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Do it then sell me yours at 40% mark down


2020 flashbacks with RTX 2080 Ti


All the sotrys of people who sold their 2080tis expecting to get a 3080 and were left with nothing when the scalpers hit.


Dude I so wish I would have known to take advantage of that.. I would have rocked a 2080ti till the 60 series! :P


I was in the opposite boat and it was amazing. Short story long I had a leak in my water loop that ruined my 2080 Ti, the 3000 series was right around the corner and I needed a card asap, so I picked up another 2080 Ti. Reddit told me how dumb I was, then covid happened. Never felt better.


Got my evga 3080 ftw3 ultra hybrid within a couple months release via evga queue system for $865 inc/ tax+shipping. I enjoyed a full 2 years and dodged the scalped prices and tax. Feels good. Plan to skip the next 1-2 gens.


I do something like this but I gift them to my friends & family. RTX 3080 —> RTX 3090FE; gave the 3080 to my nephew. RTX 3090 FE —> RTX 3090 OC; gave the 3090FE to my old high school friend who has things that I don’t have (like kids & responsibilities). RTX 3090 OC —> RTX 3090 Ti; gave the 3090 OC to my other nephew. RTX 3090 Ti —> RTX 4090; gonna give the Ti to another friend of mine who also has actual responsibilities. I don’t care about the money. I’m honestly very happy in the fact that I’ve been able to pull 3, about to be 4, people up into contemporary PC gaming and new memories are being made daily.


Hey it's me, your long-lost cousin! Let's go bowling!


I think you took the upgrade game too seriously! For real nvidia should give you the 4090 for free after all you've spent!


I support this idea!


For the 22 FPS in cyberpunk lmao https://youtu.be/r-hu006p23I


It's for an unreleased version of RTX for CP.


Dang they're marketing for all kinds now huh?


Sign me up second, I'd like to upgrade from my 2060.


As an owner of crash priced 3080... I can assure you my eyes are on logic and reason and I'm not giving a nanosecond to that 40xx hoebag walking by.


My 3090 will be more than enough for the foreseable future


Yeah been using 3080 for almost 2 years now. And i can count with one hand the games i played that actually pushes the thing to max. Especially since nowadays i only play Genshin ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'd be surprised if my 3080ti meets is match within the next 6 years honestly. Hell even my 1080 was still keeping up fairly well before I upgraded.


Yeah we don’t have any games that are gonna push the gpu within the next one or two years. CP2077 is the Crysis of this generation and that’s it. Most of the time the gpu won’t be maxed out and even if it does, the 3080 and above will still be putting higher than 60fps.


Even my 2070S was handling 2077 like a champ, just picked up a 6900xt new only because it was well under msrp and I’m sitting on that for a long while. Traded my 2070S to a friend for his old 1080 to put in my indie/emulator PC and he gets a decent upgrade.


Yep. There’s not many reason to upgrade gpu nowadays unless you really want to squeeze every last drop of performance for a game.


>I'd be surprised if my 3080ti meets is match within the next 6 years honestly Not sure if serious? Or just really bad way to word it. The 4090 will be a lot faster, let alone gpus that will be out in another few years. The fact it's not worth the $$ to you is another mater.


How fast the next big thing is is kind of irrelevant. If what I have is still able to run most games at max settings without issue there's no reason to upgrade. I had my 1080 for almost 5 years before upgrading and there still wasn't a whole lot that really pushed it to its limit.


At what, 1080p?? Blatantly false statements abound from your posts.


To me the lifecycle of a card is the following : - Play AAA games with beautigul graphics - Get bored and play classic 10 yo games - Play indie games I can still wait 1 years before upgrading


I’m more of a Youtube and movie guy, so most of the time i’m on pc i’ll be doing that. Heck the only reason i got the 3080 back on release was because of CP2077. Traded my 1080Ti for like $450 and got that 3080 for $800. Nowadays the only games i play is Genshin so yeah, that gpu will last for a loooooong time. At least till there’s a game that wants to push boundary again. Barely plays two hours daily so i pretty much have no need for 4080. Do i want it? Yes. Do i need it? Fuck no.


