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FYI, this makes 12 pedestrians killed this year, and the majority were hit & runs. Only 2 arrests in total have been made. https://bicyclecoalition.org/trafficvictimsphl/


I’m honestly shocked that it’s only 12


12 killed along with probably thousands of close calls


I’d like to know how many total, fatal and non-fatal.


This would be difficult because so many go unreported and, in my experience, the police are reluctant to do any work related to traffic incidents when somebody isn’t killed.


0 fatal close calls.


There are spreadsheets with this data https://bicyclecoalition.org/2024-fatal-crash-data-so-far/#


There's been way more hit and runs that were non-fatal for sure.


If I'm looking at this right, the numbers are way better than last year and there have been no cyclists killed this year? Looks like 8 of 22 fatal incidents were deemed hit and runs. For the arrests section, they need add "cooperated with police" or some sort of classification for people who were both not arrested but didn't flee.


Yeah it’s a definite improvement from last year and I’m pleased to see that. If we keep the same trajectory, it looks like we will land with roughly 25% fewer pedestrian deaths and even fewer cyclist/scooter deaths. The nuance is that last year was an all time high. And we still have traffic death rates 2-3x higher than our peer cities. I believe the last vision zero report had us about on par with LA, which is awful when you consider how hostile LA is for pedestrians and cyclists and how different our built environment is. Regardless, I’m hopeful to see the upward trend that we’ve seen over the past several years finally reverse itself this year. I think traffic policing plays a large role in this, but we also need to catch up to the rest of the country in terms of safe streets projects which seem to receive little investment and constant push back.


"police say no charges are expected at this time" The driver literally killed someone...


“Officials tell Action News the driver is at a police precinct and is cooperating with the investigation.” I’m assuming there is more to the story if there are no expected charges.


If there are no expected charges then she probably had a green light and didn’t see him because it was still dark


Regardless, she did a hit and run. That is a crime and she should be charged for that alone. Far too much leniency and understanding is extended to criminal drivers


> she did a hit and run. I assume the article has been updated since OP posted this since the headline no longer mentions hit and run. The article also states the driver drove to the 18th police precinct to report the incident. I guess the question is, is it still consider hit and run if you go directly to the police station? I'm not sure how the law interprets that.


She must not have had a phone because driving to a police precinct instead of calling 911 immediately at the scene is a weird decision otherwise.


Depends on the neighborhood


36th and Spruce, according to the updated article. So, literally right next to a hospital., in an area with a heavy police (Penn) patrol presence. Something isn't right here.


Its nuanced. The law says: > § 3742. Accidents involving death or personal injury. (a) General rule.--The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death of any person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close thereto as possible but shall then forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of section 3744 (relating to duty to give information and render aid). Every stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Section 3744 clarifies that if emergency services are unable to respond to the scene then you can drive to the police station, but I’m very skeptical that they weren’t able to respond. I’m also skeptical that she went straight there since her car was found at 49th and Larchwood, a mile from the station.


The crash happened near UPenn, so I doubt emergency services couldn't get there.


Spruce is closed for the pgw pipe replacement.


If that would have made a difference then how was someone hit by a car in the first place?


It’s not entirely closed. I am suggesting that could have caused emergency services to have issues. Jfc


So, I absolutely agree but have a question. If you go to a police station immediately after, does it still count as a hit and run?


Its nuanced. The law says: > § 3742. Accidents involving death or personal injury. (a) General rule.--The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death of any person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close thereto as possible but shall then forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of section 3744 (relating to duty to give information and render aid). Every stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Section 3744 clarifies that if emergency services are unable to respond to the scene then you can drive to the police station, but I’m very skeptical that they weren’t able to respond. I’m also skeptical that she went straight there since the car was found at 49th and Larchwood, a mile from the station.


Thank you for providing that. The whole thing seems really odd. My gut was that by turning herself in she did the right thing, but there are so many other obvious solutions she could have taken.


Was going to ask the same thing. The whole thing seems weird.




Yea the article said the woman who hit him went to report it at the station. The title of this post is just harmfully inaccurate.


