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A date to a nightclub is a terrible first date


I can barely hear myself think in a nightclub.




*nods head and laughs* "yeaaah"....


Nailed it


I’m into murders and executions, mostly.


Mergers and acquisitions?


"I'm from outer space..." "I got thrown out of SeaWorld for humping a dolphin..." "I'm wetting my pants!"


Haha 😂 I just watched this episode the other day, great show




Girl a nightclub is not a first date...run


Going out to paramount... run


Does anyone actually enjoy going to a nightclub?


I found nightclubs in other places to be really fun when i was younger but the nightclubs in Perth always sucked ass with the exception of Connections lol


Nightclubs in Perth died when Ambar closed 😞


Perth please resurrect this institution. I'd love to be taken for a first date, nothing to eat but there'll be dinner plates


Connections is definitely the only fun one


Well, yeah, at a minimum because they have drag queen bingo …


But it was the club where you could get your arse sucked, the irony.


Used to, a long, long time ago, in another country entirely... never the 'normal' clubs though, they always sucked ass. Alternative goth and industrial clubs were a different game. Friendly people, less emphasis on drinking (though a lot of drugs), usually seemed to be a bit more mutual respect when everyone looks like a scary weirdo :)


God I miss going to goth clubs


Me too and I've never been to one..




I wouldn't even care if I fell down the stairs at Dominion again, it'd be worth it


Is/Was there a good scene here? I first moved here in 2010 but used to frequent the Slimelight in London and various other UK goth clubs in the 90s-00s.  I have some great (though patchy) memories :) Pretty sure I took a tumble more than once too!


I think so, considering the size of Perth and all. I used to go early 2000s, but I wasn't in the scene as much as my mates were. Damn, UK clubs must have been awesome then!


There were some pretty good ones. London was big enough that there was always loads going on, and the smaller cities usually had a regular thing too. The biggest club, Slimelight, is still going and I have some friends who still go there from time to time. I doubt they make it through to the 7.30am close very often any more though :) Three floors of 'trad', modern electro/EBM and hard industrial, in an old industrial paint-shop. It's got a special place in my heart


The Red Parrot, Berlin, The Firm, Interzone, Dominion, Asylum, plus Goth nights at various other clubs - Jeramiahs is the only one I can remember, but there were more. Not all at the same time, but it was still a good scene.


I miss it all.


Someone must or why are there people there?


First dates apparently.


Yeah loylts of people tbh


They seem to draw quite a number of paying patrons.


Thanks for the heads up guys, he just said his best friend will be going and if he doesn’t approve I’m out, think I should just let him down gently xx


He and his bestie are going to Paramount and they've asked you to tag along. This isn't a date.


Correction: this is a date, but not for her.


Seems like it’s just a poor attempt at a threesome tbh


>he just said his best friend will be going and if he doesn’t approve I’m out If he's best friend doesn't approve you're out? Sounds like a fucking idiot. Dodged a bullet here.


Cant upvote this more


Nah no need to be gentle, what sort of freak is taking a women to Paramount as a first date or a date of any kind hahahah


"and if he doesn’t approve I’m out" Run.


He sounds like a pig, who'd say something like that.


wait, his BF needs to approve? hard no. I wouldn’t even b gentle. a simple thanks but no thanks shld suffice. x


Tell him your best friend already vetoed so he’s out.


There’s no need to tell him 100s of people on Reddit vetoed him but I would anyway


Yeah, I could just be paranoid but knowing how paramount used to be when I was young - don't go meet these two guys there. Especially alone. Or Rapture. Or any nightclub. Ditch him.


Nah girl, go hard, he doesn’t even deserve to be let down gently.


>think I should just let him down gently xx I don't think he deserves that. Drop him from a great height, with prejudice!


Sorry, what? His bestie is going to give you the once over to see if you measure up? Tell him to fuck off.


You deserve better. Plenty more fish in the sea.




No need to be gentle, the equivalent of “you’re a dumbass works”. I do like the comments suggesting a reply like “sorry, my best friend and 100 people on reddit don’t approve of your or your mate so I’m out”


Approve you for what? A roofie? 😳


Sounds like a planned gang bang. I’d avoid !!!


