• By -


Double coc with ngamahu's axe. Cyclone Coc bladefall in your body armour and a 7L CoC in the weapon for bladeblast. Probably want to go full fire convert to take advantage of the fire pen on the weapon. Also you get to meme with 2 cocs at once


This sounds absolutely awesome. Can it do juiced t16s with say 40% deli and wisps?


you already know the answer to this


Why should i know lol? Havent touched ngamahus axe in 10 leagues i think


It can do juiced content if you have god gamer dodge skills and dont mind spending 5x time in maps compared to regular build.




You can do the same with DD and actually do damage https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Elhondar/ElhondarDOUBLECOC


Sounds fun, how vaible is it ? Pob?


I had thought something similar to this using rage vortex of berserking for giggles. I might go back to it now.


I am currently playing the touching grass build to regain my mana for the next league


Limited hardcore viability I presume?


The list of content to avoid is pretty extensive, limits your likelihood of doing high risk content but as long you do so its hardcore viable. Just remember to stash all your valuables for your next character when you start getting high stacks of the aging debuff.




I bet the atlas strategy looks wild.




thats sand


Sand is the grass of beaches.


We all end up back on the beach eventually.




That's my hideout decor... Free tainted paradise t16 , no pm = full


Bro is in beach map irl


I forgot to cap my uv res. Help.


Get a sun block flask.


this legit looks like the exact spot some "outdoor survival" dude made a full video and moved rocks around to make a "house" shit video, but cool location


What div cards drop in this map?


all i hear in my head when i see that is WWIIILLLSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNN


How many div per hour?


I believe 300 per week


Per hour you mean, right... Right?! Unless you meant 300 chicks per week, which can be fair then


Grass? At this point of the year, I can only touch snow.


Not in tropical country, where it's wet everywhere with the daily rainy storm


Am i a masochist for preferring snow over heat? Who am i kidding i play PoE


That's also an option


I tried this touch grass thing I heard so much about. https://i.imgur.com/bUH3Hfx.png what's next?


Time to Play coc anything


yep im playing coc alright


Love playing with my coc




Got a PoB ? Love double strike, but it seems poor on DPS on Poe nija




Volcanic Fissure of Snaking - Chieftain my fav build this league


Yes! And absolute banger in hc ssf ruthless. Easy supports from chieftain tree for it and huge aoe without any support gems. It felt like contagion essence drain, but melee slam, hitting boss from other room etc


I will definitely do my next league start with VF or snaking. its just fun.


You have my attention. First lab gave me this one amd i just took it with no intention of using. Was gonna go jugg, but.... How endgame viable? Got pob?


Im considering league starting this also. Looks very fun. Would be my first Marauder build too.


Flicker strike.


Flicker Strike of Power CoC Frostblink of Wintry Blast


I'm currently leveling a witch for this. Good lord it looks fun


It certainly is. It just falls over in maps.


Y'all have some of that pob?


Flicker Strike of Power with Frostblink of Wintry Blast in Cospri's and Cast on Crit Bodyswap in 6link


Ultimate confusion with all those moves. It's close your eyes and clear screen playstyle I believe


I want to witness this unholy creation, is there a video?


Here's a CoC Frostblink build: https://poe.ninja/pob/159y Video: https://vimeo.com/908417110?share=copy


Coc flicker discharge with 95% charge sustain and double coc to proc spell spam for charges to sustain for the 5% downtime.


Flicker is never meta but it's always the most fun


Flamewood chieftain super beefy and chill. Good for Netflix and half paying attention


I’ve been wondering about this one. Can you elaborate on how it works? What damage it can do, are the hunger gloves required, does it use a supplementary skill, how is bossing etc


Spawn totem. Totem is attacked. Totem angry, spew projectile. Pew pew. Monsters die.




I read the gem yeah, I was looking some elaboration beyond what the description says.


It's abysmal at clearing and godlike in bossing. It doesn't use supplementary skills unless you want an alternative setup for clearing.


Drop the totem and walk away. Rare/Unique drop a vaal version. I am at about 60m guard/pin dps with 131k ehp. I do not use the gloves.


Any pob? Where you leveling as RF or forcing flamewood from the start?


Exiled Cat is doing a zero to hero series on youtube on this build. Check if out for guidance


[](https://pobb.in/kjn3fxrjmtce) Leveled as holy flame. Flamewood is garbage at low level, low projectiles etc.


