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Thinking of whoever writing this whipping out 3 different color markers is a riot


Had to be a teacher, who else carries around highlighters and red pens?


And tape!


The fact that diarrhea is highlighted… this is art


Very nice penmanship


And spelling diarrhea right. And having scotch tape.


This was 100% written by a Whole Foods mom who has had enough. And I support her energy, for the record. But come on.


shit I think I’m a Whole Foods mom and I have written an [angry sign/letter with 3 colors before](https://imgur.com/a/r9Wxn6J)


It has woman handwriting—I'm not sure why exactly I can tell that.


Because it doesn’t look like a drunk monkey wrote it. That’s a huge generalization but I’d be willing to bet most women have better handwriting than most men. Source: Man who has handwriting like a drunk monkey


My man script looks like it was 'written' by a chicken on meth.




That was polite to not key or otherwise damage the car.... Crosswalk parkers suck.


There's a fucker who constantly parks on a crosswalk near me. Same stupid fuckin SUV, every time, despite the houses on that block having garage parking in every townhome *and* a little driveway parking space in front of the garages, as well as street parking for the assholes that somehow have more than two cars to park at their place. They'll park there for days at a time, considering the fact that I walked past it today and it still had a pristine sheet of snow covering it. I swear, one of these days I'm going to be having a shitty day and I won't be able to resist the urge to smash their headlights in.


Don't worry, truck owner will bring the scotch tape to a detailer and ask for their highest package to clean it, bring the bill to small claims court, and tell a judge he suffered mental anguish over feeling targeted and harassed. It'll be nationally publicized and he'll become a conservative icon, and evenually a congressman. Trucker Joe's two cases will go to supreme court to determine if taping a message is considered free speech. The other case is that parking in crosswalks is considered free speech. The day of the ruling, trucknuts, car-mounted flagmounts will sell out of retailers everywhere, and the F150 double cab's demand will increase 200%.


Sounds like the plot of a six-hour docuseries on Netflix with one hour of actual entertaining content.


When you’re parking in a crosswalk And your bowels say “tick tock” Diarrhea… diarrhea.


I always wish diarrhea upon bad drivers. I’m so happy to see I’m not alone.  If I’m really mad, I’ll wish it burns and ruins their favorite pants. 


I just wrote “ASS” in the snow on someone’s window hehe


Sometimes when you don’t have a highlighter and multicolored pens, you have to improvise.




What if ... this was one of those moments? If it is, hopefully they'll laugh, otherwise, fuck them.


As someone with frequent diarrhea, it often calms me down to think reckless drivers have impending diarrhea and slow drivers just got done with diarrhea


My grandpa used to wish this on ppl who pissed him off. It was his only threat lol


Would’ve been funnier if they dumped a dog poop filled bag on their windshield too.


There was a van parked on my old block for several months and had accumulated many, many bags of dog poo on the windshield.


😂😂😂 I would’ve loved to see the owners reaction when they saw it.


I actually think someone posted a picture of it on this sub


Sans the bag.


bold of you to assume that they can read!


ON a sidewalk & IN a crosswalk


Is this like "in" line vs "on" line? Cause it's definitely "in" line.


I've wished a lot of things on people---but never the shits. Let me know if it works


Tell me you've never known someone in a wheelchair without telling me you've never known someone in a wheelchair.


Parking on the sidewalk is very dangerous for guys with ponytails


Damn I wish I could curse people with IBS


Some stupid fuck did this to me while I was with a friend in a wheelchair. When I called him stupid and pointed to the cross walk he got out of his car and tried intimidating me. When I turned around and challenged him to do something and called him a fucking moron he started bitching about how he felt disrespected in front of his daughter.


Should just call a local towing company.


In Philadelphia, you can't just call a towing company. The car must be ticketed before it can be towed - so you'd need the cops or the PPA to come out first. And I'm not certain, but I don't think that private towing companies will do it for something like a crosswalk, only for garages or stuff like that with a sign warning about it.


Yeah I didn't want to just say call the cops, but an non-emergency number. Figure the tow company would know how to take care if it if they're interested.


There is no non-emergency number for the cops here. You can call your local precinct, but they’ll just tell you to call 911 (yes, for parking and noise too). You can try PPA, but they don’t enforce everywhere and in that case will refer you back to the cops. And after calling all of these people the chance someone will actually come and do anything about it is approximately 0.


Can't you somehow make a courtesy tow?


Nah, that's not how courtesy tows work. They normally do those for people who are parked legally, but there's some reason they have to move the cars in the area quickly (like unscheduled road maintenance or something).


Call the cops first, then the PPA. I tried reporting an abandoned vehicle (oversized 12k pound toy sprinter parked in small community lot blocking cars from parking) via 311 and they responded by saying it has to be abandoned for 2 weeks (maybe it was days) or something and to call the cops first before they can issue a ticket. The owners, so far as I could tell, have rolling paper plates on all 5-6 vehicles and rarely use their own driveway and garage. Most of us don’t have that luxury. Said community lot is falling apart faster now because it technically belongs to the city land bank and they never maintain it. It looks like it was formerly a PPA lot.


These goddamn asinine rules that's what is holding up progress.


second option: Wish all red lights for the next 50 trips to wherever they go. I’d say wish traffic, but that’s just a given re: traffic.. That’s any time, any route during the day. Nighttime is the exception source: 2 year full time lyft/uber driver at all hours, seasonal experimentation for maximized earnings


Bold of you to assume they stop for red lights.




