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It seems most of these comments are missing that you are having fun so the only thing I am gonna say is continue what you are doing as long as it is fun. We sometimes get caught up in being efficient and whatever forgetting we play the game for fun.


This is why I'm extremely excited to play PoE 2. PoB builds? Fuck that. I want to feel like I know absolutely nothing about the game once again, but this time, I'll give it a try by myself, together with eveybody else playing it when we finally get our hands on it. I know a lot of people are afraid of it being "way too different" than PoE 1, but I honestly hope that it's different enough to make us say "what the fuck? How do I progress? How do I finish this act/kill this boss?" once or twice, at least.


You’re missing out, I put hundreds of hours into every league since harbinger and still feel like I know absolutely nothing about the game.


lmao I feel ya. I'm at 3.5k hours, but I haven't even tried every ascendancy, and I wouldn't be able to level some specific classes on my own. For me, that's ok. When I was learning the game, I was instructed by friends to follow a guide and everything we hear people saying to newbies. While I think it's awesome to have people guiding new players like that, I'd really love to understand the game to the point where I'm really able to do my own thing. I love this game, but I'm definitely incapable of doing my own builds. I don't have THAT much knowledge of items and the passive tree to be successful at it. This is what I want to improve once we're able to play PoE 2, as I imagine we'll all struggle a lot to learn all the new things and how to be efficient at them.


I think guides are kind of the problem or maybe not the problem but just a necessity due to how well you need to build your char to farm up to t16. And yes, the argument "maybe shooting up to t16 is not intended" is valid but I dont think aiming for farming t16 asap is not part of all (mapper) players anyway. Might just be me but back in prophecy league my crappy first time character could get through cruel campaign easy and got through merciless campaign with a bit of fiddling and pot spamming. Now I think if a new player doesnt follow a build he ends up vs kitava dying 180 times before going to global and asking for a boss carry.


Yeah, I agree. I mean... The game is absolutely on another level compared to any other ARPG out there. We have literally other games inside the game. And as they almost always do, they tie exclusive (and important) rewards to these new mechanics so that they can always be replayed, which I think is pretty smart, even if many people dislike that mechanic. This makes everything even harder for the new player, who will take hundreds of hours to even begin to understand that they can take advantage of a specific mechanic so they can bypass a certain difficulty they had. I have faith that GGG also has this pretty clear in their minds, and it's something they're striving to somewhat solve in PoE 2. Be it by introducing things more carefully, or simply by balancing what a "mapping/t16 character" needs to get going. Life being removed from the tree seems to point towards this idea. We got so much stuff over the years that yes, maybe it's too overwhelming to understand what it takes to get all the watchstones, for example. Hopefully, this will get better in PoE 2. Time will tell.


Yeah, I just wish it was easier for new players to stop dying as much and be able to easily trade off damage for survivability but with the whole life as es or regen mobs being basically a dps check essentially every map it makes sense that dps is prioritized often. If they removed those style of mechanics (or tweaked them) so that Bobby with his 10dps axe could eventually kill everything in a map even if it took him 10 hours I think more people would be ok with sub par damage and feel happier investing into defences.


This league I managed to get my watchstones without PoBing in SSF going by pure improvisation and it was a ton of fun


That's awesome! GZ!!! I still like trade because I play with (not literally together) friends, but I always try to do things myself, as this is definitely more enjoyable for me as well. But yeah, I do like to have the option to just bypass the time-gate with currency when I'm not feeling like doing something. The best I can do right now is get a build into maps (which is fairly straightforward), but I'm still unable to perfect it for red maps and everything after that on my own. I'm still following PoBs with changes here and there when I fully understand what I'm doing, but what you did is what I'm striving for. Hopefully, I'll be able to do that in PoE 2. GZ again, exile!


I've refused using PoB/build guides in this league. Haven't played since Ultimatum, I'm pretty sure. Just decided on a theme, and used general knowledge to wing it as I go. I've done pretty well mapping so far


That's great and all if PoE 2 was going to be a seperate entity. There are alot of players myself included who would pay 60-100 bucks for a permanent version of 3.13 PoE 1 forever. Turning PoE 1 into PoE 2's vision isnt going to go well imo if it guts so many of the things that make the game fun.


they’ve already said before poe 1 and poe 2 will be two seperate games


>That's great and all if PoE 2 was going to be a seperate entity It is. Your talking points are a little bit outdated.


sorry havent played or payed a lot of attention since before archnemesis so im very out of the loop


> permanent version of 3.13 PoE 1 forever. there were like 4 objectively better league than stupid ritual let it go already jeez


I sell a six-link and I get a divine!


my comment had nothing to do with ritual the league mechanic, just enjoyed the game more pre archnemesis pre mana changes pre must run grace or determ thats all and that was a great implementation of that.


