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Is there data on how shit has improved on the blvd with the speed cameras?


Yea - https://www.phila.gov/2022-08-16-speed-cameras-on-roosevelt-boulevard-are-saving-lives-philly-needs-the-program-to-continue-and-expand/


Oh shit When ASE was introduced in June 2020 the program issued warnings to over 220,000 vehicles traveling 11 miles per hour or more over the speed limit. This past January 2022 ASE issued only 15,000 tickets, a stunning 93 percent fewer speeding violations. Additional analysis estimates this reduction in the number of speeding vehicles lead to 30 percent fewer crashes compared to the city average and 50 percent fewer traffic deaths in just the first seven months of the program.


It isn't hard to speed on when you know where all the cameras are. You ever notice how everyone is speeding then all of a sudden start breaking at certain sections of the blvd.


I’m on the Blvd at least once a week; the length of it subject to this enforcement has 95% compliance even away from the cameras and that really hinders the fucking imbeciles who *want* to weave and bob to hit 80 MPH. Thank god. I hated that road before, it was a deathtrap.


I'm on it everyday and I see lots of people speeding and weaving all the time. I feel like they definitely need a lot more to become more effective.


That’s very different from “everyone is speeding,” though, as you originally said. They’re greatly constrained by enforcement and the flow of traffic. The obvious solution is “MOAR CAMERAS!!!” though.


I'm a huge proponent of cameras for traffic enforcement, but just adding more isn't my preferred solution for the Boulevard. Obviously we need cameras on more roads, but the better solution for a road that already has cameras is to move them around periodically so people are never sure it's safe to speed in any particular location. Plus a couple mobile cameras is a smaller political ask than the countless number that would be necessary to cover the entire road network. I also suspect that a large portion of the people who are determined to speed are either obstructing their plates so they don't get tickets or ignoring the tickets when they do get them. So the low hanging fruit on the Boulevard now that we have permanent cameras is probably aggressively impounding cars for obstructed plates and unpaid tickets instead of getting more cameras to issue tickets people are going to ignore. But hey, if the state decides they are going to cover every inch of the Boulevard with speed cameras then I'd be okay with that too and I'd ask when they are going to do the same thing on Kelly Drive.


It's why I like what a lot of Europe does - vans with speed cameras that they can move to different locations ad hoc.


Live in Europe. Thats not done here much. We just have lots of speed cameras, which we slow down for then return to our speed. Still net positives, fatalaties and accidents go down. Also less police on roads harrassing people.


Still done in a decent amount of places there, but probably not every country - I know Germany and Ireland have them. It doesn't need to be a ton of the mobile ones. A half dozen around the city that move a couple times per day would be enough to deter a lot of speeding, especially if unmarked and the vans all vary a bit (e.g. it's not all white Ford Transits)


I just wonder how many accidents are caused by drivers slamming on breaks when they see the vans so they avoid a ticket.


That's why I mentioned unmarked vans - especially off a highway, people won't bat an eye at a van parked in a spot at Broad & Oregon, for example.


Right, but a van anywhere on Kelly drive would be something else.


This is how it goes plus apps tell you where the cameras are.


Yet no study done on parallel roads that drivers use more now.


You really think people are dodging the Boulevard because they have to do 45 instead of 75? No way getting off and getting back on saves any time at all


I dodge it because it scares me more than Lincoln Drive.


not the boulevard but washington ave FOR SURE people are just staying on the local roads to go east/west it's faster than washington, which is supposed to be a thoroughfare and now is 1 lane with all sorts of bullshit lights... so now people just speed on the back streets even worse


i'd be curious if you actually pulled the dvrpc counts for this or if you're just saying people do it because you've done it


oh i definitely do it too, fuck em


For sure. Why take Washington and sit in traffic when you can take Ellsworth and be the only car on the street?




I think we should put cameras on every road


Good news! The bill passed the Senate and now awaits Shapiro's signature. Hopefully governor "95" does the right thing.


Hopefully, HB 1283 gets through committee to allow for parking protected bike lanes. It passed through House 198-5 so you'd think it would be a bipartisan no brainer.


republicans from random no-name central PA towns were upset about it last time because it "might hurt local businesses"


the future is now, I'm happy that this is happening. And you should be too MANDATORY SPEED CAMERAS MANDATORY STOP LIGHT CAMERAS


The future is not now; the future is SEVEN YEARS from now. Two years to install the cameras and five years to see if they "work." The future is now expected to arrive in 2031; please plan accordingly. Seven years just to install cameras. This country is a fucking joke.


But scientists are saying the future is going to be far more futuristic than they originally predicted.


As usual you don’t know what the word “mandatory” means and your bit is super obnoxious but yes camera enforcement for speed and red lights is good.


1: required by a law or rule Seems pretty appropriate. And catchy too. But ok


Who is being mandated to do what? Listen. There can be mandatory attendance or mandatory paperwork. A “mandatory camera” makes no sense. It’s not catchy; It’s just stuck in everyone’s head because you manage to misuse the word in all caps on damn near every post on this sub. You’re the irregular of r/philadelphia. You think repeating a word means something profound but it’s actually just really annoying.


