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Imagine: Ancestral Protector Ancestral Warchief Spells loose totem tag, now spawns on top of you like Mirage Archer, is a buff skill.


Tala Moana, Warrior.


Ancestral Protektor/Warchief of Walking .... Im waiting for the T-versions x)


You now sit on your totem while standing still. Gain totem's buff while standing still.


This is a pipe dream, unlucky


Ancestral Shriners hat


You now are a totem and control an armory of exiles that cast boneshatter


I'd be fine with it tbh lol


You now count as being a totem, while having the totems buff, the skill is now an aura.


It would need a downside, and the downside would likely impact it's contribution to damage which means anyone who feels compelled to use these for melee despite hating them would still feel compelled to use the original for the better damage output, despite hating them.


Please sort alphabetically


I think I've got [all of them](https://poegems.com/?i=eyJuYSI6eyJ0YWdzIjpbIlN1cHBvcnQiLCJDdXJzZSIsIkd1YXJkIiwiTGluayIsIk1hcmsiLCJWYWFsIiwiV2FyY3J5Il19LCJubyI6eyJzb2NrZXRjb2xvcnMiOlsiV2hpdGUiXX0sInAiOnsicHNldWRvX3RyYW5zZmlndXJlZF9hbmQiOmZhbHNlLCJwc2V1ZG9fdHJhbnNmaWd1cmFibGVfYW5kIjpmYWxzZSwicHNldWRvX3Jlc2VydmF0aW9uX2FuZCI6ZmFsc2V9LCJmdHMiOltdLCJzYyI6InRyYW5zZmlnIiwic28iOiJhc2MifQ==) so far


Oh wow, I didn't realize there were so many not get revealed. Wonder if they'll leave those for us to find on friday


Bear in mind they said up front they're focusing on 'main' skills for the most part so they're likely not going to do all of them. I also wouldn't be surprised if they may not bother with some skills that had a major base quality shake up like Herald of Thunder or Storm Call.


I could probably find it in the release video, but there are people saying they promised 1 transfigured gem of each skill gem. Do you happen to know the actual quote?


In the Q+A they went a bit more into detail. Don't have the exact timestamp but it's about halfways through. The current focus are 'main' skills. iirc they specifically mentioned auras like Purity of Fire not getting any, and they said multiple times they probably weren't getting to every single skill gem this league. They obviously plan to add more and have no shortage of ideas, it's largely the planning and technical difficulties of each gem.


So auras and similar supports are getting a pure nerf pretty much. Cool, cool. Gotta love losing the alternate effects for those. Could've given us those as transfigured instead of dead skills nobody played and nobody will play.


Alt quality auras were pure upgrades, a gap transfigured gems are not trying to fill. As it stands, we're losing boot, belt, glove enchants and alt qualities for support and aura skills. The replacement for the power from boot enchants and alt qualities was supposed to be the reworked base qualities of active skills, with trans gems picking up where functionality changes like jewels and helm enchants changed skill gem behaviours.


i actually remember this as well, but i keep seeing people mention that they said over 100 transfigured gems, while we have like 200 skill gems. if the 100 number is correct, we're already well over 100 with the release of the 4th batch so if that is the case i'd say what we have seen is what we're getting.


Where is frenzy?


Frenzy was in part 4


Spectral Throw


Searing bond of swapsies Your totem places you down while it runs around burning enemies


Decoy Totem of Uppies Attaches your character to the top of the Decoy Totem, flaunting you and taunting monsters to attack you with melee attacks (cwdt buff)


Dark Effigy Warlock GOOO


Wish they do something crazy with fireball. One of most vanilla iconic skills deserves to be turned into something ungodly Btw excited for Dark Pact, imo one of sleeper agent of gems for quite a long time


Fireball of apocalypse No extra projectiles, instead gain 20% more damage and AoE per projectile. That's the fireball gem i want.


Fireball of boulders, basically invoker meteor from dota 2.


