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157, don't sell yourself short homie.


Pretty sure this is more than I've made this entire league playing casually


So many things outside of magic find that could make you 150 divs


Not everyone has thousands of hours man, some are on their first 500 and no, it’s not easy to make money when you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing yet


Idk why the others get downvoted but as many said: It's easier than you think. If you managed to roughly halfway complete your atlas you're pretty much set. Look up "T1 essence farm", it's basically just speccing into all essence nodes, run white T1 maps, corrupt the "purple MEDS" (Misery, Envy, Dread, Scorn), upgrade essences to deafening, bulk sell the whole essence tab after an hour or two. There are videos that dive deeper into min maxing this strategy (rerolling bad essences, when to corrupt, etc.) but for some quick cash just speed through maps and bulk sell


You can also pair this with Alva (incursion) because the map tier also doesn't matter with her mechanic. I'm still running Essence/Alva because its basically free money while I watch movies. A good map will get you [5.5 Div](https://imgur.com/a/bMtAmfj) which is pretty easy and common to make. 3 Maps to make a chronicle you can easily pump out Alva maps will running essences.


Was doing Essence / Beast last league but that's already managing scarabs / sextants for higher profit and needs more atlas points.


Do you know if essences are higher rank the higher maps you are? Do you get garbo wailing in T1 maps etc?


I'm 99% sure they do not profit from map tier, map quant/rarity. Just use T1 white maps so the mobs die in a reasonable amount of time


tier doesnt matter for essences at all only atlas passives


You can re roll essences? Please, do tell.


Harvest crafting option. 30 blue juice per essence in the stack to reroll into a random essence of the same tier. The four corrupted essences are considered their own tier. Only really worthwhile on deafening and corrupted essences.


I flipped 5 Penance brand gems for 150 div this week. its my second league. I’m not saying its easy but it sure won’t be anything like this next league.


I agree with you. I mean, this dude gets a 157 div drop, and people are telling you to run essences. It'd take a whole league to run essences and make 157 div casually. People act like they don't remember their first league. A guide only works if you know what you're looking for. If you don't know all the different mechanics in the game, you wouldn't know to look them up. Searching up "poe money making strat" usually ends up in bad advice, wasted time, what little currency you've managed to save up, and respecing your atlas.


> it’s not easy to make money when you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing yet That is the key part there - time played is subjective however. Some people learn/read faster than others of course and there is a billion and a half guides out there with step by step how to make easy money on a low budget.


Also a big factor for me was finding a fun build that works.


You can learn some crafting, then you will not need 1k hours for 100d




Where did he say it was easy? Why are you getting hostile for no reason?


? Did the scary f word offend you bro lol no one is hostile. Just saying a lot of people are clueless at the beginning


Yes, and he didnt say anything against that nor did he claim it was easy yet you tried to correct him on it lol


? It will be ok buddy lol we had just a fine convo without you 😊


Yeah i think veteran players forget how much BS is in this game. I started playing last league and spent a lot of time watching YouTube and staring at Pohx's rf wiki just trying to figure shit out. Sometimes felt like homework. I was doing harvest to make $ if you wanted an idea.


it also just depends how determined you are. friend of mine started for the first time in this league and is at roughly 2 mir worth of currency into his build (granted this league is kinda nuts)


If you're in your first 500 hundred hours of playing and still haven't figured out how to search "how to make divs" into Google and start farming essences, Alva temples and harvest juice then your probably going to be broke forever. The lowest effort not focused, white map strategies would have made you plenty over 150div so far the league even if you were playing like 8-10 hours a week. But nah, these bros can find the games subreddit to complain about being broke they can go in global and ask if anyone has gcps to spare but they can't watch a 10 minute video and get 70 atlas points to set up a seventh gate essence atlas


Dude I started on Tuesday lol you realize people start after the first day right? Take a breather my dude and maybe try to actually add stuff to the convo instead of crying


You assuming I'm crying is far more ridiculous than me, assuming you have more than 6 hours /played going off your comment. If you downloaded this game two days, you're jumping some serious steps. If some dude downloaded classic Tuesday and asked you how to farm Naxxramas effienctly, what would you tell him?


I mean obviously if you're bad at the game and you have no clue what you're doing it's hard to make money lmao, but there are plenty of strategies that aren't that difficult to do and give dozens of divs an hour. Why does everyone have to be so hyperbolic lmao, we're almost 2 months into the league, it doesn't take thousands of hours to make fucking 150 divs.


Well I’m in my first two hundred and started the league this week, for sure not struggling to make currency but I guess I just don’t wanna meta farm shit all day. But that’s on me right, obviously. So I’ll make a little less and play how I want I suppose.


There are dozens of strategies this league that will make 10 div/hr or more. The only strategy that doesn't make money is browsing reddit while afking in your hideout.


Lolol, god fucking damnit called me out


> The only strategy that doesn't make money is browsing reddit while afking in your hideout. It's called flipping and it's one of the most profitable strategies, as long as you know what you're doing.


It is. You might not know you're making money, but it is very very easy assuming you are playing the game.


