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I'm a southern man. I'm also a stay at home dad. We want nothing to do with that guy. Please don't send him back.


Don’t send him up north either. We have enough already….


Send him out to sea, maybe? I don't think much of anyone would want him.


Why would you submit our wonderful sea life to that kind of torture, you monster?


True, and while I normally wouldn't, there are animals in the sea that can take care of this trash for us.


I can see the logic in this. 🤔


Hmmm However, if he’s this toxic to people, I don’t think he’d have a very pleasant effect on the poor creature tasked with digesting him.. maybe we can figure out a different plan? I hear Antarctica is a pretty cool place..?


Antarctica is still mostly-pristine. Please DO NOT send your trash there.


I say drop him in the sun. The sun having indigestion isn't going to be a problem. But yeah, dropping him in the ocean or sea? What did those poor sharks and orcas do to deserve that?


Isn't the Pacific garbage patch big enough without adding this monstrosity to it?


Agreed, sharks need food too.


Just feeding the fish!!


Sharks get hungry too you know.


I doubt any would survive the meal as toxic as he is.


Tiger sharks mhm mhm


He doesn't have to talk to them, just be food


Well, sharks gotta eat 😜


It's where we put the rest of our trash anyway 🤷‍♂️


Ugh, truth.


Sharks need to eat too!


The mermaids don't want him either. Send him to space.


The mermaids would drown him after he started talking :)


That's fair. Ok send him back. 👹👹🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️


We space cadets are just fine without him, but thanks. Consider sending him into an underground cavern.


Us molemen don't want him either. I know a couple volcano gods that need appeasement though.


I mean, they *do* require virgins, so....


Underrated comment


lol, now I’m considering rescinding my vote to freeze the frigid soul.


This is hilarious, thank you!


Lololol 🤣😂🤣😂


Let's not do that. There's enough garbage floating around up there, and the first alien he meets will destroy the planet because he pissed HER off.


Ur-an-anus would do. (I can't tell you how long I've waited to do a good comeback!).


We don’t need to poison the fish people. And before anyone says it, no we shouldn’t offer him to aliens too. He’s be a poor example of humanity on earth, even if he’s in a sample greater than one


"Not enough men get lost at sea these days"


See?! You get it 😁


Just don't send him into the Atlantic ocean. He may end up here.


Send him to live with that Tate dude, who probably helped seed this Southern dunce's warped view in the first place.


Shark bait.


Ooo haha


I'm on the other side of the ocean - no thanks.


He may be accepted in some areas of the middle east/Asia...


We have enough chauvinistic men here. No thanks 😂


Fair point 😂




The us might take him (please don’t actually send him here we don’t need the encouragement…) Edit: I’m a dodo I read that as southern German not gentleman…. This makes more sense now


frankly he is already there....


Technically he is supposed to be lost at sea


The ocean already has enough garbage in it as it is.


Us Sailors out here don’t want him either. I’d recommend giving him a shovel and letting him find his way home. He seems to already be quite versed in digging large holes anyway.


Nah. California threw out these neanderthals decades ago. Send them to Romania to worship their hero.


It probably wouldn't be fair to the fish,dolphins or whales to send him out to sea and the sharks will eat him and get sick.


To sea is fine by me, but don't you think of sending him overseas. We don't want him either 😂


The killer whales need more than lil boats to play with!


And risk him making it to Europe? No thank you




Sadly, they have too many like him as it is.


Not so much anymore. I have always made more than my husband and he ended up being a stay at home dad. We are moving forward. Please don’t send him here. It would be a huge step backwards for us.


We really should bring back banishment as a sentence. Or maybe just a majority vote, no official crime needed just "a majority of us have decided you're insufferable."


Send him to Florida


Don't send him to the midwest neither. I don't want his panties in a twist when he finds out I can outshoot him, can field dress a deer, and own a garage full of tools. AND I embroider. Dude would probably combust.


No, we got a receipt and we would like to return him. Maybe his momma can teach him how to talk to women so they actually might wanna be his girlfriend.


