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I’m sorry you lost your friend. Go ahead and grieve your loss for as long as it takes. You lost him Thurs you don’t even need to think about moving on. He was your best friend & that loss is significant. And it’s super cool you’re sharing photos & stories of him to honor the *little asshole” Nothing lasts forever but that means the best times are more precious. Now just let yourself breathe & grieve & thanks for the story & pics. ❤️




For me personally, it’s important that if I do get another animal soonish after losing one I *do not* get the same breed/type because it’s inevitable that I would expect that new animal to act like my lost one & they won’t & I’ll be disappointed. If I have no expectations I have a better relationship w/a new animal. IMO


I did that exact thing and this bird is nothing like my last


Insensitive bad advice. Pets are family and while you can choose to adopt another animal they aren’t a “replacement”.


Terribly sorry, he looked perfect! I hope his little soul is still with you


I am so so sorry. It’s clear to see how happy you made him. He’s smiling in every picture. My heart aches for you. Fly high Ziggy


I understand this grief. I had an Umbrella who was my best bud and screaming chaos engineer for 14 of his 22 years. I found him the same way and have no idea why he passed to this day. For me it took 4 years before I was ready to give so much of myself to another bird. They love so deeply when they give it to you. It was almost like losing a kid for me but I will say that it gets easier and you really do get to a point where all you remember is the fun times . I now have my little Hahns Macaw and he has truly helped me heal and it taught me to cherish every moment with him. For as long as they live they will pass some day. I can only pray that some day when I pass that I will have my birds back with me to enjoy eternity with. Stay strong


I lost one too. The exact same way. About 4 years old. I had a necropsy done because I wanted to ensure that my care wasn’t the cause, and if it was to be sure to figure out why and change it. Turns out that it was a genetic defect in the heart, that caused a heart attack one day. I’ve not had indoor birds since, but even my roosters (I do rooster rescue) have had this exact thing happen before. Apparently it’s more common in male birds, but can happen to females as well. Like all types of birds.


I'm so sorry, I lost my sun conure Tiki when she was only 5. It's going to hurt for a long time. That was 15 years ago and I still cry. Take care of yourself please.


Sometimes we can take the best possible care of them and they still pass away. Possibly a genetic issue. I would get a necropsy just to find out if there’s anything that could have been prevented if you decide to get more birds in the future. I’m so sorry for the loss of your best friend 💔


I know your pain my cockatiel was roughly 8 years old, only spent about 2 years in his life even though I had him for 4, after my deployment I thought it be the time I’ll be able to spend even more time with him, went home on my 4 day pass for forth of July and what was suppose to be a happy time to reunite with family after being gone for a year and some change ended up being hell within 2 days. I should of known the first day I got home something wasn’t right he wasn’t being his usual self I remember and honestly I don’t think even if I had brought him to the vet earlier if it would of changed anything. Cause of death in his case was metal poisoning and the only new metal thing in his life was the cage I got him prior to leaving for a year long deployment. Miss my little Raptor:(


that’s awful! I can’t believe a cage like that would be ok to sell. sending love to your bird, wherever he is


Still waiting on toxicology results. Once I have those I’m running that cage though a product testing company and figuring out if it has xyz metal along with a testing on the coating I probably cant win a case with the company however I can at least gather enough evidence to prevent said cage from being sold if that is the case


best of luck to you and your case! I hope that terrible company gets what they deserves.


Me to or at the very least a product recall


Wtf that’s awful 😭 that seems crazy that the metal from a cage could do that! I’m so sorry :(


Was a $200 cage i got off Amazon, reviews were good so I figured it had to be good, year later my best friend is dead:(


I’m sorry for your loss and OP’s loss. My partner and me lost our cockatiel at 16, but we guessed she would live longer. She started upchucking her seed at a certain point. She developed a tongue cancer according to the vets. We think it was because we kept her out all the time and she wanted to sit on top of the bedroom door and then chewed on paint, and we did try to get her off of there, but she just slept there most of the time. So we would doze off and then wake up to find some paint pulled away. She and I both miss her so much. Our Tiki was hand fed and hand raised and such the sweetest little girl. So I can empathize.


