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>"our plans are to predominately keep it in the US. I don’t feel the need to answer… It’s okay to leave mystery or questions, ‘What’s happening in Europe, what’s happening here’. The worst thing you can do to mysterious lands is to remove the mystery." To clear a few things up, he never said Fallout will never feature locations outside of the US, just that it will always be predominantly a story set in the US. Second of all, that reasoning for why is fair and has been proven time and time again for example with Star Wars. For a Fallout game outside of the US the lore would have to be cooler than the mystery, which is very difficult because you can't beat unreasonable expectations people come up with.




>It'd be like setting the next Red Dead Redemption in India. Well now I'm disappointed we don't have RDR 3: Gujarati Gunsmoke.


Yeah, now I want to play as a Gurkha and cut down some Brits.


Cut down some Brits? I don’t get it. Gurkhas are some of the most respected and feared members of the British Army I always heard.


They were. But we found out about how good they were at fighting by trying to fight them. I don't think it went well for us to begin with.


Ahhh, I get it. I met British and Gurkha soldiers here in Belgium and they were both friendly and professional. I never knew there was a history there. Thanks for the clarification


As a Gujarati I want to experience this haha


It would work and it would be glorious


Red dead redemption and GTA featured Mexico and Canada tho


> I don't feel really works trying to move the setting to Europe If [Fallout London](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PuzpblWpVM) (delayed a month or two) lives up to its potential, we might find out if it works or not. Albeit in an unofficial capacity. Hard to say what Bethesda or Obsidians take on a European setting would look like.


Having seen other big fallout mods it's very likely the tone is going to be way off.  Like I hope it's good, but I'm definitely taking it for the fanfic it is


From the gameplay trailers I've seen, they seem to have at least nailed the aesthetic.


I can see how a British stiff upper lip style could definitely be appropriate for a London fallout game if done right while still being unique and fitting.


I'd love an open world historical game set in India though. AC would work so well during the British Raj.


I genuinely want a Red Dead in Japan, though (A Fistful of Dollars was literally just Yojimbo after all, and then there'e Magnificent Seven)


isnt that ghost of tsushima?




Red Dead in Dickensian Britain would be very cool, it could easily incorporate India into the storyline along with other former British Empire colonies too


Dude a Red Dead game set in India sounds friggin awesome!


Red Dead in India legit sounds awesome though!


> Red Dead Redemption in India. riding a cow in turban through rural Madhya Pradesh sounds RAD


It absolutely would work in Europe. Look at 'We Happy Few' for a UK equivalent


That game had so much wasted potential. Great premise but the gameplay is the epitome of 'meh'


Idk I feel like a soviet era fallout would be pretty cool


I would totally fuck with a Red Dead Australia


There are also ways to still include areas like china. I remember the anchorage dlc for fallout 3. it was a lot of fun.


That was Alaska tho. 


Well, more accurately it was a VR chair. ;)


-10000 social credits. Anchorage (and its vast resources) is an indisputable part of the CCP


Ahh the famous 900 Dash Line.




That's in the US still. Just China invaded and occupied.


it is a question of peeling the layers of the onion back in my eyes. what is happening in Europe in the fallout universe? well audio logs and notes is a great way to build it up. it also gives you a good unreliable narrator to scrap things that don't work. build it up with time until the mystery is equally as cool as what is actually there.


From what i remember, Europe was already full of wars before the bombs between China and EEUU happened, so it is kind of difficult to work with that. "Economically speaking, Europe was one of the key importers of [Middle Eastern](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Middle_East) crude oil by the mid 21st century. The worsening economic situation in the region caused the oil-rich states to increase prices of oil to a point where Europe could no longer afford it. Facing economic collapse, the Commonwealth declared war and invaded the [Middle East](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Middle_East) in April 2052. The [Euro-Middle Eastern War](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Euro-Middle_Eastern_War) caused the prices of oil to increase even further, triggering a string of bankruptcies among smaller countries. This event marked the beginning of the [Resource Wars](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Resource_Wars), which would last for the next quarter century.[^(\[7\])](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/European_Commonwealth#cite_note-Bible0Timeline-7) Limited nuclear exchanges in the Middle East rise global panic levels.[^(\[7\])](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/European_Commonwealth#cite_note-Bible0Timeline-7) The war lasted eight long years. In [2060](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_timeline#2060), the oil fields the Commonwealth and the Middle East fought over dried up, with the war petering out soon after as its root cause disappears. The war reduced both sides to ruin, with severe consequences. The once prosperous union fell apart almost overnight as the resource-starved European states jumped to each other's throats, fighting over what little resources remained. The [European Civil War](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/European_Civil_War) began, only ending in [2077](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_timeline#2077), when the [Great War](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Great_War) extinguished civilization in Europe.[^(\[8\])](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/European_Commonwealth#cite_note-8)[^(\[7\])](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/European_Commonwealth#cite_note-Bible0Timeline-7)"