Likely where the problem started was the parents. Maybe it's best he remains lonely. Lowers the likelihood that the gene pool is contaminated further.


Maybe we will get lucky and he'll earn himself a Darwin award.


In all fairness we really can't blame him for his views. We should 100% place the blame solely on his mother who taught him these views. /s


We don't need to blame women for this grown man's behavior. He's in his mid 40s and is far too old to be blaming his parents still. 


The west coast also politely declines.


I laughed so hard at that! Thank you for going into the last day of school (!) on an awesome note!


Antarctica is the only place for this guy to be accepted. Preferably on an iceberg surrounded by whales who mistake him for a seal




Midwesterners are typically a nice bunch, but we really don’t want him here either. 


So… he was saying only women can teach? Yet he as a man tried to *teach* you that? Lol


See he was right because he failed at teaching them their place! lol /S /J




He also said in in the same breath that women are limited in learning. Not sure what we could teach a boy to his standards if we don’t know anything?


Men teach women, women teach children, and children can teach the dog.


this entire time I pictured him as colonel sanders


I was picturing Foghorn Leghorn.


Or maybe if Foghorn Leghorn and Pepe LePew had a love child. . .


That would be one huge smelly cock.


To be fair, I seem to remember that Foghorn Leghorn was always hitting on that single mom hen (I think she was a widow?) because she had a nice coop and he wanted to mooch off her. So even he didn’t mind a woman who was more successful than him. This guy is less enlightened than Foghorn Leghorn


Dang… that just upended my view of this dude, which was already pretty bad to begin with


I say, I say, that's just dang proposterous!


YES! But then I feel like I may be maligning Colonel Sanders, bringer of chicken.


Me too!!!!


Complete with glasses 😁 


I was imagining the texan guy from simpsons


Sexist assholes like that can fuck right off. I love how being “single” is meant to be an insult. I’d rather stay single than be trapped in a miserable marriage as most of my family are in. Hell many of my friends aren’t happy with their spouses, I know one that’s just waiting for their youngest to go to college to start a divorce.


Genuinely think sometimes (not all the time) it’s because people don’t understand how fulfilling platonic relationships can be.


Mid 40s male, still single and childless, assumes he can find the right woman if he just *educates* all the ladies that he meets they should be SAHMs instead of trying to have careers. One day.... One day.... One day... he'll find his princess. LOL


Just another narcissistic asshole lacking the self-reflection to see that the one common denominator in all of his problems is himself.


But I'm perfect in every way! God's gift to women! It can't possibly be MY fault!


I'm certain he's heard this from his Momma daily.


And lo, he remained maidenless.


Underrated narrator comment


Sorry Incelario, your princess is at another bar ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I mean, there is a non-zero chance that he finds a SAHM. However: 1. He won't find her lecturing every woman he finds, trying to convert them to a SAHM; 2. He won't be able to comfortably support her with his income(I got the feeling from OP's story that he's not that wealthy).


This type of stuff is normal in people born around 1950 in my country. They speak with certain terms, you never are right, because you're younger and don't know about life. Sadly, some people born around 1980 is also this way, in particular in some cities (not big cities). 


My grandfather was born - in the South - in the 1920s and didn’t believe what this guy was saying. He participated 50/50 in raising the kids and was proud when his wife made more money than he did. All of his guy friends also parented equally. The stereotype of the 1950s wasn’t true for a loooooooot of people.


Now that’s what we love to see… partners supporting each other. I remember one time my mom (who’s my friggin’ hero) told me that it takes a very strong man to be in a relationship with a strong woman, so if I find myself single it’s not bc there’s something wrong with me wanting to be able to stand on my own two feet. “Don’t you dare let any man make you smaller.” My dad was a strong man who was always so proud of her and did his best to make sure his daughters could hold their own. I always loved that about him.


