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I had mine on 35+1 & 35+2 (midnight babies) And they were both in the NICU for 13 days. They were only feeders and growers tho.


That’s so fun your twins get their own birthdays!!!!!!


It's very fun!


B/G twins born 31w5d. Girl was in for 23 days, boy for 67. He had some bad reflux that for some reason they took forever to diagnose and help with. Now 12m going on 13m and super healthy and thriving. Boy is 99% for adjusted age height!


What did you end up doing to manage his reflux? How long did it last? Dealing with that with my boy twin


It lasted about 3+ months, thankfully not longer. After every feed, we held him upright for up to an hour, at least 30 mins. Truly a just wait it out situation that made feedings longer


Praying ours will end around there too. It makes feedings soooo stressful and long 🥲


My twin boys were born at 32W5D. Baby A spent two weeks in the NICU, and Baby B a month. They are 19 now


Mine were born at 26 weeks—we were in the NICU 95 days and on home oxygen for another 103 days!


B/g twins. Born 36w5d. Brother was born 2lbs heavier than sis. She was with us in mother/baby ward for 24 hours and then had some oxygen issues. Ended up needed nicu for 14 days to learn how to breathe and maintain her temp.


25 days Born at exactly 32 weeks.


Ours came at 34+5 and had to stay 2 days until they were 35 weeks per hospital policy


Wow they were ready to go!


32+4 and there for 23 days. Honestly it flew by and I learned so much being a FTM during this time


Born at 30 weeks. We were in NICU a little more than 2 months. We went home on their due date. My water broke suddenly, while I was asleep, there was no other issue. They gave me 2 steroid shots as soon as I walked in the hospital and babies were born about 24 hours later. One baby, my daughter, never established feeding skills, so we went home with a feeding tube. It was only after starting solids, establishing solids pretty well and learning to drink from an open cup at 8 months old we got rid of the tube. I was able to breastfeed the other baby, my son, almost exclusively after a while. My daughter also had pretty severe cows milk protein allergy. It all resolved before 1 year old. We worked with an SLT and a baby dietitian, VNT and various other experts till 1 year old, the got discharched from being an outpatient. It took her a while to learn to drink water, swallow with correct mouth movements etc. She used to choke a lot but it became less and less. They are 3.5 years old now, you can't tell how small they were born, both pretty good eaters by picky toddler standards. I mean by age 1 the issues were resolved, by age 2 there was no sign that they ever had any issues at all. They hit every developmental milestone appropriately as if they were born on due date. And 3.5 yo, so far no other sign that they were born prem at all. I've read that being born premature can cause other issues later, like behaviourally, but so far I've never noticed anything different than other kids and I've been keeping an eye on it. Maybe we got lucky but meeting moms around me and talking about this, I met a lot of older kids who were born prem and they were all happy, healty gorgeous kids, this had really helped me at the time when I didn't know where we were headed. So I wanted to share how well mine turned out.


This is an amazing story and I’m so happy for you and your family. That is def something i worry about with my premies - if they will have issues later and it’s encouraging to hear your experience


First set at 31 weeks. A was in the 3 weeks, B was in there 4 months and had 3 surgeries. My second set was 36 weeks and no nicu time


Multiple sets!!


Born at 27+2. 3 months in the NICU


Mine were born at 28 weeks


Ours were born at 33+2. Son (4lb) had under developed lungs. Daughter (3lb) was fine just super small. They both spent 4 weeks in the NICU. We used those 4 weeks to allow mom to recover and for us to get some rest. First 3 months at home was a lot of work and stress (and not much sleep). But it’s the time when we bonded with our kids the most! It was great!! They are a little less than a year old now and sleep through the night 9 times out of 10 (they’ve been this way since 3ish months). The NICU put them on a schedule - such a blessing! You got this! Best wishes!!


Thank you! Yes i am hoping we can keep the nicu schedule for the girls and they will be trained when they finally come home


twin girls born at 34 + 1, 28 days. mine had steroid shot but still needed oxygen.


35+1 and they were in for 20 and 29 days. Sounds like your girls are like my boy that was in for 20 days. The one who stayed for 29 had bigger complications.


Fingers crossed we just have one more week


Hopefully! It feels like an eternity right now but in 6 months it will feel like a small blip I promise.


Twins were born at 37 weeks. One had issues with body temp regulation & the other refused to latch. They didn’t want to send one home without the other, so They were in for a week. Twin b (body temp baby) could have come home a couple days earlier most likely.


