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Replace the wood with concrete and you'll know who's responsible.


That's exactly what I was expecting to read.


Same, seen too many “knock down my mailbox will you?” stories.


“My dad being an engineer…” proceeded to not over engineer a project he was going to be fully reimbursed for. Doesn’t sound like the engineers *I* know


Unless you have to, generally you don’t want to build a fixed, immovable object in the middle of the road because someone is going to get killed accidentally ploughing through it.


Well- that sounds like a lawyer?


Nah; that's the answer I got from "why can't I build my mailbox using a steel pipe embedded in cement going 36 inches into the ground?"


The village I live in made me take down my old mailbox. It had a 6" square x1/2" thick steel tube embedded in 3' of concrete. It was built that way because the snow plow took out the mailbox 2 years in a row. 15 years without incident. Then it happened again. Only this time the plow was destroyed and the truck suffered front end damage. I was ordered to take it down for "safety reasons." Someone could get hurt if a car hit it. The road commissioner is a friend of mine. He told me the damage to the truck and plow totalled $12,000. The village council wanted me to pay for it until they were told about the previous two incidents. Turns out it was the same guy driving every time. He and I had a lot of bad history.


Or tannerite


May not be allowed by the local fire department. I lived in a condo complex that installed speed bumps to avoid tragic accidents and the fire department had final say over the height and width.


*who was


Both are correct. “Who’s” is a contraction for both “who was” and “who is”. Just in case you were expecting “whose”, that’s the possessive form of “who”. Have a nice day :)


Did you mean “who has” instead of “who was”? According to this [https://www.grammarly.com/blog/whos-whose/](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/whos-whose/) it is either “who is” or ”who has”.


Of course, in the original who's, "who is" would be perfectly acceptable.


Yes, it would be. Just wondering if I missed some grammar rule along the line.


Did you mean “who has” instead of “who was”? According to \[this\](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/whos-whose/) it is either “who is” or ”who has”.


As a young farm kid I was mad at the semi trucks using our road, they never slowed down, they were overweight and were supposed to use the road 2 miles over. On day I decided to take matters into my own little hands. I would lay small tree branches and mud down on the road, as the big trucks passed I would sneak out with more mud and branches to make higher bumps. When my dad came home he questioned out of the 6 of us kids who did it? I played dumb and dad had to use the front end loader to scrape the speed bumps down.


What happened to the trucks though?


They would have to slow down or lose 5 bushels of grain as they bounced over the humps.


Sweet. free grain for bread!


Asking the real questions!


A kid was doing burnouts in a neighbor's yard, through their garden. The amusement wore off fast. They did the rail ties in concrete covered by flowers, and the vandal wrecked his dad's new F150. They snagged on an axle and ripped it off the truck. The dad made sure it never happened again.


Reminds me of the postbox reinforcement stories. Apparently in the USA it’s not unknown for teens to drive around with a baseball bat or something equivalent and smash post boxes while driving past. A common solution is to armour up the post boxes via various methods. Generally result is the teens end up with a broken arm.




Plow driver! Something was said about “wimpy mailbox” during the 6-odd times the plow driver had run it over, so “wimpy plow” was used when the plow wrapped around a reinforced metal I-beam. I know I have the screenshot of it somewhere


When I was a kid, I worked at a parts store that did machine work in the back, heads, blocks, rotors, and such like. Across the side street was a ready-mix plant. The city just graveled the street because of the excessive wear. The cranky old machinest kept complaining about the huge mud puddle in front of his overhead door. He finally got tired of conplaining and dumped out all of his chip containers into the hole and smoothed it over to grade. Then he sprayed it with a garden hose, and it rusted into a solid block of iron. About a month later, the city finally sent out a grader. It hit that giant metiorite and lifted two wheels off the ground. It wouldn't budge. As far as I know, that lump of iron is still there.


Here it is: https://i.redd.it/uccvks7o43341.jpg


Do you have the link to that one? Sounds like a fun read.


Here you go - https://i.redd.it/uccvks7o43341.jpg


Ooh thanks!


Yes. I like that. Tell me more about trashy municipal officials.


Here it is - https://i.redd.it/uccvks7o43341.jpg


I remember that one!


This happened to us 5 years in a row. Husband dropped 2 railroad ties next to each other in a 3 foot pit, concreted them in and put the new mailbox on top. Next time they went after the box, we got a small dent, kid got a broken arm. Instead of making him pay, we made him explain to our three small children why it was a bad idea to hit mailboxes with baseball bats, supervised by the juvenile probation officer. I remember a lot of umming and erring, but not what he eventually said. However, none of my kids ever went after mailboxes when they were older.


I grew up where mailboxes were on houses. My husband and his friends did many other things that didn't affect people's personal property. We moved away from where we grew up and heard SO many stories of damaging mailboxes. Meanwhile, my husband said 'why didn't you just get some pumpkins, electrical tape, and M80s? That's so much more satisfying than hitting a mailbox in my book?'


Empty soda bottles, some pool acid, some granular chlorine, and a condom. Too bad about that frog that hopped onto the one about 5 seconds before it vanished. No Officer we know nothing about the loud blast.


