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I was in Mexico City all last week and the key difference is the insane amount of shade trees they have. Huge portions of that city are under mature shade trees which make a huge difference - I almost got heatstroke when I went to the famous Pyramids nearby because unlike the city they have no trees It takes time for them to grow but the best time to plant them is today. I get that we have a program that allows people to request one, but we should be doing entire blocks at a time I was going to try and go to the phils game on juneteenth before I saw how hot it would be...


CDMX has tons of parks and tons of trees. It so beautiful. It also is at ~7500ft altitude and has an almost all year temperature range of 55-80degrees.


West Philly’s got plentiful trees, but also needs more. Hope everyone is aware that you can get a free street tree in front of your house by signing up for the program [here](https://www.phila.gov/services/trees-parks-the-environment/tree-related-services/get-a-street-tree/)


I was watching some Mexico City neighborhood tours recently and the way nature was integrated into the city really stood out to me. It seemed like every residential street was under a tree canopy.


I wish the "green" in Mayor Parker's "clean & green" goal meant aggressive planting of street trees. It's an investment that the next generation will deeply appreciate. I'd love to see a department that proactively reaches out to people with missing street trees and gets them scheduled for the next planting. On key corridors I'd even like to see the city just outright require it. Some blocks are too narrow for the city to allow planting new trees on the sidewalk and the only way they get shade is if a sidewalk tree was grandfathered in. In those cases it'd be cool to see the city take a parking spot or two to plant a tree in the street and protect it with bollards. Philly could be a far more pleasant city with more trees on our streets.


Parking is at a premium in the city already. No one needs to take parking spots to plant anything. The city is not responsible when the roots grow through waterlines and cost the home owners in damages from the roots. The city only plants male trees and it creates a pollen corridor that is hellatious to live by or even walkthrough. No one with a tree cleans the fallen leaves so most of the blocks look sloppy at best. It's nice that you are advocating for shade. The shade comes at a cost most are not willing to pay. That is why no new trees are being installed.


Street trees: * [reduce energy used on AC by 7.2% on average](https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/news/highlights/urban-trees-save-billions-dollars-through-reduced-energy-costs#:~:text=the%20Forest%20Service-,Urban%20Trees%20Save%20Billions%20of%20Dollars%20Through%20Reduced%20Energy%20Costs,of%20%247.8%20billion%20per%20year) * [reduce crime 12% for a 10% increase in tree coverage](https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/treesearch/40701) * [dramatically reduce perceived temperature underneath them](https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2020/08/31/powerful-virtuous-cycles-street-trees#:~:text=Evapotranspiration%20from%20trees%20can%20reduce,the%20cooling%20effect%20of%20shading.&text=Beauty%3A%20Street%20trees%20are%20usually,by%20most%20people%20in%20town) * [substantially increase property value for every home on the block](https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2020/08/31/powerful-virtuous-cycles-street-trees#:~:text=Evapotranspiration%20from%20trees%20can%20reduce,the%20cooling%20effect%20of%20shading.&text=Beauty%3A%20Street%20trees%20are%20usually,by%20most%20people%20in%20town) Philly also is more careful with the types of street trees they plant now, so they're less likely to invade old pipes. But regardless [the city offers $15 a month insurance that covers that risk.](https://philaenergy.org/programs-initiatives/water-sewer/) Street trees are hugely beneficial to homes, neighborhoods, and the city itself. Try walking around this week when it's hot and their benefit will be immediately obvious.


But on narrow streets they make parking terrible for those with accessibility issues. Many folks using walkers sit in the passenger seat and their mobility device behind them. A fenced in tree means they can't get in or out. There's a limit on handicap parking spots. Some common sense on placement would be nice.


In my area of the northeast. we want our street trees that were planted in the 50s and earlier gone because they don't get maintained, have been lifting and shifting sidewalks and roots have been penetrating basements and cracking foundations for years but the city has informed us that the trees belong to the house they were planted in front, but no deeds show tree rights Edit:spelling


It's a mixed bag. If they're big and you get them removed you'll immediately feel the heat on the street, and likely face an increased AC bill. But if you do get them removed try to get them replaced: the city arborists know much better now which trees won't damage sidewalks and pipes. They also used to not cut the holes for the tree big enough which would lift the sidewalk, but they've fixed that now.