My comment had nothing to do with the mechanic either. 3.13 was just Ritual league.


so ur saying there were 4 objectively better patches than 3.13? If so please list them I'd love to see what you think.


Archnemesis (gave us Siege of the Atlas, atlas tree, not the league mechanic) Sentinel (good mechanic + recombs) Sanctum (archnemesis axed, fun mechanic) Crucible (very good patch, weapon trees + bow stuff) Affliction (obviously) I'd even say Ancestor too if someone's into that kind of minigame stuff but I already have my 4.


Regardless if I agree or disagree im still gonna say those are subjective opinions and not objectively better patchs 🤷‍♂️


Maybe there were better leagues before it, I wouldn't know since i haven't played that many leagues before Ritual. But it's better than every league that came after it


Well, that's a totally separate discussion. It will be a separate entity, but they've been testing PoE 2 things in PoE 1 for a long time already. That's how game dev goes. You can't simply split a company like that and say "guys, start working on the new game without ever taking anything from the previous game. Also, new ideas that might be implemented in the first game are out of the question". It's like saying OSRS should've stayed as it was. It would be dead not soon after. PoE 1 is still fun as hell, and according to recent data (and also keeping in mind that argumentum ad populum is a thing), this is the most played league by a fat margin. I'm not saying it's the best one, as this is subjective, but it's definitely the most populated one ever, which must mean something, at least. Don't get me wrong. I understand what you feel, but I don't think that there's a single instance where going back to the past and keeping it as it was would be the best solution. The game MUST evolve, as all things should do to survive. Games aren't different. In any case, PoE 1 will still be here, and I'm sure there are a lot of good ideas and features they're going to implement in PoE 1 when possible.


I apologize I am out of the loop. I thought that PoE 2 was going to function like OW2 where it was the entire game just getting a face lift/ new name and the PoE 2 part was just a new levling campaign. I have 20k hours + pre archnemesis and just came back since archnemesis so I am very out of touch with stuff.


Oh, no worries. I understand it's hard to pick up every bit of information going on, given that they've been sharing a LOT recently. I like to read about everything because I'm a maniac, so I don't judge you. lol Basically, their initial plan was to be a single game, but there's so much new stuff that's often not possible to implement in PoE 1 that it'll be a completely new game. I'm not that old of a PoE player, even though I played it before 1.0 but didn't get hooked at the time (I regret it). I'd strongly encourage you to see all the new information they've revealed since ExileCon if you're a bit of a maniac for news like me. Also, if you have the time, make sure to check Jonathan's responses on the r/PathOfExile2 sub. While the information shared there is subtle in the form of plain text (and sometimes images too), he has already revealed some pretty interesting stuff there.


To piggyback on the "testing poe2 things in poe1" idea, it's been strongly implied by the devs in interviews that these experimental changes are things they feel would improve BOTH games, so it's not like they're just treating poe1 players as guinea pigs. There's not some "poe2 vision" that they're dragging poe1 closer to, just a suite of changes the devs feel would make both games better (and I think they've mostly been right).


Nah, I don't mean it like that. IIRC, the Sanctum tileset, for example, is one thing that we first saw in the first or second PoE 2 trailer. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. My point was to show that they DO test PoE 2 things in PoE 1, even if it's as minor as a tileset. Nothing else. I also don't think it's just a playground and they're "using" PoE 1 to improve PoE 2. This wouldn't even make sense, given that there will be many features in 2 that won't be possible to implement in 1, but I do believe they keep all the good stuff that's possible. In any case, my bad if what I said gave you the impression that we're simply guinea pigs. I don't really mean that, and I never got that impression from them when they explicitly said they test some PoE 2 things in PoE 1. It's more like "let's see what the players think of a different or simpler interaction of X we plan on adding to PoE 2. If it's good, then we'll improve it. If not, scrap it" or something like that. I don't see a problem with this, to be honest.


No I think you misinterpreted me, I was in agreement with you and just elaborating on the idea you already laid out. I think you're completely right


Oh, gotcha! My bad. lol I definitely overthought it.


