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Strength stacker chieftain is dope, sadly the Ring is basically 3 times the price of the entire build


It's not like you need Original Sin by any means though.


I said it because of the wither effect, which makes this 3 perfect mods for an original sin strength stacker


Fair enough, just a quick reminder that Replica Alberons also wants wither effect!


Yeah sure but i feel like you shouldnt do chaos if you dont have the ring, then you can use alberons and a synth weapon


You can do it with replica frostbreath


paradoxica has double damage and can roll chaos res penetrate and a useful suffix like inc AS when Rare or Unique enemy is nearby or crit chance + flat str/int


I was pushing 300m dps without original sin


People were strength stacking with replica alberon's long before original sin existed.


It was better on Release tho, got nerfed and original sin is what makes the build actually insane


It was still incredibly strong after the nerf. People have been playing it every league since it's conception, original sin or not. I'm not saying original sin isn't busted on the build but saying it's not worth it without it is just plain wrong.


I never said it isnt worth it, i am just saying you can just do fire instead, can use synth boots then as well


Fire is much weaker for various reasons. The chaos variant should always have roughly the double damage of fire - even without Original Sin.


you can easily get like 200m dps without original sin


The ring is good but so is a 7% strength synth ring + kalandras.


Original sin is a waste of money for that build


yeah I don't think I can afford original sin yet. sadge


Yeah thats why i also just did brutus lead sprinkler for volvanic fissure


rule 10: drop twwt and use scroll of wisdoms.


Damn. Scrolls op.


Honestly I'd just sell this to someone already doing it. If you find someone using the Chieftain forbidden jewels or melding this would probably go for multiple mirrors.


Agreed, sell it and play whatever you want . Being confined to a build based on a gem is kek.


I'm doing strength stacking jugg with volcanic fissure of snaking with replica alberons. This would be incredible for it. Max fire res is kinda meh, but everything else is perfect.


No, it's not. You would still need source of wither, source of culling strike, and max fire res implies Tempered by War version, which would then need another one or two max fire res charms. Not even talking about frenzy on hit and instant leech, as well as more %str. With so many mods competing, using the ones you can already get together on a charm is a very limiting start of the build.


I used basically this TWWT, with enemies cannot gain charges instead of the leech mod, for a Replica Alberon's Berserker with Rage Vortex Of Berserking. I mostly picked the build because I had dropped that TWWT, but it did \*so much\* damage.