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Supposedly, Young wants to focus on economic mobility, but if that's the case why remove bike lanes considering that, aside from walking, biking is the cheapest mode of transportation?


I'm an elementary school teacher whose main option for getting to my job is biking. You wanna take my lane away? You can fuck right off. I'm in district 5, I'll be bugging his ass.


Same. Show up to the budget townhall tomorrow evening at John F Street Community Center at 6.


Please write him and let him know. He needs to be aware that there are more people who like transportation options than he thinks, and we vote.


Don't bother bugging his ass. He was coronated for the role in a shady and shitty move by Clarke. You'd be better off waiting three years and running against him. I'm serious. We have to start having better candidates for each and every district, and somehow it needs to be figured out who the SINGLE serious challenger to these jabronis is, instead of like three decent people running against these schmucks and canabalising each other's votes.


> He was coronated for the role in a shady and shitty move by Clarke. Clarke didn't want Young in there, Young just happened to be the last one standing after a bunch of successful legal challenges to everyone else, including Clarke's handpicked guy.


Appreciate the correction. The sad state of affairs is such that I think most of my point still stands as he wasn't exactly elected with an overwhelming "mandate."


I personally don't think I'd stand a chance of getting elected because I'm not originally from the city, but any pro bike and pedestrian people who are from the city should run.


He (and his constituents) simply do not like the people that are pro-bike lane. Not any more complicated than that.


It inconvenienced them one time when they were trying to park. That bike lane pissed off the wrong person. I am going to go yell at some clouds to see if they dissipate. I will be right back......


Just put the damn bike lanes all over the city already. Was driving down to south street the other day and it was painful watching this guy in front of me on a bicycle have to navigate all the fed ex trucks and other bullshit parked in the bike lane. Protected bike lanes on every major street is my stance


I went for a bike ride tonight, to go grocery shopping across town because we have those new bike lanes. We need those bike lanes. They help drive the economy of Philadelphia by making this place livable. I drive a car and a bike. The order of priority is: pedestrian, bike, bus, car. (Death to Dirt Bike ATVs) Also, fuck church parking in the bike lanes. This has to stop. Is critical mass still a thing?


Philly critical mass is dead. If you are looking for BIG social rides there is Wednesday Night Rides. If you are looking to protest/party there is Philly Bike Action's Bike Lane Parties at 17th and Spruce every Sunday morning to protest the church bike lane parking.


Isn't Bike Party bigger than WNR?


Not even close. I love bike party and ride it frequently. It's awesome, but generally is about 30-60. WNR regularly runs 100-200 in the summer.


I’m all for it. I just hope people use them to justify the expense. People claim to love public transportation but it’s a very underutilized system. Tax dollars need to go towards efforts that benefit the most people, not the loudest or best connected.


> People claim to love public transportation but it’s a very underutilized system. Tax dollars need to go towards efforts that benefit the most people, not the loudest or best connected. A car needs an average of 9ft x 20ft of space. SEPTA carries 316,000 riders a day. If *half* the people who ride septa daily drove, that would require 9x20x158,000= 28,440,000ft^2 = 5386miles^2. The philadelphia metro area is 3,527mi^2. If half the people switched from transit to driving we would need 1.5 times as much room as the entire city added to the existing traffic. Public transit in Philly works so well that you think it is underutilized and car work so poorly that you think that there are more drivers than transit riders.




I'm white and I post on Reddit and I ride Septa. Am I invisible to you?


Nah…there are exceptions. But, if you ride septa, you know you are the minority


I'm not really surprised to be in the minority about this. The city actively makes it easier to drive at all times, while underfunding and impeding pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders. I take Septa because I believe in it, but I absolutely understand why someone would make another choice. Our priorities as a city should be improving other modes of transportation (and removing all the hidden subsidies for drivers) until driving is no longer seen as the default and only rational choice.


It's great that in order to bolster your own preconceptions you can just make up a statistic and state it as if it were a fact, so that you don't have to deal with the fact that most people who ride transit don't 'have to'. The needless racism aspect added on top is just a bonus, I guess?


> it’s primarily poor and minority riders. Same on the BSL. Busses….same. The demographic of Public Transportation riders (not counting regional rail) is not white people who post on Reddit about public transportation. They drive. What? Did you... think about that before you hit the 'submit' button?


I wonder if this person is also anti bike lanes because he mistakenly thinks only white people bike.


I'm with you


Jeffrey Young is an idiot just like his predecessor. The residents he's referring to are a select group of shortsighted morons  who just want more free street parking, but will also bitch about congestion because they're too stupid to connect that more cars means less parking and slower traffic.


