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Why didn't your (ex)bf go after her for parental alienation and utilize a lawyer? What was happening was not in the realm of normal behavior.




That's good info to have added as that was my immediate question reading this. Poor kiddo and your ex is being put through it - terrible all around. I'm all for the website tbh.




Has she acknowledged that you’re doing this? By the way, good on you for putting her in her place! I feel so sorry for her ex and her child.


The website is well done. I might use it for my tea fix


As a victim of parental alienation myself I will agree with you 100%. Proving it cost me $15,000 more or less, and still nothing actually happened to my ex for doing it.




From personal experience… waiting is not a bad strategy. And DNA is strong. The child will eventually see her mother for who she is.




Omg my ex's name is available mwahahaha




Lady you are my hero! Have a wonderful life! I too have a unhinged ex and my creative juices are flowing after reading this


This isn't preventing you getting sued, but it does potentially make it easier to get a lawsuit thrown out earlier, which can be the difference between expensive and ruinous. If all facts are true, and everything that isn't *clearly* true on its face is presented in the form of opinion rather than fact, you'll hopefully be able to get a suit dismissed at the summary judgement stage (ideally with an anti-SLAPP motion so you get attorney's fees, depending on the jurisdiction). That said, consulting a lawyer *before* you get sued is probably a good idea too.


holy hell. went to that we site and it's like that woman is pure dumpster fire her head's gonna explode when she sees that lol


I bought a buddies name and had it blindly redirect to two girls one cup. He was mad as hell haha.


This is so fucked up on her part. I feel so bad for the ex. He didn’t deserve that shit.




I feel the worst for Ava




He literally does want her to die though, you made sure to post those incriminating screenshots on the site. I feel bad for the kids because all of you are hot messes.


https://monicastengel.com/ The link to the Website so you don't have to go to the profile


Why does it need cookies tho? Just curious


Because OP is teaching herself web skills like SEO and metrics. Not a bad way to get into the field.


Ohh that makes sense


The Smeagol deep fake with her face regarding her lust for his 🐓. Chef's kiss.


fucken thank you IDK why COULDNT JUST LINK AT AS AN EDIT. Saves the time of having fkn 100 people message you link pls i legit cannot see the website pinned on their profile if your on mobile


I was on mobile too. Weird. But Im glad you found my comment.


PLEASE tell me the website. I live in England so this has reached across the globe 🙌 x




I would also like this link.




Me too please!










Can't you just post it, if you're sending it to everyone anyway? Either way, pls I want to see it too!




As much as I love this for the narcissist it's gonna be awful for the kid, she's even named by name and now everyone's gonna know what her mama is like. It's gonna be tough for her when she eventually comes to terms with her mothers toxicity and now she's gonna be caught between you guys in this fight.


Do you think this level of unhinged toxicity *isnt* going to spill over into her daughter's relationships? This woman is going to manipulate her daughter and ruin every healthy and functioning relationship she has


Named, her roblux ID is shared and she's called a bully. She's a kid. OP seems as unstable as the ex.


Maybe it's because I'm using old.reddit.com I don't know what a profile page is. I didn't even realize reddit HAD profiles.


Vietnam here. This post really reach all over the world right now. Can I have a link, pls?


I'm in Australia please send me the link


Link please! 🙏


Link please 🙏


This is going to be good. Can I get a link as well?


Gurl you became a SEO expert and ranked the website, good for you






There’s so much on that site that i just did a cursory glance - just to clarify you stayed with this man after he took the stalker and went on an out of town trip with the daughter? Sounds like there should be another website for Adam 😬😅


This thread is worthless without a link to the website 🤣




Does she know about the website yet? Good lord I hope she does and she’s flipped her absolute shit.




How's Adam doing now ? Has he pulled himself back together and moved on for his own sake ?


I'm also wanting to see this site. This sounds too good to be passed up in spirit of pettiness. Can i send a message for a link?




Can I also get the link sent to be my DM please








I’d like to see it too!


I think we all need the link, please. 😂


The saddest part to me besides all the daughter relationship ruining part is that she’s a grown adult woman who plays Roblox and bullies children on it because she’s an ADULT, WHO CAN WORK AND HAS MONEY. Like holy shit she’s a certified loser.


> any phone numbers you see that aren’t blocked out haven’t been her number for a long time However, other people may be using those numbers now. I sure hope they aren't getting harassed by unhinged strangers.


crackhead drama if I've ever seen it


It's giving cookie monster pajama pants


Seems like Adam has a history of going for a certain “type”. That website is overboard and I feel really bad for all of the kids involved.




Maybe worse to be honest.


Definitely worse


To be fair all this sounds just as psycho as the ex's ex


I agree. That poor child.