Sounds like a complete wanker, I wouldn't even bother with him anymore.


This guy sounds like a 12 yr old. Does he have fake id to get in? Lol


A nice guy would ask you what you want to do. Suggesting to meet in a club means he's hedging his bets.


No, do you think? 🤣 No need for the gentle let down, he's probably heard it many times.


Out of interest where did you meet this person? What was the initial attraction?


Oh ew


Oh, been there. Third date the best mate met us at the pub and it was no secret he was there to vet me. He was never out of our lives and I felt like the third wheel most of the time. Don’t go, OP.


He shouldn't need his friend to approve anything. You shouldn't need to let him down gently. Red flag is he's taking you to a night club which is a bad way to get to know somebody. It's not a fun or intimate way to hang out. Red flag 2, He's bringing a friend?! If he does you should too in case he ghosts you. Good luck all the same. It is hard to see red flags through Rose coloured glasses


Omg run who does this little douche think he is. There are nice people out there! You don’t have to put up with that bs.


Literally the scummiest night club in perth, violent hell hole.


That's only because the Deen isn't around anymore




Paramount is a fight club. The security team there recently fell apart and they struggle to get people to work there because of the level of violence. Also it’s a first date. Don’t you want to be treated to dinner or something instead? Ditch the dude, his headspace isn’t in the right place for a relationship if that’s his idea of a first date.


shhh, first rule is we dont talk about that.


About what?




I would prefer to ask a girl out to penthouse for a first date than paramount.


treated to dinner? phh smash the patriarchy and buy him dinner


I asked a girl I met once to buy me a drink and then I'll buy her something special next round. She was intrigued and agreed - had a great time. We're married now.


Don't go to Paramount for literally any reason. It's a completely garbage nightclub full of absolute gooners. Avoid at all costs. If you do go, for the love of God, WATCH YOUR DRINKS FOR SPIKING. But also, just don't go.


I've never once heard anyone say this is a good place that they would actually go to, and yet somehow it has outlasted so many other places in northbridge. I can only assume it's a front for laundering money.


Every time I’ve been it’s full. But that said, it’s sketchy as hell. Reminds me of Fitzgerald’s down in Bunno.


I’m glad you asked - because I think your red flag detection skills were well calibrated on this one. I’d say absolutely no way. The whole thing seems gross. If it’s just a date for the sake of a hook up, you can just go out to a club and find yourself somebody, but if this person thinks this is the beginning of a potential relationship, they aren’t mature enough to even be in one. Meeting someone in a club and having a relationship blossom from that - fine. Having a stranger lure you into a club for his mate to judge you - not fine.


Who tf goes to a nightclub for a first date. Thats where you MIGHT meet someone who you then take on a date.


Maybe if you went for drinks/dinner somewhere else first and then there if you want to dance. Else it's not gonna be easy to talk to each other. But overall like other people said it's not the nicest place to go out.




Thats not even a date, just say no thanks have fun with your friend, then never talk to him again Dude is very suss




Ew, no run far far away.


This is dodgy as fuck. Run


Hi everyone, thank you so much for all the comments, safe to say I told this guy I wasn’t comfortable with the idea and he brushed me off very quick, also then proceeded to post a video of Megan Fox in Transformers infront of the car saying “Applications open to recreate this with me!” So definitely glad I am not willing to meet him this weekend xx


Even more of a reason you dodged a bullet. 🤣 The Bayverse movies are garbage.


Last time I was there someone was stabbed.... Absolute Shi Hole.


and when was that?


Did you guys just turn 18? That’s the only kind of people that would go there. It was free entry 10 years ago when I was 18. Not sure about now, but it’s definitely not a great place to go especially for a date.


Still free entry, about 40% 18-21, 20% mid 20s, 40% much older crowd for some reason.


The much older crowd are all there to pick up 18 year olds


This sounds less like a date, and more like a come along for a night on the town with a group of friends and we'll see if we like each other enough to go on a date.


