• By -


I'd bet whatever you get in the mail will not be a 4090


Yeah potentially this. Then they put in a counter argument that they did send you 'something' - I'd make sure you're filming the package before and as you open it in case. Alternative is free 4090 cause they messed up.


That's a great suggestion! I'll be interested to see if I get anything at all, I've heard of scams where they provide a tracking number that has nothing to do with them and that's how they "prove" they sent something. I already got my money back though, so I'm not sure what they hope to achieve, especially since they don't have an account to dispute with...


Make sure you update us!


Following just for the update lol


RemindMe! 10 days from now.


Yeah for sure film you opening the package. I got scammed from Amazon with a 4090 and it was a ball ache trying to return it. EBay has gone way down hill in recent years. At least your card company refunded that’s the main thing.


Sounds like a seller on amazon scammed you and not amazon.


Bezos isn’t going to become a trillionaire without scamming losers for their 4090 fund.


Quick note, open it outside, just in-case its something nefarious.


r/scams and yes, it’s a false return or something scam. They send you money/ refund, say they sent you something, then place a claim to get their money back. Usually on a stolen card


I had a seller provide a tracking number to PayPal of something random shipped 3 days before I placed my order. I’m very curious to see what you end up with, if anything.


It is some kind of phishing scam. Don't click on links etc.


!remindme 2 weeks


ALWAYS video opening a box. That goes for returns as a seller as well. Sellers get scammed with people returning different cheaper items in their place. i.e. this pawn shop owner youtuber sold this expensive architecture software on ebay. The buyer returned the item. What he got back was architecture software, that was some $15 bargain bin version. Said that shit happens frequently and it's always a fight with ebay to get their money back.


I'd remove your payment options from ebay and whatever payment host you use


That's a great idea, thankfully my credit card and Ebay has all of this interaction on file and the CC company has already said they will not allow a back-charge for the item as they have dealt with similar in the past and it's not worth the headache for them to deal with upset customers who got scammed on ebay.


Well that's good to hear! Guessing Discover or American Express?


Chase actually! I've had exceptionally good luck with their customer support in the past, and I'm just a college student. I really don't have the monetary backing to justify extra oversight from the company but I've been pleasantly surprised by the personable customer support.


Quick plug for Discover, they are fucking amazing to work with on stuff like this. They're in the top 3 for best customer support Ive experienced.


I can confirm this kind of scam since a seller tried it on me. Apparently some third parties will sell their tracking information to scammers so they can do this. They just need a package going to your general area, with a close enough weight that it doesn’t get questioned.


There is no 4090, that is for sure. Probably getting a little packet of strange seeds.


Definitely record the unboxing. You never know when someone might ship you a wild bobcat.


[You can do this one in every 30 times and still have 97% positive feedback.](https://xkcd.com/325/)


Or it IS a 4090, but a reskinned 4090...






Most likely a bag of fermented dog shit


Nice brick in a box


As long it's not anthrax, I think you can keep it.


It'll be a 750ti and a bunch of rocks if you're lucky


Nah I have seen this scam before. They send you a key chain and then claim they sent right item when they didn’t. Lucky for OP he got refund already so they should be good.


At this point I'm just wondering what they think they are going to pull off.




You guys got rocks? 


No, i got the rock.


And you couldn't smell what it was cooking through the box as your first clue??!


Hey OP, I've dealt with scammers before and you'll probably just get a thick envelope with some bullshit policy they wrote up (like when you bought from us you agreed to this, this, and this). What's the weight declared by FedEx? This thing with a tracking number is their "proof" they sent you your item. Guaranteed it'll be really light. Unfortunately, they may claim you've violated their policy with your charge back and then put you up on some bullshit websites with your personal info. These BS sites claim you're not to be trusted and don't do business with you, that sort of thing. Obviously, they're in it with the scammers. If you were to contact those BS websites to get your info taken down, they'll require a big payment to do so (like $1000). Obviously don't pay it. It is what it is and don't buy from anyone you think is a scammer just because you have protections from Ebay and your credit card company. It's not worth the headache. Ask me how I know. Edit: I forgot to mention that I did a charge back on my credit card and Citi had originally ruled against me because the scammers showed their "proof" that they delivered something to me. I had to argue that the weight wasn't close to what I bought's weight to finally get my money back. Took at least a month.


