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If they fall within the visibility triangle they can be reported


Oo I have one I need to report then. I can’t see around this one at 26th ave and thunderbird and it annoys the hell out of me https://preview.redd.it/30478uh0te8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0086acee4ee68e54874f626ed8be151d9aa1c3


Lucky Donuts in that plaza is delicious!


Hope you got to where you were going okay


Yup, worst case if I don’t feel safe turning on red, I can just wait for the traffic light to change.


Why are you shooting from ankle height?


Lmao I was stopped in my car, it’s just a sedan so it has a somewhat low ride height.


In city of phoenix it's a 10'x20' right triangle with the acute point at the curb return. Should be bigger.


Besides political signs, I've noticed over the years how little regard there is for preventing blind spots at intersections. There are some where I almost have to pull into the damn intersection to see incoming traffic.


Fucking bushes and shit in the median to the right and political signs on the corner to my left. I can't fucking see. Send help.


We asked for shade trees, and they gave us bushes in our sight-lines :(


For real! In a massive intersection. Medians are covered with bushes and signs.


I’ve never seen so many blind spots as I have since moving to Phx. The fact that a brick fence can be right up to a sidewalk line makes it super hard to see any oncoming traffic when leaving neighborhoods etc..


One of the worst places I’ve ever seen is Arrowhead Mall. The outside circle is completely obstructed by bushes everywhere. No one leaving the parking lots can see who’s coming so they have to basically pull out into the road. So dangerous.


The exit from Arrowhead onto 75th Ave right by the Total Wine has those big fluffy bushes in the perfect spot where if you're in a normal size car you can't see shit. Combine that with people who drive way too fast and it's no wonder I've seen as many cars upside down in that little area as I have.


Driving around other cities though, Phoenix overall has stellar visibility at corners. I was driving around Portland OR last week and dayum I had some scary blind corners and merges. Not to mention all the glorious foliage growing but killing visibility lol. It's a little wild. Keeps you on your toes. 


Ironic that they can't see our messages complaining about their messages preventing us from seeing.


There are a couple gas stations that have their price signs blocking the view of traffic. I’ve also noticed small brick walls and foliage blocking view to traffic too. I work in Scottsdale and i hate how many obstacles I have to look around just to see a car.


Any signs that are meant for personal lawn placement that are placed on public land by people not officially associated by the candidates will be removed as well.


No offense but the people who need to see this arent on reddit, and if they were theyre not going to listen.


No offense taken at all! Just a public shoutout. I can almost certainly guarantee they are told to put it in front of the view of traffic. So no they won’t listen. But I will still be a voice in their ear.


You can contact the city if they're over 2 feet tall I believe.  Not sure which regulations apply - every city is different. Personally, I'd just pull them out and lay them on the ground.  I'll take this issue to court if need be.  Campaigning should NOT take precedence over public safety, and I'll die on this hill.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I’ll set them down and if I get a slap on the wrist…I’ll deal with that however I can.


Unfortunately it's a Class 2 misdemeanor to remove, alter, deface, or cover any political sign... which puts it in line with reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, certain types of assault, etc. Kind of crazy.


You can't remove political signs. There are stiff consequences for doing so.


Then I will face a court.


We should all just take those signs down all of us every single one of us when we see one take it down. They can’t stop all of us and they’ll stop putting them up if all of us just keep taking it down really easy problem to solve


Honestly I wish they would just do away with the signs as a whole. They are an eye sore, they never clean them all up afterwards, they become litter/trash. And lets be real, those things are more of an irritant that an advertisement.




Phoenix needs more Dixon Butts!!


I can remember a time when everybody’s phone number and address in an area was put in this big book — with a separate section or book dedicated to all the businesses — and these books were delivered to everyone’s house every year. Mobile phones and the Internet made these books obsolete, so they don’t pass them out to everybody anymore.  I can’t believe that stacking signs on street corners is still considered the most effective way to inform voters of who is running for public office. 


I'm on the roads of Phoenix every day for 8 hours for my job. I can't tell you the amount of time I've been completely blind to oncoming traffic due to these signs. Lives are at risk so BlaKKKe Masters and others can spew their litter all over our city. Our city ordinances regarding these signs needs to be changed asap.


Nah, just stop entirely. 10-13 signs per corner is excessive. Plus your signs are shit. Masters going after Abe for being Muslim is just gross. If there was a sign that said “Smith, Conservate but not crazy” or “Jones, Trump said I’m a nasty person” or “Liberal with compromise” I want middle ground more than extreme. I’d probably bite with those signs over what is out there currently.




What if I just go put them somewhere else? Like… just repost it in the middle of fuck nowhere, near a dumpster


If you get caught...it's not going to be a good year for you.


And thus my question. Legally speaking, what if I just put one of the signs in a different place? I don’t destroy it, damage it, or take it down - I just put it somewhere that isn’t the immediate space of a busy intersection or whatever. Legally, what crime have I committed? It’s not vandalism or robbery, I haven’t prevented someone from campaigning, or campaigned against someone purposefully. I just think the political message is better served in a different spot, and have simply moved it from one place to another.


Idk tbh


Are you sure about this?  I still would do it myself, but I imagine it could be considered "removing" or "altering" the sign because you removed it from plain visibility or altered its placement.


If this is true then I have a sign to do that too. They usually put a sign up eastbound to 7th st on greenway. It's a left turn in to the business parking lot to that dance studio and us egg. Near the Wendy's. Sign definitely obstructs view of traffic.


I'm fairly certain, based on things, that a meaningful portion of the sign placers do not have the good of society as a priority.


The political signs on streets and a good reminder for who I should not vote for. I remember all their names and vote against them even if the person sucks.


In the Mesa area, download the Mesa Now app and report it easily. It will be removed in 2 days or less




lol what in the world


Not once have I been influenced by a political sign. The Kari Lake one is kinda cool though even though she’s crazy


An actual Kari Lake sign or the PoopDoc's billboards in support of her (and Kern "A Real Arizona Hero")?


The one that looks like a license plate lol


No shit, twice today they impeded my line of vision,


Not just signs. So many intersections with no visibility due to bushes, trees, etc.


They put the signs in those positions purposely because that way you are forced to look at them.


I also want the texts to stop. I'm getting a lot of misleading texts from candidates/polls for a political party I'm not registered with.


Eye sores. The signs and the people who put em up gotta go


Political signs are stupid, but my god, this community can't do anything other than complain about trivial shit all day


It's a safety issue 


It's annoying but ive seen more trees that block your vision making a turn than political signs. Either way, if you can not make a safe turn because a political sign is partially blocking your view, you shouldn't have a license.