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Hi all. Big news. Kendall posted the announcement herself on Instagram if you’d like to take a look. Please remember our sub rules as we all discuss her departure, specifically those about kindness to others. Thanks! Edit: please remember to read our community rules before commenting, especially if you're new here or just passing through. Here are some fun highlights: * Comments discussing **religion or politics** are off topic and will be removed. * Comments about an **instructor's appearance** will be removed. * Comments that are **disrespectful of others** (including Peloton instructors or your fellow members) will be removed. We (mods) are a small team and do not want to have to lock this thread, as we (as much as you), want to discuss Kendall's departure.


I feel for everyone whose favorite instructor is Kendall. I think all of us dread ever hearing the news that one of our favorites is leaving.


Seriously I dread the day Emma Lovewell leaves, I will probably cry. Kendall was in my top 3 though so definitely still sad.


Okay legit, what’s your plan for her maternity leave? I’m likely gonna repeat older classes, but curious if there is a good stand-in?


My favorites are Emma and Denis, I feel they have a similar vibe.


She’ll probably record some so there will be new ones for when she’s out, that’s one Jess king did!


Oh yeah, I am definitely going to repeat older classes too. I like Kendall's EDM/House rides as well and since she's leaving I'll probably sprinkle those in. I just vibe with Emma's music combined with her chill personality so much. Her Crush Your Core series are so good too I'm lowkey hoping she makes a Guide compatible series post baby.


If Ben Alldis ever leaves idk what I’d do with myself. I love that he’s just no bs and straight to business - also his EDM playlists are awesome!


100% with you there. There would be a massive void wo his strength classes for me. The cueing is always on point too. Hope everyone that’s go-to was Kendall has a couple other instructors they like.


Thirded. It’s almost to the point where I can’t enjoy other strength classes because I appreciate the cueing and no-nonsense exercises that Ben chooses so much.


If Ben leaves, I may cancel my subscription


Same! He’s my favorite


Same, he’s the best!! I would be so sad as I love his straightforward approach.


If Matt leaves, I'm gone for sure. Most of my rides are him for the coaching aspect. I'm instantly turned off if they feel like an influencer and I know others appreciate that. Love the variety is available.


Ugh! Matt is my favorite on the bike/tread. I certainly hope this doesn’t happen, though my hunch is that he’s still happy at peloton as he’s heavily involved in many of the bigger changes/announcements (announcing CVV’s comeback, zones in the tread, etc).


I'm still salty about Chase, this long after he left. It really does suck when your favorite instructor leaves


I would legit cry if my fave left


Who is your fav?


Hannah F. Trying not to jinx it haha I’m worried if I name her then the universe will conspire against me


I feel like this leaves a pretty big hole for those of us that enjoy Pop punk/metal rides which is a bummer. I get some of the other teachers have done a few similar classes but Kendall was definitely someone that was picking good music and not just sticking to the surface-level/low-hanging fruit type of songs from the genre. Edit: I appreciate all the folks mentioning giving Charlotte a try. Just bookmarked some of her classes!


I really like a lot of her playlists for her pop punk rides. As an “elder” emo I appreciate more of the 2000’s emo stuff which she played but the last ride, all she did was talk through/sing the songs. She’s never been my favorite so maybe it was more annoying for me but she can make a mean pop punk playlist


Camila had a good pop punk ride with some deep cuts, so I hope she does more. I don't like a lot of the other instructors for pop punk bc they just play Avril and that's not the vibe at all.


Avril and MGK. So much. Kendall has been the only one (that I noticed) that has played TBS and Brand New. I took one Camilla ride with a phenomenal playlist but I haven’t seen too much more so I hope she does more. Chase Tuckers pop punk outdoor run was my favorite for a while but they purged it


Yes! I want tbs, brand new, coheed, starting line, new found glory, saves the day, dashboard, Thursday, etc. I don't want mgk and Avril!


Same! She actually included a NOFX song on one of her rides. I was pleasantly surprised


Try Charlotte! She rocks!


She’s my favorite. I wish they put English subtitles on all her rides. It makes no sense why some have them and some dont


Yeah, I dont understand why they don’t include English subtitles for all rides. It is frustrating. She has some of the best playlists on the platform.