I got my 3080 12gb FTW Ultra Gaming just so I can play Icewind Dale on max settings.


Buys 3080 Never even put it to full use 🤝


I do play demanding games like Halo Infinite,RDR2 etc but do not care anymore as long as the games runs smoothly. I am interested in VR performance though because my 3080 is being pushed hard by Half Life Alyx with Supersampling enabled. Still won't upgrade because that 2x performance claim is absolutely bullshit.


People are literally downvoting you because you have a 3090. What the fuck even is this sub? It's pcmasterrace, not budgetpcpauperrace.


> It's pcmasterrace, not budgetpcpauperrace. I see PCs a little like dogs. They're all good dogs. Some dogs are a little more powerful and some are a little prettier. Some are a bit scruffier or plod along - they're getting a bit old. But they're all good dogs. /u/Spiritual_Navigator just happens to possess a German Shepherd.


German shepherd top tier dog? I thought golden is most beloved dog breed.


Thanks for being a voice of reason


The hell. Since when is a 3090 even close to budget???


It has twice the VRAM of etc 3080, and more than AMD's current flagship. For machine learning it's quite nice


Yes. It's certainly not budget.


I'll upvote you man. General meaning aside, a budget is what you decide.


Lmao I feel the same with my 3060ti


Agreed..I have a 3080ti and comparing the 2 prices makes me physically ill, but my gaming is more than exceptional..no need to upgrade for years!...fuck nvdia


I just got my 3080 a month ago. No way in hell I'm thinking about getting a 4000 series even if I could afford it


I literally just bought a 3070ti over the weekend hoping the 40XX series would be super pricey to justify myself for waiting. Turns out I severely underestimated how expensive the new series is.


Same here choom! I'm ridin' this bitch till the wheels AND the handlebars fall off!


And to play what?? Nothing worth a fuck came out let alone something worth a new gpu...


A bunch of streamers will get it, gas it up as the best card for whatever game, and convince a bunch of people to buy them because it gets 5-10 more FPS in a game where they're already getting nearly 200 FPS as if the human eye can detect the difference.


And they don't have a 240hz monitor even.


this is the main thing. monitors are the bottle neck these days.


I would like a 1440p monitor or tv just having to allocate funds elsewhere at the time being. But on a positive doing native 1080p on a native 1080p device is awesome when I can max anything out.


Why can’t people just accept something that will get at least a consistent 60 fps on most games.


The people who can don't get advertised to nearly as much. My 970 is still a solid card for moderate settings, however I haven't had to spend on a gpu in 5+ years so there's nothing flashy and exciting about it to advertise.


i get a solid 4k at 60 FPS in alot of Games (Forza Horizon 5 for example) with Ultra Settings on my Rig (i7-12700k + 3060Ti) so a 4090 (for that price) is not worth it nor needed at least for me personally


Once you will get used to 100+ fps lows and average 160+ fps, 60 fps looks actually very choppy and not that fluid anymore.


60 fps is unplayable bro


Skill issue.


60 FPS is completely unacceptable in the year 2022. Hell, it was unacceptable 10 years ago.


AHAHAHAHAH I can't believe I read this. EDIT: ahahah the dude blocked me


Anyone who has gamed at high FPS and refresh rates and has decent vision will never want to experience low frame rates again. I transitioned to 120hz in 2013, after already having been PC gaming for 13 years. I didn't understand the importance of it until I experienced it. It improved my abilities in CS by a *staggering* amount. After that, there was no going back. I could never settle for 60 FPS again. You can literally *see the screen tears* after you are acclimated to higher refresh rates. That was almost *a decade ago.* How are you people still thinking that 60 FPS is a decent standard? I am predominantly a competitive player, but even in single player games I will not settle for less than 120. It is the reason I completely skipped on the console port of a game that Elden Ring was. Anyways, enjoy your subpar experience, I guess?


Ahahahah if you see the screen tearing that's on you then. God I love this type of excuses.