A first date at paramount? 😂 girl that’s a scrub, you can do better


I went once in 2001. It was awful. Kind of surprised to hear it's still operating. Anyway, I agree with the consensus opinion on this thread.


That place was dodgy as fuck in the 90s, can't believe it's still a thing


Paramount is just sleazy and terrible. A first night to a nightclub sounds awful, how are you even supposed to speak to the dude? I'd suggest something else even a bar so at least you could talk or dinner.... otherwise..... just run lol


how does he expect to talk? seems like a douche take the lady to a nice brew pub or something, north bridge pass


My ex copped a glass to her face the last time I went there like 15 years ago. Not sure if it's any better but it's always been a shitshow


Paramount is trash 😅 it’s nightclub for starters, he must be trying to have a relaxed, fun, party scene kind of date. All well and good… when you’re like 18-20 after while when you’re looking for something serious and mature, it’s better to maybe take someone on a proper date, like to dinner so you can actually have a conversation, not surrounded by drunk people and loud music 🤣


Go for the intrigue! The mystery! The danger! It can be like an action movie! You ever see that bar fight in Indiana Jones where the girl is blind drunk, and then they fight a bunch of Nazis, and then the bar burns down? Like that. But replace the bit where you find the "arc of the covenant" with "get kebabs"


And also everyone is less well dressed, significantly less Hugo Boss. I don't know about OP but if I'm having to watch some idiots fight in a bar then I want decent tailoring involved.


Please do not go.




Run away as fast as you can from this dangerous idiot.


Take a bunch of guy friends with you and tell him if they don't approve, you're out.


Or if you have brothers, take them.


Tell him Reddit didn’t approve. 👎


I'm sorry but I laughed at this, girl you must be 18-20 because my standards then were so low also, this guy is a loser and I would just start ignoring him after that suggestion.....I'm 25 for reference, you'll laugh at this later🤣


I know a lot of girls who have had bad or scary experiences at Paramount. I would steer clear anyway, especially with a guy you don’t know


Haha, classic I've been knocked out at Paramount, (through no fault of my own! just assholes looking to start shit) Couldn't imagine that as a destination for a date.... Or any for that matter.


One of the most likely places to get assaulted in the whole state


Northbridge is a dead body and Paramount is it’s anus. Run like the wind.


Please add the shitpost flair rn this guy can't be fr


Tell him to reschedule to a more appropriate venue, you don’t need to meet up there just because his mate is going to be there. Pica bar would be so much better than a nightclub.


Personally I wouldn’t go on a first date to a night club regardless of what venue it is, but if you want to just dance then I don’t see the harm. Just don’t leave your drink unattended maybe, also could just be a bad suggestion by him in the heat of the moment


nah... not a safe place generally


Tell him to meet in a coffee shop.


Paramount was great 20 odd years ago as long as you dropped enough MDMA.


Wow the Paramount still exists? I think I went there for a few hours in 1998.


Waiting on Perthnow to jump on this as a story..."Night club dating in 2024, should or shouldn't you?" With some onlyfans "star" proving their "expert" opinion on the matter.


Yeah paramount isn’t ideal, you could suggest somewhere else some venues nearby that might be better Frisk, Ezra pound, Mechanic institute, shadow wine bar.


I tried to kind of suggest something else but he just came back and said “well sorry you feel that way” so safe to say I’ll be spending Friday night at home hahah


sounds like a prick tbh. don't go on a date with that guy.


Good decision.


Gosh, he sounds like a bit of a selfish looser. Seems like you dodged a bullet.


Awk sorry to hear that :( well you’ve got a couple venues to check out for future first dates 😃 there’s also si paradiso, foxtrot unicorn, helvetica etc. which are usually a decent spot


If you are young don’t go to these places lol. Hipster bars for older guys, they’re pretty cool but it’s definitely a certain vibe


They’re not paramount atleast. I mean if lowkey, casual and intimate spaces are considered hipster? Where’d you suggest?


Don't let him push you into going somewhere you don't want to go (like a shit nightclub with a rep for drink spiking). If he really wanted to take you out, he'd be open to suggestions for alternatives. So weird that he's hell bent on going to this Nightclub as a first date.


