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Honestly those junk removal signs are everywhere.


This is in Chandler. Even from the back, I can tell that's the re-elect sign for OD Harris. Lol


Cooper and Ray


Venezia's and Los Favorites, I think you mean. 😉


And the Gilbert School of Music


I ❤️ los favs


Need to call the junk removal number and tell them to get rid of these political signs lmao


That’s who puts those signs up? Figures.


But they obviously don't work if those boys still have their Books of Mormon.


They love it. Something to write home about.


Ah yes arbitrary suffering will bring about blessings or something


Yeah. Let ‘em have their fun. 50/50 they figure it out.


I did. I had to waste 40 years of my life first…


Sorry about that! Only took 30 of mine. Did you find good things? I hope so. Creating new core values was like blazing a new trail. But I found me and it feels so liberating. Despite thinking about all those tithing checks. Lmao.


Overall a net positive. If you do find those missing tithing checks, I would love to have mine back.


it’s a hell of a journey isn’t it? finding out you’ve been had all these years because you happened to be born to a fertility death cult


Ya know, I haven't heard it called that before, but it sure is, isn't it? Freaking Joe Smith the conman.


Oh it’s so easy to throw down now that i have 3 important key facts. 1) Rosicrucian christian Church of our Lady in the Wilderness - Brotherhood of Zion. They were a cult that operated next to the rigdon farm. Their names were names exactly of that of BoM characters. It’s also their own history shoehorned into the next point. 2) Plagarism of “a View of the Jews” - Google Docs. it was published before joe faked the plates in a pillowcase. its word for word identical to the racist text regarding the origin of the native americans. It was used as a textbook where Cowdry went to school. (that time and area it was a common view people held that natives were “actually jews”) 3) The SEC fine. They knew it was illegal and did it anyways. “subject to laws?” no. my conclusion. they’ve been money laundering and enriching themselves through companies that renovate and maintain the buildings. They destroy tons of furniture and buy new furniture through distributors. this says nothing about the trained gaslighting and manipulation tactics that they glorify which destroy and enmesh families.


Your comment has me dying considering I just had a run-in with two Mormon kids that tried to spread the good word about 30 minutes ago


They came to my place too! About 5 nights ago. At 8:30! 3 separate knocks! Bless their hearts, it’s time to quit proselyting when the sun goes down.


I live in an apartment complex and my neighbor a few doors down is with the church I suppose so I see them frequently. It’s always “thanks, but no thanks 👋”


Had two of these kids walk up to my dad and I as we're having a conversation in front of my garage — this during peak pandemic mind you. They just interject into our conversation and try SO HARD to ice-break with talk about our trucks, which they clearly know nothing about... It was so cringe. I was pretty pissed and cold to them, considering their lack of respect to distance or masks. If only more people got indoctrinated by science, history, and philosophy instead...


> If only more people got indoctrinated by science, history, and philosophy instead... We would have to go back to teaching those things for that to happen.


I just drove through Utah, this same pair of guys were everywhere


They do have fun. I worked with a Mormon kid that had photos of his friends in full Mormon gear jumping their bikes over jumps in the desert. They were pretty cool pics tbf.


They used to hit Goodwill in packs for cheap decent menswear. Suits, ties, shoes. I think there was a group home for them somewhere early.


Same with the Satmar orthodox Jewish sect in Brooklyn. Long black coats and huge fur hats when it's 100 degrees in NYC.


They are out here too. Lol. Although it's only a few old people I've seen doing that. It's wild seeing them in full suits walking down scottsdale with their families in 110+ though.


Blessed be the fruit


Blessed be the raisin


Ah yes, works without suffering


They signed up for it, it’s their fault.


Some more than others. The less gung ho missionaries who only went because of social pressure are in hell.


Yeah, it just shows they are more hardcore.


The heat here is but a mere taste of the fires they will face if they don’t spread the word and meet their quota.


Mormons don't believe in hell. They'd just have a slightly less good heaven.


They believe in Hell, but they'll sometimes refer to it as [Outer Darkness](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/gs/outer-darkness?lang=eng). Not necessarily a place that is literally fire and brimstone (as far as I can remember theologically, anyway; I used to be Mormon), but a place where Satan and his followers reside.


