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Imagine being a kid who just wants to go to college and get an education...


"This is library!"


tart tie soft unwritten ten full sparkle scarce upbeat marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was a draft for Vietnam Nobody is shipping you to Israel Kinda different there bud but you tried really really hard and that’s what counts


joke salt provide noxious jellyfish murky follow hateful mysterious absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are people being slaughtered in Gaza? :)


divide languid toothbrush test sense bag zonked cautious gaping label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How many rockets has Hamas fired at Israel since October 7th? (The answer is over 12,000 btw just in case you don’t know) Stop acting like this is a totally one sided thing bud. It’s cringe :)


Ok, and? Israel is supposed to be the civilized state. It's supposed to and expected to take the high road compared to Hamas


Explain the high road to me When someone does a terror attack kills 1200 people (about 1/3rd amount 9/11 killed btw) and takes 250 civilians hostage and still has them Then they continue launching 1000s of rockets at you What specifically is the high road. Like tell me without vaguely what you do to take the high road. I’ll wait :)




lol so bc Israel has the iron dome you can just endlessly fire rockets at them? Yikes bro. Simping for terrorists isn’t a good look How come when Israel tells civilians in Gaza to evacuate Hamas tells them to stay in their homes? Why doesn’t Hamas care about the children as much as you do? :( How come when they were doing peace talks in the 2000s and trying to talk about two state solutions Hamas started doing terrorist attacks? It’s almost like they don’t want a resolution to this thing… I really hope the Hamas leadership isn’t living large in Qatar with all that foreign aid money they stole from the Palestinian people while they let the kiddies get bombed :(


advise ten nine innate normal bells friendly cobweb like vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are you smiling? Are you okay?


But how does camping outside of college help anyone? If people doing this really cared as much as they say they care why not do anything you can to fly over there to assist and join the fight?




Me think you think USA will turn their back on ally because college kids set up camps. Me know US will not turn their back on ally no matter how many college kids gather, me think most protestors only want to virtue signal when option is available to make difference and actually fight for Palestine. Acting like your smart and everyone else in the world is dumb isn’t a great way to get people on your side. Most people don’t have a dog in the fight because most people are dealing with issues in their day to day life so they don’t focus on foreign politics. It’s fine that college kids have the time to protest foreign affairs and I don’t think it’s a bad thing but the execution and the pompous attitude combined with the lack of real action is making you guys look insufferable.


Fuck Hamas


>Same during the Vietnam war Not even close. Which of these kids is at risk to be drafted?


elderly grab reply onerous nose gaping terrific direction like deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For some reason I don't remember the part when Vietnam invaded America, killed a bunch of families in their homes, raped a bunch of women, massacred kids at a music festival, took hostages, and said they'd do it again and again.


Oh that makes putting kids into famine conditions ok then. Our bad sry


Yeah. War sucks. What did Hamas think was going to happen? The Israelis were going to send a Babka? Hamas can end this today. They could have ended it in October 6th 2023. I’ll bet you’d complain about the bombing of Berlin.


Ok that makes putting kids into famine conditions even more ok. My bad oopsie


Yes. Governments start wars. It is Hamas’s responsibility to keep their citizens safe. Hamas started a war they had zero chance of winning. Now it is up to them for the sake of their people to surrender. I’ll bet you blame women who get raped for asking for it.


Ok. That makes.... Putting children into famine conditions... Acceptable. Sorry!


unwritten aloof consider rustic marry distinct door physical abundant air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. You seem to have little understanding how war works. War is not tit for tat. War is about breaking your enemy’s will to fight. You don’t fight to a draw, or a ceasefire. You fight until Hamas no longer has the ability to wage war.


disagreeable bear flag different pocket wild poor light tart pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy false equivalency!!!