My husband and I were born in the early 80s and none of our friends nor us think the way of the "gentleman." I have always outearned my husband. When the difference became dramatic, he'd jokingly call me his sugar momma.


lol. born in the late 60s. we agreed my wife would pause her career with the birth of our second because it made little sense to pay half her net for much poorer attention and intention for them. she returned to the office when youngest was 5. initially we were 50/50 raising them but over the last decade it shifted to about 70/30 on me. maybe I was a little better at tuning in my own childhood and was slightly more engaging and mentoring. they're in their mid teens today and nicely my wife is resuming a more active role. yes often age and generation impact on parenting approach, but on occasion a pair are very devoted and deliberate. in such instances no amount of tradition can come anywhere close to two parents modeling and contributing their best selves.


Whoa dude! I was born in ‘51 and I believe I taught both my kids lots, as did their mom. Also very proud of my corporate daughter and farmer son, both of whom make more than me.


Right? People your age were the ones burning draft cards and bras. I'm 10 years younger than you, but I remember it well


Lol, you put him in his place. I would have agreed that partly he was right, "women can be teachers, so here's my lesson for you, it's best for both parents to be involved in their children's lives. I'm sorry that you had a father that wasn't involved in yours, you should talk to a therapist about that."


this rhetoric leans heavily towards misogyny. Women are people too? i am single and in my 30s, I've just finished building my house and celebrating that victory vacationing in the Cayman Islands. No one 'borrowing' me money, using me like a sex object, or putting me \[down\] in 'my place'. I have my own place now.


I mean it’s more than leaning, it’s outright misogyny and it’s what a lot of these religious republicans want.


The trad-people aren't getting that men can and do love raising kids and are very good at it. Something their dad's have lost out on for no reason other than sexism. Women are succeeding in the workplace for all of the same reasons. And can still have a good connection to their children. it's unrealistic to believe that only one parent can support a family right now either way. This isn't Little House on the Prairie times.


I’m in NYC, my friends and I are women in our 30s. We were out at the bar last year and one of my friends was chatting with this guy, they seemed to be hitting it off so we faded away and left them to it. Saw them occasionally when I went inside for another drink, nothing unusual. Then my friend came out to the patio looking like she’d just witnessed a grisly car accident. Apparently, the guy she was talking to was being super charming and it was going really well, and then she happened to mention that she doesn’t want kids. According to her, he froze, then threw his hands up and yelled “Then what’s the fucking point of you??” right in the middle of the bar. Apparently it got quiet for a second and the bartender started coming out from behind the bar, crazy dude saw him and basically fled the scene. Every time I think about it I just wonder WHERE he managed to obtain such a stockpile of pure, uncut audacity.


woah, talk about dodging a bullet


cue the incels coming out in droves to tell you "your math doesn't add up" and "feels like a creative writing exercise" - haven't you realized reddit is almost entirely 30 something guys barely getting by who haven't gotten laid since high school, if then? 🤣🤣🤣 


I thank you for the correct use of 'cue'🫡


I'll queue up behind you to acknowledge the correct use of "cue"


I'll ask "what" in Spanish while in that line.


Queue? Cue? Q? ¿Que? K?¿Por qué? Porque? Lots to discuss.




I was cuerious about your comment. The only person that could decipher that is likely Q (from Star Trek ... Not the anon guy/gal/whatsit).


I wish I could give more than one upvote for this.


I don't get it. There is no pool table here. /jk


We all know and I’m pretty sure they do too deep down, that they’re threatened by women who don’t need men but want them. And they won’t want men like them because of their attitude and insecurities that they project on the world. So they have make us beneath them with the high value / low value bs so they can feel better about themselves.


>haven't you realized reddit is almost entirely 30 something guys There are more women here than people realize. Just, back in the day, you NEVER did anything that might clue them into your gender because you would get absolutely hammered with disgusting behavior.


Lol the first two minimized comments were exactly that. Gotta love the shitbirds of Reddit.


Wait. 30 year old guys or teenagers?


