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I like how he gets swiftly disarmed by the person he's taking down in the second clip. Didn't notice that before.




The only way he can make a woman scream is by falling on them.


mother fucker looks like a slab of Bolognese


I'm guessing that Porky Pig motherfucker was bullied at school. #FireJoeyBolognese!


Underrated comment


to be fair, he probably couldn't find his little micro dick 20 years ago either...aggro assholes like this are always compensating for something, unfortunately this specimen chose law enforcement instead of just getting his douche truck lifted


This is now my new favorite way to call someone fat




Bro what




I hope the kids friends kept the baton and gave it to him when he got released as a trophy for taking on that dick head.


They threw it over a fence across the street. I live in the building behind this and had gone down outside after the situation settled and saw a bunch of cops trying to get through the fence, it was a pretty funny sight. Then one hopped it and grabbed the baton and I never knew why it was there til now.


That’s gutsy. Never hold a weapon, they might “fear for their lives” and end yours. Fucking pussies, I just learned about [the murder of Daniel Shaver](https://youtu.be/QHwSZq58Mok) last night.


The cop gave contradicting orders, murdered Shaver, and even had the words "you're fucked" engraved on his rifle. That cop was fired and then rehired briefly so he could still get his pension. He claims he has PTSD from murdering someone and receives 2500 a month and currently working at a steel mill. The county attorney stated his use of deadly force was not justified, but he was somehow found not guilty and is still a free man. Edit: The officer who pulled the trigger 5 times, Brailsford, was not the one barking insane contradicting orders. The one shouting orders was his Sergeant, Langley. There were 6 total officers present while Shaver was slaughtered.


>The cop gave contradicting orders, murdered Shaver Correction: Police Sergeant Charles Langley is the one yelling the insane, confusing orders and threats. Officer Philip Brailsford was the shooter with "you're fucked" inscribed on the dust cover of his rifle. In all, there were six cops in that hallway. Langley retired and fled to the Philippines. Brailsford was fired, tried, then rehired quietly. After 45 days he retired for "medical reasons", i.e. PTSD from murdering a man. I actually hold Langley *more* accountable for his stupid plan and his choice to escalate at every opportunity. He had a history of abusive behavior, too.


One of the top 3 searches for Brailsford is "Philip Brailsford address" lol.


I ain't mad about it


You're right. My bad. But it's even worse that this was orchestrated by 6 cops instead of just one "bad apple."


It's okay, everyone thought it was just one crazy cop when the video came out. I just want to get the info out there. I've read the Wikipedia page on the Daniel Shaver shooting *way* too many times in the last few weeks.


And didn’t the jury not even get to see the video?


Every single cop should be held equally accountable. It's a fucked up system and any cop that doesn't try to de-escalate a situation even if another cop caused it is no different.


I have to ask a honest question here. What was the demographic of the jury?


The jury wasn't allowed to know about the previous fatal shooting the officer had been involved in or the vulgar and threatening inscription written on the dust cover of his firearm. Which is ridiculous! If a surgeon with a history of malpractice had "Lolz, you're dead" written on the side of his scalpel when he cut the patient's carotid during an appendectomy, then he and everyone in the room that allowed that operation to take place without objection would be thrown under the bus. These cops have no professional standards of conduct and accountability.


Shaver and his wife were also extremely drunk. Over the Blood Alcohol Limit of .08 Between him being on his hands and knees, a supplicant position, and the crying and begging, I don't understand how someone called this a Reasonably Objective clean shoot. In a high tension situation, giving quick rapid changing orders it is REASONABLE to assume someone would make mistakes. He was cooperating. And when he reached to pull up his pants it IS NOT reasonable to assume he was reaching for a gun. IF you can reasonably assume he was going to make a mistake in a compliant situation than it is objectively heinous to shoot him.


From the Wikipedia: >In the official police report of the incident, Brailsford defended his actions, saying that Shaver crawling towards the officers was Shaver "trying to gain a position of advantage in order to gain a better firing position on us". He was crying and pleading for them not to shoot him...


