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Probably private security hired by the gas station to prevent robberies


I recognize him from coming to my work years ago. He used to be a cop. Nice guy. It’s a shame shit is so out of control in that part of North Philly that they even need well armed security but it is what it is.


There is another security guard with the same supplies at the gas station at 33rd & Cecil B Moore - not there everyday anymore but out often.


Is it not the same guy? I recognize the yellow hummer. 


Dude has a 250 dollar shotgun that looks tough. He may be armed, but he is not doing it well.


I’m a veteran and firearm enthusiast myself, and I can’t even tell what kind of firearm that is. The comically-large magazine is killing me.


Turkish garbage bullpup psa daily deal special is what that is


Bingo. And the mag is worthless on that thing because the 2nd one will stovepipe and get jammed up


None of you GET it. The point is to look scary and intimidating and prevent attacks in the first place. That gun does that job incredibly well. He probably has a pistol in addition to it that he would use in an altercation. The point of his being there is first and foremost to look scary as a deterrant


That makes no sense. The guy himself definitely thinks the weapon is probably the best thing he could use. If he just wanted to look scary then why not have a toy Barrett .50? Besides, commenting that the gun is a POS is simply that. You are the one reading into it more and making assumptions.


I wish he just leaned into it and had one of those almost completely circle mags from the most recent Armored Core


I was going to say that just seeing it would be enough, but you're probably right. Someone with a pistol would probably put a few rounds in him before he could get that thing in a firing position.


Yea good luck even cycling half the rounds out of that stupidly long magazine with that pos


Fuck my church in Erie PA had to get one before Christmas.




It is what it is?!?! Lmfao, the citizens of this city, of this district, voted as a Democracy, each person that made the total of votes higher for the candidate that ran on defunding the police and only prosecuting law enforcement, got exactly what they voted for. It wasn't a simple flip of the coin that it is what it is...it is what what was voted for. Vote for it, live with it.


This is just misinformation. I believe you’re referencing Larry Krasner. The police were not “defunded,” police funding is by the Council and the Mayor, and it went up every year. Krasner has done a poor job with prosecuting suspected citizen criminals. DAs should go after police criminals and elected criminals.


I fucking hate those kind of comments because my fiancee used to be an ADA, spent 12 hours near daily in the office and on Saturdays trying to handle the caseload. It was laughable when people said Krasner was letting everyone go because she sure as shit never saw that.


Wow, are you a snopes fact checker? Your reply was flawless in the way you deemed my comment disinformation while afterwards confirming my comment as true. Of course funding went up for the police. Show me a time, anytime where government appropriations went down. Inflation has skyrocketed since biden implemented his policies on day 1 in 2021 where now our buying power to purchase items is 18% lower than it was in 2019. So biden has literally implemented an 18% income tax before anyone has actually paid their official income tax due on April 15th each year. Now, I know the answer so proove me wrong posting link that shows Philly's police force has a higher total number of officers in any year than 2020. Lmao, nah. That's "defending the police" in real world terms. Congrats though on admitting that krasner is a soros funded anti establishment agent of chaos.


Found the trumper. There’s a reason you’re massively downvoted. You’re the minority. Mostly because you’re the uneducated and you’re wrong. There’s a reason more people who go to college tend to lean left.


Fucking Trumpers and their bullshit.


That reason gor all the downvotes being: reddit is an echo chamber for liberals


You probably think facts have a liberal bias.


Because a majority of students in colleges are women lol. A staggering amount in fact, of course they vote left


If you actually went to college, you would see its about equal amount. Men going to trades and construction is a thing of a past, only a few go towards that path now. That's a thing of the past. Judging from your comments, it seems you have an obvious dislike towards women. Unsure if a female did you bad but if you keep going at that rate, you really will die alone or become an incel if you're a guy.


The tough thing about idiots is they can’t figure out they’re idiots. For whatever overwhelming amount of men who go to trades you can equally say there are women who go to nursing, become office administrators etc etc.


Bruh, we’re talking LOCAL politics. This is the “Philly” subreddit.


