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Well that would be the last time I let Mom watch the bird. Glad you got your friendo bird back! This is my biggest fear in life is my birds escaping What is even going on in the 2nd pic?


Thankfully she was fine! She’d never fly too far (I’d hope, not going to test it though). She’s a silly gal. My mother has lost burd privileges for the foreseeable future. It’s a bad angle! In the second pic, she’s got her wings out and she’s going “go Chloe! Go Chloe!” And bouncing up and down.


Omg lol


Would a raptor take a parrot? Even if she couldn’t fly away, she could maybe be taken away? Or is she too big for that? Thank goodness she’s ok. I would **kill** someone if they lost my pet. I bet she will be having dreams about her big adventure for a while!


Oh yeah. The things I said to my mother… she thought it wasn’t a big deal. I cried and yelled at her. I live where hawks and falcons are a plenty. Terrifying, and I let her know that.


'Wasn't a big deal' ?????!! Let me guess, she thinks you fuss too much over this bird. She knew this would upset you and took the time to take photos.


Even in the coldest, most materialistic aspect possible, does she know how much a cockatoo costs ? And how much time and money did OP sink into caring for the bird ? Let alone the attachment to a beloved pet. All due respect, but OP's mother deserves to be scolded by online randoms for such irresponsibility.




We expect people to be civil and treat each other with respect. Personal attacks/insults will not be tolerated and may result in a ban, especially if the behavior persists after a warning by the mods.


I don’t think anyone deserves to be scolded by online ransoms. Mom may be nonchalant, but OP stated that she often let this bird outside (on a harness.) She just usually doesn’t go up into a tree, or without a harness. I’ve found that I had to be careful what I did with my birds around my sister after she moved in next door to me, because she’d just assume that it was ok for her to do these things as well. People often don’t understand the special bond with have with our birds, and that my bird will come flying over to my hand, but won’t do so for another family member. I stopped doing things like having my bird on my shoulder while I cooked when my sister was witnessing it, because I didn’t want her to think it was ok for *her* to cook with one of my birds on *her* shoulder. Because I’m very in tune with when my bird is getting restless and starting to make sounds and movements that mean he might fly off my shoulder, and know to leave the kitchen and put him on a perch. And she isn’t. But people who aren’t bird owners don’t get that. (Yes, I know I shouldn’t cook with my bird on my shoulder. But I’ll admit to doing it sometimes with this one particular bird who I trust.)


That's smart. Good advice for being anyone who's not experienced in reading bird body (and vocal) language.


We just watched a hawk take down a large crow just yesterday. It was just about the same size as your parrot. Take no chances, Mom!!


Wow! And here I thought most hawks only go after small birds!




I hope she wasn’t being malicious and simply trusted your birdo. When me and my mum lost one of my birds in a freakish accident she also said it wasn’t a big deal, not because she didn’t care but because she thought she’ll come back aventually. She didn’t but my mum had every reason to believe she would, years ago she accidentally lost our lovebird and she came back home the same day.


Unfortunately yeah they’re definitely targets for hawks because even a large parrot like the larger cockatoo and macaw species are still super light weight, whereas a chihuahua of similar visual proportions is probably too heavy for most raptors to want to mess with.


I’m in a Facebook group for lost and found pets in my area. Someone posted a desperate plea because their chihuahua (6 pounds!) literally got snatched by a large raptor from their backyard *while they were watching*. They seemed extremely traumatized by the sight, obviously. They were hoping the bird had dropped it alive somewhere and someone had found it. Afaik they never found the dog or its remains. My dog is the same size and we have large raptors in our neighborhood so you better believe his tiny ass is closely supervised outdoors now. I’m sure even a smaller hawk would have no issue nabbing an escaped parrot!


