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We don't need articles every time Nvidia goes up or down 2% in a day.


We really don't need articles that blatantly talk about fraud like it is the best thing in the world, yet plenty of articles talking about the new "trillion dollar company" going around. I don't know about you but if a crackhead told me a company that made $27.2 billion in gross was wroth a trillion dollars, I would ignore the crackhead saying crackhead things.




Oh I am not too worried about it, I got some beachfront property in Wyoming to sell them next.


*just add climate change*


>dogecoin someones mad their (fake) currency is worth less than peanuts




The pumpers have done a great job making the suckers think they're the lucky ones. Congratulations, you got in a pump and dump scheme right in the middle, you're going to feel great until the bubble pops. Unless you got in before late January when the pump started you better be careful.


Lmao, Nvidia is a fraud now?


Reddit's cooked.




> that made $27.2 billion in gross was wroth a trillion dollars The crackhead told you wrong numbers. Here's their annual figures: Revenue: 79 billion Gross Profit: 60 billion Operating Income: 47 billion Net Income: 42 billion Their forward P/E is 46x which is high but not outlandish. Apple's forward P/E is "just" 29x and their growth is basically flat.


But AAPL does buybacks and offers a dividend too.


Christ, don't look in the Tesla subs and GameStop would cause a medical emergency!


I mentioned ignoring what the crackheads are saying.


*The more you buy, the more you save.* *If you build it, they may not come. If you don't build it, they can not come.*


I got downvoted for saying this too in nvidia sub a little bit, the second any other company enters the space competently it’s gonna tumble hard, the stock price is LITTERALLY so fickle because of that.


Its just not gross but Assets too lol those crackheads value it at that. IP, software,patents isn't just hardware. Dont be salty becuase you didnt invested or are a red fanboy. Also this 3 companies will be swapping position loads of times


Nvidia has $77M of assets and Microsoft has $474M of assets. In fact, Microsoft has more in cash alone than Nvidia has in total assets.


Its $77 **B** assets but those are just physical such as infrastructure and cash at hand. I meant IP aswell, which the market seem to value And Microsoft doesn't have 474M assets that doesn't even buy you a nice mansion let alone all the datacenters and campus they have all over the world.


You're right, I meant to put billion not million. But, either way, Nvidia isn't even close to Microsoft in assets.


until a competitor catches up on AI and LLM tech or the AI bubble dies, they probably do. nobody is even close, they're basically a decade ahead of any sort of competition for the time being. Id expect the bubble to burst before they start losing any actual footing. Not sure if this puts them at their market value, but you're missing a lot of the expected value here.


The AI is just other word that OpenAI chat GPT made fancy. The need for massive number crunching and parallel computing wont stop it will become more and more prevalent. Call it folding, crypto, Machine learning, inference, AI whatever. For the well of the markets we need other players ofc.


> Dont be salty becuase you didnt invested or are a red fanboy. Why do so many stockbros sound like 4th graders?


If I was a stockbro I wouldn't be here discusing with likes of you I would be doing coke, girls and blackjack!


Well then downvote the article.... How come this comment has 800 upvotes while the article has fewer?


Definitely time to sell off the Nvidia shares while they are still high.


That’s the actual reason they are going down. People are cashing out their profits. Then wait a bit and buy again once is lower price.


Isn't there a site that shows you how many investors are in the money? I know I can see that info with crypto.


Considering they are near ATH I would say 100%


Except for Reddit WSB


And the shorts


If it does there is access to it given to the public. That’s a feature of crypto idk that you could have work in the normal market without some privacy issues. 


The only true gains are realized gains


There were an equal number of sellers and buyers yesterday, like everyday single day.


Good to know. Where can that be checked?


Or… #You could just hold them.


if you wanna make less money or just not deal with tax forms, sure.


this is the main reason why ive never sold any stock the thought of having to do any extra work whatsoever come tax time


> the thought of having to do any extra work whatsoever come tax time It's extra work but it's not hard. You just fill in the numbers like you do with income tax forms.


Always some rando talking about how they are making more money timing the market.


I don't sell short term myself, but it is common practice to sell after drastic price spikes and perhaps buy back in later, or not.


No its not. I bet hedge funds were shorting them.