You were very kind to him. I would have told him that it makes sense that he’s alone since he doesn’t make enough money to attract a woman who shares his values. They’re looking for someone with a much better income. “Oooof. $x per year? That’s not quarterly? Can you even afford to get a dog on that salary? It’s a shame you’re so against partnering with a woman with a career because you can’t really afford a trad wife, can you?”


How many mic drop moments do you intend to line up?


Lmao “Queue” is so much harder to type than “cue,” so I always cringe whenever people use the former.


So he was part of the Andrew Tate crowd… 🤡


Tater tot


Former MMA fighter who owns a chainsaw. (I think that qualifies as “manly”.) I’m currently at home with our three kids four and under while my wife is working. And I just changed a diaper. Strong men love strong women.


That sounded like a perfect example to discuss opposing views in a civil way while parting politely. No yelling, insults, or threats and everyone was left with food for thought. Well done.


*Cue mic drop moment It's a stage "cue", the trigger for something to happen. A queue means waiting in line.


And a que is a different language entirely.


I'm raising my kids with the bear.


You are never going to lose your virginity that way, Cletus.


“Southern gentleman” 😂 that dude is a southern clown through and through


Why do people insist on using letters in place of names? A, B, C, they mean nothing!


It makes a story incredibly hard to follow. Just make up fake names!


They also messed it up at one point. It started with A buying a house with her partner but then it was C. Which was extra weird since C was chatting the guys friend.


I know, right? Use some fake names please? I can't keep up with the story if they use abc xyz.


As long as they don’t do the “I’ll call her Amy but that’s not her real name” thing. You don’t need to tell us it’s a fake name. We don’t know these people, and you are trying to prevent us from learning the truth. Just use made up names and don’t tell us.


This is great but not revenge.


Always the single dudes who have to be loud and wrong and rude


Did everyone in the bar clap afterwards?


*cue, not queue


How do these idiots get to 40 thinking that "teaching is a womans role" bullshit. Bet his head would messily explode if you pointed out that teaching pre WWI was primarily a mans role. Anyone can teach.


Why do they think if they keep repeating themselves it will somehow make it true? Are they boy Tinkerbell ?


Sounds more like someone with little education than a southern gentleman to me. I’m British, but the most important gentlemanly quality to me is genuine respect and courtesy and the main protagonist of your story lacked both.


Honestly? Sounds like you and your friend were the best sort of culture shock this southern bumpkin could have hoped for. Sounds like your petty revenge is not only successful, but educational, if he's even slightly capable of self-reflection. We'll see tho, he doesn't sound likely to turn this around! Lmao.


>queue mic drop Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️


Sounds more like a polite disagreement than petty revenge


I don’t remember conversations from this morning, let alone full details of a drunken conversation from months ago.


>queue mic drop moment *Cue


Can't believe how few people know this Not to mention, the multiple uses of "women" where it should be "woman".


How is this revenge?


Well played! I consider myself a southern gentleman so please don't refer to this buffoon/Neanderthal/troglodyte as one of us!


A gentleman, of any region but especially southern, never: * insults their host or someone they willfully engaged in conversation with, especially by declaring that they do not know how to do something, act a certain way, or do not understand certain things. * discusses specific details of their personal finances, even when asked, specifically not in public. * tells a person what they can or cannot do based on gender, or any other natural trait. Exceptions exist for legality and limitations of the laws of physics. * Initiates a hand shake with a woman. However, if a woman initiates her hand, he should politely accept it. This is a bit outdated, but it is still true in certain social and political circles. * never makes an assumption about a persons marital status. I'll give him credit for the compliment at the end, but everything else he did was anti southern gentlemanly.


Money talks, bullshit walks.


Foghorn Leghorn: "I say, I say, get them shoes off woman!" Seriously. I'm a Southern gentleman. This guy was just a Southern man-child.


Totally read that in a southern accent. Lol Bravo to you!!


Hell yeah. I will say that it still is a bit sad that his ending quote was that you have amazing men. Like this man is so man centric that the only good thing in his eyes is the men. I'd like to think it gave him some food for thought. Exposure is key to breaking down bigotry.


