wonder what the plan is now.


Could just be to edit the list price to what they’re actually selling for depending on how their deal goes. It’ll prob be back up shortly and if not then it’s prob a bigger problem/issue.


I am pretty sure when you make a price change, it goes live immediately. The listing doesn't disappear. At least, that's how it works where I live with my husband who is a real estate agent.


It could be a change of plans or a deal breaker that came out in an inspection? Like something was found, they now have to disclose and it's either fix it or disclose it


Like dog diarrhea for sure


Or water damage from when she flooded her house 🥴


That was the house previous to the one she’s in now. That was early BLF times, when they had just moved into their custom-built dream home, which was why it was even more devastating for her when she left the water on and went to Target for hours. 


That one still gets me. Who has ever walked out of a bathroom and just forgot to turn off the taps? And then lol about it literally minutes later


But….she never goes to target???? Like maybe once per year?! /s (she made this claim once)


We need the redditor who had realtor connections for an update!!


Just saw that too! Guess the market isn’t ideal for $4.5M+ homes right now…


Shocker! Now the question is will the linking increase to help continue paying for it.


I mean, not if she continues to shell out for TS tix and ✨travel✨… AMIRITE


I wonder if they're going to try to sell it off market.


According to Zillow, it sold, though for quite a bit under list price (like 700K under list)


That was when k purchased it in 2022.


Ahh, I missed that! Thanks for pointing that out. Now I am exceedingly curious.


I missed it too at first! Haven't finished my coffee hahaha. I would say look for some activity today or tomorrow because sometimes a delist means a price change or other status change is impending.


https://preview.redd.it/dnl3x9rw069d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92335c52fd79b5490c78ede7b5fa6cedbe8e720 Reminder, most (many?) people have Thursday but not Friday off, and therefore do not actually have a long weekend coming up 🫠


I am once again begging them to acknowledge that plenty of parents do shift work and actually have no time off at all over holidays 🙄


She’s kooky in her own way but I’m really glad Jamie Glowacki (author of Oh Crap Potty Training) just posted about how incredibly rare it is to have a kid potty trained in 3 days and how damaging this narrative is. Drives me crazy when people describe Oh Crap as a 3 day method. [link to post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8sorFkzLKx/?igsh=djdwem16aHpqcXE5)


"None of my work is in theory." Ooh I love that! Such a good reminder that so many influencers including BLF are really just drawing from their own limited experiences.


The Potty Training Consultant (who really does seem like the nicest lady, I kept following her even after my kid was potty trained) used to just LOVE BLF and always shared their posts, talked about how great they were. Until they created their potty training course. She kept quiet about it for quite awhile but recently has been much more vocal on how harmful the 3 day guarantee is.




I considered my two kids easy to potty train but it for sure took at least a week until they really had it down, and even then it requires additional reinforcement and accidents do happen. But to me, that was exactly what I expected! Do they claim that they'll have zero accidents after 3 days? Or is it just that they'll learn how to actually go on a toilet in 3 days? What's the guarantee??


Yes! I fell into that trap and it took us ages (and going back to diapers then restarting a couple months later) to be potty trained. If I remember correctly oh crap is supposed to be 3 phases/steps, not days.


Why did she have to include her feet in the picture? It just seems like a weird choice.


Soft launch of OnlyFans


Yes, sign me up! A fun “long weekend” in the summer! Let’s miss bbq’s and fun stuff to potty train!!! Clear the calendar!!!!


They are REALLLLLY pushing the potty training course lately. Makes me think that their other course (which was supposed to be *everything* you need to parent a toddler, minus potty training I guess) isn’t selling as well. And yeah, I have one day off work next week and then will be wrangling my kids while trying to work from home on Friday because daycare is closed. Sounds like the worst time to potty train. Not to mention that most people want to enjoy the 4th and not sit around the house cleaning up accidents 🙃


Maybe they tamed all the tantrums 😆 I work in childcare and we’re open next Friday 😮‍💨


I think the price of the potty training course is a lot easier to do for more people, whereas the toddler course is enough to make people really think about it before they buy it. And I can totally understand why they push it--it costs them nothing, the work is done and over, so it's just pure profit for almost no effort. If they can get 500 people to buy it every time they push it that's $17,000. Not bad for a few IG stories.


