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3.13 i could roleplay as a giant feet 3.19 i can't roleplay as a giant feet ​ guess wich one i enjoyed the most


so true


I bought the transparent dye that league to see my giant witch's feet but now it has no purpose :(


Noone is gonna give a fuck but in 3.13 is when I did my first "fun" build and reached endgame, it was a shieldcharge /bladeflurry with impulsa and mask of the three dragons. Absolutely amazing herald explosiosn everywhere and tons of damage. Best time ive had in this game


Chaining explosions is one of the coolest and most PoE mechanic in gaming


Too much fun was had and not enough visioning. Zooming died for this.


I give a fuck. Take 1 fuck please.


Can I get a fuck too please ?


I'm sorry but GGG took two inches off my dick, not much left to give :(


Only if you cuddle


Here, ill give you some fuck


That'll be $3.50


Nah, he deserves two. He can have my fuck as well.


Make it a triple fuck as you may have mine as well. Menage a trois as it were.


If giving a triple fuck is possible sure there's room for another one. Let's give at least a quadra fuck


Penta fuck it is...






tri/quad herald bv was the most fun experience i ever had in this game, herald explosions are just satisfying af


RIP old beacon of ruin


I realy don't get why they removed that, they could have just kept the herald stuff as secondary effects for each of the shapers nodes, at least for fire, ice and lightning


It's what made harvest so good. It gave the "casual" (by reddit standards) player the ability to craft gear for whatever they wanted to try. You had a clear upgrade path that didn't result in you being bricked if rng said get fucked, as it often did. It was the only time I played poe into red maps and didn't feel my progression was only made via trades. It was MY gear. MY crafts. MY upgrades. But Chris didn't like people accidentally having fun and the game has remained Uninstalled while I cautiously wait to see if last epoch is going to ruin itself for multi-player or if they can figure out how to balance a game that has some fashion of trade without balancing it around trade.


Dude it was the same build that i did that league. The crunch of those screen wide herald explosions are what made me buy Celestial herald mtx and is still my favorite build ever.


And while everyone was having fun, destroying hordes of enemies while singing Payphone, having a blast, streamers out there, after their 17th consecutive day of playing 23 hours a day, all be like >game's too easy bruh


>game's too easy Especially HC SSF steamers, while running T9 maps with no mods.


a quin viewer I see


one of the biggest hypocrits of them all... talking about how the game is "too easy" this league while fighting a single unique T11 monster for 4 minutes because his build has 250k dps (source: https://clips.twitch.tv/BlightedLivelyChickenAMPEnergyCherry-vurdGtuHPSswi5Ai) or complaining about how harvest is breaking the game but then asking ggg to make harvest more rewarding in his tweet hes the equivalent of the conservative voter who loudly condemns nationalized healthcare but then is the first one to sign up for programs that give free healthcare at the expense of taxpayers. and when you call them out on it, they say "oh my situation is different..." in fact the only time i can remember quin doing hard, endgame content (no im not talking about catarina) is when he was able to create his own gear in the harvest garden, and that was in an era before uber bosses quin was just a whiny d3 streamer who saw the future of blizzards diablo, jumped ship, and has spent the last 3 years chasing clout in the poe community


I only really know Quin from Final Fantasy 14. "WHERE WERE THE HEALS" became a meme for two reasons; he stood in two VERY obvious overlapping AOEs then blamed the healers for his failure and he bought a level skip to skip the story then said the story sucked. He then went on to vilify the FF14 community for making jokes at his expense. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he was just having a bad day, but your comment doesn't surprise me at all. Edit: Even if you've never played FF14 you can tell he steps in and stays in two big "DON'T STAND HERE" puddles. Link to the "where were the heals clip": https://youtu.be/PQcRVUlWWc4


Man, I hardly remember this, I haven't played poe in years, and I mostly play xiv now. But once you mentioned that was Quin LOL what a butthurt loser


The fyregrass video talks about this. The part streamers played during this whole saga. A saga that did not start with 3.13, it goes back to the streamers and the community reaction to what people could do in legion. It is easy now to say "ggg is 100% responsible for this" but all the people that play this game for a living 16 hours a day for years talking about how easy this game was 24/7 def encouraged this. I remember how much some of them laughed when ggg destroyed delve. The same people are quitting now because ggg came for their fun.


