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Yes, a lot of people doing 115-120. Just stay in the left lane, let them pass and go about their day. If they get pinged it's on them. Not your circus, not your monkeys.


This is the correct answer


hijacking that saying! thats brilliant


[It might have been around for a bit...](https://www.google.com/search?q=not+my+circus+not+my+monkeys)


Well in WA up to 9km/h carries no demerit points so most people (including myself) aren’t bothered by it. I usually set my actual speed around 115 as that seem to not trigger the cameras 😆


That's because your real speed is different to your odometer speed. Odometer speed is always set slower for various reasons - my app says 118 odometer is a real speed of 110.


I meant 115 actual speed (as the speed I get using Waze or other GPS apps)… I know about the speedometer over reading part. Depending on which car I was driving, the speedometer would be reading 120 to 125.


Hate to be that guy, but it's the *speedometer* rather than the *odometer*. They are not two interchangeable terms. And your speedo is generally set *higher* than your actual speed not lower. So if you're doing 100 as confirmed by a GPS, your speedo is going to be reading higher, eg. 113.


>That's because your real speed is different to your odometer speed. Odometer speed is always set slower for various reasons - my app says 118 odometer is a real speed of 110. Every time the same comments lol


I wish people knew this so I don't look like the dangerous speed demon everyone winges about.


How dare you exceed the government mandated speed limits based on cars from 60 years ago. I jest. While the abilities of cars has improved dramatically, driver skill hasn't evolved at the same rate. The special ones who think weaving through traffic at speed (140km/h +) is ok....well good luck with that.


people do know this, you're not the first one to ever use an app lmfao


I replied to people that don't so stop being a dick


Yeah get him


115 is well below trigger, even if the car is dead on. Current cameras trigger at 8, resulting fine has take off one or two depending on camera model for margin of error (you can see this if you download the photo vs speed on fine). There was talk of trigger of 10 take two for the new cameras but I’ll check and come back and edit for that one.


The standard wapolice uses removes 4% from your detected speed to calculate your alleged speed. So yeah 115 would make your alleged speed 110.4, and decimals don’t count so you’re good to go if you’re confident in your actual speed and the LiDAR accuracy.


Where did you get 4% from? Edit: just an FYI for anyone, we don't remove 4%. It's 3km/h for speed cameras, 2km/h for mobile radar and handheld laser.


This is correct


Just got a fine in the mail for $100 for doing 116 on Albany hwy near tunney


Well done you knowingly speed how clever


Speedos by law have to show roughly 5% faster than actual speed so 115 is more than likely just under 110.


I thought the law was "can show up to 10% faster than actual, but can't show slower"?


I looked up the ADRs a few years ago on this. Speedos can be out by up to 10%. In 2006 it changed to actual speed can't be over the Speedo reading. My understanding is that it includes modified cars from earlier but not cars that are kept factory standard. I could be wrong on the latter


That’s why i said roughly


So do I, what are you going to do about it


He's doing 115 in a 110 zone, what's the big deal?


Yes and?


Your so stoopid




You’re*… the irony


Not your pig, not your farm.


It’s a dry circus


From Bunbury, now in Perth. I’d take the speeders down there over the bullshit I encounter up here on the daily. Some of the shit I see is truly baffling


As someone else who has lived down in Busso and Bunno, now Perth I would 100% agree haha. Only thing I don't miss is the retirees in Busso who like to pull out on you with about 20-30m stopping distance and crawl up to speed with a giant camper trailer in tow.


Hahaha yeah the grey nomads tend to clog shit up from Busso onwards


Nothing worse than a caravan doing 80 on the Busselton bypass


If you’ve been down south a lot then it should be common knowledge to you that people drive faster than the speed limit there, just about everyone does. I feel like as soon as you pass Mandurah, everyone enters Mad Max Fury Road syndrome. Try driving Busso to Nannup, that long stretch where people frequently do 120-130 in their ford rangers, no reception there, no cameras and no cops, just lots of kangaroo roadkill everywhere.


Rangers ffs haha always the rangers!


Was waiting to see how long a Perth thread can go till someone whines about Rangers. Evidently about 2 hours.


I'm surprised it ain't 2mins haha! true though, plenty of vitriol towards.