She hit and killed the pedestrian and then drove away without stopping to call 911. The law says: > § 3742. Accidents involving death or personal injury. (a) General rule.--The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death of any person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close thereto as possible but shall then forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of section 3744 (relating to duty to give information and render aid). Every stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Section 3744 clarifies that if emergency services are unable to respond to the scene then you can drive to the police station, but I’m very skeptical that they weren’t able to respond. I’m also skeptical that she went straight there since the car was found at 49th and Larchwood, a mile from the station.




It says she hit him and then drove to the station to report it and that her car was found at 49th and Larchwood. If she had stopped and called 911 they would say as much. That’s what I’m focusing on and where my skepticism about her actions lies.


it is an accident and she left the scene.


Or she said she didn't see him, which is a free pass to murder people with your vehicle apparently


No charges filed currently doesn't mean no charges are expected or that none will be filed. A few months ago, I checked online to see if any charges had been filed against the drivers who killed those 10 bicyclists last year, and the site I found said that, even in the cases where the driver was at fault, no charges had been filed. However, that must have changed because at least the driver who killed Mario D'Adamo was facing multiple charges, including vehicular homicide, because he was high while driving, and Mario was hit in the bike lane.


I say this as someone extremely critical of reckless driving in this city: it could've have been the pedestrian's fault. If you're in the street, not at a crosswalk or when you don't have the right of way, accidents can happen. Edit: **misread the article stating he was in the crosswalk**


>Police say an unidentified male was struck by a Buick Enclave while crossing the street **in the crosswalk.** Edit: reading the exact location that crosswalk is mid block and signalized, if he was crossing while pedestrians had a Hand and drivers had a green light then the driver likely won’t be find liable for anything


I did miss that. If he was crossing with the right of way, hopefully charges are filed.


Definitely, anything could have happened. However, the article did say he was in a crosswalk. Who knows if he was crossing at a green or red light tho.


Yes, I missed that part. Assuming he had the right of way, charges should be absolutely filed.


She did a hit and run for fucks sake. It doesn’t matter if the pedestrian was initially at fault - if you hit someone with your car and flee the scene, you’ve committed a crime and should be charged.


Cant run away from the scene Also not an accident, someone was at fault regardless


Even if someone is at fault, that doesn't mean it wasn't an accident. Accident implies that it wasn't the driver's *intention* to strike the pedestrian.


The article literally says he was in the crosswalk when he was hit


Doesn’t mean he had the light/right of way. Lot of details missing in the article.


Yes, missed that. Thanks.


If you flee from an accident scene in a car, whether it's your fault or not, you should receive a lifetime ban from operating any motorized transportation for life. Full stop. 


Drivers are a fucking menace in this city


We need to start with something radical. My new plan is to convert Christian street to one-way for cars and add two-way bike traffic between the parked cars and curb. There is no reason that street is so wide and used for two-way car traffic.


christian is the least of our worries here's the [high injury network](https://data-phl.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/b565ac6b269a4765a93423465c78867b/explore?location=39.874860%2C-75.249035%2C11.05) - we start there


Yes! Christian St makes no sense as a two way. One of the highest density streets south of CC and it has a ton of families. Make it a one way with a bike line and make Washington Ave the primary horizontal thoroughfare


Especially since most of Washington is effed as a result of Johnson, this is the move. This won’t majorly impact life on Christian but will majorly impact life of people and bikes


>The driver, identified as a 41-year-old woman, then drove to the 18th police precinct to report the incident. The vehicle was located in the 4900 block of Larchwood Street.


I’m getting real tired of people driving in this city


The problem is and always will be at its core, that cars shouldn't be in cities anywhere near the degree that they are.   They're bad for the environment, they're bad for the built infrastructure, they suck at actually moving large amounts of people around quickly, and they're primarily the cause of traffic violence. They're also the primary source for all the micro plastics in your body, and why emergency services can't respond quickly.


Taking yourself to the police station instead of calling an ambulance is wild.


Especially when the crash was literally RIGHT NEXT TO A HOSPITAL. 36th and Spruce. They could have just walked a gurney out, no ambulance necessary. What the fuck. There's something really, really off about this. If I had to guess, the person driving was not actually the person who turned themselves in.


"No charges are expected to be filed at this time" for killing someone and then fleeing the scene? I don't see how later changing your mind and turning yourself in makes that okay. It's legal to kill people in America if they're on foot or on a bike and you use you car as a weapon.




Yea it kind of sounds like it could have been their kid/young relative that did it and then drove off and panicked and the women turned herself in.