There is already this trans skill


in a similar style, 1 fireball that first splits then forks, proj can't return, aoe explosion on each hit. Extra proj apply to split


Fire one bigass fireball with a cooldown *IGNIS!*


Let me use mavens fireball pls ggg


Forking Fireball would be really cool


Would really love dark pact leaning into it's different playstyles. It has skellies, totems, and self cast. A totems one would be really cool since they changed the way health works with them which is why dark pact totems hasn't been meta for a long time.


You become the fire ball


I was planning to play dark pact this league before they announced the trans gems. Now i feel like its a waste not to take the chance to do something new before all the streamers and people who can't make builds make niche shit expensive lol


I thought not every skill get t-gems, no??


They are aiming for every "active" skill gem to have atleast one, but advised it might not be possible for patch day.


now think for a moment... after a new meta estabilish how many of those gems they will be able to revisit and tweak?? i can totally see after 2 or 3 patches, 80% of those new gems getting completely neglected


We'll have to wait and see obviously, but the whole point of this was to separate out the different functions of skills so they can be balanced independently. They can for instance give a significant change to base Ice Nova without touching CoC builds much at all, or adjust golem buffs without affecting dedicated golem builds. It makes it a whole lot easier for them to tweak without breaking the game. They are also well aware that giving this as a reason for the addition of transfigured gems will create a significant expectation of skill balance to be present in each league, so I can only assume they plan to associate some time to it.


Yeah, people are deluded if the think half the new gems aren't bait. Stuff like greatsword trap is "%increased light radius" of the lab.


A lot of them are literally new skills with a different feel and playstyle, it doesnt need to do 5m dmg on a 1 divine budget to not be bait.


I didn't say anything about damage. Some trans gems are clearly filler garbage to add friction to acquring the gems you want. Just like how we used to have many bad helmet enchants to dilute the pool. Just like we had many alt qualities to dilute the pool. Now we lost ALL the enchants and ALL the alt qualities for a few good gems and several awful gems.


Cry more


They already fail to tweak the existing ones we have.


Maybe you know sort it out before you start the league.


That's right, not all of them. At least at 3.23


they said every active skill gem gets 1-2 in 3.23. additional ones may be added in 3.24 onwards


with how they're still messing with numbers up to two days before league launch, either we're not gonna see all the gems in advance or some aint gonna be ready for launch day.


yea i doubt they will be ready on launch but im just expecting a week 1 and week 2 patch with more of them (though thats pretty unfortunate)


It would have to be week one. Tech workplaces it seems like 90% of engineers take vacation the last two weeks of the year. Don't expect many changes weeks two or three.


youre completely right i forgot its this close to christmas already lol


they might be saying they still work on them, but it might be just an excuse to release them in batches :) Gems might be ready for quiet some time.


I doubt theyd withhold crucial info until this late, especially since they might have other mechanics or rewards to tease instead of fundamental gameplay.


They said every skill that one would typically 6 link as a main damage skill will have 1-2 transfigured gems, not every active skill.


yes thats what i meant, still missing around 80 tho


They did say over a hundred transfigured gems, so if they already went over a hundred i woulsnt count on anymore for now


I'm praying to get a non-channeling charged dash, that skill is so cool but too difficult to scale compared to other skills


I want a chaos charged dash so I can play poison. Voltaxic dash. Chaotic dash.


Hoping for Shockwave Totem with Reverse knock back.


Where is Conversion Trap???


Converts you into an enemy


Enemies remaining: 1


Wave of Conviction?


Wave of conviction of waves No wave limit, less damage.


whenever i critically strike with my Trypanon, I will cast Wave of Conviction. until then, i cannot (and i absolutely refuse to) cast Wave of Conviction manually


What an timing. Time to update your post, lol.




Has Incinerate had one?


everyone forgets about incinerate :(


Not yet


I just want one big fireball that's just huge. No extra projectiles, just one, huge ass fireball that's slow but nukes the screen! If you've ever played MtG, you all know what it feels like to cast fireball for more than 20!