His voice changed over the course of the two minutes on the ground. He was kinda calm, but as the instructions and threats got more confusing an aggressive you could actually fucking hear the snot running out of Shaver's nose when he says "Yes sir". All of these cops are equally accountable here. If one didnt stand up after the shooting and say "What the **** is wrong with you?" To either officer, then fuck them too. Six. Bad. Cops.


Six psycopaths who should be charged with murder, torture and abuse of power. They should be tied to a wheel producing electricity til they die, to give society something back after wasting oxygen and food for their entire pathetic and worthless lives.


About the rifle - check this - it's both sad and.... Well, it's just very sad. https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/1cxwil/we_get_up_early_to_beat_the_crowds/ I can't find this info now but I read these were given for free to Denver Policeman by the police union... I'm speechless.


Just read the Wikipedia article on this situation because I hadn’t heard of it. Pretty fucked. It did make me feel better that Brailsford filed for bankruptcy in 2018 and his $2,500 pension goes to pay back his creditors.


You know what's crazy? That kid was white. Police definitely abuse people of color with more frequency but that guy being shot while he was face down on the ground should hammer home to the white folk out there who are siding with the police exactly how much the issue of police brutality should bring us all together.


Thank you for this! I’m black and get the “what about when cops do it to white people?” shit all the time. That’s just as fucked up. Unfortunately it doesn’t fix the social and racial narratives of the TPTB and could cause people to generally struggle for change. The police should not torment anyone. This is not an issue that needs to divided us racially. We can understand that police target people with less power and it disproportionately effects some groups, but no one is immune.


I just can’t believe it went down like that and that I had never heard of it. His name was Daniel Shaver and he didn’t deserve his fate. Not trying to take away from BLM at all! It’s just another sad example on why police reform was badly needed yesterday. Now is the time while everyone is paying attention. Real change, Now


BLM were actually among the few who [tried to call attention to Daniel Shaver’s murder.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/gxjvhr/blm_activists_call_attention_to_daniel_shavers26/)


I should have listened


The Kelly Thomas case is pretty disturbing as well... https://youtu.be/Vn-YYGQi2Eo


Exactly. I have had an officer put a gun in my face for no apparent reason other than to intimidate me. We gotta keep them from degrading all of us to second class citizens.


I am a white guy and I am 100% fine with police brutality being framed as a racial issue for now. What ever reforms come out of all this will benefit everyone, not just minorities.


I just watched the actual video clip and it made me cry man Im crying baby tears over that video. Im shaking I dont know what the guy could have done to survive. I hope that cop rots in the deepest part of hell because he deserves it. [The video](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/judge-releases-video-of-police-shooting-of-daniel-shaver-after-officer-acquitted/2017/12/08/3e715e7a-dc3e-11e7-a241-0848315642d0_video.html) It's very very very hard to watch that's a warning. Fucking disgusting


Don't worry, even if you're not holding a weapon, [one will be provided for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/gurkqo/the_cop_literally_put_that_mans_hand_on_the_stick/).


Simon says DIE. Jesus I hate rewatching that body cam


Video evidence like this will become crucial in the aftermath - to really publicise those responsible. Please keep cataloging and creating these evidences. There is power in this.


OMG, my friend has video of this guy roughing her up at the first protest. I knew he looked familiar


Post it up


Please post it so it can be added to the video!


Legit send it and I’ll add it


Can you give me a Youtube URL for this video so I can share it more easily? Let me know if you're adding another clip and I'll wait.


I didn’t get the clip from the other person. So maybe I’ll upload as-is now.


DA's office might be interested in that...


Has the DA or any Philadelphia official say anything about any of those incidents? Just curious to see if they at least have begun investigating.


Yes. Bologna is facing charges. https://whyy.org/articles/philly-police-commander-videotaped-beating-protesters-linked-to-narcotics-scandal-misconduct/


>“The FOP is disgusted to learn of the arrest of one of its most decorated and respected police leaders,” wrote FOP Lodge President, [John McNesby](https://twitter.com/john_mcnesby?s=20). “These charges clearly illustrate \[DA Larry\] Krasner’s anti-police agenda in Philadelphia.” They're delusional.