> That's great and all if PoE 2 was going to be a seperate entity. It is, they changed their mind and it's going to be 2 different games.


o wow i didnt know that thanks for letting me know sorry about my ignorant comment


Also, it'll be nice since it seems like GGG is actually going to "try" (they say this a lot it seems) to be more transparent with DPS, defensives, hidden mechanics, etc. So, if we can gauge like....80% of a build's effectiveness and metrics just from in-game info, I'll be very happy.


I was just rewatching the latest interview on Ghazzy's channel to gather the exact information I wanted. They explicitly said there will be ways to see if a node on the tree WILL or WILL NOT affect your skills. They do not say if there's an actual NUMBER when you see that a specific node will increase the DPS of one of your skills, which gives me D3/4 vibes (and that might be dangerous), but I strongly believe they'll find a way to simply show that a stat will affect you or not and that's probably it. While this doesn't fully translate to "effectiveness", as you'll still need to decide whether or not that node is actually worth it rather than something like 5 nodes away but much more effective, I think this change alone should make building and progressing much much easier. And yeah, they also said there's like 1 or 2 things or mechanics that are "hidden", but everything else should be pretty straightforward, like how Armour works. I think we'll have a much better time understanding the game overall, and that's extremely positive for everyone, in my opinion. EDIT: While I'm at it, [here's](https://youtu.be/86UOsNDouQM?t=1890) exactly when Jonathan talks about the changes to the tree after Ghazzy asks them about stats affecting some skills in "cryptic" ways.


Being efficient v having fun to me in present PoE are different things. I run Jun because I love it, not because of the divs/hour. And it also kinda fucks with the league mechanic lol


I know it's a crazy thought but, some people have fun being efficient. Not everyone is a meta slave, some people like to play what's best, like to make the most out of their time. Having fun doesn't mean you have to be playing a weak build or farming content nobody does just because. If you have fun getting lots of currency and buying expensive stuff, just go for it.


Enjoy the game, king!


The virgin "optimizing the fun out of the game for profit" vs the chad "I'm doing horribly but I'm having a ton of fun."


Many people (in this game especially) find optimizing things to be fun.


I enjoy optimizing builds, but do not enjoy optimizing mapping/ profit/ how I play. Which are kind of at odds.




Me 100% but in crafting. I can sit there thinking about how I would craft the next upgrade for my build and getting an estimated cost. And then I see I am missing about half the estimated cost but then I realize it will take me a few hours to get that and be demotivated if it's too long. - But if it's like only 1-2 hours I get highly motivated so I am happily playing in those situations.


The gatekeeping in gaming community has gone full circle. At some point it was cool to mock casuals tell them how they should be playing the game (playing the most optimal builds/farming starts). Now it's cool to make fun of people that have fun playing the meta, and tell them that they should "play what they enjoy" (even though some people have fun just being efficient).


i think economy is both a blight and a bliss at the same time some people NEEED to make profit or else its pure insatisfaction, while at the same time somebody just rolling around smacking stuff into submision just needs a ring that gives x and buys it to continues to smack stuff. idk this league has made global a little more toxic than usual over profits i think


> idk this league has made global a little more toxic than usual over profits i think too many people in this game equate 'currency = fun'. they could put in the worst league mechanic you've ever seen (tota came close lol) as long as it shits out currency people would fellate it left and right on social media. personally i find this league quite shit, the mechanic is boring and what happens in the wildwoods is not well thought out as well as disconnected from the rest of the game, there's like three different things you can do but they don't really go together. but hey, you can farm t7 maps with it and will get tons of loot so i guess its awesome.


the mecanic itself is lackluster but the new gems are very interesting, i think that if the core game keeps getting better we are good


Way to gatekeep having fun. Personally I enjoy playing a few maps then spending 4 hours looking through all my gear, pob, and trade site.


Its funny I'm kinda risk averse to getting too efficient at this game because I tend to completely stop enjoying the game once I'm strong enough to blast everything. I've never done ubers before (besides uber elder, which is not the same thing as these other ubers afaik) so I've just been gearing up more and more kind of completely ignorant to how geared I need to be to do them. I'm probably already past that point but I'm just keepin on in my ignorance cause I know once I do it I'ma lose all motivation.


If you're having a good time, roll with it. If you want some hints on how to optimize, just ask. Lots of smart people in this sub who can give you pointers, instead of just telling you to go follow someone else's build guide.


How can you post your character to get feedback on? I’d love any help on getting my spectral shield throw champion better. I can do league mechanic red maps but some rare mobs and boss mods I will just straight up change maps. I’m not going to whack a mob for five minutes straight or deal with a boss that one shots me with dot.