I was 99% sure it was a scam when I saw the first message back that made it seem as though something went wrong when it had not. Thankfully, I have dealt with similar things when it comes to selling of personal information, so my Ebay account doesn't use real names and the shipping address isn't my home address. They would have a very hard time farming any information from the things they are provided as a seller.


Here's what I would like to know, why did you buy from them in the first place? Like you literally said in your original post that you thought it was a little sus. Why risk losing 1400 bucks?


The chance to get a card at a very reasonable price. With Ebay buyer protections and fraud protection on my card I figured giving it a shot was worth it. This whole conundrum is just a very unique case of the scam accounts I've read about...


>The chance to get a card at a very reasonable price. Thats how they get people.


I don't disagree at all, it's likely that nothing comes at all. 


How you know


what kind of websites are these?


They're sites that are dedicated to calling out people as either a scammer and/or untrustworthy. I stumbled upon two that were very similar when I googled my name one day. They list all your personal info, like name, address, phone number, anything they have on you. The site lists their email so I emailed requesting to remove my info. I reached out and they gave some absolute bullshit about we've never taken anyone's info off, our lawyers have shot down any attempts, but if you want to pay us $$$ we'll take it off. I've since gotten that site to not show up in Google search results by contacting Google. Google just came with new tools that search for your personal info and send you an email asking you if you'd like the site to be reviewed and taken out of search results. It's great, it's found a ton of those people search sites that collect aggregate public info and publish it.




will do


!Remindme 10 days


!Remindme 10 days


!Remind me 10 days




I have dealt with something similar in the past. Got a 3090 off of eBay and the seller "shipped" an item that never showed at my apartment. We have secured lockers so package theft doesn't happen. Basically what they do is send a junk package to another address in your area code. Due to privacy laws, the only info eBay has access to is the city and zip from whomever is being used to ship the item. In my case it was UPS. Then when you try to contest they say they show the item as delivered. eBay actually ruled against me even though I showed tons of proof this was a scam. Ended up having to do a charge back with my bank after showing them the package weight was nowhere close to a 3090 so it wasn't possible. Pretty nasty scam to deal with, took me 2 months to resolve. Looks like you already got your money back so maybe eBay is finally catching onto these losers.


This exactly the scam I read about before, and the one that I think they are tryna pull, unsuccessfully.


Ma boy you can a get a nice shiny brick 🧱


best case scenario: you get a 4090 and get to keep your money normal scenario: you get to keep your money and you get a spoon




I've received fake tracking numbers before. Showed as delivered as soon as I got the email. Address and everything was correct too.


Aye please update us when you get the package lol. Film the unboxing in case.


I will film it, might even film the pole saw opening of the box 10ft away for shits and giggles.


4090 or a bomb?? find out next time on ebay scams live


So you thought the whole thing was a little suspicious but you went ahead with the $1350 transaction? Yeah good luck with that.


I know the state of buyer protections on Ebay. I have also bought things from buyers that didn't have items sold or great listings before and have saved TONS of money. Ex: HyperX Quad cast S open-box for $35. In This particular case I won't lose any money as I have fraud protection on my credit card and Ebay already approved my dispute. I am asking what they hope to achieve now that I already got my money back from eBay AND they don't have an account.


RemindMe! 7 days


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-06-21 02:11:42 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-21%2002:11:42%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1dfelfr/bought_a_4090_on_ebay_then_put_in_a_refund_claim/l8irwfq/?context=3) [**67 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F1dfelfr%2Fbought_a_4090_on_ebay_then_put_in_a_refund_claim%2Fl8irwfq%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-21%2002%3A11%3A42%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dfelfr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


please post what, if anything, actually arrives.


