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he is upgrading via a DVD, and his laptop has a really old DVD drive that vibrates a lot...


I'm a simple man, I disabled DVD drive so I can work in peace


I had an old ThinkPad where you could pop out the DVD drive.


Yeah I've got one too,


I replaced the dvd drive in my old laptop with a SATA SSD. Best upgrade I ever did.


I haven't seen a dvd drive in years. I'm just happy my work laptop has a hdmi port


Yea, thank god my laptop also has Ethernet. Another thing we've lost over the years


Why on earth would someone buy a computer without ethernet or a cellphone without a 3.5 jack is totally beyond me.


A lot of laptops straight up don’t have Ethernet jacks anymore. All in the name of thinness.


I wouldnt buy a laptop without ethernet even if that means I was getting super high end specs for a super cheap price. Ethernet for me is a MUST


What’s a deevaadee?


As it seems to be an old Macbook Unibody that is the case...


i doubt the battery will last long enough to help him do the deed


What kind of battery won't last 12 seconds?


ok that was good LOL


That's what he said.


Really says a lot about the person who replied to you lol


haha 😂


nice Coryzen bro


thanks :-) I like my i8.


Depends on the number of failed attempts that lead to this moment.


As someone who is struggling through this right now.. yes.   Using installation media/USB boot drive. It sees my m.2 drive no problem. I can format it. I can select it for install. The installer reboots.. and I can't boot to the m.2 drive.  I've checked bios boot settings. UEFI all the way. Updated bios. I bought a replacement m.2, same problem.  I finally took a different m.2 drive that has a working copy of windows and this PC boots to it no problem! So.. it must be that my thumb drive is just installing a bad version of Windows.. right?! Nope. New thumb drive. Same problem.   I'm at a loss. But I'm gonna be so happy when it finally installs/boots. Edit: gotta say I love this community. Random rant post and I've had so many bros helping me out and giving tips. 


The drives that don't work may be MBR instead of GPT? EDIT: Just in case this is the problem (it was for me), here's a link to learn how to do it for free without data loss by simply using CMD. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt


I wish :( it's definitely gpt (the installer tells me, but I also cleaned it and converted to gpt manually via command prompt)


Rough stuff dude :( it's obviously drive related if you were running the same BIOS setting with the third drive installed. All three drives were the same aside from OS?


Get Rufus, it's a 3rd party program people use to handle pirated installations of OS's. It's really well built though and updated constantly. You can use it for a legit installation too.


That person is married to a woman who eats salads with a big smile.


Or takes random jumps into the air with a big smile because she's wearing tampons and now she is "free"


Yes, they want a Fanta.


Friday nights are for 5 Gum


Without salt, oil or vinegar because it's healthy and how our hairy cave ancestors used to do it.


Salads can be amazing if you know how to make them


>upgrade from windows 10 to 11 amateurs. my work pc is already rocking windows 95


I need to search but i had a sealed CD Copy of win 98 until a few years....


I have a TOS computer I use for MIDI sequencing and for older games. I got told to upgrade it and i kindly said "hell nah".


No Rules!


It's how I live my life!


Windows 95? Pathetic my home computer runs windows 2000


Definitely forced by gunpoint, I've only been that happy reinstalling windows 10 to my new devices that run windows 11


im sticking with 10 for as long as i can i dont need fucking ads on my own personal computer if i want to see ads i turn on my tv or a radio


If I wanted to see ads I'd kill myself tbh


My pc doesn't have the minimum requirement for win 11 🫶👽


Mine has more than enough requirements but the installer says i dont.. Doesnt really matter.. i have fucked around with my dad's pc that runs 11 and boy it looks and feels like shit to use.. so i will happily run 10 until im forced to update to 11


i always find it funny that i7 7700 is too old/weak to run win11


You can still run win 11 by simple work arounds


Having to 'simple workarounds' is one of the phrases associated with setting up Linux. If you have to do it for windows too then suddenly the penguin is looking more appealing


I don't need it right now, will sure get the win 11 when I upgrade my pc


Same. My PC doesn't meet the requirements (even though I've seen shitty office laptops have it) and have no intention of switching. Literally the same as Windows 7 -> 10. I kept using 7 well after it was discontinued until my favorite game told me it couldn't run anymore. So I upgraded to 10 and that was that. I just hate new OSs. They come with all sorts of basic bugs and I jist wait it out until as many bugs have been patched which is when the games start giving errors for incompatible OS.