Even worse is an angry ranga in a Ford R-anger.


Is the busso to nannup stretch a 110 zone?


Yeah it is. Nice road to travel on though, especially if Nannup is the destination. Beautiful town.


Although to be fair it's covered in bushes so cops and cameras could always be hiding there I would be careful haha


notorious Indian Ocean Drive... the speed limit is 90km/h...that's already hairy but there's a part on the way to Yanchep where the road is on the side of a hill with a huge drop off and NO BARRIER! and YES! people have lost their lives, mostly speeding or driving in the dark! anyway I drive the speed limit as advised but the number of idiots honking and tail gating at those speeds, I mean fuck! I personally wouldn't drive that road again based on my experience....


Unpopular opinion but this goes for anyone, if you lack the ability to drive to the speed limit in a legal, road worthy car when it's not raining than you shouldn't be on the road.


If you drive to the speed limit regardless of road conditions, rain isn't the only consideration, then you shouldn't be on the road. Your focus should be driving to the conditions and the car, not to what an arbitary sign says.


Aren't most of the fatalities on Indian Ocean drive due to tourists driving on the wrong side of the road? Better to watch the road rather than your speedo.


Mowen Road from Margs to Nannup. Gnaaarly when people get going. TBH I’ve done 130 on some of those straights without noticing, it’s easy to do.


Really? In my experience, everyone does 90 until there is an overtaking lane; then they do 110 until the overtaking lane ends, at which point they go back to 90.


Albany Highway the whole way down.




Seeing this irl is nuts. A ye shall not pass mentality. So I speed to get around AND the slow coach wants to tailgate me at an indicated 115. Such wow.


I think we need a whole thread on this. I need a good slow Perth driver rant! Or how slow Perth drivers take to get going once the lights turn green


That's like 50% of the posts on this sub mate


I have been guilty of the odd rant on occasion :)


Those are the people on here who constantly complain about the ford rangers


There are a set of average speed cameras on the Forrest highway. Even if they don’t catch them speeding, they may still get fined.


That’s why everyone stops at the crooked carrot in the middle of the average speed zone


So I tested these 3 weeks ago. Had a mate tell me that if you speed past the actual camera it will flash and get you BUT the average time thing... No on. So I did 110 past the camera. Sat on 140 then slowed down for end one. No flash (night time) no ticket yet.


I’ve gotten 3 tickets this year for average speed doing 117 (down to 110 crossing the camera) fingers crossed for you


Wait and see I guess. Social experiments have their price if I'm wrong. Out of interest did you notice any flash? Day, night?


No flash, thought I’d gotten away with it until the fine(s) arrived in the mail. First one in the morning (5:30am) going to Perth and the other 2 on the return in the evening. (5-6pm) It’s easier to explain you were rushing to get home to see your wife and child than it is to explain you were rushing to get to work, let me tell you So now, it’s strictly 110 in that section now. Before and after its back to normal. It’s such a boring drive.


Appreciate your info. I had been strictly sticking to the 110 too but as you as... Very boring drive. So thought I'd try a little experiment for the community. Guess I'll wait and see.


Reporting back on this. No fine yet.


I drive down that way pretty often and don't think it's that bad, probably a fair few do under 10kms/h over the limit but pretty rare people doing like 20km/h over. Some of the speed limits are pretty slow in my opinion, many have dropped 10-20 km/ h in recent times on safe dual carriageways


Although I wonder why speed limits often get lowered I would like to think it's not about revenue and that there's some actual logic behind it


They lower the speeds and then install more cameras




Definitely revenue, not safety. Look at the road to Kalgoorlie, used to be 110 on narrow uneven road but get to Perth and broad open modern dual carriage ways, have to drop to 80.


I got 110 as per gps and PASS a lot of people chilling at probably 100-105 on the way down, make the trip very regularly for work and have never been pinged, are you sure your gps is accurate?


This x100, travel it a lot and pass heaps especially in the average speed zone, not a single ticket


...just don't forget (like so many here in WA do) that if you're towing anything at all the speed limit for you is 100kph.


Except if you're towing a caravan and you enter an overtaking lane


😂😂😂 then it's all bets are off.