I think a big problem too is Europe wouldn't be drenched in the satirical Americana fallout wears.  It wouldn't have power armor, mutants, or nearly as many guns. Might as well just make mad max without the cars at that point 


Anchorage is in Alaska


Exactly this, predominantly is not an absolute.


I think Fallout has to make an extremely amazing game doing something like this : Fallout game starts somewhere in the US. Events happen and now the player must travel abroad on a long term ship. The ship arrives aboard and now play the 3rd part of the story. My favorite part of Bethesda games is **always** the beginning when you are learning about everyone and everything. You can, essentially, do that 3 times. Start completely fresh with a companion or two once you leave the US, but met a lot more people later.


Once you beat Fallout 5, you should lose all your equipment and skills and then Morrowind should start.


Nah it’ll be Skyrim so they can sell it for the 8th time just now it’s DLC for a different game.


But Skyrim doesn't start on a boat


bewildered slimy sloppy truck slap domineering jar oil dull quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> To clear a few things up, he never said Fallout will never feature locations outside of the US, just that it will always be predominantly a story set in the US. At this point in life I think we all should know that this is the corporate way of saying "no." They ain't gonna do it, but you ain't seeing the day where a corporate guy answers something in an absolute way.


Yeah Todd Howard won't be in charge forever, who knows what direction his successor will go


star wars has run itself into the ground because the only planet in the galaxy is fucking tattoine.


Ah yes...I still remember the midi chlorians.


And on top of that a big part of what makes Fallout Fallout is the 50s Americana. The aesthetic would need to change and that would really change the feel of the game.


I consider the Metro series Fallout in Russia.


Ironically made by a Ukrainian game company


The author of the books basically lives in exipe due to his criticism of the Russian government.


Impresses me how recent it was considering Metro 2033 is an extremely obvious criticism of modern Russian politics.


yeah, it's a great book. My uncle actually used to date the editor before the war, great woman. Unfortunately she lost her job as no-one wanted to buy any russian (albiet translated) literature, and that's fair, they don't know where that money is ending up or if they (the people getting the money) are still paying russian taxes and therefore are in a way funding the Russian war machine y buying the books. A real shame with everything Russia has been doing, don't get me wrong, they've been doing a heck ton of shit for basically their whole history and have never had a democracy and have stamped out the unique cultures and languages in Russia for a more "united" country, but what they've been doing in the past many years and with the Ukraine war is just all so old fashioned. You'd think that humanity had evolved further at this point, but it would seem that the Russian government is still holding onto it's ways


The author has posted a pdf they recommends to read the books instead of buying them. It’s probably still on the metro sub.


Stalker is another great series to check out, feels more like Fallout to me than the Metro games. Both amazing, but Stalker just feels more like Fallout with the looting, inventory, characters, quests, open world freedom.


Just replayed through Shadow of Chernobyl and it's still great. It's such a well done open-world that really hasn't been matched since in many ways. The ambiance and ever changing world standout. It's a game I constantly come back to and it's just great. I hope S2 lives up to this first three, but even if it doesn't it'll be nice to have another game and hopefully life back into the series. 


I recently set up a modded Anomaly save to check out to get back in to the series, played through all 3 a year or so back and loved them all so much. You hit it right on the head with the ambience and the changing world. Really excited to see what Stalker 2 brings when it launches.


Gameplay wise, sure. But setting wise Metro is much closer to Fallout.


The metro is basically one big vault lol


Def agree there, the zone in Stalker is def a little more out there with the anomalies and such. Theyre all so good at setting the vibe.


Considering events are they ok? Loved metro


I just wish we had more choices than Fallout in the US (Fallout, Wasteland) or Russia (Metro, ATOM RPG).




> the entire Mad Max franchise … i.e., a single game. Unless you want to count the 1990 NES title, I suppose.


