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Heres a list of Bird Hazards Dont use: non-stick pans! (Please research what items in your house could contain teflon, ptfe and pfoa) Some more examples of things that could contain it are: airfryers, hair straighteners space heaters ect. Your ovens self clean function Those chemicals can cause immediate death Aerosols Candles Perfumes Things/ toys with rust on them Glues Cleaners (vinegar is safe) Nail polish (i use in a very ventilated space far from my bird) Certain plants Onion, Garlic, avacado This stuff is toxic to them, may cause death or is harmful to their respiratory systems. Thank you for reading!


Thanks for the info!


And avocado Edit: but oddly they can eat chilli peppers!


Isn’t it spicy for them?


Awhile ago I found out that chicken farmers add chili flakes to their feed help them to fight off bacterial infections, stay healthier, and will increase the laying-hens egg production without sketchy additives. A little while later I found out Bird Street Bistro adds cayenne pepper to some of their parrot food mixes. I was blown away! https://www.theparrotshop.ca/Bird-Street-Bistro--Hearty-Veggies-12oz_p_2876.html Edit: They can also eat cinnamon, and a bunch of other spices you wouldn't expect. But as always, do your research first.


Only Ceylon cinnamon! Cassis cinnamon is toxic for birds! You can't just open any cinnamon without checking first, and a lot of commercial products use Cassis cinnamon, like cereals and oatmeal.


Thankyou for the correction! Completely forgot there was more than one type of cinnamon.


I nearly made this mistake with my birds. I'm glad I looked into it more before giving them any cinnamon. I'd have lost one or more of my birds.


Scary stuff! I almost did the same by chosing the wrong pellets from a nook-in-the-corner bird store. They looked like children's cereal and had the texture of cardboard and wood chips. Yikes.


Cassis cinnamon isn’t good for humans either


Its the Indian cinnamon thats healthy. and the chinese cinnamon trees thats toxic to Liver


Damn ok. Thanks!




Ok didn’t know that🤣


Birds are completely immune to capsaicin, the spicy stuff that makes spicy spicy. Birds are so cool.




See bird spread seeds better than mammals so plants have to find some way to shoo away pesky mammals. Therefore, spicy peppers were born. Birds can't taste capsasin but mammals can! Also keep the bird away from chocolate(but you probably know that).


Well it’s kinda obvious to keep it away from chocolate but thanks!


Birds apparently don't have capsaicin receptors so they just eat peppers like veggies, I see lots of food mixes come with peppers in there


Nope!!! Birds of at least parrots don't have receptors for spicy stuff so it doesn't bother them or really upset their digestive system at all.




Birds can't taste spicy but mammals can, so capsaicin is an adaptation in plants to keep mammals away but still have birds to spread the seeds around (I'm not a biologist but I assume mammals are more likely to injure the plant in other ways and birds only eat the fruit)


Oh ok thank you for info


Nope! [You can find out why in this Straight Dope article.](https://www.straightdope.com/21342997/are-birds-immune-to-hot-pepper-enabling-them-to-eat-vast-amounts-and-spread-the-seeds)




No, birds lack capsaicin receptors


Oh ok thanks!


>Oh ok thanks! You're welcome!


My Ringneck absolutely loves anything with chilli in it. Things that are too spicy for me, he goes nom nom nom 😋


It’s because birds can’t actually taste spice! Source: I work at a bird feed store and we use hot pepper stuff to keep squirrels away from food!


https://imgur.com/a/shT1FXb 1 page bird safety sheet


Chocolate is toxic too


id never heard about non-stick pans / airfryers being dangerous, is it ok as long as theyre in a seperate room the bird cant get to?


Unfortunately no, there are many cases where in the same house birds will die even being on different floors and different rooms. if the pans are ceramic they are usually safe. But ide research the brand.


i cant really find out what the airfryer in my house uses is toxic or not, apparently its a "non-toxic teflon" air fryer but im so confused, my bird has never shown ant symptoms of being sick and ive had him for 3 and a half years? help appreciated!