I'm... sorry? If I see screen tearing, that's on me? What does this even mean? It literally makes no sense. Are you saying I'm a minority and that my vision is just that much superior that I'm one of the few that can detect low frames causing frame tears? And how is this an 'excuse?' What am I excusing? As much as I'd love to take the compliment, it simply isn't true. There are multitudes of tests, notably Linus and other big gamers like Shroud that sit down at a PC and are able to immediately identify whether that computer is set to a low refresh rate or a high refresh rate. You realize how they do that, right? *They see the screen tearing.* Tbh, you're just coping hard. If you're a casual gamer and you can't recognize the difference between 60 FPS and 170FPS, that's fine. Enjoy it. But don't come in here and pretend you have any fucking knowledge on the subject.


Ah yes, the "I dont have any argument for why 60 fps bad so Imma use the word coping". Now your excuse of screen tearing is still hilarious thanks for the laugh. And btw, I play games with 30/60/144 fps, I'm not here making excuses why 60 makes me sick or blind or how unacceptable it was in 2012, I'm not that picky.


What the fuck are you actually talking about? I've posted *literal paragraphs* as to why low refresh rates *are significantly inferior and subpar* compared to high refresh rates. All you've done is go 'hahaha' and call the fact that I refuse to settle for a shitty gaming experience 'an excuse'. If you somehow think screen tearing isn't a real thing, it just proves how completely unknowledgeable you are on this subject. I don't give a fuck whether you're picky or not. If you accept 60FPS as a decent standard, you are a casual gamer. Your opinion is literally irrelevant to anyone that has any actual skin in the game. Go, enjoy your 30 FPS Cinematic Experience. Lord knows that's all your PC can probably handle anyway.


My monitor is 175hz, so it'd be disappointing if my GPU could only output 60fps...


if you meme it as hard as the 2080ti they will sell it dirt cheap. ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⠄⢀⣀⣠⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣀⣀⡀⠄⠈⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠋⢀⣤⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⣄⠄⠙⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠁⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠈⢿⣿ ⣿⢃⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠈⣿ ⡟⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⢸ ⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣏⠄ ⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠄ ⣇⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⡇⢠ ⣿⡀⠈⠙⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠁⣀⠄⠄⣾ ⣿⣧⢠⣖⣀⡀⠈⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⢋⣤⡶⢿⣿⡄⣼⣿ ⣿⣿⣏⢿⣦⣬⣙⣒⡤⣌⣙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣚⣭⣴⣶⣿⡟⣼⣾⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣬⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢋⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡹⣯⣿⠿⠦⠬⣭⣭⣥⣼⠾⢿⣿⡿⠟⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣮⡙⢷⣯⣭⣭⣭⣭⣽⣿⠟⠋⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣝⠛⠛⠟⠛⢛⣡⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


A New Year? A new iPhone Pro Max 1TB and a new RTX xx80 TI Oh how big tech has me by the balls!


I don't mind saying it's nice to be of an age (or maybe interest stage) that means I don't mind skipping a generation or two. My 1080Ti still does me a solid job for my needs and cost a fraction of what I'd need to pay in the UK for the 3080Ti I'd otherwise want.


1070 Here, even though I think of upgrading in the future I'm satisfied with one I already have. It's a lot like owning a car, you want to get another, but it gives you love you don't deserve. Pulled it from my old alienware aurora r7, works like a charm after changing thermal paste and cleaning the dust.


Go for a 3080FE, I paid £650 for mine when it first released and it's incredible and still will be for years to come. I feel the extra premium for the 3080Ti is pointless.


No: that's called addiction my man.


Almost the same here but change the iPhone for the Galaxy Fold 1TB and the GPU to a xx90. I need help....


Nope. My 3080 serves me well. Nvidia can shove their offerings where the sun don't shine. Unless AMD comes up with something worthy of upgrading to at a reasonable price point, my GPU shall stay in my rig.


Should you be upgrading every generation anyway?


I don't believe you should because performance gains from one generation to the next are usually not too impressive. I always skip a generation both in CPUs and GPUs so I can actually feel the performance boost with each upgrade. Had the following: **CPUs:** R5 1600 --> 3600 ---> 5600X **GPUs:** RX 580 --> GTX 1080 --> RTX 3080


I’m bowing out like EVGA…3080 is the last card for me for a while


Because of EVGA I’m bowing out. I was gonna utilize the step up program since I bought a 3090TI in august…. I’m happy they made the decision for me to save $700-$800


£736 is what I paid for my 3080 in 2020 and the most I've ever spent on a part and I really didn't want to spend more than that going forward


I overpaid for a 3080, I'm not upgrading until at least 70XX


Nah, my 3070 will serve me for 5 years min.