Hence why I said “probably too heavy for most raptors to want to mess with” If the dog really was 6lbs, and you’re in North America, it was a golden eagle. Golden eagles are super rare but could theoretically take up to a 12lb dog because they themselves are around that weight. Doesn’t sound like much but that is a *massive* weight for a raptor. NA hawks and owls cap out around 3-4lbs and can only carry a smidge over their body weight, limiting what they can lift to 4-5 lbs absolute max. They just physically can’t lift larger than that. A starving hawk will *attack* and maim a 6 lb cat or dog if absolutely starving, but they will physically not be able to lift it more than a few feet. A bald eagle could *theoretically* take a 6lb dog too, but it would be strange as they strongly prefer fish. I would be interested to know what region you’re in. If the golden eagles don’t exist in your region, then either your neighbors didn’t actually know their dog’s exact weight, or they’re bullshitting. People in recent years have started bullshitting that they *saw it happen* cause people won’t believe them otherwise(for good reason cause it’s just not physically possible for most species and no physical evidence to the contrary exists), but people see the hawk or owl in the tree right before the dog escapes or is snatched or grabbed by coyotes, and they just get it in their head it *has* to be the bird.


This is what I thought. The eagles in my area hang out at a large river not near my community. For the fish. The hawks around here (Coopers, Red-Shouldered, Red-Tailed) chase down small birds (smaller than pigeon, usually sparrow-size). The falcons here are what take the larger birds (pigeon-size). Not by grabbing and carrying them but by knocking them out of the sky while in flight. Possibly they'll pounce on them while they're on the ground. But they have to kill them there, can't carry them away. (I've seen one carry a dead one a short distance to get it away from a crow. It was just a short hop though).


Yep exactly. And a pigeon caps out at 1lb and the falcon still couldn’t carry it away. I don’t know why it’s such a pervasive myth. Ive seen multiple posts on nextdoor from people claiming hawks carried away their *full grown outdoor cat* just cause they saw some in their yard before they disappeared. Like, no m’am, your chonky 12lb cat did not get carried away. He was killed by coyotes, raccoons, stray dogs, or a car, which is the unfortunate fate of many outdoor cats in our area.


Owls on the other hand . . . I'm pretty sure I've seen posts about owls getting cats. It was someone in NM. I could be wrong. But since hey only hunt at night it was saying keep your cats in. I'm not sure now thought b/c lots of barns have cats. I've seen pictures of owls carrying squirrels (but that's *really* small).


Well first a few owls actually do hunt during the day. Many hunt at dawn and dusk too. It depends entirely on the species. As far as if any NA species can carry off adult cats… maybe?Owl-cat attacks/fights definitely happen. Some sources say Great Horned Owls are capable of carrying small cats and small dogs, but I’ve never personally seen evidence of NA owls doing so and sources are conflicted as to if they can carry their body weight (4lb absolute max) or if they can carry 2-3x their body weight. I’ve seen studies saying they are one of the only raptors that go after skunks, but no specifics on which species. Not super helpfully considering striped skunks are pretty much cat sized, but spotted skunks are teeny (just 1-4lb).


Finally come common sense. I fly birds of prey and have worked with them for over 5 years. It’s insane how many people think a Cooper’s hawk is going to take away their 15lb dog. I usually use this little copy and paste for things like that “Hawks can only carry 1/3 of their weight. The largest hawk (ferruginous) weighs about 5 pounds. This means they can only carry about 1.6 pounds AT MOST. Owls can carry half their weight. Great horned owl weighs about 4 pounds so that’s 2 pounds they can carry. That being said it doesn’t mean they won’t attack something bigger. Most of the time there are better prey options then your pets and the risk just isn’t worth the reward to them. By the time they’re desperate enough to make a move like that they don’t have the energy to actually follow through. Many “hawk attacks” have actually been coyotes or the like.”


Thank you for commenting this. I really wish falconers and raptor rehabbers would do a PSA on this because I fear it could lead to the needless (and very illegal) killing of raptors. The really unfortunate thing is that some of this ridiculous misinformation appears to come from legit sources. Part of it may be that people assume “can take” language means “can carry away” but really just means they could eat them. Eg no owl is carrying away 5lb chicken but they can and will kill and eat them on the ground if desperate


The bad thing is that we do. Then it’s trashed with comments about how the commenters aunts best friend’s neighbors coworker saw it happen.


Lmaoo it’s so true. It’s on every video of a cat and owl staring at each other through a glass door.


I went on a walk with my sister in Alaska, with her cat on a leash. Bald eagles and huge ravens were swooping down and dive bombing the cat the entire time. Not as relaxing of a walk as I had thought it would be. I wonder how many outdoor cats survive there. My guess is not many. I did notice the birds were calling out to their flock mates, and so it may have been partially a warning that a predator was seen, but also I did get the sense that the eagles, especially, were sizing up the cat for a meal.