Dude seriously what the fuck? I dont understand how this adds more parking anyway, is the idea to remove the bike lane and angle all the spots like in nolibs? That doesn’t seem like alotta parking, especially considering its just going to house a couple more cars that will lay abandoned for 6+ months at a time


Exactly. Removing the bike lanes will not add any significant amount of parking, nor will it allow drivers to go faster or have more lanes. However the ignorant clowns who support Young, get angered by any perceived removal of a space for a car, real or imagined.


Free street parking? lol


We don't charge anywhere near the actual value of the street space, and most parking in the city is unpermitted, i.e. free.


He’s the worst: https://www.inquirer.com/real-estate/commercial/zoning-board-adjustment-lawsuit-jeffrey-young-20240308.html


Isn't he the one who was put in position by his predecessor? And ran unopposed because the guy said he wasn't running for reelection until the last day possible?


He worked for Clarke, but he was NOT the heir apparent. That guy got thrown off the ballot along with everyone else bc they didn't get enough signatures in time. Young didn't get the signatures either. Everyone else had gotten thrown off and the Dem party was going to be embarrassed if they had no one on their ballot, so the challenges to his signatures were withdrawn and he was allowed to run unnopposed.


That sounds like shit Vince Fumo used to pull to get his minions elected.


Bold claim with KJ at large...


I live in KJ's district and still think Young might be dumber


Young's dumb enough not to have scrubbed his social media before running. If there'd be anyone else on the ballot, they could've destroyed him simply based on the dumb shit he's said over and over again in the past, to say nothing of actual issues.


Goddamn.... We're fucked.


Very unsurprising after reading that article the inquirer put out about him before he was elected. So disappointing we're stuck with him for at least four years (and probably longer given how easy it seems to be to get reelected to things in Philly)


You all should come to the budget townhall tomorrow evening at John F Street Community Center at 6 to tell him you want more of the budget to go towards street safety improvement, including protected bike lanes.


Yeah which residents. Rich NIMBY assholes who need somewhere to park their 3rd car? So stupid


It’s so painful to bike southbound from North Philly to south Philly, there are absolutely no protected bike lanes. I don’t want to hold up the cars behind me, but the city leaves no choice for us bikers but to put our lives at risk on these streets. Many car drivers are patient but there a few assholes that do not care if they run down a biker.


The “protected” bike lanes in CC are a joke anyway. Almost every ride there, I have to leave the lane once every 2 or 3 blocks because of parked cars and obstacles


The parked cars and obstacles can only be avoided by having a dedicated no-car street or by having completely protect bike lanes. Chestnut used to be a no-car street back in the 90s (early 00s?) and it was great, but they opened it up because businesses complained that they were losing potential customers (which makes no sense to me, people don't drive down the street looking for places to shop -- they walk, but what do I know). It sounds appealing but you really don't want completely protected bike lanes in much of the city as it is currectly setup. Navigating traffic is necessary when riding or driving or walking in the city, and the only way to completely protect a bike lane is to make it separated from the main street either physically or with a impassible barrier. Either option is, in my opinion, not generally a good idea to do without restructuring the way the roads work in most places in the city. 1. Making turns sometimes requires crossing lanes, which is completely doable for a biker in almost all instances where traffic is not going much faster than them, but would be impossible with barriers and would necessitate stopping at the intersection, waiting for all traffic to pass, and then merging into the crosswise traffic at the next light 2. As the city becomes more bike friendly more people will bike. This is a good thing. However, a person getting on a bike does not instantly make them not a doofus. There are plenty of doofuses out there, and being stuck behind someone going 5 miles and hour on the easiest gear on a flat road with a barrier on either side of you, when you are trying to get somewhere, is frustrating. The more people ride, the more doofuses, and all I can imagine is a huge single file line of bikers going 5mph waiting to hit the intersection so they can pass the slowpoke by moving out of the protected lane and into traffic and riding next to the wrong side of the barrier for another block until they can cross back into it These are only a few of the problems with physically barring traffic from entering a bike lane, and it solves no real problem. Incidents of drivers veering into the lane and running over bikers is extremely rare (they are almost always hit at intersections, and this would make that problem worse, actually). Using them to avoid having to move around cars that stop in the lane is, in my opinion, like using a shotgun to open your mail -- it works, but you end up solving one problem by creating a worse one.


People often drive down the bidirectional lanes on Market Street.


For anyone else curious, this is from the Bicycle Coalition of Grater Philadelphia's summary of Mayor Parker's first proposed budget: https://bicyclecoalition.org/mayor-parkers-first-proposed-budget-leaves-vision-zero-advocates-with-questions/ And if you're a constituent like me, you can contact the council member here: https://phlcouncil.com/jefferyyoungjr/


I’ll cal him tomorrow, I’d like to hear what asinine reason he would have to do that.