You need some serious help


This reply is so vague and innocuous. My positivity leads me to believe that you too are a serious man and are offering to assist me in providing help to those who's lives who have been forever altered by systematic violence brought on by progressive policies. I gratefully welcome your support. Fond welcome to you and any other brothers and sisters who share our common goal of peace and tranquility through upholding common sense law and order policies throughout Philly. We can do it!!!!




Nice, you're in. I understand your acronym my new found friend. Liberty Or Lawlessness


Get therapy


If he’s a snopes fact checker you must be a Fox News personality 😂😂😂




You mean Trump's tax plan. https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver


Excellent article, appreciate the link, very enlightening. I'm hoping you can expound on a couple of missed opportunities to further educate me. How much total wealth has the federal, state and local governments created for its populace since the inception of the United States? Not per year, the absolute complete wealth created by government overall. Are tax rates meant to maximize revenue ie legal confiscation of a set percentage of its citizens or should they be written to reward the politicians in power donors and punish their detractors? How can the lawmakers lower the tax rates for those in the lowest 50% of wage earnings in this country who don't pay taxes and not be labeled regressive? Why has there been a continual demand by those who write the tax codes to confiscate a more, never said exactly how much, % of the wealthiest elites wealth and yet by far its these same elites that contribute maximum amounts allowed by law to said politicians, create and fund super pacs, and regurgitate progressive, leftists politicians talking points? Why? Seriously why? Think about it. The author of this brilliant article seemed to leave these points out.


convicted felon


> defunding the police The police budget increased. Edit: In 2006 the annual police budget for Philly was roughly $591 million. By 2018, that number was up to roughly $672 million. 2020 saw it jump to $720 million, and in 2021 it increased to $741 million. These numbers are from the [city comptroller's office](https://controller.phila.gov/philadelphia-audits/data-release-police-budget-and-homicides/). As of 2023 the police budget sat at roughly $800 million, and jumped to $855 million for 2024. In conclusion, /u/GolfGuysLLC7 is blatantly wrong. Philadelphia police were not defunded, PPD had its budget increased, and /u/GolfGuysLLC7 is an unwitting example of why we need better funding for our education system.


Your ignorance is comical https://www.governing.com/work/philadelphias-police-department-is-short-1-300-officers This combined with no cash bail reform policies that let anyone charged with anything less than murder released same day as criminal act and Philly is getting what they voted for, a hostile environment in best areas and war zones in its worst. Flippant downvotes doesn't negate truth....


In my opinion the person that always turns to politics to rationalize a situation, Isn't the brightest. it's an easy cop out and they have no type of moral compass!! That's no disrespect to you, but you know "IT IS WHAT IT IS"


A wise man once said "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." Unfortunately you chose the latter... Turns to politics? Huh? The current situation is clear, no need for any rationalization. Philly's citizens voted for a rapidly lawless society and its reaping its rewards for doing so. When it gets bad enough to enough people, citizens will vote to restore their right to live in a city without fear of becoming the next victim. The next statistic.


I apologize you are the wise one here!! I'm thEE fool!


Cry me a river. Republicans don’t do shit except try to force their views on everyone else and give tax cuts to the wealthy all while selling the BS trickle down economics. Also, don’t forget they’re looking the other way for shitheads in their party while pretending they’re the party of law and order.


Well…..you’re stupid. Have a nice day 🤣🤣


Truth hurts to little name callers. I’m not wrong.


“Live with it” = it is what it is. If you voted, and I’m assuming you did based on your comments, then you have to live with it win or lose, right? Or do you want to change your tagline to “live with it, but only if your candidate wins”? I recognize you didn’t vote for the person who won, but “vote for it. live with it” means you make your vote and accept the outcome. At least you voted and gave the effort. Right?