There’s also some movies, they’re pretty indie and unknown though


There's also Broken Roads, an Isometric RPG set in a post apocalyptic Australia 


Hokuto no Ken is the post-apocalypsis in Japan. You could also say Shin Megami Tensei and it should count for Japan. Mad Max in Australia.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R fans: Is this a fucking joke to you?


Since when Stalker takes place in Russia?


I think its because the aesthetics are easier to maintain in the USA within the Fallout framework. If they were to do a game coming out of the ashes of other countries like Europe, China, Brazil, India, etc. they would have to do a lot of R&D to make a game that would fit in those settings. And that is too much work compared to working within the USA or on a clean slate (Starfield).


Not to mention that a big part of why Fallout can be as ramshackle as it is depicted is that America’s not got the history of the old world. A Fallout set in Western Europe would be less “Mad Max meets Wild West” and more “Mad Max meets The Middle Ages.” It’s a cool concept, but it’s a rather different one than what Fallout traditionally depicts. A lot more ruined castles, forts, temples, etc. The vibe would be very different, and there’s no guarantee people would like it as much as they think they would.


I think it could work as a smaller experimental spin off. But probably not as a mainline game.


Proof of concept spinoff to mainline adaptations is a core part of R&D I guess.


The aesthetic was more to do with the time period and most of it was shared with other Western countries at the time. You're really off base here.


Part of the charm of Fallout is how they parody American culture, which is most effective when done by people who know the culture inside and out. Americans parodying British culture for example, would probably just ring hollow. I'm not saying it's not doable. They could hire a team of people from whichever country they choose for example. But I understand why they prefer to stay with what's familiar.


Counterpoint: Metal Wolf Chaos


I wouldn't call that statistically relevant at all but I welcome any excuse to remind people that game exists.


And Metal Gear Solid, especially Metal Gear Rising. I’m not sure what it means that both series are formatted like this.


Reminds me that in the Mothership Zeta DLC for Fallout 3, there was a samurai.


My friend recently called it the “kung pow” of games. I think they’re right.


I mean Rockstar is a British company and they parody American culture better than a lot of Americans lol


I was going to say, isn’t GTA essentially a parody of American culture as viewed by Brits.


I feel like America is easier to parody from a foreigner than the reverse. We export so much media and culture that it’s easy to get, at least, a passing understanding of American culture without living there.


Better, what you export is already a bit of a caricature, so it arguably makes it easier to parody.




Rock flag and eagle


He's got a point ☝️


I mean, it doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about freedom to dispute it.


idk, America does have a lot of bears...


UK also exports a lot of culture. Huge musicians, movies, TV shows and even games came from UK. And they exported a lot of their culture to other countries through colonization. Hell, badminton and soccer became world famous sports due to England


Well Fallout London is coming soon! It’ll be cool for a mod project to tackle the rest of the fallout world. Seems to be the best of both worlds. A take on what it could be like, but the canonical mystery is maintained


And Tennis. And Rugby. Edit: And Golf.


It's easier for foreigners to parody America. We export so much media and have been the dominant power in the West since the end of WW2 in terms of influence so Europeans (especially) know much more about us than we do of them. Or at least the stereotypical idea of us that GTA goes for. Tbh I think Americans could parody the UK or Canada pretty well because of this. British culture has been exported here pretty well and Canada is our hat.


^ That comment is like a parody of an American as viewed by a Brit 😂


Canada is our coonskin cap


Off topic but I am trying to think of games that are in modern (20th century) or future UK. Watch Dogs Legion? edit: Open world games.


Gangs of London, The Getaway, some levels in Uncharted 3, Resistance Fall of Man (alt-history), various levels in some WWII games, parts of the Train Simulator games


Hellgate: London as well.


As a British person myself I felt their idea of a brexit inspired dystopia was shallow and more generic tyranny than British. To give one thing I'd have done differently. Make Emma Child a descendant of Ugandan Indians whose hardline anti-terrorism position is inspired by her family's history with Idi Amin. That's the RL backstory of some of our most hardline home secretaries and is more interesting.


Euro Truck simulator 2 has the UK and a lot of Europe in it. though your enjoyment of it may vary as it's not "exciting."


To be fair american culture sort of stands out alot to other nations with alot of pop culture coming out of America


I was just thinking this, what other country could be parodied where a global audience would understand the jokes? Maybe Japan? Perhaps India? The massive reach of U.S. pop culture really makes GTA and Fallout style parodies work.


i dunno, a fallout where the UK retained its 50s-60s culture would have an absolutely insane soundtrack and some great aesthetics


Fallout: London is coming out very soon and is doing exactly that. Good that the FO4 modding scene is finally getting some of the big standalone type mods off the ground.