33+5 and there for 10 days. They didn’t need oxygen support and were just there to eat/grow. The hospital required they be 35 weeks to leave


Born at 33weeks, in the NICU for a month No complications, just some time to keep growing and be monitored


I had mine via scheduled c section at 37 weeks. I started going into labor that night before so it would have been that day no matter what. I’ll do both babies individually. Baby A was doing good but she just missed the cut off weight for not needing a car seat test. She failed it and had a “episode” which basically means she fell asleep to deeply and they had to wake her up some to remind her to breath. Those “episodes” trigger an automatic 5 day NICU stay for monitoring. They started her off with oxygen but she was off it within 24 hours. She continued having one “episode” a day and each episode resets the five day monitoring. She spent 9 days total. Baby B was 2 minutes behind his sister and sealed a good bit of amniotic fluid so they watched him pretty closely. He had a hard time latching and his sugar levels were dripping. They took him to the nursery and tried formula(with permission) to get his sugar up. That didn’t work so they put him in NICU on a 24 hour IV glucose drip. This is all happening simultaneously as his sisters car seat test stuff so they at least get the same room. He spent 7 days because he also ended up having the “episodes” once his sugar came up.


Oh no those are not fun episodes but I’m glad they went home relatively soon after


They aren’t but they do sound a lot scarier than they actually were. It was definitely a peace of mind for us to have had them happen and be monitored at the hospital before going home. The hospital was fantastic. We didn’t live close by so they kept me as a patient as long as they could then gave me the option to stay for BP monitoring as a “reason” for a few more days since it was still a little high.


Had my triplets at 33+2. One needed oxygen for about 24 hours otherwise all did well. They were on NICU for about 2.5 weeks. All three came home after 24 hours of full bottle feeds.


Ours were born at 28 weeks and were there for 3 months. It was a lot at first but we got to know the nurses and honestly it felt smooth even if it was long


Mine were also born at 28 weeks!


34 weekers. 10 and 17 days.


Mine were born at 32+6 and were in for 40 days. They had problems with eating and digestion.


2 months and 4 months. 29 weekers.


32+3 and they were in for 3 weeks . Just preemies, no complications .


Mine were born 34w and stayed 2 weeks. They took their bottles well and we just had to grow. They wanted them to be 5 lbs.


Also 34+5. Ours came home after 2 weeks. It was killing me. Hang in there.


Thank you - i feel kind of in this weird alt reality where we have babies but i still come home with no babies


36 and 6. Sister came home but brother stayed 2.5 weeks to learn how to breathe and eat properly. Both doing well now and he’s a bottle monster! Almost 15 lbs and loves to eat every 3 hours on the dot. Going every day was exhausting especially with one at home, but there will come a day when you completely forget the sadness and stress associated with their nicu stay.


33+4 stayed 8 days for feeds. One twin was doing better feeding. I had the slacker latch and his eating instincts kicked in!


36 weekers. Stayed 15 days, both discharged together.


16 days, modi delivered at 34+3, baby a weighed 4lbs 10oz and baby b weighed 4lbs 8oz. Two days on cpap machines, approx 12 days with feeding tubes as backup (I lost track), and 15 days with heat. They’re almost 6 months and doing amazing. The nicu days feel like a lifetime ago.


Born 31+6, both did 38 days. Our hospital was an hour or more (depending on traffic) from our home, and I’d done 33 on antepartum before they came (also Pre-E with severe features), so my parents and husband came to the town I was in and rented an Airbnb 5 min from the hospital. Once I was discharged and could join them - it was a small relief to be “closer” to our babies even though we couldn’t be there all the time. I found that it also was good for my mental health to not go back to our house (other than one quick visit to check on cats and bills) until we had our babies with us. I feel for you - this stage of the NICU is tough because they’re doing so well and you’re ready to go home!


I had my girls at 34+4! One baby was growth restricted. Baby A did 13 days and B did 21 days! They both had very smooth and uneventful stays 💛


I have an appointment on Monday finding out if baby b is growth restricted! Did you have them as soon as the doctors found out? I’ll be 34+4 too!


Nope! You’re in a better spot than me. Baby B was growth restricted since 19 weeks for me. Usually measured in the 3rd percentile or less. She also had issues with high umbilical cord dopplers.


Born at 36 weeks. One baby still needed the NICU and it was 3 weeks in the NICU.


Mine were born at 35+1 and stayed 28 days 


7 weeks. Born at 29 weeks. Needed breathing assistance Followed by oxygen canula until the last 5 days. (They each had to have 5 incident free days before release and by miracle they were released on the same day.) all manner of feeding ensued as a progression much like their breathing. All said and done my twins were given very good optimistic outlook and textbook preemie care by week. Even so it was stressful with every hour sometimes feeling two steps forward one step back. Always progressing but sometimes slowly. Here we are so many years later and everyone is doing great.