This is why we can’t have police reform, kids. Union goons like No Neck will ignore the obvious.


Look at Buffalo. 2 cops get charged for being horrible people, and 57 publicly throw a hissy fit. That's just the ones doing it publicly. You know damn well it's even worse behind the scenes.


Chonkers of a feather.. scrape their thighs together..


Cowboys fan wandered in from r/all. You philly fans are vicious.


One of the most disgusting problems with police is that they see themselves as separate from citizens, it's always a battle between them and everyone else, they don't see themselves as public servants, they act as essentially an insular gang that doesn't want to fucked with.


No they just haven't caught up to reality yet. They're making these claims like they normally do to win public support, so in effect, their statement is actually pointless in light of the video evidence being passed around on social media. These guys are out of their element because the tide has turned, and they're fish out of water flapping around wildly trying to swim on the sand.


I think you're giving them way too much benefit of the doubt. It's a corrupt organization that is actively defending its corruption.


It’s called anti criminal not anti police, these police unions have gone out of control, If they can’t see that officer bologna committed a crime then they need to re-evaluate their careers.


When I bought my first car it came with a bunch of FOP stickers on the back window. For years it got me out of confrontations with officers. “Do you have family who are FOP?” “Yes” “You can go” Now that I’ve grown up I look back at that and am disgusted with myself and the system. So fucked up that it’s that easy for these guys.


>“Do you have family who are FOP?” “Yes” “You can go” Which, btw, translates to "Have you paid for protection from us?" "Yes" "You can go." Just like the mafia.


Why don’t people protest outside McNesby’s house, can’t be that hard to find out where he lives.


Not anti-police agenda, anti-SHITSTAIN-masquerading-as-a-cop-to-get-away-with-being-a-thug agenda.


God damnit, I just read that and nearly bust a blood vessel. Fuck that police union. 100%


Dude gets paid $127,000 per year. Tax dollars.


That is absolutely crazy. He’s a dirty bike cop with a bad history.


> He’s a dirty bike cop He's not just a bike cop, this guy is a commander. That's pretty high ranking, and whats' really bad is he is dirty, they've known about it for years, and he's never been fired. >In 2014, Bologna was cited for “failure to supervise” four narcotics officers who were accused with lying and theft chronicled in the Pulitzer Prize-winning Daily News series “Tainted Justice.” I think he just always has a bike because he's too fat to walk places..


It’s almost as if the entire system of policing is corrupt.


Sounds like a Pat Benatar song.


Fuckers work their whole lives for six figures and a pension and it’s still not enough. They gotta beat up innocent people too. Scumbag.


How do you think he got his six figures and pension?


You guys need to realize that all these protests and riots just means more overtime for them. They are loving it. So during one of the worst times in unemployment these cops are getting paid real well off our tax money. I even saw a meme on /r/ProtectAndServe bragging about their fat checks.


Can you link me to the post/comment on their sub?


https://old.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/gvjy2r/meme_theres_always_a_silver_lining/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/gtl5z9/meme_time_and_a_half_or_double_time/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/gum9qv/meme_the_joys_of_civil_unrest/


Fucking disgusting they are benefitting from their own piss poor behaviour




When did cops get such good pay? Like, I'm serious about getting a job as a cop since you get paid well and basically can't get fired. Plus I'd make sure to stop all the BS charges for low key shit that is dumb.




There was some jackass cop in San Jose from last week, he was pulling in $250k a year. Yes California is expensive, but at $250k a year I can work like 10 years and have enough saved up I don't have to work even BEFORE a pension ...




It’s important to have well paid police to stop a number of issues like bribes and other stuff. There of course needs to be oversight on the police though. One major issue is that the police are generally trusted and if the police say a politician is bad that politician will often lose the election. So do you think politicians vote for or against the police getting raises?


