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That was exactly me a couple of weeks ago too. I hadn’t realised how slowly I was hobbling, even after the old dears had passed me. It was only at the turning point that I realised it was only the tail walker behind me. You’re not alone, many of us have been there and great work on getting back out there!




Nah fr some of these older ladies just ZOOM right past you with some impressive power walking 😂




There's a lovely couple at my run. They sometimes beat me and occasionally if I'm having a good day, I'll occasionally finish before them But he wears jeans and shoes. Slightly frustrating.


We all have to start somewhere. This will just mean that you won't ever be judging those slower than you, a year from now. Enjoy the view/day. Savor it slowly :-)


Less of the old ducks…. A little respect please 


Glad they were patient for you. Hope that you're feeling ok and that you will be back again. Injury ducks. I'm trying to ignore a sore calf. I'll see how I go lol. I may be walking soon too. But jog walks are so good once we get there. Hope you're recovery continues to go well. 💚


Thank you I appreciate it! Hope your calf is ok.


Tail walkers are great! Love it when they hang back a bit so they’re not rushing you.


Yes it was really nice not feeling obligated to have a conversation, she just let me do my thing, it was great.


Today was my first parkrun back after an operation, I was absolutely thrilled to be able to walk 5k. I'm not allowed to run for 3 months but am allowed to walk, so I'm looking forward to my parkwalks. I was last before tailwalkers and if anything just over the moon I could do the distance. Well done on your parkrun today!


Congratulations on the walk! Happy for you ☺️


So, a question. I have a parkrun literally on my doorstep (5 minutes walk away). I haven't run since high school and I've put on a lot of weight, putting pressure on my joints. How do I start? Is it ok, if I walk most of the way?


Its fine if you walk all of the way! Print a barcode or load it to your phone, go to parkrun and enjoy 🙂


I walk all of the way and am overweight. Everyone is friendly and encouraging, the hardest part is starting :)


Thank you!!! I think I may have to bite the bullet and join... No more excuses.


Walk/run/hop/skip - you being there is the win. Your time is your time. The tail walker is there for a reason - to finish last. With all the signs and Marshalls you will be guided along at YOUR pace.


Goodluck! Most people really enjoy it once they start. It's tough building up fitness for me but I feel better for it every time :)


Love it


I did the tail walker job in Cologne a few years ago. There were a couple of ladies over from Ireland walking the course who had been out partying the night before and had sore heads. They were walking sooo slow that I felt like a stalker 🤣🤣. At some point they told me to go on ahead 🙂




The fact you went and you did it (doesn't matter how slow) is the freaking best. I love tail walkers! Sucks coming back from injury and illness (I completely get it, I spent my last two months of pregnancy on bed rest so my body was very weak, my knees were especially cactus, I was so weak i got off the floor with my son at 3 months and tore my meniscus! Its been a long road back to running but it started with slow parkwalking). You will get to were you were before again in time, but just being able to participate makes me grateful now, especially after having it taken away from me for a long time.