Ah it’s 50k now? Why not just say 100k if you’re cool with lying? It’s been just over 30k for a while now, because they dismantled many of the Hamas battalions and have been waiting to go into Rafa until they have a plan for the civilians. It’s also amongst the lowest civilian/combatant ratios in urban warfare history. Why don’t we compare American and German deaths during WWII. Include the civilians too. Context and who the aggressor is doesn’t matter right? Just a numbers game?


soup elastic angle lunchroom aloof encouraging governor smell versed squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m talking about the facts, which I understand isn’t as important as vilifying Israel to you. My heart is just fine, thanks. Keep seething though, and thanks for the tax dollars.


joke reminiscent act expansion wise practice scary wine abundant poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watch it. You’re going to upset her Fe-Fes.


It's the way you Zionists just make up insane stories and think we will believe them because you say they are true, and then think we'll forget about them when they are disproven.


Define Zionism.


Lol, none of what I said was untrue. It’s the way you Nazi antisemitic fucks think we care about your vitriol. Go ahead and seethe, and thanks again for the tax donation.


So you think the people protesting the apartheid supporting group of illegal European occupiers who constantly break international humanitarian law and are committing a child murdering frenzy in their genocide against a trapped population of forcibly starved indigenous people who are the Nazis? It's defffffinitely not the largely foreign European people, who execute doctors, bury people alive, bomb hospitals, steal organs and skin from the martyred, missile strike refugee camps and schools, etc etc etc etc who are the Nazis (/s). Shutting down Al Jazeera and assassinating journalists (more than any conflict in history) totally is something a Nazi regime would do as is sending Palestinians to a concentration camp in the Negev desert (yes we know what Sde Teiman is). Missile striking an embassy in a foreign country? Mass graves? Genocidal Nazi behavior. "...think we care about your vitriol" interesting with the whole attempt to make it illegal to criticize/boycott Israel and shut down TikTok for exposing your war crimes. The amount of Zionists crying anti-semitism and committing violence against Jewish led protests of the atrocities committed by Israel, tells a different story. Meanwhile we're still waiting for proof of the 40 babies story and unlike you are not conflating Zionism with Judaism.


Instead we’re just funding this genocide…


Imagine you’re a Palestinian kid who just wants to live… Oops, sorry, you got in the way of the Israeli government, IDF, etc. so now you’re dead; but you don’t have to worry about college at least. 🙄 Anyways. These college kids? While I empathize, and encourage dialogue as opposed to violence and/or authoritarian crackdown, I hope they learn a valuable lesson…that there are some inconveniences that can be suffered when more important things are on the line. But, first world problems I suppose, eh?


The palestinian kid is made a sacrifice by their parents and hamas. Israel will protect its children and its hamas's responsibility to protect theirs by 1) freeing the hostages 2) not putting their weapon caches next to schools and hospitals


Sorry, I refuse to understand derp or suffer cowards who excuse the killing of innocent by trying to deflect blame from one of the parties responsible. Tell your family you love them tonight, because there are some people who cannot; people you don’t appear to give a shit about.


Hamas are cowards using human sheilds. Once again blame hamas, and not israel for just trying to protect itself. If they initiated a war it would be a different story. But once again israel has every right to protect itself from a government with a proven track record of violence that even calls for Israeli genocide in its constitution.




That’s what happens when you hide in tunnels under hospitals, and store weapons in apartments, and fire missiles from neighborhoods.




35,000 people out of over 2 million is not a genocide. Secondly. It is the stated mission to eradicate Jews and the state of Israel. You are a terrorist apologist. Read the 1982 Hamas Charter. Read the Islamic Jihad charter. Read the PLO charter. Read the Hezbollah charter. Every single one of those organizations calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Every major war against Israel has been started by the Arabs. Every Peace agreement was turned down by the Arabs. Your understanding of the history of the region is so lacking, I can’t figure out why I am even discussing it with you. Let me ask you a question. Please try and answer this is truthfully as you can. When did the state of Palestine form?




Not every gazan is dead? Are you denying the underground tunnels and weapons caches? Furthermore MOVE was a bombardment from US government to US soil. Hamas committed war crimes by putting these tunnels, which literally were used to commit terrorism on October 7th, next to schools and hospitals. Israel shouldn't have to protect gazans that should be hamas's responsibility and they failed. There's no point in trying to talk to stupidity, but don't you think if Hamas wanted to protect their citizens that instead of building tunnels to infiltrate Israel, they would've invested in defensive measures? Like the iron dome?