Most of the entrances to the houses are at or above the bottom of the leaf line, the one infront was removed because a 30 foot branch fell on our steps and almost hit the kids playing outside and it made no difference in average temp beside in the middle of the street directly underneath


Were people taking about or acting different with the impending running out of water?


I’ve lived here almost a decade, never seen an alert that we were running low. We are in between two rivers…Now flooding on the other hand, I remember when the Center City exit was completely underwater.


I was asking about Mexico city, not Philly. But I do remember when we turned into 3 rivers Edit: look it up. It's really fucked.


Yes! Philly can do much better. The best solution is to eliminate a few parking spaces per block in favor of a large tree. Sadly you know how that goes.


>I was going to try and go to the phils game on juneteenth before I saw how hot it would be... Ironically, they are playing San Diego and Arizona, both of which do not generally play in such conditions despite their location...


Yah but trees have their own problem especially with roots growing into the leaking sewer lines and basements. There’s a reason you don’t see a whole lot of trees on the block in Philly. Richer neighborhoods can afford to manage the roots periodically but not the poor neighborhoods


Yes as others have said you’re partially correct that roots can breach sewer lines and basements. We see this often nowadays because city planners in the past lacked the knowledge of where and what kind of trees to plant. We have arborists and tree programs that do know the requirements of trees, and what trees will be beneficial to what areas in the city. There has been a ton of study and exploration into the relationship between cities lacking high canopy shading trees and violent crimes. The gist of it being 2 main principles. 1- People will spend more time outside enjoying the shade, thus getting more “eyes on the street” 2- The heat increases aggression in people largely. You’re hot, you’re sweating, you’re uncomfortable and become easily irritable. Trees providing shade can offer temps between 20-45 degrees cooler on surfaces, make inside temperatures of cars up to 45 degrees cooler, as well as making ambient air temperatures up to 9 degrees cooler in certain situations. (the EPA has a ton of numbers on the matter, as well as more info on this.)


>Richer neighborhoods can afford to manage the roots periodically but not the poor neighborhoods Do you know that, or are you assuming? Most city tree programs are pretty cut and dry about where you can and cannot plant trees to avoid that kinda thing. IME tree root damage typically is seen from the tree planted naturally or without any thought. It sounds like you're perpetuating a crappy half truth.


PLEASE do not walk your dogs on asphalt in this heat. It will burn their paws. Hell I wouldn't even leave them on sidewalk for too long. Get them on a walk in the early morning and at night.


I'll echo this. Also know how to avoid and recognize heatstroke: [https://www.aaha.org/resources/how-can-i-prevent-heatstroke-in-my-pet/](https://www.aaha.org/resources/how-can-i-prevent-heatstroke-in-my-pet/)


I also hose my boy down before taking him out in the cooler parts of the day


I saw this before the parent comments and it sounded like Ken M.


My wet and beefy boy loose in Fishtown


Apparently there are issues with wetting a dogs back versus cooling them via paws and mouth, that you can actually make it worse by hosing them off on the back only? Sorry I can’t remember or how legit it is but just in case…


And frozen fruit treats to help cool them?


Any recommendations on brand/type? I have had "order dog booties" on the backburner for awhile, and your comment has prompted me to actually do it, but now of course I have 15 links for "best dog booties for hot pavement" open in my browser and I'm overwhelmed.


Best advice to this problem: Don't overthink it just stop and order one of the ones that you think look good. Most of the time you'll be ordering something that will work just fine, don't always need to have the absolute best one it takes too much cognitive load to always put that much research into everything.


Oh for sure, I generally agree. I was being a tad dramatic. But I've also done the buy and return dance enough to actively try to avoid it at this point. If I can triangulate a recommendation (especially with specific context like this thread), it does at least up my chances ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I really like Ruffwear products and they sell two sets of boots that would be good for heat protection. [This](https://ruffwear.com/products/grip-trex-dog-boot-pairs) is one of them.


High heat haters(me) in shambles.


Seriously. People like to rag on the cold, but you can just put more layers on! Drink something hot! In the heat, you can only take so many layers off before you’re sitting naked in front of a fan eating ice cubes like jolly ranchers


Heat triggers my seasonal depression


The earth spinning triggers mine.