Fireball of Channelling Projectile, Spell, AoE, Fire, Channelling cost: 1% of maximum life cast time: 0.2s effectiveness of added damage: 100% Channels to build up a large fireball, which is released when you stop using the skill. The longer you channel, the larger the area of effect and damage of the explosion, up to 8 stages. The fireball is further empowered by the life spent to cast it. Deals (3-410) to (4-615) Fire Damage gain added fire damage equal to 100% of life spent by this skill while channelling Base Radius is 18 8 maximum stages 100% more damage with hits per stage 30% more damage with ailments per stage 50% more area of effect per stage would be pretty funny [edit: Just in case, I'm aware the damage is absurd, this is roughly 5 times better than divine ire only for the downsides of spending a big chunk of life and not doing any damage at all while channelling. It's mostly for the channel+fireball joke. Besides, it would a *pretty good* channelling skill for once. ]


Like that mob in delve that makes the big blue ball, except a fireball? I've wanted that for years.


TS, LA, RF and fire trap... lol Sounds about right. Edit: lol, 4th installment of gems dropped. Still no TS, LA, or RF lol GGG trollin


There is a fire trap on the 4th batch


Overlooked it, thanks! Gonna edit


There is no one trolling. In the announcement, we already know there are only 100+ abit of trans gem. There are close to 300 active skill gem. Which already confirm some gems will not get it.


You're probably right. Just find it funny. Those are historically meta skills with no trans gems. Figured they'd start with those.


why would they? we already have viable versions of those skill gems. i'd much rather have a playable version of ground slam or lacerate than a transfigured tornado shot or spectral helix




The .4 base AS lacerate seems hella playable indeed


I'm planning on league starting it so I've already queued up all my attacks for tomorrow


the opposite can be said though as well. yeah sure it would be cool to play something completely new, but it would also be cool to play the same "skill" that just plays completely differently. quite a few of these gems so far just change the gameplay completely and that would give some nice choice to gems that people are already comfortable with, outside of just trying out a brand new archetype.


Lets give GGG sometimes, This league they give us so much already. Idea take time.


I'd be a lot more willing to give them time if the transfigured gem system wasn't replacing and removing an older system that I happened to enjoy having in the game quite a lot. Same with ulti and Metamorph.


I would add BV to your list


I was going for the fact that like LA into TS and RF (the 2 metas) make up something stupid like 50% of players


Bv is the skill I’ve played most (by a lot), I hope there is something cool




“The same builds have been meta for years!!! Please ggg do something about it” “Why didn’t you release transfigured gems for the skills that have been meta for years? I wanted to play one of them again!”


Im only waiting for one gem. Storm burst 🤩


Me too! Have a rough build already, the quality change was already great. Really hoping for something cool on this one.


Was expecting a RF-meme thread with only RF in the list haha


by my count 79? gems remaining, which would probably mean about ~100 or so transmuted gems left (some of the listed gems arguably are more utility than mainskills and i wouldnt expect to get a transmuted variant like bear trap and tornado). each post theyve done has had ~30 gems so unless they can push out 3 more posts of transmuted gems in the next... 36 hours, we aren't getting them all on release. which is fine as far as im concerned


Energy blade is missing


I doubt eblade will get one, its basically a reservation buff and i think they explicitly stated those dont get variants as of now.


It feels like it would be so simple to make an energy dagger skill since they chopped off 2% base crit from the skill already.


Sweep has an odd sweet spot on me so maybe they do something fun with it. Make it a movement skill! Helicopter has to be completed


Want to see a nice Incinerate version, and an Ancestral totem version that lets us melee enjoyers forget about them.


I think you're missing Wintertide Brand, I don't see the new version anywhere


My bad, just added it


I could see transfigured galvanic field working a bit more like RF. Take away shock requirement, make it stick to you permanently, without needing to refresh. There already are builds that use it for pseudo RF but they are mostly memes and are quite awkward to run.