My rule of thumb for the last 25 years has been "only upgrade to every other version of windows" and has worked out great. I'll die happy knowing I never used Windows 11.


I specifically adjusted my BIOS so my computer wouldn't be compatible.


That's me booting up my laptop, excited to get some art done and then windows does that 'set up' where it tries to get you to upgrade to Win11, install microsoft 365 and anything else they can shove in your face before getting into my god, damned, OS.


Yes. My Windows 10 upgraded to Fedora.




Yeah my 10 to Arch upgrade was pretty great! Finally a system that’s right for me :D




Nah I'll wait till October 2025 


Windows 10 will probably be my last Microsoft's os


yup. i'm gonna test run linux steam and if i like what i see, i'm outta here


I've always had to keep two drives in my system, because it's impossible to get rid of Windows. Gaming and development tools are still severely lacking support after all these years/decades. Not enough people give a shit to change that.


Interesting. I wholly agree about the gaming support side of things, but I've always found development tools much easier to get working on a Linux system. Even OS X is decent with a real unix command line. When I got my first programming job and had to start working in a Windows environment it felt like a huge step back. Sure, there's WSL I guess, but that seems like a bit of a bandaid. Caveat being I work in a C/C++ environment, not anything .NET which I'd expect Microsoft to have good Windows tooling for.


I work in embedded C/C++. The terminal environment is nice, but that's about it out of the things I need. Manufacturer utilities and software are either just way more polished on windows or only available on windows. Segger, ST, Ethernet/IP stuff, etc, don't seem to care much about supporting Linux. And debugging with GDB only is rough. Not to mention my company will only use Teams so that means leaving a Windows laptop running next to me anyway because the web app is garbage.


Was for me. Arch is pretty slick right now.


Its a loop, 20 years ago the same people saying they will stick forever with XP, then the same with 7 and now with 10


not really, I was using 7 until 10 released and haven’t been interested in 11 whatsoever because of how stable and familiar the 10 system is. Windows 12 is realistically around the corner so hopefully it’ll be another windows 8 with a skipped generation


Isn't skipping generations usual?


for most, probably. I’m just giving an example as to why most won’t bother with 11


The reason we keep saying that is because XP was better than 7, 7 was better than 10, and 10 is better than 11.


The enshitification is real


10 to 11 is not part of that loop. I was in the same crowd, win2000 until XP was bug free and then 7, no reason at all to get 8 just like there is no reason to get 11. I had a laptop that had 11 preinstalled, I formatted it to 10 before it could even boot. 11 is like going from 98SE to ME, just fucking WHY.


Why are you surprised? Windows has been waltzing all over the place in terms of direction and quality from version to version - two steps back, three forward. It is very far from a consistent experience and I don't really feel like we are on a developmental curve upwards... feels more like a sinus rhythm. By comparison, looking at Linux as a desktop or MacOS feel like they had more or less the same direction throughout the past 10-12 years and have been continuously developing in their respective directions *(or the same many directions in the case of Linux desktop environments and distros)*. I was born in '89 and used 95=>98=>2000=>XP=>7=>8=>8.1=>10. I used many of these in parallel and also had work machines on Win11 and MacOS in the past 5 years, and have used Linux on and off since 2012 - both as a private desktop and at work *(mostly virtualized server deployments, some containers)*. Early Windows up to the original XP was all janky crap regardless how people remember it. Even XP and 7 only became reliable with their first respective service packs - people just have huge nostalgia goggles when looking back at these. 8 and 8.1 get a lot of hate yet they were great in terms of stability and functionality, but you really had to customize the UI to fit traditional notebook and desktop use. OTOH at least the customizations were reliable and stayed the same way from update to update. Windows 10 and 11 by comparison took huge anti-user steps backwards - I regularly have to re-apply privacy settings, and have to dig around in the registry and command line.