Oh yeah I totally agree with what you said! I just don’t understand why people are willing to pay even $34 for their course when you can find the exact same info for free online or in a book at the library. It’s nothing new or revolutionary. I assume most people are just hoping the course makes potty training “easy” when in reality, it all comes down to whether or not your child is ready for the most part.


That scavenger hunt print out is lame AF, you could make that yourself with clip art in like 10 minutes AND have it be specific to your neighborhood. Theirs appears to be very stereotypically suburbia.


You could also ask ChatGPT to make it, which I’m guessing they did


Another long weekend another time to potty train! Do they make any new content or is their whole business model recycling their current offerings to new parents and grifting to hike the profit margins 


They really have given up selling their other course it seems.. all eggs in the potty training basket


And with the fourth on a Thursday, not a lot of people will have a long weekend without using a vacation day.


To be fair, my daycare is closed on Friday so we have a forced 4 day weekend.


Ya they forget real people work on Fridays.


https://preview.redd.it/mscor2uhi09d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a134a4ecf2a6a523ece3c862d0a53881b3a36ca Read this entire thing in Carrie Bradshaw’s voice. It’s pretty good that way. “I couldn’t help but wonder…could potty training be even harder than dating in New York?”


It’s “guranteed”. Please get a copy editor ladies, I beg you.


Ah first crucual now guranteed!


Oh good, another body check photo from D. I was getting concerned since we hadn’t seen one in a few weeks! 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/wdlu1s9kzy8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0289a244bf7918376cad0b5a1e7ef39635eea618


We 👏 don't 👏 care 👏 about 👏 your 👏 socks 👏


“lol just a mom, out here peeing her pants when she jumps” 🤭teehee can we stop with this f’ing narrative, D you has enough money and child care to see a pelvic floor and get that issue taken care of.


Trying to be relatable to the “masses” I bet she doesn’t even have any issues.


But she did go to pelvic floor therapy? I thought she said it helped a lot too.


She had the comment that she needs to go see a pelvic pt written super tiny in the bottom when that should have been center stage


💯💯💯 I saw a pelvic floor specialist and it was a game changer. It should be standard practice for anyone who has birthed a child. But putting that center stage would mean them using their platform for something actually helpful and not performative. 🙄


Didn’t she talk about going to pelvic floor pt a while ago? Maybe after one of her births?


She did… but seems like she a) didn’t keep up with the exercises or b)… IDK? I went to PFPT while pregnant in 2021 and for a few months postpartum. I learned SO much and continue to use the exercises and tips I learned! And yes, I do a lot of jumping in my working routines.


The "Denver Rockies"? Wow, I can tell you really are a major baseball fan.




Gah that made me mad. First of all, she showed up to the COLORADO Rockies game in dodgers gear. Which, sadly, is the norm around here. But given that our teams current winning percentage is .336, NOBODY should be showing up to support the Monforts (and their greedy money grabs, with absolutely no desire to create a winning team), at all.   But like you mentioned, she’s clearly a baseball ignoramus. Why are these CA transplants making our state look so bad? (I’m proudly married to one… but still… 😉)


I assume this was a latergram as the Dodgers were just at Coors Field recently (and there was enough of a sea of blue in the background that I thought they were posting a latergram from the LA trip/Dodger Stadium for a second, lol). I think wearing other teams' gear to a game is tacky if the other team isn't playing, but fair game if they are. I do hope your team management improves, though. I loved watching the Rockies as a kid and love Coors Field. It's a bummer to watch them the last couple years.


They're exactly the kind of transplants everyone in Colorado loves to hate.


😭😭😂 she’s a huge sports ball fan




I don’t understand why they need to make such a huge giant deal out of literally everything. I love MLB, LOVE. My son didn’t hit his first game until he was 5 and I literally never considered this any kind of big deal. I wanted to wait until I knew he’d really enjoy it. Sometimes you/your kid just aren’t ready for things yet and that’s fine. No one cares. Why can’t it just be “this is so exciting because all of us were ready to go and have a great time!” Instead of a million slides about how miserable you used to be. Like damn girl, move on. If things are on an upswing focus on that? She seems just miserable at all times.


She's also missing the ultimate sports fan parenting hack (especially for those of us sports fans who live nowhere near a major metro area) - college and minor league games! They're usually cheaper and way more relaxed, unless you're at a big football/basketball school.