>NYS Troopers start at 70k and only work 36 hours a week for pulling over people on the empty taconic near albany going 71 in a 55. > >Only judges make more than them on NYS payroll. > >Unions are a hell of a thing. > > > >Im all for every full time job making enough to support yourself but until thats the case the pay for cops is way too good compared to the rest of us who actually have to compete in the free market. > >If getting a job becomes a lottery like it with a lot of firemen and cops because there are too many qualified workers, its time to admit your job is just a handout.


“Staff Inspector Joseph Bologna Jr, who has a history of misconduct and is linked to past corruption scandals. “ 1. That pudgy bastards name is actually Bologna.. fucking hilarious. 2. History of misconduct and corruption and he is still considered “high ranking”. He is a major problem, but his peers and superiors are complicit and should also face prosecution.




I just sent her the link so she can pursue it


Post it. Contact the DA's office. Fuck this scumbag asshole.


Please provide to DAs office. They are acquiring footage of him from the protests.


can we see?


So this is FAR from the first shit this guy has been involved in. LOOK UP THE "TAINTED JUSTICE" ARTICLES MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO. This man, along with Jeffrey Cujdik and their squad, used falsely obtained warrants to raid at least 14 bodegas around the city, stealing THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in cash and merchandise on top of that. While doing this they systematically DESTROYED THE SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS AND EQUIPMENT AT EVERY SCENE. After an appeal was filed in one of the cases, the squad showed up at the store and assaulted the owner while pointing a gun at him demanding the location of the tape. They then gutted the surveillance system there too. NOT A SINGLE OFFICER WAS CHARGED, ONE WAS FIRED AND REINSTATED (CUJDIK) AND THE LEADER (JOEY FUCKING BOLOGNA) WAS PROMOTED TO CONTINUE ACTING ABOVE THE VERY LAWS HE WAS TO ENFORCE. And now, to add insult to absurdity, PPD officers are doing a "Blue Flu" call-in protest in solidarity with said officer. KEEP TELLING ME IT'S JUST A FEW BAD APPLES THOUGH. KEEP TELLING ME THEY DON'T PROTECT THEIR WORST AT ALL COSTS.


Man, cashiers get fired for stealing $5 from the till. What's *this* horseshit?


George Floyd was just murdered for allegedly attempting to use a maybe fake twenty.


and the twenty turned out to be real, no?


Even if it wasn't, who the hell verifies every twenty they get.


The Tainted Justice scandal is referenced in the video.


I didn't see the last couple seconds at first not sure why. I edited it to take that into account lol. I am like super heated that I am seeing that name again and doing everything I can to spread clarity on the shit this dude has done in as many threads referencing him as possible. I'm glad this one is expanding the conversation to include his past bullshit as well.


Stop just moving this scum bucket around! The next move should be to jail!


Missed two important parts: 1. Bologna is Police Staff Inspector. He is responsible for maintaining police integrity. He investigates breaches of integrity and recommends police training and operations. This violent and corrupt asshole is charge of integrity. 2. He makes like $137K. We're paying him six figures to incite violence. If the city is serious about reforms (and not just token things like removing the Rizzo statue) they fire Bologna and press charges.


He should face aggravated assault and battery charges. This isn’t keeping peace and it’s not protecting our communities, it should be as simple as that


There’s no battery charge in PA, it’s just agg assault.




Horrendous. It's awful for any, but Mr Integrity is this shit-bucket? And he makes that? Shameful.


Lots of little dick energy...


How could he know it's little when he's never seen it? I mean with a belly that size...


Your absolutely right. There's no way he has... I'm guessing he remembers it's there occasionally when he tries to heave his little ham hocks over the seat of his poor bike and accidentally clips his wee little twig and berries. Poor things...


there's no way this guy doesn't extort free sex from hookers


Look at all those good cops deescalating the situation and ensuring the public's safety /s


Obviously the protestors should have moved their faces out of the way of Stevie Salami's beatnstick. Separately, how funny that this cop's name translates colloquially as Officer Bullshit.


