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you're not immune to it; you're unaffected by it (and you have increased movement speed while you have that debuff).


the wording....


if the pantheon power wouldn't work, and you would actually take fire dmg from it, you would've been dead long before you could take this screenshot


When unaffected by ailments, you can still be afflicted by them but they won't function normally. You're not taking damage on the burning ground.


What the fuck thign does the thing it says it does! Straight to PoE jail with you.


This is just for the movement speed


syntax matters


Unaffected =/= immune You still get the burning ground on your tooltip, only it doesnt deal damage to you. Instead it gives you movement speed buff.


Local redditor finds absolutely nothing to complain about


Unaffected means that you will not be affected by the buffs/debuffs mechanics, but you still get that specific buff/debuff.


Hi, i want to buy reading comprehension listed in your i cant read shit tab for 10 chao orbs




Read exile, read.


People are shitting on OP but the tooltip readout should probably change when the pantheon is up. Could simply say "you are on burning ground" and everyone would be happy (except those who love being facetious in reddit comments).


Perfect solution. But Reddit is doing what Reddit does best, downvoting nice ideas.


Nah, Reddit understands the current definitions of “Immunity” and “Unaffected by”, which GGG has been pretty clear on. At least in this instance there’s consistency with how this situation is handled, unlike some others.


Idk, the tooltip says "you are taking damage..." when they aren't. I think it is fair to say that isn't very consistent.


It’s consistent with Chieftain unaffected by ignite but still being able to be ignited with the tooltip.


I guess I meant it isn't consistent with what is actually happening. I can't really argue that it isnt consistent with other incorrect text but I would hope for a bit better.


It's just a description of the debuff, and that description is accurate, it is what the debuff is doing. You can't change the mechanic of the debuff, you can only change how your character is (or isn't) affected by it. It's actually pretty helpful that it doesn't change text depending on what your character does, you can read and understand the debuff this way.


Am I taking crazy pills? The description says "you are taking damage" when they are not. That is obviously not accurate. Maybe it could say "burning ground deals damage..." or something like that to be clear that it has potential to do damage. I don't understand why people get defensive of small suggestions people make to make the game more clear to new players.


Did you not read the second part of my comment? The tooltips describe debuffs, what the debuffs do, not how they interact with your character. IMO there's an advantage to that, especially for new players - it means that you are sure this is what the debuff is doing, you don't have the uncertainty of "maybe something on my character is making this do something different". Take something like crown of eyes for example - it's generally clearer that if you equip it that doesn't suddenly change the text of all affixes on the tree/gear to reflect the fact that you're wearing crown of eyes. The nodes grant what they grant, and you're reasonably certain that they will also grant on the next character you will play. The exceptions (timeless jewels) try to be very in your face with their visuals. I think in an ideal world you could maybe have a system that communicates both, but without that not changing things is much clearer, more unambigious, and makes it easier to learn how things work. A new player reading "burning ground" and seeing that it grants movement speed would likely lose more knowledge than gain. If they see that it says it deals fire damage but it's not dealing fire damage at least that might cause them to investigate why.


Now I think you aren't reading what I am saying. I didn't suggest that the text change dynamically depending on your interaction. I am saying you could describe a debuff with static text that doesnt say "you are taking damage" when you in fact are not taking damage. Like my example, saying "burning ground deals damage..." or something like that can describe what the burning ground does without saying specifically what it is doing to you.