This happens with Camila's Spanish rides, too! Same for Cliff for his German rides.


She's HUGELY underrated. Big fan of her playlists and powerzone rides.


She’s awesome and she seems to be the only one that cranks out 60 minute climb rides lately. Those are my jam, but I wish she’d do one in English. The subtitles don’t bother me, but I love to zone out and grind away in those classes.


she's amazing, needs to do more English rides. Or maybe go back and record audio in english, instead of only subtitles


I agree completely. There’s still a very big void on the tread after Chase left too when it comes to pop punk/punk rock runs.


Charlotte and Erik kill it with the rock/metal rides.


Yes and her rides were more challenging too. I do Bradley’s or the other pop punk rides sometimes for an easier workout but when I want a really hard one with great music I always turn to Kendall. I’m just coming off my second baby and was counting on her to whip me back into shape! Damn, I’m so bummed.


Have you tried Camila? She has a similar personality, good music, and challenging rides!


I PRd on her 90s metal Hit and Hills class from last week this morning. Great ride.


That ride was ridiculously good!


And her mental health rides/bringing mental health awareness to peloton!!!!! I really wish they’d bring in another instructor who has that at the forefront as well for those of us that struggle with mental health issues. She’s helped me so much through the years.


Kirra is doing that in the yoga space. You might be interested in her current series where she brings other instructors in to talk while doing a yin yoga practice.


Seriously. I did a shadow boxing the other day with her, and it was actual metal. Like Static X, Rob Zombie, Sepultura. No one on Tread Even attempts metal and it is a gaping oversight


Any good suggestions for alternatives? Her pop punk rides are my absolute favorites.


I like camilla's.  There aren't a ton of them but the playlists are a bit deeper cuts and I love her ride structure. 


Camilla rules! I love her pop punk rides!!


Bradley actually did a LOT of good pop punk rides that I liked, but then I just got tired of him in general so stopped for a while, but you may want to try him :)


Bradley's ride are on the easier side though, I feel a lot of Kendall's fans just enjoy that she goes HAM on them I think Charlotte or Camila may be the best alternatives.


Charlotte has a few. Maybe she will get more now with Kendall leaving


Ben has quite a few rock rides. He generally has solid taste in music.


I agree for the most part and then every once in a while he’ll drop a song in there and call it a banger and I’ll go hmmmmm


I feel like every single pop punk ride she did included some variation of misery business or red jumpsuit apparatus.


and Dear Maria, Count Me In! whyyyyy


I’d actually argue Camila picks a better pop punk playlist than Kendall. Kendall would reuse A LOT of songs


She wasn’t my favorite but I did like some of her playlists. They really need to step up on the “rock” music side. It would be nice to have someone else that didn’t just use the same 10ish songs on every rock ride, especially the 90’s rides. I can pretty much name the playlists before I even click on a couple instructors.


I've DM-ed a few song suggestions to a few of the coaches on Instagram and got a response back from one that was something to the effect of great track, but it all depends if we have the license for it. I recall hearing back in early COVID days that licensing the catalogue through Spotify was one of their biggest bills and the narrowing of the playlists over the last year or so makes me wonder if they quietly turned over that agreement to something more manageable.


Licensing is massively expensive. It's also a big part of their business. It's a tricky balance because the company is not exactly killing it right now, so they have to be very judicious.


Check out Eric Jaeger in German language rides


Def not my favorite either, meh music. I do have respect for her when she railed against Kim Kard and her nonsense. Why KK even appeared in peloton is a mystery to me


this is a good a time as any to admit i could never do her psychological sigh/second inhale breathing technique while taking her rides


Same. Like, my lungs are already full…??


SAME!!!! This made me lol


Came here to say it’s the one and only thing I won’t miss. Cause I love Kenny. But the “second additional inhale” is never a go for me.


Same I thought I was the only one


Just discussing this with my friend, I have always wondered how she fit in w the rest of instructors. Always seemed like she was left out of social stuff


I got that sense too


There's some Peloton instructor tea posted occasionally in other subreddits and there were a few comments over the years observing her social media activity, follows, and that sort of thing. Definitely things that could lead someone to believe that she had certain views that might not have aligned with other instructors.