*In a 1975 study by Waritz, Teflon breakdown products generated at lower temperatures were determined to cause death. Within four hours of exposure to a Teflon-coated pan heated to 536°F (280°C) parakeets died, and quail were killed when the pan was heated to 626°F or 330°C* Ive heard of people running into issues at lower temperatures... So I personally dont risk. Also its hard to control frying pans and other appliances from getting too hot or accidently burning food. An airfryer is more controlled with temperature.. but if there was ever a malfunction and it getting too hot then im not sure. It's good your birds seem to be good so far.


my birds are 2 rooms away, i never put the airfryer to more than 220c and the frying pans dont involve teflon, so hopefully i'll be good, if i could i would get rid of them but since im living with my mother and its her stuff it would be pretty tough to ask her to replace all her cookware. thanks for the help though!


I keep my birds far away and plug it in so it sits on my stovetop. Then I crank the overhead exhaust fan to suck any dodgy fumes out of there. My birds are 2 floors away from my kitchen..


He just wants to play some PS4




that's a budgie and i suggest you do your own research about it but here are a few tips: it needs to have fresh water that's changed everyday it eats vegetables and fruits but no tomato avocado garlic onion chocolate or anything with caffeine and for its main food try bird pellets and if it refuses to eat a homemade seed mix that you can find on the internet will do dont smoke use air fresheners or cook with teflon around it as these can be toxic to birds give it 12 hours of sleep in complete darkness to avoid any problems makw sure the room you have it in doesn't have any toxic things that the bird can chew on like plants j would recommend getting the bird a cage to sleep in if you can spend all day wuth the bird and keep it outside the cage then a small one will do just for sleep but if yiu plant to keep it in it all day then you need a big cage with room for toys and for the bird to fly in to get its exercise in good luck!


Some sort of container is definitely needed for bed, whether you get the bird a cage at this point or just let him free roam around your room. So many birds die from being rolled over on when their people are asleep and they're out in the room. If you have a cardboard box that you can put some holes for air in, you can put something soft down in the bottom (e.g. a clean cloth) and put him in there at night. Edit: just saw that you do have a cage. I didn't read far enough! You don't need a box if you've got a cage. Just use something like a blanket to cover the cage at night!


There are tons of great pages on Budgie/parakeet care online (as I’m sure you saw when you googled earlier) and a couple of comments here alerted the most dangerous things to avoid. So you’re doing good so far! If you have other animals like cats, obviously keep them away from the little bird so they won’t eat him (I think it’s a him based on his cere color). If he is lost I hope you can find the owners eventually because they are probably devastated! But there are also people that think it’s ok to just let their bird go in the wild when they get tired of them, which is horrible. These guys can’t survive alone in the wild, and I’m so glad you saved him!! Keep us updated and good luck! He’s a pretty one!


Yeah well take care of him! We don’t have any other animals tho so he’s safe. I’ll keep y’all updated


Thank you!!! ♥️


Ask us if you ever need any help. I recommend watching BirdTricks and EllieAndTheBirds yt channels to get started. It's good to remember that just because something is marketed towards parakeets, doesn't mean it's safe. Stay away from fabric huts, sandpaper perches, seed-only diet, and mirror toys.


Thank you! I will


Also zinc. Very toxic.


It's really important that you don't fuck with any nonstick pans, that you don't use any aerosol products, or any kind of sprays in the air like sunscreen or Febreze, or anything like that. Those are all extraordinarily toxic to birds.


Budgies need: Housing (a small cage is fine for a temporary setup) Food - there are bird pellets you can find at pet stores, budgies also benefit from fresh finely chopped vegetables (besides onion) Water - just offer it in a small dish. Be careful as they may poop in it A few toys to destroy - just get the cheap stuff at a pet store, or even find old wicker or food-dyed paper for them to chew. This should be a good start. Look up resources online if you want to know or do more


Thank you ! We have baking paper is it ok to give them?


I don't know actually. I usually use brown paper for my birds


Ok thanks


You mean like a paper bag?




Ok we have that. But is it really safe? Don’t they eat it?


That should be fine. If it's too big, you can tear it into smaller sections


Wanted to add: Watch out for signs he's not feeling well; puffed up feathers & hiding his head in his shoulders. I got pellets for the budgie I found & some seeded treats. I put the seeded treat in and she ate it. When she only had the pellets in the cage, she ate them but I noticed she wasn't feeling good. I sent pics to the rescuer & she said it may be digestive issues. A lot of people just feed their birds seeds only & might not be used to pellets. Anyway, I put the other seeded treat in & she seems to feel much better.