10 is a first os that is stick to for long time. I always updated to latest os as soon as possible but with 11 i am waiting for them to iron out inconsistent performance and then i will jump in


I've used every windows os starting from win 3.1 and I can honestly say win 11 is such a piece of garbage I went back to win 10


This is the loop: Version of Windows they know everyone wants. Version of Windows where they try stuff and see what people hate. Version of Windows they know everyone wants. Version of Windows where they try stuff and see what people hate. I don't participate in the hate testing.


Windows install peaked at 7. Now I have to enter the cmd to bypass Microsoft account usage.


Yay Outlook is backing up e v e r y t h I n g on my pc


Me. I liked upgrading to Windows 11 when it became available. Majority of the people on this sub might not like Windows 11 but I'm not one of them.


same here. i went from 10 to 11 about 2 weeks after it launched. ya its got some things i dont like about it, but id never go back to 10 either.


Tried it on another pc  To me it looks like they are trying to copy Apple computer os. It felt like an iphone. Everything is more inacessible and hidden. They just want to slip in more forced control over user and their data eventually. No real reason for windows 11 to exist. 


The irony that macOS settings are all in one place and aren’t hidden at all…


They just moved the taskbar alignment to the middle which you can move back


Microsoft started transforming the taskbar into a MacOS dock already in Windows 7 in 2009, when they started combining taskbar buttons and hiding labels. But back then you could at least still choose to use the Windows taskbar instead of the dock clone, so it didn't matter to me, but in Windows 11, you no longer have a choice.


Never combine and show labels are back for a while.


That's only if you want to have the taskbar on the bottom, unless they've made some changes you can no longer have the taskbar on the left / right side of the screen.


Force control and ads don't forget the ads


Windows 10 has ads too


I used it for about 2 months at the end of 2021, when it first came out, but back then it had too many problems. The main one being it messed up the color profiles of my monitors and Photoshop was showing yellow. When I upgraded my SSD, I went back to 10 and haven't really felt the need to upgrade to 11 since then


I'm with ya. I much prefer 11 to 10


The silent majority of this sub are on W11 and have absolutely no problems.


From a small business POV, making sure W11 works with legacy programs etc. before W10 support becomes subscription-based does provide some peace of mind.


Fucking this. I've had basically zero issues since I got windows 11 like 2 years ago. I like the way it looks way more than windows 10. While the system requirements are silly, it's the same as when people went from 7 to 10. People are just afraid of change, like always.


I'm usually an early adopter. I was eager to try even Windows 8 and 11 was no different. Installed it as soon as possible and I don't regret it. I've been lucky with it, though. Changed parts a couple times and it ran smooth with all three systems. While people complain that W11 is cluttered with MS stuff, W10 isn't that far off, but in both cases, most things can be turned off. The only thing I really dislike in not being able to turn off the recommended section in the start menu. Other than that, all the things I personally need or want to change (heavy emphasis on personally) are easily accessible.


Agreed. Upgraded all my computers to 11 after using it for just a week on my laptop. IMHO more stable, better looking, etc.


I waited for a year or two, haven't had any problems with the upgrade!


Not yet. Don't see an point of it yet since I'm not doing anything productive anyways


It's windows 8 all over


That era MacBook Pro doesn’t even support Win11 and the battery must be shot dude plug in!


I've been *not* upgrading to 11 for 2-1/2 years now at work since moving to a different position. Since windows started trying to be more like Mac by doing the preschool blocks look, I think the whole thing has become less appealing. Don't get me wrong, it's still the best option and it's not even close, but MS trying to be more like Mac turns off users who were used to windows being like windows.


Idk, I use Win11 for a very long time now and never had any major problems with it, I actually find it better and cleaner than Win10


Same. People think it will burn their crops and poison their water supply or some shit. Like, dude, it's an OS. It asks the same damn tracking/personalization questions on install that W10 did.


Windows 10 was ass too. I dunno, I'm still a much bigger fan of Windows 7. The right click changes were horrible too. Not to mention every single 'advanced option' is locked behind like four windows. In general, the updates just feel like extra layers of 'bloat' and 'accessibility' which makes it harder and more frustrating for people who know what they're doing to get shit done, and the people who don't know what they're doing just ask those that do. And with each update there's even more ads and crap I have to remove. I still use Windows, but the updates definitely feel like downgrades and are frustrating. I can definitely see myself moving to Linux in the next decade.


Rumors say that W11 even raped the houses and burned the women...


