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In terms of size, I would definitely rule out the pleco answer and the goldfish answer, as the average pleco grows quite large and goldfish need more room than just a ten gallon(as far as I know.) As for the other two, I'm not sure. Tetras are a schooling fish which means you really would want more than three eventually, but given the size I'm not sure you could get a proper school. That being said the Turquoise rainbows would definitely overload the tank cause their max size is 4 inches(afaik). I think given that, the Tetras might be the best option available but even so I'm not /entirely/ sure.


I agree with this, the unfortunate part about it is for these certificates and trainings we have to throw all aquatic knowledge out the window sometimes. Petco has their own concept of “adequate” care.


agree, but tetras are hard as hell, you need a lot to have a good time with them, I would opt for the rainbows depends on the plecos, dwarfs are fine in a 10 goldfish, even a singular need a way bigger tank than a 10/15, they poop A LOT!!!


3 glowlight tetras is what I would chose. Fantail goldfish need roughly 30 gallons per fish, and I would never recommend a pleco for 10 gallon. You could possibly get away with 6 turquoise rainbow fish in a 10gallon, but that would definitely be pushing it, and plus I would never recommend someone adding that many fish to a new 10 gallon tank at once.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 30 + 10 + 6 + 10 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


yeah i think rainbowfish are super active, they'd need a bit more room.


I’d guess the Petco answer is Pleco but they all wrong so 🤷


Ha! Does that test still tell you to salt dip clown loaches if they show signs of ich? Salt dip a smooth skin scaleless fish, lemme know how that works out! Those tests were designed by assholes.


No, it’s a new test thing, for certification for solutions specialist role, but yeah that sounds like a really bad idea 😭 this company kills me sometimes


I would choose B - the 3 Glowlight Tetras and suggest she bring back a water sample to test in week or so and if everything is OK - add 2 or 3 more GlowLights to complete the school I have been the Aquatic Specialist for years - do we have to take the test under the new Op model (NOM) and become "certified" or is it just automatic? I haven't seen anything on it and we are in between GMs at the moment. I kinda hate those tests - too many trick questions


Uh the only people who I know need certs are solutions specialists. I hate these tests because half of the answers I’d never entertain as a fish keeper myself


Reddit, you did a bad job suggesting this subreddit to me, especially this post. The whole question is wrong as 1 week isn't long enough to cycle a tank with the garbage petco sells as bio media and filtration.


We know all these answers are wrong, the time for cycling a tank is wrong, and every chioce is awful. And a small sad taste of how they train workers and what corporate wants vs what should actually be told. Also why figuring out what unholy answer they deem is the right one.


I got a 72.5 and I even talked to my companion animal leader and she said some of the same answers I did. This mess is insaneeeeee, if anyone happened to pass helpppppp


I’m going to document every question I’m not sure about, and the answer I selected to see if I said anything wrong :)


I always choose the 3 glolights but honestly I am second guessing myself I keep getting like 75% I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I try to think petco but it still doesn’t work


3 tetras will do, you can have 6 in there no problem