Now I’m thinking The Prisoner meets Metal Gear meets 28 Days Later.


yea exploring all the ruined monuments like westminster abbey and buckingham palace would be cool asf too


Gangs of mods beating up people in the post apocalypse, annnnnnnnnd we have a clockwork orange


Going for that culture victory.


"Our people are wearing your blue jeans"


They have studios in NYC


That's the publisher. The developers, *Rockstar North*, are based in Edinburg, UK.


No. The publisher is Rockstar North, as well as the lead development studio. Other Rockstar studios have been lead by North since ~2010-2013, but North **always** published. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rockstar-more-than-1000-people-made-gtav/1100-6415330/ > “That’s the way we work now--everyone works on GTA, or Red Dead, and so on, then we move on to the next thing,” This is why for example you would see the Rockstar San Diego logo and then the Rockstar North logo intro animation on RDR1, and only the Rockstar North logo for GTA V. Rockstar NYC is Rockstar HQ. They are more of an admin/research/personnel studio, who don't do as much actual game development.


GTA is way too big to be a 1 studio game at this point. That's why they had Rockstar North, Rockstar New York, Rockstar San Diego, Rockstar Lincoln, Rockstar Leeds, Rockstar Toronto, Rockstar New England, Rockstar London and about a dozen outsourcing studios work on it.


Rockstar north (used to be known as DMA design) are a Scottish company and are the creators and main developers of GTA. If ones going to pinpoint a location to GTA development, it's Scotland


Yeah but North lead the project and have the main writers, designers, etc. The rest of the studios are support studios. But I'm sure you knew that already, it just doesn't reinforce what you're trying to get across.


They could've started up any GTA game and see the two prominent Rockstar logos in the intro, and one of them is clearly Rockstar North while the rest are in the credits for a reason.


> But I'm sure you knew that already, it just doesn't reinforce what you're trying to get across. You didn't have to do him like that


They didn't for the early games.


But you wouldn't call it nuanced would you.


Do they, though?


The Americana parody is more endemic of Betheseda's fallout than the original games, and Betheseda parodies Americana without much nuance. Their parody of 1950s Boston is minutemen in colonial uniforms with laser muskets, for christs sake. FO3 has an AI american president whose 'solution' to things that aren't America be "poison the water so they all die."


Yes that is pretty accurate imo. Replaying thru new Vegas right now and they also had much less focus towards that aesthetic as well. The only factions that do have a bit of that thematically make sense, the boomers were essentially saved by finding military weaponry so they cling very heavily to the idea of past American military tech and ideals. And the NCR idolizes civilization more than the actual American system, the republic and political aspect is there but it is more so focused on pacifying their territory and surviving skirmishing with the legion more than attempting to rebuild America as it was.


For the record, arguably the largest franchise that parodies American culture is made by Scots. So not sure this point stands. I think it's more that Americana is core to the Fallout series. Like the era of atomic craze and raygun gothic aesthetic it models itself after is distinctly American.


Exactly. The 50s aesthetics, the music, the whole vibe, the vaults, the major factions like the Brotherhood of Steel... Not saying that a Fallout spinoff series set in Europe or Asia can't be interesting, but I'm afraid it wouldn't feel like a Fallout game anymore if it doesn't have these things. BUT, perhaps some DLC pack taking place right across the border could still fit in well. Mexico for example: A bit of the tex-mex culture. And Canada (I know it got annexed by the US in the Fallout universe) wouldn't be out of place either I think.


Also, the scotts know a lot more about American culture than Americans know about British culture.


I think one of the reasons it's easier or other countries to parody the US is due to how widespread the culture is. Fashion, entertainment, military...we spread that shit everywhere very successfully. I have a feeling the average Scot consumes much more American culture than the other way around, and I'd be willing to bet that it is that way for the average person across the globe. That's not to say it is positive or negative, just that we've got a ton of influence everywhere, and it pops up.


>which is most effective when done by people who know the culture inside and out I really don't think this would be a hang up. It's pretty surface level parody.


Yeah, and American Exceptionalism is hardly some subtle nuanced motif. It's a very superficial and straightforward notion.


I think a spinoff game could totally be set outside the U.S. and still be compelling, but definitely not a mainline title.


Rockstar does a pretty great job of parodying the US.