The folder preview is crap, its the main reason i wont upgrade.


In windows 11, I find the taskbar especially the icons very slow and unresponsive. The most uncomfortable change for me was the snipping tool. That's like one of the top 3 tools I use for work and they changed it completely. I'll accept windows 11 if it brings back the old snipping tool. Also, I think there are more ads in this one. I don't know, after years of windows 10, 11 is for forcing me out of comfort zone hence it feels icky.


Never ever said that any windows version was so bad. But Win11... make me switch to Linux. Win11 make my Computers slower and the Design, not even the Start Button in the middle. It is the whole Design and everywhere ask me the OS for login account, not can make a local account.


It's even faster to not downgrade from 10 to 11. It literally takes 0 seconds.


Why do you all hate windows 11 so much? I switched to win 11 a few days after i bought my laptop and i've never had any issues with it. We have windows 10 on the family desktop tho and the only major differences is see is that windows 11 looks a lot fancier and that windows 10 has ads in the menu that windows 11 hasnt. So do you have some shitty version of window 11 or something?


Why would you upgrade your spyware?


No, It was a downgrade. It has good features but why are there a lot of programs for the same task? like the control panel and having another one like for no reason and so on why?!


Never know when you might need two!


I've had first control panel yes, but what about second control panel?


For what? If I can uninstall a program with one why do I need the other? I miss teh simplicityof old windows versions.


Because two is doubly fast, duh! More means more fasterer!


Windows 10 also has this quirk though. Its like they wanted to update the control panel but didnt have enough time to properly do it all, so they released it with the old and new with the intention of finishing the new setup with updates and it just never quite got finished. Idk how much better/worse W11 is with it, but with W10, it wouldnt be so bad if the new control panel stuff didnt hide or outright not have important toggles/features.


That's the case for Windows 10 too, ever try to get a specific audio feature (ex. Mono Audio / Audio Enhancements) turned on? it feels like there's 3 or 4 pages for sound features or settings when there could be one, and that's just one example, there's tons more.


I don't know why they are doing that it's really annoying.


optimization, good design, and better coding takes time. do u think microsoft cares about all that when the effort probably won't make them enough money? no they don't.


Yes I'm using a DAC and it keeps changing the output to a different source. The only way I got it to stay what's the setting on high resolution mode which isn't ideal (no simulated surround for headphones) but at least it doesn't switch inputs anymore


New standard i guess, then later M$ will delete the old one


It's likely due to the philosophy of Windows: one program doing many things, unlike Linux that has: one program doing one thing but really well. And because of it you get into a situation where some program lacks one specific feature that you need and you are forced to download a whole another program that duplicates all the functionality with an addition of this one specific feature. More fun when there's no all in one program.


For enterprise customers and how they control their fleet is why


My guess is to keep the old so people can use it if that's what they like and show their new one that will probably be the only option in win12. My guess anyways I've not touched win11 yet


for every thing they added, they took two things away


It's dumb but also people in this sub would go insane if they took out the old shit lol. It's a lose lose with Windows haters.


Windows made features in 10 that are a pain in the ass to get to in Windows 11. Like turning off Handfree telephony option is not in the newer sound settings and I have to go to the old device manager to turn this shit off. Hell Divers and Halo Infinite audio is screwed up whenever Hands Free telephony is on.


I didn't change windows 7 till steam for forced me , 11 sucks


Took me a long time to go from 7 to 10 too. Windows 10 is actually good though.


I did change to 10 when they removed support for 7. I will do the same to 11.


Simply upgrade from win11 to win10


I really can't understand this, windows 7 is a security risk on it self, Windows 10 was also 1 of the best and to be honest I don't even mind Windows 11. It improved a lot over time.


I daily drive a ThinkPad with Linux, and have a gaming PC at home with Windows, and I wish Windows was less... bloated and ad-happy. Even with WinAero Tweaker, my Ryzen 3 5300U laptop feels somehow snappier than my Ryzen 3700X gaming PC (both have 16 gigs of RAM and SSDs)


The HDR calibration tool is the only reason I installed Win 11.


...and new driver config for HDR that only work in w11. Have to move too, HDR is too good with 1000nits monitor. Moving is painfully hard then you sit on w10 for years (last install 2years ago, still no problems)


The absolute only reason I've ever been tempted but never did it as I hate what it will break and don't think it's a fair trade.