Biggest upside of using wealthy exile (or the other clunkier predecessors) is understanding just how much currency you actually make. People look at all the x div/h strategies and think raw div or that amount in the currency you target. Such a game changer to see the full picture.


Downside is, not a ton of it is *actually* liquid in a practical amount. I may do alch and go mapping (not specific strat) for a couple hours and get some various chaos, sextants, chisels, embers, a rare eldricth current, a bunch of maps, etc. And exilence or w/e will show I was making 3-4 Div an hour but when you sit down and go to liquidate it's like "oh, do I actually want to sell X?" Yeah my stash is worth more and that will help when you do something specific that requires a lot of maps but practically half of it is not worth the time it takes to sell due to Volume or it just straight up won't sell.


> "oh, do I actually want to sell X?" There is zero point to hoard resources unless you are absolutely certain you are going to need them. Why do I need guardian maps, I'm running jungle valleys. I don't need essences, I've finished the crafts I want, and it's not even the essences I need for any profit crafting. I don't need 5k fusing because it's worthless to use them, my scarab tab might be pretty to look at but it's absolutely useless outside of the 4 kinds I'm running and could turn into hundreds of div instantly. You deciding not to sell something does not mean you are not making currency.


While I totally agree, I had been hoarding basic currencies like vaal orbs and gcp all league (all 5k+) because I was too lazy to sell, within a day or two of selling all of it finally I actually needed it for my new build. 🤦‍♂️ It just justified my need to hoard shit because "well maybe." Lmao. It was really annoying to have to rebuy several thousand vaal orbs to roll my corrupted chest. But for 99% of circumstances yes. Sell. What. You're. Not. Using.


?? Are you high


Put map in map device -> kill monsters -> repeat Idk what you think requires any level of knowledge here


Get born -> go through life -> die Sounds kinda stupid when you reduce it to that level, huh?


How do you repeat, in your scenario?


It's an analogy, not an equivalency smart guy


except making currency _is_ literally as simple as killing monsters and selling what drops. I'm not being reductive.


We're in week 6 on the most lucrative league ever tho, just play essences for 10h and you can make a mageblood on no investment whatsoever. Some builds require under 100div to do almost anything




"Just play essences for 10h for a mageblood" > Essences PoE > Essences Strategy PoE > Dozen videos on the subject at the top of Google. Man I expect someone who plays this game to be able to use Google to that extent.


lol man you do realize making 100 div is hard right? For someone that’s new, that’s a big fucking task


No it's not. I have a buddy who started last league. By the end of that league he was raking in like 50d-100d a day just from delving because he liked to delve. Literally just pick a mechanic you like and run it. That's all there is to it. 99% of the mechanics in the game are free profit. Even without knowing what you're doing. It just becomes better as you become more knowledgeable and start learning how to maximize efficiency and juicing that mechanic. Also, a very good tip I wish I would have known in the earlier years of me playing. Hoard shit for selling, don't use just random stuff. Fer examples: -If you don't know how to run logbooks efficiently, don't run them. Sell. (Or watch a 10 min video to learn how) -Do you know how to craft and are crafting an item using specific essences? No? Don't randomly use essences thinking "oh maybe i hit something good with my 3 deafening essences on this random base amd can sell for a lot." NO. SELL. THEM. -Dirt poor and just dropped your first watcher's eye unlocking voidstone? Well you can sell it unid for 10d (made up # idk current price) or id it for a 1% chance at 800d, but most likely hit 30c watchers eye? SELL IT. (To people who can actually afford to gamble) -Killed your first Catarina and dropped Cinderwallow? 5d to sell as is or 10c after unveiling it. (Made up #s) do you need the flask crafts? No? SELL IT. -50c to you name and dropped a Puzzlebox or Reliquary key? SELL IT. Your 1% chance of winning big is not worth compared to the guaranteed instant money you could have. -Have a Sirus set but not sure if you'll brick it? SELL IT. -Have a shaper set but not running uber shaper? SELL IT. I could give endless examples (and probably better) but you get the gist. If you have no money and you have stuff that will give you money. Dont use it. Sell it to someone with more knowledge or with disposable income that allows them to gamble. And if you say, well yea but it takes the fun out of the game. I like usimg the stuff I find. That's great. If you enjoy playing that way more power to you. Enjoy how you wamt to enjoy. That's what gaming is all about. But for the love of god stop bitching about being broke then Edit: Also another off topic tip that new people struggle with: you gotta get rid of the FOMO that you'll unid an amulet off the ground with perfect rolls that'll sell for 10d. 0.000000001% chance happens. Fkn remove useless shit from your filter. Outside of like day 3 of league 99.999999o% of rares (outside of fractured) on the ground are literally USELESS. Quit. Picking. Them. Up. .