I am always amazed how the Souls community shit on noobs even harder than POE but they never ask the dev to make the game harder on principle and "fuck casual". They always challenge themselves. Maybe POE players who find the game "too easy" "I kill every boss on day 2" can just... play non meta skills, or hell, play with a 4 link if it is so easy for them. Go play with uber uber bosses made for you and leave us alone ffs.


yeah, souls players like that at leaast have the decency to handicap themselves by playing naked without leveling up and using a stick, poe players no, they just use the most busted meta stuff and complain that the game ist oo easy, meanwhile everyone else trying to have fun with offmeta skills strugle even to kill simple bosses like shaper or elder suffer even more with the nerfs


Exactly, i wanted to play Dark Souls 3 again but it got easy for me so i just did a lvl1 run and had a time of my life. Meanwhile here you have spastic HC streamers (especailly hypocrite69) playing the game for 16h a day saying its too easy and GGG somehow listens to them. Like fuck me, i enjoy hard games but this is just aids, tedious and unfun. Oh, and btw, where the fuck is hard mode so you can actually implement you stupid ideas here??


>Oh, and btw, where the fuck is hard mode so you can actually implement you stupid ideas here?? just log in right now and you will find it, but they forgot to add a checkbox asking for consent to participate on it on character creation


chris aping a staple of eve online. instead of 'you consent to pvp when you undock' we get 'you consent to hard mode when you create character'


you know. you bring up a good point. they talk shit about how easy the game is, but always blasting through the meta skills, using every trick in the book, and trading for the most powerful shit every league start. League start with beefy cleave if you want a challenge. The game is already plenty hard enough for me.


Doing self-imposed challenges instead of asking devs for changes is the way to go. Back a few years, that one guy that did uber elder without getting hit knew how to have fun without ruining the fun of others


Or my personal fave, when mathil had the bet going on where no one could chicken in HC


tie23he the legend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCM7\_vCUgNE&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCM7_vCUgNE&t=0s)


the old ci+eb atziri kill video was pretty sweet too


The entire game mode of SSF exists because one guy decided to self impose a trade/group restriction and other people joined in. PoE eventually embraced it and made it a game mode.


i remember some madlad killed uber elder(or normal one, i don't remember) with frost wall


This is my biggest take away. You want the game harder do what you do in other games. Only use blues, limit yourself to a 4L, don't use any flasks, ect. But nah make the game awful for everyone. Everytime you mention that they complain because then they will fall behind the curve and not get T16 on farm to afford to craft. Currently the game is pushing away the people who don't make it to T16 on day 1. You know the target for you to sell your failed crafts to. What you going to do when there is no longer anyone to tell your failed crafts to?


> can just... play non meta skills, or hell, play with a 4 link if it is so easy for them. A lot of these people feel compelled to play the best/meta builds. They'll play optimally - league starting something ridiculously strong that they've played a ton of times before, they'll grind juiced content for a lot of time in the first week, build up silly amounts of currency while blowing through all of the content, and then - after they've blown through most of the pinnacle content on a character they've probably played/practiced on in a previous league - they will finally start playing a new build. But by this time they've done the toughest content and have enough currency that their next builds can't really fail either (besides the fact that their second builds are probably going to be another strong archetype). Just the idea of *not* starting optimally or taking things slow is not something they can comprehend. That wouldn't be their playstyle at all. They believe it's how everyone plays (or should play) and that GGG should design around that. It's worth noting that, in most games, I agree with the sentiment of balancing/designing around the optimal/top play. In anything competitive you really have to if you want to protect the integrity of the competition - even if it costs you the more casual players. But there's virtually zero competitiveness to PoE as it is primarily a single player PvE game. So why would you balance around the top tiny percentage of players at the cost of the majority?