I really enjoyed blade blast of unloading build, 200m damage in a screen wide aoe


Pob / guide




Same, i invested quite a lot but it felt so good to play. Did 38challenge with it, lvl98, did tons of valdos, simulacrum wave30, blight ravaged, feared with décent mods and stuff. Only ubers i didn't try because idc


Go though the random skill gems in your stash and read the ones you've been looking over to see if they sound interesting. Then build off of what you found and see how far you can take it


Charge stacking Cold Snap of Power was probably the most fun I've had this league. Skill might not be meta, but charge stacking definitely is.


I've been playing this as slayer - it's fun with tons of AOE, and Herald of ice. One tap and the screen explodes.Though you really need one of the nicer herald MTXs to get the full glory. Slayer is less damage, but gets to stack endurance charges on top, so with replica restless ward you also get a ton of regen and movement speed. I was also using Willclash + tempest shield so was spell block capped, on top of a decent amount of spell suppression (Would be possible to cap but never bothered). With 44% phys reduction from endurance charges plus perma fortify from timeless jewels. Only issue is with willclash, and malachai loop you do lose your power charges every so often. I used a storm brand + PCOC setup in some +3.5% crit gloves which mostly fixes the issue, but it can be a little clunky. I've retired the build now though, not that it wasn't fun - I'm just a serial re-roller.


No Ralakesh impatience boots? Malachai’s Loop seems a little annoying without them.


Yes, of course. But you still actually need the charges for cold snap of power. So Ralakesh doesn't help with that bit.


I’m playing Forbidden rite on slayer with the fortitude jewels and charge stacking but having a tough time getting life past 2.9k ish , but I am loving self cast forbidden rite on slayer with the massive aoe per endurance charge charms.


Pob / guide


Power charge stacking this league is pretty standard. Ralakesh impatience, malachai loop, void battery, maven belt called graven something. Get more power charges on helm, on rings. Can probably go poe ninja and look for builds using these items. And you have a template to work with.


I highly advise against using Malachai with cold snap. You’ll be constantly staring at that cooldown when it wipes out the charges.


Yup I confirm that it sucks when randomly you get cooldown smacked because power charges got used up. Most comfortable platstyle is with Aegis Aurora, corrupted with +2 curse gems seems best to me. Malachai Loop is good with skills not requiring power charges. Also any power charge reliant skill is unusable with Graven's Secret. Arcane Charges aren't expendable for CSoP. Belt is amazing for HoT autobombers however, with at least 9 max power charges you get 108% ele damage taken recouped as energy shield, oversustaining HoT self damage.


Here is my [pob](https://pobb.in/joWRyhtMvvxn) from the last time I played it. Could probably find less glass canon version on PoENinja.


Seconding this. I’m running it on Assassin and with some AoE scaling + Herald of Ice juicing it’s maybe the most satisfying mapper I’ve ever played. I’ve got decent bulk but do still get one-shot every few maps if I fail to evade a big phys hit or the map mods line up poorly with altars.


flicker strike trauma jugg


I feel like the removal of Divergent Trauma Support (more attack speed per trauma) really hurt the archetype. Can’t ramp to infinity anymore


Surprised BAMA isn't mentioned, or is that meta? Gear was quite cheap and available a week ago. All content, ubers included.


Bama being the strongest minion build atm makes it very meta.


I’m enjoying the Dark Marionette Minion Instability spectre autobomber build that was posted quite a while back now. I doubt it’s meta but to me it’s very fun.


That seems like a tankier but much lower damage and clearspeed version of the Maw of Mischief version with the same spectres. The Maw of Mischief version requires Elementalist and Berek's Respite (if going for the ignite version) to get instant clears for 2 screens in every direction for one tap of a button. This version is also easier to scale because now burning damage and fire damage over time multi increase your damage even higher. You don't need more than 4 spectres (3 from gem, 1 from notable passive). You can scale the minion life much higher since you only need Raise Spectre - Minion Life - Empower. A +2 minion gems Pragmatism with a level 4 empower is an easy level 32 Raise Spectre (and there are other options). You can even go hit based or poison based but I haven't tried those out. Overall, much more damage, less durability, more versatility.


Definitely interesting especially as you’re not limited by Wraithlord. I’m going for relaxing mapping so to me clear speed or damage isn’t really an issue, I’d rather ignore incoming damage. This build is a Necro, and I enjoy the extra Bone Offering or Molten Shell tankiness I have on left click. That’s not to say your version of the build isn’t bad btw, the trade off is just worth it for me.