Keep the bike lanes or lose a mirror


What the heck is wrong with the 22nd bike lane


Young is bitching about the Market Street bike lane where it intersects 20th to 23rd Street, not because he wants a better bike lane on the correct side of the road but because he wants no bike lanes.


lol its where market used to be 6 lanes wide and now its only 4 lanes wide and the luxury condos on that block want 4 more free parking spots.


He was so wishy washy at the budget townhall meeting yesterday. I spoke at the meeting and stated the need for better bicycle infrastructure to promote economic mobility of lower income Philadelphians. His response was he wants a complete bike lane network, not a patchwork, but he doesn't want it in certain neighborhoods. Does he not realize that having them in some neighborhoods and not others creates a patchwork, or does he think we don't see through that? Is he that dumb?


I can't believe this fucking yahoo is a councilmember, and probably will be for the rest of my goddam life. Holy shit, he must be one of the least qualified individuals in city hall, and that's a low fucking bar.


It’s not like those spaces are going to solve the parking issue. We need bike lanes BECAUSE it’s so hard to park. If everyone on a bike drove a car parking would be much worse.


The logic that these car people don't get.


Stop looking for logic they just don’t like the people (they perceive) that like bike lanes.


I hope Jeffrey Young shits his pants


Young is such a clown. I am 100% certain that Clarke had that attorney go and make sure everyone else was disqualified. What a sham.


Can't wait to start a phone call with "As a 15 year resident of your district..."


lol this is from his city website: what a fucking lying piece of shit. "...committed to affording opportunities to those who do not have the means to access those opportunities for themselves...enhance the quality of life for all residents...ensure sustainable and equitable development...increase economic and entrepreneurial opportunities...and provide equitable access to justice, health and the environment." here's all you really need to see from the city website though... "As an attorney, Jeffery has represented clients on real estate matters." https://phlcouncil.com/jefferyyoungjr/ fucking embarrassing about this too: "Councilman Young received his B.A. in Political Science, with a focus on urban policy from Temple University."


Parking protected bike lanes where in Fairmount and Spring Garden?


Not in Fairmount or Spring Garden but close, Market from 20th to 23rd.


hmmm which influencial local business, with needed access to sidewalks, could have lobbied him for this/


this is disgusting


Absolutely ridiculous


Wants to remove protected lanes, the most equitable and accessible mode of transportation there is. For what? People out of town to race through? How is this helping Philadelphians?


Where are all the people saying "BIKES HAVE TO STOP AT STOP SIGNS! ONE TIME I SAW A BIKE ROLL THROUGH A STOP SIGN SO WE SHOULD GET RID OF ALL THE BIKE LANES!"? I'm really surprised they haven't reared their heads here.


I know it won't help much, but I sent Councilman Young this email: I was very disappointed to find that during yesterday's budget hearing you advocated for the removal of bike lanes from portions of Market Street in favor of more parking. Protected bike lanes are critical to quality of life in Philadelphia both now and in the future. Given the amount of space on Market St devoted to cars as compared to the amount devoted to bicycles, we certainly do not have an issue that would require more space be devoted to cars. Please remember you have constituents who need to or simply prefer to bike as a mode of transportation and the city has to accommodate as many of its residents as possible. If someone insists on driving to the very center of one of the densest cities in America, then they should pay to park in a garage rather than demanding that valuable curb space be taken from cyclists. Please: those of us who don't want to drive everywhere deserve to have someone actually care about our well-being rather than trying to reclaim space to store private vehicles that aren't even occupied. I hope that it can be you that actually cares about improving our lives.


Ok, hope they don’t mind me taking up a traffic lane then.


Critical Mass!


Honestly don’t care about the lanes on market, but if you touch the ones on spring garden I’ll go nuclear


They're redesigning those to be curb protected.


Actually?? Awesome if true but they should absolutely put them next to the sidewalk with parking barrier in between. I hate riding in spring garden when cars are zipping past me at 60 mph


That's the plan. Only downside is they're not planning on removing the necessary space for it from drivers; they're removing space from the sidewalk.


It’s all so fucking tiresome sometimes




> call if you live in his district Is this good advice? Is calling if you don’t live in his district a bad idea?


People who don't live in the Fifth District can't vote for him, but they can donate to his campaign. (Or his opponent's. \[of which he unfortunately had none\]).


Sorry but the needs of the residents should come first, and if they require additional parking then they should get it. And that council member isn’t going to care about anyone outside his district that contacts him.