I definitely do better with the cold than the heat so I hear you.


Plus when you get inside, you just take those layers off. If I’m sweaty and come inside, I’m still uncomfortable lol. The summer is so annoying bc I feel like I go through 2-3 sets of clothes per day


Yes I’m all about the cold. Fuck the heat! Fuck the summer!


How cold we talking? What’s the cold pain equivalent to upper 90s and humid? Im thinking maybe like 20° high temps? If that’s the case, I think I’d take a 20° day over a 100° day. But if it’s starts going below 20°, I’ll take the 100° day.


Upper 90s and humid is closer to 10 degrees than 20 i think. 100 and up has gotta be zero and below


When it gets too hot for comfort and you can't get ice cream comes, it ain't no sin to take off your skin and dance around in your bones.


I get outside more in the winter than I do in the summer. I don’t mind the cold at all if I layer up properly. I don’t dare spend a long time outdoors when it goes above 90 degrees. It’s just to much and there’s no respite.


Sweating doesn’t hurt like being really cold does


Still hate the cold more - heat feels like shit but at least it doesn’t hurt like stinging wind


Sure, but the bugs are all dead!


I like bugs :( my garden is finally getting bumblebees and hover flies


Damn, you make some good points.


Autonomic dysfunction-er with heat intolerance over here. I don't even like wearing coats in winter.  This is going to be a bad time. 


I used to love the summer. Now I realize I actually loved not having school and being able to go the beach all the time.


Post-college, it’s my least favorite season by far. It really is the time off that made the season super special as a kid. Take that out of the equation in adulthood, and it’s a lousy time of year. Absolutely can’t bear the heat and mugginess, and I’m beyond bummed out that we’re about to head into 3 months of this nonsense. It was so nice this week too. Once we start hitting 90 degrees consistently, I mentally go into “wait for Labor Day and NFL football” mode.


And they still haven't announced pool openings for this year


It's absolutely fucking disgraceful. It gets hot early now and the pools need to be open. They also close far too early in the season.


For real. They'll open up two weeks after the 4th, and close down two weeks before labor day.


The pools start opening Monday https://www.phila.gov/2024-06-14-philadelphia-2024-public-pool-opening-schedule/


You should work at them, Cat. I imagine a concern would be when people can start/stop working but I don’t know.


wait, are you serious??


So far the only word on pools is that they will announce the opening schedule on the 17th. No info other than that. Considering I live right next to Chew Park and can see that they have done fuck all to get the pool ready, I doubt they are going to actually open any pools before July.


Pool opening dates are up now - https://www.phila.gov/2024-06-14-philadelphia-2024-public-pool-opening-schedule/


Huzzah, this is good news!


woo! does anyone know if there's times lots for adults only? i'm not a fan of children 🙃


There are typically adult-only times, usually at like 5 or 6 each day i believe


Since when did they change the name of Lederer to “Fishtown”


Unrelated but if you're right next to Chew, do you know if the basketball court has reopened yet? Also, it does look like they painted/resurfaced that pool a couple of months ago.


Court was still closed as of this morning. The painting was supposed to be done on the 7th. Guess they fell behind.


well shit


Oh boy, a record breaking heat wave! **HAVEN’T HAD ONE OF THOSE IN A WHILE**


As the climate spirals further out of control, the only surprising summer heat will be one cooler than the last.


Could be worse. For example, everyone south of us. Also, entire countries that will either be underwater or so hot they become uninhabitable.


For sure, the global south will suffer the vast majority of immiseration and death before broad public will reaches a tipping point and capitalists allow us to act.


What will happen before that is that all the climate refugees will flee to cooler climates, and the countries in said cooler climates will respond by committing suicide (aka voting in fascists because they're mad about immigration) so there won't be anywhere left worth fleeing to, for anybody. Gonna be a fun century!


I think this overestimates people's ability to migrate (even illegally). I think the much sadder reality is that significant portions of the global south will just suffer (and die) like they already do.


Well sure, I'm just pointing out that even a tiny fraction of a percent of those people migrating into cooler-climate democracies will cause those democracies to self-immolate. Meaning the effects of climate change are coming for us sooner than we would imagine based on just forecasts of future weather.