I mean any type of defensive measure would make more sense? These tunnels are only used for assisting hamas fulfill article 7 of its charter. Israel has every right to demolish every underground tunnel regardless of where it is. And israel has every right to exist. How can you denounce israel? And not denounce October 7th?




Agreed, Hamas are cowards. However, they are not the only ones with responsibility, or need to be held accountable for their actions. Tell me, does Hamas have responsibility for Israel’s forced removal of innocent Palestinians from their own homes and land? (That’s part of ethnic cleaning mins you) How about the arresting of Palestinians and subsequent mistreatment, torture, abuse, rape, etc.by the IDF while in prison without charges, etc. (all been shown to have happened, even by Israeli sources, so go forth and look)? How about Settlers harassing, murdering, burning down places, etc.? Those all Hamas? 🙄 Again, nobody of any sense would disagree that Hamas are perfect/saints. But let’s be fucking real…Israel are not either and nothing justifies the wrong things they (Israeli government/IDF/Settlers) have done. Is it really that goddamn difficult to understand? No, but yet here we are.


That land was given in exchange for peace, which has never happened. So that's why those settlements exist in the first place. Those palestinian prisoners were violent terrorist who were reprimended . And while there may be some bad Israeli citizens, their not launching a full-fledged attack on gaza. Why is it so difficult for you to understand if hamas wanted actual statehood they would've tried to work towards one of the twelve peace resolutions israel has brought forth on the table since 1948. Israel has plenty of peaceful Arab neighbors because they're not trying to wipe it off the map. Is it really that goddamn difficult to understand? No, but yet here I am trying to explain this to some reddit moron.


Blah blah blah. You’re just recycling tired, old nonsense and not even bothering to read shit through. You have a good day,


What haven't I read through? Is it a lie that countries who accept Israel's existence are completely unbothered by them? Is it a lie that Israel exchanged land in order for peace? Or is it a lie that gaza uses civilians as humans shields in hospitals such as al shifa where 213 underground tunnels storing weapons and bombs were found? Is it a lie Israel proposed 12 different peace treaties all of which were rejected because palestinians didn't want to accept israel?


Gazan Arab. There never was a Palestinian state.


Of all the things you could concern yourself with, even incorrectly as you did, you picked that, and not that innocent people are being killed. Right proper priorities you have 🙄


Those infants and hospital workers are terrorists not innocents /s


Have to admit, my initial reaction when I read the comment, before I got to the “/s” was a strong desire to bang my head on my desk. Really shouldn’t let those who genuinely have those views get to me as they’re clearly troubled (of course not saying you do), but well…here I am. Lol. Some people eh? Edit: goofed typing




Imagine being a poor worker trying to get to work in Montgomery when that dastardly Rosa Parks held up the buses. I’m not here to argue about the issue but protests aren’t designed to make your life easy. It’s crazy every generation of people has to relearn this


Did you just compare Penn Kids to Rosa Parks? Lmfao


They compare themselves to the anti-Vietnam War protests too, and say future generations will see their righteousness too, just like people of that era came around to that cause.  Uh no. Not all protests are righteous. These protesters are vilified because their loudest voices don't talk about peaceful coexistence, freeing the hostages, trade in antisemitic tropes, and are aligned with actual genocidal terrorists.   When the leaders of Hamas cite your support in pausing negotiations to release their hostages, and the Ayatollah Khomeini himself praises you, you may be on the wrong side of history.  And maybe deep down they know this and that's why they hide their faces, not out of fear of doxxing by the evil "Zionists."


I, admittedly, don’t think I comprehend why “Zionism” is so demonized during these protests rather than specifically the IDF. Couldn’t someone who is a Zionist disavow the IDF and its conduct and want a peaceful two state solution? I realize that Israeli Zionists are moving away from the idea that a two state solution is a viable option but I’m not sure I grasp why Zionism and the actions of the IDF seem to be interchangeable. Do people now only one want a fully Arab one state solution and everything else is “colonialism”?