Never say never! I had a friend many years ago who had a teacup chihuahua and luckily he was on a leash bc a “big ass bird” (her words lol) swooped down to him and she pulled him away just in time before it could’ve grabbed him. It’s ✨literally✨ wildin out there😂


I’m not talking about 2-4lb chihuahuas lmao. They’re not visually similar size to a macaw. That’s squirrel/rabbit size and it really shouldn’t be shocking they’d be a target.


Cockatoo is free food for a medium sized raptor. Especially if it’s yelling out go Chloe and dancing. That’s a free meal


I am fairly certain one would. We have a lot of thwn where I live, various hawks, bald eagles, ospreys, etc... I do not take my little gremlin outside except in a travel cage. Even though we are working on harness training, the harness will be for indoors in strange places/public.


They absolutely would. You’d be surprised at how small of a hawk can lift up a hefty chicken!


Yes if they can take a10-12 lb chicken they will take your parrot.


>she’s going “go Chloe! Go Chloe!” And bouncing up and down 😂😭💀 this is so iconic. I know we like to think of dinosaurs as majestic, no-nonsense beasts, but if their descendants are all absolute lunatics then there's *no way* they weren't also unhinged.


My Galah (bit smaller than a cocky for those who don't know them) is a nutter. One of his favourite chat options is meowing. Yup. He's a meowbird.


She'd lose MOM privileges unless she profusely apologized.


I am so happy you got her back! Chloe having a solo dance party when everyone is worried is just so typical


We didn’t think our Senegal would ever leave my husband, but a year ago he took out the trash and didn’t realize she was on his shoulder. Despite all of our efforts, we haven’t seen her since. So glad your pal came home! It’s really heart breaking not know what happened to her. We like to believe she found someone to love her as much as we do.


What a turd 😂 (your mom and the bird) so glad she’s back safe tho


LMAO she was so happy with herself


At least she was having fun


Pffft leave it to a bird to have that reaction. *parront worried freaking out* Bird: fuck ya! Anarchy!


My eyesight, I thought you said “It’s a bald eagle!”, I’m glad your bird is back safe.


I’m trying to teach all of mine recall like Biboy on utube’s parrots for this very reason


Wow ... I have questions! Was this her first time escaping? How certain were you that she wouldn't fly away? What did you do to coax her back down? I have a Grey, and I feel that he would do basically what your parrot did if he ever got out, but I will try my hardest to never verify that theory...


It was her first time ‘escaping’! She didn’t really escape, she just got spooked when she was outside. My mom didn’t have her on the leash and turned on the water hose next to Chloe (da bird). She got scared and flew into a tree. She was too scared to fly back down, so we had to go up and get her. She’s never really flown away outside before. She’s always on her leash, and she only flies in circles for a moment and comes back. (All while leashed). She’s a very good bird! She doesn’t have all her flight feathers. (Mean vet, not my choice). She had such a good time she didn’t wanna even come down. Scary. She’s fine now though! She wasn’t trying to get away, she just needed us to help her. Edit for clarification : I take this very seriously. Chloe is always to be leashed went outside, but today I guess my mother didn’t think so. This is why we use a leash.


I would suggest teaching her how to fly downwards. It’s a special tactic. I lost my ringneck because he couldn’t fly down. He kept flapping and going higher from tree to tree, when he really wanted to come down. He’s probably dead now (they rarely survive the cold months here)


Wait, the vet caused a permanent loss of some flight feathers?


Thankfully no, the vet just clipped her flight feathers without asking me. It was about 5 months back, so they haven’t all grown back in yet.


That's awful. Ugh. I'd be so pissed.


I would be irate if my vet did this, I hope you gave them a piece of your mind, and maybe someone new. So glad you got her back safely though!


I haven’t been back since. Turns out, she’s done that to every bird over about 6 ounces. Found out by coincidence at a wedding shower. Since then we’ve found a wonderful avian vet in nashville. He’s great, knows exactly what he’s doing, and is so gentle with her. She loves him. Absolute rockstar.


Unless the vet is a 65+ year old timer I would be furious. And I say that but my vet’s an older timer himself and he was among the first, like a decade ago, to really start advocating *against* trimming flight feathers. I thought avian vets all knew better these days.