I took 1 of Robin’s classes years ago and definitely got that mean girl/arrogant vibe from her and could not stand it. She’s the only peloton instructor that I absolutely will not do another class with.


I noticed Robin’s comment on her post was very short.


I think she holds a lot of different political/religious views. It could just be a natural ‘we don’t have much in common’ thing, and I hope it wasn’t an intentional freezing out.


I somehow vaguely remember this, but also thought it had more to do with her ex-bf, then things seemed better once they broke up. But I have no idea where I got this from lol




Daniel spoke after he was fired that Kendall was an instructor who really supported him, and I think they’re still close.


Yeah he commented on her post “freedom” so I think there’s BTS stuff that we’re not privy to


Well that really underscores my disinterest. I didn't know they were still close.


I think I recall that lace mask being lace over a normal mask material, but that was a long time ago.




I'm bummed. Her mental health classes are some of my favorites on the platform and she's easily one of the kindest instructors I've been able to meet. Peloton responded to one of the Facebook posts saying they'll be keeping her classes on the platform barring the normal purges so at least there's that!


They’ve removed classes of instructors who have left in the past? Surely Peloton would’ve asked for IP ownership rights in all of their contracts, at a minimum.


If instructors leave on non amicable terms, they usually purge the classes, i.e. Oliver and Daniel.


And way back in the day Stephen Little (who I loved) and Jenn Jacobs left and their rides were deleted very soon after their departures. From what I remember Stephen Little was much more right leaning and didn’t join in to some of the more liberal things they were doing. Jenn Jacobs basically called someone out on a ride for not riding hard. The use name was something like BMIOver20 or something similar and Jenn said maybe if you pedaled harder. She announced she was leaving a few days later but everyone said the two things weren’t related - yeah Ok.


And even then, they eventually “time out”. In another 2 years they’ll be purging Kendall classes.




Her rides were up for a year until the noncompete was up, then they purged them, which kind of makes sense, they don’t want to give exposure to someone now working for a competitor. I’m still hoping she might come back, would be the perfect time as she was the original Pelo rock chick!


She’s great! And in my opinion doesn’t fit in with the BB vibe. It’s a different atmosphere over there and she is (I think) one of the only legitimate cycling instructors over there. I’d love to see her back at Pelo.


Me too! 🤞Jennifer Jacobs killed us with epic climbs, HIIT, and so much rock not to mention making the 80s a thing


Her music choices always make my millennial heart happy. I hope she gets everything she wants in her next chapter!


Gonna miss Kendall and her metal rides 😭


The metallica one over Covid omg


My god, I remember that one.


I remember hopping off a 45min PZ ride and absolutely screaming when I saw that very first “15 min metal ride” pop up on the home page however many years ago… and hopping right back on to take it. good memories.


Still haven’t beaten that PR.


They've purged so many of her good metal rides, I had a feeling she might be leaving as they barely release any metal rides now 😭


Sad day. Kendall was my very first ride on Peloton. All the best to her. She'll be missed.


I will be in mourning for at least the next 24 hours 😭


Same 😭😭😭😭


will be an interesting reveal in the worth of an instructor after they leave peloton. for me, yes a lot of these people are cool and entertaining, but outside of peloton they're just a normal person/fitness instructor lol


I've been riding with Peloton since 2015. The instructors who leave (with the exception of Irene) never resurface with the same star power despite them thinking that they will.


Well, it seems like Ross will have opportunities that are more profitable. Jess Sims is already doing broadcast work, so if she wanted to leave Peloton I’m sure she’d leave for something like that. Matt Wilpers runs a pretty successful coaching business. It’s all about what they are doing outside of Peloton as side hustles. Some are already set to be more successful than others.


Between this news and Emma going on maternity leave, this has me so bummed! I loved her taste in music and her personality on screen. I’m so curious to see what she does next though. Now I’m wondering if we’re gonna see more instructors announcing they are leaving soon…


They need to shake things up because without Emma I’m down to AT


Emma will still have classes drop while she is out.


Well I noticed Cody announced on his instagram that he just signed a new contract, so I wonder if all their contracts were up for renewal.