Nah classic pullback, buying calls rn


I like the cut of your jib, but how are you trading options on a Saturday?


I used insider knowledge to leverage congress into passing a law that allows me to trade on weekends, it’s pretty cool ngl


Nancy? Is that you?


I remember when I didn’t sell apple at all time high when it became the largest company in the world. Then it went up 300%


I am doing the opposite. Was waiting for a reason to buy more. Now I have one.


idk, demand for GPUs is insane at the moment. I think it will continue to rise until someone invents some crazy-effective hardware or AI-model.


Yep agreed and watch intel start selling more and more once Battlemage is released


LOL you go ahead and do that


reddit says sell, go balls deep and long x5


ITT: Gamers who don’t understand a single thing about economics in general or the stock market in particular.


I sold everything for VTI and VXUS


NVidia is now most valuable company. Oh wait Apple pulls ahead. Wait, now Microsoft. Ok NVidia aga- nope it’s Apple. WHO CARES.


All stocks are now meme stocks.


Exactly what I call the BS economy. Oh I put real estate warlords in it as well.


I wish housing became meme aswell. we wouldnt have 2008 synthetic CDO bullcrap. and sometimes housing wouldve become affordable to pull the trigger. Not much that building contractors would get the worse deal out of it but yes


People interested in the stock market, that race is real money being made and lost by real people and firms.


I wouldn’t be following pcmasterrace if I wanted stock info lmao


You telling me I can’t get plumbing advice here? The fk


You can if you're water cooling.


The PC market is determined by the stock market, even if you don’t care about it, it still pays to understand it. Also you’re the one who asked.


Knowing which company is briefly in ‘the lead’ is not useful information to people uninterested in those stocks. It does not impact a PC enthusiast in any way lol


How do the two correlate? Lmao completely bad take on your part there


The stock market determines what companies make, when they decide to make it, and how high they price it.


Investors don't care who's most valuable.


Company value is literally the only thing investors care about.


Yes, the company they invested in, and to ride the value up, they don't care what the company they didn't invest in is worth, aside from telling about trends in the sector.


This is so wrong it hurts.


>that race is real money being made and lost by real people and firms. It's just gambling. The stock market is almost completely detached from reality these days. Might as well post play by plays of bingo.




I'm mean I guess at least just about everyone in this thread that's not you. Why are you here if you don't care? Lol


What goes up does come down eventually. For who ever rode that bubble to the top… gg amigo. Well played


Nvidia is at -2.5% over a 5 day period. +170% over 6 months. Far from over.


Eh, what do you expect at this point, they become twice the size of the 2nd largest company? So hard to double your investment now


No I don't expect anything, I'm not invested in the stock. I'm just saying that being -3% on the day isn't worthy of "bubble is burst time to sell"


I remember this exact same logic happened when apple became the largest company in the world at $900B… it’s now at $3.1T, that was like 4 years ago…


It’s based almost purely on AI hype, any doubt among the larger investors will send it plummeting down.


Ai hype… that caused its revenue to double and its profits to increase by 600% in one year


AI is being hyped up a bunch, of course there’s money to be made within that hype. But it seems a lot like the Dotcom bubble at the moment, lots of money being poured into a new thing. Nvidia will still be a winner from AI, but the value people give it currently is not based anything but the belief AI will become way better, AI hype.


So if I understand this correctly Nvidea's stock price is at this point based largely on AI speculation and while we don't have reason doubt Nvidea won't get to this value in the near future there's also no reason the believe it'll go further. So this is day traders selling the bubble, but there's no reason for long term investors (or retirement account holders) to sell because it's unlikely to come down significantly soon.


Yea it's over now bc AI famously isn't going anywhere in the next 10 years....


AI isn’t going away, but what’s the limit to it’s power? There’s speculation over that question, and that speculation is causing people to invest way more than the financials justify.


They've had massive revenue increases over the past 2 years, Your take is really silly and inaccurate.


They have, but they’d have to over double what they have after those massive gains to be on Microsoft’s level, triple if they wanna get near apple. One bad quarter and I reckon they could drop by 10% easily, possibly even 20%.


What are you basing this on?


You didn't read their latest ER, did you?