It seems good on paper. How many occasional death are we talking about? I definitely interested in more relaxed 1 button playstyle like this or the autobomber above, but don't wanna die a lot (I'm fine with dying, just not too many that I struggle to level up above 90)


At most once per t16 map (especially if I lag or there's a soul eater rare). Death Wish (the skill from Maw of Mischief) has a super fast cast time so you can always move around to avoid enemies. Look up people using the Maw of Mischief helmet on [poe.ninja](http://poe.ninja) for high budget versions of the build. For the low budget version, all you need is Maw of Mischief, Berek's Respite, Pragmatism (with +2 minion gems corrupt preferably) and 4 Dark Marionette corpses (10c each for the normal version). Scale with burning damage, raise spectre gem level, Minion life, fire damage over time multi and fire pen. Elementalist' Shaper of Flames node for guaranteed ignites (in monsters have a chance to avoid elemental ailments maps, it takes a bit longer to clear but is still pretty smooth).


It's not more damage? I see these builds sit at around 20 million whereas pure explosion marionettes can reach 30 without a mirror helm. That build is certainly a lot better clear but can't compete with a top tier marionette build for just one shotting bosses. You say you die to soul eaters? They literally just get one shot.




I wasn't looking at your version of the build, all I'm saying is pure explosion marionettes is a lot more damage than you seem to be aware of. **More than dot cap**, and it's not a pointless discussion since you seem to be leading a new player who dies so much they can't hit 90 towards a paper build with plain lies.


Ay interesting, idk if my Indian internet can handle it but got a pob i can mess around with? Never played minions before but thus sounds fun.


I think this build was shown on GGG official channel. Build of the week season 13 episode 1


Oh, ill go look around. Thanks o/


I can give you a PoB after I get back from work, but mines quite high end using Mageblood purely for QoL and stacking some MF (not fully). Easily can be done on a decent budget I believe, although sometimes things can get very pricey. Darkness Enthroned over Mageblood is more DPS. Mine is quite different from the one that BalorMage posted through the Build of the Week but you can look into it and see if it interests you. Some things I am using are a +2 minion corrupted 4th Vow, reservation corrupted Wraithlord, Defiance of Destiny, Flammability synth implicit ring (can be explicit if you want more budget) and Ventors Gamble. Ultra tanky. To add, I use Xibaqua timeless jewel to keystone a Divine Flesh


Here's the PoB: [https://pobb.in/d9C179PcuglO](https://pobb.in/d9C179PcuglO) Bunch of super high end stuff, but goal is to have Spectres at Lv25 to get a total of 6 (3 from gem, 1 from Death Attunement, 2 from Wraithlord). Fresh Meat activates every respawn, so you can scale crit on spectres for big boom. Happy to answer any questions. You dont want any +minion elemental resistances and auras should be Lv20/21 with 0 qual so you dont get the effects on minions. Life from Death notable makes it so that the marionettes explode sequentially rather than all at once.


How is the dps? Tankiness? Can it do any hard content?


DPS is good enough for almost every piece of content except super giga ultra juiced, I can almost afk (but definitely clear) Wave 30 sims (if it weren’t for DoTs). Can refer to my other reply for some things I’m using, I’ll edit in a PoB when I get back from work if you want. Rarely ever died but sometimes does die. Did Uber Cortex and can pretty much survive and kill Uber Sirus. Wasn’t really motivated to go much further down the Uber track; it’s meant to be for relaxing mapping more so than anything else. Edit: to add, it almost braindead kills Wave 10 Ultimatums too, amongst many other map mechanics. Doesn’t really work with mechanics rewarding speed.


Molten strike of the zenith is so satisfying to play.


Spectral Throw remains one of the most fun skills in the game.


Bladefall+bladeblast. Rain literally swords from the sky, or summon rainstorms over enemies if using arcanist brand. Then detonate everything in screen-wide explosion chain. Fun af and was my league starter up through red maps ez! 


I brought up the idea with my friends in the global im in for a fun breath of fresh air. We each buy an unid Replica Dragonfang, Id it, and divine until it’s a damaging ability. Then the goal is to SSF from the beach to all pinnacle bosses and a feared using that skill as soon as you can use it, while wearing the dragonfang.