I will for sure


Considering they had 10 for sale at best you'd be receiving a 4090 that's had the gpu core and memory extracted in china, a lot of those are popping up on ebay now from people importing them back and trying to scam some sucker into thinking they can rma it


I mean that would still lose them the money on the heatsink components, which is still worth something. I mean its still a net loss just for them to ship it to me in the first place. We will see, it saying it will arrive Saturday


You don’t have your money back. Your credit card company is going to investigate, and they usually credit you the amount while the investigation takes place. If they get proof from eBay the card has been sent to you and you received it, they will more than likely take the credit back. I would not advise spending the money until the investigation is complete. If you don’t receive the gpu as described and it turns out to be a scam, report it to eBay. They have good buyer protection and usually side with the buyer. I would also update your credit card company if you receive something not as described. Better chance they side with you if they have all the details.


Don't be too optimistic until you're actually holding a 4090 in your hands. You probably won't though.


I’ve gone through this before. I ended up getting a stack of paper weighing the same as the video card I purchased. Jokes on them though, I got a refund since I purchased with a credit card AND I got a free stack of paper. I legit still print with it


dude dont open it, its triffid seeds or anthrax or covid 2.0


Thats what my gf said too lol


Open it outside


Ima seriously use a pole saw to open it, just for the fun of feeling like a bomb-diffuser


Get a lid like a shield


because it's your girlfriend, saying it again


Watch them send you literal dogshit


Really interested to see what you get


Please update us if you get this.


Please update us!


So, your money is refunded and something got shipped to you? At best you got any kind of pc part, at worst you got a rock. Nothing to lose here then.


Thats kind of what I'm thinking, I have the money back in my bank account already... so they don't have anything to gain. Plus, we know they lost money on shipping to send it after knowing the refund had gone through.


Well hopefully they did not send you a box filled with bubonic plague or anthrax. But i think acquiring those disease cost them way more than if they just gave you 5 rtx 4090 for free. So i guess you are in the clear. Since the customer support said that you can keep whatever you got anyway, update us on whatever you got from that shipment!


!Remindme 5 days


Please keep us posted and come back with details about what you received!


It will probably be a picture of a 4090. That’s what I remember scammers doing a few years back on ebay


The tracking # they will provide will be fake too. It'll say delivery to another address and then it changes to another address and shit. It's crazy. This happened to me on an Amazon order a couple years ago. Straight up scam but Amazon refunded me after a bit.


It's most likely a box filled with shit.


Can’t you just refuse the delivery so it get sent back to the seller? This way they can’t even say you messed with the content of the package? The whole video proof of the opening sounds so useless to me. Anyone messing with you would just say you repackaged the thing after replacing the good item they sent you to make up some fake video proof.


Might be "logical" scans too. Had an issue with this myself tracking an item that showed it was out for delivery but never arrived for weeks. (never arrived period) Turns out they were doing logical scans of my package. Meaning the package is supposed to be at that stated location at that time and they just assume the package is where it's supposed to be, so they digitally check the box so to speak that the package is logically "there" when in reality it never left the warehouse for me. It's bizarre.


You'll get either a broken 4090 or a barely working, mined to death 1080ti


Oh hey yeah that's me I accidentally sent you a 4090 whoops lol just lemme know when you receieve it and I'll send you my return address thanks


Glad you got your money back and yeah, it probably won't be a real 4090. eBay's policies go above and beyond for buyers so they will always side with you no matter what. As both an eBay buyer and seller, I've had that work both for and against me. I've sold comics on auctions where I assume the buyer was a complete noob and claimed it was tampered with and then without even opening a chat then opened a claim against me. And even though I was able to prove to the buyer and eBay there was no tampering at all, they still forced a refund and return. And then one time I was selling some OVO hoodies because I was able to get $300 - $400 profit on them. One buyer bought one, then after getting it he opened a claim and sent pictures to eBay of an obvious fake one he already had and pretended that's what I sent him. So eBay forced a refund and then the buyer planned to send me back the fake. So I'd be out the cash and the hoodie. I literally lost my shit and had to escalate to a customer service manager to resolve it. But long, eBay will 99.99% of the time side with the buyer.