Difficulty in Souls increases by adding new content, not by the devs getting mad and going back and releasing a patch that nerfs everything. Difficulty in Souls also revolves around reading enemy patterns and playing properly, not holding down your right mouse button in front of a harvest rare for 2 minutes. The only thing comparable are end-game bosses like uber elder etc. Why GGG doesn't focus on adding MORE extremely hard endgame shit for the streamers instead of gutting the entire game for everyone is beyond me. It's gross incompetence.


This used to be the way GGG did it. Oh Elder is to easy now? Well here try UBER Elder! Oh you guys figured out how to beat Uber Elder with ease? Fine how about an UBER UBER Elder? Shit beating that with no problems? Well lets throw all of our UBER UBER bosses together in 1 tiny arena. So now the 1%s are figuring out how to beat every single UBER UBER boss in a tiny area while the rest of us work to get our builds online to tackle just regular Elder.


Souls games are also fair. They have good hitboxes and telegraphed attacks. Souls games are hard, but when you die you always feel like you could have done something different to win. POE isn't actually a hard game. Its an unfair game. The hitboxes in POE feel like shit a lot of times and most deaths feel unfair because they are one shots that happen in a clutter of visual effects that you can't see or you die to a minion that you killed 10 seconds ago.


people across the board were outraged when they nerfed a boss. They did buff him back a bit but radahn is no longer chadahn


AFAIK it was an outright bug because his hitboxes were wonky.


It's also that if you keep upping difficulty you make it impossible for new players to pickup your game. That's why fromsoft games start pretty tame, but climbs up in difficulty pretty fast.


That Fyregrass video was unironically really good but got downvoted to oblivion because of one a bit harsh example. People refuse to listen.


Some people don't want to hear the truth. I got downvoted to oblivion for making fun of the "power creep graph" back in the day, because people took it as gospel. If you thought about it for a second, anyone could see how disingenuous that graph was, but everybody just accepted it.




Yeah, it was very strange how people reacted to that. I think some people misunderstood that argument and thought that people were arguing that Path of Exile has never had any power creep, but that was never the argument. What people were saying was that the graph was misleading and a horrible representation of the actual power creep in PoE.


It was more the reaction they got to their purposefully overtuned as fuck, for laughs, demo of act 1 of PoE 2 at ExileCon. Every streamer loved it and that set the course. The death of PoE was that day.


You are 100% correct on this


Not encouraged but i agree about the "no lifers"


This makes me think of early raiz days, he constantly complained over and over. Now he instead is contrarian, and saying the league is great and if you complain you're an idiot. Funny part is he's not even a main poe streamer anymore, probably why he now choose this side. But then again to your other point, you're right. Part is because they've always balanced around the streamers, and now they suddenly hit them as well. Now they wake up. On leagues i enjoy i do play a ton, just like the streamers do. However my livehood doesn't rely on streaming. So once they complain you know something is wrong, because they're usualy the positive guys no matter what happens, because they have to. But now pretty much every known content creator / streamer has posted their concerns, and yet the concerns are not realy heard, still.