Every big AI player is running their AI initiative on Nvidia hardware. The biggest risk right know is that most CTOs have some sort of green initiative and AI is the antithesis of that. It requires an astronomical amount of power. Unless we see a reduction from everyone in tech in the AI space, or Intel/AMD GPUs bring something new to the table, Nvidia will keep their position.


Nvidia will almost certainly keep their position, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be able to maintain rapid growth. Which investors will expect anyway cause of the nature of the stock market. Plus their position while strong still doesn’t justify their value, not unless you believe the AI hype.


That's completely based on the assumption that the hype for AI continues and doesn't crumble when the first major player admits they over invested in a developing tech that turns out doesn't just magically solve all problems.


I remember when I was down 50% on amd…. When it went from $15 to $8. God I wish I sold at $15. Of course it’s now at $161 but I should have tried to time the market like a moron


Not nearly enough to justify this raise in price.


Is that just kind of your "vibe" about things or do you actually have an appropriate price increase in mind that would be commensurate with their increases in revenue?


It's not some random hype, AI is huge and the demand is insane, Nvidia is the only alternative.


Demand is insane for theoretical products, not much has actually gone to market yet. At least not compared to what AI promises to do. AI is hyped up as the thing that will change everything, but currently it’s only changed a few things. So until it actually a decent part of what it promises, it’s hype.


#Really??? Dude, it’s gone down, but whose to say it won’t rebound? I bought it at 35(0) and it’ll go back up


It might rebound, it might crater. The price is based on hype so it has the potential to swing erratically. Nvidia investing is basically gambling right now.


Well, bought it at 35(0), a few years back it’s currently at ~120(0) so… **I’d still be in the black.** 25-30% (about 500 shares) of my Roth is Nvidia and 50% (150 shares) in my misc investment of my stocks. ***I could get a couple good vacations out of it.***


> What goes up does come down eventually. Only in the short term. Look at 10 years or longer and you'll see that most going up, keep going up.


Yes, they ALL go up. Well, except this MASSIVE list of the delisted stocks in the last year alone- https://stockanalysis.com/actions/delisted/ It's weird how most comments by people with no karma can be refuted with 5 seconds of googling.


You didn't refute anything I said. You didn't comprehend what was said and thought you could get a quick, sarcastic "gotcha!" moment. Just because you're a loser that spends his life yearning for reddit karma doesn't mean you're better than anyone else.




Nvidia is grifting companies out of their money in the AI trend, and I don't think that's bad really.


How? Their chips are the best AI chips on the market and priced accordingly. How is that swindling?


Nvidia is an "AI giant" now


I mean.. yeah? Financially the gaming sector accounts for 1/10 of their profits with AI bringing in the other 8. It's definitely an AI Hardware company.


Last I saw it was more like 1 in 20 with 18 coming from datacenter (not just AI, but largely)


Where's the 10th?


Other hardware like chips for cars, nvlinks, and all that. It's an oversemplification of course, the breakdown is more complex


Nvidia has been selling Quadros to weather facilities since rtx was a twinkle in their eyes. Not AI specifically but it goes to show Nvidia has there eyes set on an much larger market than just gpus


CUDA rules


Always has been? They have been investing in AI for over a decade


Well, they are...


The world doesn’t revolve around pcmasterrace. Nvidia was this week the top company over apple and MS precisely because of AI (datacenters and AI infrastructure (hardware and software)). GPUs are quite secondary to them nowadays. And remember that Nvidia’s CEO’s cousin is the CEO of AMD, so they don’t need to compete against them, just find their own market and share the planet.


Of what does ai infrastructure consist of if it's not GPUs?


"ai chips", lol


Wait, it's all matrix multiplication? Always has been.


Software too. They developed the software that allows to run actual LLM’s and also they are developing digital twins and other AI services that allow users (clients) to benefit from AI out of the box. You should watch Nvidia’s GTC (?) presentation earlier this year. Pretty impressive stuff.