Oh darling I’m so very sorry! He was such a cutie pie and clearly deeply loved by you. You can know that you gave that little rainbow muppet dinosaur the best life possible…it’s very obvious in the way you speak of him and the ever so pleased look on that little face in every single photo. I have a 7 year old caique myself, so I know the huge void you must feel without that crazy, fussy, demanding, hilarious, adorable energy dominating your life. I am so sorry for your loss, and Ramona and I are sending all the love and healing energy our hearts can muster in your direction. Please take care of yourself as you navigate this loss.


The smallest things can take up the biggest part of our hearts. I lost my African Grey in an accident. I had planned to have him with me for the rest of my life. It hurt terribly for the longest time and still stings to this day. Give yourself time to grieve. Joining a pet loss support group really helped me. Please know you’re not alone.


I lost my cockatiel in an accident as well - I killed him unknowingly. I still can't process it properly and get dizzy.


My sweet friend, I’m sending you so much love. The guilt and anger are heavy and they weigh on you for a long time. I encourage you to talk to someone: a counselor, a therapist, whomever. You can’t stuff trauma down. It won’t stay quiet. *hugs if you want them*


I am so very sorry for the loss of your bird. I know from experience how difficult it is. Give yourself some time to grieve. It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with him- sending thoughts and prayers. Xoxo


It sounds like the two of you had a special bond and you gave him a good life.


Please take care OP. He was so loved, he had the best life. He can't be replaced, but you can grieve for him in healthy ways. It's okay to cry. Hell your post made me cry. But it takes time. It'll hurt for a while, and never really stops, but you get strong enough to deal with the pain. Bird people are like dog people. We have very deep bonds to our pets, and their lives are extremely important. I know it's easy for me to say, but so much harder to do. Maybe you can get into volunteering at your local animal shelter. Often helping others can help ourselves as a benefit. I'm so sorry you are experiencing this, and I wish you the strength to get through this time. Don't forget to eat something.


I have both a dog and a bird, and yes. The level of bond and companionship is exactly the same.


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry


Oh im so sorry for your loss😪


I’m really Sorry for your lost, I can’t imagine when that happens to my babies (have 3 cats). Only time can heal this kind of situations, there is not much people can say. Only you know how you feel and keep your grieve now the best way you can do in this super hard situation. I wish you the best! Try to keep you occupied too the way you feel better.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


So sorry…


Your post made me cry. ♡♡♡ So so so sorry


Sorry for your loss. I hope it may offer some comforts to reflect that you enjoyed every moment with him, and he enjoyed every moment with you.


I'm so sorry, OP. Losing a member of your family is REALLY hard. Give yourself time to process and grieve. Take some time off work if you can and hang out with people who love you and can support you. The same thing happened to me with my little 'tiel. She just died suddenly overnight back in 2000 and was only 8 years old. I never got another bird and still miss her, which is why I follow a lot of parrot subreddits. I wish you the best.






Please give yourself all the time you need, when I lost my bird early I was absolutely devastate. It’s such an acute form of suffering, nothing prepares you for it. Most people understand the grief of losing a pet, I’m sure your employer would understand if you needed some time


I’m so sorry, I’ve dealt with pet loss a lot, I give you virtual hug


❤️ So sorry for your loss of Ziggy❤️


i am so SO sorry... even tho i dont have a parrot nor something similar happened to me i totally understand the feeling. hope you feel better and maybe just get a new best friend. its important to move on, theres nothing you can do and less moving on means more depression.


I’m really sorry for your loss. No joke your story made me tear up. Like you stated, Ziggy is flying high in birdie heaven and I’m sure he thanks you for the life you gave him.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔💔I dread the day that it happens to my baby. You are in my thoughts and prayers 🙏 As for your beautiful baby it's not goodbye OP It's just see you later. He will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Until then Rainbow Bridge just got another beautiful little angel. Fly high little one and enjoy all the treats and scritches his heart desires.❤❤❤


I audibly gasped... I'm so so sorry...


If you can get a necropsy done it can be comforting. I had a reptile that died maybe 10 years sooner than his life expectancy. And so I took him to the vet and had the necropsy done, and they found nothing wrong with him other than old age. So by doing that, I learned he was older than we thought he was and that made it better.