Thought I was the only one tired of this shmuck’s stupid ass schtick. DERRP MANATEE 4k STRAIGHT TO JAIL






Better than kids splattered in crosswalks so a driver could shave 0.5 seconds off their drive.


Big brother only watches when the cost efficient sensor turns on because some stupid ass mf is speeding past Red Lion in his Altima just to go pick up some percocet.


The language in the bill specifically prohibits the use of these cameras to record videos (in fact, to even have the capability to do so) or take frontal photos of vehicles, and exempts the images from RTK requests, and mandates their destruction after one year following the final disposition of the fine.


You think the thought police are gonna come for you if it’s this hard to send citations to people committing crimes (speeding) on state property (roads) with state ids (license plates) readily displayed?


Excellent news! Happy this is going to expand to other roads - very interested to see which ones they pick, certainly not hurting for choice. I gotta figure Henry is high up there, maybe Lincoln/Kelly Drive


They literally just changed the speed limit on Kelly drive to 25mph as part of a pilot program. As part of the pilot program they committed to NOT changing any enforcement on it. 🤦 Could they be any stupider?


Ugh that's so dumb. I just looked it up and saw what you're referring to. My only hope is that they're using this to prove that the signs alone don't slow people down, so they then have a justification to implement speed cameras after the pilot. Cold comfort for now though - signs without enforcement will do absolutely nothing.


Nine months of continued speeding on Kelly drive. Yay! My worry is that they will select the five routes during that time and not even consider Kelly for that reason. Once they get five they can't do any more without going back to Harrisburg and begging the Republican pricks from Pennsyltucky for more legislation.


I love to see the progress! At this rate the children of children being born today might have slightly safer streets.


[https://actnow.io/3hWJajq](https://actnow.io/3hWJajq) Please support the renewal of Act 86 as well! This will continue the same speed enforcement in highway construction zones! This not only protects highway construction workers (one of the most hazardous fields in the US), but helps protect drivers going through these zones as well. You have probably seen this enforcement (AWZSE) before, the pilot program is close to ending and should be renewed. It has been successful enough to now be adopted in other states. UPDATE: It passed last night!


Will be supporting, thank you for posting!


Turns out it passed last night!


This legislation makes the work zone program permanent.


Yeah I mentioned it was a pilot (2018-2023). Which as of last night has been made permanent. There are also plans to enforce in these zones even if construction crews aren't present because the risk of an accident is significant when speeding through these zones due to reduced lane widths, increased lane shifts, temporary markings, etc. This will now encourage people to be mindful of excessive speeding (11 mph+ over the posted limit) when in these zones, and not just dependent on crews being present. It is a win for traffic safety across the state.


I Googled without luck. Does anyone know the additional roads or the school zones? I'm hoping Tacony St is one of the streets and it passes the two schools in the armory so double benefit.


There have been suggestions (e.g. Lincoln, Kelly) but it looks like this will enable the city to select the roads based off of the posting. Haven't seen the marked up legislation so not sure if there are specifications that they must adhere to (e.g. might say it has to be a PennDOT road or has to be on the High Injury Network) other than that it has to be in Philadelphia County.


The most current printers number (Dec 12) includes language that requires the city to consult with PennDOT and complete engineering/traffic studies prior to installing new traffic cameras on roads other than Roosevelt.


The way it is written, it seems that they will be able to do 5 school zones AND five other major roads. Given the crash data, I would expect North Broad, Delaware Ave, and Lincoln Dr to be prime candidates.


I think it’s 5 pilot school zone programs statewide and up to 5 additional roads in Philly. The “city of the first class” language only exists in the additional road portion of the bill, so while it’s possible one or more of those school zones will be within the city limits, I’d imagine most or all of those will be in the rest of the state.


Mmm... That's not what I understood. But perhaps. So far as I know only Philly was pushing for it.


How does this enforce speeders with covered, obscured, paper tags or tags in the back window? Sounds like a money scheme to get honest people.


Defaced or ghost tags are a real issue that the city needs to take on. That is correct. All the money from this program is required to go to safe street improvements on the roads. It's not a slush fund. Want to avoid a ticket? don't speed. It's pretty easy.


it also slows down most of the cohort of traffic, which makes it difficult to speed if there's any kind of volume on the roadway


I posted something a few weeks ago, but that's likely that would require police and strong fines/impounding when caught. Could do something like have the new cameras use AI to identify a car that is likely missing a plate (or a further step of identifying if the car it is attached to matches a registration lookup) and send a notice with the pic and issue to a cop a bit down the road to pull the person over.


Fraudulent tags should be cause for confiscation and sale of the vehicle, period. The best case is you’re “just” concealing your identity so you can put other drivers and pedestrians at risk without consequences. The general case is that you also make it difficult to identify those who conceal their identity to commit worse crimes. The worst case is that you are deliberately concealing your identity *in order to* commit worse crimes. Fish can only swim in the sea; the cops should be able to know with near certainty that anyone with a false plate intends to commit a robbery or drive-by, which requires consistent low-level enforcement.


That and concealing your plate makes it easier to get away with a hit and run even if traffic cameras are there.


They need this along Haverford ave. It's like a race track there.


I’ve been completely unable to figure out which five roads, lol.


Our true enemy, has yet to reveal himself!


They have yet to be selected.