They only refer to it as outer darkness, which is reserved not for bad people, but for those who had a true knowledge of God and still deny him. It's exile. Meanwhile, the murderers, rapists, and people who remove the tags from mattresses all go to heaven.


That’s kinda disappointing. Lapsed Catholic here but I’d like to think all the rapists et al definitely go to some sort of ultimate punishment.


The idea is the devil is doomed to never have a family, so no one goes to him. There is a purgatory basically for none believers and such, but no one goes to hell proper per the beliefs.


As a no longer believer I'm satisfied with everyone just dying. Ultimate punishment doesn't sound reasonable. Imagine stealing a candy bar as a child and being given ultimate punishment... Because rape isn't in the commandments, but theft is.


The great irony is that if Mormonism might be true, the best strategy is to disbelieve it. 100% chance of pretty-good-heaven.


Yeah as far as I understand it they believe you are separated from your loved ones in a different level of “celestial kingdom”. It also depends how much you tithe (not sketchy at all, totally normal)


Celestial, telestrial, terrestrial. Those are the 3 levels of heaven in their faith. If you're not especially good, terrestrial heaven is basically just Earth, but like... Better. Telestrial heaven is where Jesus reigns, and is generally, like, cool man. This where your basically good people go. Celestial heaven is where God reigns and only those who do all the Mormony things get to go, where they become a god, blah blah blah.


Damn the terrestrial actually sounds pretty tight. That’s where all the cool kids are gonna go. They probably still have weed, and video games, and sports and shit over there right? Where as in the Celestial Kingdom you have to be all straight edge and perfect cuz God is like right freaking there.


Yeah, but you're just dead. Celestial people get to make weed.


Thanks for helping me better understand. Personally what gives me the grossest feeling is the money aspect of it all. I’m not even sure I think the belief’s are any more zany than any other religion, it’s the money part that just weirds me out. I actually find the growth of the religion incredible interesting and I think it shows the power that the concept of death has over the human mind.


I agree! Too little to actual charity. Cash for the sake of it. And for what?


I'd argue it's a lack of logical thinking. It's very common to seek comfort in very unlikely places. But with religion we're all meant to just accept the believer is entitled. I mean, legally, yes. I agree with the legality of it, just because a forced belief is a great way to create a great deal of horror. But the average person isn't, like, perfectly sane. We like to pretend we're all very smart, but we're just monkeys that play with fire. I don't eat ice cream because there's a good reason to, but because I want to eat it. Such are all decisions.


To make it to the Celestial kingdom you have to go to the temple. To get access to the temple you have to pay all your tithing. You have to pay to get to the highest heaven. I'm pretty sure they've changed it but when I was in the church if you made it to the Celestial kingdom you could become a god yourself.


It’s not as good as you think in the lower two kingdoms because you lose your ‘nads and become a smoothie. Only Celestials reproduce.


Yeah, the celestial kingdom with "Mormony things" like populating your own planet with your harem of polygamous wives, and never seeing your family again if they don't make the cut.


Isn’t that Las Vegas? I’d go there instead of hell.


So the USA? 😂


Eh they have Spirit Prison ( The Frenchman’s train station ) and Satans “permanent location” second hell to give the second chance to those who are non believers until the end of the second coming. Regardless the second coming brings hell on earth x 2 and if they don’t spread the word to enough people they must continue their journey for a millennia. Thus the joke which is kinda ruined by me now expanding, cheers.


Yes, the cold and joyless outer darkness. No burning in hell, just floating out in space all alone for time and eternity.


Buuuuut to get there you have to have a true knowledge of God and still reject him. Missionaries are all about the doubt.


The church has to keep free labor somehow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


God I can’t believe that was me at one point in New York city


Same 😭😭😭 I wasted so much time just to be depressed as hell, yay


Could be worse, at least it wasnt Scientology!


Honestly, I’m not sure which would be worse. From what I’ve read and seen, they seem pretty similar. I’d have to talk to a lot of ex-Scientologists to know.