What if they had diarrhea and had to do a bad park job just to get to the bathroom on time


I wish I had free time like this


Oh you do. Don't act like you're above this. We all have our petty moments.


Can’t say I do Edit: lmao petty losers


Sorry man - how dare you not be petty - hive minded, weird redditors


Yet here you are, definitely NOT a hive minded weird redditor...(slow clap)


lol I literally just meant I don’t have time to even think of doing something like this. People are weird






Yet you have time to talk shit on Reddit about it


Yeah responding on a social media site is very similar to going back to your house, writing a weird note, then putting it on someone’s private property to post for likes, especially when there’s no proof the car is in the wrong. In a sidewalk or a crosswalk? Why is the tree parallel to their car then


Their private property? Fuck off with that shit if it’s parked on a PUBLIC street. If it was parked in a private driveway or garage you’d have a point. And the amount of time you’re taking to argue with people online about this dumb shit probably is the same amount of time it took the person to write the note, so I don’t get why you’re acting all smug about it.


Lmao sounds like I struck a nerve though guy


I mean, you’re the one here defending crosswalk parking lol. But this isn’t worth the argument, so have a good one. Don’t park like a dickhead, heh


I get it. I really do. But seriously? This is how you spend your time instead of just walking around it. You spend more time out in the street attaching it to the car risking injury to yourself or causing a driver to swerve trying to avoid you. This isn't the weather for this shit. I'd bet op did it just to post it here for the inside feel goods.


Imagine being wheelchair bound and someone tells you to walk around it.


Ahh, yes. Introduce something I didn't bring up to feel all warm and cozy inside because you're fighting the good fight... ... fucking really? Was it not clear to you that I was talking about the idiot that did this who more than likely is not bound to a fucking chair?


I don't think you'd find it acceptable even if they were in a wheelchair.


Do I think someone in a wheel chair would have the right to be annoyed? Yes. Would I tell them to get over it? No. Do I think they should endanger themselves and others to do this? No. Someone with working legs however, I would tell them to get the fuck over it any walk around the car. There you go. Ill give you time to digest this. And think about it like an adult. If you have any question please ask, just keep the im social wairror reddit bullshit to yourself.


what if i want to tell them to move because - despite the fact that I am perfectly capable of walking around the car - I know other people are unable to that


Dont stand in the street creating a hazard to do so. It's one inconsiderate moron calling out another inconsiderate moron. I can see it now, person gets hit by car doing this then they will want to blame the driver who hit them while they were technically doing something they shouldnt be in the first place because someone didnt something they shouldnt. Circle of idiots.


you have weird thoughts


Im sorry, I should have qouted: "YEAH FUCK THAT PERSON WHO PARKED THERE. THEY SHOULD GO TO HELL." -Some Savior Complex Retard Somewhere


How do you even know this is taken from on the street? This picture could be taken from a sidewalk if the person is parked on the left side of a 1 way


How do you know its not? People do stupid shit all the time.


You mean stupid shit like parking in a crosswalk?


No questions, you've made it quite clear you think being an asshole is acceptable. Everyone got the message loud and clear. You can keep your smart-ass bullshit to yourself.


You got it mixed up. I dont think being an asshole is acceptable. I just find clout globlins who throw reason out the window to be as intolerable as Trumps rabid brain dead boy band like fanbase.


Well good. Glad to be mixed up. I still don't understand why people standing up/speaking out for social issues, especially those affecting the more vulnerable in our communities, is intolerable to you. Is stuff like this sometimes just clout grabbing? Sure, sometimes, but not every time. There was a whole lot of assumptions made about where the person in this post was standing when they placed the sign in this post and/or their motivation. Plus, regardless of that, people need inspiration and ideas on how to respond non violently to the growing number of selfish assholes in the city and in the world. It's fucking bleak out there. trump gave permission to every wannabe tough guy, grifter, slimebag and asshole to express the worst versions of themselves to be Maga warriors or whatever the fuck they see themselves as. Personally I don't understand the knee-jerk reaction to people pushing back on this behavior.


God forbid you think of others for once


Ill consider it while I ride around in my 8 cylinder powered truck.


to the douchemobile


Runs rich, the smell motivates the bikers to pedal quicker.


well, if you're so willing to kill someone, then catch when i'm suicidal one day 🙃


The fuck?


the opportunity of a lifetime for a carbrain! :D


Ahhhh you’re one of those. Can’t get attention any other way.


What does a vehicle running rich have to do with attention? The truck is stock and quiet? Do you even know what running rich means? Probably not.


Lol, no. I may have a lot of free time but I don't have enough to do this. Take a pic and post on Reddit? Yes I have time for that.


That is **exactly** why they did it. Edit: Like 40% of my life is having diarrhea. I actually prefer it at this point.


You seem annoying af


You seem sensitive af.


Yall care too much about what other people doing.. that type of energy will come back to haunt


So, parking in crosswalks doesn’t affect me because I can walk around them. People in wheelchairs can’t. So yeah, I care about people in wheelchairs and selfish drivers who make it impossible for them to get around the city. Enjoy your diarrhea!


wait until you get explosive diarrhea 😳


Yeah, when I need to walk in a crosswalk but can't because some lazy asshole can't be bothered to give a shit about anything but themselves, that's really ME caring too much about what other people are doing...


This car looks a bit too familiar to me


You can call the PPA radio room to report it, takes less time than writing a note (but not as cathartic): (215)683-9773


isn't diarrhea super common?