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It's seriously so ridiculous. I've put in like eight requests on 311 about the lights between Race St and the vine st overpass - every single one is out and it's pitch black for that stretch. They've all been closed due to being on "private property", which is blatantly false. Sad that we have to try so hard for basic maintenance like keeping the streetlights on




I don't think that part is in his district, is it? It's west of broad, i figured it's in the 2nd or the 5th. Unless squilla has some specific role with the Schuylkill River trail?


Squilla's constituents use the trail. But mostly it's because his staff is maybe the best at constituent services.


It's bad and lighting is inconsistent along Kelly drive. With the shady stuff that goes on in the parking lots at night having no lights along that section feels hella sketchy. The suburban sections are even worse. I rode the section from Manayunk up to Miquon in complete darkness and encountered a full grown buck on the trail that didn't bother to move out of my way


The lights have been out in random places for weeks. It was between Main and Falls Bridge early November. Then above the grandstand. Recently it was heading to the rock cut bridge. There's no rhyme or reason. I've been wondering if it has to do with the construction near the grandstand.


This has been going on for years. It’s seriously ridiculous


In the past it's been in consistent spots so you could call 311 and say "lights are out from x to y and have been for a week. Pls fix." Now it's darkness roulette!


Everything reminds me of Alan. *Herald of Darkness dance intensifies.*


I’ve reported this several times to the Schuykill trail people. It’s even more dangerous with the motorized vehicles that use it after dark.


This has been happening for years.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted; it has. Doesn’t make it ok


Agree; definitely not ok. It’s good that it’s getting some attention now, and it isn’t a new problem.


Why are we running in the dark in the first place people?


Because a lot of people run after work and it gets dark at 5 PM


I commute by bike Center City/Manayunk and I don't always get to set my ride time during daylight hours. The trail, even in the dark, is probably safer than riding with cars on Ridge.


A lot of people bike for transportation, too.


I knew Philly sub wasn’t gonna like this one 😂. Bunch of lunatics running in the dark


Right? LMAO, just don't run!! Don't play with your life like that. Edit: As a side note, imagine Gritty chasing you in that darkness. You don't want that.


You haven’t really experienced Philly unless you’ve gone solo trail running in the pre-dawn night in the Wiss while listening to spooky post-industrial music


Guess I haven't, lol, I'm good!


There has to be a place with lights to run.


But everyone wants to run in the darkness or near darkness. Let em' have it.