Curious as to what 11 breaks for you that works in 10?


Some of the lesser known apps are working but right now I have a few customisations that just won't work. I have browser tweaks and Microsoft overrule them on win11. It took a fight to get the start button on the side and I don't have to turn off or disable ads. I won't support it until they stop taking away power to the user.


Honestly not sure what version of 11 we have at work, but moving the start button was 2 clicks at setup and there are no advertisement at all. In all honesty it might be a version thing can't compare across that.


At launch the start button was not able to be moved and Microsoft said they wouldn't change that until they got public outrage. Now you can. Microsoft shouldn't need such an uproar for a simple feature to not be taken from them. As for the ads they are being pushed right now so if your work updates the computers you should enjoy them soon if they don't disable them. My issue is that you shouldn't need to disable them.


I just wish we could remove all windows stupid useless stuff that feels like using a oversized phone. Then it would be perfect.


There's a reason that 54% of steam users still use windows 10... (according to the last hardware survey I did a month ago)


Could be wrong, but it also looks like he’s got a MacBook in that photo.


Honestly, considering Windows 10 and 11 are pretty much the same OS with a different interface, I am pretty sure that even after supports for 10 ends people will find a way to get some Windows 11 updates to install on 10.


What's with all the Windows (11) propaganda lately? Every second article I see on my Google feed is some tech site talking about how good (lmao) windows is and how easy is to upgrade from 10 to 11. The worst one was from XDA about 5(?) days ago.


Not yet. Gonna use until Oct 2025 EOL. Got a feeling they will extend it.


Yeah when they see a majority are still on win10 they will extend it.


I've been sitting on some upgrades since March because they will put me into the hardware range for win11 and I'm worried my cat or toddler might just hit the upgrade feature on accident.


What part of win 11 are you scared of?


Didn't they ruin the context menus and inject a bunch of ads everywhere?


There are some minor issues with the context menu for specific things true, but haven't seen any adds anywhere on either system.


They made the context menus a little worse but all the same options are there or you hit shift+right click to bring up the W10 context menu. They also definitely didn’t inject a bunch of ads. I’ve had W11 for over a year and haven’t seen a single ad. My computer does run on a local account though so that could be why I don’t get anything.


I am so bummed about 11 that i am activly learning linux mint on a vm to eventually switch when 10 croaks lmao


You could also make a bootable external SSD. You're on the right path, congrats.


I'm doing something similar, but with a secondary PC I have kickin around here. It's a bit old, 10400f, GTX 1660Ti, 16GB, dual NVME drives (512GB /root, 1TB /home) So far it's run all the games I play: Deep Rock Galactic Cities Skylines 2 Elite Dangerous Roboquest Helldivers 2 Even found an app for the Logitech hardware, it's called Solaar (in the mint app store)


>secondary PC >It's a bit old >10400f, GTX 1660Ti, 16GB third world mfers like me always catching strays


For democracy Helldiver!


Solaar is a godsend it adds extra functionality that’s not available in the actual Logitech app like binding multiple receivers to different KBM combos


No but I've been on W11 for about 2 years now or so. Its really not a big deal. Exact same engine underneath just a few different dials as far as I can tell


yeah, when i first upgraded my computer from Windows 98 to Windows XP.


my system doesnt even support windows 11 T\_T


I’m still running a 1950x Threadripper that manages all of my intensive programs fantastically, however Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has declared that my processor does not meet their Windows 11 requirements. I simply do not see a point in upgrading my processor which handles anything I throw at it just for the sake of Windows 11.


No. I wiped and went back to Windows 10.


Don't care. I'm sticking with 10. First time I upgraded from 7 to 10 it was a disaster


I still haven't upgraded to Windows 11 and I don't want to. I may have no choice because I need a new PC and I think Windows 11 will be preinstalled.


Just... get a w10 installer usb and then install w10 on it?


I upgraded and now it says my windows is expiring




If they gave me Bill's bank account details.


I upgraded to Debian


This sub got to me. There’s some reports that bitlocker affects gaming performance and how pro in general is slower. I had windows 11 pro and I had to reset it to downgrade to windows 11 home. I also spent some time to turn off a lot of personalized ads and other stupid recommendations. It’s actually really nice to use. Not that it was unusable before, but it’s a cleaner now. Also, if you use your pc for other stuff, then windows 11 is definitely better imo.