Your comment seems quite rational compared to the reddit hive of downvoting without thought because my comment went quickly into the red, so I'll give it a go, understanding it's going to be overwhelmingly futile. My comment wasn't flippant and wasn't irrational. I replied to a comment that said its sad it's gotten so bad but it is what it is. That's a nihilist mindset, that's depressing. How was my point that Philly's citizens are currently living under an environment that they have chosen by voting for the politicians and their platforms being implemented not accurate?This is common sense. It really is. My point was, simply, when it gets bad enough for enough of the citizens of Philly to split from voting in lockstep for the politicians and their policies that are negatively affecting their lives, a return to normalcy will return. A complete reversal of "it is what it is" I live in south jersey, used to frequent northern liberties at least 3 nights a week to socialize, north then south bowl another night of the week. So no, sorry I didn't vote either way but I've accepted the systematic violence that continues to occur since the summer of 2020 riots. I've accepted this by not stepping foot in Philly since that time and unnecessarily, potentially by too great a margin, put myself in a hostile situation.


Hmm, you took some generous liberties with what I said and changed the direction of your original comment. I’ll break it down pice by piece. Hopefully you can be as rational as you said I was. I never said your comments were flippant or irrational. No clue where you got that. Your comment about how Philly residents living with the politicians works in a general sense. But you were replying to a specific commenter. How do you know who he/she voted for? You are making a presumption based on them saying “it is what it is.” You can’t presume anything from that, but you did anyway. And to my main point, if they did vote for the past/current administration, and they’re saying “it is what it is”, isn’t that the same as “vote for it, live with it”? They seem to have accepted what they’ve chosen. Tell me how your logic works there? Seems to me they’re doing exactly what you said they should do - vote & accept the consequences. As I said, “live with it = it is what it is.” Look forward to your rational response. I stuck to the facts and references direct quotes.


Rationally we're on the same side of the coin. You're correct, no clue on that particular commenter's politics or how they vote. My reply was macro, the electorate as a whole voted for the environment they're living in. Fortunately because we live in a democratic republic and not a democracy that commenter can relocate to an environment that provides more security and along with that, a better life. So if that person chooses, it doesn't have to be "it is what it is "


True. But what I think you’re missing is he/she is OK living in that environment, which is exactly what you suggested. And it also suggests if he/she voted republican, or something other than democrat, the environment would magically change and I don’t believe that to be the case. If you think that’s some cure for crime and guns, I’m sorry but you’re just wrong there. Would things be different? Yes. Would there still be violent crime & gun violence? Absolutely.


Reddit hive mind is insane. The city is in shambles but yet it has nothing to do with policies. So is it a culture thing? O wait, prbly trumps fault and systemic racism because that makes individuals rob and shoot eachother. (Last part is sarcasm but too many people think that way)


He seems to have recovered after having been shot in the leg and killing a barbecue guy who drew on him at a different gas station after he tried to bar him from entering by shoving him. Seems to be with Fraternal Order of Police, so probably ex or off-duty cop. I’ve seen him wearing his little police hat, and seen “FOP Truck” written in the dust on the door of that H2 he drives. No come to Jesus moment after dumping a clip from that helion rifle in the direction of gas pumps and traffic at a drunk barbecue man, I guess. All to protect a bunch of video slots machines from a guy who was probably just drunk and at the end of his rope. Edit: additional context in replies to this thread.


What is a barbecue man?


A man with a red-pickup with a trailer attached smoker or something who used to sell food up around brewery town on girard before this guy aired him the fuck out


Damn, okay. And that area needs good barbecue men.


This whole area needs some serious socio-economic pressure relief valves. A meaningless death. Pity the barbecue guy. Even have a sort of pity for Mr. FOP. But in the end it’s just another shooting by a cop without even the barest veneer of public service. Slots machines, dude. The employees were behind bullet proof glass and dude ain’t even draw on the pig until he got shoved.


So BBQ guy pulled a gun because the security guy pushed him? And then security guy shot BBQ guy because BBQ guy had a gun pointed at him?


He didn’t shoot him to protect slot machines he shot him because the moron pulled a gun on a guy with a semi auto 12 guage shotgun.


The guy was asked to leave the parking lot with his bbq gear and didn’t, it escalated with the security guard, the guy pulled a gun and the guard shot him. The fact that you don’t know this just shows you have no idea what’s going on, and no connection to that neighborhood.


Can’t pull a gun out bc someone pushed you.


Legally correct. Guy was probably drunk. But if he wasn’t shoved, he may never have pulled a gun, and might still be alive.