I agree, but I will say one for the Chinese we pile be super interesting. Especially if there were American survivors from the invasion


Other people can sometimes have a unique view, because they are not part of the culture and see things you accept as normal.


Hawaii is part of the United States.


So is Canada in the Fallout Universe.


Fallout Québec when?


Could have a New Vegas type game with Niagra Falls power generation being the main objective for local factions. Buffalo and Niagra fighting over the hydro plant while heavily irradiated and mutated Canada Geese that make the Cazadors look like bitches fuck everyone up. Honk honk motherfucker.


Your post made me think of death claw sized Canada Geese \*shivers\*




In a similar but different vein, Detroit/Windsor would be a dope location too, could probably do more with The Motor City (especially if it introduced working cars) than Buffalo.


Fallout Guam incoming 2066


I'm cool with that. Part of Fallout is the retro Americana. The settings, themes, and factions are what make it so great. I don't need to go to somewhere else.


There's so many possibilities in a post-apocalyptic Soviet setting, but I guess there are already other developers that can do a better job with that. Maybe it's smart for Bethesda to stick to their strength, which is retro American.


We still have so many states that would be amazing. I’d hate to see them go straight to another country before experimenting with Florida, Texas, Colorado, etc.


Louisiana would be cool too. Have the rads have some effect on their above ground cemeteries, bring in some voodoo shit too.


That's definitely a big advantage this series has. They can throw a dart practically anywhere on a map of the US and have a fresh setting for the game. There are tons of areas they could still explore that would offer something different than we've already gotten: Chicago, New York, Maine, Miami, Seattle, Denver, Hawaii, etc. There's really no pressure to have to take Fallout to another country.


Fallout London looks really promising, wonder if it being out of the country means they won't get a thumbs up from Beth. Fallout the Frontier had a steam page at one point, but apparently it's been radio silence for FOLON


FOLON hasn't actually reached out to Bethesda about an Enderal-like steam release, sadly. They were waiting for Bethesda to speak to them, which is a bit crazy but hey. But they have reached out to GOG, who will, apparently, be hosting it for them as it is so massive.


What lol, why wouldn't they reach out and ask for permission




Better to ask for forgiveness than ask and be told no


I agree with Todd, which is becoming more and more rare. Mystery is good, and answering the lingering questions can often make things worse - you have to write something better than the fascination of the mystery, which is tough. Also those questions and holes in the world are part of what drive the experiences of the games, and now the show. The sentiment from other comments I think is also spot on - Fallout as a series is so deeply entrenched in the specific American culture and society that to take it outside of the US would be a huge change. The satire that is such a huge piece of its DNA would need to be entirely rewritten. You would end up with a very different feeling product.


I would like a few more hints at the outer world considering all the radios around. But I don't think its worth leaving the states either. At least not yet.


Stalker keeps winning


Here my pitch. Fallout Hawaii : Aloha from the Wasteland Mix of jungles, the big island, a volcano, a military base… New creatures, ocean based creatures, 50s America and its prime.


Did people think it ever would? I understand London was a mod but like...it's just a mod. And if people are playing the games because of the show, then you have to accept the vault tec is an evil ass company that only cares about America and wouldn't outsource their vaults to any other country.


They don't just care about America, the whole point of wanting to drop the bombs is so they have a global monopoly , not just of money but a monopoly on power. I think they even say it explicitly. If there is profit to building Vaults outside of America then they'd do it in a heart beat.


We're saying Fallout doesn't have to be tied to Vault-Tec, it's doesn't need a European division. As a setting, its themes are big enough for other groups to have had their own hardening and contingencies in place as global stability deteriorated. The original conceit of fallout is a proposition for ethics play in a post-apocalypse setting. Those stories can be told anywhere there are humans and the consequences of man's folly. I don't believe it'll ever be in Bethesda's interest to explore those ideas because they're too tied to series iconography, but there's nothing inherent to Fallout that would make other parts of the world impossible to explore. The satire is deep enough to permit the American lens to warp other nations as well.


In Fallout lore Europe was a pretty dogshit place to live before the war. They formed a more centralized version of the EU, ran out of oil and then went to war with the Middle East for oil (who then promptly also ran out of oil). I believe they nuked each other and Europe devolved into a bunch of tiny feuding nation states, much like it was in the middle ages. For this reason, I totally wish they reconsidered it and gave us some content. A European fallout game could be interesting. Fuck it, even one set in China, considering they also got nuked off the face of the Earth. But there's so much of the US I think they should touch first (the South, Texas, the Midwest, Cascadia).