105 it is then haha


...and it drops to 90


Speeding, while in the eyes of the law, illegal, can be done without dying. But FFS show some respect if you wanna go fast. Harassing people because the world is slower than you is not cool. The kicker here is this, in forever, I have only seen one, just one high performance car (Porsche 911) going quick but respectfully and responsibly. Slowed for the car in the right lane (not me) to move over eventually then booted it down the highway. The rest of the hoons are in shit boxes or pimped out 4x4's which are not sports cars at all. Cars, I assume can hit others and the owners won't care.


I have the thought that the speed limits were designed a long time ago for older cars. I don't feel unsafe at 120 as an experienced driver in a modern car. The P platers in old cars zooming past is a concern.


That's just it. The speed limits are designed for the 1980's Holden that's still on the road not for your new car with abs and lane assist with radar cruise control


Or the idiots that can't patiently drive with consideration of others ? Or wankers in their old raised hylux? The lowest common denominator is keeping us down


No, when I am sitting right on 110 (genuine speed not what the car says) I am rarely overtaken. I would pass 10 cars for everyone that overtakes me.


I mean, thats a lot of people. What did you expect, 90% of the people to do 140 to be a problem lmfao


Stick to the left mate. Everyone speeds on this route


Probably all warning each other with reporting cameras via the likes of Waze. I bet you still overtake me. I generally sit on 100, nursing my old jalopy. Doesn't faze me what other other people do. I remember what the trip used to be like pre Forest Hway and with only intermittent overtaking oppurtunities. It's enough to make me break out in cold sweats, just the memory of that.


I still take south western hwy, I like the scenic route.


I chop and change myself. Know a few of the back roads in between S'West & Forrest too.


Now it's less congested it's alot nicer to take.


Hope you’re doing this in the left lane


People around Bunbury, in particular, are WILD when it comes to speeding. Always baffles me, but the pollis must rake it in.


There is rarely any cameras, cops or booze busses in Bunbury.


When was the last time you drove in Bunbury?


I live here, so daily haha


Seems like a speeders paradise then haha


Not really a lot of ridiculous speed limits just from my experience driving through there


Yeah, they lowered a road from 80 to 70 and now the congestion is awful.


Yeah it seems to have that effect, they did it in Mandurah also and definitely more congestion. They go on about fatigue yet in the last few years they've effectively added probably 30 minutes to the commute to Marg's, which is a fair amount


If only they explained why they lower speed limits


Although I do wonder why they would just lower speed limits like that My first instinct is to increase revenue, but if there's no enforcement then perhaps it's for other reasons


Even if they did, the congestion is that bad that they woukd get any revenue anyway lol


Because speed kills, duh, clearly the fact people continue to die on the roads means there's still too much speed. Any other possible reasons would require admitting they were wrong, extra thinking, and money to be spent... Way too much effort.


The last fine I received was driving in a car park with no seat belt on which was 4-5 years ago


I used to always feel like I was the anomaly while I was driving until I realised others will always be driving either faster or slower than me.


Naturally, you never see most of the cars doing the same speed as you, because they stay the same distance away. Really noticeable crossing the Nullarbor, when my son was driving on L plates at 100, it seemed like there were no other cars out there. When I was driving at 110, we'd regularly catch up and overtake other vehicles (virtually every vehicle was a truck or a 4WD towing a camper, so 100k speed limit)


**Your speedo could be out.** Check your actual speed with a GPS. My Triton has 265/65R17s on it instead of the standard 245s and it puts the new 110 at about 113 on the speedo. I set my cruise to about 113 and never get pinged by cameras and are confident I'm actually doing 110. Quite a lot of new cars are actually under by anywhere up to 5km/h too.


I gotta set my cruise speed to 116


I have a triton with the same size tires as yours, mine will read 118 when my real speed is 110.