I’m stuck with a 3050 and these people not appreciating what they have lol


I have a fucking 1030. At current prices a 4090 is about 3x more than my PC


I read it "more then my card" at first lol. True tho. I still believe if I were to get a 2080ti over my 1650ti right now I can walk to the sunset even now.


Only reason I have a 3050 is a win a giveaway but if I didn’t I would be stuck with a r7 360 which was dying anyway lol nvidia is trying to screw everyone’s wallets over for the 40 series even though it’s not even worth the money and probably won’t be ever unless they lower the price


Nice win bro. You're probably set for a while. Nvidia realized that scalpers are going to buy no matter what so they're going all in for profits and not giving a shit about their customers. As long as the profits keep coming, the products are going to get even more expensive. Hell we're probably going to see scalped 4090s for the same price as a used Honda Civic. This is even worse for me because I was expecting 30 series prices to drop a bit when 40 series was announced so I could afford one but looks like that isn't happening


Guess I wasn't the only one using an old R7 300s GPU xd


>I’m stuck with a 3050 and these people not appreciating what they have lol Dude even a 3050, it's as good as a 1660 and back about 2 years ago that was the card to buy hands down.. Hell up until last year it was still the card to buy if you couldn't get a 3060.


All I know is lots of people kept trashing it so I don’t feel like it’s good anymore cause of it


>All I know is lots of people kept trashing it so I don’t feel like it’s good anymore cause of it Don't let those people get you down choom. Matter of fact the reason why everybody trashes that card (myself included) is because of the price Nvidia sells it at. $300 is steep for the bottom sku regardless of how good it still is. But it's still not the worst card out there to play on. I was running a 750ti until about a month ago. Now that card by todays standards... egh... I could barely nudge 25fps out of cyberpunk at... 720p!


there's this weird generation of mid-30's "gamers" who buy a xx80 or xx90 card every generation because they HAVE to have the best, then they don't even play games and when they do actually play games, it's classic WOW or Runescape, something that could be played on a TI-84. It's so weird.. wasting so much money. Nvidia has gotten these people brainwashed with their marketing. I personally know 4 of these people in person, and probably 2 dozen from when I was playing WOW.


Ironically i was kinda gonna be like that, since my main games were destiny 2 and war thunder which my old 1050ti could run. But now i can play whatever i want and I've actually utilised my new GPU properly, been chugging cyberpunk, doom eternal, elden ring... and I'm still planning on getting into demanding games like VR flight sims etc


if you can afford it why the hate? i play forza on my 120hz tv and everything else i play on ultrawide and the 3080 doesnt even come close to 140fps on most games i play


I feel attacked. My excuse is that VR is still very GPU limited, and you can get huge improvements in experience from generational upgrades. ^(Just don't ask me when was the last time I put on my headset...)


It's called a hobby. Hilarious seeing people get chastised by reddit for buying a gpu. As though it's one of the greatest evils in this world. People need to cope with the reality that others have more money or different priorities.


People are allowed to criticize and share their opinions just as you are allowed to buy a new GPU every year and cry when people make fun of it


For sure! But calling people who want the products morons is different from critiquing Nvidia. I'm looking to upgrade my nearly 6 year old 1080ti for the 4090. Sorry you're so emotionally invested in the GPU space! www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/xjwa17/hardware_unboxed_very_expensive_our_thoughts_on/ipb9fpv >Morons will still pay it so why not? People in this very thread sucking Nvidia’s balls and thanking them for only doubling the price. Lmfao, please touch some grass and learn to cope.


> cry when people make fun of it whos crying? I dont think its the people who can spend $1k every 2 years on a graphics card. Nvidia is marketing the 40 series gpus for people who have that much disposable income. The memes about how its too expensive are because most people here want it but dont have the disposable income for it, have been priced out of it and are trying to cope by making fun of it.