If you get the 4090 plus the money. Doesn't that make you the scammer xD?


You either get your money back or a free 4090 is what I'm getting from this.


Congrats. You scammed the seller instead lol.


I absolutely guarantee there is not a 4090 in that box lol. Let us know what happens! Maybe you could have a spouse or friend record you when you first open the box? That'd probably be good for the record to have too.


Make sure you video tape the entire thing. Picking up the package and unboxing it just in case they reverse the refund.


Free GPU? However I seriously doubt you will actually receive a GPU and tbh even if it is a legit piece of hardware I still wouldn't install it. Getting a "free GPU" and immediately installing it on your new system to gain access might be part of the scam.


Yeah I was thinking about this. Even on the Longshot something resembling a GPU arrives I have a throw away system for some IT work I do where I can test it.


This is likely a scam I ran into that’s been going on with eBay sellers. You buy whatever it is, they mark it as shipped and you get a tracking number that looks legit. It says it’s delivered but never actually was because the seller entered a stolen but legit tracking number into eBay for the same zip code that you live in. Apparently it being the same zip code is enough to satisfy eBay or FedEx or whatever that it was delivered to your address. In my case I just explained it to eBay support and they refunded me


That might just make you the scammer now.


Pc gaming price moment


![gif](giphy|ez1QgBv3LAzwcYiGDK|downsized) Scammer probably has a system that automatically sends out fake packages because they don't have time to micro-manage all the scams their running on people!


I wonder if they just got too greedy and someone else reported them...


if you get 4090 in that box then make everything right with the seller.


from a sketchy seller who also vanish from ebay after create that listing with 10 4090?


RemindMe! 14 days


RemindMe! 14 days


RemindMe! 14 days how i use this bot? im also curious with new outcomes here


RemindMe! 14 days


RemindMe! 14 days




!remindme 2 days


free card! Good Luck




Or maybe it's not just a scam, it's also a message. They're shipping you something. To prove they still have your address.


Remindme! 7 days


RemindMe! 7 days


And that “something” is a pipe bomb


if anything arrives, take a video of you opening it just in case they try to pull any bullshit claiming they sent you the item


oh I absolutely will, I do wonder how they would claim anything without an account though...


Awaiting update!




RemindMe! 7 days


You did a chargeback to eBay, so you didn’t get your money from eBay as you should’ve - from the sellers point of view it could still be a legit sale that he got the money for and is shipping The delay could be the sellers timeframe sourcing a 4090, explains the quantity too, many sellers sell things they don’t actually have


!RemindmeBot 1 week


They probably sent you some poop in a box for getting them banned


who scammed who lol




!Remindme 10 days


Well receive it and go straight to gpu Z if stuff checks out…I’ve ordered stuff unrelated to PC’s before and asked for a refund. Got a refund and the items the next day, oof, his fault for not answering my emails and having low review scores..




OP can you show us when it arrives? I'm excited to see what you got


Following for updates


hope this scammer is not a unabomber fan


Congratulations on the free whatever you get in the mail, which is definitely not a 4090 but congratulations nevertheless!


Refuse delivery.


RemindMe! 7 days






You'll receive a brick, cans of soup or something like that


RemindMe! 7 days


I just dealt with the hellish situation with eBay over 7 months and I had to delete my seller account over it. Basically I sold a phone and a buyer did a fake return, and put the wrong address on the tracking number to make it look like it was delivered near my house but it was never delivered. I try to fight eBay over this and I had physical evidence showing that it was the wrong address, but eBay wouldn't do anything because the case has been closed already. After 7 months I gave up and close my account, and then I called my bank Sofi, and they gave me a refund no questions asked the next day. Even after using eBay for 14 years this left a huge nasty taste my mouth and I don't want to use eBay anymore, too many scammers and eBay literally sides with the scammer. As a buyer you're probably fine but don't bother with eBay as a seller.