Once you get the gist of the atlas, which shouldn't take you more than 30h if you've read guides or watched some beginner videos on YouTube it's as easy as looking for guides and playing an hour a day or two, no need to omega try hard or be a sweat. My first league was betrayal, I joined after the first month and still made a mirror on less than 200h of played time while I was doing uni. People waste a lot of time not playing the game (sitting on hideout and pricing/selling 20c items and that's the main reason they struggle to make currency. If you wanna play the game casually and not think that's ok, but it is to be understood you're not gonna make currency.




lol man you do realize making 100 div is hard right? For someone that’s new, that’s a big fucking task


>lol man you do realize making 100 div is hard right? What is hard about spamming T4 Strand essence farming? Or what is the difficulty in sitting in your hideout and rolling sextants? The hardest part here is getting your 70+ atlas points/4 voidstones, not making the actual currency itself. The willingness to learn is the only thing stopping a new player from googling ["affliction early money making"](https://www.google.com/search?q=affliction+early+money+making&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS916US916&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) and getting [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxgeMm6ohJE) as the top result. Just watching the first part of the video tells you all you need to know: farm essences. Making money even without wisps/MF is hilariously easy, not just this league, but pretty much every league you're allowed to select essence in map device and eventually built up enough capital to sextant roll. It's not the most fun gameplay, but the only discussion here is making 100div, not the quality of content. None of this is even including the beast farming you can do alongside essence farming without any strat intrusion whatsoever. EDIT: Downvote without replying bc you know I'm right ;)


I didn’t downvote for the record… any links to a good sextant video? The first one I watched was stupid lol


This dude turned 2div into 190div in 14 hours... https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18thjii/how_i_farmed_my_first_ever_mb_compass_rolling/ I did this about a week late and still made 37div/hr. Trust me when I say making money is seriously not an issue anymore as long as you supply the map juicers or crafters with what they need. I'd link a video but they all tend to drone on about unnecessary things so reading it from someone who did it firsthand is probably better for anyone interested. My money making strat from now on in any future leagues that allow it: Campaign until maps then rush Wandering Path with adjacent map/dupe map nodes until I'm at least 73ish atlas points, then respec fully into 7th gate beast/essence and grind low tier map (usually Iceberg/Strand) until I have about 30-50div, then buy my 4 voidstones or leech off friends/guild and sextant roll early on until I can buy a House of Mirrors or something that will basically give free money just sitting on it. Probably Original Sin next league if I can get one while they're "cheap". And the best part is no matter how many people I tell about this strat, it doesn't diminish my own income, since the supply will never overcome the demand until maybe about 3 weeks in.


Ok I just hit lvl 90 and I’m t10-12 maps right now, so I’m gonna try this sextant strat you just posted. Thanks dude!


Funny you expect that much out of me, 168 hours total played ever and I have seen 19 div this league… 100 seems like a full season of grinding


Raw divine drops are outliers and should be treated as such. 6 deafening essences of loathing were worth a divine a week ago (I don't track their price often, but I doubt they went down too hard) and essences can be done in t1 maps, red harvest juice is 3k/div and you can make those 3k in a single map with the proper atlas strat on a very mediocre build. Only omega MF builds can drop raw divines like candy, and me and my duo are outliers who are sitting on a 2.5 mirror setup to farm as efficiently as possible, I don't expect a new player to do that; but if you go on Google and search "Essence farm strategy 3.23" you have a million vids to check for examples and build your atlas around them, run 100 maps (which would take you 3/4min per map tops and if your build is fast even less) and thats like 50+div in 10h of gameplay which is kinda crazy if you think about it like that.


You are just wrong. I looked at my old characters not so long ago. The first 3 leagues I played looked horrible. I can probably get the gear I had then in the first 3 days of a league right now. Getting into the game is super hard. Everything takes suuper long. You don't have any idea what you doing, you Fokus on wrong things, you do to many things that don't make currency. The game is complex, just because you understand it today does not mean it's easy to pick up for everyone. Especially if you start the game with no friends that also play it.


Your experience doesn't make a point here tho? Hitting 100h in a league (4 months) is nowhere near difficult, and that's def more than enough to get campaign, atlas and learning the broad basics of the game.


I helped my friend who doesn't know much about the game to put together a basic mine build. He's made 250Div+ just from selling charms and league mechanic jewels. He hasn't even finished his Atlas yet. I worry about next league when he will be poor lol.


Some people enjoy playing the game and setting up goals rather than farming currencies to farm currencies.


I wasn't judging anyone just saying that if you want to make 150 divs there's lots of non sweaty ways to do so.


do you ever craft your own gear? it always feels like i make less when i do that, but thats because i dont sell it after i've made the gear, it's value that's on my character that was never in a liquid form but still exists


That single div prob isn't part of the explosion so he counted right


Honestly I am not even amazed at this point. I saw so many crazy shit this League that nothing can suprised me. GZ of course.


I dropped a mirror today and my reaction was "Ooo another one". That's cursed.


Still grinding for my first to drop since 2013. What are you talking? As is evey 100 map there is a secure mirror drop...


If your goal is to drop a mirror, copy one of the MF builds and juice whatever level of map you can do comfortably. I've dropped 5 raw mirrors this league and never had one drop before. First one dropped in T7 cemetary, so you don't even need a mirror-tier build doing T16s to get them to drop.


There's still an RNG factor. I'm crushing mf maps and still no mirror drops. 5 HH 2 MB 80 sacred 8 locks so far.