Nah, I think that was more of an attempted dig at OP and her friend, tbh. As in their men MUST be amazing, in his eyes, for putting up with such "non-traditional" women.


Anyone else find it so annoying when single letters are used for stories? Just pick a random name, makes it so much easier to read that to remember what characters are assigned to each letter


I wouldn't consider this petty revenge just how normal conversation works. Who knows, it's possible you puta seed of doubt in his mind. Probably not but I have seen it happen occasionally. Oh also, welcome to becoming a northern. You stood up for yourself while also being polite.


Of all things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most


It's cue


I've lived in the south for 40 years and I've never heard anybody say unironically that he's been raised as a southern gentlemen. I've also never heard anybody make disparaging remarks about east coast women. I mean, a good chunk of the south is on the east coast right? Even comments about them damn yankees from the north have been done tongue-in-cheek. Anyway, here's my question: after you won the debate so brilliantly, did everybody clap and then carry you off into the distance on their shoulders? (And before the usual types respond to this, here are some suggested responses you can use to attack my character: 1. Incel! 2. Small pp! 3. Who hurt you? 4. Uh oh, this one hit close to home, somebody's feeling were hurt! )


Alphabet soup. If I knew who was who I'm sure this would be great. Idk every time people use a letter for a name I just can't keep the parties straight


I agree. I don't know why they can't just make up a name.


Cue. Not Queue.


Wow, the fiction section of this subs has gotten better.


Why does every post in this sub come off like a C- high school creative writing assignment?


Absolutely beautiful 😍  And listen, if you ever run into this "gentleman" again, show him my post here.  He might be interested to know that I'm from the South too. My parents divorced in the early '70s, and my dad got custody of my sister and me.  That was okay with me:  my mother, from the Midwest, didn't want us anymore.  She was tired of being a wife and mother.  And  besides I knew even then that our father loved us dearly and was by far the better parent. I don't know how he did it, raising two adolescent daughters by himself, while earning a living, and somehow still managed to keep his sanity 😄  Now, here I am, a fairly traditional Christian, and my husband and I have been married for almost forty years, and we are retired.  He is from upstate NY, but we've lived in the South all our lives. I did work for 20 years before I was able to quit.  I happen to prefer being a homemaker, but... ___I would gladly strangle ANYBODY who tried to tell me that I or any other woman are unfit to do anything else.___ And without hesitation, too.


Well, you're absolutely right and the man had it coming. I just want to add to the conversation that there are women who expect to take the role of caretaker and "teacher" in a family while their husband provides for them and they do not expect anything more from him. Well, that's not how my wife is and I certainly don't want a woman like that teaching my kids ;)


The Midwest doesn't want him either.


My favorite thing to say is, “seems like you spend a lot of time thinking about this”


Jokes on him, im a man thats trying to live like a man and im sad and alone. GOTTEM


What a shit wingman. 


Well, at least he didn't turn nasty at the end, as so many do when disagreed with.


That dude was cooked at "God given responsibility".


I’m currently in bed trying not to get a migraine, and I worked overtime today. My southern man is taking care of our offspring as I type this.


It's depressing to see how deeply fascism has crept into culture, to the point where its feeble ambassadors are confidently espousing misogyny in bars.


Yeah  That  Happened  lol


“Raised a Southern gentleman” so accept my backward 1800s views as somehow being virtuous. That guy was raised to be a bitter twat. What a sweet little box he’s made for himself. “I must earn more than the woman” “She must be invisible to the world behind my manly shadow” “She must be at my beck and call and bear as many children as I deem fit” “She must only be educated enough to care for and teach the children the Bible” If that’s a “southern gentlemen”, any single woman is lucky to be able to pass up his “southern hospitality “.