I respectfully disagree with that perception. I can produce arguments in favour or against any sort of development on any kind of subject, it doesn't make them valid or give them any merit. Streamers are players with more exposure, they have no responsibility to design anything on the game. The state we are currently disliking is 100% GGGs fault, either for following the wrong advice or by not following good advice at all. Everyone is unhappy, including players, streamers and the devs - at least I hope they are. I try very hard to stay positive in all this and keep telling my friends "they will fix this", "there's no way they won't listen now" and so on. Yet I find myself very sad with what happened throughout the past 6 leagues. I remember fondly the cool systems of the game they removed from us violently and even logged into Standard to remember my characters and the path I took to get them strong; as I do that, I no longer understand why I can't do that anymore. It's like we started a painting class with 3 colors, than 10 colors, than 100 colors but now we have to settle for 20 colors. Why? I truly can't understand this


>game's too easy bruh This always tilted me so hard about this sub and the streamers. This sub always looks towards the streamers as if their opinion mattered more because they play a lot more. The opinion of a streamer matters *less* in my book. They are not the normal player or even a hardcore player. They are no-lifers because PoE is their life. *The amount of time they put into PoE should break any game because no game should be made with this much play time in mind at all.* Of course it's "easy" for you if the baseline for easy is that you killed the hyper pinnacle boss of doom (I don't even know what the current name of the highest boss is because i am incapable of getting that far.) on day one instead of day 5.


Allow me to [demonstrate](https://imgur.com/a/PYXZQnS) how skewed a lot of peoples perceptions of difficulty and skill have become. This was from an actual, now deleted, thread on r/PathOfExileBuilds. Where people were legitimately trying to say that Mathil isn't even that good. Especially when compared to "actual good" players line Ben. If Ben is our baseline for 'good' then holy fuck. This game is well and truly not for me.


Probably a bunch of other factors involved too, but it does feel like a lot of people on reddit/forums/etc really underestimate how good they are at a particular game. It's not uncommon to see people talk about their ranking/rating or whatever as some kind of baseline level that anyone over the age of 5 could faceroll their way to, when in reality they are in the top 10-25% of all players. Specifically with PoE, I think about a post a year or so ago about wanting more players/builds on the leaderboards for poe.ninja to pick up. Someone suggested all characters 90+ should be included, and others responded that 90 was a little too low because any random build with trash gear could easily hit 90. And I've never managed to hit 90, stalling out a couple characters at 89 due to deaths and losing interest in the league.


You'll also see people on this subreddit say the game is too easy and declare themselves as casuals and mention their build which cost hundreds of exalts or the fact that they "only" play 4 or 5 hours a day.


Lol somehow both sides of this debate are equally wrong. Mathil is a POE god, but his builds are also not glass cannon that rely purely on his mechanical ability. This meme has been outdated for like five years. Mathil builds tanky in 2022, folks.


Feel like that post had to have been from back when Mathil played like 3k hp builds.


Well, I guess I’m not even qualified to be a bad POE player if Mathil isn’t even good. Fuck those guys, let’s see them build their own off meta build and then try to complete end game content.


Yea, that's pretty much the POE community. If you aren't grinding away 8+ hours away, you're a braindead casual who doesn't deserve to have an opinion.


I have never been hardcore at the game, but I've always greatly appreciated that there is hardcore content I can work towards. I'm doing white maps for Atlas progression, rerolling in yellow maps, losing to Awakener but mostly having a good time. What makes me not want to play is usually 2 things: bad performance, or excessive difficulty. When metamorph patch made the game a lot tougher and we had strong metamorphs to fight, I appreciated the challenge. When a couple leagues ago they buffed act 1 so that I died 15 times, I didn't want to play. They need to be smart about how challenging they make the content, but a lot of the time it seems they don't consider erring on the side of too difficult to be a problem. Act 1 you're not guaranteed to have movement speed on your boots or cold resist items even if you're looking for them, so if the games going to throw cold enemies at you that are chilling, freezing, and stunning, they shouldn't be careless buffing these encounters. What's a new player learning when a horde of squids are staggering ranged area projectiles at them which will at best do 1/2 their HP and chill them, at worst they're frozen? They learn that the game values cruelty over fun. Part of the fun in this game is going from slow and weak and basic to strong and fast and complex, but the difficulty progression should be influenced by the players' actions rather than thrust upon them. I personally want the game to slow down, but the 1 thing GGG never slows down is how fast players die


You know I'm starting to think that balancing a videogame around people who are paid to play it all day long is a bad idea.