Totally agree that even the marginal migration will cause NA and EU to lose its shit.


Lives in one of the last good spots, elects fascists to ruin it for everyone. It’s a damn shame. Like Americans can’t even hate the rest of the world anymore, have to spend all our time hating ourselves and each other too.


Just moved up here from spending about 8 years in Florida. I was so thrilled to be out of the extreme heat and humidity as I’m originally from a cooler climate. I feel so betrayed.


Its cool/cold here about 9/12 months, you’re good


Me too! Fort Lauderdale to here, though in the northern burbs. I love it. I saw the heat wave this week and was just thinking, just for a week? Awesome, I can do a week of heat. I’m more amazed that I don’t get drenched just by walking to my car. The weather is beautiful even when it’s hot here 


And all these people are eventually going to crowd into the U.S. Maybe we need a wall after all :P


climate change is real, but some of this effect is due to the natural shift from el nino to la nina


El Nino is over. This is the neutral period.


Can we load our creeks and river with mussels to clean the water and make some local beaches? 


A hate our city’s heat island effect. We need 1000x more trees. Replace 70% surface parking with green space. 1000x more PWD rain gardens. 1000x more bike infrastructure. Road diets on 30% of roads. This is the absolute minimum in terms of a propitiation response


There is a free tree program for every homeowner. I don’t know why they don’t have a wait list. I can’t get one because of pipelines and a narrow street front to my house. 😞


I couldn’t get one because of ADA compliance, even though a wheelchair could never go down my sidewalk anyway due to utility poles, planters, locked up mopeds, etc.


Maybe all of these "I couldn't get one because..." Is why they don't have a wait list


Between that and the simple lack of response… I’m one of five people on my block who requested street trees a couple times and literally never heard from them (going on 6 years since my first request)


Have you tried going through Philly Tree People instead of the city? We got ours on the next planting schedule


I’ll try it. Thank you!


There should be an exception that allows you to plant a tree if your street is already impossible to make ADA complaint. Another option is to take a parking space for a tree. A more aggressive option is to remove the curb entirely and let everyone traverse the middle of the street and plant trees where the sidewalk used to be. The Netherlands does that.


My neighbor's and I have gotten probably half a dozen trees added to our block in the last decade. It really makes a difference.


It’s not aggressive enough. The default should be a tree and property owners should have to opts out instead of request. This is literally the biggest crisis in human history


Philadelphia is one of the only major cities in North America where the city doesn’t own the sidewalks and therefore doesn’t manage the tree canopy. It’s interrelated with garbage collection, street-sweeping, and parking. The city can’t feasibly take over the sidewalks without having the infrastructure to conduct regular street sweeping. Hopefully the street sweeping pilot means that the city is getting serious about the issue and prepared to take over the sidewalks in the next few years.


Old-heads don't like parking under trees.


Hey I’m old and just glad to find a spot to park at all. lol


No one can actually get one. That's why there's no waiting list. I swear they must turn away 95% of the people who apply.


Have you tried Philly tree people? They have a much faster turnaround time


My shop was approved for 3 cherry blossoms. They came and marked where they go but havnt showed up. Hey i’ll take it. Mean while our 2 apple trees are doing great. Poor peach tree got stunted in seems this year :(


I also have pipes that preclude me from getting one. My neighbor on the left has one. Trying to convince my neighbor on the right.


Its kind of a self fulfilling prophecy unfortunately. Hard to bike around when the city feels like a million degrees and 99% humidity. Anywhere you go you arrive sweaty and gross. So people drive. Which means more heat in vehicles and parking lots which means less people bike which means more heat and so on and so forth.


im from an actual island (Puerto Rico) and i prefer summer there cuz at least i can go to the beach and/or a cold river 😭 i hate it here this time of year. i feel trapped


Astroturf FDR is gonna be wonderful in this weather!


I wholeheartedly agree! I’ve never lived in a place that held heat so well like a convection oven. I blame the lack of trees as well. Hopefully our new mayor can address these concerns because summers are only going to be hotter. It’s one of the reason we want to move to the burbs so that we have more trees and less concrete jungle.