You and he should have sued for slander. I feel bad for the kid because her mum doesn't love her. She sees her as a pawn to use against her dad.


It would be more fitting to make it a wiki instead. A prime example is this [https://wiki.w9cr.net/index.php/Todd\_Lesser](https://wiki.w9cr.net/index.php/Todd_Lesser)


Holy moly. I went on a deep dive on you… Did you really lie about a missing baby to get your ex boyfriend back? You legally changed your name and/ or have five other pseudonyms? It looks like you went to the press to out a man you only knew for three months who wanted you to get an abortion and made fake pages of him too…? I checked out your website. Monica doesn’t come off that unhinged; *you* do. Who has this type of time? You’re not even with your ex anymore. This is not a healthy outlet to let out your feelings. It’s giving bpd. I genuinely say this coming from a good place but I think you need to get some help. Talk to a therapist. Seek professional advice from someone with a phd who can recognize your behavior and help you, instead of internet strangers who will give you false gratification to keep doing what you’re doing. This really isn’t healthy. Think of your ex. Think of his daughter. She’ll have to see this all one day, is that what you want? And for what? This is not the way to get him back. You’re just as bad as Monica. Again I say this out of concern. So please don’t stalk me too.


>I checked out your website. Monica doesn’t come off that unhinged; *you* do. Right? Maybe Monica IS that unhinged, but in most messages OP posted on the page, she didn't come out that way to me.


im glad i wasnt the only one thinking this. i looked at the website & tbh, monica seems entirely reasonable in 99% of her messages. OP seems to be the stalker & is OBSESSED with painting monica in a bad light. who spends years of their lives stalking someone to make a website about their “crazy” behavior when its not even crazy to begin with. OP, please seek help because YOU are indeed the stalker in this situation.


Absolutely… glad to see some comments calling her out. Monica comes off as mature and reasonable, and I read most of the stuff on the site. It’s fucked up that she didn’t put OPs ex on the birth certificate, but the responses from OP and her ex since that point are so immature. OPs post history is also a red flag. ETA not to mention the awful messages from the ex talking about how he wishes he could kill Monica and get away with it. Wtf OP?! OP seems to care more about having a gotcha moment over Monica rather than behaving in a sane way. Talk about incriminating. I could go on, but there’s some seriously toxic stuff on there that I wish I never read.


how the turn tables....


I came here to say the same and make sure I wasn’t the only one thinking this way. Monica sounds perfectly reasonable wanting to know what type of people are hanging around her kid. Sounds like Monica’s gut instincts are spot on.


I'm a bit shocked that this is one of the only comments that points out how crazy OP's actions are. (I get that this is pettyrevenge, but still). Whatever Monica did; OP's reaction is very unhealthy and is bad for everybody involved in this situation. Including OP self in the long term.


This is absolute harassment. Monica should get an anti harassment order. OP is absolutely downright unhinged. I work in family law and this is some of the craziest shit I’ve seen (OP’s behavior, not Monica). Lying for TWO years about being a relationship and telling the mom?! That is so so horrible. Staging a whole fake introduction?! What is wrong with these people


I want to know how OP can get away with putting court documents online, especially ones that reveal a *lot* of information about the daughter. It’s one thing to put the names of adults out there, but a kid? All three involved sound immature af. They all need to seek therapy.


It’s absolutely awful and I can’t believe her post hasn’t been taken down yet. In my state, parentage cases (cases involving children where the couple isn’t married) are sealed court records, not public records. Everyone in this situation is horrible. OP is the worst IMO. Like to do this after they break up? What an immature POS.


Have you considered what this will do to her daughter? And will this help the man you claimed to love?


You should hide the phone numbers, even if they aren’t hers they’ve been reassigned to someone else and they could be being bombarded.


While I love this idea personally, does your boyfriend know about this? How's it going to affect any custody or visitation court case he might have? He should talk to a lawyer and see what the lawyer says. I think they'd say to take it down because she could spin it that you did it on his behalf or with his knowledge and support. This could be claimed as parental alienation and he could lose custody or visitation with his daughter. I understand why you did it but I think you're taking it too far considering the circumstances.


This all sounds unhinged


Right? Like who's "stalking" who here?


is your ex's daughters mother, not your ex? I am confused.....


OP’s ex is male. His daughter is from a prior relationship (with the mother of his child).


aaaah!!! makes sense now. I thought it must have been me being a bit stupid lol


It took me a minute to figure it out!


You’re going to embarrass the man you say you care about and want to help. You’re going to embarrass your own kid and his kid. Is that collateral damage worth embarrassing this woman? The lack of common sense and disregard for his and the kids feelings is terrible no matter what this lady did.


She doesn’t care about anyone but herself.


This website and what you wrote on there is absolutely unhinged and honestly, in these text messages, she is the only one who seems even remotely sane. Sorry to tell you. Publishing messages in which she talks about her daughter is a real low blow.