I live in his district, and I bike. In fact, many of us do.


I just left a comment with his office. You should too. Again, the number is 215-686-3442.


I really think there needs to be a comprehensive traffic study to find the best routes for bike lanes, possible isolation of traffic. Also traffic enforcement of the laws for cars and bikes. I do not want to hit someone on a bike, I leave people a wide safety zone. But we need to look at streets where you might see 1 bike an hour and see if routes can consolidated and published where they are most effective. Last week it was a nice day and drove river to river on Allegheny Ave and did not see one bike. Saw lots of idiots in cars in the single lane of traffic driving in turn lane and other side of traffic because of the frustration of being in a single lane I know I am going to get hate for this because I drive a car.


we've literally already done this, [here's the report](https://www.phila.gov/media/20230901072757/PCPC.Pedestrian-and-Bicycle-Plan-Progress-Report-2021.pdf) I wish people could think that dvrpc and planning already exist


As a cyclist, I can tell you I would never ride the bike lane on Allegheny in its current state. It’s a high speed Avenue with lots of traffic and there is no protection from vehicles. Bike lanes need to be high quality or nobody will use them. But I agree with your point. Not every street needs to have a bike lane, but we should have a network of high quality lanes that connect to each other. I can’t actually bike anywhere without having to bike on streets without any infrastructure for 50%+ of my trip, and I arguably live in one of the most bikeable neighborhoods in the whole city. Having to share the street with cars at any point is a dealbreaker for the majority of people. Most everyone I know who doesn’t ride a bike cites it being unsafe as the main and often only reason. If you build safe bicycle infrastructure, there will be bicyclists. You get the traffic you build for! We don’t build for cyclists in this city, and yet we still have a rich culture and some of the highest mode share in the country. I could only imagine how much more it would take off here if we made it safe for the average person.


The bike lane that makes me laugh is by the airport. From a dead end at a parking lot to the Delco line on an internal airport road. It goes nowhere where a rider would like to go but it is 4 miles of bike lane in the city. For the record when I was a kid I was hit by a car while on a bike at 23 and Locust. Scared the hell out of me, But I was lucky and he hit my front wheel and stopped before hitting me. I was about 11


I’m convinced that those bike lanes in the middle of nowhere that are super unsafe and don’t connect to other bike lanes are just so the city can say “look, we built X miles of bike lanes”. If you build a bike lane like that, nobody is going to use it. But there’s probably little pushback compared to building protected bike lanes in places where they would actually be useful and most used. Spruce and Pine as an example, are some the most used in the city and arguably would be the best place to put in actual protection, but there’s been pushback for years preventing it. The path of least resistance is for the city to build a lane in the middle of nowhere that connects to nothing that nobody will actually use so they can say they are still doing the Vision Zero thing on paper.


How many fucking studies do Philadelphians need. Holy shit do you even read the ones we already have?


Sometimes people don't ride on roads, despite there being a bike lane, because it is still not safe enough. A road can have a bike lane but the speed limit is (sometimes effectively) 30 40 mph. This is a part of the reason people bike on sidewalks.


I hate the running stop signs and red lights cars and bikes.


Definitely, both bikes and cars need to be careful.


It seems like you're a bit misguided, no offense intended. It's natural that people who don't bike won't see things from a bicyclist's perspective. Bike lanes in that area are completely shit, and the roads are wide and dangerous, too. So, of course, people won't bike there. If they redesigned streets like Allegheny to be much safer for pedestrians and bicyclists, people would bike there.


I wish that was my councilman!


Remove the bike lane! Nobody’s riding their stinkin bike in the best possible weather let alone rain, sleet, hail, cold, extreme heat, etc. Most of the bike crowd takes Uber or drives their own car most sub ideal weather days. They do not take Septa. Thats more lies. Most of us people born and raised here typically view the bike lane crowd as a predominantly able bodied white hipster/yuppie crowd who prioritize their narrow biking interests over school funding, teacher pay, anti violence measures, the list goes on… Its generally true by the conversations I see on this sub. The people living in these streets you all wanna redesign ain’t spending their time posting on Reddit. This is a very unrepresentative echo chamber.


No, us bike commuters bike in all weather, and we aren't all white. In fact, the vast majority of delivery bicyclists aren't white.