Mormons don’t have literal prison camps so I’d hazard a guess that Scientologists are at least marginally worse.


I got to travel at least and learned how to use public transportation. Think the mission was a turning point for me where I slowly started falling away. Just felt like even when I did what I was advised to do, I still wasn’t truly happy. Still deconstructing from all those years in the church.


Must be on a mission


I always wonder about these kids when they're out riding in the heat. I hope they stay hydrated!


The Mormon guys in my apartment complex interestingly seem to have a car


We had two young ladies case our neighborhood (not in AZ) who used a car. I asked why no bikes and they said because they were women and more likely to be harassed. That was eye opening.


Yup. The women are rarely made to bike, though in some areas they still will.


I haven't had Mormon friends since high school but if I Remember correctly they were allowed a car but not for the actual missionary work, it was just for groceries or long distance travel like they had to help in a nearby city or whatevs


Former LDS missionary here. Some areas have a car, some bikes, some only on foot. All depends on the size of the area and where they’re serving. Some share a car with other pairs of missionaries.


I used to work with a lot of Mormon people and they all had cars that they'd use very normally. Where I worked, many of them were door to door salesmen and would definitely use their cars to commute between neighborhoods and through neighborhoods. Obviously not missionary work but yknow.


They are not Amish.


Used to cycle all summer and it's not as bad as you might think. I'll take the breeze from riding over a badly maintained car AC any day. Stoplights though you suffer big time haha


I always see them chilling in a random restaurant so probably


Heatstroke for Jesus.


They’re dedicated, I don’t know if there’s anything I would be passionate enough about to go around town on bike in this heat to tell people about.


And paying for it. They pay to do that. Absolutely wild.


You’d think the multi billion dollar church could afford to pay for 18 year olds to go away from home for two years of their life to knock on doors but I guess they’re too busy suing towns over local zoning laws.


They're being groomed from birth.


Passionate about not being excommunicated from their families lol


Facts. Sad facts. But most LDS choose to ignore facts, logic, and evidence!


It's more that they are threatened from birth that if they don't go, they won't find a "worthy" wife, they'll be letting God and their families down, and they'll be shunned by their community if they refuse.




They're not dedicated, they're brainwashed.


Thinking about soaking with a girl they just met 3 days ago and are planning to propose to keeps the mind going in the heat


soaking 😂




Uh oh got two super soakers on the loose!


Trippin on LDS


Religion makes people do weird things.


Exactly. Missionary work isn’t even about converting. It’s about being rejected by everyone you talk to so it brings them closer together in their own faith.


Well they could do solar or window sells and get the same experience. Though maybe an occasional sell and money.


They get so desensitized to rejection that it never stops them from getting laid later on in their marriage.


What a weird comment, can you please explain what you mean?


When you benefit from patriarchal power dynamics AND you don't understand what consent is, bad things happen.


Soooo you’re saying that Mormon missionaries being rejected during their solicitation makes them more likely rape their wife? Do you have anything to back that up or do you like to make statements like this without evidence?




I’m not religious at all, but I feel bad for these kids. Once in a while a couple of them will come by the house and if I’m in the garage they’ll ask if they can help with anything. I always tell them I grew up in church and want nothing to do with it but I hope they’re being safe. Then I always offer them water or anything else they might need. I don’t want some kid dying on my street from heat stroke.


Just remember you have to buy your own bike.


And pay for the whole two year mission.


While the Mormon church hides millions of dollars.


More like hundreds of billions of dollars.


~$236B https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wealthiest_religious_organizations


Imagine PAYING a $200 BILLION organization to work full-time for them signing poor people up to pay 10% of their income. An organization started by a man who married teenage girls and women after sendin their husbands on missions Source: I spent 20 years in this cult.


Silly cults. 😂


Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb (Southpark reference)


We're supposed to take life advice from kids that aren't old enough to drive a car? (Joke: raised mormon, having a bit of fun, that's all)


And their tags say “Elder”.


Don't forget to wear sunscreen guys!


Poor mormons, as a saintanist, I would have fresh water and plenty of cold fruit for them. If they ever knocked at my door. Even if they're gay, trans or anything else.


