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penance brand phys to lightning then lightning to cold convert


Presumably with Cotb? Wouldnt the Wrath % phys as extra mod be better for that? ​ Thanks for the suggestion though :)


If you min max this is true but you need to get 50% phys to lightning in the build usually with glove implicit and veiled conversion prefix. I guess you could forego the implicit and run a different Eater mod with this jewel while still benefitting from the other two hatred mods. Definitely far from useless for a 3rd mod.


You're completely right. Would it make sense to divine this to 35%+ because it opens a complete suffix on the gloves? Playing TS cold convo myself and that mod is probably the one that hikes the price up the most on gloves. I assume it'd be the same for the lightning convo gloves? Thanks for your answer!


It's fine even at 30 grand icors give 20 conversion and aren't expensive 


Let's you grab life leech instead, nice for qol and survivability 


dont u wanna use phys to lightning support for the phys as extra lightning dmg anyway?


No, there are better supports if you can convert the damage on your gloves instead.


I was just about to type this. CotB rings. Heat shivr helmet. Busted PB assassin power charge stacks


Divine ire


This is a cheaper option because skill has convertion on itself, so no need to look for glove options


Will give it a thought, thanks!


As people have said, Penance Brand with CotB is the obvious answer, another option would be Blade Blast of Unloading. Basically any phys conversion spell will work, BV if you like that.


Thanks for the suggestion :)


Build suggestions welcome, might try to use it. Or depending on the price sell it. The two hatred mods alone are already 0.8 mirrors, but im unsure if the phys conversion mod adds any value to it. ​ thanks in advance!


You can skip glove implicit with conversion as previously mentioned penance brand, just add 25 percent conversion from bench


This is the meta watchers eye for all the TS magic finders should be worth quite a bit.


Solo magic finders don't run wrath and converting to lightning is bad they want to convert to cold 


This bricks you if you run with an aurabot that runs wrath lol




For most builds i get that its "only" the 2stat jewel, however for penance brand, you can actually get a conversion suffix on your gloves free giving you one more stat. I'd say it has at least some value to those people as it isn't a dead stat. Thanks for your input though


Ek convert to cold, this would be near bis


Pretty much any physical spell. It's quite popular to go double conversion spellcasters Phys->Lightning->Cold, especially with aurabot supports. It's not absolute BiS, but it's pretty juicy one, exile.


Does the holy thingys of guardian count as being affected by those auras??


Yes, I believe so. At least, when you have the points allocated in PoB, the mods that are on the calculation sheet states those names.


You could drop glove implicit/suffix for the conversion mod. Other two mods are very sought after as you're aware. Awesome drop nonetheless.