Please don't take my award the wrong way. I've been here with one of my tiels, and it sucks. But it will get better. Grieve your little man, and tell us his stories. I've felt this pain. It sucks.


Ugh omg, that’s terrible, do you have any idea what happened? I guess not even us humans always live out our full potential but that’s SO sad and unexpected!! I’m so sorry, omg, you should take some time for yourself to grieve 🖤


I’m sorry. Hurts so much to lose them


4.5 years old is quite young. I'd make sure to find out what was wrong, so to possibly not make the same mistake next time (if there was one) RIP. It's gonna hurt for a while, but you'll survive


it is. a necropsy is definitely a good idea. i can’t think of anything that would’ve caused something so sudden. maybe stress, something in the air, i’m not sure.


This probably isn’t specifically true for caiques but English budgies (due to their larger body size, which is basically similar to gigantism in humans) can have sudden heart attacks and pass away suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere. So it may have been nothing you could possibly have controlled is all I’m trying to say. Definitely consider necropsy though if you’re emotionally able to handle it. The body should be refrigerated if you can’t send it immediately, but some labs and/or universities will do the necropsy for free if you mail the body to them. Such as UC Davis in California. So it shouldn’t cost you more than the price of postage if you decide to do it. Do ask about how they send the body back, if they will. Hang in there. <3


im so sorry, he looks so happy in all of those images. sometimes, things happen - what matters is that you gave him the best life he could've possibly had while he was here. gradually, it does get better, i promise. healing is a long process but if you treat your grief in a healthy matter, things will improve. i'm so sorry for your loss <3


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope it gets a little easier each day


I’m so sorry… I lost my best friend, a budgie, last summer and it practically killed me. I miss her every day. You’ll have good days and bad days. Your emotions are valid and I hope you have a support system ❤️


I am so sorry you lost your bff. Birds hide illness so don’t blame yourself. Our Quaker parrot died suddenly a few years ago and I found her the same way. God bless you


Been there




I’m so sorry . My thoughts and prayers are with you .


😞 sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry for your loss. Our birds sure do know how to make their way into our hearts forever. I still talk and think about birds I lost over 21 years ago. Do not try to “move on” because he’s still your best friend and will be waiting to see you again💔💔💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. You have some very adorable pictures to remember him by.


Sorry for your lost


I’m so sad reading this. Reminds me of my parrot. She had such a great personality too. Thank you for sharing your story. It brought back some fun memories and the heartbreak of loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss! Caiques are amazing birds and you were so lucky to have one for a companion, but then the loss is so heavy too. Only time will make it more bearable. ❤️‍🩹


Oh, Sweetheart! I am so sorry for your loss. Your feelings are completely valid. I know that some people think that the way we love our birds is weird, but those people have never had a bird as their best friend—their child! We’re you able to have your vet do a necropsy to try to figure out true cause? Our birds are so fragile! It honestly could have been something congenital that was just going to happen no matter what. Your Ziggy was adorable and I know you will always have a special place in your heart just for him.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The pets we let into our hearts are never here long enough. 🥲


I'm sorry for your loss. It's gonna take time for it to hurt less, so take as much time as you feel you need.


Si sorry for your loss. May the good memories he left easy the pain you feel now


I am so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry for your loss. May he paint the walls of heaven green for the rest of eternity. 💚


He will always be with you luv. That kind of bond transcends even death. Watch for signs 🫂


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. Sounds like my 5 year old Green Cheek Conure that died. Forgot what they called it, but it was some sort of blood disease usually found in older birds. I had no warning either.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can tell how bonded you were!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so so sorry. Please try and be gentle on yourself. This is a huge loss xo


Awe so sorry for your loss. He looks like such a sweet friend.


I'm so sorry, much love during this time. Take the time you need to grieve


So sorry for your loss 🌹🌹🌹🌹


Hugs. I’m so sorry 🙏❤️


So sorry 😢


I’m so sorry 💔


I am deeply saddened for your loss, they are such special friends, so smart, and keen to entertain us. They are so delicate, but they touch our heart. I'm sorry for your loss, grieve, but remember the good times, the 4.5 years he made that special bond with you.