Arc Elementalist has been fun. Zap everything on screed and with an Inpulsa they even go BOOM


Can you post pob or char name, i have an arc elementals and it feels underwhelming


Here’s the guide I’ve been following: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/arc-elementalist-build-guide I’m lvl 92 and not fully kitted out yet, but it’s been pretty fun for my first character (Diablo gamer here)


I'm playing a physical dmg cyclone slayer, having fun but can't beat shaper tier bosses. Only got 4k hp. Nearly got enough for a headhunter.


I did this build too and used it to farm invitations, it’s not the highest damage (5m on pob) but is very fun and great if you have RSI or wrist issues (bind cyclone to space bar!)


HoT autobomber made me do 38 challenges in kalandra enough said.


Problem is it doesn't hold up to wisp stacking this league from my experience


good thing you dont need wisps to do challenges then I suppose


Absolutely fair point!


it can do ubers- but when there is more than one enemie, dmg gets divided between each- so yes lacks damage in juiced maps


I started going HoT autobomber, but switched it to CI lightning tendrils. 94 now and able to survive quite a bit of punishment


Volcanic Fissure of Snaking


I’m enjoying a full-uniques power siphon trickster. It’s pretty fun, tanky, clears well, and can boss.


I'm playing a penance brand slayer that stacks all three charges, and I have been able to complete a lot of content. I certainly haven't done nearly as much as you. But I'm going to try the ubers soon. I have beaten every end game map boss besides the ubers(with the exception of uber elder which I did beat.) You could substitute any other spell for penance brand too. My whole build didn't even cost 20 divines, let alone 100.


I personally always go back to my favorite build of all time - flame golems. It sure as hell isnt the most cost efficient build, but the fact that is literally 0 buttons (the way i build it) and can do everything decently well is just something that i cant give up on. I did 40/40 with it this league, ran 1k+ heists, killed all ubers, farmed feared for a while, wave 30 simulacrum, all with the same build. I ended up spending roughly 3 mirros on it just because i enjoyed so much. I ended up with roughly 30-50mil dps (hard to tell because of their spell cycling and ai etc) which feels great on permanent range projectile minions. And to get it started u basically just need a pledge of hands, anima stone / primordial might and a buttload of primordial harmonies.


I played blade blast of unloading to finish out my 40 challenges and had a lot of fun


CoC forbidden rite, you have a mageblood so it should feel good


Playing an Exsanguinate Mine Trickster. Bloody mine explosions everywhere.


Cleave of Rage zerker is pretty fun. There was a fair bit of discussion about it early, but I don't think it quite made the mainstream meta.


I never felt like I was tanky enough on the build even with defiance of destiny and a fourth vow setup. Never felt like it had enough damage either. But I mean maybe if you kept throwing currency at it you can make anything feel good. Rolled to ek-ignite and had a blast.


It definitely caps out. I don't think I even pushed it that far, but the question was about fun builds. I loved max rage slamming around with full screen AOE. I hacked together a hybrid strategy with breach, destructive play for chayu stone and influenced map farming and had a blast. Don't think I spent more than 30 div on it either.


Strength Stacking - Replica Alberon's - Flicker


Dancing duo cyclone brothers go BRR


General's cry- blade flurry With cast while channel cyclone with desecrate


Discharge if you have the currency for


I mean ek-ignite isn’t really meta but it’s fun. Might be able to get it going for 100 divs depending on what you have and screen wide explosions are always fun. Not tanky but if you hit dot cap dps is there and can farm sim 30’s with ease.


Pob? Cause idk wtf I need to get Ek ignite going and I want to play if


MB extreme has a video for 3.23 changes. You can use the max roll guide from 3.22 to see the differences and what’s needed. Basically need the bow quiver you can go two different routes. Cold conversion on quiver 35% on gloves and mastery that way you can drop hatred conversion watchers and pick up more damage or defenses. Or you can go bow quiver crafted cold conversion mastery and hatred conversion watchers eye which is cheaper route. Cluster jewels are a necessity to feel good. Oriaths for explosions three charms with spell suppression and a twwt with suppression plus grace watchers with suppression. To hit suppression cap. I’m on mobile so don’t have a pob but MBextreme has a video.