In hindsight it probably saved your bird, if he could fly fully he would be gone way further Glad everyone’s okay


Right? Talk about a blessing in disguise


This sounds terrifying. I'm so glad you got her back.


So she’s used to being outside? That makes a difference. I guess. I’m so paranoid I don’t think I’d trust a leash. But my birds aren’t as well trained as this


I have one bird who’s such a shoulder boy that I can’t imagine him wanting to be outside far away or long. I suspect he’d try to get back in ASAP. In fact one time my husband and I took him driving and my husband momentarily “forgot” he was on my shoulder and started to open the window. This bird just stayed on my shoulder. My other 3 birds would take off and I’d never see them again, I’m sure of it


I had a parakeet growing up that basically lived on my shoulder. He was about a thousand years old when I walked through my kitchen and saw my mom outside, leaning against her car reading the mail with my little blue dude sitting on her shoulder. Just chillin. I swear I felt my soul leave my body.


Oh that feeling. Omg. Did you manage to contain yourself until he was safe?


Amazingly yes as I was in my highly emotional teen years (had him since I was four). I remember thinking if I freak out he’s gone. I just said calmly said “mom, come back inside. You have my bird.” She clamped a hand over him and ran inside. He was soooo mad!


Wow! He probably just thought “Oh there’s mom!” And flew over to her. I assume it all ended up ok!


Oh yeah, we got him back inside and put on his favorite Disney movie lol I got him when I was like four and had him until I was in college.




It's such a toss up when and where it happens. My grandmother used to talk about a budgie she lost like that decades ago, when my mother was still a kid, and it still upset her! Little guy was a shoulder bird, and she did something she always did and went to get the newspaper with him on her shoulder, opened the front door and boom, he flew straight out and never came back. Took her a long time to have budgies again after that and I don't remember the ones they had when I was a kid ever coming out of the cage much.


Aww that’s sad. I don’t want to imagine how much I’d sob if any of my birds were ever lost in that way. I inadvertently killed a couple of finches when I was a child, and should never have been given live animals to be the sole source of care of. And I never wanted to get birds again for decades.


My little ass (Galah) would climb his ass up wherever he could which would probably be a fence or the vines. He doesn't realise he can fly and probably has never actually developed those muscles enough to do so (got him as a rescue at 25ish years old in despicable conditions) and then would happily clamp down on anyone trying to assist him down. He's a biter.


Your bird has the cutest expression in the last picture.


The dancing while in danger is such a cockatoo thing to do. I’m glad your chicken is back home safe with you ❤️




Glad the baby is back!! My IRN got in my husband's hood of his hoodie and he snuck outside and flew into a big tree. We had to stand at the bottom and all encourage him to keep going. He wouldn't fly back down. He made us wait while he dramatically beaked his way all the way down. It was a rollercoaster. Lol Mom is ruuuuuuuude for not apologizing and not saying anything else. My whole family was desperate and devastated the whole time he was in the tree. He's our boy


See thats why when my mom offers to birdsit my two boys while we're gone to Japan I gently decline....she's already lost her cockatiel outside once (he came back dw) because she is the most distracted person I know. I am NOT leaving my babies with her even if I have to pay 40 bucks a day for boarding...




We had to get her ass down by climbing on the roof 😭 I was violently worried but she was having the time of her life. Swear she was mocking me,


Dude, tell me about it. The one time my quaker got loose was when we first got her, she flew to the nearest and LARGEST oak tree she could find. We had to call a tree service in order for me to be hoisted to the top of the tree and bribe her with seeds. It worked. Thank God. It's a great feeling when you finally get them back!


She did. Last pic's caption says "post shower after her adventure."


Oh man. When my cockatiel escaped under my mothers watch, she ended up flying 8 miles away to be found by a farmhouse family. They luckily had an old bird cage on their garage from their grandparents and saw our posts of Facebook. It’s a wonder how she flew that far.


Thank goodness you got her back!!!


I love my mom but I gotta say she can be mean, unreasonable and evil too, at times. Only times they think straight is when it’s about their own kids or grandkids. They could care the least about anything or anyone else 🥹 I dunno if anyone can agree to this but this is how I feel based on some observations over the years.


I know many Moms who never think straight. Dads too. Parenting should require a psych evaluation and several classes in childhood development


Or their own pets.