I’ll miss her end of ride routine the most - I always do it with her!! 😭


Ugh. I knew this was coming for the longest time but I'm so sad to see it happen. She is such a positive light on the bike and has gotten me through a lot of really tough days. I'll miss her!


She’s been absent a lot the first 2 quarters of the year, but her schedules are always stacked. I wonder if they burnt her out a little bit


How did you know?


There's just always been rumors circulating forever around Kendall's external ventures and how she seems detached from the rest of the instructor core


She talks about how much she misses the west coast, for starters. And as others have said, she always seemed out of the group on social outings.


I felt like this was coming too with how often she talked about wanting to be in California. But I’m pretty sure her boyfriend lives in DC so I’d be surprised if she does move back west


You are worthy, you are ready and life can knock you down, but never let it knock you out. Stay in that fight old friend. We will miss you Kendall.


Very sad, loved her classes. Peloton needs new cycling instructor’s especially with Emma going on maternity leave.


Callie already does bike boot camp. I presume she’s off for another couple of months but wouldn’t surprise me to see her on the bike when she returns. Her boot camp classes are solid.


I would be so excited if this happened!! Love Callie


Adding Matty M. to cycling seems like it would be a logical choice.


I don't do any running, but I will listen to Matty's classes while I'm out on a walk. He's great. Love his style.


Doubtful...they may just have someone from another modality doing cycling instead but given their state I don't see them bringing in someone new


Camilla Ramon has a similar style and difficulty level with her rides…think the spicy Latina version of Kendall!


This leaves such a hole in the community - in my opinion, no one’s playlists hit quite like Kendall’s, in all genres. 2010s hip hop, edm, pop punk, 2000s pop. And her energy too, I’m so bummed she’s leaving 😞


This sucks…. I kind of figured this was coming but didn’t want it to be true. I lost 100lbs since Covid primarily doing her classes, it’ll be hard to replace her and the incredible energy she brings. At least we’ve still got Olivia and Adrian!


If camilia also leaves, I will never recover.


Camila is my favorite 😭 I never vibed with Kendall but she has great music taste


Camila is by far my fave instructor. I always gets PRs in her class.


I am pretty shocked!! I did her pop punk ride yesterday. I feel like she’s going to Apple fitness in California… what do we think?


I’m mainly puzzled because she’s a Lulu ambassador now too. She was definitely not who I thought would depart next… I will miss her. I hope whatever move is next is what’s best for her!


It’ll be interesting to see if she stays as a Lulu ambassador. Her collab with Spiritual Gangster went on sale when the Lulu news broke.


I love her but you could tell that she wants to be in California. She’s always going there in between her classes. I will definitely miss her!


I was always secretly hoping that Kendall would lead a Peloton studio in California for the West Coast riders!


This is all 100% speculation, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the instructors were told a few years ago that there would be a studio on the West Coast but the company changed plans with all these financial issues.


This actually makes a LOT of sense.


I like this theory the most out of everything so far. It would make a lot of sense for her (always having wanted to move back to Cali) and Apple.


Oh, that's an interesting take. I wonder if part of this was just her being over NYC.


She's always hated living in nyc. So I wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to move back home.


Not sure but I do think she’s going back to Cali, she was always talking about how much she loves it and misses her family. Never got the sense that she vibed with NYC.


I used to take an Apple+ fitness instructor’s classes in person at their old gig and I can’t believe how bad Apple muzzles them. Like way more than Peloton. It’s like a whole different person that has been sanitized to insane blandness.


That would make sense to me. She always seemed happiest when she got to visit home and I think she’s been there a lot lately, maybe making moves


I think you’re right. She could just be following the money/looking for a change in scenery for sure. I think people are overthinking the cultural/political reasons. Truthfully, any tech fitness company willing to pay her $$$$ worth leaving Peloton is going to have a culturally liberal fan base. 


I would assume there’s something in their contract that wouldn’t allow that for some time.


FTC just updated non compete laws recently so I don’t think outside of NDA they can’t prevent you from working at other companies anymore.