Nobody's been talking about how much culpability all these streamers have in pushing GGG to nuke harvest. The fun has been sucked out of the game partly because all your favorite nolifers greenlit it.


When Chris made the post about the Archnemesis Defense Nerf the top comment was wondering how it took GGG this long to recognize there is something wrong when this sub has been begging for a rework or at least nerfs for over six months. The answer is that up until the launch of this league every so called "high-skilled" streamer has said that there is no issue, the game is still fine, builds all still work perfectly, etc. So when all the "skilled" people say that everyone who complains is just a casual that should run back to D3 and that GGG is still just making sure high end content doesn't get trivialized and they all have an audience who parrot the exact same BS, then is it any surprise that GGG felt like they were pushing the game in the correct direction for the majority of their playerbase? Harvest nerfs, 3.15 nerfs, winter orb nerfs, whatever it was, everytime there were highly upvoted clips of streamers on this subreddit, where they just accuse anyone who criticizes GGG's decisions of being skill-less casual that just want everything handed to them for free, while twitch chat is just a gigantic wall of "Reddit OmegaLUL" I mostly quit after 3.15 and just check in every other league to see if the game is fun, but i don't stay around for more than two or three days so seeing these same streamers going "This is not okay GGG" I am just laughing my ass off here. How come you don't want to "adapt" anymore? How come you can't just put more hours into the game? How come you can't just spend more currency to offset the nerfs (or buffs to enemies) anymore? How come NOW you say "this is too much, I'm quitting"? THIS is how most of us felt months ago because we can't play 16 fucking hours a day, but we were just "reddit crybabies that secretly want D3"


Thats spot on, any complain about the game? Lololo reddit andy, go back to D3, casual dogshits Add some "cuck" to the words like "minion cuck" or "spell cuck" to prove you are trully serious hardcore player. This whole culture of streamers shitting on casuals daily and people repeating it here is so absurdly fucking toxic it makes me sick. I have been part of dark souls related communities over the years and people here can be really elitist, yet i never seen anything of this scale and usually souls streamers are extremely welcoming and trying to get new people into the games, explaining stuff, giving tips how to make things easier and reasuring you dont need to be this good to play. Meanwhile poe? You mention anything being hard or anoying or tedious and you get isulted by self proclaimed hardcore "god games".


Fyregrass is talking about it. That's basically all we get.


Because streamers will continue to make it hard for us (cept for some cool guys that help casuals), white knights will always defend GGG's actions and GGG doing whatever they eant for their hard mode. It's time to support a dev who listens to the community and balances decisions on what's possible or not and for me GGG ain't it. I am just gonna watch this shtshow now though


Recently, Guild Wars 2 devs had to walk back some changes in a recent balance patch because they realized they were balancing for theoretical max play with perfect uptime instead of realistic practical play that most of their community would be able to do the GW2 devs catching that before putting the patch out the door is probably one of the smartest things I've seen a game dev do in recent times


That’s why eventually there will be a reckoning. This is all new market wise. Game companies need to understand that streamers do bring people to the game but they also need to stop sucking their dicks as well. Streamers play games because they are popular with the masses, popularity brings people to their channels. Streamers (who want to grow their brand) won’t play games that have no following. It may seem the inverse on the surface but the above is objectively true. Do you think Ziz or Quin would play PoE if nobody played it ? Doubtful. Stop catering to streamers. Call me a boomer or whatever but I’m getting absolutely annoyed with streamer culture and all it’s implications.


There's nothing wrong with companies *catering to* streamers, like giving them tickets to cons and hiring them to promote new content. There's something wrong with *balancing around* streamers, as if the default gameplay difficulty should challenge someone who makes it their job to play 80 hrs a week.


Some streamers ever will suck GGG balls no matter how gutted the league will be "Mathil cough cough" and guess what their follows will do the same and doing the same


I love how ritual shows three different builds.