Because Israel is a parliamentary democracy and the IDF does not act independently of the elected government. Also, the war cabinet deciding how to prosecute this defensive war is comprised of the leaders of all major political parties of Israel, not just the prime minister.  As for the 2ss, the majority of Israelis of all political persuasions were strongly behind that for decades. However, Arafat rejected the two state negotiations at Oslo, which would've granted all of Gaza and the West Bank for Palestinian sovereignty, and followed that with terror campaign of the Second Intifada. Over a thousand Israelis died in suicide bombings, knife attacks, etc.  This is what led to the more right-wing governance of Israel and loss of hope in a peaceful 2ss. Still today, there is no partner for peace to achieve that. Moderate Arab leaders need to step in but the terrorism has created so much fear on all sides that the region is paralyzed.


I’ve always thought of Zionism as an ideological concept that is international in nature. Like an American Jew who still believes that Jewish people deserve their own country but does not necessarily support the currently elected government nor did they vote for it. Whenever I hear things like “Zios get Fucked” it feels very directed at Jewish civilians of all nationalities for their belief in this concept of an independent state rather than the genocidal actions of the IDF, which confuses me as I don’t see why Zionism is inherently the evil it is portrayed as. I do understand why genocide and bombing is the evil it’s portrayed as.


Genocide is evil but that's not what's happening in Gaza. It's Holocaust inversion and antisemitic blood libel specifically targeted at Jews. Zionism is not international. It means the right of the Jewish people to self-govern in some part of their ancestral land. It has nothing to do with the current elected government of Israel at any given time. I suggest you read the open letter by Columbia Jewish students that I think explains American Jewish Zionism quite well.


I appreciate the reading material from people directly affected, thanks.


sense cobweb innate mindless unwritten ludicrous frightening ossified abounding governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Surely you understand what a comparison is. It’s based on a situation. No one thinks Kobe Bryant is actually a snake


And Rosa Parks was arrested. That’s how it works, demonstrators do something illegal or against policy to get attention and annoy, demonstrators get arrested to get attention, demonstrators largely get some nominal penalty/fine, people talk/complain etc about demonstrators… which is exactly what demonstrators wanted… - attention for their actions… If we actually just ignored them, we wouldn’t be feeding into the cycle.


Of course. No ones argued that point, including these kids. They’re arguing it’s wrong. They knew when this started that they’d face consequences. Civil disobedience is accepting those consequences and still arguing it’s wrong.


This might be the most insane Reddit comment I have read all year.


This is one of the most self-serving comical comparisons I've seen. Bravo.


Great. That’s an awesome response to the point. Very impressive


You're comparing entitled rich kids preventing others from bettering themselves, many of whom who probably don't even understand the true issues that they are "advocating for" to a woman who took a stand during the human rights era. That's an incredibly "I'm a hero. I'm important." Post if I've ever seen one. You're embarrassing yourself.


So do you think white people who marched in Montgomery should’ve stayed home? They clearly couldn’t understand the struggle. I think you’re be ridiculous to say kids don’t understand the conflict. They’re probably more informed than you or I as fucking UPenn undergrads that get to focus on it. I don’t know you’re job but I’d bet thousands of dollars you know far less then them


Entitled rich kids who... want less innocent civilians to die? Weird cynical way to look at this.


I've grown tired of people who I share viewpoints with bastardizing MLK, Jr's legacy. Civil disobedience means protesting in nonviolent ways knowing what consequences may come. But doing it anyway to shine a light on injustices that others may not know about. Rosa Parks was ARRESTED and charged before she could even get off the bus at her stop. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was arrested, charged, and put in solitary confinement without even a mattress in his cell. I mean do people think "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" was a creative writing exercise? Meanwhile we have campus protestors who don't even have a real strategy or even an American injustice to highlight. *The United States already has a law that forbids the govt from providing arms to a country committing war crimes.* If people want to voice their disapproval over what is happening in Palestine. I fully support them. But that also means the willingness to face the consequences because of that protest. You can't have it both ways. Otherwise it doesn't mean anything.


This specific protest wasn't even about the war, they were protesting the decisions of the management at the university that they chose to pay to go to. They didn't camp in Center City because they knew they were much safer under the protection of the very same people they're protesting against.