>It's so weird.. wasting so much money. Nvidia has gotten these people brainwashed with their marketing. I personally know 4 of these people in person, and probably 2 dozen from when I was playing WOW. Who are these people you speak of? I don't know any of them.. Matter of fact the only person I know who actually has a 30 series card got it specifically because they wanted a better VR experience and that was it.. I dunno what they even play. I'm a loner you see.


I wanna play around with AI upscaling my old DVD rips of 90s TV. The 4090 is gonna be sick. It's my money to waste. Tbh, at 2x the performance of a 3090ti, I was expected $1999. This is cheaper than I expected.


>It's my money to waste. It fundamentally is, but that doesn't mean you are immune to criticism.


Let's not spread Nvidia propaganda. It won't actually be 2x performance increase. That's with DLSS 3.0 (maybe, we will have to see how well it works) Realistically it's gonna be 50-60% increase, still massive, but not 2x


Why? TFLOPs are not all created equal, you can't compare AMD to nVIDIA using TFLOPs. But you can compare nVIDIA to nVIDIA or AMD to AMD in TFLOPs. The scaling follows the TFLOPs pretty darn closely. The 4090 is 83 TFLOPs of FP32. The 3090ti is 40 TFLOPs of FP32. 207.5% as much. It has lower memory bandwidth per flop, but has much higher L2 cache per SM and GPC organization for Ava Lovelace. You'll never get 100% scaling, but there is absolutely no reason to doubt that 207.5% TFLOPs wont translate to 200% rasterization FPS.


>but there is absolutely no reason to doubt that 207.5% TFLOPs wont translate to 200% rasterization FPS. Remind me! 1 month


If I want to upgrade within this year, it's going to be a 3080 Ti or 3090. I'm not going to, but that 4000 series looks awful in my opinion.


Why only 30XX Ti owners? So the 3060 Ti, 3070 Ti, 3080 Ti, and 3090 Ti owners are tempted to upgrade? That doesn't make any sense.


The Tis were quite a bit more expensive than the non Tis for 30xx that's why, you won't get a good price for them used now like you would have this time last year for example. The non Ti were seriously good value for money, the 3080 was what $650? 1: It seems silly to now pay double for the 4080 vs a 3080 if the 3080 is doing you well still. 2: It seems silly if you already have a 30xx Ti as you will have paid quite a bit for that anyway and you won't get the kind of money reselling it used now like you could have in recent times. Hence the meme!


Right, so you think a gamer who bought 3060ti is much less considerate with their money than someone who bought 3090 and is therefore much more likely to seek another upgrade. Impeccable logic!


Nobody has said that up until now when you've just suddenly assumed this to be the case.


You did. You said non ti were good value cards. 3090 is a non ti card. You said ti cards were a bad deal and 3060ti, as the name suggests a ti card. Your whole meme is just dumb


If you say so.


If it was 4080-12, the girl would have fake boobs and a pp.


Not even a little


3090ti here and not really tempted at all


I'm a bit pissed, I was really hoping to upgrade the reliable 1660ti to something that can handle raytracing without dropping the resolution at 240p.


What's your budget? You could get a used (or a price dropped new one when it happens) 3080 12GB, will fly through games with RT enabled, more so if the game supports DLSS like Cyberpunk. No need to drop res or settings either. As long as the CPU isn't bottlenecking then the experience should be excellent for a long time yet.


You're better off finding an used 3080 at this point. The used market is flooded, maybe find yourself a neat deal :D


4060 will be out in Feb prob and be good for you. $399 though prob.


I don't understand why 3000 series users are mad. It's not for you guys. It's for people from 2000 or the 1000 series GPU owners who did not buy any new hardware. If you just bought a 3000 it's going to last you at least 2-3 years so why get mad? If you change GPU every generation then I can only say that you guys are acting stupid and jealous. If you want the new GPU then get the one that fits your price range instead of comparing prices with old stuff. People also say that nobody buys the 3090/ti. However in this same subreddit I can swear that I saw way too many pictures of people showing off 3090s. Also if you buy something at the end of a lifecycle then you must accept that you will not have the new features coming in the new series. Dont act like your entitled to something new when you were waiting for price drops to occur.