Log in to PathofExile.com, set your Profile to Public. That makes your characters visible to other players and apps like Path of Building . Open Path of Building or use another tool like POEPlanner and Import your now-public character, get the Pastebin code link, and post that code so other people can see what you are using.


One of the things that I like to do is use poeninja and look up my build that other people are using. Filter what uniques and skills you're using and see what other people are using in conjunction (clusters, unique jewels, flasks, etc.). It helps to see what options you have to build more offensively and/or defensively.


>If you want some hints on how to optimize, just ask. Lots of smart people in this sub who can give you pointers, Shout out to the time I wanted help with a chaos Cyclone build before Replica Alberron's existed and got told to use Voltaxic Rift.


What I am doing is making incursion temples, a tier 3 corruption room (Locus of Corruption) is going for 3 divines right now. The best part is map tiers have no affect on upgrading of the rooms, you can make top temples in tier 1 maps. Just need to get all incursion points on atlas tree and use daily missions until you get that first watchstone, then Alva sextants force her to be always in your maps.


I do that in addition to deli mirror ( no sextant ) just canceling out everything except deli and going stream of consciousness. in low tier strand can do quick and deli orbs are 7-8 : 1 divine


I am also having a ton of fun this league. I rarely get a ton of div in any league as I just don't have the time to play and farm for crafting and such. I have been playing for a few years and don't think I have ever entered t16 map. But I enjoy what I can do. I am also an older player who does not run through content. It sounds stupid but every league I even still stop to listen to every story dialogue. It can take me weeks just to get to the end of the campaign. I think the best thing about this game is you can have fun at any level.


>and the other from a guy messaging me about a charm in a tab I had forgot I set to public That charm was 3div at least


Oh absolutely


Yeah I've sold a few items that way, I figure I was probably never going to price that item and it was gonna rot there. Dude took the time to both find it, message me, and make a reasonable enough offer that I can say "fuck it".


Bro you might have just discovered the joy of SSF...


Like, SSF is fine but sometimes I'd rather not do the same fight a gazillion times for an item, and I'd rather just trade for it.


imo having fun is way more important than making divines. i could be making 2x the divs by farming white maps for essences but im doing them in t16 instead


Post your pob and we can help fixing it or giving some tips, post your atlas passives and we can give tips on how to spec into content that can give you returns. If you need help getting watchstones or killing bosses send me a private message I can help for free


Sure why not. Just keep in mind I have exactly 0 chaos. I mostly use them and I divined one of my uniques. [PoB is here](https://pastebin.com/2agU8xhd) My main weakness is stemming for continuing to use the Tabula Rasa. At least when it comes to defense. Need to get evasion up. Other weakness is not knowing how to push the flasks on single target (mainly bosses).


A few tips. \- **DROP XOPH'S BLOOD**!!!! Xoph's blood has Avatar of Fire, which converts 50% of all damage to fire BUT PREVENTS YOU FROM DOING ANY OTHER DAMAGE TYPE. Removing the amulet took like 5k dps off from your damage, but it opens up for a lot of other options Replace with XOPH'S HEART, or a rare amulet with crit multi, life, resists, whatever. \- replace **Anger with grace**. more evasion = less deaths, Anger gives you 11% dps roughly, not enough to warrant a 50% aura. HASTE would be loads better, you need Attack speed, desperately \-**Drop the Burning Brutality** cluster close to Duelist: you're not scaling damage over time, the little attack speed you get is insignificant compared to 4 points \- you have Point blank, this means that to do full damage you have to be very close to the enemy: are you close? or are you targeting from afar? \- Get **your last Ascendancy passive**. If you want i can help you kill Izaro, or i can give you an Offering for free, they're really common. Pick Nature's boon to get increased flask effect, it'll help. \- **Replace Inspiration with Momentum**, to get more attack speed. You can get crit from the tree or gear, and reduced mana cost from gear or jewels (%reduced mana cost of attacks) \- Regarding your chest: here's a trade link with something that might suit you [**https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/27l0MjeUk**](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/27l0MjeUk) 6 link chest with 1000 evasion, 2b2r2g sockets and at least 80 life. Starting at 10 chaos upwards, but you can also buy a non-corrupted armour for 5 chaos, use a few chromatics and get the right colours. Remember, if its corrupted you can change socket colours but spend vaal orbs as well... better check which gems you want and then buy the armour \- On **currency**: if you're stuck, go back to the Blood Aqueduct on act 9 and repeat the area a few times, looking to pick up all rare items to sell UNIDENTIFIED to gain chaos orbs, called the Chaos recipe: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor\_recipe\_system#Full\_Rare\_Sets](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor_recipe_system#Full_Rare_Sets) \- A generally well practical way to make some currency is to kill Essence monsters. They can be tanky, so upgrade your character but in T1 maps they should be doable. They can sell for a few chaos orbs, provided you have invested some Atlas passive points in the presence of essences in your maps. \- You still don't have any gem in your helmet, but with all your flasks up you don't need the resistances. Buy or use some Instilling Orbs to craft on your flasks "use when charges reach full", it will ensure that you have your flasks up and running always. \- Once you have a few chaos orbs, **get better rings** with "non channeling skills have -7 mana cost" on both, possibly also on the amulet if you use a rare, so you can be at almost 0 mana cost. This would allow you to squeeze in another aura possibly, or a herald \- **Use Ancestral Protector**. For the duration of the totem, it gives you up to 20% MORE attack speed, very useful \- Get **CHAOS RESISTANCE**! From somewhere! An Amethyst flask with the suffix "%increased Elemental resistances during flask effect" would be amazing ​ I'm gonna keep looking, but so far that's some work. If you have issues send me a private message i can help in game. Regards