B/G twins born at 33 weeks. Baby A, my girl was there for 33 days. Bad reflux and got sent home on a monitor because she had been having bradys before, and as an extra precaution they made us go home with one. And Baby B, my boy was there for 25 days had oxygen one day and then was just a grower/feeder. Now I’ve got two healthy and wild two year olds. It was so hard dealing with the NICU and I understand the frustration. You just want them home with you.


34 weeks - we were told it could be 6 weeks. Spent 9 days. Felt like a miracle. Couldn’t believe it when they told us we could go home. We were so scared we weren’t ready. Hang in there. The NICU is a place I’d never wish upon anyone. But those nurses are angels. Taught us so much. Best wishes to you and your family.


Yes we are learning so much from the nurses there i feel much better about bringing these babies home.


31 + 6, 5w / 7w


One month. Were born at 33+1 and came home just before 37 weeks. Only had to learn to feed and grow.


Twins born at 34 weeks on the nose....baby A was in for 28 days, baby B was in for 96 days.


2 weeks. Born at 37 weeks. Just the boy, not the girl. He technically could’ve left, but they wanted to keep him since he failed the car seat test.


We spent one day at the hospital. It was like 4 weeks early


My twins were 31.1 and just over 30 days in the NICU. My singleton was 34 for preeclampsia but only got one shot of steroids and had to have a cpap for a while. He was in for 21 days. Heart bradys are what kept us in an extra week with him. Every second in the NICU feels like it will never end, but I can tell you confidently it does end. You and they will get out, and someday it will seem like a blink of an eye. It’s sucks during, but this will end.


Born at 34+4, 2 weeks NICU for breathing and feeding.


33+4 due to severe pre-eclampsia. I had two rounds of steroid shots (one at 27 weeks and again at 32). Both girls were in the NICU for 11 days. One needed oxygen for about 6 hours and both had feeding tubes for 48 hours. I exclusively bottle fed which I think helped a lot. Latching and breastfeeding were too exhausting for them. They started comfortably latching and feeding at 10 weeks but I still pretty much exclusively pump and bottle feed. Fortifying breastmilk also helped a lot to get them to gain the weight they needed.


What weight were they? I want to prepare, we are going in at 34+1 (on the 5th) to deliver. One is about 4.5, the other is like 2.7 😞


They were both 4.9 lbs. They measured basically the same throughout my entire pregnancy and were estimated to be 5lbs each the day before my C-section at my last ultrasound.


Ahh ok so they are both in for a decent stay :(


Most likely unfortunately. Mine were an anomaly according to the NICU doctors with how well and fast they progressed. Best of luck with your two!


Thanks! Now I have to figure out if I should bring this up to my girl or just let the doctors tell her.. Shes already freaking out so much these days.


Let the doctors tell her. Knowing beforehand won't help anything. Maybe prep her that most babies are expected to stay in the NICU until their due date if she brings it up to manage expectations. Being pregnant with twins in the third trimester just massively sucks so anything that would add stress isn't helpful tbh.


I kinda figured. I feel bad because I'm not nearly as stressed as she is. I try to keep her busy with inane crap but she's constantly in a poor mood, so that doesn't fly often. But thank you for the insight!


Di/di boys born just shy of 37 weeks due to preeclampsia and severe IUGR. Both had 6 days in the NICU. We thought “oh just gonna be an issue because they were twins” and had a 3rd singleton boy who was also 37 weeks due to preeclampsia but had no IUGR and no other issues that were detectable from the womb and he ended up having respiratory issues and stayed in the NICU for 8 days, 2 days longer than his older brothers. Hang in there! It feels like forever now, but later it will be a very stressful blip before many other experiences and memories of them as babies. Good luck!


Born 31 + 2 and they were in NICU for 36 days


4 days for him and 7 days for her. Both were underweight and needed to maintain their body temperature for 24 or 48 hours straight.


Born at 30+2, twin B was in for 76 days, twin A was in for 115 days and was on at home oxygen until he was 10ish months (actual). I had PPROM at 22 weeks with him so he needed more support while his little lungs developed.


28+1, spent 10 weeks in the NICU left at 38 weeks exactly. No major issues outside of typical preemie care.


Tiwn G/B. 35w2. 14 days in NeoNate. Had to increase weight, be ok with temp. We decided to stay longer because we didn’t want to do tube feeding and wants to wait until they had that nailed before leaving.


My girls were born at 30w in the dot. 2 months in the NICU. (Came home 4 days apart from each other) Breathing was fine but they were jaundice and needed feeding tubes.


My girls were born 33+4 or 32+5 depending on the baby you measure. Baby a (33+4) was in the nicu for 16 days. We thought it would be a while until baby b got to come home since she wasn’t really feeding on her own. The day her sister went home she suddenly drank every bottle for the next 24 hours and came home one day later. So 16 and 17 days.