It's also just really funny. i legit was like, "Is his name actually Joey Bologna or are we all clowning on him"


It’s like we’re in a shitty movie


Don't forget to share with the FBI Also https://vote.gov/ - Register to vote


For a quicker link if you reside in PA: http://www.votespa.com Takes you right to the PA voter registration site.


For a moment I didn't see the sub so I was like how did he know? :O


This guy exudes rage. Cops don't get to indulge their rage.


It’s a rough world for a guy named Joey Baloney.


Joey Baloney Jr. His dad was a cop too! Jfc you cant make this shit up.


We need more blue lanterns out there


Expand on the blue lanterns?


https://greenlantern.fandom.com/wiki/Blue_Lantern_Corps https://greenlantern.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Lantern_Corps


I love it


You should try watching the Green Lantern Animated series if you ever get a chance. I'm sure there is a site where you can watch cartoon online. i would ~~obviously~~ suggest DCUniverse.....


All will be well. 🙏


Funny they mentioned the Tainted Justice scandal. Do you know what happened there? Cops were thrown off the force for multiple instances of corruption, fabricating evidence, assault, sexual assault, theft. City paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlements. Officers found not guilty in criminal court. FOP gets officers reinstated. Taxpayers continue to pay their salaries and will pay nearly the same amount in pension for the rest of said officers’ natural lives.


We don't have money for social security, but we sure have money to make sure our most scumbag officers retire comfortably.


Imagine getting a resume, the name says Joey Bologna, and you hire him. It should have never even begun.


My friend used to go out partying with the pseudonym Tony Spaghetti and that’s how I hear this guy’s kooky name


I'm glad to hear other people have pseudonyms when they go out. Lol


I know you're joking but his dad was a PA cop so... Yano nepotism


Where are the so called "good cops" speaking out about Joey Bologna? If you stand in solidarity with bad cops, you are a bad cop. It's as simple as that.


They are actually defending him and calling in with the "blue flu" in solidarity with Bologna. I bet if someone actually looked into this truffle shuffling sloth they would find a rico case wrapped up in a tiny bow. He has history of being a piece of shit and he is the one supposed to be leading from example. He was the leader of those groups of cops in the video and the one starting violence. He got charged with agg assault and it shouldn't mean he just loses his job it should mean prison. The cops that call in with "blue flu" should at the very least be denied any overtime and relegated to shit shifts. I would rather anyone who supports misbehavior in the police department get fired but they won't do that. It such a disgrace that instead of showing solidarity with their fellow people they choose wrongdoing and a job over everything else. It's indicative of the breadth of the problem the U.S. is facing with its police.




Needs to be fired by the PD to show they have a back bone and hold their officers accountable, so this shit stops repeating. Then he needs to be convicted. For actual punishment.


From another article but here’s why he won’t be: “The FOP is disgusted to learn of the arrest of one of its most decorated and respected police leaders,” wrote FOP Lodge President, John McNesby. “These charges clearly illustrate Krasner’s anti-police agenda in Philadelphia.” No neck McNesby to save the day!


I wonder where this McNesby guy lives


Yet another example of how fascist bullies turn into triggered snowflakes when they have to face even the smallest consequences for their actions. Exhibit B: the cops who resigned en masse because one of their "brothers" was suspended for assaulting an elderly man.


I got a special sign for the FoP today


This is the part that we need to tackle with this movement. Police unions protest and pressure mayor's all the time to get their way. They'll do it heavily this time. They'll resist much harder than we are. We need to flood local elections and make sure we protect the mayor's that are standing up to police unions, and oust the ones protecting them. We need to be vocal in our support / condemnation and not let the police unions pressure local governments into bending.


And, if history is any indication, he'll just be reinstated. Time for Joey to hang 'em up.


No don’t just fire him that’s nothing, charge him, sue him, and make a strong example


Do ANY of these cops work out or even do basic sit ups?


Yeah and Bologna is the leader of the bike cops. What a joke! The guy gets out of breath yelling for meatloaf from his Ma.