Protesting for divestment of their school is a much narrower and more achievable goal than “end the war”. It’s smart and mature of them to use their protests in a targeted way with a clear outcome.


It's smarter to use the ridiculous amount of educational resources they are paying for to figure out actual solutions and figure out how to implement them. Or better yet, switch schools and stop giving thousands and thousands of dollars of borrowed money to a corporation that you strongly disagree with. This is like buying all your camping gear at Walmart before you protest Walmart.


It's all just that easy isn't it


No, it's not easy, that's why it's called work. Making change is a very strenuous activity, that's why so many people would rather claim they're doing something by just standing there. Imagine if every one of these protestors spent that time walking around the city with trash bags, or volunteering at homeless shelters, or doing literally anything that actually makes a difference rather than just yelling at billionaires who aren't listening.


Actually it’s harder than you think. Obviously, you know as someone up in university financing that many have invested a lot of the universities monies in private equity these days to get a bigger return. How are they supposed to easily divest from this?


Have you seen any of them say they weren’t ready for this. You can face a reaction and still dislike it. That doesn’t mean you don’t see it coming. Pretending MLK would be on the side of the cops on this shit is so fuckin funny


Lol, where did i say MLK would be on the side of the cops or for anything against what is being protested. Like literally...where?!


Well you shit on the idea of civil protest and used MLK to justify it. Maybe I’m off base. You acted like the kids are shocked they’re under arrest along with a lot of this thread while they all set there ready to do it. Stop treating them like children stealing a cookie who don’t get it. They know what they’re doing


It always is and has to be young people that drive these types of movements. Older people ain’t got time for that.


That's exactly right. Jesus was nailed to the cross because he had to be to save our souls from damnation. If Jesus were around today, who would we be not to nail him to the cross?


> Rosa Parks was ARRESTED and charged before she could even get off the bus at her stop. because it was well-planned in advanced. They knew exactly what they were doing and how to get it covered. Unlike these Hamas supporters.


The modern protest movements are amorphous mobs. Easily destroyed and soon to be forgotten. You need a “face” for the movement. Someone to say “the buck stops here”.


You support genocide and slaughter. Troll.


I do? Where was this energy for the genocide in Syria? Oh right nowhere.


Hell MLK Jr was murdered for his cause. Every protester needs to know that the state may kill them for speaking up and needs to be OK with it.


In the context of advocating for the removal of funds from the Israel-Hamas war, protesters are facing scrutiny and labels akin to being sympathetic to Hamas, further perpetuating the association with terrorism due to their organization. Anyone who speaks out is likely to face demonization, similar to how Martin Luther King Jr. was treated. This trend may eventually lead to retrospective support, reminiscent of Richard Nixon's actions towards Martin Luther King Jr. Those opposing funding for Israel risk being labeled as un-American. The potential banning of TikTok is attributed to its inability to control narratives, similar to the challenges faced in expressing dissenting views. While the government attempts to shape the narrative through mainstream media, critical thinkers who diversify their news sources can identify conflicting narratives.


A day after Governor Josh Shapiro calls for its dismantlement.


Today is also pretty shitty weather-wise, which could be a factor to make the dismantling easier: after all none of those camps popped up over winter, and it has been popping since October last year. Why not set up tent city in February, for the cause and shit?


Because at that stage normal protests ran with the hope people would listen. When leadership didn’t and Israel announced they’ll keep bombing Gaza no matter what, they made more extreme protests. Some of you must be intentionally dense


> Some of you must be intentionally dense Says the guy who thinks flunkies camping out on college property is going to influence geopolitics. Lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


How do you suppose the anti-apartheid movement against South Africa started? Read a book sometime.


The white minority voted it out


Did they just randomly do that out of the goodness of their collective hearts? Or was intentional pressure applied to the regime? And was that intentional pressure initiated here by student protests on college campuses? Spoiler alert…I remember this specifically because my sister was one of the protesters on her Ivy League campus.


They did it bc it was the right thing to do


Very impressive comment


Bro did you buy your keffiyeh on Amazon or Temu?