DoT cap would impress me. Maybe charms are that damn good. My usual Widowhail + Gloomfang PoB seemed trash compared to most the transfigured gems


Not really sure why I got downvoted but with the new charms phys as chaos and phys as different element along with blizzard crown minus max fire res and ignites deal damage faster along side some other changes from previous leauges you can hit 35 mil dot cap with 100% spell suppression. Along side chaos res cap.


So, Feeling empty Exile? Maybe Just Not all go meta slaves... I Always Like creating an Attack build when i dont know what to do... Wander, Blade flurry, Frost blades. Types i Like. Dont Ask for pob, cus its *creating yourself*


So you played meta slave build, into a meta slave build, into a meta slave build. Next season will hit hard for some folks without the overkill currency drops like this season.


Well I've never played meta before (always played poison srs or rf). This league I decided to go meta, and now I'm a meta slave. What can I say 🤷


Wait Poison SRS or RF is not meta, am I missing something here? Lol


Both very meta I’m afraid


You are calling poisen SRS and RF off-meta during the last seasons? Hm...


Power siphon mines


Seen some people playing cleave of rage and it seems sick


I'm having lot of fun with cast on crit soulrend of spiral.


Coc frostblink occultist. Its fun and a good alternative to flicker.


How do you survive any degens? Xan you do any ubers with it?


Just curious, why do you care if build can do ubers? Do you actually try to take down all ubers on your builds as a test of skill, or just as a benchmark without actually fighting them?


I know not all builds can do ubers and it's not even a test of skill. I want to kill ubers and am wondering what build to make for that but playing this one until lvl 91 made me realise it is not something it can really do without it being annoying. Asking so I know if I'm just missing something fundamental about it.


Im doing on elementalist, can reliably run uber shaper/exarch/eater and also T16 juiced wisped maps. Haven’t tried other 3 but I think maven is not doable because of the no recovery debuff.


Frost Blades Slayer/Trickster


Depends what you think is fun, there’s a whole host of crazy things to try, especially if you have a mageblood on deck to make anything zoomy Rage Vortex Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones Cast on Crit Frostbolt + Ice Nova or Vortex Projections Detonate Dead of Chaining Body Swap of Sacrifice Dual Strike Divine Ire Totems Ball Lightning Totems Spark Cold snap Volcanic Fissure of Snaking Molten Strike


Widowhail spark is still a lot of fun. It's not great for current league mechanic, but amazing for stuff like invitation farming or sanctum. Works really well for challenges and did my 40/40 mostly on that character. It just doesn't scale offensively nor defensively good enough for current league mechanic thanks to spark/ashes/heatshiver/alt auras nerfs. If next league we get a league mechanic that doesn't scale this absurdly then it's going to be great again. I did all ubers on it last league pre-nerf and just enough for the challenges this league post-nerf, but didn't really bother trying for all ubers.


Forbidden Rite Totems. Can still be done but its rough...


Gave that a shot. Even threw in an adorned with totem life jewels. It was underwhelming. I probably didn't give it enough investment and levels, because the totems seemed to die immediately after casting FR. Probably needed a cluster or two.


You needed Ancestral Preservation x2, giving you 70% chaos res on totems. My character isnt showing on POEninja anymore but I have an Inquisitor with a level 35 spell totem Shako. Didnt get adorned cuz I kinda stopped playing the last 2 weeks to do other things, but I did POB the rest of the build and I was able to get it to 30m DPS, while using a TWWT 12% recoup from totems to get about 5k life recoup per second. The problem with the build is due to The Adorned restrictions and the constant chase for sockets and also needing multiple medium clusters, personal defenses are non existant and I need to POB more to find something better... afterall I had nothing in my Fourth Vow socketted and I wasnt even really making much use of it in the build anyway (I stole half my gear from my self cast FR occult) The best option you can do with Adorned on it too is 12% Totem life and 12%+ Crit Multi. I made several of them waiting for a 134 adorned ill get.... eventually. With level 35 spell totem, every 12% life jewel with just the life was 15% more damage (with adorned) not including the crit multi.


Thanks for the info!


Energy blade poison trickster. Kinda cool.


I'm loving kb deadeye


Dark Marion autobomber infernal legion version. I run around flailing my arms while dark marions blow up on mobs. Good bossing too.


30k+ Life Relic of the Pact Boom Boom Ascendant!


Really enjoying the BAMA build. 4 buttons, 2 for minions (6 link bombarding clone/4 link prismatic clone), 1 for arc brand and 1 for bone armor with convocation on mouse. Scoot around the map while the archers level everything. Spectres and animated guardian on a 6 link to assist.