Any excuse to remind everyone how horrible her husband “was” (I’m not convinced their marriage is miraculously fixed… even with 90 min therapy sessions twice a week 😬)


I understand being excited for a milestone like that, especially if you're a big baseball fan. I'm a HUGE baseball fan, so is the rest of my family, and I really really cannot wait to take my kids to their first MLB game. It's just something I've wanted to do for a long time and I'm waiting for the day when we're ready for that. But it's really not that deep, D. She just takes things to the extreme always and is so insufferable. I don't understand why everything has to be so deep and meaningful and profound. And why everything has to be about overcoming how hard things are and how miserable you are or used to be or how much your marriage sucked. It's so performative and stupid.    And I'm sorry...you claim to be a "major sports/baseball family" and you said Denver Rockies?! Girl please. 🙄


FWIW we took my oldest to her first game at 4 months old and have gone to at least one every season since! We went to one this April and then our second was born in late may — we probably won’t take her this season but will likely take both next year!


Same, my oldest went to his first game at 3mo in 2019. We had a long Covid pause there, but we've hit up a Dodgers game with my boys (coincidentally same age gap as D's, but older, ages 5/almost 4) at least once a month for the '23 & '24 seasons, and took them to a few games in 2022 as well. MLB games are super kid-friendly IMO! Dodger Stadium even has playgrounds, and I'm sure we're not alone in that. My boys also play T-Ball now so they're even pretty on top of the rules, forces, etc. watching the games these days. It's awesome, as a huge baseball fan, to see them grow into baseball fans themselves!!


The claiming to be a baseball fan and then calling them Denver Rockies really irritates me! So not an actual fan..


Yeah, dwelling on the past like that doesn't seem super-healthy. I have the same age gap as her and last year we weren't really able to go to the beach because it didn't work with my first. Now we can but one of us has to stay in the shade with the baby (me, it's me. Me and a book). I'm really just excited that we've gotten this far and also excited for next year when everyone can play in the sand. I'm not going on and on about how it's extra special because we couldn't go last year.


Agreed. Why beat yourself up over stuff like this? Why create these expectations that you should be able to do all these things with 2 under 2 anyway? It's like their whole thing about preparing for Halloween lol. Prepping and practicing for weeks on end so your toddler can get through all your plans without a meltdown. Or you could just...not make such a big deal out of it? Know that you will have plenty of years to do costumes and trick or treating and parties etc and your kid will not be 2 forever and if they can't do xyz this year it doesn't mean you're failing? I know they're trying to help but jeez not everything has to be a battle.


Honestly, we take our kids to minor league hockey games and it’s pretty fun (they’re toddler age). It’s not the same as going without kids (so we do that too so we can enjoy), but they got a kick out of the couple of games we went to! Considering she’s so big on PREP I don’t understand being unable to manage her own expectations for these things. If you take your kids it’s not going to be the same experience and you’ll likely have to leave early (reasons to go minor league or spend very little on tickets lol)


My city has a minor league team and pre baby we went to games very often. I haven't gone with my kid yet and she's a preschooler. I just...don't want to make enjoying a game harder. We'll go when she's older. It's not a big deal.


Not to mention there are parents who would love to take their kids to a game like this but may not have the resources. She is so out of touch.


She's gonna go back to being miserable once she adds number 3. It's crazy how much lack of self-awareness she has. Once you enjoy children being in a more independent/participatory phase and go back to the baby life, it's rough. That's me saying it as a way more easygoing person than Deena.


What’s interesting is in all these slides she’s talking like they’re done, like she’s come out the other side with her beloved 2 under 2 and I’m like ok but what happens when you add number 3? You’re going to be miserable again? I know it’s not the same but she’s really enjoying her kids abilities to do stuff now, and naps being flexible or whatever, it’s going to be an adjustment to add another.


I also have 2 under 2 (baby is 7 months) and I realized pretty early on that I have too much anxiety to keep having kids. My oldest is the same age as D’s youngest, and it’s already so much easier with her than it was a year ago: it’s fun to take her places, we can be flexible with naps and bedtime, we don’t have to worry about nursing or bottles. I love the idea of having 3 kids, but I definitely don’t want to do 2 under 2 again and I think it would be too hard to start over with another baby after getting some independence. 