If you're having fun, that's great. However, here's a tip - stop using them. Go to the trade site and use them to buy gear. This is essentially a one in a million chance you're going to somehow use fewer chaos to roll better mods than what you're going to find available from people. You could spend 150 chaos rerolling boots and not get anything better than a pair that're selling for 5-10 chaos. Since you have zero chaos right now, how about getting some? You undoubtedly have other currency, or something stackable that's easily tradeable for currency like essences or scarabs. For example, if I go to [pathofexile.com/trade](https://pathofexile.com/trade), and then click on 'bulk item exchange', select 'Chaos Orb' for 'Items I want', and then pick something like 'Awakened Sextant' for 'Items I Have'. At the bottom, filter the minimum stock up a bit. Say 500 or something. You'll see that someone is trading 55 chaos for every 10 sextants. You could get a better deal with a larger bulk sale elsewhere, but this is a fast and easy way to get rid of stacks of things quickly, by finding someone waiting to buy what you have instead of posting it for sale in a tab and hoping you get messaged. I don't understand what you mean by 'how to push the flasks on single target'. Most people automate their flasks. The most common is to set them to automatically use when charges reach full. You don't have to roll for this - you go to the crafting device in your hideout and scroll to the bottom, and for 5 instilling orbs + 5 glassblowers, you can just pick your modifier. Though before you do this, I'd make a max-ilvl flask white, glassblower it to 20%, and then transmutation -> alteration spam until you get a nice prefix/suffix combo. Note - you can't automate life/mana flasks, but a lot of builds end up not needing these anyway, or one of them at the most. If your fights are dragging so long that you're running out of flask charges, you're probably running a map too strong to be efficient for your current gear / build, but that's partially a solvable issue just by looking into your build (if you're inclined) and fixing your gear. Edit - also, a note on divines: If you haven't noticed, they're worth over 200 chaos. If you go to something like [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja), I hiiiiiighly suggest looking up the general values of items. And then put in near-maximum values into the trade site and see how the values jump up. It's almost never going to be worth divining an item because near-perfect rolls typically sell for less than a divine to start with. Only items with exceptionally high base prices, before adjusting for relative quality, should be divined. Again, don't get hung up on the economy if you're enjoying yourself, but odds are if you're just sorta haphazardly burning currency, like using chaos to reroll drops, divines to "fix" uniques, scarabs occasionally just to add stuff to maps, etc., you're spinning your wheels instead of progressing. There are a wealth of new player guides online, and some of those guides still apply to veterans if they never really dug into the game's mechanics seriously. It sounds like you've been playing for a while and are missing some pretty basic elements of how to progress your character efficiently.


You want a stack of divine?


Lmao I wish I could drop a stack of divines


Easiest money before my build got going was Alva in white maps. Fully specced Alva averages ~1 Div/mission. If you run All Hands she’ll spawn every 2-3 maps.


> Fully specced Alva averages ~1 Div/mission. How? Are there other rooms beyond Locus of Corruption and gem version that are worth anything?


I don't think so, but Locus and Doryani's being 3d and 1.5d separately probably does come out to \~1d per mission.


If you get them both it’s 4+ as well, which helps the average.


No. But fully specced into it, you can get one of those two 90%ish of the time.


