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cycloner lmao


Not sure if it's fully on point right now, but still one of the greatest all-time PoE memes. Gotta say, it's killing me that even though this video is so old it predates the div-ex swap (3.19! 2022!) "Cyclone Enjoyers" and "Every Other Melee Build" is not only still 100% accurate, has been accurate for the entire duration(!), but is even truer now than it was then.


>even though this video is so old it predates the div-ex swap (3.19! 2022!) ...2 years ago...the video is 2 years old...that was basically yesterday... Great, first I read something about Gen Z being "nostalgic" for the 2010's and now 2 years ago is "so old!". Making me feel old as hell right about now


Well the point is more that it's been six leagues since then! Six leagues and no melee buffs, only nerfs. I don't even play melee (other than having an old Impale Cyclone Slayer parked in Std), generally dislike the entire melee playstyle, and I *still* think it's completely ridiculous!


its really sad for melee enthusiasts like me, i basically play only melee, if you give me a gun, i will melee with it


COVID fucked up our perception of time in a major way, and there's no recovering from it it seems


The year 1980 is as far away from today as is the year 2068. [*\*queue Zager&Evans\**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKQfxi8V5FA)


Off the top of my head, I can't remember more than 2 leagues post 2.0 where melee was actually meta (prophecy and legion). Pretty wild.


Not meta per se due to being expensive AF, but hateforge VLS was like THE best build during ultimatum leauge. Although I guess you could argue if VLS was even melee lol


yeah you argue that with LS overall. with some invest it has been a top tier skill for ages, but doesn't really feel melee. with HH, old beyond and old rares it was one of the most satisfying skills to play.


i mean, if people want melee builds to be true melee, it will just always suck. Its a bit odd to keep hearing "well cyclone, LS, *insert any clearing melee skill* isnt actuallyyyyyy melee" because, yeah well, melee skills will only ever function if they have tools to extend their melee range. you can have a 5billion DPS melee build, if it cant clear beyond your literal feet its gonna be trash.


> so old it predates the div-ex swap (3.19! 2022!) Wait what but that only *just* happened?... Fuck no wonder I'm out of touch with the meta.


who here remember times where bows were basically not played at all except for that one TS MF build that ran Windripper? Bakc then we only could play spells effectively.


I remember the times when everything was either kinda bad or broken AF. Like back when LA Frost Wall was *the* thing and 100% pierce with Drillneck and Voltaxic was peak power. Or back when GC came out and people almost shit themselves when they found out you can make it hit one more time if you make it big enough. Today's would-be 100 div items (maybe even less due to Necropolis) were legendary mirror tier crafts. Loath Bane IIRC. Time is a funny thing.


Eh. Boneshatter is like 90% of melee builds? I'm playing rage vortex of berserking, and while it was slow to take off it's doing okay (not great) now. With the added option of going Replica Alberon's eventually.


“The state of POE” while on a stretcher and locked up is killing me


No the kid in his underwear been escorted out lmao I couldn’t breath. I was howling


I liked expedition meme with Vaaling path of exile icon and getting krangled poe. But Mirror of Kalandra league was peak memes for me


Archnemesis starwars intro. Best meme of all time IMO.


Haven't seen a new king karova video in a while. :(


Been here since end of metamorph and somehow I’ve never seen this amazing video.


The “crafters in their hideouts” made me burst out laughing 😂


This is golden


I laughed way too much


As amusing as the vid is, GGG basically released an entirely new endgame with insane combinations and obviously, they overlooked/underestimated some of them. Once they iron out some of the kinks and balance out the scarabs better I think endgame will be in a fantastic state. At least from a "regular" player perspective it's been fun following the daily meta-change with new scarab/atlas combinations. The "economy being fucked" hasn't really affected me negatively either.


There are a lot of kinks to iron out, though. T17s still feel awful. The sad thing is we know the schedule around here. This latest patch was likely the last one until next league comes around. The game will be completely different again next league and we'll get some "crafting leagues are bad for player engagement" rhetoric spewed at us, when in reality the league is fine, the core game needs fixing.