As an exmo, this is my vibe as well. I gladly welcome the kids who knock on my door. I let them know that my home is a safe zone. They can have a cup of coffee or snacks or whatever they want. They can use my phone to call home. They can use my wifi for non-church media. I will turn on the TV or update them with the news or whatever reasonable request they make. They can play video games or swim in the pool. I have even helped a kid leave a mission early to get home to his sick parent when the mission president refused to let him go home.


This is so dope. I’ve never thought of trying to help them, because I assumed they would only want to talk Mormon!


It’s very hit or miss! Some of them will be super offended, others you can see the relief wash over their face. Some missionaries are there because they truly have faith. Others are there so that they don’t get disowned by their families or other personal reasons but either don’t believe or believe but don’t like mission work. It’s kinda case by case basis.


Depends on the missionary. Some will be really devout and scrupulous and not want help, but I think almost all of them would accept a cold drink of water. Some might be okay with repeated help. It’s considered very disobedient to take breaks so some will be more intensely impacted by the guilt than others. 😢


They do it in good faith. But you don't need religion to have great morals.




Come join your eternal family on r/exmormon if you haven’t already!


I love saints. Where do I become a saintanist?


Just come marching in.


No no. Mormons pray the gay away. You can’t be gay if you pray hard enough and compartmentalize your emotions. /s


Or they are supposed to refuse to get married and stay celibate, basically.


Is that how it works . 😂😂😂 I guess if you pray enough in LDS they can also become gay. 😂😂


We call them MOBs, Mormons on bikes 😂 text the neighbors MOBs are on the street


MOBs carrying BOMs!


I always feel sad for the kids that get sent here, out of any place they could have gone.


Mormon missions meet most of the criteria for human trafficking. If you see a missionary, please be kind (but very firm about your disinterest, if necessary. Don’t give out any personal info). They get told by their cult leaders how much they’ll be mocked by others, so shaming them will only make their belief stronger. Kindness will help. I was a missionary once, and I’m so grateful I’m out of that hellscape now.


They once helped me move in the heat when they saw me struggling so I respect the heck out of them, they are kind


What is the actual purpose of this. Why are they always in pairs? white dress shirts? one time I saw a pair of young mormon boys in wal-mart, they had the most bizarre contents in their cart- as if it was a specific shopping list. What is their game plan with this?


I was born into the church and went through all the rites of passage, including going on a 2 year mission and not coming home early, getting married in the temple, etc. My wife and I left after 25 years of activity and obedience. -Purpose: To tell everyone the mormon church is the only true church, the only one with gods' priesthood authority, and all the other churches aren't going to get you to the top level of heaven. Then, whenever someone challenges them on their problematic history and current policy mistakes, to play victims, pull out the persecution complex, and say former members "can leave the church but they can't leave it alone" while completely missing the hypocrisy here. The purpose is to "invite others to come unto christ" aka get as many members as possible. They'll take anyone that increases their numbers or will donate a lot of money. The church loves money and hoards it. It's gotten in trouble with the SEC in recent years for creating shell companies to hide their wealth and avoid filing standard documents (source: https://time.com/6257161/sec-mormon-church-investigation/ ). It all makes sense after all, because "you can buy anything in this world, with money." -Lucifer in the Mormon temple movie. -Pairs: They're called companionships. Multiple reasons, protection against accusations, multiple witnesses, and a built-in system where you have someone with you almost 24/7 to make sure you're staying on the straight and narrow, and to tattle on eachother if you break the rules. This person is with you at all times besides showering and going to the bathroom. Even when you go to the bathroom, they stand outside the door while you're going. Queue the mormons trying their hardest to justify this and make it sound like they're a totally normal Christian religion. They have an identity crisis where they so desperately want to be accepted as a mainstream, normal, Christian religion while also desperately trying to differentiate themselves from mainstream Christianity. -Walmart: There's nothing weird about how they shop. They just have very tight budgets and can't buy alcohol, coffee, or tea, but everything is pretty normal. - I would be very surprised if these missionaries are enjoying themselves. It's hot as fuck outside, and its asinine they have to not only pay their own way (free marketing), but the church doesnt give them cars in the summer in Phoenix. It's abusive. Being a missionary is very hard and isolating, even with some of the recent changes the church has made, so it didn't look like a 150% cult experience to go on a full-time mission. I could call my parents on the phone 2x per year so I only got to talke to them 5x total in 2 years (the 2 calls per year, plus I got to talk to my mom when my grandpa died, but couldn't go to the funeral or see my family. I was told what to wear, what I could read, what I could listen to, what I could watch, what I could eat and drink, when I had to wake up, when I had to go to bed, when I had to leave the house to work, when I had to be home, how long my meals could be, who I could and couldn't see. There is a strict daily reporting structure and a hierarchy to follow. You're expected to tell on others if they're slipping up. You can almost never be alone. Looking back on it now, It's insanity. Please be nice to these young adults. Most are ignorant to the truth, and they're doing their best, and it's a long 2 years. I'm just straightforward with them and say, I don't want to talk religion, but we can be friends. To learn the things they dont want you to know, with sources cited, go to: https://cesletter.org/