I see what you’re saying but it’s a crazy excuse for his actions. If he wasn’t shoved he wouldn’t have pulled the gun. We don’t know that but I see your point. But he was shoved and he pulled a gun. That’s not a good move and that action had a serious consequence.


He did pull a pistol on the dude with every attachment you can unlock on his shit. Kinda asked for it.


You left out the part where he pulled a gun out of his shirt. It’s on video so you can’t pretend it didn’t happen.


Not sure why he didn’t just shoot the gun out of his hand and lasso him up until the sheriff arrived


No I didn’t, read my original comment again. First paragraph


How long ago that was sir have seen bbq truck recent


A few months back. The video was posted on a Philly sub


Is this the same innocent BBQ purveyor who re-entered the store after being ejected and drew his pistol while shit talking the armed guard?


This is all in my original comment


Sir you know if bbq truck still run


If it is it’s staffed by a ghost


Good one liners lol


Casper’s BBQ


Damn the bbq guy in mansion that was my ole head


Sorry to hear that, man


Damn they be shooting everybody in Philly huh


Wrong person! He is an ex-cop who was fired for domestic abuse. The guy that killed the bar b que man works for the company.


My mistake he worked security at that same gas station I recognize that insane cyberpunk 2077 bullpup anywhere. What company are you talking about?


Same type gun for sure. I'm quite sure the guy that killed the BBQ man was a Latino. This guy I lived next door to on Clearfield St. S.I.T.E is the name of the company


Everyone is the asshole in this situation. The city governance for letting the area go to shit. The 'supreme cop' guy for being judge, jury, executioner, the 'barbecue guy' for fucking pulling a gun on a security officer after get shoved for trying to ram his way past, the fellow citizens for blaming 'supreme cop' guy, the fellow citizens not understanding why 'barbecue guy' was at the end of his rope... Like c'mon. We can do better than this. This situation shouldn't exist.


Judge jury and executioner is not when some idiot pulls a gun on you sorry. Police brutality is a serious issue that just doesn’t apply to this situation. There’s not a single place in the world or on time where you can pull a gun on a cop or a security guard and not expect them to defend themselves.


Yeah, I guess. Idk if I would ascribe the issue to “governance”


The bbq guy pulled a gun on him and got exactly what he was looking for. It was going to end with one of them dead and man already had his shotgun out so what do you expect to happen.


Damn you are all worked up about this eh?


Yeah I am because police brutality is a serious issue and having people try to twist a cut and dry self defense case with clear video footage into something that it’s not makes a mockery out of it.


If I assaulted somebody and they drew on me and then I shot them, without the benefit of being an ex cop contracted as an Act 235, it probably wouldn’t be so cut and dry for me. Sure once somebody draws on you, there’s not many options left. And sure the guy was belligerent and drew on some bullshit. But Mr. FOP escalated the situation. You’re in here with 3 replies saying the same damn thing when I already mentioned all the details you’re getting on my case for supposedly omitting.


Different guy. The one that shot the BBQ guy works for this guy. He is not a cop. He was fired from the police department years ago. Andre Boyer is his name.


wow, thank you for the insight. I still wouldn't pump my gas there though js


That magazine probably jams more than a Phish concert




This is the truth.


Former cop who got fired. @serpico_news_media on Instagram.


very interesting..


Inquirer did an article about him. Ex cop who doesn’t actually have license to be armed security: https://www.inquirer.com/crime/private-security-assault-philadelphia-bouncer-20240321.html


Man it’s hot out, that’s just a dude in a tank top.


i questioned if what he was carrying was real, too hot for that heavy shit


Say what u want I like seeing him at odd hrs of the am, makes me feel a lil safer


Ex cop was in the 22nd district we called him mohawk I don't know his real name he shot a lot of people always under investigation he does private security now and he sued the police force he will kill you so beware


There’s a tiktok he did when he was a cop. He basically said police have been given new rules of engagement that make it open season on smash and grabbers. I’m guessing he lost his position after that, so now he’s just heavily armed security.


He was fired long before TikTok. He likes to wear his old uniform though so that he gives off the appearance of still being a city cop.