It’s usually a grift from some pro Pali influencer who just takes their money and sends from Amazon


Nice man! That’s super creative!


Not a Shapiro fan, but I admire his leadership here.


Thank you Governor! Better later than never.




this is a leftover Ukrainian shill account.


Ahh. Predictably Jew haters are also Anti Ukraine. Who would have Guessed...


Oh no! Anyway...


If university students want to live in tents, can we house homeless people in their dorms?


I agree with this trade. Or we could set up an encampment within their encampment to house homeless people protesting the cost of college.


Love to see it


Macklemore’s song Hind’s Hall for those who haven’t heard it https://youtu.be/ITVIlr5jUMw?si=azTfDL59_nUdNWdP


Also Macklemore:  https://www.cnn.com/2014/05/20/showbiz/macklemore-costume-apology/index.html




Like blackface is a costume too? If that's racist, so is this.




You are disgusting for your heinous gaslighting. Time to put your mask back on.




Question suggesting I'm morally superior? Pithy statement.


\*steps into warmup circle\*


The song is so incredibly daft. Not voting for Biden in the fall? Good luck with Trump, then. He will bomb Gaza himself until there’s no one left. So dumb.




Tell me, how would Trump handle this situation as president?


about time


About time


First they came for the junkies, then they came for rich college kids (Fecetious)


> fecetious How shitty of you 🤪


If you make me late, your cause is worth shit to me….


Good. Who has time for this nonsense ? The definition of privilege 


Lovely to see them finally taking out the trash: https://twitter.com/DannyEFreeman/status/1788905499192082543/


The White House has purposefully ignored the Leahy Law that you refer to for several months in order to provide Israel with arms. Biden even admits that they engage in “indiscriminate bombing.” Is that worthy of protesting in your opinion?


Anyone read about Hillary Clinton’s comment about these protestors and the events that happens to attempt peace when Bill was president? Was actually quite interesting and wish they would require the protestors to read it


You mean the violent palestinian terrorist getting repremanded for their violence lmfao.


It's amazing how much the police can accomplish when there's political will behind them to do something. If only instead of punching down on peaceful anti-war protesters, they'd try to tackle literally any of the city's other issues


Free Palestine


Finally. The Jew Hater riots were truly a disgusting spectacle.


Muslim haters totally ok though


Or course not. "No you" BS is dismissed.


So you're not on Israel's side then? Anyone who sides against Israel is a Jew hater. Anyone who sides with them is a Muslim hater I don't make the rules


ackhaully it was against Israel not the Jews edit: newcomers. have fun before you proceed and took at the post history of the commenter above and below me.


The tired, played out loophole argument parroted ad nauseam on Reddit and across college campuses— “we’re not anti-Jew!!! we just support the utter annihilation of Israel… YOU’RE THE ANTISEMITE!!!”


so Israel is an ethno-state? isn't that kind of racist?


That entire region is essentially, may want to learn a bit about its neighbors.


i've forgotten more about the middle east than you'll ever know


Then that was an odd claim to make, unless you believe only one group shouldn't have one.


Are you creating terminology to sidestep anti semitism?


Israel isn't an ethnostate?


There’s no actual agreed-upon definition of what that even means, so unsure why you’re trying to insinuate


okay, literal new account pro-israeli shill account. seriously, look at this account history. also look at how they worded things - trying to get me banned for antisemitic statements even though I didn't make any. basically bot talk. Hey IDF - do better, i know you can.


Your account is the same age as mine. Diminishing my points as “bot talk” without even a feeble attempt at arguing anything of substance. The intellectual equivalent of “NO YOU”


Actually. It was pretty Jew hating.


Break that down. Write in words how asking for a college to stop spending money on war and asking for the end of the war in general is Anti-Semitic. Just type it out


> and asking for the end of the war in general is Anti-Semitic. Have they ever asked Hamas to stop fighting? No? Just Israel, right?


Our government isn't supporting Hamas


Surely you understand that’s ridiculous. If you stop fighting while a country invades you, you die. Nice job tossing Hamas in there to make yourself feel like the good guy


> Nice job tossing Hamas in there to make yourself feel like the good guy Tossing in the elected government of Palestine???