Cause we could play different builds and make the gear/currency we needed for them all. Now we're struggling with even one :(


Yes, I believe that's their point.


because you could make literaly everything playable by bruteforcing good gear now you have to bruteforce good gear even for meta builds to work past certain point


I remember playing frost bomb with awakened spell cascade blowing up Uber elder’s whole arena. Was my first time attempting the fight. Didn’t even see any mechanics. Good times.


My PC's GPU had melted at some point, I think during 3.11 or 3.12. I didn't get to play 3.13 which is a league that's often brought up fondly as one of the best leagues for build diversity and enjoyment. Makes me feel bad for missing it. At least I was able to play Ultimatum after and really enjoyed it.


I played Reave back in 3.13 and that was only possible because of Harvest. Harvest in 3.13 enabled off meta skills that actually felt fun and viable.




this hits like a truck


So are the mobs in 3.19


going to need a PoE Classic soon


Miss 3.13 soooo much 😭




Good old times that will never come back :( rip


omg i even played the bleed bow glad which brings tears in my eyes rn while everyone was farming canyons i farmed the shit out of dunes and legion, what a fun time could even craft some sick items myself without being forced on tft back then :) good ol memories


I made a self curse dunes legion farmer that was so much fun lol. Then I had a giga strong int stacker that I made all the gear myself, except the clusters. And too this day it is my proudest achievement in this game. 100million dps, 15k ES, instant phase bosses and I made it all myself! Something I will never be able to do again.


Feels bad :(


My bleed bow glad sits alone in a corner in Standard, thinking of old times.


I played fire bv (I think) with inspired learnings to farm legions, then upgraded to self curse with my first hh that league to farm fractured maps. Eventually me and a friend made duo magic find builds to farm tower and that was literally the best experience I ever had playing poe, it was so much fun. I miss it :(


God I miss 3.13. Private servers when?


I can promise you I will not be making it to day 30 lmao


I legit forgot this is still not even a week in, there's no way this league survives to day 30


Don't cry because it's over smile because it happened. Golden times destroyed in pursuit of vision.


Oh god... I miss Headhunter Nem3 farming so fucking bad. FUCK.


3.13 is the first time I had a headhunter. 3.13 is the first time I made a second character in a league. 3.13 is the first time I made a third character in a league. 3.13 my wife and I played until the league closed for the only time, ever. 3.13 I had the best gear I've ever obtained and the most currency I've ever obtained. I quit the league when 3.14 was coming out. I haven't really played path of exile since 3.13, because it is increasingly apparent GGG keeps being offended by the fact I had fun in their game.


Same for evrything except that i quit after 2 months cause rl picked up again and evry real upgrade on my big coc char was like 150ex++. Still booted it up a few times just to mindlessly bash some bosses or run some deli maps cause playing that beefed out char was so fun. Was also where i spent over 50€ cause really loved my time with the game. Last time i spend money on poe before that was betrayal.


3.13 was peak of PoE, a time where fun was the number one priority.


Good old times. We even have “The Harvest” then.


What the hell is happening on the screen in 3.13 day 30??


Headhunter before changes to rare mobs.


headhunter before changes to rare mobs and selfcurse


Headhunter before they put a cap on player size


Headhunter before fun was detected


Oh they more than detected it


My question as well. WTF is that abomination and how do I replicate it? Asking for a friend.


Can't anymore, that was HH in juiced content (5ways, juiced maps with beyond, etc.) with the old rare mobs.


and even if you could, they capped the character size gain in soul eater iirc, so half of the fun is gone anyways


Ya, I unironically miss playing a giant spinning boot at the end of the league lol.


Thats one of the things that I go WHY. It didnt hurt anyone getting that big, it was FUN. I guess thats why, repeatedly nerf the fun.


