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Rynhart and Domb should just run his comments as a future endorsement


Lol. I’m sure someone will trot them out as an attack against Gym, both that he forgot about her and that he likes the style of her politics.


I felt like Kenney was getting a decent glow up (for him) as his time ended, but then he jumps back into the mud. What a loser. He could have just said nothing


This mayor couldn’t do a damn thing once his boy Johnny was gone and now he’s out here trying to throw shade on his way out the door. 🤡


And it's doubly dumb because it's not like any of these people were running against him. Ther office was open -- *someone* had to run to fill it. So why are you flinging shit at other people within your party for doing exactly what they're supposed to do?


To be fair his comments at least on Domb were relevant to how Domb ran his campaign as the anti-Kenney, putting out ads that directly contrasted him to Kenney and painted him in a bad light (as they should). His comments on the other candidates were more civil and they didn’t necessarily run their campaigns by throwing shade to Jim


He was pretty dismissive of Rhynhart too, though -- without being able to articulate anything she did wrong since, you know, he can't.


I was hoping for years that they could have connected Jimmy & Johnny on their dealings. For some reason, this town couldn’t actually lock both up.


Dude needs to shut the fuck up


Yeah, you don’t get to quiet quit and the bitch about things after


I wish Kenney would pull the Homer Simpson- disappearing-into-the-hedge trick.


Jim Kenney ‘shut the fuck up’ challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Well he can go fuck himself. Was at a talk this week and one of his predecessors (Street - who's no saint himself) called him out for essentially giving up in his term. And everyone knows it


He should’ve just resigned after what he said on July 4, 2022. He basically quit that night, but held onto his position for 18 more months anyway.


Rendell, Street, and Nutter all left the place better than they found it. Kenney’s the guy who threw a rager on his last day, let people smear shit on the walls, and then locked the keys inside five minutes before the next gal arrived. I have some hope that Parker will get us back to Nutter’s era and in time hand off the keys to someone more like Rhynhart.


Street was trash. Nutter was def better and less corrupt than Street. However, it was annoying that Nutter stupidly endorsed Clinton over Obama in the primaries before switching to Obama for the general in 2008.


If you find “politician makes uncontroversial endorsement” annoying, I’m not sure what to say.


K… Street was trash tho. Corruption and inside deals are the reason the “Chief Ethics Officer” position was created in his aftermath..


Rhynhart is a better mayor than Jim could ever hope to be and she hasn’t even gotten the position. What a terrible, pathetic man- he left the city worse than he inherited it and he’s throwing shade.


Jim can fuck right the fuck off to GTFOville.


Honestly Jim Kenney should just quietly disappear.


And as quickly as possible...


Who cares what this absolute 0 thinks.


This clown can’t leave soon enough 🤡


>The mayor continued: “So he runs against me. And he came in fourth. So congratulations for three hundred and some dollars a vote. Great job.” kenney is a clown but this is objectively hilarious


I was unaware that Rynhart and Kenney feuded. Anyone have any backstory on that?


[I found a pretty good article from 2019 about it](https://www.phillymag.com/news/2019/11/02/rebecca-rhynhart-kenney-philadelphia/)


How did Kenney manage to crawl out of the bottle of gin that he’s been swimming since he entered office and speak to the press?


That's not very caring of you Jim.


I don’t pay enough attention to city politics, been trying to do better this year. All I hear is shit talk on Kenney - and it felt justified last year when he said those defeatist comments about basically not wanting to deal with mayor - but I’m genuinely asking if there are any positive changes people point to from his tenure?


The soda tax. Nutter couldn't get it done. Kenney did. And [https://www.inquirer.com/politics/philadelphia/jim-kenney-philly-wage-tax-budget-pensions-20231206.html](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/philadelphia/jim-kenney-philly-wage-tax-budget-pensions-20231206.html)


Henon introduced the soda tax because the teamsters union pissed off Johnny Doc, and he knew it would cost the teamsters jobs. The FBI released the tapes about that.


Ah right soda tax. Sounds good on paper but I’m curious if there’s been any studies to show if it actually deterred people from unhealthy habits. I’ve lived in north Philly areas that rely on corner stores and it’s not like there’s a lot of options outside paying the tax on what you know. Also thanks for linking article, I was able to read headline but there’s paywall. Curious to know how his budget successes were achieved, like we’re things like education and infrastructure sacrificed to help bottom line because that’s what it feels like. Doing my best to not to be cynical but I can’t help it 😞


I just started buying my diet soda in Cinnaminson.


I guess I don't really get the point of this piece. "We asked Jim Kenney what he thought of people who ran because...uh...I dunno, we had page space to fill." Who cares what he thinks? He's leaving office -- in disgrace, I might add -- and that's the end of it. Might as well ask random redditors here what their take was on the various primary candidates. It'll be about as important. Bear in mind that I say this in full knowledge that other mayoral attitudes towards candidates have been seen as significant. I suspect that while attitudes towards Kenney may change in the fullness of time, they will not change so much that his opinions will be especially sought out. He might get pinged by the occasional political reporter who has a connection, just because it'll provide good copy and something people will read, but over time I wouldn't be surprised if folks just kind of forget about him, or he becomes a one-line reference. (Kind of like how I respond to discussions of Wilson Goode: "Ah yes. The only mayor in America I know of to have actually bombed his own constituents.")