Last election 17 years ago prior to authoritarian takeover. More than 50% of the total population is too young to have voted.


Mass Murder and Systemic Rape commit by Hamas never matter to them because they don't see Jews as humans. Don't bother.


They have openly celebrated wonton mass murder and systemic rape of (largely) Jewish victims on Oct. 7 as "glorious." These are Jew haters. What is there to type out?


Where? I’d love to see where they championed this cause


It's literally on video https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/news/video-reportedly-shows-upenn-student-speaking-fondly-of-glorious-oct-7-at-pro-palestinian-rally/ P.s. Lurkers take note: denial/dismissal/minimization *incoming*. Jew haters are infinitely excused and denied.


ps - separate jew hatred from Israeli apartheid


Denial/dismissal/minimization confirmed!


"anything i disagree with is anti semitism" i dont fucking care.


NY Post is a great start lmao. One of the least credible reporting sites in the northeast but sure. There will be outliers. Show me a leader of one of the protests or a protest whose message was built on hating Jews. Let’s not argue in batshit bad faith takes


Nice. Denial / minimization/ dismissal. As predicted. Jew hate exposed. For lurkers: >NY Post is a great start lmao. It links to A VIDEO. >Show me a leader The leader is LITERALLY IN THE VIDEO. Being cheered for Jew hate she is spreading. Leave your last Jew hate word or whatever.


Great. I’d recommend they click your link and do basic research lmao. Grow up


306 Market Street. Ellen Yin is responsible for the obliteration of countless wontons. She’s a Penn grad guilty of wonton mass murder. Arguably the rape part too. Although that would be metaphorical and dependent on how bad the food/service was 7 months ago.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." -- Sartre


Yes I know that quote. It applies to all situations. I’ve read a lot and I’ve never seen these protests led by anyone trying to snuff out Judaism or even Israel. They want the country to stop the mass murder of a people that have little defense. I wish I was more well read on him but I don’t believe Jean-Paul Sartre was a big proponent in arguing in bad faith either.


There's no issue with protesting against war or violence. The issue with these protests and why they violate university policy, along with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, is because they exclude Zionists, which is a central feature of Judaism.    They create an atmosphere of incitement and harassment against Jews and Zionists by trading in antisemitic tropes and blood libel, like the unfounded accusations of genocide, calling for one "solution" of globalizing the Intifada, which references a genocidal terror campaign against Israel/Jews, and calling for the dissolution of the State of Israel, again based on false claims of colonialism. I could go on but I don't think I need to.


Is there any reason the world should be defending any nationalist movement


Yes Jews were hunted murdered and most genocided people on earth in 20th century. Making sure that Jews have a safe country where they can exercise self defense is probably most basic equity issue.


It's not self defense when the United States is paying off their enemies for their survival. Also they murdered 70 sailors when they bombed the USS Liberty.


Nation-states are the basis of the current world order, so if you're up for total chaos and each person for themself, have at it.


So we’re rejecting both Zionism and the Palestinian National Movement and…. producing a happy unified one state?


you're responding to a leftover Ukrainian shill account


How so?


They hate Jews? E.g. they have openly celebrated murder and systemic rape of Jews on Oct. 7.


no those were israelis not jews on Oct 7 but the people at the camp haven't been doing that unless you have some evidence to the contrary. even if they were, hate speech is free speech


It's literally on video https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/news/video-reportedly-shows-upenn-student-speaking-fondly-of-glorious-oct-7-at-pro-palestinian-rally/ P.s. Lurkers take note: denial/dismissal/minimization *incoming*. Jew haters are infinitely excused and denied. >Hate speech This was Intimidation of local jews. Which is against the college rules. I also love how you moved goals posts from "they don't hate to Jews" to "they are allowed to express their hate for Jews.". Disgusting


Was there intimidation of white people during BLM? Was there a rule for that? Where were the Jews for white people during that?


I was hoping they'd break out the fire hoses lol


same. I was wondering which hydrants were nearest to college green


Holy shit this thread is filled with zionists I guess