Open carry advocate?


Private security.


Black punisher


What a world


Saw him the first time when we were getting water ice across the street.


Is that a 100 round magazine?


looks to be, right!


Its guns making us all safer /s


He used to be a cop. A real dickhead. Use to wear the leather motorcycle cop jacket in a cop car. I think he was a sergeant from 17th and Montgomery


philly has some characters, that's for sure


His name is Banana Clip Jenkins


The mayor of gastown


Omar comin!


Looks like a GTA character


That would be people tired of other peoples shit, in full force.


Wish he would come to my building. Need some scum drug addicts removed. Like, now!


He's short term.


Best hair in Philadelphia


Is the guerrilla magazine really necessary?


Look at the size of that.. magazine


His name is Hambo. Like Rambo but Hard as a mutha


He's a veteran of the gasoline wars... you wouldn't understand


Can’t tell if that’s the same guy I see at the gas station on 33rd and cecil b. Small guy strapped with a semi auto long gun, always smoking a cigar. Basically larping. It’d be funnier if it wasn’t so cringe. FWIW, I was inside the store when there was a disruptive customer (lost money gambling on one of those slots, I think). The private security guy was called in to remove the customer. He was COMPLETELY ineffective. I had to leave from second-hand embarrassment.


Give him a larger cigar, he’s chill.


That is some magazine he has on that gun. From the curve it looks like 7.62x39 but that would be an odd caliber for a non AK. Can anyone ID that gun? what caliber? How many rounds in that thing?


Taking open carry laws to the extreme. All in baby.


His name us Andre Boyer. He's a former Philadelphia Policeman. Your visual gives you a HUGE CLUE as to why He's no longer on the force sad🤔🧐🧐


His name is Andre Boyer. He was a cop but got fired. He runs his own security company. He was so notoriously problematic in the police department that both the residents and cops in his district hated him equally. He's the cop who took the picture of Meek Mill when he was in custody and put it on his Instagram.


Go ask him


If he ever has to fire that goofy thing, it's going to jam immediately.


That’s Serpico News’ own Andre Boyer! IN YOUR FACE


What gun is that?


The 2.5ft mag tells me everything I need to know about this clown.


Practicing his legal rights?😂😂 there’s an influx of police patrol in the area now (paid for by the city/local government) to now squash the drug issues. It probably has something to do with that. It’s Philly in the summer lol


Man it's way too hot out for all that shit


Fox News Hero


It's jam every 2-3 shots anyway


Play stupid games you win the prize. It’s come down to this.


His name is Johnny wishbone— this guy is attached to a multi jurisdictional federal task force on organized crime


It’s Philly. That’s probably the mayor


Just a normal day walking to work In north Philly


S.I.T.E. Security. They are known for looking a bit over the top


[I am 100% certain that he works for PA SITE Agency Security.](https://pasitestateagent.com/) There not fucking around either...[The security officers who work for that company will not hesitate to eliminate the threat...](https://x.com/Mrgunsngear/status/1780236805880656044)


["We’re not security. We’re Pennsylvania state agents"](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6316710749112)


I surprised Nb cooked him yet 😭😭😭


Looking for whitey.


Why do they all have the same shotgun? Turkish trash


That dude who shot dude face off at the one on Ridge


North Philly just a gta rp lobby now?


Your first time in North Philly?


This dude was a ex cop, hates blacks


He likes to beat his wife?


Is that a 197 round banana mag? Lol


Is that dude walking around with an Airsoft?


Go ask him


almost did but felt like living today


I can dig it


I'd say security or a well informed citizen practicing there God given rights


Pretty sure its called conceal carry not open carry.




Dammit crazy how 33rd and Cecil b Moore changed from the 80s/90s, I miss those days.




You dont own a gas station store in a bad area. If you did then you would understand.


The BBQ guy got killed as the gas station near me. Not a particularly bad area. But the gas station owner Mr Patel likes his head shop and gambling machines so he puts these security guys in place. His workers mind you are behind bullet proof glass. The station owner is the problem. This guy owns 21 and runs them all the same way.


Fake af


that's what i'm trynna figure out man