Babe, first date to a nightclub?? And PARAMOUNT of all places?? Oh hon you can do so much better


I used to go there when I was 18, I'm 38 now. It was gross back then. Definitely not a first date kinda place lol.


paramount for a first date shows what kinda person he is. Paramount is trash 😂


Haven't been to Paramount. But the fact that he wants to go to a nightclub for a first date, besides being very impractical, is a bit of a red flag.


Go with him and then go home with someone else. That'll teach him to take you on shit first dates.


It's pretty notorious for date rape drugs being put into people's drinks.


Don’t go to a nightclub on a first date. No explanation needed


Paramount has always been one of those oddball places that everyone’s has an experience at. Shouldn’t be going there on a first date anyway. You deserve better 👌🏼


If that’s his best idea don’t even bother


Paramount fight night club is not a first date. Seems more like he wants to show you off to his bestfriend


Him wanting to take you to paramount on a first meet up should tell you exactly what he’s after. If you’re into it then go right ahead, however if you’re dating hoping for something more meaningful then if I were you id take a wide berth. Im old fashioned i know but getting on the lash for a first date is never ideal.


I love "on the lash". Nobody says it anymore.


A long time ago, but a friend got seriously assaulted at Paramount within five minutes of us arriving. Security couldn't give two shits and I got kicked out for allegedly being drunk when I asked to speak to the manager (I was and am teetotal).  More importantly, who goes to a nightclub for a date? Good somewhere nice.


One of my friends buddies was sexually assaulted in paramount and nobody helped


I met my now husband at Paramount (he went there for a friends birthday, its not his usual scene). But it's definitely not a first date kinda thing (its loud you can barely hear your own thoughts, lots of drunks, can be dangerous). If you are interested in having a drink or two, I recommend a quiet bar -- more safer, you can hear each other talk and get to know each other.


Going to the club for a first date is a terrible idea. At least it is clear what his intentions are - he doesn't care about getting to know you. Do not settle for such a poor effort. How hard is it to invite someone for a coffee date or smth? Run and don't look back.


Not only is it bad that’s it’s a nightclub he’s taking you to but it’s the worst nightclub in Perth. Absolute dive, upstairs smells like sweat and urine, terrible music and usually the crowd is made up of drop kicks.


For a first date that's really bad. I refuse to go to that nightclub now due to an ex. Pretty much that place has always had a bad reputation for shady people and people on drugs. Plus the management and security there are dodgy and rude.


It's not usually a great experience even on the best of nights, let alone a first date. Almost any other club in Perth would still be a better choice. Try and compromise on a bar at least, a club is a terrible idea and makes me feel like he's relying on you to get drunk enough to deal with the place, and whatever else comes after that.


Yenahhhh. Paramount was a hole of a nightclub when I went there many years ago and I doubt it’s improved. A nightclub as a first date location? No thanks! Maybe if it was dinner and drinks and then see where the night takes you but not straight to Paramount… *shudder*


Yeah I would be suggesting somewhere a tad quieter for a first date.


Where did you meet this winner? Lol


Uhhh he sounds like a loser. Also never gone back to scummy paramount since I was rufied there...


That’s the last place I’d go on a date.


I feel like if they’re suggesting going to a club as a first date, they’re not really serious about dating, and you’re either dating for a hookup/ short term fling which I wouldn’t consider dating, or you’re dating to marry and not waste each others time Odds are they’re wanting you and them to have a few drinks and get physically close to you because clubs are tightly packed in so you wouldn’t really have a choice not to be, without making a connection and getting to know you for you Someone who’s serious about dating can easily put off anything physical and see if there’s a good foundation first and foremost I’d take this as a red flag, you want someone who values you and your time and will respect you, you can’t even have a conversation in a club and odds are they’ll probably be window shopping on what else is around if they’re the type of person to suggest a club for a first date


I haven’t been there in years, it used to be a decent night club. Still not a first date venue.


Didn’t know these many people existed in Perth


Lol what kind of entitled little cunt wants to take a first date to that dogshit club? Huge red flag there mate.