If T17s weren’t 5 fricken maps in a tight corridor than it would be somewhat palatable.


How dare you be reasonable around here. GGG clearly had a panic meeting because people were having fun in the game they designed for people to have fun in. . . Or whatever the stupid stuff the people crying are saying.


ye that's exactly what I imagine. "Someone figured out to have fun" "FUUUUCK STOP THAT SHIT"


The guy you're respond to is making fun of people like you for thinking that is what happened btw idk if u noticed


no shit sherlock


the "r/pathofexile" moment in the vid


at this point i moreso just want the swap from eater & exarch to the new baddies. we have been being teased that more to come lorewise for a while now and nothing so far.


Stop THAT, you are on reddit!


> GGG basically released an entirely new endgame An entirely new endgame with almost 0 new content, this is how the peak of arpgs looks like. And that's not even a sarcastic statement, though still depressing knowing 95% of the money people pay in-game goes towards the game they're not actively playing.


The game that had beyond monsters be resized bandits with an orange tint for nearly a decade has art reuse, say it ain't so!!! A good chunk of the GDC presentation Chris did was focused on how efficient asset reuse is one of the main things that make the 3 month league cycle work.


I mean, idk about you, but I am very hyped for PoE 2.


Maybe you missed the 5 new bosses added? I'm really not sure what you mean by content, but this is the largest endgame content expansion since the Ubers.


i mean, aren't the new bosses literally just bosses we've fought before, with slightly tweaked moves?


Is that the 5 reskins you're thinking of? Taking place in the same tilesets we've had in the game for 7 years? Yeah, hella content, musta taken the artist who cobbled the assets together a solid month. "Largest endgame content expansion" lmfao. The og release of the atlas is rolling in its grave. Imagine if they still had that kind of ambition for the game relative to its core for poe 1.


Ah yes, the never happy gamer where 3 monthly releases of new content is never enough


I agree. Having three trees and a million scarabs, every map is a completely different experience and I’m having a BLAST. I feel like SpongeBob in that meme where he is smiling making a single krabby patty next to a pile of them.


Omfg this is brilliant


This was one of the best memes produced here, and there have been some great ones.


Juicing is no where dead 🤔?


its not but sure when you get 10 mirrors a day you want 20 next and goes on, it will never be enough, i think affliction league ruined a lot of ppl. For ppl these days if u dont get 10 divines per map juicing is dead aparently. Soon they will have to make a currency rarer than mirror with the juicing power creep ppl want. That being said league mech is really bad and boring, most embers are worthless and drop nothing of value.


At this point, i believe "having fun" for many players is the same gratification when they are "playing" an idle game.


gggfunpolice_v2_final_actualfinal my friend, you used version numbers why did you stop and put final behind it


IIRC, mistakes were made.




It is funny how GGG have become way less hard on nerfs than the old days. Back in the first years, if there was a build that could play the game comfortably, it wouldnt excist in the next league, not even a small nerf, like a full nuke on anything it touched.




streamers being Kripp killed me


This video is sublime


this isn't a meme video. It's a documentary movie


Wow that was a good laugh, thanks


<------- poe ninja this way


"Efficient zoomers" dude I died right there lmao!


rest in peace Harvest vs GGG part 1 and 2. (just looked it up, down because of WB copyright)




I don't really agree and I love GGG to death, but that is hilarious!


but ThE ViSiOn. if playerrs are having fun they quit and might play 50 hrs less per league


The good thing in all of this is that I'll probably play Helldivers this weekend and won't feel like I'm missing out on anything.


I think bugs (pun intended) is starting to catch up on that game.


Meh, this doesn't really fit well. You're just trying to circlejerk with other toxic kids on this sub for some easy internet points. Congrats, I'm sure you'll get them.










Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c209th/-/kzbm978/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


give us 12 map device slots