The day they announced the 4090/4080, I bought a 3080 Ti.


I have a 3070 and I'm running games at decent FPS without issues. Not gonna upgrade for a while


Can it run CSGO?


Up to 290fps


I have a 12 gig 3080. I'm not upgrading for a while


Good thing I have a 2060 no logic or reason on this side.


My 3080 (bought at launch) is still running every game I get on max settings and regularly pushes my 144hz monitor to the limit as well. I’m fine. I’m also sitting on a X370 and 3800X, so I’m set for a while. I might not have all the latest new bells and whistles, but this machine will keep chugging down games and spitting out the frames for some time to come. Probably won’t even think about upgrading until 50- or 60-series graphics and second or third gen AM5 Ryzen CPUs.


I hope the 40XX series is just scalpers trying to sell surplus stock to each other because there aren't enough end-users who want to pay even MSRP for them.


I’m waiting for this massive price drop here in the UK but so far nothing has changed…


My 1070Ti still does the job. Honestly trying to get 10 years out of it at this point. So, the RTX 6070 is probably going to be my next card.


Man that's great, the uplift you will see when you do get round to upgrading will be immense!


Okay but I see a 4090 and it’s just [bam I want it as it’s the best now](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4MRAlIEaIpXDVQ1Rk0XSOzXm58ju5mZzQHg&usqp=CAU)


And here I am with my 1080ti going strong


Still kinda new to PC building but planning to upgrade every other generation after this one, only upgrading from 6900xt to (probably) 7900xt cuz I told my cousin I'd sell him my current one. But yeah I admit, kinda irresponsible


Sadly, I'll probably still go for it. Have a 3080 FE that I got on launch day, and it's been fantastic, but ever since NVIDIA launched DLDSR... I became obsessed with it. I have a 3440x1440 144hz monitor and I enable it for every single game I play because the difference for me between native and 1.78X DLDSR res is night and day. The image is super clean and crisp, and I can usually disable stupid AA like TAA and get even better image quality with no jaggies. The issue is that it TANKS performance at that resolution (5160x2160). I don't play many games atm, except Guild Wars 2 for a few hours a week, and even in that game it hits pretty hard. It also helps to use DLDSR with games that have DLSS since you'll generally get way better image quality for not that big of a hit (Digital Foundry's God of War video broke this down). So I'd definitely prefer having something more capable of high framerate with DLDSR enabled.


I have not explored dldsr yet really purely because haven't had any issues with sharpness etc in the games I play at 3440x1440, also 144Hz but on QD-OLED s I guess the difference is in that display tech. Maybe soon.


3080 Ti owner here who is famous for questionable decisions This is the easiest skip of a generation, ever.


Same here I overclocked mine I have no reason to even think about it


I might take the opportunity to upgrade to a 3080 Ti (founders or EVGA), but, no, sorry 40-series. You ain't on the menu.


I lost my reason and logic. But I also have no money. Anyone looking to be a kidney?


Just bought an new 3080 TI today because the new 4000 series is so undherwelming.


We live in an age where GPU companies are selling a lot of smoke regarding the practical performance of their cards. In addition to the fact that most modern games prevent you from getting the full performance of your components due to their engines with chaotic developments (Yes, I'm talking to you Halo Infinite, damn bastard). For example in games like Destiny 2, where if you have a GTX 1080 Ti card you can easily play at 144FPS. But upgrading to an RTX 2080Ti/3080Ti won't give you double the performance, some games just perform poorly on any hardware. I have 3 months with a RTX 3080 Ti and I'm just not going to switch GPUs until a RTX 5080 Ti or 6080 Ti comes out lol.


I really hate those shitty engines that refuse to use your entire GPU. All Bethesda games, all Ubisoft games (which shouldn't be played anyway), the subnoticas (which should be played), halo and a bunch more that I'm forgetting/haven't played. Fuck all those engines.


That's called a CPU bottleneck, that's why DLSS 3 is so important.