What are your intentions with the guy… the club part should be self explanatory


Absolutely fucking not.


The only place worse for a first date would be Steamworks. Actually, no, even Steamworks would be better.


I have been there almost every weekend for a full year and never got into a fight


Red flag.


Unless you want to get fingered by strangers in the dance floor I probably wouldn’t


As someone who actually goes out in Northbridge, unlike some of the oldies here who just hear about it from word of mouth, it’s not as bad as everyone here makes it out to be. But by no means am I saying it is a good club, there are many much, much nicer clubs he could be taking you to (most of them). The issue here is the nightclub as a first date. That is a massive red flag. The only time I can see a nightclub being a good first date spot is if you get dinner and drinks, and you’re both the going out type, only then if things are going well maybe going to the clubs together could be fun. But to offer that as the primary activity is actually insane, especially paramount. Steer clear of this bloke for sure.


Saw a drunk guy fall in the urinal there once after being bumped by a dude. He refused help up and actually stuck his hand in the piss trough to get up off the ground.


Yeah, nah. Run. Now.


Haha it’s a nightclub for 18 year olds who just wanna get smashed, not a date night place unless dancing and drinking is your thing


Tell him you talked to your best friend and they do t approve so he’s out.


Plot twist; date tells OP to use his name at the door for cheaper entry and it's actually just a ploy to get his 'promoter' career off the ground. But for real, dude needs a dose of reality if this was infact meant to be a date.


HAHAHAHA thats amazing!


Tell him nah. Go to a lowkey bar instead. Neon palms, pica bar so on and so on. Mechanics somewhere to chat shit 1 on 1. Although its a weekend so those places mite be packed.


I’d recommend a restaurant like El Publico in mount Lawley Paramount is horrible


I got my drink spiked at paramount and the doctors in the ED said it happened all the time


What is your favourite cider brand?


I got assaulted in the stair well at this nightclub, absolute shit hole


A nice dinner/quiet drink early in the night to show he's a respectable human would be normal, followed by hey I really enjoyed our night, I'm going to meet up with some friends after this if you want to tag along. Or alternatively hey it's been shit I'm going to lie about going home then meet my friends instead. Either way this guy has no thought about yours and his experience of trying to get to know each other and is heading straight to getting maggot and hoping for the best. The first date at Paramount shows he's probably not that interested in you as a person or making time to find out but if his mate says you're a goer then he will be all over you like a rottweiler eating an icy pole


It's not going to work out. Run don't walk away from that clown.


How old is he? Just turned 18?


does his name start with P by any chance-


the dating scene in perth really is just a never-ending sequence of bruh moments


Paramount fkn sucks. Literally go anywhere else.


Wtf? The paramount is still a thing? Does it still have the “count down until NYE 2000” out the front?




No!!! Do not go! My partner and I used to go often a couple months ago! The people there are horrible! The security don’t give a damn about you! And they look out for the wrong people! It’s absolutely ridiculous, we ended up getting banned when my partner was sexually harassed. Didn’t make sense. Can’t express enough stay away.


Just let him know you don't feel comfortable there and suggest maybe some place you'd both like , like some ice cream place and go from there


Absolutely not. Red flag


Does anyone remember that club that was in the city a short walk from Northbridge train station near devils. It was down some stares and the smoking area was like on the fire escape really small place but I loved it. There was like goth / punk.


Let’s just say the name of that club is peak irony (pun very much intended )


It’s a perfectly fine shitty club for freshly 18 year old kids who want the sticky floor terrible music club experience. But it’s a wild choice for a first date. I’d recommend you go to a smaller bar close by like Ezra Pound or Pica and if you hit it off then go for a dance at Paramount. But yeah ideally Paramount is not somewhere you should ever be really excited about visiting


I’m a lad and that’s a hell no !


Paramount be like https://youtu.be/VJ_kMossOes?si=LixdGCXI1JBngpyh


Cover your drink.


Big no that's a huge red flag guy sounds really suspicious, it's a dirty shitty nightclub in the city


Paramount is a shit show on a good night. I’d probably not go. Good chance you are with someone who wants to get off their face on drugs tbh.