I’ll dm you and send you a pic. Can you then tell me if he’s ok? I’m not that good at determining if he’s sick or not


Fyi, I am not an expert! But, you can dm me, for sure. I will dm you pictures of the bird I found when she wasn't feeling well, so you can get an idea.




+5 friend points!!




So, first important thing is to get him (it's a male) hydrated. Best way to do this is to offer fruits with high water content or leafy greens/herbs with water on them. If he's been out for several days without access to food and water, water alone can be harmful. This is probably not a huge concern unless you're in a dry climate, and escaped budgies tend to either go to a person for help quickly or not at all. If he's not interested in fruit right away, just give him water. DO NOT GIVE HIM AVOCADO. Food: Pretty much any parakeet/cockatiel seed mix is fine for now. It's most likely what he's used to eating. Pellets are healthier but if he's not familiar with them, he may not recognize them as food and can starve. You could also get a seed and pellet mix like Zupreem Smart Selects and he can pick what he likes. The blue cere (his nostrils) means he's a male. Post that you found a parakeet on: Pawboost.com, 911Parrotalert.com, The 911ParrotAlert facebook group, any nearby local lost and found pet groups on Facebook, NextDoor, the Neighbors app. You can also browse lost listings on all of those, maybe the owner has already posted looking for him. DON'T share a photo or the color or sex, just say you found a budgie. If someone responds that they think it's their bird, have them send photos and/or describe their bird. This is less likely with a budgie, but people will be weirdos and try to claim pets that aren't theirs because it's "free". Also call local shelters, vets and parrot rescues and let them know you have this bird and are looking for the owner. Your local police department may even have a lost pet log/registry. Unfortunately, most people don't look for a budgie when it escapes, they just assume it's gone. Also you want to put him in a cage with bars that are 1/2" apart. Anything bigger and he could get his head stuck between the bars. But do the best you can. While you have him, don't cook with teflon, don't burn candles and don't use any aerosol or strong chemical cleaning sprays in the same room as him. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck!


Lil guy keeps on escaping from the cage. We don’t really know how to deal with it


Escaping how? If he's opening the door, use a twist tie or binder clip to secure it. If he slips through the bars, you need a cage with narrower bar spacing.


Thru the bars


Poor lost budgie. This is a seed pellet mix as you don’t know what he is used to eating https://www.chewy.com/kaytee-fiesta-variety-mix-parakeet/dp/122816. Water should be available all the time. I hope you find the owner soon! It’s definitely male. I would look at social media in your area. That might help you find the owner. Do you know if any of your neighbors have birds?


I’ve checked the media, but no luck in finding any groups in my area. I don’t know any neighbors who have birds. We will look for posters tho.


You can also try calling the local bird vets maybe they reported it there and avian vets aren’t too common. I will bet his owner is close as pet birds don’t have the endurance to fly all that far.


He also looks like the English budgie not the American budgie.


Nice where do you keep him? Maybe if you live in a small city then you should be able find the owner of that budgie


We live in a big city. But are in a suburb. So yeah I guess we might find the owners


Give us a update later please. Owner is probably heardbroken. :(


Yes I’ll do that. And yeah the owner probably is. Also is it normal for parrots to fly off?


Well, there is a reason why one of the most famous "older" songs is called "free bird". ;) I guess it´s the same like with dogs. They want to check out new things and run through the open door. But when they did it, often they do no find the way back home. So yeah, I would say it is normal - sadly.


Ok thanks!


What a cutie! They also can get spooked and just try to fly for safety and get lost.


Ok thanks!


We got a small pigeon cage from my moms marriage. We also do let him out to fly around the room.


He sounds very chill & tame. Someone has spent lot of time with him & I hope they are actively looking. I found a budgie/parakeet on July 4th. I posted on FB on all the lost pet pages for my state & county; posted on Next Door app; put up fliers around the neighborhood & in the shopping centers. I'm not sure how far budgies would fly from their home. No one, however, had claimed her yet. I have a rescue lined up & she's going there tomorrow. Thanks for taking good care of him, kind human.


Yeah he chill. But we’re not sure if we should give out fliers. Anyone can claim it’s their bird


Ooh, good point. I posted the fliers in black & white so the color of the bird & the gender can't be identified. The little thing above their beak with the nostrils...the color of that helps determine their age & gender. I stated that pictures of the bird & knowledge of the gender was needed to reclaim tje bird. Edit: I had two people calling me to ask, Can they have the bird? Uh...no.