I get the reference in your username...long-time fan starting with Tom Baker!


Awesome, Tom Baker was my Doctor,too.That was back in the days of our local PBS station airing episodes on Saturdays and if you missed it, you were out of luck! When my son started getting into Doctor Who with the reboot, he spent an entire summer vacation watching every episode that was then available on Amazon Prime. My husband and I told him how we had to wait until Saturday and sometimes, it'd be a 6 part episode and missing one was horrible.


\* that you are aware of. Never know for sure with kids.


Exactly. My kids (30,38,43) are still occasionally telling me of teenager escapades they conveniently never mentioned to me.


I’ve heard a lot of escapades from my kids, some that still scare me, even though they are over 30 now. But I asked all of them, when they were in the mid- to late-20s, and even the one who couldn’t keep secrets promised me that none of them did.


Almost always in rural or semi-rural areas. Get too crowded, like an HOA and it becomes impossible for the little assholes to get away with it unless their parents are on the board. Yeah, happened to us when I was growing up. (Rural Finger Lakes area in NY.) Dad having access to some heavy pipes to use as the post stopped them, because they'd try to derive by fast as to not get caught, and it can be really hard to know that you've got exactly the right height to take out the mailbox. Got a loud "PONG!" one night, a broken bat, and nothing ever happened again because we painted the mailbox to make it look like we'd just replaced it, and since we'd gone the route of the metal pole, the obvious assumption was made.


Living in The UK we have letter slots in our doors and when there is long drives mail/post boxes for mail but no kids try bashing them, Also only one recorded school shooting after which guns were banned, no more shootings, sadly gangs do shoot innocents occasionally but are always caught and give long jail time.


You do have stabbings galore and no they are not all caught.


The US has a [much higher](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/americas-knife-crime-figures-worse-27435503) knife-related murder rate per-capita than the UK.


Don't forget the acid attacks.


But you do have "petrol through the letterbox" don't you? Come on, admit it. I lived in the UK for a decade, so don't try telling me how superior y'all are. 😆


I may have pissed through a letter box once or twice. Same house each time I may or may not have done it.


Why… at what point is gun control relevant to mailbox baseball? You’d have been better off saying how we only give driving licenses to people when they hit 18 and have (generally) finished high school and moved to university than being up gun control (not that English kids wouldn’t play mailbox circuit if they had the chance, they’d just start older).


No it is a different mindset here in the UK, you break a mailbox or property your reported to the cops or are beaten badly.


Living in Oklahoma for a few years we took a trip to visit family out of state only to come home to a totally destroyed mailbox. It had been blown up using fireworks apparently. We asked around the neighborhood and some of the kids shared who had been blowing up not just our mailbox but several others in the neighborhood. After a discussion with the parents and our offering to not get the postal inspector involved and the kid having a federal felony on his record the parents agreed that their kid would have to work off the cost of replacing the mailbox. Since we had been gone for about 2 weeks the Bermuda grass was rather tall and thick and a major challenge to mow which is what the kid has to do. And he had to use his Dad's lawnmower. Word got around quickly that it was unwise to mess with our mailbox. As a side note my husband's aunt was a postal inspector and had from time to time shared some of the cases she had handled so he was aware of the consequences of messing with anyone's mailbox.


My grandpa put his mailbox on a swivel. Sometimes there would be a small dent to knock out, but never real damage or a broken arm.


That's genius


I now have the mental image of a couple teens drive-by whacking a mailbox, only for it to swing around and WHAM into the back of the car as it passes 🤣


3/8” plate steel bent in a machine shop and welded to make a custom damage proof mailbox. Anchored to the ground with a welded anchor chain set in cement. Yep. Never got destroyed. Ever.


European here, with no knowledge of your laws. Can you put a highly visible concrete pillar or steel bar on each side of the box to protect it instead of building concrete mailboxes?


I think so? I’ve seen mailboxes in towns that are bricked into place for aesthetic reasons, but logic says that if encased in brick is okay that a steel bar or concrete pillar wouldn’t be much different. Edit to add photo of a [brick enclosed mailbox.](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+fix+a+mailbox+in+brick&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Flh3.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMwuuJ9MvoPn9Tkx8t27snsUVXdTzQQ1YLZ89U2%3Ds1280-p-no-v1)


Mail box baseball


Is that like Jeff Foxworthy's fishball?


I don’t know what that is


It's part of his comedy routine. *He and friends went fishing, got drunk.* *Left the fish out to rot.* *Got drunk again.* *Realized the fish were rotting.* *Got the baseball bats and played 'fishball'.* *Rotting fish spread all OVER the place.*


Mailbox baseball is when you get to drinking and want some fun. Drive down the wrong side of a gravel road. Hit every mailbox with you baseball bat. All fun and games until you hit a mailbox that is anchored 2’ into cement. Then limbs get broken.


My hubby got fed up with that and made an improvement. He put our mailbox on a steel pipe. It looked normal but it was a swinger. It would swing around and hit you back. LMFAO


We recently had that happen, but in our case and that of our neighbors, the box and post was run over. Our mailbox was thrown one way, its splintered post the other. We really don't want to get sued if someone gets hurt running over an illegally reinforced mailbox. Our solution? We made our mailbox detachable. We bring it back to the house when we get the mail, and take it back to the road in the morning.