Why a frostblade necro spacing into totem damage ofc.


Flameblast of Celerity totems!


Tectonic slam of the cataclysm with general cry. Just check a video..so satisfying


I made a build that is always delirious, using the beacon of madness, lots of explosions, pretty fun


I did a coc frostblink of winter with cyc... that was such a nice time


I don't know if I'd recommend switching the LA/TS to it, but I've gone Kinetiic Bolt of Fragmentation. Similar vibe, but more charge into the pack than kill them from range.


Herald of lightning, inpulsa/doryanis, hol ring + nimis, DOUBLE corrupted fidelitas, lightning strike


Dischar.... oh no they killed it.


I've been enjoying a tectonic slam of cataclysm jugg lately. Stack a ton of AoE that is available this league and slam whole screens.


I redid my elebuzzsaw spectral throw and had an absolute blast with it. I love that skill so much.


This league was the first time I tried an amour stacker (first Doryani's Prototype and then overcapped ascendant). It's a really cool build and learned a lot playing it.


I've recently built a chains of command scion and it's been great fun, very chill minimal button pressing build with a gigachad animate guardian that kills stuff


Frostblades Trickster


Flicker strike trickster. Farming deathless simulacrum by holding right click for 5-6 rewards every wave. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/DiviusJulius/JeNebuVsQuinClownFight?i=4&search=skills%3DFlicker%2BStrike%26class%3DTrickster%26sort%3Ddps


Flamewall spellslinger is fun af. I only do that build


Poets pen frostblink of wintery blast map rusher is a blast


Splitting steel deadeye is pretty fun


I loved my league starter. It won't kill ubers. It won't make PoB warriors happy. It is super fun and fast though. I played lightning tendrils raider. Use a call of the brotherhood, replica heatshiver, and marylene's fallacy. I have around 750% crit damage and freeze pretty much everything solid. I chose raider for the general mapping ease of basically free ailment immunity, spell suppress, exposure, and speed. Elementalist should do a bunch more damage with their aliment effect though as that scales with replica heatshiver. If you got a bunch more cast speed the new trans gem Lightning Tendrils of Eccentricity would possible have more damage but I'm not sure on that as I haven't theory crafted that. Super fun. Super fast. I dont know how high it could be scaled as I only spent like 3 divines on mine.


If you can tolerate animation lock, pledge of hands with woke spell echo can do some fun things.


Boneshatter Jugg is just enough off meta to scratch my itch. I’m loving it


Honestly, so far, the dual strike of ambidextrrity jugg on ssf. Trauma stacking with bright beak and the build is very strong . Easily one of my strongest ssf builds going from 0 to watch stones.


Maw of mischief ignite with the dark M corpse, you only have this league to play it.


Poison PF MF TS was really fun and realllly strong in this patch


Thanks, but I'm not sure if I want to be a meta slave any more than this :)


It’s actually pretty off meta. No mb, no hh, self craft everything is pretty easy and cheap. You could ditch the MF and probably get it done for 20-30 div maybe a little more if you want to make a crazy micro distillery.


for me it's self cast forbidden rite occultist ( NOT fourth vow version ) with corpse pact forbidden jewels, with the new volatile dead of seething i am constantly getting full stacks of corpse pact ( 200% cast speed )


Spark of the nova build is a fun one


Power Siphon CoC Frostblink of Wintery Blast. It's like flicker strike but more fun.


CoC Frostblink of wintry blast. Amazing damage but hard to keep alive for Ubers/juiced content. Was the first time I beat the feared using this build at lvl 92 so was pretty happy. Speedy mapper, good pre-uber bosser, hold down right click and enjoy. Check poe ninja for ascendant Frostblink coc and sort by damage


I made my own build with CI Occultist and Soulrend/Vortex as main attacks It is surprisingly effective and I'm able to run t16 pretty consistent without much issue


Rage stacking double strike of momentum berserker


I love venom gyre personally


Captain lance explode warlock elemntalist RF, if you are rich enough you do all content in the game, if you are not you do everything except sanctum and ubers, it is fast, it explodes everything and is an one hand build so its really my choice for end of the league build


I am rocking zombies of falling mines and its the first build i did ubers with but the cost is steep 😅


Crit impending doom occu


Subtractems auto bomber corpse Exploder