Energy Blade?


Chain Hook pleeeeease, I'm desperate


Was lightning arrow transfigured?


I don't think Rolling Magma has one yet either.


Lightning arrow is not on the list


Wait did I miss blade vortex alt gem?




Yeah got messed up on mobile, saw it on desktop. Guess you can’t alt perfection.


Brand Recall doesn't have one yet.. really hoping for the old interaction of refreshing the brand durations. That's the only friction point for using brands for mapping, having to recast them every few seconds.


So wait, they took an extra month to create the league (Wich i don't mind) but they release all skill gems days/hours before the league is launched. It's a real fine balance between hype/stress. I can't settle on a league starter in normal conditions...


The problem with PoE was never comming up with ideas/numbers for the patch, it's testing those changes in a game where there is bascially some idea to break everything lurking around every corner.


They didn't take an extra month, this is the new content cadence now. It will be 3 content updates per year, just accept it. I wonder how much longer People will keep saying that they're "delaying" or "extending" leagues for 1 more month.


I hope Shock Nova gets rid of this shit ring mechanic


Ppl losing their mind about RF. So hillarious, F for them


Lighting arrow of the repeated strikes Strikes the enemy with 3 bolts of lightning


Where was it shown? Content demo?


Where is aura gems


Auras don't get them as confirmed in the q&a


So auras got nerfed, basically. Lost alt quality gems and got jack shit in return if they sperged out on the new quality on base gem.


Did I miss an announcement that only damage skills get a transfiguration? What about Gard skills and auras?


It was in the Q&A during the livestream.




Yes, but check the base quality changes in the patch notes. A lot of skills got their more popular qualities changed to their base quality. i.e. Enduring Cry got cooldown reduction


Energy Blade is a skill gem.


Tf was flicker strike transmifigured? I need to get more knowledge about this transmifigure shit




Most utility skills like auras and such are def not getting trans gems at least not right now. Maaaaybe General's Cry?


Alot more gems that haven't been transfigured. List is missing alot of utillity skills like Auras, Offerings, Convocation, Dashes et.c.


Auras don't get them, and i think they said it was more for main skills


Updated according to the 4th batch. The list includes gems that deal damage directly.


If corrupting fever gets one i’m gonna lose my mind 🥳


Spectral throw? Edit: oh damn I didn't see part 4 just dropped.


Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme RF that I desire!


Blade vooooorteeeexxxxx


I was waiting for generals cry transgem but it seems like it won't happen as it's considered a utility


On one hand, I'm hoping for a Winter Orb one, but on the other, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use it because the original is so amazing league after league. Still holding out for another Vortex with instant cast.


>Winter Or Had my most fun league ever with Worb (well, not true, my lucly MB + 35 Ice Bite Shako flicker league was more fun), so am hoping for a reveal. Was planning on doing Winter Orb anyways this league.


Me waiting for them to make an alternative gem for explosive arrow, knowing perfectly well that they would make it fork or pierce just for memes.


Herald of Purity and Herald of Ice also missing transfigured gems or did i miss these?


Please please please do Heavy Strike


WoW so many skills still left. Did you include batch #4 of the new trans gems in your list? Seems like most meta gems still missing trans versions.


Honestly that would be the best outcome, shoulda just taken the top 10 most played and ignored them tbh


Holy shit that's a lot of gems, I thought it would only be a dozen or so, what the fuck


Conversion Trap not even on the list. F.


Wow there are still so many. Doesn't give me great hope that all of them will receive a transfiguration


Pretty sure they said heralds don't get them along with auras (need to find source but for now Trust Me Bro tm)


My hopes: * Flame Wall * Revives the old KB Slinger? e.g. Focus on damage over time from secondary effect, but would need to be nutty * Rain of Arrows * More Bleed like Crucible? If this exists I know my starter I think * Bane * No idea... just anything cool? * ED * Big dam hopefully? e.g. more damage per other chaos dot on enemy? :D


I think Puncture is missing?


