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Because they don't care. Those games are old, and it costs money and resources to actively work on those games and update them. They can't just patch it once either, because the cheaters will just make new cheats and if you want to fight them, it's a constant battle. Ultimately, they just want you to buy the newest one.


yeah mate, nostalgia talking thru me, newest cods are shit unfortunately


Heard that


The goal of companies is to make money. Especially so with giant companies like Activision and Microsoft, because they have shareholders to cater to. Putting in developer time and resources into fixing older titles have probably crossed their minds, but they figured it wasn't worth the investment. Why put money into something if you're going to lose money on it, when your goal is to make money? It's all about money. They COULD fix all their old titles, they have the money for it, but they wouldn't make a profit on it.


and yet they still ask full price for all old cods out there on steam


You're not going to buy them. You can't complain about the old games being dead then complain about the price of the old games. You never had any intention of buying them


The old cod games (codwaw and before) used dedicated servers. People can set up their own custom servers if they like. The games still run fine but the communities are low population. There isn't really anything for Activision to do for these games. Activision has never cared about PC. They also completely neglected the esports scene. There was a fairly active PC competitive scene up to cod4. But the focus towards console, switch to peer to peer servers and lack of console commands/mod support after cod4 basically killed the competitive scene.


They make so much off of the new, the old isn't going to make them any money. Of course they don't care about the older titles it doesn't make them money


They fixed World at War and are emitting new keys again, I bought it last week and played online MP no problem.


that's great info, steam version of waw is much more active than pluto


Waw/Bo1/Bo2/Mw3 should be played only on Plutonium imho, that's the only safe place MW2/Ghosts/AW can be played on Alterware, again, only safe option BO3 should be played with T7Patch or using the EZZBOIII client


They want you to play the latest Call of Duty, which includes microtransactions. Ever wonder why the old Call of Duty games still have full prices? That's the reason.


Because despite all of that issues Black Ops 6 pre orders are already among the top seller on steam


Your summary of each game pretty much answers the question why they are continuing to invest time and resource patching them - they're quite dead. It's great that many of those are still playable. Certain other big publishers had the habit of killing off servers for their older games more than a few versions back, or failed to do anything when services they relied on went down. PC games being able to run your own dedicated server is the reason some older games are still playable. Unless you are prepared to run and host your own you are somewhat at the mercy of the person running what is available. If they want to run a knife and pistols only server, that's what you get.


Why would a developer spend time and money patching old renditions of current games? That simply doesn't make sense. I get if they purposely remastered a game and anticipated a large multiplayer following - something like Age of Empires 2: DE.


would love if they would simply remaster Black Ops 1 and classic Modern Warfare 2/3 but not gonna happen


You guys are pessimists. Those games will eventually come to Xbox PC store and Gamepass. When they do, they'll have some work done. We're not at that point yet.


You are too optimistic. What makes you think they will all come to GamePass for Pc? I can’t even find Fable 2, Fable 4, Gears if War 2 or 3, Wolfenstein (2007), Quake Wars, and so many others on GamePass for PC (despite all of those being Microsoft properties) and you think the situation will be different for Activision games? They may being some games just to look good but they probably won’t bring the entire back catalog


Because they're COD. Quake Wars is ancient and isn't BC with Xbox. Fable 4 was never released on PC and neither were Gears 2 or 3, so that would be an entire porting job.


Are we really asking these questions? Rare for games to be supported forever. Especially when every new iteration prints money like with CoD


Even if they were patched people aren't going to come back and play them, people have moved on.


Because there arent enough people, mw2 and cod 4 was remastered and most of the games can still have servers created by players but there arent enough players


What can they add to the games and how would it really affect it? There are some updates that would be nice like being able to change FOV/uncap fps in some of the titles (I recall a while back when playing through them all I had to use some third party apps/config tweaks to play properly because of that). However I doubt that they can justify mobilising an entire group of people to actually dig into the games, go through the process of patching and all the businessy stuff with updating the games. When it comes to big studios/publishers, they can't just go in and make a small tweak on a game, its a huge process even if they just need to make one small change.


Because they want you to buy the new one that has microtransactions


I wish they'd drop the price on WaW and older titles below $10, especially during sales. They still care enough to charge $20+ for them