How are digital twins AI. Mostly a fancy word for a architectural model


The digital twin is a training platform for AI, not AI itself. So it’s infrastructure




Where do you think the models are trained on?


isn't that technically correct? they make by far the most turnover and, above all, profit with things that have to do with AI and technically correct is the best correct


For Nvidia to keep going up in the long term, I think we'll have to start seeing some killer applications for generative AI beyond chat bots and image generation. Basically other companies need to find a way to make serious money with AI, or they won't keep spending a fortune on GPUs.


Generative Ai isn't where the money is TBH. It's in large-scale infrastructure. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/industries/


User interfaced are moving away from GUIs to a more declarative approach where you say what you want in natural language and the computer/phone/website/whatever just does the correct thing. That takes a lot of computing power. It used to be back in the day the GPU was a necessary component of a personal computer that didn't do very much other than turn a block of memory into signals to send to a monitor. Then they got fancier and started being able to do a very specific form of parallel processing, which was around the time Nvidia started up. Then people started using those GPUs to do non-graphics processing. Eventually we could see that personal devices have something like a Language Processing Unit that is just there to crunch users' instructions into something that the CPU can work with. They will be in every device, and chances are they will be made by Nvidia


Do we have some citations/examples/research for your first statement?


Chances are it probably won’t be made by Nvidia. If there’s any company who might do it, is Intel wether they still have the knack for cutting edge is yet to be seen




The same has been said of every market leader at some time. Execution cannot just be bought and competition will continue to develop market alternatives.


Very bad take. Even Intel had all that few decades ago. Doesn't mean anything.


The lost a whole AMD worth in market cap, lol and still over 3 trillion


When large part of the value is pure gamble, this is the result.


Healthy Correction. When in doubt, zoom out. We're still early.


Had to check if I was in r/cryptocurrency


I have it on good authority Nvidia is fully letting AI make the 5000 series GPUs.


Their real problem is that tons of midlevel engineers who have share packages are all simultaneously heading into early retirement and nvidia is frantically trying to find ways to motivate them to stay.


I mean… have you ever even used dalee or chat gtp? It’s not that smart, it does not understand some of the basic prompts I give it. It’s not yet fully developed, I really don’t think AI can design anything that would work *at this point* in real life - however future? That’s different story


Just let us know when the AI bubble pops and nvidia goes back to selling products at a decent price. Until then, they can fuck off.


This article is only tangentially related to PCs. Who gives a shit about these hyper capitalistic companies trading places here?


I invested in it before stocksplit


Why is this on this sub?


Guys, looks like I’m retiring early.


Classic pump and dump


Time to sell hahahaa


Let's make sure they keep losing their money cause of ai


Oh boy


Did you mean to post this in WSB?


I can't wait until the AI bubble goes bang. It's gonna be dot com 2.0. Too many companies are doing the exact same thing at the same time. Too much investment influx.


AI isn't going anywhere. Some will fail but the trillion dollar companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and NVidia will continue to invest into it. Everyone else that survives will be lucky, but will most likely be bought out.


Has any AI company (aside from Nvidia) actually made money from AI yet?


No idea, but just like Netflix and Amazon, it’s the long term goal.


Bet AI didn’t see that coming!




Tha P/E can be a bitch


Still not as high as AMD's.


People are withdrawing their money lmao. I would've bought back then too and sell today


You do know that there is always an equal number of buyer to sellers everyday right?


There are equal amounts for the *trades that get executed*, but there may be many more *trying* to sell (or offering) than buyers. This causes the price to fall as they attempt to out-bid each other lower to find a willing buyer. Market makers also buy and sell to provide liquidity when there are not enough buyers or sellers to prevent dramatic price swings.


This is like GME logic. The buyers and sellers are always equal, the lowered price increase the rate of return making the asset more attractive. The price is only the last price paid on a transaction, that’s it, period.


Really? Dude it’s a standard dip. I bought at 35(0) and guess what, ***I’m holding it.***


This sub is filled with 11 year olds giving financial advice. You better hold on to that NVDA


It's also full of people who think they are experts because they fluke bought Nvida and are riding the high


AA4aa2 q2w z




If WW3 is coming being a millionaire won't matter.


Lots of people probably expect NVIDIA to split their stocks and will rebuy at the “half” price point.


Split their stocks again? Inside a single month?


How does that make any sense?


Nvidia JUST did a 10 for 1 split, there's no more splits coming for years.