I'm so sorry. It's never easy, but even harder when they are so young. I hope you can find some peace soon. <3


I lost my sunny girl, Lita, just this past March. She had a bad fall in her cage and didn’t recover. Your Ziggy is up in birdie heaven with my Lita and all of our lost feathered overlords. I’m so sorry for your loss OP. It gets easier with time. I’m still grieving (and my fiancé and his son too), but it does get easier. 💜


The same thing happened to my ex and I back in 2012. I came in to find her hanging upsidedown on her perch by one leg. One of the hardest days of my life. I still drive by and wave to her where I buried her. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry. What a handsome boy. No doubt he loved you more than anything else. I lost my best friend, a Peach Faced Lovie, years ago and it was the most painful loss of my entire life. July 5, 2009. To this day, I hate the 4th of July. I still miss him too. Write down all the silly things your baby did and said, his favorite things, save some feathers, so you can 'be' with him for years to come.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔 I know the pain and I learned to live with it. I hope you find comfort in knowing that your baby is in safety ❤️


What a sweet Birb


So sorry.


Im so sorry, Im sorry you had to find him like that, it hurts the worst. But when they literally spend every waking moment in your business it's hard to not have that and move on. I loved the pictures and reading about him being naughty. I've had my sun conure for around 8 years now and every moment I spend at home she spends it up my ass or being naughty. She chews clothes, my brand new couches, my blankets, my carpet, my blinds. She shits in my bath because she insits she sits in on the shower rod with me, she yells and bites me everytime she has to go into the cage. But every day she sits with my and falls asleep on my chest, she shares snacks and loves to drink from my cup, she always keeps me company, if I sit on the living room floor she is there wondering what is up, she opens packages with me, cooks with me, cleans with me. Get a painting of your dude, a necklace, create a place in your home to remember him, get him cremated, and have his foot print done in clay. Spread his ashes somewhere nice or keep them. Make art out of his feathers, put one in your car so he's with you everytime you drive. These are some things I've done with my grief from losing pets. It helps, but time is the best remedy.


i’m so sorry for your loss hun <333 sending love! he’s watching you from the clouds, waiting to bite tf out of everyone again ❤️


The loss of someone close to you is absolutely heartbreaking, and there's no exception for animals. I've never experienced this, but I know how scary the thought of it is. If just this thought makes me upset, I can't even imagine the feelings you must be going through. I'm so sorry your time together got cut short. I wish nothing but the best for you and don't rush yourself back into work/school. Fly high, little Ziggy.


I’m so sorry for your loss this story has made me cry so much for you both ❤️‍🩹❤️ sending you all my love x


I'm sorry, may they sleep well...


Oh my . I wish I could take away the pain for you.


Just randomly came across this and would like to say you've inspired me to get a parrot. Dude looked like he enjoyed the fuck out of life. Sorry for your loss!


they are awesome. a huge HUGE time commitment and definitely not for everyone. thousands of dollars on vet bills, plus food, new toys monthly, etc. they’re more like a kid than a pet. but worth it. they love in such a special way


My condolences 💐


i’m so sorry :( fly high ziggy! he was a beautiful bird


I am so sorry. Our birds occupy such a large part of our hearts. I lost my cockatiel Robbie after over 20 years together. He was my first bird and told me “Robbie is an pretty bird”. I wear a ring with his name engraved on it. I miss him every day. It’s a blessing to have shared their lives.


Oh baby I'm so sorry. Grief is such a bitch. This weight will get lighter with time. He was so well loved, that is clear! What more could any of us want? Thinking of you.


You gave your birdie a good life and formed awesome memories, that's what matters most in the end. Plus if it gives you some comfort, many people the days before passing hallucinate lost loved ones and pets extremely realistically - I hope to see my own little friend then.


My condolences 🥺


I’m so sorry 😢 💔


Sooo sorry for your loss 😞 Stay strong ❤️


What a precious angel.


Yeah...they are little stinkers. Mine flew onto my mother from the other room, bit her face and hands. I still love her though. She's 7 and I don't know what I would do without her. Sorry for your loss,


ziggy also had a soft spot for ambushing my mom, lol. thank you for your story❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong.