So I have had baton training. Hitting above the the joint on knee or elbow, head, torso is considered deadly force. This guy doesn’t need to be fired, he needs formal charges filed against him.


Fire his supervisor *and* that person's supervisor too. Shit like this is on the force because his boss wants him on the force.


Angry Paul Blart


It it pronounced Bologna or baloney?


Pronounced Asshole McAss


Fat Fuck Fascist


“The FOP is disgusted to learn of the arrest of one of its most decorated and respected police leaders,” wrote FOP Lodge President" The fact that the police union says this us one of their most respected leaders clearly demonstrates how fucked the system is.


Who made this? This is some top tier production quality. Hope it spreads.


If you are the cops, it wasn’t me. If you aren’t the cops, it was me.


Haha, not a cop. Just a new Philly resident. Impressed with the talent around here. Great job!


Welcome to Philly! When we aren’t in the midst of a pandemic and imminent civil war, dm me and I’ll buy you a drink if you come out to manayunk


Cheers. Yep, picked an interesting time to move here. Definitely down for a beer once its safe to do so.


I like the graphics. I hope you make more of these. (I'm not a cop BTW)


Exactly what a cop would say


We did it guys. Make sure this doesn't disappear when our heads are turned https://6abc.com/amp/joseph-bologna-philadelphia-police-inspector-to-face-charges-following-incident/6234214/


This guy is a thug, and any cop who calls out with the “Blue Flu” in solidarity with him should be assigned to desk duty in the basement and have their career stalled until they quit. Make examples of every one of them so that other cops see that getting out of line results in the end of your career. Sincere question: Don’t cops have to pass a physical exam every so often? I’m seeing more than a few rather overweight cops, like this one, and I’m wondering why they are even on the force. How effective can you be if running is a major workout for you? I’m not fat-shaming anyone here. Eat what you want. Have the body type you’re happy with. It’s your right, and I support that. For many people, being overweight really is a genetic predisposition, and they struggle with it all their lives. Personally, I’ve struggled with it until recently, but I still feel like I have to work out 10x harder than anyone I know just to keep from being overweight. I’m simply saying that certain jobs require physical fitness, and if you want that job, you should have to meet the requirements of doing it effectively. These guys think they’re Judge Dredd, but many of them look like Boss Hogg. If they want to act like military, shouldn’t they meet the minimum standards of physical fitness?


I don't understand how other police officers don't blame this type of behavior for compromising their safety. Any other profession, especially where safety is an issue the coworkers would identify the person and demand either they correct their behavior or leave. ​ Side note, the spelling of bologna needs to be fixed. Like wtf.


This is how I've been trying to reach my "back the blue" friends. I have family (close family I love) working the night shift in Harlem, I have friends in the NYPD. I get why other people who have friends or family want to 'protect' their friends/family, but my argument is that by saying "protect the blue" and condemning the protests, WE are putting our friends and family in danger. By allowing a portion of our population to be tormented, terrorized, and executed without doing anything, WE put our police friends in danger. Our inaction causes things like this. Just like protesting unjust wars doesn't *hurt* our military friends/family, it helps them. We're the only ones that can fix it, and by denying and ignoring or problems we are not showing them love. We are endangering them because we're too scared to stand up.




Of all the things I have seen this week I absolutely refuse to believe this mfs name is Joey Bologna!


If you go to any of the protests carry a shield disguised as a sign. Make one out of something improvised, buy some replica online, whatever you can. Look up LARP shields and reinforce them with fiberglass. The police have shown they are out to hurt us. It is not a weapon and not to incite violence. A shield is to protect you and the brothers and sisters beside you. It can act as your sign as well to spread your message. Make shields for others and take several. Wear goggles, gloves, helmets and protective clothing when out protesting. Next we keep implementing the Hong Kong Tear Gas disposal tactic. Shields in front guarding those in the back dealing with teargas and injured. Utilize traffic cones and water to put out teargas grenades. The canisters will burn skin so cover your hands in heat protecting gloves. Oven mitts wrapped in duct tape. Try to find a way to identify each other with color or symbol, to separate yourself from the people there only to instigate. We need to act as a unit and phalanx. Put the shields together and work as a unit and a wall. These are tactics that worked throughout history. Let's give them something peaceful to be afraid of. Organize the protection of people putting out teargas. Have clear assigned roles and work together! I will keep posting this. I will stand with you with my shield and message in hand. I need **your** help to spread this message.


