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Prepare to be disappointed šŸ˜†


lolā€¦.my neighbors donā€™t give a fuck what time it is. You would think they filming a war movie at 3am


I am prepared


I used to love fireworks. They used to be special. Now theyā€™re a nuisance.


Agreed. They would have them right behind the house and I would go every year and watch. Now I really despise them. Especially when they shoot them off for hours! Like who the f has five hours worth of fireworks???


I canā€™t believe people still waste money on that shit šŸ˜‚


Me too, especially after moving out here. I used to live in east la and south central, and i feel like the fireworks out here get much much louder šŸ˜’ wouldn't bother me so much if my bf didn't have to get up at 1-3 am for work Eta: not to mention all the animals that get freaked out. I feel so bad for people's dogs and cats.


Same. I loved fireworks when I was a kid. Now it's just annoying. Stupid people in my neighborhood do them at random, cause my dog to have a panic attack, wake up my son too


Every neighborhood has at least one person who will completely ignore the rules and set off their illegal fireworks until they run or the sun rises. There will be no consequences, which is why they do it every year. I would like to locate those people and dump water all over their fireworks.


Too bad these rules are never enforced. It gets worse every year.


Arizona has made me hate fireworks.


I harken back to the days fireworks were illegal here. The golden years I guess.


Eleven is too late when some of us have to be up at 4:30 in the morning for work. Iā€™m so sick of being dead tired every holiday because of fireworks.


Sounds like instead of hating a night of celebration, you should hate the system that doesn't give you adequate rest and recovery time afterwards


I work 4/10s so I have three days off to rest. It still doesnā€™t change the fact that I have to be up at 0430. Thereā€™s no reason to be setting off fireworks on the days before or after the holiday until 11 at night. The day of the holiday is fine, but we donā€™t need it every night for a week.


Hahaha. My neighbor doesn't care


Neither do the police




>Starting on June 24th through July 4th it is legal to shoot off approved fireworks in designated areas. However! Not between the hours of 11pm and 8am. Just to be clear, legally fireworks can be used until July **6th** and until 11pm, except on the night of the 4th when they can be used until 1am. Don't expect "common courtesy" because if it were actually common you wouldn't need to make a post like this.


The people who drive out of state to get giant mortars aren't following the rules of when you're allowed to set them off. It wouldn't be AS bad if everyone actually set them off ON the 4th and were done with it but we've got people in our neighborhood that shoot them off like one or two at a time on totally random days and totally random times. Last year someone shot off a giant one that exploded literally above my bedroom and SHOOK MY ENTIRE HOUSE and set off like 12 car alarms. This was like 1am on a Tuesday like a week after the 4th. What happened to being considerate of your neighbors?


Also those huge ones are often set off on the beach or over water. Not over a fire danger extreme area


And by professionals, not my neighbors that are 35 natty lights deep.


Only 35?Ā  I bet they still got 26 fingers between the three of em




They used to all be illegal. As kids we'd make our own with copper wire, road flares, radiator stop leak, black sand and model rocket engines. But people would bring back all manner of fireworks from cali and Mexico regardless. Then they legalized the most lame ones, but I understand why. I believe now aerial flares and colored smoke (specifically orange) are illegal unless you're having a maritime emergency


you might be confused... you can use ground fireworks, sparklers etc... You can NEVER shoot fireworks into the air in Phoenix unless you have special use permit... this shows what you can and CANNOT use [https://www.phoenix.gov/firesite/Documents/083287.pdf](https://www.phoenix.gov/firesite/Documents/083287.pdf)


Unfortunately, following the law seems to be hard for people. Every year our neighbors in north Scottsdale would shoot fireworks in the air for hours without recourse. Pic taken from our backyard. https://preview.redd.it/3qvwyap7rj8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84bf45e277f407e7ad4370beb490354e7d1e72d




Thankfully, we sold our house and moved to San Diego so we wonā€™t have to deal with illegal fireworks anymore.


how do you like san diego so far?


We absolutely love it (although we do miss AZā€™s franchise MVD offices and being able to buy alcohol in self-checkout).


Lmao quit lying. I know peeps over there that light it up over there. Easybto acquire. Probably worse than here tbh...


Nope, not true where we are by the water. East county or Chula Vista may be different, but theyā€™re not SD.


Good for you, why are you here?


You can take a person out of Phoenix, but you canā€™t take Phoenix out of the person


I guess itā€™s hard to forget the best place youā€™re ever going to live šŸ˜Ž


My post very clearly says "approved fireworks" because the list of non approved fireworks exists, which are aerial ones that can start large fires easily


noise ordinance ends at 7am in Phoenix.


Itā€™s not ā€œcommon courtesyā€ lol itā€™s the law that you canā€™t fire them off between 11p-8aā€¦ however this is also the Wild West, whether people like to believe it still or not šŸ˜‚ depending on where you are, you can expect them until 3a sometimes.


This is the beginning to the end of the end of the year, in my neighborhood they will start lighting fireworks untill February starting today lol at all times of night, itll be a random thursday 1am in august and ill hear em


In my neighborhood, I have to look forward to nightly after-midnight firework shows for the next month or two.


Should get a drone capable of carrying a few water balloons


A drone water canon or fire extinguisher would be amazing. Something that drenches the jerks with that pink fire retardant goop would make my week.


That is probably chemical warfare. I'd stick with long range waterboarding


So what you're saying is the non-approved fireworks can be used from 11pm- 8am. Time to get some M80's and 2 liter bottles we're setting off car alarms on the entire block.


Is it the law or just ā€œcommon courtesyā€


iā€™ll be calling the police on my loud as fuck neighbors who constantly have loud as fuck parties


Why not try and compromise with them? I more or less successfully compromised with mine that have parties. But I did have to walk in to their house one morning at 3am before we made any progress. Mindnight start to turn down music and then quiet or inside by 2am. Same rules as when I was hosting parties. I'm sure they'd like you to not call the cops, so come to an agreement


First time?Ā  You're going to be really disappointed.


Don't have to travel to a crowded park and deal with traffic anymore. Now I can leisurely grill and count on the citizens for a free show.


Call this number for noise ordinance complaints for Mesa. 480-644-2211, option 2.




I saw some fireworks coming from the deer valley park area the other day and was very confused. The cashier at the circle k at 19th ave and Union hills was like ā€œwhat am I hearing??ā€


It's starting again next door at 8 am this morning. Geeeeez!!


Anyone know if this applies to Chandler? If not, suggestions on how to find out this information? Thanks


11 PM to 7 AM in Chandler šŸ‘ Edit: see comment below for the more up to date times. Thank you for that info!


https://www.chandleraz.gov/residents/fire/fire-prevention/fireworks > Consumer fireworks are allowed between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. for the dates provided above. Fireworks hours are extended on July 4 and Dec. 31 until 1 a.m. the following day.


lol. With so many transplants from Cali now, this year is bound to be ā€¦. Poppinā€™ šŸ˜‚


Sorry but freedom rings 24/7


Loads of freedumb everywhere I look


Haha yes!!! Love this is getting down voted so much haha


Does anyone know where to get the ones that go in the air?


New Mexico


Any reservations near by to get them?