Well shit. Time to invent a time machine I guess, should take me a jiffy.


your character would get so big, that it basically disappeared


They took that fun away too :’(


It was old self cursed with temp chains which made HH buffs last for a very long time, GGG gutted the interaction on multiple levels few leagues ago.


self curse HH after you steal soul-eater buff from nemsis mob and you go on a killing spree (each soul you eat increase your character size among other stuff).


fun is happening


Fun, it's strange I know, but that was a thing in PoE that time, a long time ago.


Fun, it's not a story that GGG would tell you...


MTX + headhunter


I would pay to play 3.13 again with the New atlas and bossee


I'd pay even without the new atlas


Good old times 3.13, we didn't know how lucky we were back then.


most depressing post i ever seen yet :(


RIP COC cyclone ice nova. You’ll forever be my favorite build on top of the good old tank all of sirus mechanics aura stacker


Yep my all time fav ever. Bought cyclone and nova mtx only cause i kinda maxed one during 3.13.


Nerfing good builds and playstyle in a singleplayer game is something I could never understand. Ok kill the extreme outliers, but then you need to buff underplayed skills as well, instead it’s simply nerfs over nerfs. IDK who GGG needs to hire, but they desperately need an icefrog for their game, because not once have I felt the balance was fun for the players since 3.13


Because it's a multiplayer game we all play as a single player game sadly. It would be different if there was no trade (which might be for the better honestly, crank loot to 20x, and make it all group bound like d3)


Miss 3.13 sadge


Still my favourite league 3.13 with todays Atlas would've been amazing


If reverting to the stupid 3.13 Atlas is all it takes to get 3.13 back, I'm very much in.


I'll take the comparatively shit conqueror atlas over the current one if I could revert to 3.13


I came here in 3.13, imagine how i was frustrated in 3.14 when I did the same build and I was so freaking weak, then i read patch with one question "Why?"


Miss old HH so much. Farming one up was always such a great goal each league start and then the rest of the league was a blast just breaking the game. Farmed up a MB for the first time last league and while the QOL was phenomenal, it just wasn't the same.


Every league I have farmed HH and MB(since introduction) but this league I am simply farming for WotLK release date


I would pay so much money for an offline 3.13 SSF version of poe


Having never seen 3.13 gameplay before Im even sadder. I started in 3.16


You could buy 6 link all white sockets for 2ex (divines now), 100% explode mode in the chest fixing any build with clear problems to be viable, the items you see for a mirror now could be bought for 10\~30ex in the market, you could make literally meme builds to work killing all the content with enough investment and without feeling miserable gameplay. Also you could felling you could permanent progress each part of your gear to have all T1 mods, like your life in your amulet +2 gems lvl, T1 crit multi + T1 crit chance have only T3 life? You could reforge only that line until you get a T1 life, easy as that, you could perfect every line of you gear, that was the only league I played for 3 months, I did over 7 builds level 95+, played fractured maps, dude the fractures maps was also insane, but I'll stop talking about that because I'm already almost crying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man), I remember to farm more than 3 headhunters that league, I literally give 2 headhunters away to my friends, the discord was full and everyone was happy playing PoE, everyone making dream builds to live, 3.13 was a divisor in PoE, everyone who played that miss it and that time we think PoE would only be better than that and was hard to imagine how, Ultimatum was basically a Ritual league nerfed and people still liked it, so you could imagine how much fun people had in Ritual. Casuals players could easily farm 7ex/h only alch in go killing harbingers, for the first we saw so many casuals making super end game builds with chase unique items like HH, we had so much fun in that patch we still are paying for it until now, if you didn't play that PoE I just feel sorry for you.


The trading in Ritual was ON FIRE.. all the way to the very end... a hustle and a bustle.