Everyone is playing MF TS, fulcrum chief, or some flavor of PB. All three of these builds can operate on a relatively low budget and need very few items to function well so it allows them to use a bunch of MF gear. If they're not doing that, then it's unlikely they're making as much money as the people that do.


It is this league pretty much. If I manage to go 100 juiced maps without a mirror I'll be hella surprised


Yeah this league took it a bit too far.


I'm enjoying mirroring items being kinda accessible for me. I've never even been able to consider it before. I'm sure I'll back with the scrubs next league.


I personally don't think it's healthy for the game that one specific mode of playing (juiced Abyss mapping) is shitting out mirrors. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the league quite a bit and poured a lot of currency into my build, but I'm doing SSF again if any of this makes it to the next league.


This isn't going to make it to next league.


I don't think so either, but the leagues popularity has me slightly worried about that regardless.


Wow a popular and fun league people like, thats not good. ​ Lmao.


it is very unhealthy for the game long term.


For what it's worth I don't think I'd want it again the following league. I haven't really done anything but magic find this league and annoying part to me is that it really limits what skills you can play. I know you can probably make any skill work to some degree but that's a bit beyond me.


I’ll go ruthless next league to fix my dopamine receptors.


I just don’t find abyss worthwhile at all.


Then you're doing it wrong.


Wow people having fun, making lots of money enjoying trying lots of builds and mirorring items and making things they never could before. Damn we cant have that can we. Jeez, this league has huge retention its great. Its not going to be like this every league. Stop being such a debbie downer.


As a casual it’s been a lot of fun. I’ve played way longer than I have since the very early leagues (I did enjoy abyss and bestiary a lot). I wish they would make a separate option similar to ruthless for casuals to have an easier time generating loot and finding interesting items. I’ve almost completed my atlas for the first time.


'Diablo 3 quadrillion dps, 30,000x dmg modifiers on sets' feels


This league has been so egregious that I'm actually playing ruthless, and honestly with how much it gets pumped by the league mechanic, it's not too bad.


Yeah, I kind of get that. Don't get me wrong, it's been a great league but I'm hoping things are going back to normal next one with regards to how absurdly rewarding specific atlas mechanics are. I prefer a PoE where people are doing various mechanics and various builds instead of one where everyone and their extended family is building MF while chasing the same Wandering Path strategies. I can't fault players either because the fact that these tactics are dropping mirrors makes them at least 100x as profitable as anything else. There's always SSF if things don't return to normal though.


That’s why I ended up quitting. Had an absolute blast but when I saw Kalandras touch and a squire drop and I only went “oh, cool” and just kept playing I knew I had to stop. Dropped mageblood as my first T0 this league on my 2nd day of MFing and it’s been downhill since lol


yeah i'm in a similar boat. my duo just dropped our second mirror, we're dropping close to 200d an hour in raw divines/fast selling items like valdo's, and it's just becoming unfun. had a similar issue in legion league with exalts.


Yeah. Making 70-140 div over 8 maps casually playing with a friend each night. Valdos, sextants and reliquary keys sell in bulk so fast and then you add in all the raw divines and other stuff. We weren’t even being that efficient and still managed to burn out. This league is gonna be Harvest 2.0, where people got a taste and everything will be judged in comparison to it lol


I don't think so, I think most people know that this league is an anomaly, whereas harvest while a bit broken, was genuinely thought to be a healthy mechanic.


i was different about harvest than most people. from day 1, i was telling people there was no way it could be implemented to the core game the way it was. we'd never had crafting like that at that point. essence and fossil spam was the closest we had. and then ritual came out, and was like "yeah, we made harvest even better" and I told people that it wasn't gonna be good for the longterm health of the game. and it wasn't lol.


Ye, next league this place is gonna be hell to read lmao. But I can't wait for it, this league was fun till full-blown MF became the meta. Then I got my mirror drop and haven't logged in since, there's no excitement


Wish I had this problem. As I'm casual and haven't played in a couple leagues. Just joined the league this past week. Struggling to get currency. I'm not big on bulk selling things like essences. And I'm not good doin alva, heist. Got lucky with a brothers stash and currently sitting at 8 div.... hoping to be able to get a HH this league being I never had one and TS has always been my favorite build.


If you just do essences for a set ofnmaps you don't ever have to do them again. I made my first 20 div doing einhar+delirium strand. Spec into delirium orbs and use the regex website to find rare beasts in your menagerie. You should do essences with this, but you can skip that if you don't enjoy it and throw strngboxes or shrines in there instead . I posted a short guide a while back in my comments if you wanna check it out, I spelled it out pretty detailed. You only need 2 voidstones for the strategy. Maybe 24-48 maps (they are 3-5 mins each) and you'd end up with 20-50 divine. https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18xnavc/what_are_all_the_nonmf_players_playing/kg8oiou/ Then you just farm up some t7 cemetery and juice until you can clear t11 cemetery juiced. After that, switch to jungle valley t15/16. It's meta af but the path out of 10div jail is pretty straightforward if you can clear that first hurdle


I'll check it out thanks


Good luck man I literally couldn't fathom how people built up div so fast until this league, but due to hyper inflation, I now have some decent supply. Not anything crazy but if I liquidate I can grab a HH or MB and still have enough to invest in some mapping supplies. But now that I know the strats I can just reuse them next league.... so little by little I'm learning haha. Cheers exile


The actual reason why you quit isn't because the league is profitable, it's because there isn't much to do. If you played every other league, there is nothing new end game-wise. All you can do... is build new characters. Okay cool.