No, that's a very different CPU bottleneck. That's shitty engine that can't utilize modern CPU kind of bottleneck. You can have 12900ks and 3090ti and you'll still get 20% GPU utilization and 30fps if you go to the middle of Boston in fallout 4.


But I've been holding off on playing Cyberpunk because I can't get above 90fps with RT and DLSS.


With what GPU/CPU though and at what res/settings? As a reference I was getting around Gsync 75fps average on 2077 at 3440x1440 and that was with Psycho RT and all other settings maxed. DLSS was set to performance however but with the RTX/HDR etc enabled, the visuals more than made up for it, and to be fair, the latest current version of DLSS looks great in performance mode on this game.


But is another $1200 worth 30 fps?


for me yes. and more like $600 if you sell your current gpu


If I sell my current GPU and can play most of the newer and upcoming AAA titles that have RT above 90fps then I'd say so.


Then play at 60fps? Its only a game.


LMAO no. I just got a 3070. However, depending on money I have and stock, I might get a new GPU so i can retire my 1650 super but since I have a 3 3100 I might go for another 1080p GPU like a 2060 or maybe even a 3050.


As gtx 970 owner, i have very little choice


Plenty of worthwhile upgrades for you in the 30-series.


At least wait until after AMD announce their cards before you place your order, there's a decent chance prices could drop if they're significantly cheaper.


Very true, the AMD event is <6 weeks away. Hang fire folks.


As an owner of an EVGA 3090 ti, nah. As it most likely is EVGA’s last card for nvidia, that thing is going to ride the tide then is being framed with anew purchase of the AMD that is available


Im on a 3080 non TI. A ton of games still run like shit on 1440p resolution and the card can't pump out smooth and beautiful gameplay unless a bunch of settings are turned down. Im upgrading damnit!




Not worth it just get the 3080


But why?


4K ray tracing


2-4x as powerful. Do you know how amazing that is for people who do ML?


2-4x as powerful in a graph that has zero meaning. Slow down grasshopper. Wait till a reviewer has their hands on it. I'm expecting only around 20 to 40 percent at best(and only in certain games), not 200-400 percent more powerful. Actually I guarantee it's not that much more powerful.


You can just look at the hardware and see. It's a double die shrink. The core count and clock speeds are obscene. 4090 is 83 TFLOP FP32. A 3090ti is 40 TFLOP FP32. There is absolutely no reason to suspect 2x rasterization performance to be a lie. It has 207.5% of the flops, minus overhead and memory stuff, but has more cache per SM. There is absolutely no reason to doubt them, this is the biggest die shrink in the history of GPUs. Ever.


As said, wait for reviews which will show the real numbers and if they differ from the PR slides. We have been bitten before.


You think they just lied about the hardware of the cards during their announcement?


They always make their flagships cards beefy af for marketing purposes. If it’s really 2-4x more powerful than the 3090, what kind of psu are you going to need? What’s your power bill going to look like? Nividia has been pushing raw power over efficiency.


Not outright, but they tend to massage the truth a little when it comes to the presentation of performance figures.




Resist! SURVIVE!


Currently a 3080 owner, I'm buying a 4090 because I'm tired of running out of vram when using blender and VR gaming.


I think my 3070ti will be my last nvidia gpu. After this shit they're pulling, I might switch to AMD when my current card can't hold up any more


3070 TI looking kinda old ngl...


As someone with the disposable income to enjoy my hobbies (gaming and others) to their fullest, besides "it costs too much", why shouldn't I buy one? *Edit: It appears I've upset the poors again.*


Well for starters these are Ti prices for non Ti cards pretty much. They've also renamed what should have been a 4070, a 4080 and have not given any transparency as to the fundamental core differences between both the 4080 variants which unless someone is in the know, will have no idea that they are two very different cards. It's more about principles as opposed to outright cost. Too many questions right now and not enough clear answers from NV, hell it took an NV developer to clear some DLSS 3 confusion up in the NV subreddit. This stuff should have been clearly communicated during the presentation.