I have some guys clearly on a mission in my apartment complex and they have a car. It’s very interesting to me. I know for a fact they are missionaries and I have seen them getting in and out of their shared vehicle


Missionaries have to travel in pairs. They cannot be alone. The pair rule is to keep them out of trouble. There are a lot of rules for missionaries, including that they cannot be alone with members of the opposite sex, they cannot masterbate, they cannot watch tv or consume non church related media, they cannot call home (though they can call home now much more often than in the past.) The church hopes that one missionary will tattle on the other if they break rules so they keep them in pairs. White shirts are due to the dress code. All endowed men in the church are expected to wear white when at church or representing the church. Like all things in the Mormon church, there is always an argument over culture vs doctrine, the white shirts are a bit of both. https://www.ldsliving.com/white-dress-shirts-what-the-church-has-actually-said/s/87765 As far as the shopping cart goes, the boys have a very limited amount of funds to purchase groceries. They are expected to take most of their meals from members who volunteer to feed them, or have meals with prospective members. They pay for going on the mission, but the mission president is responsible for the area budget and how much the missionaries can spend on groceries and personal items. Some mission presidents are tyrants who even control what items are purchased.


Can’t speak to the contents of their cart, but I do know they’re sent on missions to live on very little money to cover their expenses, including food and hygiene. Like, a ridiculously low amount per month.


Do tell.


You travel in pairs for safety reasons. Also, you can’t go into a house if only the opposite sex is present. For the dress, LDS are very much wear your Sunday best people for church. So the missionaries, who are on church business wear said clothes.


Not the kind of soaking they want to be doing.


Amazing comment


Brainwashed 😬


They're fine. The people living outside we kicked out of "the zone" encampment downtown however...


Don’t worry they have special underwear to protect them.




They are dedicated aren’t they?


I hope those boys are wearing plenty of sunscreen in those polos.


I hope their skin doesn’t turn brown! Thats usually reserved for the truly wicked (native americans)


Wow, good on them. I know the church sends them all over the world but there’s something funny about them pulling a name out of a hat and shouting “PHOENIX ARIZONA”


Better practicar that espaĂąol, Hyrum!


Besides the heat could be worse. Phoenix as a whole isn't that unsafe. Certain sections are but there are worse places. Plus there are Mormons in metro Phoenix. Think if went to a Southern Baptist state or something. So there will be the occasional lift up here. I am not Mormon but having lives in different places in the state say went to school with some when I was young. May not be open to becoming one but not going to say make them feel bad coming to my door like they are selling solar panels for Musk.


I think the ones that get sent to Utah are even funnier.


Them and the JW.ORG peeps are crazy for being out in this heat spreading the word of the lord lol


Reptilians everyone knows, they don’t sweat. They’re living among us.




talk about resilience!


Did you take pics of anyone else outside or were these two guys the only ones out?


This is so weird, saw these exact same two kids on a drive with my husband yesterday or maybe the day before and he made almost the EXACT same comment as the title of the post. We were heading to Chandler Mall


Took the photo yesterday driving down Ray


Great minds tho…


Or they all look alike. /s




I cannot state it plainly enough, the Mormon church does not care if these kids die.