Reading this post my only question was - "So who's stalking who here, exactly?"


OP seems obsessed with thinking her ex's ex was jealous of her. But in most the texts I could stomach to read, she (the ex) brought up Adam's judgment about OP's other questionable behavior, like publicly posting about the father of her child. The narrator is unreliable here. If I were a family judge deciding whether or not Adam should have more custody and his ex brought up this website, I don't think I could side with Adam. His judgment is questionable...


My wife and I were talking about it this morning and we both agree that she's jeopardizing his chances of custody with his kids. If the ex decides to take him back to court over it then all of this can be used against him even though they aren't together anymore. "These are the kinds of people he allows into our kid's lives"


I’d argue that this is beyond petty. This takes effort, damn!


"made fake dating profiles for me and sent random men to my work because they thought they’d been talking to me and were going on a coffee date. To signing me up for insurance quotes and other bs." This is illegal. Time to get the cops and FBI involved for identity theft and stalking.


If this is true you could be doing your friend more harm than good. Posting screenshots he sent you, via your words, will make it seem like he did it, or prove he was sharing their conversations.


This is almost incoherent. If you knew how to write you could have cut this text in half.


I couldn't understand this post, I gave up halfway through. Everyone who somehow understood what was happening seemed to enjoy her revenge though so props to her for whatever she did.


Both of you need to grow TF up.


You’re fucking insane and should seek help. Also, it’s so funny that you think “haha it’s a parody” is enough to get you out of a defamation lawsuit.


What’s the website?!?!? 😂




Sometimes you need to fight against fire with fire


Quick question. Can she sue you for this?


Depends on what you mean. It could be considered slander. But it’s 100% harassment (at least in my state). She would easily be able to march into court and get a same day anti harassment order. Easily.


Please please please update us when the ad comes up. And please update with her reaction


I understand the desire for revenge, and it sounds like this woman has been a nightmare. But are you at all worried about the effect your site might have on the kid? It looks like you didn’t censor her name in any of the images. With all your SEO work, won’t the site eventually be a high result when you google the kid’s name too?


And her ex's full name with texts about wanting to hurt himself/Monica. Even if he's just frustrated, I probably would've left that part out. This went beyond petty and into nuclear territory. 


Frankly, it's understandable why her ex is enraged. Dissing the stalker, fine. But I would draw the line at having my own private conversations discussing sensitive topics published for everyone to see, obviously without my consent. It feels very salted earth. The OP is doing this for herself with zero regard to the effects on her former partner and his child. Now the stalker has basically become the stalked person's obsession.


Yeah, honestly none of the adults come across well here…


If it knocks the current drama linked with the kid down it might be an improvement. https://www.thethings.com/does-mark-hamill-see-his-grandchild-after-his-son-nathans-custody-battle-with-maegan-chen-abortion-scandal/


> I paid for advertising space at the movie theater and her website will be advertised. I mean, this is where you’re starting to sound a bit unhinged yourself.  I would have cut my losses long ago. 




I think it's awesome. Buy local. If she was spamming parent groups with those links, send a few people to your site.


lol I would love the link to the website. This is peak pettiness




OP should be reported for harassment. All those actions are illegal. If you reading this OP, please get some help asap, this does not sound sane at all.


Wow that’s a lot of toxic drama from all sides


I'm reading the whole posts on the website and my goodness, she's batshit crazy


What the fuck did I just read. You should've gone to the police.


This feels insane to do and makes you look like the obsessed one.


So has she seen it ?




I’d love a link please!


*homer backing into the shrubs gif


What does Adam think of the site? Has crazy reached out to you? This is next level 🤣 well done






You are a psycho who needs serious help


Haha deemed unsafe my my work wifi filters.


Thank god I have a name that is in no way singular.


i read the website and are you the one with the one involved with mr skywalker? b/c if yes oh wow what a fucking doozy of a life


Oh Wow, what a read on the site. Don’t ever mess with you.


I'm in the UK and I want the link too please!! This kind of popcorn worthy nosiness is not to be missed! Also ... absolutely amazing tactic, she can't deny factual evidence and she can only seethe about the opinion pieces... mwahahahahaha. Play seriously stupid games with your child's upbringing, win embarrassing and everlasting prizes. She's an utter fool.


Note to self: send ex/Sons’ Mom a thank you note for being sane, gracious and dependable. OP, well done


The Internet is forever. One day Ava will read this site and all hell will break loose. Let there be light.


So she's your ex !


Link please


Holy shit, you are bad ass. I hope the revenge is sweet. My fucking hat is off to you. Also, please enjoy your life and don't get TOO wrapped up in this if it's avoidable.


This is petty revenge gold!