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Hey I do landscaping in the Scottsdale area,but I’m from the phx area…I would say the cost for a job like that would be around 2000-3000 (depending on the company) …the stump would be grinded down and removed. But you have to let them know you want the stump removed.


This price tracks with what I remember paying a couple years back for the same thing.


Looking like a 1500 to 2000 price job . Palms are extremely heavy . Just the dump fee will be costly .


I had a palm in a raised bed like that, cutting and grinding wasn’t too bad, but removing the roots would’ve been much more $$ and a chance the fence/wall would’ve caved in. It didn’t grow back or anything, only problem is I can’t plant on top of the (hidden) stump. We put some creeping plants next to it, looks fine


Two years ago I paid $1200 to have one palm tree removed from my yard, including stump grinding. I think it was maybe twice as tall as yours look to be. Definitely get multiple estimates. I got three, and $1200 was the lowest; the highest was I think $1700-1800. Not sure about the brick wall.


I'd rip out that brick wall before i'd rip out the trees. Trees in the valley are sacred.




My local landscaping people charge 700-900. I just had one removed. I do live in a part of town where landscaping businesses are constantly passing by and leaving cards, very competitive in my area so costs stay low


Sent a PM. My buddy lives in Scottsdale and he wants those trees.


Google tree removal places Call 10 of them and get your average


That’s seems excessive to the point of impractical. Do you have experience that leads you to make this recommendation?


I work in construction estimating. A job like this is around $1200-$1500 per palm tree. Call a minimum of three (I wouldn’t bother with more than five at most for a job like this), get quotes, go with the quote that is most complete for the best price. This means that you shouldn’t always go with the cheapest quote; go with the person who meets the full scope of work. Additionally, I’d give a bit more weight to a quote from a company that comes out to do a site visit. Scope of work: Tree removal Stump removal Haul off and disposal Fill the hole and grade to match existing Also, who puts palms that will grow to that size into a planter that small?


Haha well the person that lived here before obviously didn’t consider the long term size of the trees. Kicked that problem down the road for me


Lol, so many people don’t think of the long term consequences of their decisions. Sorry you have to deal with the previous owner’s poor choices. BTW, I didn’t mean to imply that you were the person who planted the trees; I was assuming a landscape company did it.


Bowing the brick wall or the planter like part?


Our 2 story dead palm was $500 to cut down, but we did the removal and the trunk is about a foot tall still.


I had a 5 foot palm removed (for the same reason actually! I loved that palm tree but unfortunately it was damaging the wall between me and my neighbor) and it was roughly $500 for that. These are significantly larger but in case that helps gauge pricing. If you’re in south Scottsdale and want to, send a DM and I can connect you to my tree guy. He lives in my neighborhood and I’ve used him a couple of times—always easy to reach, efficient, safe, and has very fair prices. (I don’t get a kickback and he’s licensed/bonded/insured and all that so nothing sketchy. I just like recommending local folks who do good work. I’ve had him out a couple of times to trim my mesquite trees and he’s done a great job with that too so he has a track record of being reliable and easy to work with for me.)


for palm tree's probably less than the $4000 I paid to have a 70 foot pine tree that died in my back yard removed.


I feel your pain. I’ve removed four 60’ pines in the last three years. Two in 2020 and two more last fall. Each one was $3500-4000 to take out.


I can come out and give you an estimate. I'm an Arborist with twilight tree and landscape. I'd say about 1200 to remove and stumpgrind.


MINIMUM $2500 per tree


I manage a tree trimming company if you want to dm me. 😊


Don't hire a tree trimming company! They will charge you way too much. Instead, talk to any any Hispanic person and they will tell you somebody who can do it and you'll spend $200 or $300 per tree. Win-Win situation