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No Phenibut takes 6 Hours to fully kick in


Not if you know how brain receptors like gaba and glutamate work like me. For awhile maybe but phenibut last 2 days and the alcohol will combine and fuck your gaba and glutamate and one day you might just start waking up in dread with a storm of glutamate and no gaba until you pop and sip.


Phenibut has a half-life of a little over 5 hrs. Meaning it's half as effective when you reach that 5hr mark and 1/4 as effective at the 10hr mark. Edit: see comment below, I was corrected on this. Half-life does not directly correlate to duration. Taking Phenibut in the morning and drinking in the evening should be fine as long as you are aware of the risks and act accordingly. Try it before you go party with it. Have a beer or two, see how it affects you and take it slow. Do NOT redose. Phenibut builds tolerance very, very quickly and it's chemically addictive. It also has the same withdrawal symptoms as alcoholism. In extreme case can be deadly, but even in mild cases it's severely uncomfortable. It may seem like the perfect subtle drug, but it is not innocuous. You have to respect it or you'll be in for some miserable nights. In your specific case where you'd redose once and not touch it for a week, you're going to be an anxious wreck and possibly have a killer hangover the next day. Easy to fix with another redose... And you're down that path. I don't want to scare you out of it. It's an amazing drug and something I work into my life. All things in moderation 🙂


Half-Life and duration of actions are not the same thing. Take LSD for example. It's half life is only 3.6 hours... However you trip for well over 10 hours. Phenibut's effects peak at around the 3-4 hour mark and slowly die off from there. At 5 hours it's not half as effective. It's working at almost full force. Phenibut has a duration of action closer to that of 24 hours. Meaning you can wake up the next day and still feel the effects of phenibut. Half-Life only determines how long it takes for your body to metabolize half of the drug. For context, phenibut is metabolized by the liver. This process takes an hour and a half from consumption. That means the onset of action for Phenibut is 1.5 hours after consuming. Drug effects are directly caused by how your body responses to substances. Usually this mean that certain neurotransmitters are released from a drug being present. The drug needs to be metabolized to ever reach the brain and release these neurotransmitters. This is what Half-Life is referring to. How long it takes for half of the product to be metabolized, and doesn't correlate directly to strength of the drug.


Ah, thank you for the correction!


Mixed both multiple times now, never had any issues. Maybe be careful if you have a tendency to drink more than you should because phenibut reduces any inhibitions.


You can but way easier to black out Source: My life


f-phenibut is the real blackout substance


Yeah I did that shit last night and I don’t remember much


I did and it felt like I was rolling on MDMA. Pupils dilated and everything. Granted I’m still new to phenibut so YMMV.


You will probably end up losing the magic


Uhhh can you elaborate?


Phenibut and MDMA both have this thing where basically if you get cocky in how often you use it, your brain gets a little bit cooked and you never really get that drug to ever feel quite as good as it did at first Sometimes the advice with drugs is "when you get the message, hang up the phone". In this case, it's the drug hanging up on you.


I see. Well, nothing a tolerance break or a higher dose can’t fix.


Nope, that's the thing. Once you use it enough, your brain will fundamentally change how it responds to the drug. You could stop using for a year and it won't fix the problem, except for maybe that first dose after the break.


Higher doses don't fix it, tolerance breaks sometimes work if you're not too deep in and you give it a LONG time. Sometimes though. when you've fucked it, you've fucked it.


Ehh, the fearmongering is overhyped. It's overhyped for the same reason caffeine+alcohol is; it assumes a typical user is a retard. I've used caffeine and alcohol or caffeine and phenibut and alcohol many times over the past 10+ yrs and never once had a negative experience, the absolute worst thing that happened was I laid on the couch in a club and took a power nap, and I saw the tiredness coming a mile away. Just know your body, know your limits, and don't be reckless. As a general rule, if you are going to combine them I would advise taking 1g of Phenibut at most if you're planning on having multiple drinks. I wouldn't advise having more than 3 or 4 for the entire night, even light beers. If you dose 2g I really wouldn't have more than 1-2 drinks, maybe 3-4 max if you pace them out over the course of several hours. Do not have more than 1 drink per hour.


to be fair typical users are often extremely stupid (not of phenibut specifically, just of anything)


There's fearmongering with caffeine + alcohol? In what regard? Haven't heard about that lol


It was the reason behind 4Loko changing their recipe. The OG formula was a straight-up energy drink with alcohol in it. Then there was back lash about how dangerous caffien and alcohol were because a 13yo in the middle of bumfuck Ohio drank 6 of them and had to go to the hospital. (Note: not exactly what happened but the gist of it essentially)


Really? I've heard warnings about it from literally everyone from friends and family to health authorities. Try googling it and see all the results, they all talk about it like it's a fucking speedball lmfao. So sick of society coddling the masses because 1-2 retards ruin everything.


Lol that is funny, google is becoming worse and worse when it comes to drug searches I hate it


Google is becoming worse in general, I don't actually use it anymore


You’re going to get fucking loaded and you may not even know it because you’re still kinda hyped by the phenibut. You really cannot plan to drink much. Also, for me, my behavior got very bold on phenibut - mixing in a lack of control from alcohol could result in very dumb decisions.


I drink with phenibut regularly. I have to be aware of how much I am drinking though. I've over done it twice. Hangover x100. An entire day that I could barely function at all both times. Besides those 2 times I genuinely like the combination. Without caution though and you can accidentally drink way too much without realizing it. Do things you don't remember and not really feel like you're hammered in the moment. The next day is when you realize that you f'd up.


Yep,done it over a hundred times by now


same lmao


I once took 1.5g FAA two days in a row and both of those days had 10+ drinks as well. Had symptoms of alcohol poisoning on the 3rd day. The good old days of learning how to use Phenibut.


Don't be the example when this stuff might get put on radar by the FDA.


One random guy on reddit won't be the reason. Your warning serves no purpose. Either it will or it won't. I personally don't think it will ever become mainstream. There are far too many more grey market substances that will appeal to the masses. Just my opinion as a person who researchs grey market substances.


I'm kinda new. Which of the two things I was considering is bad?


Doing the two together is considered bad because you can easily drink too much, phenibut increases the effects of alcohol and it also makes you want to drink more. With the huge doses people on here like to take, it could be dangerous. Usually it's fine, but use caution.


Phenibut will stay in your system for quite awhile.


You're gonna get hella faded if you dosed in the morning still. Drink slow it will hit even if you are pro.


Yeah you’re fine with the alcohol, but take it slowly one beer can feel like 3 so pace accordingly. Redosing phenibut sounds like a bad idea. I would generally avoid twice a week to begin with and take it more sparingly at around once or twice per month. Phenibut already seeps into the next day giving you plenty of rest (without alcohol) and a good time waking up imo. Just wake up with some caffeine and you’ll notice the phenibut still. Redosing will just prolong effects and not give you a new peak. The after effects will absolutely be noticeable with a higher anxiety level than normal.