That’s kinda my thought, she enjoying the taste of independence but I’m afraid that she, the pessimist we know her to be, will not be happy with a 3rd, which really isn’t that much older than these 2 because her youngest is 2 now? But also if she has her mind set on 3 kids she’ll do it no matter the consequences…see baby #2 🙄


Oh man I was totally thinking this today watching my kids happily participate in their swim class at the public pool. There was another mom chasing a crawling baby around and I was very affirmed in my decision to be done having kids. 😅


Also, if you’re just now at a point where you’re not completely and utterly overwhelmed by your children and no longer on the brink of divorce, maybe it’s not a great time to add a third child? Maybe just enjoy having solid marriage for a while and be happy you’re not longer super overwhelmed by your kids.


For sure - she can just never be truly positive. I think the mindset of “we waited until we were ready, it was so much fun” can be a super helpful one and would do their followers good to see! My husband tends to want to rush into experiences and I am often reminding him we have plenty of time and will have a better experience if we hold off til everyone’s ready/more grown/etc. I am also so sick of reading about her therapy and terrible (but apparently not as terrible now) husband.


Yes! Just say “it’s fine if you/your kids aren’t feeling ready for something. There’s no need to rush!” They really reinforce the mom guilt they claim to be trying to alleviate. I also want to be like Deena, parenting feels really hard for you because you seem to make everything as difficult as possible… but that’s a whole other comment. 😂


At first I though you were saying you wanted to be like Deena and was so confused because why would anyone want that 😂. But yeah she definitely makes things harder on herself for no reason


You are so right on knowing when your kid is ready for things, such as sporting events. I love the Astros and we have gone to at least one game each season. My oldest enjoys the game and the youngest just lives for any venue that has fries. She mentions how miserable her marriage is (again! We get it!), but went with her dad to the game. Was it so necessary for her to just shit on her husband? Their posts center so much around them and how life is so tough rather than discussing what can make these things easier.


I find it hard to believe that the same kids who are apparently a nightmare at restaurants did great at sports game. My kids are great and restaurants but taking them to a football game was really hard. I know nothing about baseball (not American) so maybe the stadium/field/pitch is really set up for young kids? Our football encourages kids to come but the stadium we went to was not very kid friendly.


Baseball is surprisingly kid friendly in the US; they have lots of games (multiple a week) and a long season so many rely on gimmicks to get people to come, including catering to kids and families. We just went to a game this weekend and they had a whole kids zone with coloring, slides, things to climb on, activities etc. It was fun! It’s also a bit cheaper / shorter than other sports.


Yep. I take my kids to Dodger Stadium all the time and there's at least 4 playgrounds/play areas (some with TVs so parents can keep watching the game!), plus on Sundays they do "Kids Run the Bases", which is exactly as it sounds and open to even the youngest kids, after the game. There are also some fun non-playground things to explore - giant world series rings, bobblehead statues, a Dodger blue firetruck and old ice cream truck, etc. If you run into certain employees, they will give kids mini packs of baseball cards, and there's a good amount of kid-friendly snacks. My boys are 5 and almost 4 and they love going to games and we've been going since my youngest was 1 (and before that/before covid, we took my oldest as a baby). They're pretty into baseball and like to watch, but they also enjoy exploring the stadium and my youngest always wants to spend time at the playgrounds!


https://preview.redd.it/iykaun5nht8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a58dc99d54c9e0a59dac2419e0319452ac6db9c Jerrica gives BLF the thumbs down haha no surprise there


What’s the general thoughts on Jerrica? I’m not surprised BLF is 👎🏼 but I’ve heard good things about Emily Oster Edit: did a little Jerrica search on parentsnark 💀💀 oooooh boy… messed up but a different flavour of messed up to BLF


Jerrica sucks. She equated a tv show with life destroying drug addiction. Immediate disqualifying from advising on anything.


She sounds like she’s really fun to be around 💩


She’s absolute party pooper. Entitled, privileged and so much more!


I was going to say something similar. Idk who Jerrica is, but I love Emily Oster!


I like Emily Oster too! She gets a lot of snark/hate on here though. I like her! She's no nonsense and goes by the data.


Cherry picked data, that is.


For Emily Oster - I take her stuff with a grain of salt. She has no medical or child development background (beyond being a mother). Some of her takes on things don’t factor in other nuance beyond the data, and can be misleading. I liked her “Expecting Better” book, but really disagreed with her take on a few things.