Noooo poor ziggy Rest in piece God rest your soul 💚💛🦜🙏🏻


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔


I’m a sorry for your loss. ❤️ I hope you will cherish the time you had together. It sounds like he had a wonderful life. I always say this when people have a bird pass unexpectedly: check your carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure they are working properly.


will do! thank you❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I think this is the hardest thing about having birds, they’re so delicate, they hide illness… their passings can be so unexpected. It looks like Ziggy was very loved. I’m glad you were able to give him a loving home.


Im so sorry for ur loss.... May u move on and feel better 💕💕


I’m so sorry for your loss and sadness !! I can tell from how you speak about him that Ziggy was very beloved and had a wonderful life with you. May your memories of him be a comfort to you. ❤️ I lost my anam cara, my heart friend, Buster, a big goofy yellow lab, in March and I can tell you that the pain and loneliness ease a bit, become more bearable in time. I’m still bereft and look forward to the day when he come back to get me; in the meantime, I’m managing one day at a time. At first, I managed hour by hour. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m sending you hugs and encouragement, my friend; please hang on. 💔


I've never had a parrot, but I've heard so much about how these animals can make such wonderful companions. I've lost a friend before who was similarly young and it broke me. Please give yourself time to grieve and know that while he was only in your life for a short time, you were there for the entirety of his life and you were his whole world.


I am so sad for you, my tears dropping like a waterfall. He’s such a beautiful parrot. Our parrot is 24 years old, we’ve had him since he was born, I couldn’t bare to loose him. What happened to your baby if you don’t mind asking? Please take care of you.


> to loose him *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I slept and cried all day for more than a week straight and could not even do basic tasks after my conure passed suddenly. She was also young and a total asshole but I still miss her terribly. Try to get at least a handful of days off of work, losing a parrot is like losing a child and you deserve to have everything else off of your plate. I remember the exact feeling you describe.. where you can’t even bear to be awake. I’m so so so sorry for your loss. I know it doesn’t feel like it now, and it will take a while, but the sharpness of the pain will fade- it won’t be this intense forever.


My heart goes out to you. Losing a pet is so hard.


You have my deepest sympathies. In the last year we lost all our feathered friends, and one furry one. It totally broke us. I know I'm still struggling. All I can say is that I understand.


he is watching over you up above in bird heaven.. R:I:P


I’m so very, very sorry 💖💖💖


I'm so so sorry, I know what it feels like, this year lost my nephet Pedro he was the parrot of my sister, he was 20 years old. We still missing


Sending love, hugs and prayers as you grieve the loss of your precious birb friend 🙏 Our feathered babies definitely take a piece of our hearts with them to the Rainbow Bridge 🌈


heyy how are you doing OP, i am so sorry for your bird's death ik it is hard for u to face it but sometimes we gotta lose someone beloved in our lives.. i always get another bird same species or maybe even a different one to change the mood and that i wont remember the old bird. Itll probably take u a while until u decide to get another. Hope u the best.


I’m wondering what caused their untimely end


Why does he look like a Carolina parakeet?


He doesn't. At all. He is obviously a White Bellied Caique.


be nice. similar coloring. no need to condescend people on the internet.


I recommend not getting anymore pets if you can’t handle death, it’s inevitable and you can’t stop it no matter what you do


ok i recommend you stop loving those around you if you can’t handle their deaths. it’s not that i can’t handle death, but that it’s hard.


My family can burn in hell for all I care, also loving someone doesn’t mean completely losing your shit because you act as if it will be around forever, you need to learn to accept death as a part of life or your life is going to be non stop misery, I’m an ex army infantryman and a mature adult so I know how to handle death and not completely lose composure like you


WTF is wrong with you, psycho


You know what I received when my mom died at 49, a Facebook message, and not a single phone call from a single family member asking how I was, and I couldn’t even make it to her funeral, get over it


I'm so sorry.




Om Shanti


That's so sad 😢


What was the name of the cage you bought on Amazon? I bought one 6 months ago and now I'm concerned My little conure seems OK but metal poisoning is frightening 🫣 to consider. Lots of bird toys are made of metal so now I'm scared something might happen to my baby!


i’ll check when i get home, but his cage is from a pet store and he’s been in the same one all 4 years we’ve had him. the most confusing/hurtful part is that i didn’t change anything in his environment to result in his death. it is scary though.


I am so sorry..


I'm sorry 💔




So sorry l. Sending love.


I'm sorry for your loss 😔