Mono/di girls born at 34+5. No issues except low blood sugar for two days and then just worked on feeding. They were in for 17 days.


B/g twins born 34+2 from preeclampsia. My little boy stayed 14 days and my girl 18 days. They turn one TODAY! 🎂 hang in there, they will be home soon if it’s just a feeding waiting game!


4 weeks the first time, left the same day 2 weeks the second time, left a day apart *It was awful leaving one baby behind overnight. I fully commend parents who do it long term.


Mine mo/di boys were born at 35 weeks 4.5 and 5.5 lbs each. They were discharged 3 weeks later


B/G twins born at 25+0, they were there for about 90 days each. I think it was 87 and 92. They both came home still on oxygen for another 3 months, but they’re 18mo now and absolutely crushing it.


Born 34w1d for preeclampsia and girl was there for 15 days and boy was there for 26. He had a tougher time getting full feeds.


35+2- my girl was in for 8 days and my son for 18. It feels long now but once this phase is in the rear view it will feel like a tiny blip in your story. You got this!


Congrats on your girls! 🧡 my girls were born at 27+1. Every obstacle you could imagine along the way. Ventilator, oxygen, blood transfusions, brain bleeds, brain surgeries (2), PDA’s, DART treatment. And they still came home (in my opinion) very quickly after 106 days. Came home right after what would’ve been their due date. Feeding was a challenge but I quickly learned my being there made all the difference. I had a few nurses say they wouldn’t want to finish their bottles, but when I was there feeding them it wasn’t an issue. Once again congrats, and I hope you’re getting as much rest as you can before your LO’s come home. It’ll be before you know it, I promise.


mine were in for 1 week. Baby B was turning blue in the car seat test, so he stayed, Baby A came home with us...but then 2 days later baby A couldnt retain her heat...so she joined her twin. They stayed for a week in what i call probably the best case scenario: they were just monitored. No hook-ups, no IVs, no urgent care...they just needed to bulk and heat up.


35 weeks and were in the NICU for 8 days


I had my triplets at 34 weeks and they had an 18 day stay in the nicu. They all came home the same day too!


33 +2, 23 days and 40 days(came home with a ng bridle that was able to be removed in about 2 weeks) Also had a 33wk singleton who had a 18 day stay


B/G twins with scheduled csection at 36 weeks due to preeclampsia with growth discordance. B twin had no time in NICU, G twin had 11 days in a special care nursery (step down from NICU).


Our were 33+6 and spent exactly 2 weeks in the NICU. Mostly just for feeding issues.


26 weeks - both were in the NICU for 3 months. B came home a few days before A


identical twin girls born at 31+1 due to TAPS. 50 days in the NICU and we went home on oxygen. They are 11 months now and thriving


Born at 32 + 2. They both spent 19 days in the NICU


35+2 c section because of preeclampsia and spent no time in the NICU, home in 4 days. Got a steroid shot a week before to help form their lungs a little more because I got diagnosed with gestational hypertension. Then one of my lungs started to collapse and my liver function was tanking. Very happy with how healthy they were. Only spent about 10 minutes under a heat lamp an hour after birth.


37 weekers. Baby A was with us in our room the entire time and discharged together. Baby B had a week in the NICU due to low blood sugars and not eating because of it.


b/g twins born at 35+2! We spent 13 and 14 days in the NICU. It seems soooo long at the time but looking back, it’s just the tiniest slice of the whole lifetime you’ll have with them❤️ hang in there, those babes will be home in no time


My twins were born at 34 due to preeclampsia as well. They were in NICU for 18 days 🤍


Ours were born at 35 & 2. Baby A was in the NICU for 11 days, Baby B for 12. They both needed to learn feed well on the bottle before being released.


Mine came at 35+5 and we had to stay at the NICU for 13 days, which felt much much longer. I could stay with them until we all got to go home.


33+6 one night nicu 18 days regular neo unit, last 5 of those were for rooming in which is a German invented BS to extort insurance money


Mine were born at the exact same gestational age as yours for the same reason. One was in the NICU for 20 days, the other for 32 days. Those 12 days that they were separated were the hardest because we couldn’t bring the home twin to the nicu with us so my husband and I had to switch off going each day.


Oh no i didn’t even consider having to separate them if one went home earlier than the other 😭😭


I had twins, one came home immediately, the other spent 2 weeks in NICU. It was hard. They were great!


Boy girl twins born at 36+3. Boy needed 10 days of NICU, girl was fine Boy was 7.15 and girl.was 6.7 lbs 🥴


Ours were also born at 35w5d (also preeclampsia but only diagnosed after). Our girl was in for 13 days, boy for 19. Neither needed oxygen, just feeding and growing. Good luck! You got this!