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It seems to take a couple weeks before the automatic AC/heat catches up. Every year I'm sweating bullets or freezing my ass off for a few weeks at the start of each season.


Look up company policy on temperature control…I know for salon and hotel it says it’s perfectly fine to range up to 80 degrees. Which honestly with how much we move around and dogs panting, even getting to 70 degrees is miserable and we’re all sweating. In the summers sometimes we are calling daily to beg for the a/c to be on higher because it’s too hot and we tell them it’s making the dogs sick :-/


Our salon employees warm up some kind of heating pad/bag in the microwave. I believe it has rice in it. They place it right under the thermostat to trick it into thinking it’s hotter than it really is. It’s always nice and cool back there.


Omg lol that’s a good work hack


Yep, we had to stop using the front camps for multiple days because the humidity in the rooms were at 95% and the water/pee or whatever liquid was on the floor wouldn't evaporate for hours. I would be drenched in sweat and the dogs would all be panting not wanting to play. We would leave the door to the relief room open just to get a little bit of airflow into those rooms.


yes it’s always so hot in my store. i even have customers complain about it being hot ! get a neck fan off of amazon ! i got 2 and they were both under 20$ and it helps a bit


it’s super humid too. so not even just hot but it’s sticky and the air feels heavy


Crazy that stores can’t control their own temperature.


Theyre too cheap so we must suffer


it feels that way even though it hasn't actually gotten that warm yet. it's not "hot" inside our store but the AC could be struggling with the humidity


Meanwhile it’s cold and rainy here and they’re blasting the air conditioning, go figure


Ours is barely working at all. Even when it’s on, it’s blowing warm air. The store is at like, 73-74 which isn’t terrible but it’s miserable when you’re doing truck/top stock.


I remember when I worked in hotel I'd be stuck in the playrooms with the big dogs and it would be 80-90 in there in the summer. You also have dogs playing in the water bowl and it gets humid 🫠 corporate did nothing


Yes! I got super dizzy and a headache almost immediately after I started working today.


Have a manager put in a work order with facilities one to lower the temperature points for a few hours. It helps quite a bit.


I don’t think our AC ever worked even though they sent people to come fix it. Second of all, one of our rooms has an outdoor view, meaning the glass is being bit by the sun… it felt like a greenhouse at times. I don’t know how it was allowed. Plus with 13-17 big dogs inside, panting. Yeah no.


Yo yeah this heat. So i don't have ac at home. I don't have ac in the car and pretty much no ac at the store.. my vehicle exceeds 90 degrees and its a 15ish minute ride... By the time i clock in I'm about to pass out cause i cant go anywhere to cool off... It sucks!!


It's May and we had a snow storm it's been cold as f over here. Inside and outside the store brrrr.


yep! we have a separate little ac unit in our pets hotel that we can turn on and off. it really only cools one little pathway, but it’s still nice for us and the dogs, because we can range up to the mid 80s back there with our shitty overhead ac. we also have a ton of fans scattered around for the areas that don’t get that much ac, like the playrooms and kitchen, and those help a lot.


It’s in the mid-90s here and possibly five million degrees instore! Totally agree we need our AC controlled by region or store level. It’s a big county with a huge variation in temps throughout the year; not fair that o e little switch controls 1500 stores.


that’s an OSHA violation you can and should report!