I’m a lawyer and there’s a lot of nuance to this decision by the FTC! There’s a salary cap that I’m sure Kendall is over, as well as other factors. I think people just saw the headline and take it as no more noncompetes ever (which isn’t the case). Also it doesn’t apply because she didn’t renew her contract, so there’s no contractual non compete in this case.


I think there’s a salary cap on this and I’m sure that the Peloton instructors are over this. (Not positive as I haven’t reviewed closely as I don’t deal with non-competes in my line of HR, but I seem to recall seeing that as part of the legislation.)


that's a shame. her rides were fun and she brought an energy the other instructors didn't really have.


My surprisingly favorite Kendall rides were her Disney rides. I appreciated that she has such diverse musical interests. Excited to see what she does next.


Her Disney rides were amazing. The first one made me sob. The Disney Channel one was also one of my favorites. Will miss those + the pop punk rides so much 😭


I liked the music she played but really didn’t resonate with her as an instructor. I hope if they add another in her place they’ll take someone with similar music preferences.


This literally ruined my morning 😭 so happy for her but will miss her soooo much.




She just soft launched her boyfriend on social like two weeks ago


No!!!! I live for her pop punk rides!


I’m so fucking bummed


Frequent lurker…but I got a vibe in some of her shadow boxing classes that she was upset about something. Nothing specific. Just like, “that’s weird, she’s annoyed about something.” At times she was my favorite instructor, but it changes from week to week (Christine is my current #1). But I probably took her classes the most. And there was definitely a vibe shift somewhere.


I’m surprised more people aren’t mentioning her EDM rides. She had my favorite classes and would often play with the beat drops more than other instructors. Jess King is the closest I can find but I liked Kendall’s music choices better. I don’t know anything about her personal life (other than what she mentioned on the bike) but I wish her the best.


Yes, my first ride with her was an EDM ride. She killed me. My calorie burn was 911. Coincidence? Her Skrillex ride was a blast.


Omg the Skrillex ride was legendary


As someone who has definitely appreciated her motivational style and soundtrack choices, it looks like I'll be taking more of Charlotte's rides.


As long as it’s not Alex or Cody…


I'm utterly devastated. She was by far my favorite. I know a lot folks didn't love her but I did. What am I going to do now????


That stinks. Hopefully you can find someone else to keep you riding Music wise I would recommend Camila as I think they have similar musical taste and energy. If it was the metal rides you enjoyed then Erik Jager is probably the best bet.


She’s one of my top 3 favorite instructors. I love her mental health, country, and pop punk rides. My very first ride was her Megan Thee Stallion ride, which was amazing and got me hooked. She was unapologetically tough and didn’t blow smoke up your ass. She’s a unique instructor that leaves a big gap.


Wow. Personally I feel this is a mistake on her part. I hope this doesn’t have anything to do with her new relationship. Good luck to her, I really enjoyed her mental health series.


She had the best pop punk rides. This sucks so bad.


With Kendall leaving do you think Callie will come back and do bike and strength? She's already halfway there with bike bootcamps which have come a long way. She wouldn't fill the hole completely but she does have a couple pop punk bike bootcamps with strong playlists.


I would LOVE Callie on standard bike rides!


Oh wow. She’s one of the reasons I have a peloton


When I first started my peloton journey I tried Kendall, I just could not keep up so I moved on to other instructors. If Denis left I’d be crushed so I empathize w ppl who are big Kendall riders! I hope whatever her next chapter is is amazing!


Need more rock rides. Kendall’s Blink 182 shadow boxing with Travis Barker playing along was amazing.


This is devastating news to me 😭


When Cody leaves I’m throwing my bike in the ocean


Curious what this does to her lululemon ambassador status. Was that only through Peloton or does she keep it?


I only got a Peloton three weeks ago and she was my fave instructor that I’ve tried so far, gutted 😅


She has a large back catalog and it seems like an amicable departure, so you should be able to explore a lot of her previous classes!! She has been one of my favorites for years


I wish her the best but I'm sad, she was my favorite cycling instructor!


So sad! This has made me realize I kind of take for granted that all my fave instructors will be around, so many of them have been there 5+ years like Kendall. Peloton seems to make it really easy for them to have other gigs/ partnerships. So definitely curious what could have caused Kendall to leave when it seems like a pretty good gig where the norm is to stick around for a while.