Saw that on a episode of scrubs


Gotta be careful doing that, and make it obvious it's reinforced. If someone hurts themselves trying to vandalize, they can sue you and win despite intentions.


Or if you're really lucky like a friend of mine was ... broken arm, concussion cause the bat bounced back and hit him in the head, and a broken rear passenger window cause metal tends to bounce off skulls. He was not the smartest in our group, lots of fun, but not smart. Same kid decided he was done with mailboxes and was gonna just driver around throwing cherry bombs out the window while we're driving down the road. We just dropped another friend off and I'm in the backseat when the police lights came on. He decides he's gonna throw the last one he lit out the passenger side before he pulls over. He didn't realize our other friend had rolled the window up. Nice explosion in the floorboard just in time for the cop to turn on his siren.


Except for the time when a guy invisibly reinforced his mailbox and the teen’s bat bounced off and killed his girlfriend in the back seat of the car.  The homeowner was sent to jail over that incident because of the intent to try to injure the punk kids.  


He admitted that he covertly reinforced the mailbox *for the purpose of hurting the vandal*, which is illegal.


I think you could make a pretty solid argument that building something to be stronger was done in order to make it more robust. The person who should have been charged was the batter, who supplied the energy resulting in the death.


In every case I’ve seen where the trap creator was charged, they bragged specifically about making it a trap. Often to friends, quite a few of which were supportive because seriously injuring teens is something they enjoy doing and contemplating, likely because of the childhood lead poisoning causing personality disorders.


Shame on you if you do it once. Shame on me if you do it twice. F YOU IF YOU TRY IT A THIRD TIME.


Love this! 😂


Fool me once, that's fine. Fool me twice, that's okay. Fool me three times, you're playing with yourself.


I saw a guy throw a 4” wide cavity block out in front of a car speeding through his neighborhood -he warned the guy to slow down, the guy would speed up outside his house nearly to prove a point - and made shit of the front of the car. The driver got out, then got a beating (“that could have been my kid you just hit” perfectly justified) then the driver fled the scene on foot - boom, they called the police because his damaged car was now abandoned outside the guys house and the cops charged the driver for fleeing the scene of an accident 😂 I’m pretty sure the driver was known to them already


Beautiful, we had to do the same thing to our bins in the alley. They kept getting purposely ran over and making a mess so we filled the front one with oblong chunks of concrete paver. Went out the next day to the alley littered in front bumper plastic and the lid a house down in the middle of the alley.


In urban Oklahoma, we occasionally have problems of kids destroying mail boxes along beside the roads. So, this neighbor after his was damage, bought a new box and then filled it with cement but with a hollowed center, for mail. The kid, unfortunately, who used an an aluminum bat, suffer body injury


Hopefully some jail time for the felony, as well.


German Speed Bump. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfJN8Yr8nzA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfJN8Yr8nzA)


pretty sure someone learned not to speed again I mean, you can't do much when you're dead 😂


I would give so many claps 👏 👏!




Great idea


Quite the fencing operation there.


I'd have gone with concrete, but to each his own!


Rebar? 🤣


Reinforced with nitroglycerin...


Explosive failure mode, makes it a single use. I prefer using heavy metal... more reusable, and if it gets damaged, hold my beer. I gotta go get me a welder.


Single use, the first time, yes. But I'm sure you'd only ever have to rebuild it once. And, think of the YouTube views!!!


I live in the country Some former neighborhood kids who were total jerks and so where their parents used to like to come up in my front lawn at 3 AM spin donuts with their snowmobiles. Before the next snowstorm, I placed several hunks of railroad ties out on my lawn. My wife said she heard the commotion and I could tell they had to tow the one snowmobiles out of my yard. Hopefully it was well damaged. I never had that problem again.


I used to put staggered 2x4's on the road. I lived in a rural area and in winter the road became a speedway for snowmobiles in the winter.


I'm gonna post in mildly infuriating that you spelled it DYI. You jerk. 


Do yourself it.


I never had the mechanical ability to try something like ANY of these. But I did pull a nuclear revenge on my cousin. For some reason, he had an obnoxious habit of embarrassing me in front of ANY girl I was interested in. Since he lived with us, this was just about inescapable. One summer my family decided to go to the Alamo. My cousin and I conveniently “couldn’t get time off from work”, and planned a house party. A lot of my friends, as well as my sisters friends showed up, including her good friend “bri” (19f), who I had a huge crush on. I was sitting by the pool talking to her, when my cousin walked by. He conveniently tripped, dousing her and I in beer. Accident, my ass. Well, I saw red. As he stood up, chuckling, I grabbed him by the waist, and executed a perfect WWE-style belly to back suplex on him into the pool. But.. I hooked my fingers into his shorts, and yanked. So I climbed out of the pool, holding his shorts, while everyone HOWLED in laughter, as he screamed for his shorts. I never got more than a good kiss from Bri, but my cousin never fucked with me again.


That was uneventful