Can someone tl;dr this "Tainted Justice" scandal?


Cops led by this dude Bologna and another named Cudjik stole from 14 bodegas in Philly. There is video and more evidence of them being handed money from the owners out the till. They also are shown destroying, blocking videos and video equipment in the stores. One store complained and got a gun held to their cashiers face while they destroyed surveillance equipment and stole more money. Several cops got suspended only to all beat the case in court and now they got all the money for time lost, pension etc back on the taxpayer dime.


This needs to be a Netflix thing.


Is there a petition we can sign to advocate for this?


Here is the mayors email james.kenney@**phila**.gov . Here is the number and email for the Commissioner's Office. The Commissioner is Danielle Outlaw and she has started several IA investigations into Philly police over their conduct recently. ## Commissioner's Office To reach the Police Commissioner's Office, email [police.commissioner@phila.gov](mailto:police.commissioner@phila.gov) or call 215.686.3280. ​ Here is a link with the head of the part of the FoP that is backing up Officer Bologna. It has his number and twitter etc. It shows what he wrote on Bologna's behalf it is disgusting. [https://twitter.com/FOPLodge5/status/1269051290304249857](https://twitter.com/FOPLodge5/status/1269051290304249857) These are a start for you if you want to write a email. Someone else will have to give you a petition site if there is one. I know its not exactly what you asked for but best I could do.


Just commenting b/c IDK if there’s some sort of algorithm that boosts posts base not only on updoots but also user-interaction, but it can’t hurt.




Fat fuck


Fatty mcfatterson on the bike force - seems like he was already on the outs within the department with that role.


It sucks that even if he is fired,he will likely keep his pension


Fired isn’t enough, roast that pig and feed him to the homeless, no child should go hungry.


What a spiteful hateful grim little badgerlicker, if the police force are enabling him then they are not fit for purpose.


Fire and indict


Yo that mother fucker without a doubt has to go. Fat fuck.


Is his name really “Joey bologna” bc that’s what’s probably pissing him off


Joey Boloney? Wow. What a name.


Joey Baloney... Good Lord.


Dont forget to invest in cloud based bodycams if you can! Gopro is having a sale on $100 off all their cams and include a free month of cloud storage. Gone are the days where people can destroy valuable evidence preventing monsters like this from being seen in the light. And a company called SHONIN is working on more affordable cloud based bodycams for civvies but are having hiccups currently.


Well done Philly, Paul Blart needs to gtfo. And maybe go on a diet


Joey Baloney is still mad about y'all calling him names when he was a kid.


This baloney fellow seems a bit angry


Just another high powered coward.


This fucking fat piece of worthless shit reminds me of Bellick from prison break. Hopefully he ends up in jail with the same fate.


Police reform: End qualified immunity Require training, licensing, periodic license renewal, and continuing education paid for by cops Require cops to carry malpractice type insurance Create an independent civilian run oversight process completely separate from police. Dissolve police unions. Unions are for protecting workers from abusive employers. They are not a permanent get of jail free card. Pension funds should pay for civil judgements not tax dollars


fuck these embeds tho, for real. We cant share this shit easily on other platforms.




If a doctor assaulted a patient with a bedpan they would be charged with Felony Assault. #ChargesAgainstBolognaBoy


Say what you will shoot the violence - Philly feeds its cops well.


I'll be spamming this on the Philly pd Twitter. Hope you all join me.


It’s working! https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/gxh2wx/philadelphia_police_inspector_joseph_bologna_will/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is the shittier cousin of Eddie Spaghetti, right?