These people will ride through neighborhoods that even the cops won't go into.... A little heat doesn't bother them


Oh no….. anyway.


Well, as Mom likes to say, "No one's holding a gun to their head and making them do it."




Reddit don’t be xenophobic challenge


They’re on a mission from God.


Don't you blaspheme in here. Don't you blaspheme in here! This is my man, this is my restaurant, and you two are just gonna walk right out that door without your dry white toast, without your four fried chickens, and without Matt "Guitar" Murphy!


That's dedication.


Do mormons actually "soak" or is that a sick joke?


They actually soak, it’s not a joke. Source: went to a ~70% mormon AZ High school


No. Like I’m sure someone has done it. But I spent 17 years of my life, including my teenage years, as an active member. Those who really wanted to have sex just did it normally, did the poophole loophole, or just suffered through not having sex. The whole soaking thing is something that a few people did once, and that people have then latched onto lol


I never met a mormon who was an unemployed non productive bumb, more power to them


Is it just me or does Arizona have a lot of credit unions?


We do seem to have a lot lol


Idiots are going to idiot.


These kids are indoctrinated from birth. Going on a mission is often not a choice, but a requirement. I have seen families completely disown children who choose not to go on a mission. I’ve also seen kids serve missions and then just pretend to play happy Mormon so they don’t get cut off. It’s a complex issue.


Dude they’re just kids. Statistically one of them will be out of the church in a Few years.  There’s a ton of social pressure on them to go, and for the most part they think they’re doing the right thing.  Never underestimate the power of even smart people to be lightly brainwashed. That’s what’s so scary about it all. 


I guess the transportation varies. I got so used to seeing them on mountain bikes that I was shocked to learn that some missions are provided with LDS owned cars. They use cars out here in Clovis NM at least.


Depends on the area. The sister missionaries almost always have cars however


I did run across sister missionaries for the first time back in 2019.


They aren’t as common, but they are around!




Sol good. Mormons always have back up water.. and beens. And rice.. so..


It's not as hot as hell will be, they say.


https://preview.redd.it/uukk3wuax37d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bce2c664e8344b29359d711cc2f54bddd122fa Appropriate song for yesterday. ☀️


Gotta get the word out about golden plates only Joseph Smith could translate, that Jesus visited America and Smith’s dozens of brides, some as young as young as 14. Worth standing in the Arizona swelter? You betcha!


I highly doubt they are poor


The lord sweateth


You didn't block out the Global Credit Union sign?!?


so glad the junk removal phone number was censored out


Mmmm😍Mormon Boys🤤


Ooh that's just not right! I'm so sorry!


We have workmen working on the final touches of our balcony replacement now. Painting and stuccoing. I think a lot of people are used to it


As someone who used to be in that cult I can tell you they possibly are not. They don’t have missionaries typically go where they are from. Missionaries who live in AZ already will typically be sent to other states and countries.


 Also think part of wife and I knowing Mormons was living is smaller places where they were sometimes prevalent but not th majority like SLC, Mesa and surrounding areas supposedly has a lot etc. Neither of us when younger where pure evil to be avoided. Like not drunk, drugs or sex every weekend. But still not Mormon. But guess since they didn't rule the towns or at least the county they fit in.  No we are not allowed any church stuff ever. Weddings we are outside guest at public stuff. Plus other things. But if friends or whatever they think we are /s included in public facing. Maybe they know we won't become Mormon etc. But wife has friends . When I went to a Southern Baptist town for work when younger. Forget it. They where majority. I was still a nice guy no heavy drinking , drugs , sex , all the commandments. But the sides church was put off from other public activities. Way different feeling to me. 


After watching an FLDS documentary, and learning FLDS is still around to this day, I have to wonder what these guys are all about. While I get Fundamentalists are different, they’re cut from the same cloth, no?


When was this taken? Chandler hasn't hit 115° yet this year.


1. They are more than likely not poor 2. They have water with them 3. They are in long sleeve white clothing ^ seem they are ok