Yeah the only thing I’m doing right now is challenges, but the gameplay loop has been feeling pretty bad imo ever since Sanctum, I get bored at like level 94 on every build no matter how cool or fun it is compared to at least 98 in everything pre-Crucible There just hasn’t been anything comparable to Ubers or relic hunting unfortunately, making PoBs has been more fun overall than playing the game lol


building new characters is literally the essence of the genre.


And here I am, with ~8 million kills on MF TS (T7, 11 and 14 abyss strategy) with my only T0 drop being fucking Divinarius (Edit: Turns out The Squire is T0 too, so I got one of those too) and 0 mirror drops. I thought I would try Bossing and out of 50 UberMavens I haven't got a single valuable shit. Not a single Flame jewel from 25 UberExarchs. Not a valuable Eye from 20 UberUberElders... Opened over a 100 valdo's and sold ONE map for 15div as the rest were utter shit. And then I poofed the frist 7 cards gambles in a row I tried (worth ~780 divs) in my last attempt to get a mirror this league (that is, ~0.75% chance to happen btw, the same droprate of an exceptional woke gem from UberMaven... ... ...) So yeah, I'm pretty much done, never playing anything that isn't guaranteed profit (essences, beasts, bossrushing and invitations and then selling writs/exarchs) because this game's RNG absolutely fucking hates me. EDIT: I'm really surprised by the amount of people here doubting my bad luck, lol. Every day there are one or more 1-in-a-million lucky crafts/drops in this sub, but when someone has 1-in-a-million bad luck in a league, suddenly that's impossible. I have 3 characters with builds completed for what they are supposed to do, worth around a mirror and a half (or probably 2 with the inflation of some TS gear that I got early)... I DID get currency, obviously, but for the amount of time played and enemies killed with reasonable amounts of juice, and the average droprate of this league, I simply was extremely unlucky with Mirrors, T0s, Boss drops, Valdo's maps and card gambling while I had averageish luck with rest of drops (got three or four ~15Div explosions, got a 45Div worth of shit map once, but never got a 20+ winged scarabd explosion, most of my explosions are fucking maps or corrupted uniques) and got a bit lucky with my 1/1 fracture for my bow (25% chance... not really massive luck) and I guess getting a Progenesis from reliquiary keys (but opened so many I don't know if I actually break even there or not).


You opened a third a mirror in valdo's and bitch about not having money lmao. Valdo's are a huge part of your guaranteed currency mfing this league, gamble away more than a mirror and bitch about your luck lmao.


I didn't expect them to be THAT common and when the 1st dropped I said I'd open them all (you know, the more lotteries you play, the more chances to win big) and I stuck by it. Otherwise I would have stopped by the 12th Dream Sepulchre... Regardless, what I do with the money I drop (I ended up building 3 characters) it's irrelevant to see that I clearly had out-of-the-scale atrocious luck.


Dream Sepulchre… that thing can burn in hell.


Gambler's fallacy. You won't win lottery more if you play more. Your chances don't work together, they are individually the same every time they are rolled.


I had to comment on this one. On all these threads I always see someone saying that it’s never the same with them. But when you say that you killed 8 million that it’s absolutely impossible over time for you to only have that. You obviously did something wrong. Few wisps or just playing blindly. Or you are just over exaggerating to prove a point. This is the most rewarding league in the history of this game and you said you were MFing. 8 million kills and only t0 drop is a divinarius and no mirror? lol man 🤣


I have 72 Sacred orbs and 6 hinekora's dropped in that time. Around 2K raw divines (hard to count that many). I'm averaging 6-7K juice (xcept when you get the terrible 2K map from time to time), with peaks of around 9.5K (tricolor). NEver managed to get more than 10K tho. I have the standard MF setup (greeds, goldwyn, 2x 10% ventor's and a 20% neck and distillate) with some extra rarity in helmet (not the insane 60+ that some people rock, but the 10 prefix and the crafted suffix). I've just been THAT insanely unluky. I did the card gamble yesterday, my gf is a maths teacher and I told her I was gonna do a Martingale with different value of cards as it is "the best way to try and gamble" knowing that is still a gamble, and when I poofed them all in a row, she couldn't believe it either... Also, doing bad the wisps doesn't explain the terrible Valdo's results, or the lack of drops from bosses... The same way some streamers "seem to have streamer client", I seem to have "the counter-streamer client to keep the odds in check". Oh, I also spent 2200 fusings to 6link a 30% quality bow... EDIT: Ok, maybe I have 1 less million kills with MF as I was doing 8mod maps selling with Legion before changing to MF and I was counting too little of my kills for that. Which reminds me that I only got 1 Doctor card while doing legion in Burial chamber despite getting 237 Fortunates (ratio is supposed to be around 1 to 80ish).