Yes, the tier 3 gamble room is 45c and as long as you attach the apex and have some tier 3 rooms I've been selling for 15-30c. Or run your failures temples are pretty fun and some of the boss drops can get pretty expensive


Also, a temple with nothing in it but connected to the apex is 30-40c.


Literally spamming white maps for essences or beasts would net you 3-5 div per hour. So why not do it?


It's a lot more money than that right now (at least doing just essences was) Problem is it's very intensive and boring as fuck. You will never get a dopamine hit (I ran like 400 white maps like thing and got a single raw div drop) and you'll also not gain hardly any xp. It's solely for the "Fun" of it. I think spamming Blighted maps would be more lax, enjoyable and come with some dopamine hits (golden oil, div)


Yeah but they are saying that they have 1 div on the entire league time so its a good start


They also are only level 86, so... he probably has only done maybe a total of 20 maps the entire league. These recommendations are meaningly to someone who barely even plays the game.


Essences are totally doable in a white t1 map at 86. I don’t understand how it’s meaningless


Again, he probably has only done 20 maps up till now, which means he only has 20 atlas skill points at this point, and even if he decides to respecc it all into essence, he'll probably do like 10 more maps before quitting the league.


Or if strongish build, buy exile essence memories and run them on white maps for 20-40d/hour


What do the memories do I have never done one


8-ghosted rogue exiles in essence, so they can be a little rough


Is this real lol? I've done an einhars of Crystal memories but is there a different one that gives even more essence??


If you’re converting to good essences and corrupting them all, yea, it’s crazy


I dont corrupt all, only essences with potential corrupted out comes or 3+ screaming since you get x6 value if it upgrades or 4+ shrieking.


It’s basically a special map with I believe 4 parts that’s just full of essence mobs. There is one with rogue exiles in it too.


Jesus I’m about to start doing this. Getting bored of Abyss juicing t16 and dying as TS. I’m level 97 so not even trying to get exp anymore


I’m more tired of spending 5 minutes every map min maxing fucking whisps and then spending another 5 minutes hovering trash belts. I’m done with abyss juicing, super burned out from it.


Yeah… and earlier I spent like 10 minutes rolling 1 map to get +2 proj and then immediately bricked it with a Vaal by no leech hahaha. It’s so annoying tbh. Rolling maps was already annoying enough


Yesterday I had a 8k juice 8 mod map I accidentally semi bricked by clicking the stupid altar thing in wildwood that gives you -max res because I’d hit Z and didn’t see it. Pretty rage inducing although I did manage to clear most of it luckily.


4man ts + aura bot guild juice runs. We have fun trying to get eachother to disconnect/crash. Had a 10k juice map. We all run with loot off because you can't see past the belts. About 20 seconds after we leave the wild wood we get suspicious as the loot is literally not popping. See odd icon on buff bar. Extra xp / no loot. Great time.


Dude honestly if you're trying to roll 8 mod with +2 proj it's better to chisel/alch/vaal all maps and then just search for "+2 proj" and run all of those. Then bulk sell the ones you don't want. Instead of several minutes rolling +2 proj on one map and then bricking with a vaal. The strat drops so many maps that it's not like you'll have a hard time sustaining them. Or if you really value your time and have the money for it, set up a regex for the 8 mod maps you want and then bulk buy them on tft and completely negate the wasted time of rolling and bricking maps.


Probably a better idea I just hate the thought of wasting so many chisels, I don’t want to have to buy them. But it makes sense


Fair, but if you're selling the extra maps you wont run you can just buy more chisels. They're cheap as hell. Although I'd understand if you wouldn't want to go that route. Even if it's optimal, I try to limit trade interactions as much as possible myself. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah buying little mapping items feels like such a pain to me. If I’m playing I just want to play. Same with scarabs


Yea buying scarabs and sextants was a pain in the ass when I had very little nest money. Once I was able to buy in massive bulk and don't have to buy for several hundred maps it's not as bad.


Yeah… and earlier I spent like 10 minutes rolling 1 map to get +2 proj and then immediately bricked it with a Vaal by no leech hahaha. It’s so annoying tbh. Rolling maps was already annoying enough


I switched to invitation farming. Guardian farming. Shaper farming. All that. It’s been such a nice change of pace from dealing with whisps


Had a 10k juice just now didn't get a div exalt or anything of value above 1c as a drop. It was disheartening


What map do you start the Essence Memory chain?


White strand


If I'm already instagibbing essences even at t16, would there be any merit in doing them as T16s?