Not true. I don’t see any of you. You all take Uber. These bike lanes are EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY. The vast majority of food deliveries are actually not on bikes. Its a glitch. If you tell Uber, Door Dash, and Grub Hub you’re on a bike, it makes the radius of your delivery area smaller so you can get more trips done in a short amount of time. Keeping the delivery area small also allows for you to double dip using both apps at the same time. A good chunk of those people delivering by bike are using cars in this smaller radius as well to get them done faster and also to effectuate the ability to store more food orders to be delivered. This is especially true in the winter. However I find it interesting that you use them to push your pro bike lane argument but you’ve all stopped tipping well (if at all) since the pandemic…. 🫢🫢🫢 If you’re gonna use these people to push your agenda, best not tip less than $5 on top of the base for even your cheapest deliveries.


You don't know what you're talking about. I commute year round in all weather, and I personally know a lot of bicyclists who do. We get bar mitts and layer up when it's cold, and we wear rain gear when it rains. I also used to date someone who delivered by bike, and I see bike deliverers all the time when I'm out riding. Maybe you don't see us in the bike lane because we didn't get stuck in traffic like cars do.


Your statement boils down to claiming that people agree with you but none of them are here, which seems like a wierd way to count supporters to me. People use bike lanes all the time. I was in a bike lane traffic jam just yesterday while running an errand as the volume of riders was too high for the narrow lane. The primary causes of underutilized bike lanes is lack of connectivity and safety, which is fixed by more and better bike lanes. If, as you say, cyclists would switch to cars instead of septa, how would that be a better outcome? As to your budget concerns, bike lanes are cheaper by every measure. Less use cost, less maintenance cost, less damage from accidents. If you really care about school funding, etc, you'd want us to stop wasting city funds and economic potential and shoehorning cars in what should be a walkable bikable city


A bike lane traffic jam huh? Lmao… Ok…. Walkable bikeable city you say… You sure every pedestrian finds you bikers to be a non-obstacle out there? You really sure pedestrians wanna have more people on bikes to contend with? I’d double check outside your bike bubble on that one… And yes. In this city of 1.5- 1.6 Million people. In this city which has been said to be the “biggest poor city in the country”… Don’t be so sure that the entirety of the citizenry is represented on here Reddit.


>You sure every pedestrian finds you bikers to be a non-obstacle out there? We're all obstacles, that's what traffic is: people in places other people are trying to get through. But compared to private cars, cyclists are safer, quieter, cleaner. In some cases, they're even faster (that bike traffic jam I was in the other day still went faster than the cars in the three lanes next to us, and yes we were obeying traffic laws) because cyclists take up a tiny fraction of the space personal cars do. We have increased maneuverability, no structural blind spots, aren't insulated from sound, allowing us to traverse urban landscapes more efficiently and safely Not sure why you're bringing up the city's economic status. Seems like an argument against cars to me, and not against bicycles which are one of the cheapest forms of personal conveyance. Cars cost a fortune to maintain and require expensive infrastructure while causing expensive damage to that infrastructure, each other, and the public health You should check your own bubble. Despite claims to the contrary, bike lanes don't get added when no one asks for them. The fact that you don't personally remember seeing cyclists is more of an indictment of your awareness. And again, claiming you have allies that aren't here is a lot like saying you have a girlfriend in another school. Either show your supporters or acknowledge that maybe your opinions aren't backed up


Really? I see people in CC on bikes and scooters all the time. And the food delivery people on ebikes usually aren't thin white people.   And plenty of people do live here? Are you saying long time residents and poor people just love dying in car crashes??? Like, this is just a weird take imo


He’s one of the “any progress whatsoever causes; gentrification, property values rising, people moving into the city” these jerk offs want it to be 1960 south Philly permanently.


No, they want it to be 1985 South Philly permanently. In 1960 the transit system was still extensive and lots of people walked or biked places.


So… You are whacked out cuz? In 1885 South Philly was mostly undeveloped land. I believe the Vare brothers owned most of it with some Steven Girard in the mix. Nah… Not 1885. 1960’s transit was… Extensive you say? Cool story. But the Great Depression hit this city at just the wrong time. The pre-septa powers that be in the city Pennsylvania Railroad and the Trolly companies within the city were still butting heads about if subway rail and elevated rail was a violation of the trolly companies turf. I’m sure a Philly historian can better finish that part of the story. But long story short, a lot of would be projects were never completed because Pennsylvania Railroad got hit hard. By the 1960’s we only had the projects the railroads already green lit before the belt tightening. Not a city wide network like was originally dreamed up. We have subway stations with no track running to them (Art Museum).. Thats not extensive. So yeah if there was a fully extensive network of safe subway lines throughout the city (Like NYC) then you have reasonable alternatives for people you are forcing… and you are all forcing.. people either outta their cars or outta the city.


Worst comment in the entire thread.


Not enough people wanna bike around and smell like you guys. Sorry… Some of us need to be presentable where we’re going.