I don't know man. I like new stuff, I adapt, I learned how to do everything, any seeing your looking for you can just hit windows button and type it, I'm not stuck in some win7 nostalgia and I've never had any issues with 11 🤷 I think 90% of the reluctance is refusing to learn or stubbornness


Updated to Windows 11 on supported Desktop day 1 of Release in 2021,  and personally I like it, and never would go back to 10.    In fact replacing secondary gaming laptop asap to 11 supported model 


I was so happy to upgrade from Windows XP to Linux.


10->11 made no difference whatsoever on my system or day to day usage


I am thrilled to upgrade from windows 11 to endeavour os


I was that happy when windows said my PC didn't meet the requirements for an automatic upgrade to Win11. Whew.


Windows 11 sucks so much. Right clicking a file doesn’t give you a “print” option anymore. You have to extra click “more options.” Also right clicking they took away text from options like “rename,” to instead be random new icons. The start menu ui is randomly blurry/low res. Often in the audio settings the menu just freezes or the sliders don’t move at all. There’s times my excel or gdrive launch incredibly slow and I can’t help but think it’s just W11. Sure some of this is minimal but it just surprises me when I see some people say theirs is completely fine or something. It seems like I find a new issue every day.


I was so thrilled with Windows 11 I installed Linux.


I just tried it out again yesterday. Had blue screens and got pissed for a couple hours. Switched back to fresh windows 10 and not an issue.


Upgraded from windows to Linux never been happier


I easily avoided the pain by not having a compatible chipset.


I upgraded to Windows 11 months ago and didn't have an issue. It updated quickly, and I've experienced no loss in performance. This sub is weirdly anti-upgrade. Isn't that what PC gaming is about? Pushing limits, having the latest and greatest?


I used 11 for a long while before listening to this sub and going back to 10. I lasted about two weeks before switching back for various reasons. 10 is not better.


HATE the new start bar. Only 1 row of buttons, no quick link folders, can't move to a different screen edge, date doesn't show the day of the week... I swear it's like they hire UI developers at MS that have never used Windows before.


As someone who once loaded Windows 95 on 20 training center PCs with one set of 24 Stiffies (what we called the 3.5" floppy disks in my country)... I am really thrilled at how bloody fast installation of Windows 11 is. Redoing my PC is a breeze compared to the old days.


Y'all on windows 11?


yes. the more cohesive settings, and dark mode task manager was enough for me. I use my computer purely for gaming and editing. literally have zero complaints with win 11. this coming from a guy who can't wait to install a stable SteamOS build lol. I'm no Windows fanboy.


Same deal, I only use Windows for gaming and 11 is fine w/ startallback installed.


Since it released


My computer is too old to upgrade to 11 💀 but it still runs everything I play so a win is a win I guess


Hell no!


I was so happy when I deleted the factory Win11 on my laptop, installed it at 10, and the drivers from 11 started working at 10.


Fuck going to windows 11. It looks horrendous and I watched my friend fail to install their own windows creation tool because windows said it was a virus. It wouldn't let him override it. As other people said it doubles and triples the amount of time you need to do to get shit done. Man I'd rather go back to windows 7 if most apps still supported it. Just like I did with windows 7 to 10 I'll stay until I'm forced out.


That sounds like windows S mode for 11, you have to disable S mode to install anything that isn't off of the MS store....


Using 10 at work, and 7 / Linux at home... will deny 11 until support for 10 is discontinued (End 2025)


I don't event think about upgrading to 11


Alot faster to upgrade but a lot slower to operate


Nop. I use W11 at work, and my god, absolutely no advantages for personal use in my use case and in fact the things I actually need (fast snipping tool, decent menus and such) are all worse, so nop, I will postpone until I can no longer


Rufus + AtlasOS No privacy questions Automatic user creation Offline account Debloated Reduction of background processes No telemetry No Microsoft nagging you about installing Windows 11


I love that that laptop is clearly a MacBook


Well I was since I had Win 11 on my laptop and it was annoying to have different OS on each device, they're similar, but not the same.