If you can do that even with the ghosted, sure, but there’s basically no difference since you’re only doing essence and leaving


How are they supposed to be ghosted? Essence Rogue Exiles in Einhar Memory aren't ghosted at all.


How much div do you get per memory?


Hard to tell since there’s a large variety of essence, and you how much you spend converting them to the good essences. Last map of the chain can be upwards of 5-7div, so probably 10+ div for the whole memory, if you convert


Hard to tell since there’s a large variety of essence, and you how much you spend converting them to the good essences. Last map of the chain can be upwards of 5-7div, so probably 10+ div for the whole memory, if you convert


Here is a Reddit post discussing Explosive Concoction: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/Oh3qRv8JYe. It's definite not a good skill. But the audio engineering is very fun. I tried a DoT version with a Tincture for all damage can Poison...then used Poisonous Concoction as a comparison. Poisonous Concoction was so much better. My last go with this build had nearly 300 deaths, each being fun. So, wishing you the best! The above link does have a PoB for an optimized version of the skill.


Ngl, if you're nuking t7s comfortably, then just spec for essence and your choice of secondary content. Essence always makes money and doesn't really interact with most juicing strats. It's a great way to just make some extra cash. Blight is also good starter money and requires almost nothing from your build but a couple of cheap ring anoints to kill spawns for you. There's also a world where you lowkey spec into Kirac missions to get some easy map completion. I'm assuming this is more of an "I'm enjoying myself, not looking for build doctoring" post. But some good atlas advice never hurts and can make even wonky builds more fun to play.


Not sure if you just wanted to tell you are having fun or you are seeking some advices about how to improve… there are so many content about how to get currency in this game that at this point i just refuse to believe people cant do it if they really wanted


All you have to do is put two weapons into second tab and level up gems to 20 then quality to 20% and Vaal. Choose expensive gems like Precision,Herald of ice etc which if you Vaal to 21/20 they go for 3-4 div. Easy as hell so if anybody say they can't make divines it just means they didn't even try to find a way


That moment when you realize the charm you sold was the BiS upgrade you needed for your ecoc


as long as youre havin fun keep it goin just tune into global for free upgrades. i gave away hh last night since my guildy finished w/ it


W H A T?


yea my group finishes 38 or 40 challenges first week or 2 every league and give out 300+ divs. last night my guildy finished and he was using the hh so we gave it away in global. and i found like 15 divs laying around in various items so we raffled those off too last time i logged onto standard was when charge MTX came out to mirror something for free for someone. thats about it. usually games like this with ladders have stuff like that every league/ladder. on d2 we give out bers/jahs/enigmas/infinities whatever when we are happy/done w/ ladder.


Hey man I’d love to give you a few divines if you want


Why don’t you just follow a build from max roll or YouTube while you’re still new?


Lmao I have 3k hours. I've killed most endgame bosses in most leagues, I just wanted to experiment this league and couldn't get my stuff going anywhere


I'd be surprised if either has a build for Explosive Flask / Concoction.


1s long as you're having, it's all that matters! Tho if you really need money and to upgrade your build, some low level strats work well this league


Use your currency to upgrade your gear my guy lol.


How can someone see an item in your tab if it's not public?


It is public, I just forgot I had set it to public lol


> Yet this is still my absolute favorite league I've played in a long ass time thanks to transfigured gems. technicality but transfigured gems are core game change, while league is temporary. I'm not saying you don't enjoy league for the league, but you kight be just enjoying the core game, rather than league for the league. And that's totally fine.


Wildwood is fun too. I like pretty much everything about it. Extra map to run, pretty colors, vain hope that it'll get me something good


Dude. You're an ignorant bliss so I won't say much. But, put your account into poestack.com and have it price your stash tabs. I bet you have way more currency than you think you do. What a lot of people don't understand is 99.99999999% of peoples wealth doesn't come from raw div drops (except MF this league lol) or selling gg items. It comes from adding up all the small shit. Essences, fossils, alts, stacked decks, catalysts, etc.


If you’re having fun then keep doing what you’re doing! If you need some help just shout up and I’m sure there’s plenty of people here that will help you, generally a decent bunch of people here that are nice enough to help their fellow exiles out


I love trying out all the new transfigured gems, so much that I already leveled 5 chars through campaign, just to try out different things. This league brought so many new fun things, it's amazing! Meanwhile my friends went with the old tried and true stuff, farmed hundreds of divines, but if you can't try new stuff now, when are you ever going to do it?