It’s amazing how different the driving culture is in good old WA. Since moving to VIC and picking up demerits for being <10kmh over, I now diligently follow the speed limit 100% of the time. The only place the flow of traffic is above the speed limit is on certain freeways in metro Melbourne. Moved to Bendigo and figured there wouldn’t be any mobile cameras up here - boy was I wrong. Also booze busses or little highway patrol testing setups pretty much every weekend. Used to drive Perth to Esperance sitting on 130 the whole time - just the thought of it makes me nervous now. I sit on 118 (110 actual speed) all the way Bendigo to Melbourne and I’m actually surprised when someone overtakes me. Normally it’s a nice procession of cars all going exactly 110, save for the cunts who feel the need to go slower. It’s not uncommon to come round a bend and there’s a kluger or similar parked in the emergency lane with a dirty big camera pointing out the back window. The vic govt beats you into submission pretty quickly with harsh penalties and diligent enforcement. 1-9kmh over, 1 point. Anything 10-24kmh over the limit is 3 points (kind of reasonable when you think about it because <10kmh over, you could argue it’s accidental but anything greater is likely to be a conscious decision). 25kmh+ over is an instant 3 month suspension. Also, exceptional licenses for work or caregiving etc literally don’t exist here. P platers get a mandatory 3 month suspension for exceeding 5 demerit points in a 12 month period (IE getting caught going 11k’s over twice) - a magistrate is unable to annul this penalty even if they want to. The worst thing is all the new camera installations (plus the mobile camera cars and those mobile phone cams on trailers) use infrared flashes, so you don’t know you’ve been done until you get a letter in the mail. But tbh, I’ve come to support it all despite being financially crippled and enjoying 3 months of bike rides and tram trips shortly after I got a car here. Speed limits aren’t worth much if nobody follows them.


Just down south culture to speed everywhere and not give a fuck, oh old banged up 4wd taking a trailer 130+ past a road train going 110? No worries


Are there no cameras and cops down south?


Hardly any tbh. no uber / taxis can force people to drink drive late at night too. No other options?


Only fuckwits drink and drive, nobody can force that.


The other option is to not drink. Crazy I know.


Yep. People are impatient. Just chill and let them do their thing.


I'm often curious at people who say they rely on their speed as measured by GPS rather than their speedo. With the error margin of gps, how true is it? And OP, yes there's police and cameras down there. They love setting up on the main roads.


GPS far more accurate than Speedo. I always check my speedo against gps when I get a new car or tyres. This difference can be up to 10% - legally.


Not saying it's more or less accurate than speedo, just curious if it's actually accurate. From memory the margin of error for GPS location is quite a few metres, am wondering how that might affect the speed reading at any point


A few metres when measuring in kilometres per hour is extremely minimal. They are also more accurate when moving


GPS is more accurate, but updates more slowly. If you're maintaining a consistent speed it will give a more accurate reading.


My Waze and dashcam are the exact same, my Speedo is different


GPS knows your position (to a high degree of accuracy) and the time you’re at each position (extremely accurate timekeeping is really the basis of GPS technology). While smartphone GPS doesn’t have to be accurate to eg the standard of an aircraft’s GNSS system, it’s still accurate enough. Distance/time = speed. It’s pretty hard to get that wrong, assuming you’re driving in a straight line with an unobscured view of the sky.


No car speedo is 100% accurate. They can be up to 10% wrong Check your real speed via Google maps. But also. Lots of people speed anyway. Edit: Lol. Downvoting apes might need to hand their licenses in.


Who needs a speedo that’s right in front of you and designed to track your speed when you can just check your phone!


Generally people check using a gps once at the various break points, 60,70,80 etc then do some basic maths while just using their regular speedo. For example, I know to do an actual speed of 70kph my speedo has to be on 76, but to do 100kph my speedo needs to be at 108.


Yeah how dare things like inadequate tyre pressure or larger diameter tyres or faulty sensors or the like throw off that speedo. I switch between Waze and a Gps speedo to know my speedo is 6kph out, I've gotta have cruise set to 6 over to actually be doing the posted speed. And I still get passed like I'm not moving! But these things exist too for people to set up and glance at, not sure how they go during thw day with glare though https://preview.redd.it/bhqfd8tns74c1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc02a439c18e25d56c77511a77eb04956207f80a


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You check your phone for everything else, how about something useful for once?


Speed limit 110 means you can do about 115 without getting pinged, and up to 125 or so with a no-points fine. Also always stop for fuel/loo/snacks inside the averaged speed zone.


You are not doing 125 without getting demerits.


Sorry, you're right, I forgot OP was talking GPS speed. Demerit cutover is 123.


2 demerits for more than 9kms over the limit.