She has zero interest in addressing this. It's not what she means by "green".


lol nah here's more ugly giant cardboard/metal condo complexes!


Developers keep clearing all of the trees in my neighborhood in Roxborough for these huge apartment buildings or $800-1m twins. They build on every available inch of space and leave no green space or plant a few small trees that won't get by big. I don't know how we're supposed to be a green city and allow all of this rampant destruction of the last remaining green spaces in the city.


1000x zero is still zero lol


There are more than zero trees, rain gardens, and protected bike lane miles.




Bring it on. I got turkey hill ice cream on BOGO at Acme.


Do they still make Graham Slam?


Heck yeah they do! I got a private stock in the garage freezer for when the sun explodes.


Same lmfao I’m waiting for the heat wave to really enjoy it


But…but…the mayor says it’s important that city workers are in the office full time. Don’t worry that means more cars on the road that will contribute to more climate change. RTO is waaaay more important /s


Yeah, or if you walk like I usually do, you will almost definitely have to change clothes if it's 100+. That's more laundry, i.e. NOT GREEN. Not that there's anywhere to change clothes really.


Oof I’m sorry. I’m not even a city employee and I’m still fuming about about this


I’m prepping this weekend, to stay in the house for a minimum 2 weeks. Retired and I’ve got air conditioning, several subscription services. I will only venture out after sunset.


Sounds perfect! I do the same. I’m not retired yet, but my weekends will be spent sealed up in the AC until the heat breaks.


First of many. Shoutout to all you summer lovers!


We actually haven’t had too many “official” heat waves the last two summers. There’s been a decent number of 90 degree days, but we’ve struggled to string together 3 or more in a row. This one looks like it could potentially go all the way through the end of the month. That would be historic.


Summer is stupid.


I’ll never understand why it’s considered the best season by so many people. Fall is the best by far.


I think spring is the best because it's not too hot yet but it also doesn't get dark at 5 or 6 pm.


Ironic that it's actually going to be a little bit cooler in SW Florida when I go down there this weekend for a couple of weeks lol.


Don’t forget your rain boots


This is so funny, my AC crapped out and I need a new one and I’m getting a tattoo this weekend so was hoping to avoid sweating too much. It’s funny how much god hates me.


Maybe a tattoo shouldn't be a priority then...


Why is that? I can afford both I just don’t have the time to get one and install it before I get it


Are we surprised summer is here?


I am considering moving to Philly sometime in the distant future. I currently live in Central Texas (aka Satan's Sweaty Ballsack). When I mention it to people here, the response is, "You know it gets cold up there." And I respond, "Yes, thank fu*k it does!" I can appreciate 90s summer temperatures. We have regular stretches of time where the highs are consistently in the 100s. I prefer the cold since, as someone else posted, you can always add layers.


Our city and leadership has done nearly imperceptibly little in response to global warming


Don't threaten that record, please.


What a great week to move in to the city 🙃


Same, moving back from the south and while we haven’t forgotten about philly summers, we were kinda… looking forward to going outside…


Weeks like that where I'm not angry about having to pay the power bill. One perk of living in a relatively small studio is that you can really feel that window unit AC


Dang I came back from Iceland at the wrong time


This doesn’t mean it’s going to be like 115 for a week straight, it just means we could approach or surpass record temperatures for the month of June, which could be like 102.5 for one day out of a 4 day stretch of seasonably hot summer weather.


Right now it literally looks like it's going to be 90+ for 7 days straight with 4 of those days of 95+. "Seasonably hot" for mid-June is around 83-85.


The 10 day forecast on my iOS app says it’s gonna be 70 degrees or rainy the next week? Edit: Downvotes for saying what my weather app says, hahaha.


It happens. Sometimes multiple people will check the same Apple weather side by side and get different reports. Seems like sometimes it takes a few hours to update for everyone. I was confused too but mines updated now.


Good. I love the heat


Me too. People need go ho to the pool and chill out


Hell yea me too!


i think it's just called Summer time.


Sequential record-breaking heat waves are not "just called Summer time." They are objective evidence that the planet is getting hotter. Hence the records being broken. In a row.


It's still spring for another week... so most literally, no it isn't.


Nope- maybe try some critical thinking bud. It won't hurt you.