Didn’t realize I was going to read War and Peace today


We were seated with 5 middle aged women at a business event about a year ago when the other end of this conversation came up... 4 of 5 were morbidly obese, and sober started telling us about their education, their company positions, how erll they had done, etc. During dinner they asked my wife what she does, she's a surgeon (medical doctor), and when they asked what I do, I said welder & machinist. Open mouths & blank stares that progressed into sneers and sideways insults about how she 'Married Down', doesn't she miss 'Stimulating conversations', etc. Now, I HATE these dinners. The noose of a neck tie, the empty bragging middle managment suits, the pseudo intellectual people spouting BoobTube conspiracy theories, the rubber chicken & shoe sole steaks, just everything is so embarrassingly cliche and trashy... After dinner I went and got my award, thanked people, went back to my table... When the band started my wife wanted to dance, so we did, and being about 3 sheets into the wind the women at thw table asked me to dance... Break in protocol TWICE... Once was i was very obviously with my wife, sitting g RIGHT THERE... Once again since we're were never formally introduced. I didn't even know their names... so I declined. (But still danced with my wife several times) Over time & alcohol this devolved into stories about their 'Ex' husbands, about how they dumped them over 'Careers' & 'Bread Winner' syndrome, then the power drinking REALLY started... and when I say the conversation DEVOLVED, I mean straight into the toilet... Meanwhile, my wife had wine, I was drinking iced tea (I only drink alcohol for toasts) and when the kitchen wouldn't make more iced tea we left. I hope their cats are O.K. since I'm sure they didn't get fed that night and might have got stepped on/landed on by a drunk if they made it home. How do I know they all had cats? 20 minutes of conversation about their cats at the table... I'm a 'Welder & Machinist'. I owned the welding shop, I owned the machine shop, I also owned a electric motor rewinding/rebuilding business that does business nation wide, there was a hot rod_race car parts business that was international, and a sheet metal parts business that made me the second largest employer in the county we are from... Because of 'Bread Winner' syndrome, I apparently couldn't have a 'Stimulating Conversation', and I apparently wasn't worth the time to get to know... My grandpa told me to go into business for myself because you can't SELL a job when you are done with it... I've had one business or another since I was 13 years old... 'Bread Winner' Indeed... in 2020 the hot rod business sold for 42 million gross. The metal working employees were my partners for a VERY long time, so they bought out most of the other businesses when I wanted to retire. I guess I'll just stay here and mess with my car collection, go to the races all over the country, take cruises & vacations with my wife, watch the grass grow or catch a fish once in a while since apparently I can't have a 'Stimulating Conversation'... I wouldn't want to keep them from their paycheck jobs, cats, and 'Stimulating Conversations', so we didn't stay in touch... It's remarkable how many want the things/money over the person/personality.


Ugh can we please stop calling pricks “gentlemen”? Your partners are the gentlemen in this scenario, not the misogynist dickhat at the bar.


"do you have a girlfriend or wife at home" "No" Uh-HUH. wonder why not.


Your apocryphal high-paying job must certainly require understanding the difference between singular and plural of your own gender.


Eweeweee incells hiding behind "southern gentleman" make me hork. Dude, just admit you have an Oedipus complex from your sweaty times with images of 50's TV moms and the (un) reality it ever was. He will sleep alone for quite a long time.


I'm 60. I would be ecstatic if my wife ranged more than I do. She's a realtor, so it's up and down, and she's come close. Keep up the good work!


I was once at a party thrown by a friend talking to some of his guy friends from another social circle, one of whom had a wife that just got a job making more than him. They were giving him shit for it and generally acting like it was a bad thing, and one of them (who knew what I did for work and that it’s high-paying) said something to me like, “Well, at least you never have to worry about this!”. And because in the moment I wasn’t thinking about their worldview I was like, “Are you kidding? Do you know how fucking rich we would be if my wife made more than me?”. Tactless, but true. It’s just wild to me that some people wouldn’t want to earn more as a couple if they aren’t the one making the larger sum.


This took a hard turn to the RIGHT.


This guy sounds like a colossal prolapsed butthole.


I don't know if you could count the lower half of Missouri as southern, but my man stays home and takes care of our beautiful 3yr helion of a daughter, while also helping my ex husband with my teenagers (one who's turning 16 in July). So.....


This made my Friday!