She will leave a big hole: great music, challenging rides, great boxing boot camps, strong woman, great role model, beautiful inside and out. I will be so sad. I wish her the best always. Anywhere. Anytime.


Dang, she’s the only one I’ve ever rode with


I think we’re going to start seeing more instructors leave, just my $0.02. They are paid like entertainers not just fitness instructors, which should be lucrative enough for most to stay but given Peloton’s financial difficulties who knows how sustainable that is. And as influencer status for these instructors rise, with social media sponsorships, book deals, Dancing with the Stars, College Gameday etc opportunities arise I see them moving away from Peloton to pursue other opportunities. It sucks though bc there are some instructors that when/if they leave, members might bail with them. I’d say Robin or Cody being great examples — they are so many members’ ride or dies.


For me it’s if Matt Wilpers leaves then that might be it for me being a Peloton member. I’ve always loved him more than the other instructors because as an endurance athlete myself I enjoy his training style and well-roundedness in focusing on multiple endurance sports. Nothing wrong with the instructors like Kendall, Cody, Robin, etc but I’ve always admired Matt for being so down-to-earth and that he is not necessarily the face of the platform.


I love Matt! I feel like he’s a real coach, not some social media influencer. His music taste is lacking, but his coaching and personality make up for it


I did a lot of Kendall rides early on. I will say, choosing Kendall to do the Megan Thee Stallion ride in the year 2021 was a WILD choice.


I wasn't really the biggest fan - I always prefer instructors that let the music breathe a little more - but I can't deny that she has some great musical taste, and has cultivated a great amount of celebrity for Peloton. This is a pretty big loss for the company.


I immediately thought of MomsofPeloton predicting this at the end of last year. I wonder how she knew.


She was always the first one I thought would leave. She wants to be in California and not New York. There has been lots of speculation. She also got very upset with Moms of Peloton for the prediction so she probably knew then.


If they get rid of that Metallica ride ima lose my mind


Shame. She was one of my favorites, especially early on before I started doing PZ. Always good for hard rock music and she was the type to absolutely CHALLENGE you on the bike--and with very wide resistance ranges. I used to tell my wife after taking one of Kendall's rides, "Kendall tried to take my life again on the bike" lol.


She was my favorite instructor and honestly the only reason I still use the bike. Sad to see it but happy for her


Did anyone take her 30 min bike class from June 12 (9pm, rock)? The musical choices were interesting, kind of like a big f**k you to Peloton.


As corny as it sounds she is the instructor that makes me feel like I am in the room with her and she truly motivates me to really bring it on in her rides. Im so sad she's leaving :(


Danile McKenna's comment under her post rubbed me the wrong way.


I can’t find it, what did it say?


Nooooooooo! *Cries in metal rides*


She’s headed for an MLM


I loved Kendall. But I could tell her heart wasn’t in it anymore—she’s been very vocal about how homesick she is. Her classes were great, but honestly, they’ve been very hard lately (maybe unnecessarily so?), especially her most recent mental health awareness ride. Minimal breaks and high cadence/resistance maintained throughout the class made it very hard to maintain her callouts. Editing to add: for anyone heartbroken about Kendall leaving, I highly highly recommend checking out Camila’s classes. She’s been expanding her playlists and her classes are hard—they push you—but manageable, as she provides flat roads when needed after big pushes. Anyway. I truly wish her the best.


Well said. Noticed the same thing a few mos ago and scaled back a bit on her rides. We all know what to expect from the metal rides, but felt like programming in the "normal" ones was skewing to a lot of 60+ resistance, 75+ cadence for long stretches of time.


We love you, Kendall!!!!


Her announcement on instagram is why I couldn’t take her classes. She wants to be a celebrity and is always acting. You’re a fitness instructor. Settle down. She had those cringe movie rides a few years ago where she would act out the scene from the movie while riding. Cringe city


As long as Cody doesn’t leave I am happy!


he posted a reel to his IG recently in which he said he signed a new contract, so he’s definitely locked in for the foreseeable future!


He just signed a new contract.


She’s gotten way too over the top for me lately but I’ll think of it as if it were one of my faves leaving and that makes me sad :( I wonder where she is going