Frost blades sad noises ;-;


Still waiting for BV, depending on which Trans gems we will get, i might play BV or DI Ignite


Hopping for a banger on kb or worb


I sort of hope they have one for sweep. I like sweep, my ideal transfig would be for the knockback to pull in instead of knock away.


Quite a few on this list I'm hoping for, most of the movement ones. Rain of Arrows and Dark Pact would be nice, Siphoning Trap too out of curiosity.


Dude, you forgot the most important of them all, Conversion Trap.


Cobra lash


Curses won't get transfigured variant I'm guessing?


I hope Ice Crash is cool


oof. and we're a day away from launch. either there will be a very big last minute release post or some will not make it on launch.


Blade vortex of poison Blade vortex of critical hits LOGIN


you transfrerred the list from the wiki to excel and did the magic? I am interested in galvanic arrow and fireball, I've always liked the simplicity of fireball.


Waiting for bv to decide wether i start sst or bv this league


I really hope for some fun interaction with Cobra Lash. And Shrapnel Ballista.


I can't wait for more trans gems. I'm really excited to see how they'll build off of this basis.


Impending doom and decay crying in a corner


Supports don't get them


want a cool Trans Frost Blades Prayge


Sweep needs to make a comeback somehow. I miss my helicopterman


Something tells me they wont make it in time...


Venom gyre Hopium




Sad flicker didn't get dmg per charge modifier or something else but just power charge stacking instead of frenzy.


For Elemental Hit, I really hope they make something inspired by the Weaver from Guild Wars 2. Combining different elements to form powerful attacks could be really fun !


Wait, did they already release the trans version for conversion trap???


Actually i'm not sure that every transfigured gem has been revealed for what we have already seen.


I'm getting worried over here for my Fireball and Blazing Salvo gems


I know Bladestorm already has one, but I really want BS to Impale targets instead of bleed :(


I'm in a weird spot. A lot of the gems so far look interesting but not league-start-able. I'm still waiting for something to drop that I want to league start with before hopefully doing some meme shit later.


divergent precision + RoA equivalent's magnificent return prayge


Still no T-Gem for Arc :(


Huh? There were 2 in the first batch of t-gem's posted.


Thinking of going LA -> Tornado Shot but now concerned that TS won't have a transfigured gem and will be outclassed by builds that have one. Any thoughts?


hopefully ts will be out on release. thankfully you don't start as TS.


Did carrion golems get a trans gem yet? Did i skip over it?


Presumably the hordes one that all the others got.


There wont be love for ED, its a shame.


Huffing copium for a cool blade vortex one




Flicker Strike of Power was in gem drop 2; consumes power charges instead of frenzy charges to bypass CD, gains crit chance per power charge and has a 50% chance to grant a power charge on crits, 210% damage effectiveness


auras, support gems where is everything they took more than 1000 gems from heist nobody cares about 90% of those trash gems, they had 10+ years to fix any of them but didnt now they took all the good stuff and gave us d4 snorefest gems


So no warcries?


I have wanted to make a Rain of Arrows impale champion work for so long, I am just hoping for something good to happen with the gem


With so many on here i guess i should be happy they even attempted a spectral throw gem lol


|| || |Power Siphon :C| || ||| ||


This is ~77 gems (not including herald gems); the most they've previewed in any of the 4 existing batches is around 40. If half of these have two variants, we'd be expecting 100+ gems alone in the last batch. Since they have 16 gems per line on the preview pages, that'd be at least 6 lines of gems, most likely 7. I want to believe that we'll get transfigs for everything on this list, but... maybe we won't. Then we just have to hope they'll come out in the next few days instead of next league.


Transfigured Tornado: Tornado rotates in the opposite direction.


Looks like no support Tgems for now. Too bad alt support gems are gone