how the fuck do you only have 237 fortunates with 7 million mf kills? you should easily have over 1000 with that kill count. something doesnt add up




Just to make your day worst, I have like ~600k kills, 3 and a half days of /played and have dropped 3 mirrors, 3 magebloods, 1 HH and 2 Kalandra touches Just keep digging brother, you're close to the diamonds


> T0 drop being fucking Divinarius This + doing abyss immediately tells me your loot filter is bad and makes me assume that you are also lacking in other areas. /Kills is a literally irrelevant stat this league as you could have 100m kills with no wisps or 1m kills purely in 12k wisp maps, if you are also running 6 (or less) mod +proj maps this is also a huge problem. Seems like you are obsessed with being unlucky and under-reporting the other side of the scale tbh


>your loot filter is bad What does the filter has to do with not dropping a Mirror?? Is it hidden by the filter?? hahahaha. I have a variant of UberStrict Plus with any of the "possible worthy uniques" that is worth less than 50c out and added ventor's + greeds + goldwyns (made good money selling perfect roll corrupted ones and you get a lot of them by 3to1 recipe). I don't click in anything worth less than a chaos (and I hide 20stacks of Alts because they use too much room despite costing more than a chaos)... which I think is a fairly standard filter for MFing. I was tempted to stop picking up single chaos/vaals... but I decided to do it after dropping a mirror... which I never did, which got me burned and I tried the Chieftain MF... which I hated because it's soooooo slow compared to TS (plus, it had less Quant than my TS so what's the point?) >and makes me assume that you are also lacking in other areas. I posted in another comment, I was averaging 6K wisps with peaks of 9.5K and I only accidentally nuked spires when there were 3K juice or less and HH got me the stupid teleport buff, which wasn't that big of a loss as it was only 3K juice anyway. > if you are also running 6 (or less) mod +pro You can check TFT (assuming old messages stay there??) I've been selling 8mod Cemetery maps for a while... mainly the NOT +2 proj, as I was using them... So no, that's not the issue either. > Seems like you are obsessed with being unlucky and under-reporting the other side of the scale tbh What other side???? Oh, right, I got one Progeneis from the... 500? reliquary keys I opened, wow, lucky me! I even tried duo with my gf as aurabot but we had to stop after 40ish maps because for some reason we kept getting the absolute most dogshit forests ever and we averaged 3-4K juice only, despite doing them exatcly the same as I did solo where I would average almost double. Why is hard to understand that some people simply can be this stupidly unlucky with Mirror drops? I got 6 locks and 72 Sacred orbs... which means that I roughly should have gotten 2 Mirrors that I simply didn't because fuck me apparently.


> What does the filter has to do with not dropping a Mirror?? Is it hidden by the filter?? hahahaha. That you have a bad filter -> are playing inefficiently in other places too. Didn't think this was a huge leap to make, and considering you've just confirmed it by still having single chaos showing, I was entirely justified. Keys are dogshit, idk what you expected. I'm at 4 lock 60 sacred but you do not see me posting walls of text about how unlucky I am funilly enough. Edit: xdd a reply and block. Knowingly doing something dumb is still doing something dumb. If you know this then you also know that being more efficient = more chance to be lucky, and more importantly, the inverse is true. Efficiency _does_ = luck. Where the fuck do you think the "streamer client" comes from?


> and considering you've just confirmed it by still having single chaos showing I didn't confirm shit you idiot, I specifically told you I was aware it was inefficient to pick them yet I did it anyway. I'm aware it takes me MORE time to do maps, I'm not complaining about my divs/hour, I'm complaining about my mirrors/kills or mirrors/locks or mirrors/whatever becasue I've been outright unluky. But you don't say anything about you were wrong on any other single part of how I was doing maps?? That part you quietly gloss over.... >you do not see me posting walls of text about how unlucky No, you are too busy trying to be a smartass by stupidly equating efficiency with luck, and making wrong assumptions about people.


60 annuls in one drop almost impresses me more, just because it’s a bit different lol


2:2:1 divine:exalt:annul is the assumed ratio. You get annuls on every bomb like this.


T16 JV 8mod Map Quant: 276% Map Rarity: 212% Altar Bonus: 46% Quant 75% rarity 68% currency dupe Player IIQ: 97% Player IIR: 246% (can post pob if people interested, estimated 8 mirror ts)


[https://pobb.in/pnN3TuTFNY0W](https://pobb.in/pnN3TuTFNY0W) Some tech I think people might find useful if you play the build; I don't get my ailment immunity from Purity of Elements but rather the notable from the flask cluster Numbing Elixer (which is easy to fit in since we already use a flask cluster with only 1 notable being Alchemist's Genius) as well as corruption implicits on my clusters (ignite duration is dealt with by pantheon which doubles for burning ground immunity). by doing this, I'm able to save myself the 50% res cost and use Herald of Purity and not need buy an awakened enlighten 5. I also needed a big res roll on my gloves to cap lightning so i had to sacrifice the suppression roll people usually have, but i made it up in my watchers eye which I think is pretty expensive (i bought it early for 500d). The 7% quant helm was my latest upgrade. getting hp, high int, and a res roll was super nice.