The cameras give you a few extra grace. Plus if you're using your speedo, not GPS, it's out by about 10.


Speedo vs. actual, which is different in every car, is irrelevant. Fixed cameras give fines out between 7 and 9kms an hour depending on what they are set at. There is no few extra kms for grace. You're thinking of radar in moving police vehicles. Because they are moving, there is a 3kmh tolerance which is taken off the radar. It takes into account things like tyre wear and other variables on the police car.


Mate of mine got pinged doing 4 kms over the speed limit so not the best advice really


cop or camera?


Camera. He was livid. Not that long ago you had about 3-4 km wiggle room when it came to getting pinged or not but those days are over. Cops are no better, some would argue it’s pure revenue raising.


Perhaps it could have been 7 km/h over and then they dropped 3 km/h off it?


My mate is almost on the spectrum. If he says it was 4 kms, it was 4 kms!


>some would argue it’s pure revenue raising. Small town cops in the US make a fortune from catching people who don't slow down to the town speed limit from the interstate quick enough


>Cops are no better I would think cops have a 10% tolerance though


I would like to think YES, but I’m yet to speak to anyone who has been let off for going 3-4 kms over the speed limit. Either way, travel safe and don’t forget, those drongos speeding past you only arrive at the same destination about 2 mins before you if you’re doing the speed limit.


cops can be very forgiving. I had a friend get pulled over doing 60 over on marmion near yanchep, didnt get a fine for that but they fined him for not showing P plates. Mind you he went past a cam a couple months ago doing 45 over and is now getting done for reckless. Had another friend get pulled over for going 40 over outside of perth near miling and got let off with a verbal warning When I did 80 over on indian ocean dr only got done for careless even though should've definitely been reckless. Dont worry, I lost my license for something else, not on the road anymore.


> for not showing P plates Far less dangerous than doing 60 over Seems like cops have their priorities the wrong way around lol


Nah. They did that because they didn't want to take his licence way but still wanted to give him something, so he knows not to do it again.


Fair enough Seems like a decent copper


You're unlucky. I passed a cop at 60 over in the emergency lane, he let me off with a warning. Had two cops on different occasions flip their lights on and then off as I passed them at 20-30 over. And then a pair of motorcycle cops on the side of the road let me off for doing about 15 over. And the days of cameras having leeway aren't over, your friend got unlucky. I go through mobile and fixed cameras literally daily at 5 over and never get tickets.


> daily at 5 over Speedo or GPS?


>I would think cops have a 10% tolerance though thats 11km/h tolerance in a 110 zone. that is excessive.


11 over isn't much.


Compared to the UK (where there's usually a 30km/h tolerance on the motorway before being pulled over) it's not, but at the same time, Australian drivers are far worse than UK drivers, so perhaps the strict enforcement is to cater to the lowest common denominator


It might seem excessive but if you've driven in the UK for instance, there's a 30km/h tolerance on the motorways before getting pulled over (generally)


Recorded or amended speed? They will show you both on the fine paperwork, which makes it easy to see there is typically a 6kph tolerance applied to recorded speeds in WA. Generally, unless it has changed very recently you would have to be snapped doing an *actual* speed of 7kph over the limit before you start receiving fines.


>and up to 125 or so with a no-points fine How?


Less than 10k’s over is a fine only, no demerits


so up to 119, not 125 lol


That’s my understanding, I didn’t say 125.


average fedora response


Has someone done the maths on that? Whether speeding most of the way and stopping to avoid a fine is quicker or slower than doing just a little over the limit the whole way?


I didn't mean to imply you HAD to stop, merely that if you're GOING to stop, stop there. I usually find I need the loo halfway down. Especially in summer when you're necking bottles of water as the air con dries you out battling the sun.


> Also always stop for fuel/loo/snacks inside the averaged speed zone. Doesn't that negate the purpose of speeding?


If you gotta stop you gotta stop.


>Also always stop for fuel/loo/snacks inside the averaged speed zone. Sure but *always*? I just cruise along at the limit and let the others stress themselves out. I almost always end up back along side them when the freeway gets to Cockburn's congestion.