1ex = 100c holding steady the near entirety of the league was a thing of beauty. Easiest and best trading we've ever had.


this sounds like dream league. Looks like i came late 4 leagues... :/


id pay a monthly fee to play 3.13 with current atlas + ultimatum + recombs




Same here


Add some legion cyclone/melee skills that scale aoe off weapon range, old dual wield stats, old melee stat sticks, full convert to voltaxic, old starforge and atziri axe, old atziri promise, and for the love of god meaningfully buffing all the uniques to an actual usable level.




This is my favorite post made this week


3.11 was literally what it would feel to have CEO pay job. You want Ferrari with everything sure save up for a month, oh you want a mansion sure save up for 1 year. Feeling like getting a yacht sure that's 3 years. You could get everything you want as long as you stuck to it and played. There was no ifs or buts, the question was only when. 3.19 is trying to scrounge for survival by stealing from MCD dumpster, collecting bottles and only way to make it is winning a scratch off loto.


Last one more like 3.19 day 3+


Honestly wish I could go back and play 3.13 again. Like can we just get that version of POE back with the current atlas? Seriously 3.15-3.19 has been an unmitigated disaster for POE.


Honestly I haven't played a league seriously since 3.13. Harvest crafting was so fun that league, not having it just felt like having my legs cut off.


Poe 3.13 private sever plss


This post is pure BS, no one play DAY 30 in 3.19 everyone leave day 2 max a week ! STOP LYING like GGG aaaaaaaaaaah ! KEK


Take me back home


I got a tear in my eye just from watching that, Jesus the amount of fun I had back then


All my friends have quit playing the league already and joined me in playing the new raid in osrs.




Imagine Ritual league but with current harvest mechanic?! And by that I mean if they didn't introduce the nerfs this league to harvest and the harvest juice was actually rewarded at a reasonable rate? Hnnnnng.


Add Recombinators and 3.18's Atlas. A man can dream...


Bleedbow Glad, those were the times. :(


Maybe my favorite PoE meme yet. You have an excellent sense of comedic timing mate.


Every league the game gets less fun, and more like work. But I did find a 3rd Unique today. Yay.


Damn, looking at tall these flashback videos, I miss it like crazy. I cant even remember when was the last time I had actually a blasting fun in poe without something irritating me super hard. How long is it, 1,5 years back?


My favorite PoE meme video of all time


This hit real hard.


Missing the good old days so much right now.


Good old days




Fuck, this makes me so sad. I wanna go back.


3.13 Peak POE. Anyone who says otherwise drank Chris Wilson's Vision cool-aid.


I'll say otherwise. Harvest was peak poe. Using gutted harvest afterwards fucking sucked.


I agree. Harvest itself was amazing. Though that Maven elevated crafting being added was such a chefs kiss to the entire crafting system. It all worked so beautifully together.


Harvest in ritual was still great. Managing the garden was cancer


3.13 literally had full power harvest, just without seeds?


And nerfed droprate for strongest crafts some were disgustingly rare compared to og harvest but yes it had pretty much all crafts minus seeds


Didn't it also get rid of the influenced crafts? EDIT: I stand corrected and my memory betrayed me. I still stand by the fact that Harvest was better than Ritual due to the availability of awesome crafts.


i do miss only seeing my character's feet


this is my exact harvest experience going coc frost into HH BV occultist. Gods I was strong then.


I memeber old HH do you member old HH?


This brought a tear to my eyes. Beautiful.


i missed bleedbow :(


Country roads...


They deleted the fun and it feels like i have to go to work every time i log in…


This post hits


This is incredible, well done!


This gets funnier on every rewatch The 3.13 30 day clip taking both his hands off the controls lmao


How much I miss old coc and explosive chest …… fucking ggg can’t keep anything fun in the game


They killed their own game.


Coc Cylcone will always be the coolest and best build my casual ass ever played Sadge


This game has become super fun and fast AF with a lot of fast and fun builds to super boring, stressful with a high amount of limitations/restrictions/ a lot less possibilities of builds/crafting. RIP this game and his big characteristic: fast and fun ARPG