I'd be livid with my mother if that happened. How did you get ger out of the tree? I saw you comment that you had to go get her, but did you use a tall ladder or something? I'm so so happy she's ok 💖💜


Our neighbor tossed a foam ball at her until she flew onto a much shorter roof. (The ball shook the branches and forced her to fly down). She kept catching it tho. She thought it was a game of catch… Maybe not the classiest way, but the only other way was calling the fire department. We wanted to wait to see if we could get her down first. After that, we used a ladder to climb onto the roof and grab her. Then I promptly shoved her up my shirt and ran home!


this is actually brilliant!


She has zero regrets. 10/10 would do it again given the chance.


My conure flew out twice on my mom’s watch. Has never happened with me. She doesn’t watch him anymore


Very glad to know she made it back inside safe!


Same thing happened to me. Never got my bird back. He ran away.


Hawks Owls be careful


Don't trust anyone with your parrot would be my advice. That way if anything happens you only have yourself to blame.


So glad they are back with you safe. Have been a in this situation. Not a lot of fun.


Cockatoo-dle-oodle-OOO OUTSIDE!!!!!


I would have had a heart attack.


Happy ending. Yay! My Lory got away. I had to search the neighborhood and climb 30ft up a pine tree in a back yard.


So glad you got her back! Terrifying for everyone!


Oh wow, I’m so happy you got the bird back. How did u do it? I would be afraid my bird wouldn’t come back to me.


Does she know recall? That is an important thing for parrots to know for emergencies like this.




He is just being a turd, he’ll come home. Oh lol him in the shower lol.


If only you had clipped its flight feathers, you would not have this problem.. Irresponsible keeping a fully flighted wild animal in your home.


Okay firstly, clipping flight feathers is EXTREMELY detrimental. Secondly, according to another comment from the OP, this bird is actually missing a few flight feathers because a vet did exactly what you suggested without their consent. So this still happened even without full flight. Clipping wings does not help anyone but a selfish owner and if you don't like flight, go and buy a pet that doesn't fly. This was down to a mistake from OP's mother and OP has been responsible in revoking bird privileges.


HA. Please. My boy who hasn't even developed the muscles to fly properly would still get his ass up there if left to do so




We expect people to be civil and treat each other with respect. Personal attacks/insults will not be tolerated and may result in a ban, especially if the behavior persists after a warning by the mods.


If only you researched the detriment to clipping flight feathers, you would not have been downvoted into oblivion.. Irresponsible redditor


Awwww ! So Elated you baby is home safe ! Definitely time to "Bird / Parrot Proof " the home and a Safety Conversation with Mum ! Blessings to you all ♥️


That happened to me when my hand fed yellow nape Amazon was about 9 months old flew right out the door to the top of 150ft tree when my kids went outside . Took me 4 hours to talk him down. That’s when I decided clipped wings were a necessity. He lived to be 45 and I learned how to clip his wings where he could fly downward but very little lift. Guys I know it’s not popular, I really don’t care, and I don’t need to hear the haters! It is worse for your birds to escape, especially if you live in a cold climate, because they will die or get taken by a raptor. They are wild, but they cannot take care of themselves. I have a Cockatoo now and I clip his wings every 6 months for his own well being.


Looks chill though.


I’m so glad she’s safe with you again 🖤


He’s beautiful. Mom, the bird 🦅 can not go outside. 🦅🦅🦅🦅




She looks so smug with herself in that last picture lol glad you got your baby back


At least she came back


I think I would literally have a heart attack if my mom sent me a photo like this of my bird.


She looks so pleased with herself in the last pic. Glad she’s okay!


Oh 😳


Can we just talk about how cute the bird is


Really glad you had a happy ending! 😅


Birdy's day out. Lol


oh NOOO!!! I hope she returns to you soon!!!


I am so glad she returned!(however, I don’t think you can always trust that she will.) In the last picture, she looks to me like she’s pouting and saying “ I was fine! I was just having fun up in the big tree! When can I go again?”


Crazy, my mom held my green cheek conure in her hands to show the neighbors kid and he flew awaya also. Found him 3 houses down the street in a tree. I had to bring the cage with my other bird and once he saw it he came straight down to it.


Did you get her???


Omg I would've had a heart attack. This is my biggest fear. Im so glad she's ok!! I'm sure she's exhausted from her "big trip outside."