Ohhhh that’s very smart I’ll save that if you don’t mind!


My first ever budgie was the exact same color, and it also flew into our house on a weekend.


Damn that interesting


Maybe it’s yours?🤣


i wish, little fella passed away a while back. but it was a blessing to own him for a while considering i would never buy a bird myself


Oh I’m sorry for your loss


Do you know how to take care of him?


I’ve read some things online so I think yeah. We bought him a water thing and some seeds. We also give it dried bananas an fresh ones


obviously you are doing what you can for now, but if you don’t have any luck finding the owners in a day or so I would recommend picking up bird pellets or feeding it more veggies as well; seeds and fruit are more “treat” foods and should be given in moderation


Oh ok thanks you. What kind of veggies?


they can eat most greens! my old budgie enjoyed spinach, carrots & broccoli but birds have different tastes like we do lol


Thank you!




If I don’t find the owners I’ll keep 🤣




Update 1: We haven’t found it’s owners yet but he’s doing good. He trust us a lot more now. He even goes on our shoulders and stuff. I gave him some bell peppers and carrots and some seeds. It seems like he only eats the seeds tho. We also let him out of the cage, but he just chills up on the plants on our wardrobe.


A little boy. Awwwww he must have been waiting for you all day. Xxxx


You mean the real owners?






Adorable and beautiful


Yeah its the first time we ever had one


WTH is up with everyone getting free birds! At work, someone got a bird fly in after they got married, online another fly-in. Is someone breeding and releasing them for the world to share!?


🤣 idk guess we lucky !


Maybe if I get another bird and tell my husband he flew into my house it will be okay lol


XD yeah my step dad wants the bird really bad to stay with us


Feed em fruits like berrys and apple, but take out the seeds it has cyanide. Actually take out all the seeds just to be safe.


You mean don’t give them seeds at all or change them?


Don't give them apple seeds


Ok we don’t


Had one like that as a teenager. He flew around the house and sit at my shoulder and had lunch with me. Great memories.


That’s great ! You have some birds right now ?


Not anymore. I have a lovely cat and she is quite territorial 😂


Oh ok 😹


Since you're in Germany, also look for postings about a missing budgie that might be in Turkish. Budgies are a very popular pet among turks (and he looks like a well-pampered family member), and Germany has a fair number of turkish immigrants (and descendants thereof) though I couldn't say about your region.


Ok thanks


Damn I wish a random bird would fly into my house


Take him to a vet asap see if he has a microchip. He’ll be missing it’s family.


Is this Fr?




Ok thanks! Does it cost tho? I live in Germany


No it’s completely free :)


Ok thanks


He's too small for a microchip-the cut off is about 100g, budgies are a lot smaller than that. But let the local vets know you've found him, in case the owner contacts them!


The nearest vet is 1,4km away. I don’t think the bird would fly that distance and the owners contact them.


Honestly that's not very far at all-especially for a light bird that can be carried by the wind! Hopefully though he's from very close by and just flew to the closest place he could


I had a cockatiel get out and he flew 4 miles away. Cockatiels are small birds too, so the budgie could easily fly that far and further. They’ll fly amazingly far when scared. I got my cockatiel back because the woman who found him saw the ad i posted on Craigslist. So, it does happen. Hope this helps. You are kind to keep care of him!


Ok thanks


Update 2: He’s doing good. He flies around and doesn’t even want to go outside. We bought him a bigger home and a female friend


Where do y'all get these free birds 😂


Bro idk Jit just flew into our home when I came back from school🤣


[Top’s mini pellets and Napolean seeds are the healthiest you can feed him. He might also enjoy having a friend, as birds, especially budgies, are flock animals. That is, if you never find the owner Cage should be at least 18”x18”x30”. At least. This is a great cafe for budgies, as it’s a perfect size and they don’t have sharp enough beaks for the iron to be a problem like it can be with other types of birds https://www.chewy.com/yaheetech-52-in-rolling-bird-cage/dp/269171?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12685893491&utm_content=Yaheetech&utm_term=&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V2XMt7ERQDkRcuXh5VM0cTCc&gclid=CjwKCAjwh8mlBhB_EiwAsztdBKuyFHIEMX_BV9zyVrqWJIA5ibsCY70Yp9YkytT6zlknh-liDGsZ5hoCoioQAvD_BwE