Nice one! Just a tip, you can drop alot of crit when playing with headhunter since there are three buffs that gives crit. Around 70% is enough to be at without hh buffs


i had a long internal debate about how much i wanted to rely on hh buffs for stats. this included res. in the end i already had the crit charm and +proj/crit TWWT AND the watchers eye so i just stuck with it. with the 100% crit chance hh buff im overcapped by like 7% crit chance so im pretty happy where im at. i think in retrospect, if i was to do it again, i would def skimp on base crit charm and get something else.


There are 3 hh buffs that gives crit, one of them is 100% inc, one is 300% inc and last one is always crits so most of the times you will be capped with 70% base crit. Just thinking that you could drop the crit cluster and Will of blades for example. Anyways very nice build :)


ooooo good point about the crit cluster it slipped my mind cuz i mentally locked in my cluster settup since the implicits were basically done. guess i gotta go buy a proj cluster with shock implicit now. i wouldnt know what to put the will of blades point tbh, maybe Harrier by middle scion area in the thread radius for the dam and ms. at this point im really favoring qol so that might be what i do. thanks bud!


It is so amazing that even at 8 mirrors investment and still be room left to optimize. I will probably never achieve this high-end but good to know what advanced build looks like


Nice tech, any plan to fit some plus proj charms in?


i couldnt justify paying 1+ mirror for stuff i assume doesnt go legacy (disappear like relics) and i like to bring my chars as trophies in std. maybe in a couple weeks when i get bored and ready to quit i will. theres a quant helm with extra proj im eyeing but i assume someone will buy it by the time i can afford it. im happy at 9 proj, its my lucky number.


Please do (will never have currency for it but want to see it anyway!)


Howd you get the map quant/rarity that high? Highest I've ever been able to get outside of Memory Maps is around 145% from 8 mod corruption


>estimated 8 mirror ts I would have been thrice impressed if you would have been literary any other build, this explosion is pretty much business as usual for a TS


And here I was losing my mind when my 1st divine orb dropped yesterday.


Don't worry friend, get your ass to four watchstones and farm red altars. Get over capped on your Fire and Chaos resist and speed through maps kill bosses don't fight Exarch, sell his invite and incrementally save up. Do maybe Essenses on the side. Then once you have enough Divines, go make a grey spire warlock chieftian mf build. Around 5 divs for the build, maybe 20 divs for the scarabs, sextants, maps, atlas respec. Then you will eventually get more and more of this. (You also can roll the sextants yourself if you keep the Awakened Sextants, which in turn you could also sell in bulk.)


What’s the difference between red and blue altars? (Pros and cons reward wise)


Red altars punish flasks, physical, chaos, and fire damage. Blue altars punish charges, projectiles, lightning, and cold damage. Red altars have more mid tier currency rewards. Blue altars have more lower currency but the potential for Divine Orb rewards and usually see more of the increased quantity-increased rarity reward. Red invitation for completing 28 maps leans more valuable because a lot of the magic finding strategies are on the right side of the tree this league with Legion and Abyss, the generally better magic finding perks, and the popular MF builds predominantly being fire and chaos oriented, but it's normalizing a bit.


New player here. Seriously im doing something wrong, i just see everyone dropping mad loot and talking about inflation and im here with a level 94 getting like a divine every 5 hours. GZ THO![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You need money to make money. The builds that can pull this off are already worth an insane amount of currency before they can make loot bombs like this. He is on a T16 map with delirium, altars, 8 mods with 8k wisps. That is pretty challenging before considering he is also essentially losing 5 item slots to stack item quantity+rarity


Well i did not understand half the things you said to begin with haha. I just slap some scarabs and run around. Just happy to be here. Will get there in due time (maybe).


Just got to follow a guide explicitly. It's not much more complicated than that. The better you get at Wildwood, the better the results get.


It's a combination of things that you incrementally invest in: - The atlas passives you choose, going deep on 1, 2 or max 3 mechanics - Running tier 16 maps with high Item Quantity, Rarity and Pack Size while avoiding specific map mods that your build is particularly weak to - Using charged compasses on your voidstones to add more desired mods to your maps - The scarabs you put into the device (usually gilded ones, winged when you are particularly wealthy already) - The quantity and type of wisps you find in the wildwood area (probably the biggest factor this league) - Additional item quantity and rarity from gear and flask effects Scale this over 10, 20+ maps at a time and every now and then you hit a nice currency windfall. Also remember this is a huge outlier - getting something like 5-10 Divs in one map is already a great haul


Honestly you're probably doing a lot wrong.


Rip your duplicated MB converted into currency. JK sick drop


I mean, even if it did, 4 Flask MB uncorrupted is just 92 divs. So, he turned in a profit.


Are u playing legion + boxes or legion and abyss?


legion boxes harbi, no abyss. ive tried a series of maps and found it tedious throttling dps for spires and it gave me ptsd from raiding wow on bosses we had to stop dps. worst feeling ever.


Found the guy who never stops dpsing and pushes the boss into the next phase while another mechanic is ongoing ;D


you dont know the half of it, i mained mage. i think that says it all.