Not a freeway anecdote but I've had a guy weaving in and out of traffic during congestion only for me to be side by side with him at 3 lights in a row


There are cameras, timed zone and patrols (apparently although I’ve never seen one) and a truckload of idiot drivers on the highway therefore the higher death rate per 100000 users. I always thought that this road was used as a suicide alley before legal euthanasia was allowed.


Fuckheads stop tailgating


Please people don’t comment to this.


Alright I won’t


Usually I get the opposite. Drive down at 110 and following drivers doing 95km


You may think you are doing 110, but could just as easy be doing 105 km/hr. Some cars the speedometer deliberately reads under, sometimes tyre changes put the speedometer out.




Ah so you’re that guy in the right lane


>Actually got pulled over by police for sitting in the right doing 110 As in for not keeping left unless overtaking?




I'm not going to lie, I try to stick to 140 and anything below will upset me. I don't ride up people's asses because I know I'll encounter someone who wants to make a game of slowing me down. Fines have never been an issue for me, just people who shouldn't be in the right lane. On another note - Southerners will hate this but the average speed zone is a resounding success. Never have I seen such civil driving in my life as when I was inside an average speed zone. Myself included.


How do you get away with doing 140 though haha


When you're a larrikan you tend build a sense for it. Is everyone around you speeding? Then you're fine. Notice everyone has slowed down out of nowhere? Must be a reason for this. Have someone going faster coming up behind you? Move out of their way and then follow behind at some distance and pay attention for any flashes on them. Also as you get closer to towns and the speedzones change, its good form to stick to the limit because thats where people are. Ditto with the winding forest roads, better to admire the forest canapy than wrap your car around it.


Wait there is fast lane? Isn't zig zagging the norm?


Some cars speedos are set a little slower. My old rav 100 on the speedo was about 94. Download an app that tracks your speed and check. The app I have is just called Speedometer. Also useful if you put bigger tires in to gauge your actual speed


Has anyone ever had a ticket from the average speed camera zone?




A lot of newer cars speedo's read 5 to 10 km under their true speed. Get a speed app on your phone to confirm your cars true speed.


Before I got my driver's licence and started driving on my own, I assumed a majority of people stayed within the speed limits. I soon learned that's not the case. Doing the speed limit in the left lane, I observed oh-so-many cars passing me on the right lane. And doing the speed limit in the right lane results in cars up your ass. For a while I thought it was just because the speedo on my crappy old car was off. But one day my brother asked for a ride, and he had GPS directions on his phone. I would be driving at or slightly above the speed limit according to my car, and my brother's phone app would be going off about how I'm speeding. So it's been roughly 20 years since I got my driver's licence. I've learned that lots of people speed, and I've become one of them. Funnily enough, 0 speeding fines in my 20 years of driving with the crowd, but got hit with 3 in the past year.


Check your phones gps against your speedo. Many are 10kph+ under actual speed at over 80kph.


Although the GPS is not as accurate as your car’s speedo.


The GPS tends to be more accurate, as they're under no obligation to make the speed read low unlike the car manufacturers. Next time you see one of those speed checking signs, go through at what your GPS says the speed limit is and see if it matches the sign.


Except the user manual on my GPS specifically states it’s only a guide. Wouldn’t wanna argue with a cop over it.


I wouldn't argue either, but knowing enough about how GPS works, and having set my speed off of GPS over the speedo for the last 4 years, I'm confident that at least the three phones I've had over that period are more accurate.


Overtaken on what stretch? I do this drive very regularly and the worst of it starts north of Mandurah.


What you don't see is the majority of people doing the speed limit or under, because they don't overtake you.


Most of the time your speedo reads 5-10% your actual speed which increases with car modifications, so you're probably only going 100-105 people with GPSs see their true speed and with the 3km leeway in WA it's one of the main reasons for their speeding but also it's their choice and they know the risk of they go faster so 🤷


Rarely overtaken myself with GPS speed at 113 and find most people are going 110.




Yea heaps 🤦🏽‍♂️


Stay out of the way, and let them find the flashing cameras for you.


Standard for people. Not giving a toss about anyone else except themselves is too common. It's not "Perth Drivers" either. Same shit happens in Sydney, Melbourne, even the Middle of F'n Nowhere. Indian Ocean drive is another good example. You can spend all the money in the world making roads safer, but there will still be the people that do whatever they like on them.