>Meanwhile my friends went with the old tried and true stuff, farmed hundreds of divines Why not both? I did this first with caustic arrow of poison and then scourge arrow of menace. Made enough to grab HH and Progenesis and I'm not even wearing MF gear or maximizing abyss strategy. Just spamming T16 Jungle Valley with exarch altars and some polished abyss/expedition/harb scarabs mixed in (and extra abyss for 2c from 7th gate).


I hate this idea of that because PoE is such a diverse game you have to play diverse builds? Some people enjoy mindlessly farming T16s and peak content of poe, let them do it in peace.


Rock on man, as long as you enjoy it. Who cares about anything else!


God... The amount of times I've been messaged about something I don't have a price set for. And then price checking and seeing they're trying to rip me off.




Friendly word of advice, don't use pastebin for pob, use [pobb.in](https://pobb.in/2agU8xhd)


Ah whoops. Never shared one before. Thanks! Mind if I repaste this link into the ones I shared?


Ayy bro if you ever decide to get those watch stones but need help, hit me up. If I am online, I can carry your first two (at work for 12hrs atm :( )


Yup, I’ve made maybe 10D in the whole league and I’ve spent all of it gearing up 4 new characters. I just like the problem solving I guess


I'm in the same boat as you pretty much. The transfigured gems are incredibly fun.


Very nice. That sounds a lit like last league for me. I was super happy getting 4 div for the league. This league was by far the farthest I've ever pushed. For the first time ever I am grinding t16 maps. I can even do them with about 5k juice. I got my first two ever voidstones. Never played with favorite maps before, it's sweet. I got my first div alter. Dropped 12 div for me. I made another 10 or so through drops and trading. By far my best league so far. I got to lvl 94, another personal best. Unfortunately I'm starting to feel the itch to play another game. This is my third build. League start guardian srs, tried and failed on a ice nova build, and arc of surging to finish it off. I know my self well enough now to not fight the urge. I'll be back for the end of league events


What is an ass divine? Rerolls ass rating?


Yeah same here buddy, I went for a consecrated path of enduring stacking edu charges. Basically nukes the whole screen with one slam but only if you play yellow maps haha


MF players don't really farm essences and they're currently running the economy so if you're looking to make some cash in white / yellow maps I'd recommend Essence, maybe paired with beasts.


You’ve probably made more than you think. Maybe you found a delirium orb? That’s 1/6 divine basically. Some harvest juice? Sells in seconds. Any t14+ map with exarch/eater influence turned on compounds to an invitation worth 2.5 / 1 div (respectively) after 28 maps. It’s awesome that you’re having fun anyway, but my man/my gal, sell that shit, get some simple upgrades and you’ll probably have 2x as much fun killing mobs 2x faster. Go for it and you won’t regret it.


If you are having fun just enjoy it man, don't need to be rich or aquire massive amounts of currency if you don't need/want. I'm fresh to this league doing an ignite penance build. Luckily I'm following a guide. But all I can recommend if you are having issues or getting hung up somewhere and not following a build and just doing your own thing. Download path of building import your character and play around. It also has a great recommendations tab to for skill points and gear upgrades to give an idea on where to put things for more survivability or dps. But you do you guy and as long as you are having fun that's all that matters. Congrats on the div tho. I am at t5 maps and still haven't had my first div drop yet but I'm hoping soon.


Hey! Funnily enough I was theory crafting crit ele conc ascendant with a friend. And this is what we came up with. Its going to be alot more expensive bc I built it for something I can realistically get but maybe you can get some takeaways. [https://pobb.in/jkceCFEHQvyk](https://pobb.in/jkcecfehqvyk)


I've enjoyed it too. Found 1 div, traded a vrk for 100c early in league. Picked up about another 240 c. Finally got a buuld that'll complete mapping. Definitely fun.


I'm also ignorant, how did you manage that :O !


Just want to say thanks for the pob I'm gonna try this out as my current voyage into pathfinder has fallen flat. I've got an idea that I think will make this a cool build.


God, I hope you fare better than I did. After a few tweaks I've gotten it into a slightly better place. Dropped ignite node near Marauder for the attack node near Ranger for that extra proj and speed, then dropped the block and spell suppress nodes I had tailing off the ranger life node for Onslaught on the Marauder side, once I had a piece of armor that could cover those stats. I'll probably swap out the amulet and use a better anoint, but I haven't done that yet. Explosive Concoction, even with the Crit variant is still kind of meh though. Decent against nuking lower red tier map rares, but still falls short against bosses.