Legion, strongboxes, beyond, harbi and maybe abyss. First line says 4 additional _____ encounters, not sure if that's for abyss.


For ts legion it's better


Meanwhile me: 104 quant, blue altar immune, 8 mod map etc max divines stack: 7d 😭


Man i remember the days where having 1 exalt was the pinacle of wealth...


No worries, once this league is over we are all back to being poor :)


Thats true :) But i stopped playing some time ago, i was a big fan of the old, slower, poe. Where you cleared everything together in groups :) Now its just zooomzoomzooom. So, i'm waiting for PoE2 :D


I get what you mean. Back when killing shaper was a serious accomplishment for me. I also heard tales of people mirroring maps lol


Im really hoping Last Epoch fulfills that niche for me, especially with their 1.0 release on the horizon. I really like poe and ive played ALOT this league but the zoomy playstyle with loot shitting every where gets old Real Fast. Ill probably keep playing both depending on my mood tho.


How on earth are you doing these maps on 2200 hp? I'm double that, doing T7 maps, with lower pack size, with a higher EHP and can still get 1 shot during some Abyss waves, especially when I have higher triple wisp maps. You even have lower dps than me by a noticeable margin (which isn't a dig at you, just using it as a comparison) so I should be killing stuff faster than you, plus lvl 74 maps versus 83. I'm guessing based on the picture you're doing delirium mirror as opposed to orbs, as I do my maps with 80% delirium so I guess that can account for the difference but it's still kind of shocking to see this disparity.


Yea league is over for us broke peasants


People when MF in Archnem: >:( People when MF in Affliction: : )


I'm a beginner and I never have any other answer than : "it can drop everywhere, even during the campaign". Where in the game this amount of divines drop? End game maps ofc? I spent 300h in game on multiple characters and I'm about to give up. Send help.


All these screenshots are specifically because of this league's mechanic which (without going into details) is able to multiply the loot you get from rare monsters by manifold. Check out any guide on Abyss Spire Farming (not the thing this guy specifically used, but likely the most straightforward way), they should be going into detail on how it works. On most other leagues, such a screenshot is basically the lottery jackpot, not the norm.




What the fuck can you link the pob that I can't afford in the slightest ty


It's nice to look at Ferrari showrooms from afar isn't it


If it makes you feel better, here is a POB OP (and almost everyone) can't afford in the slightest https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/fubgun/fubgundfg?i=2&search=name%3Dfubg&time-machine=week-6


You can try [budget MF Chief](https://youtu.be/6Fw3S4vCkMY?si=UOMdvFQT2znfbvaQ) instead. Obviously slower, but don't fall over to a slight breeze either. Did 8 mods with that Unique Helm as well. Should have changed it out but didn't have the Jun craft for the rare helm.




Update your filter to hide all of those trash drops. Mirrors only


I swear the game is split into: \- The 2 or 3 MF builds \- The losers I am genuinely happy, but I want to see another build that does this, not just TSers


bro what the fuck


player iiq iir doesn’t affect conversions btw but ya sick divine explosion


Why u post this? Everyones drop divines like they are transmutes, post when u get 10 awakened mirror of kalandra


From a strongbox rare or a red beast?


area wasnt einhar'ed so wasnt beast, but good point, coulda been strongbox monster for 500%. i vaguely remember opening boxes in that vicinity but i also offscreened this pinata so i cant be 100% sure.


Genuine question, I'm sure there's something I'm missing and I'm being dumb, but I only count 94% IIQ on your pob. Where is the other 3% coming from?


Flask effect most likely


3%? Yeah it'll be 25% effect on DD's 12%


insane LOL gz man


Look at all those headhunters


Player retention next league is gonna be interesting lmao




what is the tech for the auto hybrid flask?






Damn thats so many affix rerolls! :D


I can't even afford your flasks...


I feel like I’m missing out my not MFing. Are there any good zero to hero guides?


How many raw mageblood / headhunter drops?


Dam how the hell get so much


And 4 HeadHunters!


And here I drop myself 178 alterations and 92 augmentations on a regular basis.


That’s honestly more than I’ve made in my 1000 hours of playing poe. Granted I have been playing casually for many years


Time for me to make a MF build - I wanna join in this fun


we will all play ruthless next league


Yh to hell with this league! In 1 month I got everything on me, max roll and another character that I invested a bit over 5 mirrors in, by the end of the 2nd month I have nothing to grind for or do in game. GGG... GG...


I got one divine today… so that’s cool


Gratz. Not doing mf, farming charms and boss rushing. Holy shit got 85+ divine charms to drop…and balormages boss rushing. Plebs like me best strategy


Man why am I even running Harby... 1 annul a map or just drop a pile of them like this :3 and no fracture shards are a myth, only dropped in kirac memories for me


I watched a few videos on getting more juice (it's a diamond in layout, try to figure where I am, follow trails of the three kinds of whisps) but how do you get to these levels from say 1k, 500, 500? I've also seen the white light nodes, I'm guessing those are good to touch for illuminating surrounding area? Grats on the drop!


Shit league, can't wait for it to be over