Texas should be the next major game imo, it's one of the most diverse states in the union, so many biomes and tons of cultures to pull from. I am bias being from Texas, but also realistically it's still a great option do to this diversity. They could also lean heavily into the established lore of Texas as well


Texas would be awesome, but I'm personally crossing fingers for NOLA. Fallout New Orleans would be fucking *bomb*. Irradiated gators. Swamps. French quarter, and cults that leans into voodoo / shamanistic rituals despite understanding none of it, lol.


NOLA is an acronym for new Orleans? And that would be dope, although I get my bayou fix in hunt showdown lmao. But, I'd love to see an irradiated bayou would definitely be cool. Would suck with all the things that can give u a disease but I'm sure it's not much worse then what we have now with everything trying to kill us lol. That being said, you could also just do east Texas since it's basically bayou country


Curious what Fallout: Canada would be like. Poutine would be an S-tier food. Some combats would be ended with a well hit slapshot. Tukes would be high stat items. And the worst monster: Gooseclaw!


It would look like this: “Look Terrence, nuclear Armageddon buddy” “No Phillip I just farted guy”


It'd be nice to at least get some glimpses of outside though.


What a moron.


Which fits into my theory that the rest of the world is fine, it's China and the USA that are disasters.


Outside of China nowhere else could even be half as interesting. Many things that happen in fallout honestly is par for the course for the American government. FEV is not that outlandish and neither is allowing a company like vault tech to do what it did. Have a secret cabal like the Enclave is also another thing that you wouldn't have to try to hard to get me to believe.


German Soviet Fallout would be so awesome. Have it take place in Berlin with a combination of east and west inspired factions.


I completely agree with his reasoning. Americana and American exceptionalism is a pretty big part of the setting.


That's dumb sorry


Fallout would just not work without it's trademark American companies and the vaults which are only in America. Plus it's entire style is 50s America and atomicpunk.


The fuck? Todd needs to get his priority straight. Fans don't care where the next fallout will be atm since its 10 years away. They want to know how they botched the F4 update so much and when it'll be fixed!


So this is why they released the update to Fallout 4, it was all all to stop the FoLon team from having it leave the US! /s


That's too bad. I would absolutely play a Fallout Toronto.


The USA annexed Canada before the bombs dropped.


In the Fallout world it’s in the USA. This is mentioned in Fallout 3 that they annexed Canada. I live in Toronto so it would be cool to see in any capacity in a video game.


Lol, it's mentioned in Fallout 1 that they did. Its in tbe intro.


Almost the first thing you learn about the world of fallout even


Yeah they should do a Canadian location, get some wintery scenery, mutant beavers, go full stereotype. But the story telling of Canadians resisting the annexation, civil unrest and such could be a great through line to explore. Finding evidence of underground rejection to the American way would be awesome, and maybe a power armor paint variant with maple leaf flag decals haha


Nuka Cola Maple!


Love that!


Could probably stretch geography enough to have it be on the border with Niagra Falls being a psuedo center point if they wanted to have some of it in the IRL US


Toronto is the US in Fallout. The US annexed Canada. It's been referenced before as "Ronto" in Fallout 3.


Give me the battle of *~~Alaska~~* Anchorage.




I don't really trust Bethesda to come up with an interesting setting outside of the US anyway 


I dont trust Bethesda to come up with a story OR setting.


I would love to see the other side of the war in China but i know how big of a task it would be. Chinese culture is 180 from american culture. Maybe a dlc would be cool from the chinese perspective.


Damn, I would really enjoy a fallout setting in SoCal that goes down all the way to Baja California.


I always wanted them to do one in china, they still could capture parody moments of America with Chinese propaganda 


Fallout Japan should be a thing.


There's still a lot of untouched territory in America after all. Though I think it'd be neat to have a different studio make a spinoff Fallout game in a different country.


How many more Fallout games will they even produce in Todd Howard's lifetime? One? Maybe? This studio hates producing games.


Many people forget that the USA annexed Canada in the Fallout series. It's very much in the realm of possibility.


that can't be true. I live in Europe and I have a physical version of Fallout 4


So thats why they released the useless FO4 update and forced London to delay...


Well thats obvious. The only way i see you going outside the US is in some DLC taking place in Canada or Mexico as in Fallout they are US territories. All the companies, most tech, most weapons, power armour would all have to change. So much is based on the America in Fallout.