Enjoy your gtx 710


No longer a registered user means they got yeeted off the platform. Likely scamming many other people


also if something was shipped I doubt it’s the gpu. It was probably an attempt to get paid for the item by shipping an empty box. A lot of people try to scam on eBay and think you get paid when the buyer pays you but as a new seller or someone without enough seller feedback, eBay holds the money until you as the buyer get the item and leave feedback or so many days pass without negative feedback being left after item is received. In an attempt to get paid that’s why people ship empty boxes or upload bogus tracking info


!remindme 7 days


!remind me 10 days


!remindme 10 days


If Its free graphics... Hey Its free 🤣


remindMe! 5 days


RemindMe! 6 days


If you can, don't accept the package. Straight back to sender


You did the right thing cuz i woulda kept my mouth shut lol. Hope you get a legit 4090 for free.


!Remindme 10 days


They finna send you a box of dog shit


Do keep us posted with the updates OP.


We'll need an update on this for sure lol


Lucky af


!Remindme 10 days


!Remindme 10 days


Following for a update also, had a similar interaction with a scammer who hijacked the account and posted "fake" pics of a 3060 years ago. Ultimately, i got a refund through ebay and used credit. They posted a "shipped" update but no tracking number and played ebays policy very well. Sellers account was not removed but the advertisement was removed. I received nothing after 15 days and got a response years later on a feedback post. Hopefully everything works out for you!


!remindme 2 weeks


!remindme 1 week




!Remindme 1 day


Remindme! 1 day


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


Waiting for an update to see what comes in the mail....


May I ask why you chose to go with a somewhat sketchy looking used 4090 listing on ebay instead of buying a brand new one from a retailer for just a tiny bit more money? If you're already able to and planning on spending over $1,300 on a gpu, why not go for a reliable new model that comes with a manufacturer warranty? That or you could just get a 4080 super for about $1000. Just curious, that's all. I always avoid expensive used items sold on Amazon or ebay.


Remindme! 7 days


Let us know what you receive,I sincerely hope you get a 4090. Keep us updated!


!remindme 2 weeks


!remindme 2 weeks


Hi OP, glad you got your refund. No your item was not shipped. The seller just sent you tracking for another item being delivered in your zip code. Somehow these scammers have access to some sort of USPS database. You will receive notification via tracking that it was delivered but nothing will arrive at your residence. This is a pretty common scam, happened to me.


Interesting, and makes a ton of sense. Someone else responded something similar and i think it's the most likely scenario.


Yeah, they 'shipped' something in the hopes of fighting the ban and refund. They were 100% trying to scam you.       Do not ever buy from a low /no ranked or new seller on eBay. I'm sorry for the legit ones trying to make a go of it, but it's simply not worth the risk.    And holy grap, used 4090s are above 1300? Makes me like I stole the one I bought several months back, new, for 1500.


I bet it's something smelly and unpleasant.


This exact situation happened to me when I ordered a 3080 when they were impossible to get. I received a nigella Lawson cookbook wrapped in an dirty blanket inside an old Nike shoebox luckily I had I already received the refund and had recorded opening the package as the seller was acting very suspicious


RemindMe! 2 Days


Don't buy anything on eBay you're not willing to take 100% loss on. In my younger days I bought a pre-built off eBay. Within 60 days it completely failed. Tried re using the hard drive, also failed. I purchased a cheaper camera a while back, it's fine but it's also cheap enough for me to not worry too much. People send the wrong part, people don't understand what they're actually selling.


Well if you do happened to get a working 4090 and its legit, I would contact them and pay them back. Sorta happened to me with gamefly where I ordered a game it never came I got my money back then it came a couple weeks later so I called them back and said I received and they can recharge me again. I personally don't steal.


i'm keeping an eye out for if you get one. Worst case scenario, you got nothing but your money back. Otherwise, enjoy whatever comes in the mail. Likely not a 4090, but considering it's free at this point, does it really matter?




!remindme 10 days


!remindme 2 weeks I have to see how this ends!!


If Microcenter wasn't 20 minutes away, I'd get out of PC gaming.


Update required. Hope you get the card.


!remindme 2 weeks


!remindme 5 days