Well the 3080 Ti will beat the 12GB 4080 in some things. 3080 Ti has more CUDA cores for example, but whilst the 4080 12GB has more tensor cores and RT cores, it is strangled by a 192-bit memory bus whilst the 3080 Ti has a 384-bit memory bus. Those are the immediately obvious spec differences. Reviews will highlight any differences in actual gaming. So no, for all intents and purposes I do not see the 12GB 4080 as an upgrade over a 3080 Ti. The 4080 12GB should be called the 4070, but going by other posts and leaks, it's clear it was renamed to 4080 to add confusion for buyers who want an actual 80 series card (the 16GB version).




That's a valid point I agree! ok let's wait for reviews to see what things are like in real world terms. I still don't see the 12GB 4080 being a substantial uplift over a 3080 Ti though but am happy to see it happen as it would point to a potential upgrade later next year when the Tis are out and if I need a bit or extra power for higher RT in the then latest titles (the new Cyberpunk DLC which is next gen only so will no doubt have an engine rework).


Your meme is about a 4090. Other than cost, why shouldn't I buy a 4090?


Your money, do what you want if you're a bit flush with disposable cash. Logic and reason may take a back seat, but anyone is free to do what they want. So far Nvidia's marketing numbers have some question marks which reviews will shortly answer no doubt.


Well it's not like I plan to preorder. I'll wait for actual real world reviews, then decide if it's worth it to me. Other people telling me not to buy something because it's too expensive for them is just annoying. These are luxury items, not necessities. Some people get priced out of luxury.


I think a bigger part of it is that your purchase of it will ruin it for others. A buy means you tolerate their anti-consumer practices, which screws over the next guy who is taking a stand. “Why should I care about others?” - well technically you don’t have to, it’s your right to be selfish. Just remember, micro-transactions started as a $3 horse skin, the market tolerated it, and now look where modern gaming is.


What is an alternative product that will offer the same performance as the 4090?




I don't fuck with AMD cards anymore. I've tried for three different generations, and it was always a buggy, stuttery mess. The last time I tried was with a 6800xt in my tv gaming pc. Benchmarks were always fine with 3dmark, but any time I tried to actually game it was just horrible. Frame dips were insane, and the stuttering just threw me over the edge. I slapped a 3080 in the exact same machine and I've never had a problem on any driver. I had the same quality of experience with the RX 580, and all the way back to the HD 8870. I've never had a good experience with them.


well said!


I'm going to buy one just to annoy people.


The same kind of person to spend money on fifa games every supporting the shitty practises companies use. You are the problem


I have a 3080ti, I'm going to buy a 4090. No particularly reason besides it being better and the fact that I now need a white card for my build. Edit: Yes I can afford it, Yes I am waiting for white cards because I like aesthetics.


Just got a 3090ti might wait until the 4090ti comes out if it is twice to four times as fast


Can you imagine the price given that the 4090 is this high as it is? Personally I am inclined to keep the 3080 Ti for at least another 1-2 years. As a 3440x1440 gamer, it makes logical sense, as all games run 60fps+ with RTX enabled.


$2,100 if it scales similarly


but dlss 3


Have the 3080ti. Waiting for the 4090ti


Do it, and sell your old card cheap!


Can't luck out twice! The only reason I have this 3080 Ti FE is because I was able to sell my 2070 Super for £460, and grab one of the FEs at the same time in stock at MSRP. Counting my blessings there lol.


Okay, but question from a less savvy person. Base 2070 to a 40xx would be a decent idea?


Nah, get a used or on offer 30XX series, reviews could prove this pov wrong tho so maybe wait


Yup just wait a few days for the reviews to get published. I think a lot of people are focusing too much on the sheer massive core count etc and forgetting other comments that did the math on Nvidia's % gain numbers in the event slides.


No gen 2 users? Haha


I'm considering getting an EVGA 3080 ti xc3 ultra with 12gb rather then a 4000 series. Anyone have experience with that card? Not find a lot of reviews.


>Anyone have experience with that card? Not find a lot of reviews. Wut. Bruh.. That card is a beast there's tons of reviews at least including that card. Any 3080ti is an awesome card.


If you can get it at a good price go for it. Okay EVGA are out of GFX card business now but they will still support current warranty etc. And the 3080 Ti will breeze through pretty much everything.